Destiny on Nick Fuentes, Kanye West, Christianity, Reparations & More

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at what cost...

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/sammytwotime22 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2023 🗫︎ replies
strong Counting um yeah so honestly like my goal here is just to bring a couple of my uh esteemed no jumper hosts on board with Destiny a uh an oracle a Shining Light of information here on the no jumper platform people seem to really like it last time when we had Flacco just bludgeoning you with truth Bombs over and over and over is that what you call them truth bombs that's what it felt like [ __ ] a dog walked your ass did he I know where you stand now okay but I I realized how much how much Destiny have you consumed pause zero I know you I know you [ __ ] with it you become a fan how much have you seen um I've seen I mean my first video where was you know when you were conversating about uh college and how important it was uh to for a human being to go to school you know I'm saying they get their degree and then after that then I just went into this rabbit hole and you know you're one of the smartest human beings on this [ __ ] YouTube Planet Earth right now damn wow well thanks yeah yeah you're literally the only person of this genre of commentators that I actually will consume your content and like I [ __ ] with it okay wow this is a big ego build up for me it's gonna be a little bit different than when it was you and Flaco okay you know when you like go out on a date with a girl and you have like a little Fan Experience while you're out like trying to make a good impression on it oh my God whatever that's the best thing ever I just took Destiny to Panda Express and like three young African-American gentlemen who are operating a moving truck we're all very excited to see me in the parking lot so that was kind of a little version of that I was shocking for Destiny to be like okay black people like a white man well I'm not trying to characterize this as a date either but it's just you know I had a little bit of that if they were white would you said three white men yeah why are we specify that yeah yeah yeah why are we saying African-American all of a sudden where's that I feel like it's an important detail yeah [ __ ] out of here it tells you something about my uh my Constitution my my [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] yeah that'll be all [ __ ] political and [ __ ] you weird I don't want to hear it that's not even politically correct that sounds worse what if there's the first question you would have asked is what race they were really I would have been like but if you just say African-American what if they're Jamaican what if they're another type of black that's not from Africa but they're American I believe African-Americans I think one of them had dreads and a Band-Aid on his face okay I'm just saying they were tight so he's from St Louis he's just doing his thing I don't know I just felt like actually close yeah all right well [ __ ] all of that I just want to ask Destiny you were having this debate with Abba and he was having this debate with a jitty on you guys were talking about voting and I just want to you know from my perspective like in the community just growing up like uh the system is broken and we know the system is broken and you know and we know the system is not like behind us you know I'm saying as far as the black community and like and you were like really going hard at them so I just really want to know that take on it like because why would my community be so you know like inclined to vote you know what I'm saying and just inclined to go out there and take those steps how what what is this show what are we on right now it just says the destiny interview which honestly is not a great title it should be just called like but if this is like a humor podcast no no can you bring me on and okay Sledge Lords before where we're eating candy was like a funny let's not do serious this we can do whatever the [ __ ] we want here gotcha we could even take phone calls okay oh [ __ ] not me um there's a reason why people fought so hard to get the right to vote um the problem with the question is that the intersection of like how all of our institutions work and how what we vote on like how that comes out into policy is all very complicated and it's a little hard to see so I I understand the experience I can empathize with the feeling that like no matter how we vote nothing is going to change but I mean it's that mentality exactly that is why things don't change like if you try to look at how cities are comprised and what policies get passed and what politicians pay attention to sometimes you look at the composition of a city and you're like okay this city has these problems there are this many people here stuff isn't getting fixed there are four it seems like the system is broken because we have the same problems over and over and over and over again right look at La [ __ ] I lived in this area for like three years look at the homeless population right nothing gets done but then if you stop looking at the people that live there because that's not important and you look at the voters the people that go out and vote you start to understand a lot more why things are taken care of the way that they are taken care of so for BLM it was cops that they talked about a lot but think about like who's more likely to vote a young black man that might be in his like Mischief years right because you know like teens to late 20s is when you're up to no good generally when I say I have no good I can be like smoke away right or like a 50 60 70 year old decently wealthy white guy who probably never sees a cop in his life right when you start to look at the composition if he's actually voting it starts to make sense why only some issues are taken care of and other issues are pushed to the side and I wish that more people would recognize that like if everybody starts voting the the ways that politicians going to act is going to change a lot because now they're not just trying to appease like the older white people that are wealthy that are voting now they're trying to appease like the entire city and and if you were to like have believed your whole life that when you look at like just the presidential election which let's be real that a large percentage of Americans that's the only election that they ever pay attention to and if you were to be like well Republicans and Democrats things things seem like they're basically the same regardless of who gets uh elected or whatever but then in recent memory if you look at the Trump thing I mean you do have an example of somebody who is like a total Outsider politically who was able to get elected now probably everybody's sitting here is not a big fan of trump actually you are a fan of trump so let's erase that from the record but you know like you have an example right there of how this sort of like Fringe candidate that probably nobody establishment wise wanted elected was able to get elected and that kind of just shows the power of the people that regardless of how we feel about the Maga crowd they were able to get their guy in office just by like mobilizing around him and I mean you could kind of look at Trump and say like well Trump didn't really do all that much that really was you know all that different from what every other Republican candidate did but I mean I'm sure Destiny could rattle off a whole bunch of [ __ ] that Biden has done that has been in favor of you know policies but do we actually think the black vote is going to change anything especially with us being like what like two three to five percent of of the actual like that right yeah I think black existed I think the black one is actually incredibly important I think it's a very important strategic shaping of like the Democratic primary process right like you saw coming out of [ __ ] Iowa um and I think it's New Hampshire right where you've got like Bernie Sanders and Pete booty judger in this like you know neck and neck race and who knows what's gonna happen and you know they're the only two candidates talking about and then as soon as we roll around to those Southern States we start to see a lot of black voters come out that really shapes and changes the nature of what the uh Democratic candidate will end up being so yeah I mean I think there are times where where the blackboat is like pretty important it's been strategically used in the past yeah I think though Beyond like the racial dynamics of it all there's a sense of futility and this isn't mutually exclusive to um to you know black people or any specific demographic but just I would say anyone under 45 years old let's just say this sense of futility and it's not limited to either party because there's not only is there a feeling of okay our vote doesn't matter but then you got people on both sides of the spectrum the right and the left saying claiming that there's voter fraud and we don't even know like is this all predetermined and I think that kind of discourages a vast majority of the people that don't vote from even doing it yeah I mean there's a lot of voter discouragement um so there's a couple things that play into it so so here's the first part um our system is designed to be slow right the idea is is you don't want one party coming in and having like a Cascade of new laws and everything passed so our our system is pretty cumbersome by design by intention and I think a lot of people are frustrated because it seems like there's not a lot of stuff changing right now in the system but I think that people will point to the system they'll say well it's not working but I think it actually is working because the reason why we're not seeing much change coming from like our legislative bodies right from Congress and everything is because the people are historically divided like yeah Congress sucks they're not getting anything done but if you go out and you talk to people people are also like completely at odds with each other like we're more divided now it feels that I think we've ever been at least in my lifetime um in terms of like people disagreeing over just fundamental aspects of reality like you bring up the voter fraud thing um media media there's no consensus in media because if it's media that favors the right the left is going to say this is not accurate this is fake this is fraudulent and vice versa so it's really like does like what do we believe what are we listening to where do we get our information what's trustworthy I mean like so here's the challenge a lot of the new like information age that we live in is predicated on a super wrong idea and that idea is that humans are fundamentally like truth-seeking creatures we're not we don't really go for truth usually we seek things that like make us feel good they reaffirm what we want to know um or that what we feel um and and and then things that like already kind of comport with our view of reality that's what people are generally predisposed to viewing and so people will throw the internet at us and go like oh my god look you have access to all the information in the world at your fingertips you can go and research anything and it's like okay well I'm gonna go and find 20 things that agree with me and that's all I'm going to look at right and that's kind of what ends up happening there so um there's a lot of like you kind of have to be aware of all these pitfalls that like the human brain will fall into you know like if we go back to you know when we lived in jungles and [ __ ] if there's a bush shaking you know and your your two friends run away and you go and investigate because you're curious you get eaten by a [ __ ] tiger you're not really rewarded much for Natural Curiosity or more rewarded for quickly identifying and creating patterns stereotyping and then doing things to keep you safe once you kind of have that understanding I think of human nature that we're not fundamentally equipped to discern fact from fiction and instead we just kind of like like the things that make us feel good um a lot of the internet landscape and the political landscape starts to make more sense I think um what is the outrage why is there so much outrage with Nick [ __ ] with uh yay um because I mean I know the association is crazy but the association with a uh let's say a celebrity you know the association with celebrities versus you know I'm saying [ __ ] with Jeffrey Epstein and then yay [ __ ] with Nick I mean what is that why is there so much outrage with with Kanye doing and [ __ ] you know what I'm saying well because yay is arguably still probably what would you say the most popular musician alive right now well he's he's up there breaks a lot bigger Maybe Taylor Swift but his music is not really like what it once was just for people but in terms of celebrities Celebrity Status one of the biggest especially in hip-hop yeah one of the most influential people in pop culture of the past 15 20 years for sure so when this guy who is who has a platform and is talking to you know people of all ages and is starting to connect to somebody that's like arguably like a white nationalist I can understand the concern right but at this but if I got if I was good to run for president and then I was like you know what well let me hire Destiny because Destiny if if I go up to debate and I go for these interviews there's no [ __ ] way you can belittle me because I have Destiny right behind me that can intervene and you know change the course of this [ __ ] interview so I feel like Nick Fuentes just the right-wing Destiny that's how he's being characterized I mean Izzy it's not just about the baseball so it's about the values of like what you stand for right so if you've got a guy like Fuentes who is like anti-fucking interracial marriage who is like Pro like white majorities in the United States in terms of like composition uh wants to see less immigration from brown people wants to return us to something like and he says what like Catholic uh is it Catholic theocracy or whatever because that's what he says ultimately is he doesn't claim he's a white nationalist he says he's a Catholic nationalist yeah sure but with a heavy focus on race right a lot of Jewish question stuff that comes up a lot of race realism and IQ baked into your skin color that comes up like these are all kind of like underlying beliefs that are part of his community and part of his system yeah I mean that that's essentially and that was my whole thoughts on it that it's like thinly veiled white supremacy and but he but he's so good at debating and just thwarting those points when they come up like he'll say I'm not against interracial uh marriage or mingling I'm just against it for myself yeah but and then it'll be like I'm actually part Mexican and part all these different things so but what what was your opinion of the debate quote unquote that occurred on this channel with Nick where we appeared powerless to really like Corner him on him being a racist at all like like what did you think when you watched that and what what are the main things that we could have said that would have made that better um I think they were I was in Destiny feel free to weigh in this okay the glasses get me every time I'm sorry oh [ __ ] I thought you were talking to him I heard I heard your question what were some of the things you could have done well um I think I actually watched this full interview on stream yeah I did not watch that so I actually even though I said in the thing that I was gonna watch it yeah damn I've consumed so much crazy content over the past month I don't even know if I remember the um I don't remember the particular talking points if I if I had to guess it's like usually the issues are going to come down where so if you call them a white supremacist that's not gonna work because he's going to say I don't believe that white people are superior I believe that all people are different right right that'll be like one thing um typically you get lost in the weeds because a lot of people don't spend a lot of time arguing against people that have those types of beliefs so they don't even know what to say and this is all he argues about for the most part I said he's so ready for it exactly yeah it's like if like you can be pretty confident about your view of the planet but if you're arguing it's the world's smartest flat earther you're going to lose that debater I would lose that debate 10 out of 10 times right um so yeah it's usually like his normal talking points are really hard to argue against if you're not really well versed in those arguments related to like race realism and stuff um and then a lot of his other talking points are becoming more popular because there's like this anti-establishment Trend and he's very big on questioning the elites and talking about how the institutions have failed you and then it seems to be like an alternative option to that so no and that okay that's perfect segue into a question I had for you what when did we experience this major shift with conspiracy theories being a left-wing phenomenon for you know the past however many decades going back to now it's like this this neo-conservative right-wing ideology fueled by distrust of the powers that be like when did that [ __ ] Paradigm Shift occur um I think Trump pushed a lot of this there was probably this there's this underlying sentiment of anti-establishmentarianism or anti I think that's a disestablishmentarian that's um yeah or or you're like opposed to establishments right right um you saw it in like this crowd that had a lot of energy for Bernie Sanders and you saw this crowd that had a lot of energy for Donald Trump um and and I think that when you have when you position yourself as his populist fascist really figure who's like you know the government is evil the institutions are evil the corporations are evil everybody's evil but I'm going to be your savior right through me all things are possible I'm going to lead you into the light um when you have that sort of mentality then it becomes very easy to very quickly say like oh uh you know vaccines are dangerous the Voting is rigged uh BLM is all lies like abortion is evil like you you'll just you'll go down whatever Road kind of like everybody wants to and there's gonna be much trust for like fact Checkers or anything like that in that area and then obviously Q Anon perpetuates The Narrative and at a certain point it becomes like this anti-quote-unquote Zionist rhetoric but when people say zionists what are they really saying that's a tricky one attack the best faith interpretation of anti-zionist means you're in opposition to somebody that's in favor of like the state of Israel at least as it currently exists right but some people will argue that people will be anti-zionists but that's a guys for their anti-Semitism and there's a thin line between that right I I mean I think you can be solidly anti-zionist without being anti-semitic but it's very very very very very very hard to find the it's hard to find out what yeah there's like the the joke that I make is like like if you want to argue with the libertarian and they feel strong about libertarianism and they have like the age of consent memorized for every single [ __ ] State it's hard to like why why are you why are we talking about this right now right you kind of Wonder like what's going on so when somebody's like very Ultra critical of like Israel in like a million different ways and Jewish support in the United States like okay you could but like sometimes the focus gets weird it's hard to figure out what people really think sometimes yeah I mean talking about all this I'm just you guys being white do you guys really think that white people are the superior race obviously no I'm sorry oh all right I just want to really know I mean you didn't know what he said yes so okay we gonna get on him because he said no you said yes why are white people the superior race no I was just kidding okay I mean so you guys don't think the white people are the superior no and really like even and that's part of why Nick's whole little uh routine works is because he'll say like Asian people test better for this and that and so it kind of a lot better at music yeah people are better at creating architecture or whatever yeah right but do you how do you feel when you see him doing that little number the um the problem is that it's like different people and groups of people seem to do different things for different reasons it's just really hard to find out like why um and like I can understand if you show somebody enough of a pattern like it seems like okay well maybe black people do do this particular thing because all across the United States these Trends pop up or maybe Jewish people are you know gifted the ashkenaui or whatever the Ashkenazi or whatever Jews are gifted towards a certain way because they do this um but it's so hard to separate out like the culture from the people and you know to figure out why people do things to do the the example that I always give actually for this is something that's just interesting to look at is like um when it comes to music it seems like boys play in rock bands and that's it like girls don't play guitars and drums generally very rarely very very very very very very rare right except for the right girl movement of the early 90s that's exactly what I thought there's like uh when you look at yeah and you might be able to even think of like some biological reasons why when you look at a guy play guitar like maybe the level of coordination is like that athleticism or whatever that finger dexterity like women just can't do that and I guess it kind of makes sense for a biological okay and you can justify that you can build that all out it makes sense okay there's real biological differences between like men and women here but if you step away from like the rock world you go into the classical World you'll see women playing like violin concertos and piano like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] if you can play piano or violin or Viola or cello whatever this well you could definitely play guitar so that's like a difference that is Stark right there's like 0.1 percent of all rock guitar players are women and that's driven entirely by culture and I think if you see things like that you can kind of look at like well what is the state of like black people in the US versus like certain types of Asian people or certain Hispanic certain white people it's tempting to say like it's all because of race look at the race but like damn our culture and the environments were born in can drive a [ __ ] ton of behavior and it can drive huge differences in Behavior as well because that's one of the things Nick says amazing points but he's Nick says Destiny agrees with me he just disagrees about why in the sense of like you know IQ differences between races or in terms of performance or whatever like that well that's because liberals [ __ ] themselves mainly progressives because they they'll get into this world where they don't want to agree with any fact ever they'll say something like why are black people in prison so often more than white people the real answer is because they commit a lot more crime and there are other answers around their edges but the crime answer is the real one but a lot of parents are like no no no no it's all racism from the cops all of it is racism there's no reason why they probably all commit crimes the same way but it's just because cops are in the neighborhoods it's just because cops are being racist and judges are racist it's like that's [ __ ] if you don't even acknowledge that the problem was there right then it's like then you're yeah of course you're gonna look whether or not that's true all those external things are true or not that is like the base yeah that's the base that's the base thing but when you refuse to engage with that you're going to look insane and then people are going to look at Nick like oh at least he acknowledges the problem and then yeah with that being said I mean do would you guys agree that defunding uh Israel you know I'm saying to you know give black people reparations would you guys agree with that sure yeah there's two there's two here okay there's two huge problems there number one I'm sorry about black people I'm not meant to laugh I'm just laughing at Adam because he's crazy I was just laughing at the fact that he was so in front of me most people would try to dance around a little bit no number one our budget doesn't come from areas right like if we want to do some social programming that I says we don't take from our military budget and then take from this and then spend here like we we create the budgets for what we want and then we go to the treasure we figure that stuff out also uh figure it out afterwards so we're not borrowing from one area to do the other so we can do both if we wanted to but then two there's a whole side conversation around reparations it's like very complicated to figure out um but but mainly mainly for reason one like we don't have to defund one thing to give money to another thing if we wanted to do reparations we wouldn't have to take that money for like our foreign aid to Israel or whatever but do you agree with reparations and it's just in general um well reparations I not really no I don't think so what do you mean when you say reparation well just reparations for black people I mean because you know we need that I mean reparations we're old that I mean we built this country I mean we helped build we helped build this country and I think we're all dead I mean and that's that's where the vote that's another thing we go back to where I was talking about with the vote we're voting we're trying to get this thing going we're forming these things you know uh for reparations and nothing's getting done nothing's our people see nothing improving so it's just like what do we vote like are we're definitely discouraged here so you know and I and I definitely think you know reparations is old for our community so I mean you don't you don't if if you want to talk about certain types of investors okay so here's how here's the problem with reparations I think that if there are past agreements that are made so people talk about like the 40 acres in a mule thing if there are past two groups that are made we know who those were made to and we can find the descendants to pay them back I'd probably be okay with that to some extent but the problem is it just gets so absurely complicated like how do you rep reparation to like mixed race people or people that have out married and come back or people that are like 1 18th or whatever like I feel like you get into weird areas where even trying to qualify for that would be a nightmare that's number one number two I don't know if it would help that much like just giving people money I don't know if that would do much um but then like kind of on a third related point if people want to talk about like making big investments into black communities I'm always a fan of that um in terms of like schools or you know housing or whatever but yeah I don't know the the reparations thing I don't think it'd be very effective I think it'd be really hard to figure out like who gets the money this one's gonna be challenging yeah it definitely will be hard I think that it will be hard but I think it's definitely oh but isn't it other races that you know that got reparations like are the the naval Native American people or Asian people other races you know I'm saying in this country you know I it seems like we're just left out well also on top of that um although slavery you know ended what 1866 right um 1864 or something like that 18 something yeah um segregation didn't and but two generations ago and they're still you know and like the long lasting effects of the systemic oppression still exist to this day so yeah I think I I think to fix those problems it has to be like a really there has to be like a really complicated intersectional approach to it it's not just going to be giving out money to a community it's not going to be just rebuilding a school like there's going to be a whole host of things related to like housing policing education family structure that has to go into like fixing those problems for it to ever get fixed which makes it seem impossible to fix it it's possible it's just it's a lot of work um something that Nick said that I also want to point out to was um he was talking about like the question about genetics which which I think you made a really good point is like yes this is the result of what we're seeing is the statistics do indicate that certain races are superior in certain aspects and others you know excel in other areas but then he was talking about look at Africa um it wasn't until like they still weren't capable of building structures more than one story high up to a certain point but like what I was thinking instantly when he said that and I wish I was there to rebuttal it was I mean colonialism like how do we even know the reality of that because the history books are written by those who won Wars and then you got then you got the Egyptian pyramids and there's not there's a lot of um literature that indicates that it's not just people of North African descent but also sub-Saharan Africans as well that were you know rulers in Egypt at that time so here so there's two things here um the first part is is that studying intelligence is incredible really complicated because intelligence in and of itself is already really hard to measure although there are a lot of decent proxies for an education level IQ but it's still kind of hard to measure number one and number two figuring out where it comes from like we know that it's uh highly influenced by genes but what activates those genes or what environmental factors applying to it is also really complicated right so if an honest conversation about intelligence anybody that tells you that um I know for a fact that the differences between races of people it's IQ that that's like largely different by genetics they're [ __ ] lying to you but anybody that's saying that like I know for a fact it's not driven by uh by uh genes is also lying to you we really don't know it might be the case that due to widespread adaptive pressures over time that like one common thing is people say well in Europe you have to be smarter to survive because of the winters and everything so it's selected for higher IQ or whatever but then other people say like well the pressures of living you know especially in sub-server Africa where it's very dry very hot you know there's also like different types of intelligences to develop around using tools and surviving in these conditions that's that's a mess of a conversation I think it's worth exploring I think it's really interesting but we don't have solid answers there yet number one but number two and I think the most important thing is like what the [ __ ] do you want to do about it because there are here this is like always the question this is why I hate this [ __ ] topic I hate it when somebody argues with me and I don't feel like they're honest about what they think if somebody comes up to me and they say I want to export black people from the United States and I'm like why like I just [ __ ] hate black people I'm like okay let's we can have that conversation at least but here's the issue I have with the IQ people and the people talk about race results people say I don't want low IQ people in my country so we need to get rid of like black brown people whatever it's like okay why not just keep the high IQ ones and Export all low IQ people including low IQ whites and they never go for that why because they're not being genuine yeah because they don't give a [ __ ] about Eye Care that's [ __ ] right and then no offense but like look at the majority of the people online right like I'm gonna be honest I've looked at my YouTube comment section okay the race wheel is people not a bunch of [ __ ] Einsteins and box okay these aren't the best of the brightest of the white race that they have to offer you know these are probably people that aren't doing the best on their IQ tests um but like yeah I don't know so I feel like that IQ argument is just a [ __ ] proxy for other things but like let's like figure out like what are we gonna do like hit we're all here in the United States we're not about to export races of people um so like let's figure out like how do we make Society work for who we have and then you know continue to do the research in the meantime to figure out how to how to deal with whatever yeah like aren't we supposed to be judging our society by how we treat you know children and and animals like I've heard that before so I mean by the same logic if you were able to say that there was a race that was less intelligent wouldn't you then as a society consider it extremely important that you were taking care of that race and like helping to their needs or whatever and I'm not saying I agree with that at all but I'm just saying that like if you do think that certain people have lower IQs how does that in any way then make you feel like it's okay to dehumanize them more like I don't I don't get that like how that logic leads you to there if you did think that black people are stupid clearly the answer isn't to just expel them from your country it would be well the the solution they say is that like well you don't want to bring them in then because they're just going to bring the country down basically did you hear any racist remarks where you was growing up you know within your family like as far as like black people are inferior because okay let me just interrupt for a second to say that 2T Rel white people are a bit foreign like he is he has admitted as much that on the podcast and stuff that may be working here for the last year or two has been like the most interaction that he's had with white people in his life so he is coming from like a very interesting perspective where there just was not a lot of white people around and at least he didn't really feel the need to be engaged with them besides whooping their asses on fig hey hold on I mean but besides you adjust like the dirt like intelligent white man I've ever spoke to Jesus and I like how lust doesn't make the list I mean he he says so many times now white so he's not put him in the white cat exactly I love this see but the thing is this the thing is this it's beyond um it's beyond T rail there's a general consensus with amongst a lot of black and brown people that all white people are racist yes I mean I believe when well to a certain extent I've believed probably up until like two or three years ago that every white person that I've seen uh including their kids were racist as [ __ ] well okay and on the inverse of that I'm not even lying to the inverse of that like in your home growing up were white people held in high regard no exactly we went but we didn't speak about white people I mean but I mean but when they came up I mean but if segregation was ended in what 1965 or some [ __ ] then I'm doing the math and I see okay he's 70 years old or whatever the case may be he just went through that [ __ ] like he doesn't [ __ ] with me and his kids probably don't [ __ ] with me and it's just a long line going down there so they just smiling you know you get that you get this yeah you get this at Target a lot of white people weren't hyped on segregation probably right like even the ones who kind of live through it like probably at least half of them weren't that's why all that in favor you're from New Hampshire I mean he's from L.A Nebraska yeah are you from Nebraska you're for sure Racers for the record Destiny's racist and stuff I just want to say before we let him answer though is that I'm not even against Nick because I see myself in him I could destroy the racist part of his soul that's my last grew up in New Hampshire and I remember asking them as a kid like how much racism did you really see when you were kids and stuff did you see separate water fountains Etc and I remember my parents kind of telling me no that like you know up in the Northeast that even in you know when my parents are growing up in like 60s and 70s that that wasn't really I mean because we were trying to travel up north right to get freedom I don't know just I feel like the South and the Northeast were probably like very different culturally absolutely or my mom is just conveniently forgetting so we're in North Dakota you you didn't experience racism at all I think Omaha Nebraska Omaha Nebraska sorry I just gave you a whole another thing oh yeah you're good I believe Nebraska races look I believe that is a liberal steak that's a blue state right no no absolutely not the city is Omaha every city is bluish in the United States and the world really but um the I think that a lot of it a lot of the racism has to do basically with socialization if you don't see a lot of a certain type of person you just kind of start to develop opinions about them uh I don't think I ever grew up racist per se my mom is a Cuban immigrant so we've got like a big Hispanic side to our family so maybe that helped and then my dad they're just we never like my mom was a very catholic christian growing up like we love all people like that racism [ __ ] was was never acceptable uh but like even into my um early early early 20s I think 2021 like I would have this idea in my head first like I could never date a black woman I just couldn't we would never like be similar in anything but that's because I think I I don't know if I'd ever seen I probably saw one black woman my age from age like zero to 18. probably maybe maybe one or maybe two but then I traveled out to Miami once and I went to a casino that opinion changed in like two [ __ ] minutes so you went to the strip club no no not the strip club casino Casino um one one King Magazine it was like black lives matter it was it was it was a casino and it was a it was a dealer it was a deal in Miami Casino I was like oh [ __ ] this woman is cool as [ __ ] but it was literally just a matter of like it was like it's good but think about that think about how easily he without trying was able to grow up with the assumption that he would never have anything to do with a black woman sexually just because he wasn't around it wasn't exposed to it and that's like but I have the same but I had the same experiences and I feel I had the same thoughts like I could never date a white woman like I could never date a Hispanic woman Asian woman like it could only be black but you know I feel like some of that some of that [ __ ] is learned behavior I feel like most of it is because and we know this I don't want to do like the whole studies or whatever but like like when kids are socialized around other kids you just grow up like with a way more neutral opinion uh like here's something that pisses me off a lot people like nickel sales with them we're very tribalist we're very tribalist that's true but your tribe can grow to include a huge range of people like people in San Francisco are just as tribalist as people in the most redneck part of Louisiana but the tribe in San Francisco it like branches out to like BLM people to like blue dudes with septum piercings that go to Starbucks all the time like their tribe is just way bigger in terms of like different types of people or at least the way they look uh in their group and yeah like the more you like dude I've been to I've been to events where I'll have like trans fans uh that will that will show up it was one that I went to a really conservative one conservative area and we'll go out to like a restaurant and eat and just by talking to this like one trans girl for like an hour like all of these guys that are like these are these are not like friendly considered these are like ride or die like Naga people like Trump people they're like way more chilled out talking to her by the end of like two or three hours just because they've gotten to see a trans person in real life that's not an insane [ __ ] lunatic from Twitter and everything so they was trying to hit that be honest sure but I'm just saying that like yeah I mean maybe but like I'm just saying that like the socialization thing is [ __ ] huge and to white people like black people are if you grow up like an Aries like I do like you guys are in gangs all the time you've got guns you I guess rap at every free moment of the day and it's in general a very scary experience to like an average white person that's never seen a black person before you know I mean that's what you think about me like I rap every [ __ ] money I don't I don't but I'm saying like if you if you get like a white person like some like [ __ ] suburban community or like Royal Community like that's what they think because that's all you see on TV and that's like the impression and then I'm sure yeah for black people like they probably think like white people close the door they get their glass of milk and then we just talk about like how much like black people are [ __ ] the country up constantly for hours and hours on end like uh yeah when you don't socialize with other people that's just what happens you know we're not around the groups what's your views on Nick saying the Holocaust was like non-existent all right not even non-existing kind of like exaggerated to a point because the Nazi party you know or will the Nazi you know army or whatever just didn't have a uh they didn't have the money you know I'm saying to actually do those things okay this is something that this is like a I always move through life assuming that people are smarter than me um I don't know if you guys do this when it comes to scams anytime somebody reaches out to me it's like I've got the best business idea ever I can [ __ ] 10x your money the first thing I always think of when a too good to be true opportunity pops up is like why the [ __ ] you coming to me with this first right something is [ __ ] off here whenever I see some [ __ ] so when somebody starts saying some [ __ ] about World War II like and they'll bring up like oh like the Nazis didn't even have enough space they didn't even have enough places to put juice in that many gas Chambers my first thought is like World War II is the most studied [ __ ] war in all of human history well Holocaust is one of the most studied events in all human history you're telling me that not a single [ __ ] thought that there wasn't enough room in the [ __ ] showers to gas that many Jews I don't believe it no shot did nobody think that but you like the 22 year old Nazi Warrior on the internet you know you know white right 6969 you're the first guy that's thought that you calculated the space and there weren't enough juices in the shower it's like most of the most of the claims that like oh the August didn't happen where are their Jews at where are the birth certificates like if you really do want to dig through like all of the historical evidence and read authors from the time period like people have explanations for all of these particular things but the thing is nobody really wants to do that reading it's boring and instead we get like the clips from a podcaster from a show and it's like oh my God that's a good question there weren't enough ovens to bake that many Jews holy [ __ ] and then you just walk away from that thinking like the whole Holocaust has been disproven I think that's so crazy because you know often I know on another subject I was thinking the same thing about slavery ships I was like I kind of questioned that you know a little bit I was like how the [ __ ] do you know you bring not like that not putting in those words but I'm gonna put it in those words how do you bring your stock over here and kill 80 of it you know what I'm saying you you rather kill 80 of it you know I'm saying bringing it over here boom and then you have slavery I don't think that I don't think slavery ships like kind of actually existed as much as people say they did you know I'm saying so you have those younger people like questioning the history and history books saying you know some of those things did not happen you know what I'm saying I think black people are already over here so so you don't you don't believe in Continental displaces I mean you know to a certain extent I mean but I have to question it right I mean just like you know some people question God wait are you are you are you a believer of [ __ ] [Music] American descendants of slaves right right um so basically essentially that they were here wait so you're saying we were here that black people were already here but I think black people were already here before have you heard them this is I mean yeah before you know I'm saying that's where you have to mind ruins you have the different things like that you know I'm saying different cultures I think they just came over here conquered and then brought you know a few more people over here a few more there's definitely a commonality there is a commonality between indigenous people across the world whether it be Aborigines aboriginals in uh in Australia to the you know tribal people of and Bahamas I mean we're all human I hope there's some commonalities right right no but as far as like the the customs and the lifestyles of indigenous people across the world this is something that I'm always worried about okay if I'm talking to somebody in an area that I'm uneducated in they could spin any tale they want for me and they will be able to convince me because I don't know the area right somebody could come in here and tell me all sorts of historical facts about pre-history pre-indigenous people in like South America and I guess I would believe them because I don't know anything about it um the thing I always try to be careful of is like I know that somebody could craft a narrative if somebody's telling me something that seems to be contrary to what people commonly believe I think at that point you kind of owe it to yourself you really want to know the truth you have to start diving into like different shows or podcasts or [ __ ] Wikipedia things or libraries or whatever the [ __ ] because you have to be able to do the research the one thing that I think um I'm not accusing you of doing this maybe you do this but I don't know if somebody will tell me that like there's a popular event and I actually don't know if I believe like the official story and I'm like oh really yeah I don't know if I believe what happened on the Holocaust damn what do you mean by that it's like well I don't know I've done like a lot of research and it seems like the the facts are questionable and I'm like well what kind of research have you done and then what they'll end up essentially doing is they'll name like five or six shows that are all in the business of selling that particular narrow narrative and it's like well yeah of course they're all saying that this is how they make their money why wouldn't they do that I always get really irritated when people look at the mainstream media and they say oh those guys are just trying to make money selling you a narrative and then they'll look at somebody like Tim pool or Joe Rogan or whatever else and it's like not these guys it's like why wouldn't they be making money selling you like the opposite right people do that so yeah I don't know anytime somebody gives you crazy historical facts I like if there's a reason why they disagree or if they disagree like the vast majority of historians I would be interested in exploring like how they disagree not just listening to podcasts of people that say outlandish [ __ ] yeah because I definitely got that off Joe Rogan okay it was like Nick he was like he was making an assumption I mean the history books sometimes are wrong you know what I'm saying especially in schools right now they're teaching us a bunch of [ __ ] I got a good one zero tell Destiny about uh why you aren't vaccinated and refuse to get your kids vaccinated oh no uh I refuse to have a vaccination just because I just think it's just I don't know because it's the history behind it you know and then I I heard you talking about the Tuskegee thing and just the history behind black people uh being tested on for different things and you know being the test dummy for different vaccinations and different experiments like that we're just kind of hesitant on on being vaccinated and being just the you know the experiment monkey out here so I mean I think that's just me I don't think that [ __ ] is real I don't think it's I don't think it has enough information I don't think you guys can I don't think you guys can I don't think you guys can formulate a vaccination that [ __ ] fast and you know what I'm saying and have that much information on it to whether or not it's going to have any side effects for it or anything like that I just I'm just weary of that [ __ ] would you give your kids um other vaccinations or you just don't [ __ ] with none of that [ __ ] um and when I go to the hospital when I just recently just from my last two kids being in a hospital and them um them asking me do I want these vaccinations and then me asking what these vaccinations are for I'm and I'm literally asking the nurses what these vaccinations are for I'm like what is this [ __ ] what is it what are you what are you finna do what does it cause what what like what is it what is it keeping away and the and some of the nurses literally don't know some of the doctors literally don't know so and then some of them say okay this is for hepatitis this is Hepatitis C this is for this uh and I'm like okay so does that like prevent them from getting hepatitis no I'm like well they don't need it so it's just like the so at this point I'm just like I'm just weary of the [ __ ] so I'm like I don't need it you know because I feel like it's just causing harm oh man uh okay you think vaccines are not very effective on a scale from one to ten how strong is that opinion um like how confident are you that like vaccines are [ __ ] I'ma go I'm gonna go at least an eight an eight okay so you have a very strong feeling that vaccines are [ __ ] yeah so then my question to you would be um well firstly do you feel like you have a reasonable opinion on it like your sound mind it's not just an emotional reaction but you've like thought through it you're like yeah this is [ __ ] um I haven't thought through it all the way but I just for some reason so for some reason I just feel like he's just suspicious it's kind of like which is kind of his answer to every question we're going to ask him honestly is that he's just kind of I mean but if you but if you take the vaccine and the vaccine is if the vaccine if okay we have the vaccine America and then they give you the vaccine and then people are still dying like okay then I'm weary you know I did I'm just worried about it like I don't want it I don't know would you not wear a seatbelt if people were still dying in car accidents I mean they still I mean the percentage of people uh wearing seat belts they die like yeah I mean yeah but the percentage of people with vaccinations that have like serious complications have to go to the hospital diet is also way lower than the unvaccinated but actually I don't know though if those numbers are being exaggerated and that goes back to what I was saying earlier about us not knowing what to trust in the media and there's just like this sure but then so then here so then here's like the next question that I have and if we want to go that deep right so if you don't trust the media why do you trust the people that show up on Joe Rogan I don't but I questioned it though yeah but so um you guys are all entrepreneurs right so the the there's a lie that people don't know until they get into the business world right in action or indecision is an action or is a decision so when it comes to making a statement on something you can't really be on the fence for vaccinations you either are or you aren't right so you've made a decision to be against it right so I feel like we can't like you can't just go through life being like I'm undecided on all these things because you have to make a decision right you can't be undecided on whether or not you want to wear a seatbelt or not you either wear it or you don't I really got to do the same for like that but how did the facts come out that the vaccination or you know are vaccines they're they're proven not to help you know what I'm saying and they're wearing like studies that that were proven to like help the help our community you know I'm saying as far as like but here's the thing it's kind of like what he said earlier you could find data to support that theory and you can find data to support the contrary so that makes what's the best argument for why getting vaccinated is a good idea for people who have this like suspicious his attitude about it because go hard I feel like I have kind of maybe at certain points even like radicalized them more by being kind of a dick when we were having the argument about vaccines early on which I regret I wish that I had been a little bit more open to their concerns or whatever and I I never really know where exactly to go in terms of making the argument well the question comes from where the belief comes from right so like the belief comes from so now that we've talked a little bit right if a belief comes from a distrust of the institutions if I sit here and I'm like well this study says that and that study says that and found she said like they're not going to care because they mistrust the institutions right right so but then the question that I always have for people that have a distrust in the institutions is well then who do you trust and why right because if I look at like um here's like a little game that I can play kind of this is a game that I play when competing interests are recommending me the same thing I usually think like that's probably a really good idea because people that are totally different are recommending this right but when somebody's recommending something and then everybody else is like uh recommending against it or I see like where the motivations are it's like okay I can kind of understand you know what's going on like Exxon Mobil for instance they acknowledge I believe they acknowledge anthropogenic climate change so they believe that climate change is happening and it's human driven and that's a fossil fuel company ExxonMobil if they're saying it it's probably true it goes fundamentally again yeah as a black man I do not trust the white man to for any information at all and then this and this is this is a big hump to get past this is true for for 600 700 years I do not trust you guys to give me any information for anything that you think is right for my community at all yeah but the guy that got you sold on the anti-vex talking points on Joe Rogan was it a white man or a black man it was a black guy it was both no white I mean because I mean but Joe Rogan was kind of like agreeing with him and then you know and he was you know the the points were it was black and white but if um if a white man comes to me and sells me something that tells me this is good for me it comes to our community and you guys are for white men are we like hell no and it's been like that for so [ __ ] long like you can give me a list of facts of what you think is great for me like well you [ __ ] take it I'm not taking it you know I'm saying you guys test it out first because you you the test dummy because you don't have me in shackles now I don't have to be the test you'll be the Testament the week it came out but that's the thing yeah the vaccine you had it the wiki came out and your ass got sick yeah I got covered but I but I'm actually a great example because my girl got covered when I had covered she wasn't vaccinated because she was breastfeeding or pregnant or whatever and my covid was like very very minimal in comparison to her where she still like has a hard time tasting food like another experience I actually know some people that got the vaccine and died well yeah I know multiple people that got the vaccine and died were they like old people in poor health okay so here we go with the whole country this is the easiest that's the easiest one in the world well I mean yes they were okay I don't know if they were in poor help but they were older okay so if the this vaccine has been given out billions of times that's a big number right we don't deal with in the billions very often when it comes to people very rarely usually it's thousands tens of thousands maybe millions or hundreds of Millions for large countries but billions of people have gotten this vaccine if it was causing people to drop dead you wouldn't have to go to www.esotericvaccine to find out that [ __ ] would be headlining every [ __ ] major story everywhere and more importantly what I said about the uh incentives earlier if those vaccines were [ __ ] people over China and Russia right enemies of the United States they'd be screaming that from the rooftops right they'd be talking about how the evil Americans have created these horrible vaccines that are killing my people but they aren't saying [ __ ] about it right when so many people in society Academia government institutions private company other countries have come together like yeah these vexes are probably okay I just can't imagine that information being I mean it might be wrong in the future but it's not misleading they're not lying it's definitely not part of a conspiracy to kill black people right well they're like that's what you're suspicious of but I mean you feel like they were specifically targeting black people with that because it was kind of I mean yeah they were targeting black people because they said black people had the the virus out of the most of any race because of like systematic conditions like you know there was that and they're also not getting vaccinated right because there was such a cultural thing against it I'm gonna get the [ __ ] out of here on y'all man no because there was like a big cultural thing against vaccination and that's why you had people spending money on having [ __ ] juvenile do a pro-vaccination version and Back That Thing Up and [ __ ] like that how many have you are you vaccinated three times how many times have you guys covered one time how many times have you got covered once and you perhaps twice we don't know about that other time I never tested positive but I was pretty [ __ ] sick and my one covet was one day was like pretty shitty like a bad cold and then I had kind of like a a dumb cough for like a week but then I was fine what about you got hit yeah I got hit for sure bad damn what the [ __ ] the whole family all not vaccinated after but it wasn't no vaccination now dog this is back when they first happened you were like first wave yeah it was first wave after that I was good I mean I've you know but you could get it again I you know you know it's very likely even when even if I'm vaccinated you can get it should I go get boosted maybe would your advice be I can't tell what the [ __ ] you're looking at though [ __ ] Okay on camera all day these lights are bright as far fine why don't you look at us instead of the [ __ ] lights members I have to go you guys he's getting too comfortable he's reprimanding me I love you guys I love you too man good luck I'm glad we're able to get that in my hands [ __ ] up excuse the left I'll hold it down for um for the black people oh you know you're educated a little bit more I've never been to college you know the fact that I'm gonna get to read about you in the destiny subreddit is going to be a wonderful experience I cannot wait y'all give me man but Destiny just a little bit he's looking at me crazy like this [ __ ] don't want the [ __ ] talk about but that's okay man I love you you might get some girls through this oh [ __ ] yeah hey much love dog appreciate you all right so next up on the panel um should I move no you're good there so basically there's a YouTuber who I've seen make a couple of different videos with me in the thumbnail he's a Christian YouTuber uh and I was just watching a video he made about me and Abba's podcast last night and it just dawned on me it would be great to finally give this dude a chance to convert me to Christianity live on air with Destiny so uh is Roslyn or ruslin he's coming on down now jerusalan so everybody uh we will link to his Channel at some point he's going to tell you what it is right now if you want to check out good to meet you bro his catalog but what's your channel called again Ruslan KD right here okay and so uh yeah he's he's he is very strong religious feelings well okay he's gonna help me find the Lord and I'll preface this by saying I'm Christian myself I didn't even know that yeah we've gotten into this before but I don't trust those Jordans very much they're right they're real I promise yeah I just don't trust him like what are those like Jordan 38s oh my God this isn't a roast blush I was just saying all right wow I got the that was an insult I don't know anything else see I don't either so like when they talk [ __ ] about Jordans and stuff I'm kind of [ __ ] lost but there are like different levels to Jordans I don't know you're cutting it close within 14s I watched a video of a dude that uh he's really careful you I guess you don't want to crease your shoes yeah so like when I whenever I like I'm taking a photo and I squat down they'll be like oh how dare you do that to those shoes and I'm like I [ __ ] wait I'm wearing an idea yeah holy [ __ ] I'm not gonna like not do something because of the shoes might get damned Jesus anyway anyway okay so let's how should we break into this how would you describe the mission of your channel uh the mission of my channel yeah is two and you've been doing this for a long time right uh YouTube full-time for two years okay and then uh before that I did music professionally from 2015. damn wait what kind of music hip-hop Christian hip-hop yeah holy [ __ ] like rapping or independently yeah okay oh I'm glad we didn't do the freestyle think today no not if you're coming in what that's like a guy saying like you want a box celebrity boxing you find he's got like 10 years of [ __ ] history you know what he's referencing his earlier we said what if we do a whole podcast where there's a beat playing the whole time so the goal is to like rap the whole podcast yeah he's like a master rapper don't threaten me with a girl he's a battle rap God so just for the record he will he will respect he will [ __ ] someone up as well respect and he's a Christian so this yeah this is two ounces hold on what type of Christmas okay so my religious background is pretty interesting um I'm so my mom was Catholic my dad really didn't have any religion um his my dad's grandfather was Jewish but so he really didn't wasn't raised with any religion whatsoever it was never like Bar Mitzvah or any of that and as soon as um my grandparents got a divorce the first thing my grandmother did was by a Christmas tree so there's like no religion on that side of the family my mom's catholic Italian and um and I grew up going to like Episcopalian school and things like that um I'm just pretty much traditional judeo-christian belief system leaning towards Catholicism to a degree but um I don't really [ __ ] with all aspects of it but you know having gone through what I've gone through um being Survivor of multiple near-death experiences um drug overdoses and things and now um almost three years clean and sober continuous sobriety time like that's awesome born again like hardcore Christian from from spiritual experiences this guy's three years sober you're smoking weed in front of him what the [ __ ] do they do it it smokes Newports in front of me that's the thing but the because I'm spiritually fit I'm able to be around whatever and it doesn't phase me at all like you could bust out some lines right now like I know you want to you can start like you feel me like no no we did before the show yeah right I would never do that on camera okay Jesus yeah it wouldn't it wouldn't affect me in the slightest okay are you sure we have some really good stuff outside I promise go ahead I'm just [ __ ] with you okay yeah so I'm I'm originally from Azerbaijan Baku I'm not sure if you guys have ever heard of it it's a little country in the Middle East right off the Caspian Sea uh we're north of Iran and then uh Armenia and in Turkey so I'm ethnically Armenian oh okay and so uh I grew up under Soviet Russia so Soviet Union communism the whole bit and then when we were when I was six me and my family came out here as refugees because of the pogroms of Baku so massive persecution this goes back to the Armenian Genocide of 1915. we come out here in the Hub at the time is The Armenian Apostolic Church not sure if you guys are familiar Armenians can trace back their lineage historically to uh Bartholomew the Apostle Bartholomew and so there's grave sites you can go to now uh the disciple of Bartholomew my buddy Arthur just went and so I grew up completely non-religious and then like the community Hub was the Armenian Apostolic Church part of the Oriental Orthodox arm so I'm just completely immersed I get christened I get baptized I'm an altar boy the whole bit and then my mother and my father split up and I'm you know only child in San Diego in the 90s totally different San Diego than now and uh I ended up getting you know molested by some of the older Altar Boys So this completely like jacked up my whole view of God and religion and so age 10 11 I'm like there is no God if there is a God he hates me why would he allow this to happen to me that that's not a picture I get arrested at the age of 11 going into sixth grade breaking into houses I got uh my you know lost my virginity super early 11 12 years old selling weed just a whole bit we moved to North County and then like clean slate Fresh Start everything changed I started playing ball and then that was plan a I was going to be a professional basketball player and then I discovered there had never been an Armenian that ever made it to the NBA so uh if you count the Kardashians we've taken more basketball players out of the NBA and so uh damn it's so religious guys got no jokes wow and so anyway so so around High School I met a girl it's always a girl uh again atheist there's no God but I'm on the straight narrow now I'm not I'm not smoking weed no more I'm not partying I'm just like basketball and uh she was going to like an Evangelical secret Friendly Church and went and uh skeptical for two years straight two years straight I got Muslim friends I got Jehovah's Witness friends I got Mormon friends and I'm talking to this girl and uh I was working at a Pizza Hut and everybody around me was a Christian and I was like all right I think I'm with this Jesus thing but he's not God and they recommended a book called the new evidence that demands a verdict by Josh McDowell so I kind of stepped into the faith through the side door of apologetics it wasn't uh necessarily an emotional experience it was more of like man I'm you know if I look at the history and I look at what this means for me and um yes I gave my life to Jesus uh going into my senior of high school fully surrendered um got plugged into a church been at the same church for 20 years been married for maybe 15 years this July we got two kids eight-year-old and a two-year-old she's 19 months old and yeah 2015 I did music professionally uh doing Christian hip-hop and did a little bit of stuff with you know some different let me throw this out there is that so I've read a bunch about like the sort of Christian metal core world and I've kind of heard various accounts of that scene basically saying that the vast majority of people in that world that at certain points in time has just been like all marketing they're not Christian in any like real way and that they're basically it was just you know a selling point and a lot of I feel like a large percentage of people kind of left that Community sort of disillusioned did you have anything like that through spending all this time around people who are like basically making money through marketing Christianity and music together yeah have you have you heard of as La dying yeah yeah so I went to high school with Phil actually so they're from the area that that I'm from I went to high school together where that the guy Tim got arrested at that that Barnes Noble that's 10 minutes from my house for trying to hatch a plot to have his wife killed wife whacked yeah that's a movie dude and that that's like I watched a YouTube video about it the other day but that that is a good example of like something that might disillusion you to Christian music I guess yeah yeah so so uh in my experience yeah I mean it's called deconstruction right now currently it's very it's very hot a lot of folks are doing it uh just kind of picking apart their faith what what parts they think makes sense for them or parts they don't it's a lot of it is with creatives people who are like professional Christians if you will where your income is attached to your faith because that's got to create a lot of pressure to not change your Viewpoint or not question yeah absolutely definitely and so thankfully I mean I was older when I you know a little bit of platform that I have now on my main Channel 240 000 subscribers not super massive but like I said 50 earlier no that's the second Channel you saw the second Channel that's the that's the podcast Channel but yeah so like thankfully that didn't come for me until way later you know the decade married at the same church like so I didn't explode in my 20s at some like professional Christian expert like this is all later I'm 38 you know so I'm about to be 38 on New Year's Eve so a little different than me but yeah it is it's called deconstruct action deconversion it's happening definitely okay so if what would be your best argument for Destiny about how he should confront his atheism and Switzerland the best are I want to crack this off I bought uh I watched the debate with you and a presuppositional guy that was pushing presupposition apologetics very cringe um I don't I don't adhere to that I watch the debate what's the definition of that presuppositional it's like you any grounds of logical arguments you're making you can't because you're standing on God's ability to give you logic and reason okay and so it's like it's kind of complicated I probably butcher that's going to be tough in a debate space right yeah and so they were going in circles kind of I don't know if you remember this Destiny's a couple years ago um and so uh I hold to uh pointing people to the resurrection I think the resurrection is the best argument uh for uh the Christian faith I think the resurrection is a historical event that split history into I think the secular historians would agree on a couple of points that Jesus was crucified under pilate that the tomb was empty that the women found the tomb empty that they told the disciples they were convinced and uh and and the brother of Jesus James became a Christian you don't believe in Latter-Day Saints though no no no no no so I think uh I think the Resurrection the historical event of the Resurrection uh to me I look at that through the lens and I say if the resurrection happened then what Jesus said is reliable and true and then I say okay let's take a look at church history again I'm already Indian Apostolic so I'm not I didn't grew up as that so like we could trace our lineage back to guys who are martyred for the faith some people may die for something they don't know is a lie it's very crazy to like know this guy quote unquote faked it and be willing to die for a lie I think that's a very uh dumb reason for anybody to know Jesus wasn't really who he this lady was but I'm gonna allow myself to be martyred it doesn't make any sense um logically so I think those things Bart ehrmann most New Testament Scholars agree on those facets the tomb was empty the disciples were convinced that he rose to the point where they were all willing to be martyred and then it's spot it sparked this International multi-ethnic movement that is still around today across more continents than any other religion the biggest religion and uh and and people can testify to you know Miracles and all kinds of stuff and my life to me is really a miracle um not in a raw sense but I would say the resurrection of Jesus I think is in my opinion the most strong argument Destiny thoughts I feel like I've inhaled a little bit too much here [ __ ] smoke that'll help the Lord the Lord preserved the contact high for me so I didn't catch it um what if we were in the year 50 000 would you still feel the same yes what if it was the year 500 000 I would still feel the same okay I feel like it's been a long time since Jesus died yeah it's been a long time 2000 years I feel like people thought he was going to come back a little quicker people his disciples definitely thought it was going to happen quicker yeah yeah that's fair what if the sun blows up what if any still not here what if I feel like trying to base my whole life around a contested historical event two thousand years ago is not the way to go uh I mean you got to Define contested like how do you contest it as in there's not widespread agreement that there was a resurrection that took place I'm not even sure if there's 100 agreement on the tune being empty or not but I mean we can think of a lot of reasons why a tomb would be empty it doesn't involve a guy coming back from the dead but um so what would they would they do with the body damn I don't know they could have done a lot of things so you'd have to ask the guys that hit it so the guy so they hid the body and then and then all his his blood brother all of a sudden starts believing his God I don't know what they're doing DNA tests back then I don't know what blood I mean James James is is the brother Jesus he was one of the early Apostles you know he's one of the early guys that was around um he was not a follower in a disciple during his lifetime uh we can talk about Paul if you want to talk about Paul Paul there's a guy that was uh I understand that like we have like these historical figures but I'm just saying that like I'm referencing secular history by the way I haven't even decided I'm just saying it's been a long time sure I don't see God doing much today I know Miracles were a lot more common before like the iPhone came out people could start recording [ __ ] um and I I just I don't I I wouldn't feel compelled that like I'm gonna live my life an entire way because of an event that happened 2000 years ago it's just a long time there's just nothing that's happened that's great have you heard of Dr Craig Keener no he just did a whole book about modern Miracles like documenting modern Miracles can you give me one or two uh people walking that couldn't walk I got a friend who had a rare form of leukemia our worship pastor Pastor Travis he's out in Texas now had a rare form of leukemia mutated and uh and it changed into a form of leukemia that's non-lethal he takes a pill for the rest of his life he's fine he's had more kids he's not he hasn't lost uh he's not impotent she's chilling so I I mean I could give you a lot but I don't think Miracles have to exist to argue for Jesus being God yeah I guess the reason why I find some of the Miracles unconvinced like you ever do the thing where you're looking out the window and you're driving and you're like if the next car is black then like Jesus is real or like dumb little things like that you ever do [ __ ] like that or like you're like you're praying as a kid I personally don't oh maybe okay wait you said you grew up non-religious yeah I grew up religiously thought of like dumb little things like that all the time like if this happens and I know God is real like dumb [ __ ] because I grew up Catholic um I mean I'm talking about physical healings though you know like yeah there's a lot of well but that's what I'm saying we don't know there's a lot of like people who wake up from Comas people whose cancer becomes non-lethal people like a lot of things happen um what do you say when doctors say this is a miracle I don't know if a doctors are qualified to say it's a miracle but I mean the doctor could be religious um but it's not a religious doctor the the problem is that like there's going to be rare events that happen in life why would I ascribe all of those to God when I have no way of knowing yeah I I don't think it's about knowing like like knowing is is a form of certainty that's the faith is a confidence Spectrum yeah like let's say a guy has cancer and then the cancer disappears why the [ __ ] would I attribute that to God if they prayed for it to disappear in the name of Jesus what if I could show you that what if I could show you that a hundred people in the past year that prayed to God had their [ __ ] cured but 105 prayed to Allah and their [ __ ] was cared are you gonna switch religions based on like the outcome of that study or as far as I know and this is not me speaking on behalf of all Christians are all facts or whatever I personally I haven't seen any uh healings in the name of Allah I'm saying I'm ignorant to it if I'm being fully transparent but I haven't seen any I'm sure there must be people that claim there's been some I mean I mean we I guess we could look it up but I haven't seen of any I haven't heard of any and I'm you know fairly familiar with Islam there's a lot okay hold on does a lot of do Miracles I'm not actually sure I think he has the capacity in that world to do Miracles well because God is like a that's like one of his like bullet points sure like does Miracles I don't know if Allah does Miracles like if they even expect that yeah like that might be like a thing that he just doesn't [ __ ] with that maybe I don't know I'm I'm just saying like every deity gets down to their own personal way right well with that being said then it'd be unlikely if you don't get down like that then you're not going to be hearing it yeah [ __ ] that's what I'm saying [ __ ] because now I don't know if I can do that study I [ __ ] myself yeah I mean again so so so it's so I don't think it's a binary believer don't believe I think it's a confidence Spectrum I think there's enough in history one percent confidence respect so I got you from a zero to a point one you're already there okay I actually was at point one five and now you've got me down to point one yeah I guess I still have to say like I think anyone that objectively goes and examines the resurrection and there's been movies done about this there's been books about The Passion of the Christ it's good no uh critical documentary case for Christ Lee Strobel I don't know if you guys have ever heard it um it's a book written by uh uh investigative journalist we were listening to the podcast on the way to pan Express that was Sam Harris yeah well let me ask you a question do you feel like spirituality which is not mutually exclusive with religion um do you feel like it just it's more of an intrinsic feeling than it is based on any type of logic I think it's both I think it's on both yeah I think I think there's definitely if I were to go to my feelings that would be a more of a subjective argument I can't prove my feelings to to anyone but I could I could reason in logic around historical events that have rocked history and changed everything and I think added a massive net positive for good in my personal life absolutely I mean there's all kinds of you have kids right you have a one kid yeah um so like I remember sitting down with my girlfriend at the time and getting this sense not an audible voice like outside of me but internally like this is your wife right like like hearing that and now 15 years later we have two kids and humans were created in in in this bizarre like Butterfly Effect right that when you look at a birth when you look at other humans coming into existence like that to me is a miraculous moment you know having kids but on the back of on the back of sensing and again I'm not speaking in absolutes but in the back of sensing a this is your wife whether it was me or God or I don't know but she's now my wife but like maybe like and we live with pretty awesome but like maybe you maybe that just happened right maybe one time I did um I did LST with my wife okay she was my girlfriend at the time and we were laying on the floor and she's like I bet our brains are so connected I bet you could speak Swedish or some [ __ ] okay it's still a path yeah because we're both high on acid and I'm like okay [ __ ] shoot try it and she's like and I'm like I think you said I love you and she was like oh my God I did and I was like okay but it's like it just happened I hear you I can look at that as you got that from Ace of Base I've never seen that show before I know what that is no are they they're like a Swedish they're a Swedish pop band from oh I have no idea but all I know is that like no I could go back and say oh my God we were both on acid I think our brain's connected I think every there was a [ __ ] or I could say we're both laying in the floor we love each other if I could say one thing to my wife well we're high and like oh yeah I love you yeah that makes sense right that's probably more what happened well Destiny do you believe in a Divine intelligence or anything [ __ ] no okay Destiny I got a question for you could you could you could you steal man an argument for God yeah I was Catholic for [ __ ] 30 years so give me your best Steelman argument for the existence of God first I mean there's a teleological the cosmological there's all sorts of different I mean which one uh what's your favorite one well none of them because I'm atheist okay what but if you but if you have to say man this is a good argument for the existence of God which which what would it be what do you think this is what you're here for man I'm not ready for this [ __ ] have you there's a it's a [ __ ] analogy but it's very compelling have you ever heard of the clockmaker analogy if you find a clock in the middle of the world let's say I show you a stopwatch okay a pocket watch it's a very finely tuned pocket watch okay I twist it it works keeps track of time got a quartz mechanism inside let's say that I put this watch in a bag okay tie the bag up and get a hammer and I break the [ __ ] out of it okay and I ask you how many times can I shake this bag to get a [ __ ] watch out of it and a reasonable person will say well you're never gonna shake the bag and get a watch out of it and I go okay well how the [ __ ] did the Big Bang produce everything that you see in front of you today if you can't shake the bag and get even a watch out how could you shake up the universe and get [ __ ] Humanity yeah that's called a fine tuning argument yeah that's [ __ ] it's a horrible argument but it sounds compelling but but I mean that Richard Dawkins would agree with you he Richard Dawkins recently in a debate with when I was in a really debate but a conversation where Francis Collins said that he thinks the fine-tuning of the universe which is what you just described is a good argument for the existence of God it could take him from being it's atheists it's just a lot of logical traps it's pitfalls because your brain's not equipped to think about these types of things um the the here's like the most apt analogy okay there's two there's two huge issues is that one um the the stopwatch maybe it was always there so intelligently designed things like the human body the human eye DNA it doesn't have to just design it doesn't have to be intelligence it could just be a thing that appears because it's the only thing that could be there right is there anything like that in the universe that's just there like can you point to anything that's just there I could say that like for instance um her math analogies that escaped me right now but um if you look at like a lightning strike it's like when you look at a lightning strike would you say that the lightning carved a very particular path out in the sky or would you say it followed like the next charge down and it took the only path that it could have taken right the issue is that people creationists will look at a lightning strike and they'll say that's the only way the lightning could have been therefore it must have been intelligently designed but the reality is is that the Universe could look potentially a billion different ways it happens to look the way that it looks now but who's to say that it could have been different right it's like looking at a puddle of water on the ground and saying what are the chances that that particular puddle fits that hole precisely notice how it fits every single curve it's like well yeah of course it's a puddle of water it could only ever be that way so humans are a puddle of water everything is random and we're here by chance and we're just kind of floating through space and time made up of little stars hold on hold on that is kind of what you said I mean right not at all would I say okay so break it down and I'm sorry I'm not trying to strum anything no no clarify please keyword there what is it okay just because something was designed doesn't mean that the alternate to that alternative that is is random okay give me this give me another alternative to well sure I'm saying that like if I roll a rock down a hill it might be hard for me to know exactly where it goes but the path it takes is not random right but you still rolled that rock they were still forced to make the rock stand at the top of the hill to go down the hill the rocket just didn't roll itself down the hill damn you're testing the limits of my analogy I was giving it but I mean like in my analogy for the Universe I would say that the hill is infinitely long it was always rolling and so so it was always rolling yeah and so the the does the universe ever have a beginning um damn I don't know the answer to that it does does it it does I don't know if I I mean the universe says we know it arguably 13.8 billion years ago or whatever 14.3 billion came from The Big Bang I don't know what existed before the Big Bang though god well but you don't know that I'm convinced of it but you weren't there I mean neither was you yeah but I'm the one saying I don't know you're the one saying you do well you said I don't even know if the Big Bang happened that's just what cosmology sure but you're saying there you're saying that you you're not saying you're an agnostic you're saying you're an atheist I guess agnostic isn't for losers you take the side every reasonable person is agnostic any atheist should be able to save you show me proof of the existence of God yeah I'll [ __ ] believe in God and I think I would you would hopefully okay well hopefully we can change your mind Adam but the um yeah but I'm just saying that like that the the design argument like things could look A Million Ways and there's flaws with the human body too to even say it's intelligently designed maybe it doesn't even make sense right like did you like if you put your if you hold like a little sign with a DOT here and you go back and forth you know you've got like a blind spot in your eye right that's because the optic nerve bundle in the back it like tucks through in an area when it should have been growing out the back that's just like a flaw in the design but it's because our eyes evolved from other things that happened so there's a utility for that design no there's no utilities it's just bad designing right interesting and there's a lot of like weird nerves that um so uh I'm not gonna remember the name of it but we have a nerve that runs some part in our head down here and then Loops back up but if you look at like a giraffe the nerve is so [ __ ] because it goes through the neck that the nerve goes all the way down to back up for no [ __ ] reason right and why do we have pinky toes do we really need these things I don't know man that's for sure for people with foot fetishes you need all five toes Apparently one is importantly Adam can I ask you a question the fifth is the Clincher yeah uh it seems like you've kind of softened on this conversation when I first reacted to your clip on Vlad all right okay you're very like our religion is BS and now like your Abba interview your sister every time I saw this last night I felt you were kind of misrepresenting what I was saying so that's why what I was actually saying was just I see a way where most really religious people it's probably a net positive thing in their life now you can point to like all kinds of like different uh countries all over the world where maybe that's not the case but at least for the average American when they say that they're Christian or they say that they pray they say the relationship with God I think that that's very unlikely that there's anything negative coming from that and so as a result the vast majority of the time like with Tyrell who's he's Christian let's just Christian I'm probably never going to engage them in the conversation of like oh I don't believe in god let's [ __ ] talk about it just because I don't really feel like that's an important conversation for us to necessarily have now if they wanted to like have a debate or wanted to engage on that that's fine but it's not something that I feel like is the biggest problem that we're facing as a country and I do think that it probably plays a pretty important role in a lot of people's lives even though I think that it's ultimately rooted in nothing but what I'm saying is it seems like you've kind of softened on from where you were in that Vlad interview which but what did I say in that business you said you said religion is BS and that was the part that that that is how I feel but the thing is like look like obviously there's no empirical evidence either way we could just go around in circles for hours and we're not gonna come to any logical conclusion but for me it's not necessarily about that like I'm engaging in suspension of disbelief at the end of the day and I know that's like kind of an odd phrase when talking about belief systems however like to me it's more about a moral compass and just a set of ideology to kind of guide as a set of parameters yeah you know what I'm saying like yeah so that's why I said does that make sense though Destiny like absolutely it's it's it it sounded like uh from it's bs2 I see a net positive that sounds like I still think it's BS like in terms of the likelihood of it being true I'm just saying that I think for most people they don't really get anything negative out of it and for instance like one thing that if you were to ask me when I was 15 or 16 why I was adamantly anti-religion I would have said well I'm very much in favor of gay people having all the same Liberties as as straight people and it seems like the vast majority of Christian people are very much against uh gay marriage and stuff like that and that would have been one of the things I would have hung my hook my uh argument on and that's probably like a lot less true now or probably a large a much larger percentage of people who describe themselves as Christian would now say that they're in favor of gay marriage or at least would not have anything in particular negative to say about gay people so that's a way in which I feel like Society has changed religion like for instance when I've spoken to my mom about religion I asked her one time when you were a kid if you said that you were a Christian was it expected that you believed in a literal Heaven and Hell and she said yes absolutely if you didn't believe in a literal heaven and how you weren't religious and I think that probably the majority of Christians in America right now would not tell you that they actually believe that you're going to burn in hell if you die and you're not Christian and particular the idea that like people of other religious faiths are going to burn in hell for not being of the same religious faith and those aren't aspects of Christianity those are aspects of or ways in which society has and secularism has has dulled down Christianity to the point where I don't consider it very dangerous now because I think it's so far removed from what it was a couple hundred years ago we were talking about fundamental Christianity which is way different than just you know yeah because all respect do I feel like your version of Christianity is very much like yeah be good to everybody and and tell me everything will be all right you have this like very analytical approach to it where you like have all these different examples and you're very much invested in the the details of it where I was with Lush I feel like you're kind of like more like A.D where it's like I believe in God I have a relationship with God feels good but you're not like actively like investigating it and learning I hope all that shit's real like I hope yeah you know what I'm very optimistic Christianity Yeah well yeah what's it what's at his point like you said it says Nico which is the how it started this you know uh you said which I 100 agreed with if if God is real it would be the most important question uh to deal with you know could I could I have a water too yeah amen thank you um so so I think I think you're right you know and I think the Christian Community was like yeah Adam's on to something with regards to that uh I think if we're talking about um the the net positive I think it's fair to say that if people lived the way Jesus prescribes in a new testament it would be a massive net positive to society across the board the majority of our social issues would be solved the majority of fatherlessness would be solved the majority of STDs and STIs would be solved if people lived in in the prescription of the New Testament and the Book of Proverbs and all these different things and so I think is am I tracking along is that kind of what you're getting at in terms of like this is a good because when I examine the words of Jesus it's actually good I mean if if just like an overall sense that you shouldn't do bad things because then when you die something very very bad is going to happen to you if if everybody was just sort of like living life by that notion which that in itself is like just this one tiny part of what I think it is to be a Christian question then yeah of course that would be a good thing um and so I'm just not likely to like really engage people on that because I don't really think that there's that much benefit to gain from questioning a bunch of people's religious beliefs in particular when you know I'm in this group chat with lotion A.D and T relics are the large percentage of them will claim that they're Christians it never comes up we never talk about it so it's like we talking about it now but but it doesn't really come up so it's like I would have to kind of really go out of my way to be arguing with A.D above religion because as much as he says he's religious it just doesn't really come up and like the thing is like I'm it's difficult for me to speak intelligently about something that I feel on an emotional level and believe like intrinsically and there's no real it defies all logic and reason that I had previous but I also in my heart or heart to know that I'm not here due to just happenstance and there's no reason I should be here and there's obviously greater forces at work or else I wouldn't be and that that's what I feel intrinsically now there's probably a million arguments of why that's illogical of why that you know makes me not intelligent or this or that but I I still believe it was every fiber of my being my whole thing is that like not that I claim to know anything though the last six years of my life have been a pretty improbable success story and I just feel absolutely no desire to ascribe that to any sort of like Supernatural thing I feel like it was you know a lot of hard work good luck but ultimately like even that I don't believe Free Will I don't believe that I can like take credit for even the greatest things that I've accomplished really I'm like very lucky that I guess I was born the kind of person who would be able to do some of those things but the idea that I would like be giving credit to this this God who have who has never revealed himself to any way I mean it's just like a real stretch for me to like be expected to have that kind of assumption about have you ever asked God or Jesus to reveal himself to you like hey God if you're real please reveal yourself to me I mean maybe when I was like much younger to be honest with you like I always just kind of like assumed I was religious my whole life up until I was like 12 or 13 and then I met a kid and he handed me the Satanic Bible and he said God is not real and I read that [ __ ] and ultimately uh don't agree with all that much in it but you know the ultimate thing of like the the idea that like oh there are other people out here who just believe that there is no God that was really important to me and then that set me off on a journey of just like reading every other atheist text I could I could find and you know that just sort of ultimately like cemented me further and further into it all right I think I think uh I would encourage you to re-examine the resurrection and uh ask be open to it I mean if you're really open we talk about being open-minded you know I would I would I would say hey what do you have to lose to say Jesus if you're real reveal yourself to me and and look at what would that look like how would that happen because I feel like I I am the kind of person aware of anything seemingly Supernatural were to happen I mean I definitely consider myself open-minded in that sense but I mean where is it assistant five times in a row and if five times I think I think ask God to guide every single flip I think what you're describing earlier is is uh Aquinas St Thomas Aquinas will call it natural law uh or common Grace meaning that like God's created a universe where someone like Adams 22 could see a need in the marketplace create product and value and build this incredible Empire you have is no jumper right that's building on something that I think whether it's Destiny adding a value which by the way I'd love your take Zone politics you know I think he's brilliant like that's uh outside of their their uh God needing to miraculously give you material blessings like if you put in work and you solve problems and you provide a value to people like you do you're going to re reap rewards with building a massive successful YouTube channel that's different than having an encounter in a relationship with Jesus and saying I'm I'm gonna place my faith my confidence Spectrum in Jesus what about that he's built a lot of his stuff off of immorality a cultural parasitic Leisure and some of the more toxic aspects the first first John said as a podcast where he [ __ ] people that goes on it I bet Jesus would hate that yeah are you sure Jesus would hate that yeah absolutely so so so Jesus said um you know if you lust if you lust that a woman less relief if you if you look at a woman less relief committed adultery in your heart right so uh what about you and your wife for looking at it I'm not just doing it in my heart I'm actually doing it right he's actually a girl but but check this out but but the interesting thing is that it's not just him physically doing it if anyone's lusting if it says if you if you hate your brother you've committed murder if you let nothing unwholesome come out of your mouth the standards of Jesus is substantially higher than uh uh well he's an adulterer like everyone's guilty everyone is deserving of justice for their sin how would you prefer that Christianity play out in society like you believe that this is a Christian Nation like if possible would you would you make pornography illegal like like How Deeply do you feel like Christian values should be embedded into American society sodomy by the way is no go and that includes oral sex I got it are you sure non-penetrative non-vaginal sex no it's anal sex are you sure yeah that's definitely good check on that I need to fact check on that no stop where's Jamie which who's the Jamie here uh Josh would technically be this Josh or actually Riley right now Riley is Riley in our ears right I don't want to necessarily put that I've definitely putting in some girls butts before okay well you're [ __ ] regardless okay so so your question was how should Christianity engage well there's a two-part question this question is this a Christian Nation and to what extent like Christian values be embedded into our government and our legal system and whatnot I think it's influenced by Christian principles I don't think we're in an exclusively Christian Nation I don't think it's a theocracy um I think pornography is one of those things where we would have to examine like is it a net positive for society even in the modern only fans version of it right like what's it doing to people's brains you're not going to find a lot of psychologists uh therapists saying hey this is good for young men's brain to watch adam22 Smash Girls we got to do more research right no no I mean I've done enough research yet I feel like porn is a great a very beneficial relationship in my life in your life without it like from a macro standpoint I don't think you're going to find any empirical evidence to suggest that porn is a net positive for young men's Brains if anything it's the opposite I think a lot of young men cheat significantly less as a result I think young young people in general watching porn is a big problem the society should probably address at some point I think it's the kind of thing that at some point probably needs to happen in the sense of just like having more regulation about how difficult it is to access porn online although actually when I think about how that might work logistically I all of a sudden question it because I don't know if it could actually happen in some practical way yeah but I I definitely think that like young people becoming desensitized to extreme sexual [ __ ] online is a big problem regardless of how we're going to approach lessening that I appreciate you I really appreciate you saying that yeah well I mean it would be naive to like ignore the number of people I've seen talking about how they eventually feel like just super desensitized like normal but then again that if you stigmatize it too much because it's about finding a balance because if you stigmatize that too much and then it becomes something that's like you push you can push people in the other direction and like they think sex is something dirty and then that's what Purity culture did that's what a lot of Purity culture did but but to your point um I sat down with uh Joshua Broome he was like the top porn star for 2012. he won all the awards he was booming right and I sat down with him and I'm friends with Exodus Christ not sure if you heard of Exodus Cry they're anti-human trafficking and so I've had I've had both of these conversations I thought yeah I was going to say I just want to be on the record as an anti-human crime yeah respect respect so so that's a movement I can get down so sitting so sitting down with with Josh and I asked him like do you think only fans has made anything better and he said if anything it's made trafficking worse and so the people on the ground whether it's actually described working with with folks in this community are saying no no porn is directly correlating to what it's doing in in regards to trafficking you got only fans managers now um I mean this is this is not something that is uh without consequence in the vacuum right and so so the leading experts and those anti-trafficking movements are saying no it's not a net positive of it should not be uh legal according to the experts with human trafficking that's what that's what Exodus crying that's what Josh room just said what shouldn't be illegal like porn is not a net positive I mean I don't know I like I was saying before I think I have like a big bias when it comes to pouring because I'm just around a ton of you know young Independent Women making an absurd amount of money off of only fans and they get to live these lives where they're they seem pretty happy and content and I mean certainly a lot happier than they probably would be if they had an office job and they get to you know bang you know relatively small amount of guys a lot of these girls are just banging their boyfriend they're totally happy doing it they don't really have any issues associated with it so then I hear stuff like oh actually only fans is making human trafficking worse or like whatever and it's just like I don't know that's like you've never heard of any version of it to me no first of all the definition of human trafficking has changed yes it is because now it includes Pimping Pimping and pandering is no longer so many suspects it's no longer a crime and now it's all considered human trafficking also correct me if I'm wrong and I mean no disrespect by this but didn't Jesus have a prostitute as his girlfriend Jesus never had a girlfriend or like Mary Magdalene yeah there was LLC Bibles they didn't actually make the main book they ruled out those extra gospels it's the Gospel of Thomas that was not agnostics um for good reason nobody like that um no the the there was a yeah Jesus had folks that followed him there were prostitutes there were Tax Collectors that were Sinners that were wild but he was wild okay yeah he definitely wasn't doing that thank you Muhammad appreciate you appreciate you my brother that's a whole different thing that's a different can of worms let me just say if that guy was talking about his relationships today he would be banned on YouTube you'd be the Mr girl at that time yeah he would be Gonzo oh okay um all right I wanted to throw this out there oh geez one of the other things you react okay you reacted to like me and snico having this conversation about religion in general and my take on sort of like red pill manosphere Christianity was just that like basically it's a very self-serving thing and like you see them a lot of them are really kind of gravitating towards the more misogynistic elements of religions as almost like a justification for it do you agree with that and and how do you feel about um you know like me even calling out sneako saying that he has like a [ __ ] unexamined version of Christianity which I believe he actually reacted to although I didn't watch it so I still have to decide if I have to whoop his ass or not oh [ __ ] yeah I think that's just God you should regardless I think it was an accurate assessment I think you're a lot of your assessments with snico and then he should whip his ass no no no no no I love your fight videos the most I know the gun one I saw the fighting in the studio so yeah more of that [ __ ] of our genres fight videos yeah fight videos hashtag fight videos I know that if YouTube goes down I can still catch a shot on World Star so talk did it make its way to Worldstar I gotta check I don't even know okay sorry yeah so I think I think uh you pointing that out is a solid take I think you repeatedly pointing that out is a solid take I think I've I was telling Destiny off air uh I debated Rallo tomasi on valuetainment he's the self-proclaimed Godfather I've read two of his books um and so I think there's a lot of problematic things with their ideology with regarding to how they view women and uh in the counter-intuitive nature to where they're driving men to avoid marriage which I think is one of the best things people could have is a solid nuclear family I think we could all agree a nuclear family is optimal for human flourishing Christian or not Christian and so I think the content is absolutely it's like faux deep not really driving people to Optimal relationships healthy standards is encouraging men to drive the notch counts up it's encouraging men to sleep with girls promiscuously which is ultimately adding to the problem to everything that's going on the more Partners somebody has before they get married the least like I mean the more likely they are to get divorced this is part of CDC and so um you're spot on with that assessment you know and again I could go deep I've went back and forth where Rallo he doesn't want to do a part two of our debate unfortunately to him what a [ __ ] ah you said it you said Destiny said it I love you Rallo I only know Rallo because I was here at academic calling them out is not like Rallo he is so active in chat this dude follows me on every [ __ ] Rallo yeah he type [ __ ] and then I'm always like oh dude we should have we should have them on it's tight that there's people in the audience who think that we're talking about Rallo the like the rapper drugs whatever that guy is because that guy sounds dangerous you can't go to you don't just kidding okay all right with that being said I'm curious to get your take on atrocities committed in the name of religion especially considering what you outlined is your experiences which you know surviving that abuse and all that which by the way like I commend you for speaking about openly that's that that's really admirable like what are your thoughts on that yeah uh I think there's been a lot of things done in the name of religion that have not been okay um like 9 11. like 911 yes obvious one I think yeah yeah I think I was just in Israel and so I was like they are experiencing the you know the tension between the Palestinians and the Israel and this is a lot man it's it's deep you know and so I'm here as a byproduct of a form of religious persecution you know that's why I came out here as a refugee so I think uh using might as a as a way to display display what is right is counter-intuitive and unhelpful um so whether it was the you know the spread of um Islam over you know um over Jerusalem and then it was the response of the Crusaders and it was them going back and getting it like most of these things were not done by literate Jesus following people who were reading the scriptures we didn't have the increasing so 14 1500 you know and then that was a controversy in terms of the church not wanting for people to get their Bibles I think once people got the New Testament and read it they were like yeah like we can't be burning people at the stake who we deem as Heretics we can't be going out here and just beating people up in the name of Jesus just like this you can't do that sort of stuff and I think it's because of literacy um and Christianity becoming literate and specifically with the Reformation of Martin Luther shouldn't Jesus have like brought like the [ __ ] alphabet then well funny enough uh our Armenians my nation where I'm from we actually are we didn't have a written language until we wanted to make the Bible in our own language so we actually developed a whole written language in an alphabet to get the scriptures in our native tongue which is which is kind of a trip to think about I'm just saying that for like because if we're going by intelligently design and everything it seems to be a bit of an oversight if it took 1500 years for people to figure out how to actually like put together and follow all this [ __ ] well you got to remember that the the church that was Jesus left behind and planted wasn't uh built on the top of prosperity for Christians it was built under massive persecution so some of these folks obviously were literate because they were writing Greek and then they were reciting the Torah in ancient Hebrew but for them to translate and get it out to as many people you're talking about handwritten copied manuscripts you know that was very difficult to do yeah I think I think combining it in today's context is ultimately we have the scriptures there is literacy why do you think why was God seemed so heavy-handed in the Old Testament yeah like it seemed like he was more active you know yeah like I feel like if the Crusades were happening in the Old Testament God would have been that like smacks yeah well then it seems like he got seems like he got a lot lazier when the record keeping became a little bit more stringent no you don't think so no I think I think God is the same yesterday today I think God's really serious about Sin I think things we minimize that are just like man I just told a lie or Bland I just stole something I think God takes that stuff very seriously and I think he is Holy he is different he is set apart and so I think you see a cohesive picture of a guy that is serious about Sin yet Grace So Graceful and merciful to come and deal with the consequences like why doesn't he give us like locusts or floods and [ __ ] today today yeah I mean there's you know this stuff still happens sometimes yeah that stuff still happens using like Hurricane Katrina and [ __ ] do you think I think God no I can't speak what about like AIDS I can't speak because that was like targeting that was pretty bad yeah I can't speak on that okay my mom thought that your mom thought that and we were just talking about how AIDS was made by God for gay people what do you think about that well well hold on you were talking about that okay hell yeah we're not uh no that's what I'm talking about now we're pardon okay that we're pod wait really I was listening to it but I didn't well that was my question is it seems like in the Old Testament God is like a like a main character he's like out there doing [ __ ] he's like almost an antagonist he's like when there's a plague it's his yeah he's plaguing people he's made people stab their kids and [ __ ] he's like on some on some crazy [ __ ] that was the Canaanites they were worshiping molec and so who's the guy that God challenged him he's like go up and stand have your kid he didn't do it well I know he didn't but he almost made him do it what about the Book of Job that was kind of scandalous too yeah I'm just saying that a guide used to be on some real [ __ ] and now like for the past like 2000 years he's like he's kind of gotten lazy oh that's what I'm saying he's out there yeah but we're under a different uh Covenant a different Arrangement there's different covenants that God has with different people and so Jesus comes fulfills the law that humans couldn't live up to and couldn't live under the old Covenant and then he deals with the issue of sin lives the life we could live dies to death we should have died on the cross in our place and creates a pathway for us not to have to deal with those serious consequences for dealing with the Holy and just got that's a good that's the good news so the bad news is it's way worse than we think it is it's way worse than oh Adam does porn like it's way worse than that you know what I mean like it's it's it [ __ ] does huh you know yeah but it's like Adam just born he's not a moral guy it's like yeah dude and so and so is everyone that lusts after women in their heart and looks at porn so is everyone that hates people so as everyone has a bias like we're all pretty jacked up people who are honest about it we're like luring people in a sense you are worse than most you're like a meth dealer but for the internet I was thinking more yeah yeah do you think that there is a moral way to do porn like in the sense that you know we have contracts like forms everything's super on the up and up sober et cetera or what if you just record you and your wife having sex and you both watch that and the sanctity of your own home um oh [ __ ] awesome making stuff for yourself or like I got guys that travel they tour right and so they might be you know a little action on the face time this is you know might be some some pictures or stuff like that yeah I don't think there's anything wrong with that I mean again by the way I am not speaking on behalf of all Christians okay I'm speaking on behalf of myself but I don't think I think that's the ethical way in my opinion yeah what's FaceTime it's just same thing as if you're sitting in front of each other right oh my God that's such an internet nerd thing to say what's what's such a loser why would you but the good news is I mean why would it be more of a sin because it's being transmitted through FaceTime well mass-produced for other people I think okay yeah I can understand that but the good news is Jesus comes and deals with the consequences of sin and and creates a pathway for us to have right standing with the father and that's good and it requires just repenting and believing in Jesus and that's that's good news it's not about works that's what other religions you got to do do you got to perform these acts you got to go here you got to do these things where in Christianity is I just place my faith in Jesus and because he's a good god it gives me a new heart a new desires my life changes I'm not the same person I was before I'm completely different you know I come single parent Home Father wasn't in my life and uh I've turned out to be a pretty stable individual despite being sexually assaulted as a kid despite smoking weeds would you call them 58 Jordan 14s I can't believe you don't know what the Jordan 38. you're a little older than me these were hot when I was in eighth grade years later than you bro are you really yeah respect hopefully we end up on like a sneaker podcast they can resolve the source and then you can invite them look so you were talking [ __ ] about our shoes the four teens are regarded as the last acceptable Jordan um the what the 14th yeah yeah however I tend to believe that anything over 12 I'm not really too fond of I almost wore myself yeah I [ __ ] with twelves but 14s is technically is that like is that the year no it's the the 14th model yeah okay can why so like you see 15s and you're like oh my god well so so the the reality is it's these are the years that Jordan was actually playing oh so it doesn't have anything to do with the shoe no it does I mean there's there's certain designers yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Tommy talk to me why do you hate the 15s it's a disgusting shoe why the 14s I love the 15s yeah they I mean they they get progressively uglier and then like more derivative of past designs and they're just like they don't really they don't do it for me personally the designer did change though I think his name is Tinker I always not I'm not trying to offend anybody here I don't know what the sexual orientations here are but I do think it's a little funny or it's a funny observation all assists hat my friend yeah it I'm not saying it is okay and I'm not I don't know if we're gonna have to fight over this okay oh you're good okay does it feel a little gay sometimes at how much people obsess over like shoes and like the these are like the 13s and they've got like the perfect fashion it's a non-participant a lot of times when you hear dudes talking about fashion and shoes it is like oh you're an architect like you just have all these super strong opinions about the lines on the shoe and the shape of it Etc and I I've definitely been sort of sitting back just like wow like look why does why does this not make sense to me hold on hold on if look I like [ __ ] as much as the next guy right but if liking shoes makes me gay sign me up for Freddie Mercury's Bath House in 1986 San Francisco in the Castro district with a [ __ ] rainbow right outside of it all right I'm listening to Judy Garland on the way home today [ __ ] if if that makes me gay because I like shoes do you like art um I guess I mean everybody likes art some kind of art right I mean kind of music I don't say musician you like music you I'm assuming you have you know you wear your designs you've got tattoos all over yeah yeah so I think shoes is just an extension of Arts just an expression of art designers there's backstories to them it's just odd for me that people have such strong feelings about it and that somehow that just never really worked for me and like I feel the same way about cars like I just don't have the fetish and like my dad is the same way my dad never like talked about cars never was into cars never gave a [ __ ] about his car really so he's gay I don't know I just kind of inherited it I think but I like it what about like are there the ones and the twos for like the fur are those like the coolest I mean ones are generally regarded as one of the more popular Jordans they never do reruns of like yeah it just came out yeah yeah yeah Jordan Retros like like yeah look and and Nike Dunk some you know what Nike Dunks look like all right well they're essentially the same exactly yeah but I actually these are comfortable that's those were my workout shoes Okay a few years ago like very similar to those so if I leave nothing else if I my whole outfit is the same but I showed up in a pair of ones you'd be like that'd be like I like I [ __ ] with your kicks most likely depending on what colorway it is oh [ __ ] yeah yeah it gets way deeper yeah okay all right I'm so happy to be abstaining from this whole thing this little game that you guys play and it's even worse with the hats like they all have different hats different patterns of diamonds and different colors and all of a sudden the under brim color matters and I'm just like I'm so glad I'm not taking part you got a [ __ ] Gucci shirt on you feel me you might as well [ __ ] my girl gave it to me and it's like yeah all right might as well [ __ ] give a [ __ ] bro like you like clothes yeah a little bit but I'm just like not as into it as other people yeah no we we you feel me I wouldn't I don't feel like I would have been allowed to be over here if I didn't like clothes right like that's part of what made it work there's been people on the podcast at least momentarily where they their clothes were so bad that that alone seemed like probably reason enough that they shouldn't come back oh Jesus yeah I mean what you're doing is like so simple that it's like hard to do it wrong okay but when you're doing something and it's really not what you think it is that could be an issue for the brand as a whole no it's literally it's funny that this guy's an atheist because it's an act of God he's allowed on no jumper dressing like that oh there he is I told you he's a Lyricist okay that was good no I [ __ ] with Destiny the long way don't get it twisted pause um I think for the as a to wrap it up I don't mind the fashion thing the shoe thing or whatever the only thing that's weird to me about the shooting like hats makes sense shirts make sense the only thing that's weird about this thing is I've legitimately seen people like in elevators and [ __ ] that are like worried that they're creasing their shoes too much yeah then I'm like damn like sectors what's even dare about it is no one's ever gotten [ __ ] off the strength of their shoes in the history of mankind we wear it for ourselves to think that like if they've got like the sickest car like yeah it's like did it cost a lot of money but she doesn't give a [ __ ] about life is it a million or is it yeah this Corvette adds four inches to my [ __ ] like yeah yeah okay why do we have to cloak caring about fashion or design and like it being a gay thing we should be better than that we don't but I mean it's not exactly the most like traditionally masculine Pursuit so yeah yeah but in some ways it is like we're talking about cars and stuff it's totally normal for guys to have this appreciation for design right why once you apply it to close does it become kind of gay it's not I love [ __ ] and I like juice so I'm just shooting a hole through that theory every time it's brought up well it's because there are things that are inherently gay yeah yeah well I bet you identify with gay [ __ ] culturally okay such as yeah I'm kind of drawing homophobic here yeah go ahead theater oh that's all being a hair stylist the theater being a makeup artist have you guys okay but being a barber is not gay yes but that's that's fundamentally different have you got you guys familiar with uh Richard Cabral no Richard he's uh he was on that show Mayans he just had the uh interview really really popular interview anyway he I think he'd be a great guest but he was in theater and he's like a you know he's from South Central L.A you know that's the thing that's different though like like if you he's in theater like it B is such a great move to be a heterosexual male and be in the theater because you just there's so many marks around her gay fools around it's gonna be so easy I had a homie who was a hairdresser and he was fully straight women in [ __ ] it was it was insane I was like habitually just jealous as [ __ ] at what his social life was like because he's just every day meeting women over and over and over and you doing your job is you touching them getting super close to them feeling really comfortable having a conversation for a couple hours and then when they leave they feel like they look so much better and it's all because of you damn and then they're just hitting them up and just banging him I'm just watching it happen and I'm almost feeling like should I become a hairdresser I think I'm like a massage therapist or something like I feel like I think there's a whole class of jobs that are like that same with a lot of the tattoo artist dudes I've known in my life oh my God it was Criminal they kind of beat these girls off with a stick dude yeah exactly if you want starts with a [ __ ] stamp goes a little South of the Border next thing next thing you know 100 how what do you think about what Kanye West is doing to the discussion about Christianity do you think that he's a good advocate for it at this point in time oh man I think he was a great Advocate at one point in time kind of feels like he doesn't talk about God as much he just just did a thing today that came out him talking about how he's back in church and he's trying to do better uh so I was um at some of the Sunday Services back in the day um and they were dope they were they were dope and so at the if you ever go back and look at that stuff that when they did at the Forum um you can't really see Kanye in those like he's hidden out he does his raps he doesn't talk he didn't rant he didn't do anything and when he did his interview with uh Lex he said that he's been off of his medication for two and a half years and that's right when the Sunday services stopped it's about two and a half years ago and that's when the president run started happening and that's when I all the rants started happening is when he got so I think Kanye seemed to be in a sweet spot in terms of stable if you watch that Zane Lowe interview when he was actively doing his Sunday services and on medication I don't think it's either or so I think that was a sweet spot and I thought the Jesus king album was dope I thought the Endo was dope I agreed now just to take that further and expand on that one of his current advisors Fuentes how do you feel about his brand of Christianity I'm not a fan I debated a Nick Fuentes black white supremacist on my channel um do you know I don't remember no no no no I don't know who that is I don't know if I'm allowed to laugh oh no he's gonna go busted in here so so I think yay running around with Nick Foon says is not a good look because of the um white supremacy thing the white supremacy thing but no no specifically because people will be like how old is he white supremacist and it's the white nationalist it's the it's the uh IQ they believe that black people are a standard deviation lower and an IQ so I went down the rabbit hole and did all of this research and did a video about it and how it's utter nonsense standard deviation is 15 points so if the average IQ is 100 they're saying that black people have a 85 IQ which is insane and so this black gentleman he wasn't on camera so I'm giving them benefited out called in and they started spamming my chat and I ended up debating a black white supremacist on black people not having a standard deviation lower IQ I think that's poison I think that view is is completely awful and I don't know if yay knows that that's what Nick is on right and it's it's kind of weird to see both Flacco and Kanye having the same thing of like really liking Nick Fuentes despite like almost everything he's ever said or done like this it's just kind of baffling right it sucks that we're talking about this now because the only black guy left earlier yeah he's here in Spirit Well I think there's this feeling among a lot of black people that he verbalized that where like yeah you've got like racist conservatives but like the Liberals are [ __ ] racist too and they're racist in a different kind of absolutely and you're over pandering yeah yeah they treat you like your [ __ ] child right the way that they treat you just like so [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] with that [ __ ] either when you have when it feels like everybody's like that and everybody's two-faced if another guy comes out and he's like yo listen we can work on [ __ ] together I think that you're like genetically [ __ ] but I'm honest about it then like I think that there's an endearing quality they were like you know what sure I could [ __ ] you at least you're cool about it like I like I know where I stand and I legitimately think that there are people that feel that way right you think Nick's being that honest though no not at all I think he's holding his cards but at the very least he comes off as more racist than the average person and I think that if you're if you are black and you feel like everybody's hiding their racism having a guy that's a little bit more overt with it is like okay sure fine at least like you're honest about it like I know where I stand with you you know yeah I think yeah I think it is more a little bit more extreme than he lives on depending on who's talking I don't appreciate that he's doing it in the name of Jesus or Christianity or even Catholicism that's his whole [ __ ] that's a bad look that has nothing to do with I just had the leading uh Catholic apologist on my channel and that's that they're not on that time and I'm not a Catholic but they're not on that well that's what you're saying earlier like yeah he claims to be a Catholic nationalist not even a white nationalist but this is something something that you brought up earlier um generally when we watch movies there's a structure to everything right right you don't see random [ __ ] characters on stream on screen there's not a random thing that happens like everything is like pretty ordered and pretty purposeful for the intention of like delivering some experience we want to feel like our lives are the same way religion is nice because it's like the total package in terms of giving you all the different things that you need to live your life like if I don't have religion I've got to figure out like how am I supposed to act because moral and ethics are very complicated to figure out arguably impossible um what am I supposed to believe about like the state of the world like metaphysics and ontology like I don't know what exists or why or if a tree falls in a forest is anybody I don't know like any of these things right you don't know when the universe began you don't know what the purpose you have in life is like is there a reason why I exist like sometimes life sucks is there a meaning to that or is it just shitty and religion is a really nice way to take all of those complicated questions and then give you a package that addresses each and every one such that it's the reason why even for people like you who like might not have like the strictest interpretation that structure is still there and it gives you meaning to carry you through the shitty times so you can look forward to the good times I think helps make sense out of suffering yeah no absolutely absolutely one thousand percent I mean it um that's pretty much like the Catalyst for having faith right there and just having answers and definitive knowledge of something as opposed to just and like a beacon truly in the dark right especially you said you're a few young a few years clean on drugs or whatever absolutely right that yeah like pushing through especially for relapse times like yeah because what the [ __ ] is the point of anything you might as well just destroy your life having something like shining through that's like no push towards this like I think it can be a good guidance for a lot of people for sure and really okay let's say I'm wrong and let's say everything that I believe turns out to be wrong and there's and and it's just complete Randomness and there is no God at least I was leaning towards being a beacon of positivity and trying to help society and be the best version of myself because that's truly what I believe if I can't make a like an actual definition of what God is God God is the best version of myself and I might not necessarily know how to define God but me at my best is loving caring accepting forgiving present tolerant and if I'm trying my best to personify these ideologies and like you know what I mean like or these traits then that's me being as close to God if he does exist or even if he doesn't exist but you know what on an atheist like me here's all that it just sounds like like [ __ ] you shoot porn no it just sounds like something other than a conversation about whether it's true or not because to me that's the most important thing yeah because I think that I think that's the mistaken way to approach it I've repeated this a lot I think on earlier shows in here today that like people are not fundamentally truth seeking machines that's not what we're wired to do I don't think that people go into religion now maybe there might be like apologetics or other forms of try to like logically justify it but I don't think most people they're like searching for truth they're looking for meaning and those might feel like the same thing but they're totally different I think right you can find meaning in a lot of stuff that isn't truthful or doesn't have like a a Truth uh component to the question you can find meaning in a lot of art right is there a truth to how a particular piece of art is supposed to make you feel maybe not but there can still be meaning behind it to a person I think religion is very much the same way so yeah it's one thousand percent subjective right like and I think that like also this is a point I would say in favor of atheism but you mentioned earlier that like if you follow religious Doctrine or belief and you mentioned it too that it like generally leads you to more fulfilling and happy life that's probably true of almost all religions especially the abrahamic ones right like like a Muslim a Christian and a Jew unlike 93 of issues are gonna more or less like fall in line like it's not really that much of an endorsement of Christianity in general right right one thousand percent but I feel like all all the major religions um with the exception of like different Eastern philosophies and even then even then they're going to be like a large like yeah if you follow like the perfect Buddhist or the perfect [ __ ] you know whatever probably gonna be a decent person they're chill as [ __ ] they're like probably the chillest sometimes I have conversations with like hardcore exercise people and hear them talking about how Spartan their diet is and how they just won't engage with like almost any Temptations and it just occurs to be like in any other era in history this guy would be a religious lunatic but instead he lives in this time period where it's like considered acceptable for you to just take that much effort and put it into your health and your your Fitness and [ __ ] well look here's the thing a lot of those like let's just look at Judaism Christianity and um Islam and Islam there's a lot of overlap in fact we even share some of the same texts as other religions you know what I mean like it's there's a lot of overlap app in all these things now what I'm curious about do you consider yourself a fundamentalist Define fundamental yeah how do I how do I title this Destiny debates religious like you know like what's the best way to describe a fundamentalist means that you believe everything to its core like you've liked the word of the the word of God the words of the Bible you believe it to its core you're unwavering in your faith regarding that and you believe it to a T and you practice it to a t so I definitely practice it I would say as much to the scriptures as I can um I think when you get in a fundamentalist then you can get into young Earth creationism and in the days in Genesis literal are they figurative are we you know like gays are going to hell uh I think everybody who is dying with with rejecting Jesus is going to hell not just gays so I don't think that's a I don't think God's like discriminates for example no no I think everybody who isn't it's accepting Jesus is in serious trouble when we die because I don't think it's just like that's the thing people pick one thing and it usually goes to that card right and it's like no I think the guy smashing his girlfriend or pimping his girlfriend is going to hell too you know I think I think smashing just having sex pre-marital yeah outside of your outside outside of someone dealing with the consequences of your sin yeah I think that so um but do I take all of the Bible literally no I think there's stuff that's in there that's poetry I think that's of this in it it's figurative I think there's history I think there's songs there's so many different genres and so what people try to do is they'll try to say do you take all the Bible literally I'm like listen we're reading a 2000 year old book that was written in Greek Hebrew ancient Hebrew with that and Jesus spoke Aramaic right so it's going to require some degree of scholarship to approach it properly because fundamentalism is scary well fundamentalism in Evangelical Western American context is scary because they believe stuff that's like 100 years old like young Earth creationism is not what the church is historically held that's a very modern position right like like a lot of this stuff you guys see on TV with the with the whoosh and people falling out like that's not historical Christianity that's very modern stuff that you guys are seeing and it's tainting people's view of it that's Christianity with special effects that's Christianity with special effects that's you know that's the that's so you think those people are charlatans I think some of them definitely are all seen Osteen I think preaches an incomplete gospel the [ __ ] out get him on the street fighting you [ __ ] God [ __ ] with your soul like ether can I institute an actual debate here momentarily between you two oh can I institute a debate on this topic uh-oh religion is the key to any coherent moral code I said would you would you say that you agree with that um because this is what I'm interested in is the conversation about people deriving their moral code from religion versus just from their own sense of what's right and wrong because I get the idea that you believe that religion is the best way to define your moral code so I would say there's multiple ways people derive a moral code most common in the west is you Unitarianism like you what is the utility of said View and does it benefit the most amount of people that's void of religion right before that there's another word called deontological perspective which is just like something is absolutely right or wrong based on if everyone does it the chronological imperative so if everyone were to commit suicide that would be very bad right if everybody were right you see who I'm going with that so there's other ways to derive morality I think God and Jesus and natural law is the most optimal way um and and I would agree with that but I think there are other ways people pull ethics that aren't just based on God I just think God ways actually Trump and connect to all the other ways of how people come to ethics on anything beat himself in the debate do I get credit for that or yeah I think that's that's funny touche because he just said there's other ways besides religion I don't think that's the I don't think that's the best argument for why there's a God like I don't think the best argument is morality like I think you've came to your own morals outside of religion and I would probably disagree with a lot of them but I think there's uh I think it is a strong argument is that if we look at all the other ways of how people come to values it still connects with Jesus's ways of how we should live I think ultimately the end of the day when I'm having a conversation with somebody I want to feel like two reasonable Minds ought to be able to agree on a perspective or at least share at least understand a perspective if not agree on one problem I have with religion is that fundamentally uh two people of different religious sects are not going to be able to have agreements on moral issues because the way that they generate those moral truths are fundamentally different whereas if I have like secular people that are arguing amongst like ethical propositions or whatever I can try to get them on the same page because they'll be coming from secular backgrounds and they can have a debate on those fundamental I guess axioms where their ethical systems come from right I could say that oh well murder is bad uh you you gave a consequentialist framework utilitarianism who gave that as an example right two people might say like well murder is bad because in a society where murder is allowed we create for a worse Society because everybody's scared of you know killing each other and all that or dying you know and I could get two secular people to have an argument about that and roughly agree because there's something from this they're coming from the same place whereas two people from different religious backgrounds if one says oh well my religion says I'm supposed to kill these types of people and the other guy says well my religion says supposed to kill these types of people okay well let's argue okay well my God said that well my God said this the argument's kind of over so the incommensurability the non-compatibility of two different religious people to argue and settle disputes in my mind is a major fault with uh meta not metaphysical uh Supernatural belief systems because at the end of the day we're appealing to something that is ultimately unknowable ultimately unfalsifiable but caused this real world disagreements in terms of how we treat people and there's no way to reconcile those beliefs besides killing everybody that believes the other thing yeah but that's not New Testament followers of Jesus right they're not prescribing to kill anybody so if we're looking at the New Testament prescriptions of how one is to live they they reflect what you're talking about when secular folks disagree on murder sure that's true but I mean like ultimately at the end of the day in any society my opinion is the legal system is going to be the codified version of the ethics of a certain group of people Collective ethics are going to be codified in law to some size shape or form so like in more extreme like Muslim communities you see things uh Sharia law or actually codified into their actual law like gay relationships are illegal or adultery is illegal who get punished by death through these I don't see any reason why a Christian Society wouldn't necess necessarily follow similar things where certain people are ostracized from society or given some sort of punishment for being gay or practicing gayness or being an adulterer yeah but you said the collective Society in the legality of things determines whether something is right or wrong we would totally say Jim Crow was wrong in the 60s it's wrong today slavery was wrong 400 years ago is wrong today it is absolutely universally wrong to own people period to kidnap and own people is wrong but how do you feel regardless on if the society is something like let's say that Society was like 99 Christian and somebody's like well we need to make a law so that you can find every time you get caught having gay sex like I could see a lot of people like yeah that sounds fair and what about I don't know how you went to that I mean we're talking about this I was saying that collectively it's always the game What's really on your mind well because Jim Crow is an easy gimme because everybody thinks this library's wrong yeah that's but nobody's fighting with Christians today about enslaving black people we're fighting over things like abortion or gay marriage those are the things on top of it there's also globalization which was done under the veil of Christianity which was [ __ ] all that I'm saying we have modern debates right now that the difference in opinion stems from a theological background which is necessarily unassailable I can't argue if I want to have a conversation about abortion a guy's like oh I'm Christian oh well [ __ ] me the discussion is over I can't say anything to move that person do you think somebody could have a pro-life position without bringing God into it okay but I think of the pro-life position that hasn't brought got into it could be argued to a pro-choice position same thing a pro-choice person without God could be argued to a pro-life position but if they have God the fixation there that is going to cause a i in my opinion a static grounding for the morals such that you're not gonna be able to convince them because if I argue with somebody's like oh why are you pro-life I'm like well I believe that Humanity begins at the moment of conception and that's my secular background oh cool let's have a conversation about that but if somebody says oh I'm religious oh the conversation's over I'm never changing your opinion I think ending and murdering and ending a human life is wrong abortion ends a human life therefore abortion is wrong I don't think that's a very sure but if you get that from a secular point of view I can argue with you over when that moment of human life begins I mean biology says it begins a conception this unique DNA the moment the sperm and the Egg touch yeah but biology doesn't give us the moral consideration for a person well because you're saying morality is coming from the social consensus and I'm saying morality exists outside of the social consensus yeah but you're surroundings for that morality I can't argue with you because you believe in God I can never convince you otherwise you have your set of beliefs and that's never going to change my set of beliefs though was based on what is a human with unique DNA right so again I'm saying we could remove God from it and I'll say that dude that's that's a human with DNA and it's going to grow into a bigger human I understand it says I go and so a 25 year old is not less uh is not more valuable than a 15 year old than a 15 year old 21 year old 25 years a one-year-old is not more valuable than a three week five four week five week fetus but it's about when you give the DNA like more consideration when is it a person because a 25 year old corpse you wouldn't give any rights to sure but it's a human with DNA so so you got you got a heartbeat at five weeks you've got ten fingers ten toes at seven weeks the eyeballs are formed I mean have you ever have you ever seen a procedure of an abortion at 12 weeks 11 weeks nope but I don't care I probably I would encourage everyone whose pro-choice to go look it up um that has no bearing on the argument whatsoever um because it's a human in there that's the point though yeah but the question isn't whether it's a human the question is whether it's a life worth considering that's the question right again a corpse is human but we don't protect Corpses because we're protecting human life because there's no life in the courts exactly the baby has life so but we don't but that's the question the question is what is the life I don't think it's a question it is a question how is it a question if someone has brain waves if someone if someone has 10 figures ten toes so careful because now you just said brain waves right so are you okay with abortion at one or two weeks am I okay but no I'm not okay with any abortion okay so so the brainwave thing wasn't true when you said ten toes if a baby has eight toes it's still a human right so that part's not true right what I'm saying is right now we have the most liberal laws more liberal than the EU okay abortion has a hard cut off in most of Europe at like 12 weeks yeah no there's anything what I'm talking about okay no no but what I'm saying is that's way way more conservative than what we fought here for true but it also has nothing to do what I'm talking about I was just saying that your idea of abortion and the foundation for that idea is a religious one and that is an unshakable Foundation there is no argument that could ever like if I were to ask you right now could I give you any argument that would persuade you that abortion is okay no you're not going to get it exactly but but that's because I've been on both sides and I've wrestled through it and I've thought about it and watched debates and I've heard the best of the best arguments that's fine and I'm still convinced that that's a human in there and if you leave it untouched if you don't do anything to that that is going to grow into a full grown human then that's fine but I'm just saying that that that what you just said was there's it's there's no disagreement to be had there's no argument yes but that's but that's irrelevant of whether or not I believe Jesus is the son of God and bodily Rose no but the foundation is a theological one is a DNA one well the foundation is is theological from where your anti-abortion beliefs come from my anti-abortion beliefs my pro-life beliefs is that I believe babies should be protected because they're the most vulnerable with no voice that's not the foundation the foundation is going to be a theological one it has to be you're that the foundation is is biology you already said that nothing I changed no I can be you can become pro-life I was pro-life that's why I love you Nathan but that's why I have 11 year old kids because when my ex girlfriend got abortion I got a got a pregnant I was not in favor of abortion at all so at the time I was pro-life yes so you would have yielded your own child if you if you hold your modern my modern position yes I love you Nathan I mean that's for real yes and you don't think you would have regretted that knowing what you know now absolutely not whoa whoa hold on you you I'm distracting you have an 11 year old you love your 11 year old I love my 11 year old if you had the views you have now back 12 years ago you would have yeeded that child and you wouldn't have regretted it I wouldn't have been eating the 11 year old child I have now but within a fetus right no but because he grew into an 11 year old child and he wouldn't have grown into the 11 year old child it's an incomprehensible question right it's not an encumbrance he's literally here he's here with you but he wouldn't have been 12 years ago when she was pregnant why right but now he's here and you're saying you if you held your position now you would have been Pro ending that child's life it wouldn't have been a child's life I was ending right but it is it is it might have been saying maybe back then I would have been Pro condoms it would have been the exact same outcome well you wouldn't be asking me like well would you be Pro out would you be Pro condoms knowing then that you wouldn't have your beautiful 11 year old child today yeah condoms is different because that's a barrier I don't think it's different than laughing an egg latching and ripping it out now it was there every time where you'd have a hard cut off for abortion what are you caught up right now it's around 20 weeks 20 weeks yeah okay have you have you looked at a 20 week old fetus inside I don't care what it looks like I don't determine my morality based on things look why not because that's not a good answer for me what does it look like okay if a baby no offense babies look [ __ ] hideous when they were born but I don't think you should be able to born in a baby at eight months okay so you're cut off again I love you Nathan you cut off at eight months you're cut off no no I'm cut off at about 20 weeks 20 weeks why 20 weeks because I think 20 weeks because my definition for what is a human life worth considering is when is there the potential to deploy a country experience because when we talk about harm or suffering or avoiding harm we're usually talking about a person that has an experience that knows what it's like to suffer and that's what we ought to avoid so fetuses don't seem to have all of the brain parts and the communication between the brain Parts in place until around 20 to 24 weeks so once that happens once that experience exists now there's something to speak about that's being harmed and I would want to avoid harming that thing would you would you let that flesh out to its logical conclusion if someone is laid in a vegetative state do we have the the desire to just unplug it yeah and we do we do that yeah against uh Power of Attorney and against someone's will power of attorney gets comp located because we're not talking about whether or not that person is uh is like a person worth considering or whatever at that point we're talking about like another person who's been vested powered by the state to make decisions on behalf of that person okay what if someone's asleep uh no because they still have the potential to deploy Consciousness you can wake them up you can't wake up a fetus what if you don't wake them up what if you just eat them and they don't know that they got you to uh it would be it would be bad because that would be bad because it's a brain that has already has the capability of deploying I think the key in which you said earlier is that it seems we don't really know about a much a bunch about Consciousness I know that if I wake a person up who's sleeping they will be I was talking about the 20-week cutoff we don't know much about contracts but we can measure it about as well as we can in the 20-week fetus doesn't have as much Consciousness as a 30-week fetus doesn't have as much Consciousness well no but it begins to have the experience of knowing what it's like to be something they begin to have that awareness instead of Consciousness is the only way you would cut off that's right yeah when people are dead as Consciousness yeah I think that's an incoherent position okay there we go we solved it well yeah but I'm like at the end of the day my position can be moved because I'm open to reasonable arguments but your position is unmovable because you're religious that's the issue with having any more I'm saying my position has been moved multiple times no it's once but once it was caught by the religious gravity well now it's sunk into the religious black hole and there's no more it's thought terminating yeah that's not true there's Christians that I would strongly disagree with them that hold the pro-choice position or say you know a 20-week cut off of 12 we cut off a 10 we could I think I think they're wrong sure you could say that now even earlier when I asked you is there anything that can move your business and why did I say no because I said because I've had both positions I've been walking with Jesus for 20 years I've thought through this I voted for Obama in 08 in 2012 thinking this through thinking oh he's a pro-choice and I wouldn't vote like that now right and I changed my position on this because I was wrong I don't think there should ever be a particular thought where like nothing could change my mind on that I think you should always be open to New Evidence changing your opinion so would you would you be open to like just shooting somebody in the face being morally okay if they did nothing to you um if they did nothing to you if they didn't if your life is not at harm are you okay with changing your position of shooting somebody in the face being morally acceptable and killing them I mean like it would be a Fantastical argument but I'm sure you could build it out somehow right what about what about it what if I had a machine that allowed me to read the events of the future and I had a person in front of me who done no harm to me and I could shoot them in the face to kill him and that person was Hitler in that case I guess yeah probably I would shoot them I probably would there you go even before he killed a single joke what what about what if um now we're getting so deep in the left field of hypotheticals but Jesus comes back and says I'm cool with abortion does that change your ideology oh my God there is a super interesting um that's a good question uh I don't think Jesus would come back and say that I'm saying what if he did I think I don't know that's a great question this is part of this is part of like he does he does a sermon at the Sherman Oaks Galleria you know what I mean and like this is I have an interesting one first of all that's I don't know if you thought of it there's a very what is the name of the Paradox um to where does morality exist because God commands it or does God reveal morality do you know the name of that is I don't know there's a there's a name for that it's very interesting philosophical question like does something become moral because God speaks it well I would say yes it becomes more because God says or is there a set of morals and God reveals it chicken or the egg because you have to be really careful the answer that you just gave because this is going to be really loaded but then let's say that God does come down and he says you can murder people now if God speaks it then in your eyes is it moral yes so so the thing is though that God doesn't contradict himself God is the same today yesterday forever so that would be a contradiction but let's say God comes down and he says there's been a misinterpretation of things I've said in the past I don't I don't think you can misinterpret do not murder like that's pretty clear-cut I don't know there's a lot of questionable things that you know I think you're reaching I think I think you had a better question that was a conundrum for me what was uh wait hold on didn't David uh didn't David threaten to split a baby in two to figure out who the real mother was yeah that was a that was a that wasn't David that was Solomon oh Solomon okay King Solomon yeah and so that was a a hypothetical thing that he was going to do similar to Abraham but sure he didn't walk that out so it's like people are like God's telling people to kill their sons it's like yeah and then that didn't happen God told somebody to rip a baby a half that didn't happen that was a hypothetical to see which one was really the mother of the said baby that was exhibiting Solomon's wisdom in in that moment okay so threatening it is okay if you want to prove a point I mean he didn't do it he didn't do it now I want to know is Jesus white no oh so he's the medic I just I mean again I just came back from Israel you know uh wait do you consider yourself white uh I I think in the eyes of society I'm viewed as white so sure but I think like my upbringing was not the Armenian people I'm around don't concern themselves away yeah I'm almost talking about white people like some others I'm also fair skinned like we were like similar to the same complexion you know so like I I'm viewed as white as Society though my experience has not been uh that of uh like my dad not being in my life being predominantly raised by black folks and and my you know my closest friends so yes but my culture Armenians are not white that's not Western you know white Christian culture here's a question a lost chapter of the Bible comes out authentically historically verified Jesus wrote this on the fourth day he rose on the third day he wrote this on the fourth day and then he takes off right and in this fourth version it says actually murder and adultery are okay and it's 100 verified 100 and it says you can kill kids if you really want they're really [ __ ] annoying would you believe that no because it contradicts what he's already established what if it says the prior record that you think is true is not true that's like you having a black shirt on in this conversation and then hopping on stream later and trying to convince everyone that you had a white shirt on it because I could say there was a tune applied to the video you could probably Photoshop it you cannot Photoshop I mean you could Photoshop you can't do it with live videos I don't think these guys are talented I don't think I've seen some defects but I'm saying engage with a hypothetical let's say that that chapter came out they did all the research they verified holy [ __ ] this actually was Jesus [ __ ] wrote this [ __ ] in his own pen and paper I think I think you're using an unnecessary hypothetical to make a mute point well the point is is that well the the really deep philosophical point is I think that most of our morality comes from these intuitive places that we don't want to admit we want to pretend that we're appealing to some external God code and God has given us the Ten Commandments things and I don't actually think that's true I think that intuitively there's a code that lines up with most of our moral intuition and that's why we follow it but we like to pretend that we logically oh of course we believe in the resurrection and now we've logic out the Ten Commandments but if I could show you actually actually there's Commandments 11 and 12 and 11 and 12 say you can kill annoying kids but those contradict Commandments one through ten I think what you're saying isn't wrong the first the first presupposition is fine we have an intuitive nature that's called the the the the law is written on our heart I think you're right that's not it doesn't have to be a binary right like I think it's and both God declares things to be right wrong and he's wired humans to have a conscience and to have the ability to know right from wrong okay so I think you're creating a false binary when it is I disagree I don't think so I think you just I think you don't want to engage yourself have you ever heard of abortion in in the Bible yes I've read the passage that's that's not this is a mistranslation in NIV translation 100 you can look this up we can verify it right now that's not an ESV that's not in the new king hold on wait wait wait I don't have her belly to swell in a numbers passage I know what you're talking about the it's the one where if you commit adultery yes you can give her a magic potion and then her belly will swell and then she will miscarry this nonsense that's the whole past the whole chapter is not chapter is not it's saying that the whole chapter and it doesn't use the word miscarry that is a mistranslation it doesn't say miscarry but what it says is so here for full context is that if you are a woman and you think that or if you think that your woman has been adulterous she can go to a priest and ask her forgiveness forgiveness and she can say a prayer basically and drink I think it's a bitter potion or something and what will happen is as long as your baby is truly from your husband then you will the potion will pass unharmed but if it's from an adulterous relationship then you will expel the fetus so I would I would challenge everybody listening to this and you after this to pull that up and see if it actually says she was ever pregnant or is that an NIV mistranslation of the word she was never pregnant she was never pregnant what's happening then that's a discipline on her not on a baby that was conceived what does it mean to pass I promise you look up the ESV I could provide the resources but in that case if you're going to say that all of that is true then I don't know why I can't say hypothetically The Ten Commandments were mistranslated or part of that well because like what about like the Red Sea and the sun reads from Moses Crossing like initially they said that he parted the entire Red Sea but I think most people agree that's a mistranslation it was actually like the marsh the Sea of reads or whatever yeah like there was a natural phenomenon that happened God used the natural phenomena I've heard that explanation but that's way different than the [ __ ] Red Sea right I mean I mean it's it's it seems to see opened up the sea opened yeah marshy swamp that is like on a low tide versus parting a whole [ __ ] sea right he walked through the sea and then the guys came after Egyptians came after and they died that's what happened whether it was okay a murky swamp or the actual Seas parting like what do you say about the fact that there's no archaeological evidence that juice ever existed an enslavement in under there it's not true I was just in Israel and they found stuff recently in Egypt to say that that was true okay there's zero archaeological evidence that there's ever a massive Jewish enslavement in nature but okay I want to do this all the time we don't have any popcorn what would it take to convince you uh you follow Jesus damn dude if God is ever present in every single facet of our existence I would want to see some kind of evidence of that somewhere I think that's what I would need something I'm not really convinced by the 2000 year old this happened arguments although I guess if there was a really compelling one maybe have you have you examined them a little bit I dig in but there's like always there's fights back and forth over was the tomb empty was the was the tomb even empty was the body hidden Etc could I get you some books and I don't care that much I want to see if it's a God then you watch a movie can you watch a movie [ __ ] no if there is a guy no movie no movie if there's a God that's ever present in every facet of our lives and every facet of our existence I should be able to see that somewhere the fact that the whole universe seems to run and work pretty well without any God interfering in anything makes me question like why I would need him to explain any of the phenomena that occurred I think he he has interfered and I think he does and actively is I think God's in this moment with us right now okay well where is he at I think me coming in here and prepping and and honestly like being shook you texted me at 11 30 at night DM me at 11 30 at night um I know you're for real because you drove from San Diego yeah I I think God is with us in this moment I think your time but if you weren't here let's say that you texted him back and then he was like actually that razor whatever the [ __ ] he responded I don't need you anymore well then you'd say oh well God is testing me he's showing that if I keep pushing forward I can get like a little bit like there's always gave you guys the gifts I brought for you but I'm just saying there's always a way to like shoehorn God into it he can't explain anything maybe but but my day would have still been flourishing with the presence of God yeah I know but I'm saying that like that's kind of weak like if my day goes really well halleluia God you know shown down on me and did something like it was really rough like oh this is a trial that God has put anything have a good day even in my suffering God is there yeah I know that's so God is always there so when you say like God is in this room right now what the where is he what is it he's in this conversation okay if he pops up in the sky right now and just shared words with us for like 30 seconds me and Destiny would both be Christians tomorrow yeah facts I don't know again I would challenge you guys if it was that easy have you guys ever asked him asked Jesus to reveal himself to you right that would go back with that Resurrection I yes I have obviously lot as a kid especially when it's kind of like but you're not but if you truly believe in God you're not supposed to ask ever proof right he's supposed to be revealed I don't think there's anything wrong saying God if you're real review yourself to me I'm almost positive that's a really bad I mean that's literally how I became a Christian Destiny have you ever had you at the time thought was a spiritual experience um it would just be [ __ ] like if I flip this coin three times and it lands on heads every time God is real it would be dumb [ __ ] like that as a kid basically but so nothing like really significant life-altering never seen ghost never had anything spooky happening you've never like prayed for something and it's came to pass nothing like that I mean like sometimes I'll pray to pass a test but I mean if I pass it it's because I got the right answers right God's never paid the rent for me okay me I don't know I've had some pretty miraculous stuff happen Supernatural spooky stuff happened on the back of prayer I mean I for sure have too and I don't I can't explain it I have no logical explanation for it but that's not to say that you know okay but yeah I never I never had one when I was when I was kind of in between it never really revealed itself to me absolutely have with that being said I'm not anti-abortion okay wow that were you supposed to argue now no no like like that it's difficult and I've always said this about I feel like my belief system and my ideology and just Me overall as a person you can't really like pigeonhole or categorize like that although I do consider myself Christian I don't lean into things that I disagree with but do you do you feel like that's just self-serving because you've paid for so many Jesus Christ that's part of it I assume I don't I don't know there's a whole [ __ ] no jumper clip anyways yeah yeah who do you guys think abortion benefits men or women both if they choose to have one yeah yeah if a girl gets raped or some [ __ ] I mean that's pretty [ __ ] up if she doesn't it's an extreme example but that's just one clear cut case questions less than one percent I mean it's it's a percent yeah it exists yeah if it's a million babies aborted a year isn't that what Christians say yeah that's ten thousand raped women a year ten thousand aborted babies from rape fifty percent of uh rape women keep the baby my whole belief so in terms of being pro-choice is just that the societal consequences of women being forced to carry through pregnancies that they do not want to carry have to be net negative in comparison to the living in a world where they're able to make that choice I just think that in terms of my lived experience of seeing how much it's benefited women to be able to have abortions and just how much that stopped them from having to live out being a mother when they didn't want to or weren't going to be able to be a responsible mother I just think that's such a clear-cut benefit to society that it overwhelms any kind of even if I did believe that there was an element of Cruelty towards abortion at a after a certain point I still just think it's so important that women be able to make that choice not to imagine how blatantly overpopulated the planet is well I don't know believe that no the whole population the whole population of the world could fit in the state of Texas and everybody would have 1200 schools right but how much but but you but that's not to say how much of the world is uninhabitable you know what I mean like I'm saying in parts that are inhabitable people can live in cities the the issue that we're really dealing with and this is another utility argument is that uh depopulation is a real thing and if you look at what's happening in South Korea in Japan their entire societies is now reproducing are on the verge of collapsing their social safety net systems are on the verge of collapsing right now in real time because people aren't having enough kids and that's like that's going to happen in America soon if we don't increase our birth rate so what would you say to my thing about abortion that I just said I think uh it's anecdotal I understand sure I know I know quite a few women that have had abortions usually to benefit men because men didn't want to be responsible fathers in situations and I've also seen women that have became superheroes and it's completely changed their life I've seen men step up and become incredible fathers and change their life because of a child and committing to that so I've seen the opposite um within the I believe a baby should be for a man and a woman in a marriage for the nuclear family I think that's optimal and I think any empirical evidence proves that but I've seen the the unideal circumstances even in cases of rape completely be a massive blessing um to a lot of people whether I mean we get the Google famous people that almost got aborted you're talking about Steph Curry he's talking about Barack Obama like you're talking about some pretty Heavy Hitters and so it has some kind of dark implications though right there I bet there's been some murders that were almost aborted well that was the argument though that was the Freakonomics argument was that because of poverty abortions and that positive I would I would just disagree with it I think we need to repopulate and I think people generally need to make better decisions with who they choose to lay down with have you guys seen this backlash on Tick Tock after Roe v Wade got overturned backlash on Tick Tock yeah there was a bunch of folks from the hookup Community women from the hookup community that were like that's it that's it we're done hookup culture is dead and then the number one trending app on the app store if you guys guessed what it was right after Roe v Wade Senator a fertility tracking app who would have thought who would have thought Adam that women you know what I mean so that's what I'm saying like I think we like use this as this like emotional what about rape what about it's like the you know the vast majority of abortions are out of yeah I just don't want to keep this baby anymore instead of being preventative careful selective with who you want to have kids with how many abortions have you paid for Adam zero respect you're making payments I had one girl back in the day who told me that she got an abortion like after she already did and I never really knew if it was true because I also knew her to be a liar on a variety of other things so I kind of thought that she was just playing games with me well what what how does Plan B factor into this equation man I'll be completely honest with you I I I'm not fully um like tapped into what plan B does is prevent implantation yeah that's kind of gets murky in that um generally speaking I'm like anti-anything besides like barrier methods in the Rhythm method you know what I mean so uh so pull out game strong you straight yeah yeah I mean I build a family with a wife and make her an honest woman strong praise God I think that's for non-procreative purposes is probably bad though no uh in Catholicism not in Christianity in Christianity is a whole book called Song of Solomon and it's just all about folks getting it on including including oral pleasure and all kinds of strip teasing and dancing no you know about Tiana Trump no okay she's in that chapter Solomon is a book that Jewish boys couldn't even read because it's erotic literature and it's about a man and a woman getting it on did we ever get an answer on Saturday does that include oral I think sovereign nothing if it contains both things yeah that doesn't make any sense I thought I thought it does it's not that sodomy contains some things my understanding was that sodomy is non-vaginal sex that's what sodomy sexual intercourse involving anal or oral copulation so it kind of like only makes sense so like it's like a sin perspective why those sodomy like even giving somebody a hand job I thought would be considered a sodomy I've never heard of that I've heard of it for the the oral but what a weird thing that it was it's like a legal in some places that sometimes you have hand jobs on the books in a lot of places still right certain States like they have arcade glass from 17 you feel me whatever well the problem is that for a lot of those laws they don't get enforced anymore but nobody's gonna like pass a motion to like strike them exactly but like yeah like there's there's definitely uh Utah you can't like butt [ __ ] your girlfriend or else you're like yeah they're all doing it yeah anal is huge in the Mormon world yeah they're for sure that's one thing I could tell you oh wow I don't know multiple wives you uh support Donald Trump no you never have at any point no ever your faith prohibits you from supporting such an immoral man or what yeah more or less yeah I don't think the way he spoke was indicative of the values he claimed to represent how do you feel about Herschel Walker in Georgia the upcoming runoff election yuck bad man if you're in Georgia guys or not that's I mean I'm not I'm not for Warnock either I think Warnock is very problematic but uh for Herschel Walker why is Warner problematic uh because he's pretty far into the Left End of the spectrum I mean I'm just oh what he's a holy man he's a cool dude stop wow not guys but we're gonna be there canvassing on the third fourth fifth I think we'll be there with 250 people strong so what so knocking on doors so what happened the lecture was so close that they had to do another election George has this dumb [ __ ] rule I think I should know this because I can't reserve the last cycle but I think that If no candidate gets over 50 of the vote then there's a runoff within a percentage no no if they don't get over 50 so like let's say they're all because there's a third party yeah so if it's like 49.8 1 guy and then two guys have 25 they'll do a runoff election or if it's like 49 7 versus like 48.3 I don't know what the last numbers were about yeah yeah no I can't do Trump I can't do Walker I like desantes I think he's decent you know but generally I'm not a a big right wing or left-wing guy what are your thoughts on to say it's just destiny he's like Trump Jr no I don't know I didn't like the the whole weird gay [ __ ] that don't say gay [ __ ] the um like all the school interference stuff the anti-trans stuff um you think kids should be taught that a past uh before third grade the problem is I don't know what the [ __ ] they're teaching kids I don't think anybody knows the [ __ ] they're teaching kids I mean if there's documented proof that kids I don't know I don't trust any of the right Wingers show up on like the [ __ ] like if there's like real actual proof of [ __ ] there is then not by right Wingers I I have to go through everything very carefully because nobody in the internet cares about anything that's real if we should have seen that with that [ __ ] Kitty lyric story that just [ __ ] passing the entire goddamn country here are the kitty liters yeah they're saying that they had a kitty litter spot yeah but every single [ __ ] in the country was looking for catboys in their third grade classrooms okay I heard about that and it was totally [ __ ] fake so like yeah if there's teachers having conversations with kids where it's like sometimes little boys you know want to get vaginas like yeah that's obviously wildly inappropriate but like saying that like oh you know trans people exist sometimes people feel differently and you know sixth seventh eighth grade whenever it's age-appropriate I think that's an okay but as far as I know the law was a cutoff for uh third grade as far as I know the problem is that the law yeah the law specified I think it was up till third grade but there was other language in the law or when age appropriate and the law itself created a private cause of action for families to sue schools and for the schools to to shoulder the burden of those lawsuits if something wrong happened so the problem isn't necessarily the law itself it's the chilling effect that's created like let's say I want to teach a a certain uh author that happens to be gay could there be a parent that wants to file a lawsuit against a school because we're teaching gay literature or gay authorship or gay plays or whatever I remember being in school and the Christian kids I wasn't Christian but the Christians was being able to opt out of certain stuff so like if they knew that uh some of these you know they didn't want to do sex they could just opt out so it seems like some of that has changed it seems like the the fear is hey let's not over correct and indoctrinate people into saying this is the same as a nuclear that's not mutually exclusive to just Christian kids either like if you if you don't want to most schools aren't going to make you in Biology class dissect of frog anymore and things like that if you don't oh yeah I think I'd be forced to I mean I think if parents don't don't want their kids to be exposed to the idea that these alternative lifestyles are the same as a nuclear family they should have the right to not have their kids I think you should have to learn about it I think you should have to learn about it is I'm extremely concerned as a parent that at some point my kid is going to go to school and is going to have a [ __ ] teacher who basically tries to convince them that the spirit of the founding of America was inherently racist and I feel like that is a like practical conversation that should happen about what is considered acceptable to teach two kids in high schools in junior highs whatever like I think that that's a real conversation that needs to happen and sometimes we get so distracted by the Polar Opposites of each conversation that we aren't willing to like try to meet in the middle on something and I'm down to me in the middle there but I think there's a lawsuit in California right now of a sixth grader who was basically convinced and there's leaked recordings of this that she was trans and went through a whole transition and then the CPS got called in because the mom wouldn't use the proper pronouns mom pulled her out of the school put her in a different school she's no longer trans and this is sixth grade right so I think that stuff is happening too as well which is like man yeah that's just [ __ ] up that's crazy bro if it's if it really happened like that no no it really happened like every single time I'm not saying you're doing this but at 100 not 92 not even 100 of the time a story like that is brought up whenever I go home and I research it afterwards there's like a million things more complicated that changed dramatically how this story plays out so well if that's happening it's bad I'm trying to convince uh sure I understand articles upon articles but it is a real thing happening in California right now where there's uh teachers that got reprimanded for it and there's a lawsuit happening right now leaked recordings of them at a trans lgbtq conference and how to talk to kids in conservative areas that stuff happens man you know so you're talking about being indoctrinated that everything is racism I mean this what about trans stuff like that that can jack up a kid's psyche there's and I think that's fair too is that there should be a conversation about what's acceptable to teach kids in that regard and like we we can't just leave it up to individual teachers but because clearly some of these teachers are [ __ ] lunatics and we see it playing out on the internet all the time and I just think it's like even even somebody like me who's not super concerned about my kid being [ __ ] radicalized by school like I feel like I have a decent reason for concern at some point you know she's she's two so not much concerned currently but I think there has to be a way we could teach history and say hey man like we got a pretty dark history in this country however for sure however you know we're also not going to say that everything is system systematically racist and you can't get ahead and it just sucks for you and it's a zero-sum game I just don't want my kids to be like seven and confronting her her whiteness or whatever the [ __ ] I don't want Robin D'Angelo to be speaking at her school yeah I agree this is kind of where I'm at I agree I don't know um [ __ ] what else should we talk about so they said we should take questions from the chat not sure if you guys do that here Chad's going pretty crazy though I'm very open to that are we super chats no we got okay we got 11 minutes till Monday show unless you want to push we did say that we were going to give ourselves an extra half hour if we wanted but yeah I don't know I just myself I can't stop thinking about Tim Poole being on the the Kanye West Jet and just that I heard they were live streaming together somebody just messaged me and said that apparently gay walked out of the no Tim guest interview with 20 minutes can we see that can we react to that uh it's probably not a good idea for copyright reasons but if you played at once wait there is a clip there's a clip of him walking out if there's a clip we should if you go to YouTube and type [ __ ] temple walk out and it comes up and for sure it's definitely on Twitter you can play it at 1.25 speed to avoid the copyright I learned that from uh my situation with the black I mean either way we're probably just gonna we're gonna appeal it either way but uh I feel like I would have already seen it mentioned in the chat if that actually existed but Adam when are we gonna get you to interview some Christian rappers man who you got Lecrae Lecrae I mean that's awesome you should talk to him no big deal uh Indie tribe I'm rescued Andy Mineo I went back and read the message I sent you in 2018 and I didn't reread it but I saw that it exists yeah is it good yeah I mean I was just saying like man like I think it'd be interesting if you interviewed some different people and do you Revere DC to talk because they are my memory from childhood I used to just hear about them I was like those are Christian rappers bro he still makes music oh it's just one guy it's well it's a oh gosh I forgot his name so like like there there's a lot of rappers that are Christians amazing like like that that aren't necessarily in the genre of Christian rap like one of my favorite things in hip-hop are when hardcore gangster rappers make God songs like for example Scarface oh yeah has some of the best Jesus records ever they'll make [ __ ] Destiny want to go to church bro Scarface got some bangers okay here we go yeah put us in the corner can we hear it are we gonna get to hear it uh I might take some finagling I don't know oh he gets Nick there's your buddy Nick why is he all of a sudden wearing like a boy he's been rocking the [ __ ] like uh life and then all of a sudden he starts hanging with Connie and he's just wearing athleisure are you afraid of the press Kanye stylized well we didn't get to hear anything there what happened you guys want to bring that stuff up I think they've been extremely unfair here we go who was they though we can't tell you they is I'm not using the I don't use the word as the way I guess you guys use I'm talking it is them though isn't it I mean because because when you think about it consider it does he mean juice what do I mean like uh uh okay so how about are you leaving oh no Tim pool is too anti-semitic for Connor no no not anti-semiticism wow what'd you guys think of the house that's crazy oh poor Tim oh dude he probably saw the money bags walking out of his [ __ ] Studio what the [ __ ] what'd you guys think of Balenciaga thing did you guys already talk about that yeah I was actually thinking about asking destiny that as well because I wasn't really sure what to think it looked like some stupid I think yay might have uh dodged a bullet with that one huh do you guys see the follow-up on like the books that they were posted and some of the weird stuff in the books and cam dressed to sex like the the thing that came out today there with their head design yeah dressing Kim just like this stuff that they dressed the babies okay hold on did we think that they were like trying to send coded pedophilic messages that's what I'm saying like what what do people think that they actually were doing I don't necessarily think that although I I feel like a lot of times people play off the assumption that people are like using that symbolism like for example no no listen to me listen I'm not saying that it's like a pro adrenochrome or anything like that what I'm saying it is weird for sure but like when Jay-Z when everybody was like Jay-Z's in the Illuminati and then all of a sudden he had to Run This Town video which had like Illuminati imagery all through it and all that kind of like just to [ __ ] with people I think they're putting they're like let's try to sneak some better [ __ ] in Joseph I don't think I don't think they're neces I think they're like playing with uh the satanic imagery which kind of is one tick away from pedophilic imagery I think I think the sheer incompetence to let something like that slide and then have books on the wall with weirdo imagery is is just out of this world so so to even just take it on a very superficial level that's just gross negligence to do that knowing that the right wing would just like like if they if Destiny or I were consultants for Balenciaga and they had ran that by us we would have been able to basically predict exactly like what Mike cernovich's tweets the response is super predictable so I'm not sure why they took that leap if they were gonna immediately retract it you know yeah sure it's it but the thing is is that like first of all it's not like the word it's not like there's a paper and it was like child porn good right it was like a particular Supreme Court case anything you had to look it up because it had to do with child porn like it's not like it was literally written right there like we love chalkboard I don't know like I just like there are of all the possible worlds where [ __ ] happened whenever [ __ ] like that happens and people are like oh I think there's like also they all got together in the back room none of this leaks by the way because apparently it's the best secret of pedophile Society in the world and they all are like okay well we're petos and we want to signal to other pedos so maybe in this like advertisement that's paid for with like all this outside funding and everything let's try to sneak like the the most sneakiest [ __ ] pedophilia because it's like no shot this is it's out of this I know there's no way I'm not I'm not I'm not saying all of that Destiny I'm just saying the fact that this sheer degree of incompetence happened what a brand as big as Balenciaga is nuts and I think they should they're deserving I mean when we say shared degree of incompetence let's here let's play this okay let's say the conservatives had never freaked the [ __ ] out you know emptying their load on their [ __ ] keyboards when they when somebody looked up what Supreme Court case says is anybody anywhere across the world being negatively affected by this is anybody really looking up the words in a piece of paper in a Valencia and then typing them into their computer and seeing what the case is about and then like liking child porn no no I don't think it's them liking child porn I think it's being okay with platforming creatives and designers that are into some weird stuff well it's definitely like whether or not it's it's Pro pedophilic it's definitely like satanic imagery we could always say Tana it was just the words of a Supreme Court you got to look at that I'll pull that up for you because they have like kids holding like a teddy bear in the teddy bears wearing bondage too which is [ __ ] I agree it's kind of weird but I also just don't ascribe the kind of thing to it that a lot of people seem eager to I don't know it's the stuff Kim Kardashian was wearing definitely no but did you see the other thing the picture of the [ __ ] who's one of the head designers for Balenciaga wearing all red holding the red baby Now swipe and you guys because that don't look a little satanic to you swipe and you don't see him in the same outfit like one like a cover an album cover for one of the metal bands you used to Jack back in the day but let me see I want to see it so swipe back you'll see so this is this is trending right now with Kim Kardashian the stuff they dressed her in is out of one of the books that was in the ad and that's straight out of the the weirdo imagery so what she's supposed to look like these satanic drawings the satanic drawings were in the book in the ads like they were had they had these books and the ads so yeah you guys could go look this stuff up it's pretty crazy but um here's what I'm saying if Democrat had [ __ ] three kids little girls on stage singing about like some [ __ ] candidate like Trump did with those three girls I think people would be over analyzing the [ __ ] out of it but because it was probably nobody give a [ __ ] I just I feel like there's something that's true too though I feel like there's selective analysis that goes on working really hard for [ __ ] political thing what if Trump was was sniffing a little girl's hair they would go crazy I mean what if Trump was paying porn stars to be hospital he was [ __ ] him then behind his [ __ ] third wife's back right like I mean what he wouldn't get my phone but but we all know it's like a pretty obvious conservative Playbook that they basically just try to take everything on the left or any of their ideological opponents which Balenciaga officially is because they deserted Kanye and then they try to conflate whatever they're doing with pedophilia and just because it's the most toxic thing to be associated with and this is a [ __ ] layup because it's kind of in your face creepy and weird and just seems totally tone deaf and I don't blame the conservatives for [ __ ] doing this because it's so obvious that this is their playbook but people like Balenciaga shouldn't be making this [ __ ] it this [ __ ] easy on them yeah they they they definitely like like you said tone deaf the timing is crazy because a lot of other brands you know uh high-end luxury Brands and designers have been toying with this imagery for a long [ __ ] yeah is it like is it like they just did this now was they've been a Kanye or have like higher end luxury Brands which I would normally like me I don't understand half the [ __ ] [ __ ] they're showcasing have they always been engaging in like really off the wall really pushing the boundaries like crazy [ __ ] a lot of high fashion is basically just like co-opting a lot of [ __ ] that's going on but now that they're political opponents now it's satanic imagery and not just like artists being you know doing wacky a few years removed from it I'll admit that when the whole thing happened about the Gucci turtleneck that had the [ __ ] face on it that kind of looked like blackface yeah that I kind of felt like that was a stretch that to me that like did not seem like an attempt for them to do like a coded anti-black thing right what about the when h m had the coolest monkey in the jungle and they had a black kid modeling it again that's a bit tone deaf yeah but I don't really see what is inherently racist about the existence of monkeys and like a shirt referencing monkeys like I have a two-year-old trust me she loves monkeys she says the word monkey all the time she points at Teletubbies and calls them monkeys because she hasn't figured out that they're called Teletubbies yet it's just a very very like they shouldn't have had a black kid wearing it in the catalog but if they hadn't made that decision then I don't think we ever would have heard about it yeah and even if that place right like a black kid jumping like I said like kids talk about like monkeys and [ __ ] right they remind you when people are like we need to rename monkey pox because it's racist and it's like what the [ __ ] does it say about you if you think monkey pox you think black people like right why would that even be with your mind yeah that's a racist thought yeah but that's kind of weird like oh a kid like no monkeys in the jungle like I don't know I would see a kid [ __ ] wearing some [ __ ] monkey [ __ ] I wouldn't be like oh my God black it's an ape like Jesus that's just like some and yeah I don't know I feel like I feel like people no Freud didn't slip yeah people run people run to like these crazy places like bro maybe dude and even I like I remember Contra points brings us on a video where I see like an ad I see like a picture and you have like uh like some woman in her child and it's like protecting our future and it's a white woman in a white child and I'm thinking like this is a [ __ ] Nazi ad right right but it's not it's just a white person and a white kid and I'm like what the [ __ ] am I even thinking anymore and I feel like we gotta people have to [ __ ] chill you need to bring the temperature way down and I have a lot of examples of the same exact type of [ __ ] like there is like there's a hip-hop ad and it was two white kids faces and it said this is our culture and I thought I had the same [ __ ] thought now out with that being said Balenciaga having an ad with little kids and teddy bears with SM s m gear on is [ __ ] sus let's keep it a stack I guess I wish that conservatives had this outrage for [ __ ] pageants which is conservative culture and that's a million but that is a million times more sus and they have been [ __ ] silent on it and that's why when I look at you and I this is why here's an issue that I have when we talk about educating kids we talk about these things okay this is a huge issue that I have it's a lot of the criticism doesn't feel like it comes from a place of compassion right and I think that that is probably the single most important thing when it comes to criticizing somebody if a friend comes up to you and they're like bro like you're doing some wild [ __ ] you need to like figure your [ __ ] out right if it feels like it's coming from place of compassion you're more likely to listen to it where somebody's like bro you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] right like you're not writing the advice about because it's bad advice you might be a [ __ ] mom but if it feels like it's coming from a hateful place you're not gonna listen and when I see the selective outrage for certain things and I don't see it in places where it would be more worthwhile that's not to say that you have to be mad at everything at once but like pageantry is really weird and there's been reality TV shows about pageantry and nobody has [ __ ] said anything about it but now a couple Valencia ads come out after yay gets dropped for some weird [ __ ] and now all of a sudden conservatives you're supposed to convince me care about kids being objectified sexually I just don't buy it I don't think they really give a [ __ ] about it well and from an outside perspective they're both [ __ ] up and it's not one or the other there's like it's no no but it that's the problem is you can't say that you care about it now when you never cared about it before I don't believe you care about it I think it's a political win I think that if the ad came out it was a trump ad I don't I think you'd be I think those people would be rushing to defend it that's the issue right is it like you really think that absolutely [ __ ] lutely here's a here's a prediction that I know is [ __ ] true if Trump would have won the re-election 95 percent of conservatives would have had the Trump vaccine in their body Garen [ __ ] tea because it would have been Trump's achievement he pushed it through he's the one that pushed for the warp speed [ __ ] on the research he's the one that pushed to sell a lot of those contracts ahead of time which was good on Trump he did it and he even wanted to take credit for the vaccine on that election season but a lot of anti-vaxxers that were that are historically super right-wing consider him a bootlegger for even now they do but that but I think if you would have won the election I bet conservatives would have gotten back somewhere because it just becomes a political partisan issue based on your political identity and that's just it's [ __ ] annoying because there are a lot of good conversations that can happen but they all just get held captive by whatever people's ideological leanings are which is frustrating and then yeah none of the criticisms feel like they come from a place of compassion it just comes from a place of like I [ __ ] hate these people and there's no objectivity even [ __ ] objectivity I was completely subjective I just wish there was like there are conversations to be had I have very strong feelings about how people should be spoken to as minors about trans issues I think there's a huge epidemic of of trans trendiness trans trenders that exist especially in college campuses especially with women right but I have a lot of compassion for Trans people I support trans people minors getting hormones if there's the proper barriers in place for it right you shouldn't be able to walk in at 14 and go I feel a little bit weird can I have a dick right you shouldn't be able to it shouldn't be that easy right but the problem is when conservatives come at this and criticize it they it's like I hate trans people I don't want any [ __ ] messaging for these people at all it's [ __ ] disgusting I don't believe it it's all unnatural it's like okay well it doesn't feel like you're criticism is coming from a place of character concern it's just a political Sledgehammer that you're using to attack the other side and children just happen to be like the people getting hit in the middle which is what bothers me I don't know yeah like you talked about earlier about like should we be talking to kids about gay and trans and [ __ ] or whatever and I agree that like those conversations are hard but holy [ __ ] to A fifth or sixth grader that is starting to go through puberty and realizes they're [ __ ] gay to not have anybody communicating anything about that to them at all when they're in the [ __ ] locker room and they're getting weird feelings when they're all of their friends are starting to talk about girls and they don't have those feelings and nobody in society speak to them like class or school might be the only place where somebody because the parents might not even realize right classic school might be the only place where the kid can hear that message so to remove that completely and say well parents will figure it out when a lot of parents don't have any conversations with their children about sex feels to me like a a concern that's coming out of an ideological ending and not a compassion for the children no and that education should be normalized but at a certain point when it becomes over accommodating to those Lifestyles I agree that's bad yeah I mean have you looked at the stats of the number of Jin Z kids identifying as lgbtqia it's high but there's a problem there one out of five yeah but the problem is doubled every single job the problem is in that trans category there's a new [ __ ] thing called non-binary and that's where like 98 of like the identification it's not so people say it's trendy now though there's a social consent but I just want to be clear there is a social contagion for it but it's not it's not people in fifth grade getting vaginas it's people in college that are like I'm non-binary and my pronouns are zizer [ __ ] it's them right sure and I'm not saying it's good I'm not saying like that's a phase we need to deal with it but people like dude if you if you spend time researching something if I do it if I put out a 10 minute video on a topic I can speak for two hours about it because not every piece of knowledge I wasn't going to show up in the video you ever do a lot of background research when you make a whole [ __ ] documentary about trans issues and trans kids and you get put on Joe Rogan and he says how many kids do you think are on hormones and you say Millions yeah that was an L for a wash yeah but it's not just an L in that moment it showed that he didn't do a single ounce of research for the entire how impactful that was yeah because if you think of something that's like yeah if I ask you like how many homeless people are in LA and you're like I don't know maybe like 5 million what the [ __ ] what do you even know the [ __ ] population of L.A is I think I think the number I think the number is is a great pushback on your part I think the issue becomes they really are giving kids medication that's designed to chemically castrate people that is happening no right everybody's on a chemical castration to be fair it's the same stuff that they give to chemically castrate criminals this is happening this has been confirmed I can show you clips of it there there are drugs that can delay the onset of puberty but to pretend that's the same thing of people being mandated to take drugs to make them empathy I'm saying it's the same drug that doesn't matter though you can take the same drug for a lot of different things okay so you're trying you're trying to say that it's a drug use for one thing you want to bring the moral weight of that being used for another thing for cats yeah I'm saying yeah sure yeah like what does that doesn't mean I'm saying that kids that can't consent to sex that can't uh drive that can't drink are making life-altering decisions even if it just postpones puberty that's pretty gnarly man and if it's a social condition no if they're 13 or 14 yeah or they might be highly influenced by the kids around them in Tick Tock it's past possible but that's why you have like either parents that know school counselors that know or therapists don't always know because that's like a trendy thing for a lot of parents now what do you do for the trans woman then they just went through puberty as a man and now she's [ __ ] six two with the broadest [ __ ] shoulders in the world you just say well [ __ ] you sorry you didn't have the opportunity to have yeah I can't speak to that situation that's that's not my fight I'm saying specifically with kids but that is that's the issue that's that's the trans issue but there's kids that can't give consent that are making life-altering decisions by a thing that seems to be a social contagion if we're looking at the numbers doubling every population one out of five gen Z is identified as lgbtqia first that's kind of wild okay sure firstly kids do consent to sex with each other they start [ __ ] 13 14 15. as far as I know that's still illegal a 15 year old or 15 year old having sex is that illegal I'm pretty sure 100 it was when I was in high school it was not it was when I was in high school it wasn't okay let's look it up in the united states in the United States in California we send nude pictures is illegal that's illegal but to have sex children have sex with children I say children like any like teenagers yeah I don't I don't I don't think so if they're gonna do it that's probably who they should do it with yeah so they already are making those decisions and then two children also make a lot of insanely life-altering decisions like [ __ ] going to college like the older that's stupid too the more wild it is to me that at 18 you're asking dude what do you want to do for the rest and you're just like hundreds of thousands of dollars but I'm just saying that like and there are also things that children are gonna know like a 17 year old is gonna know if they're gay or not okay do you agree or do you believe that a 17 year old right so why wouldn't a 17 year old start to be clued in on I agree that not every 17 year old that thinks they're trans is probably trans that's true but if you are trans You're Gonna Know by 17. there definitely has to be a standardized like system put into place with a lot of critical pushback if a kid comes in and they say I feel trans like Step One is like let's talk about your life let's see what's going on here right it shouldn't be like all gender affirming care like oh yeah like let's see what drugs we can get done immediately let's give you all the dresses the therapies or blah blah there should be critical conversation I agree 100 I have the other side of the spectrum I don't think I don't want kids killing themselves because what do you make of the kids of de-transition that have completely been ostracized by the trans Community um it sucks but it's like everybody just becomes a political tool and that's the issue though right the transitioners aren't like for the trans Community because they see them as a threat to the massive gender affirming care and conservatives like d transitions because they use them as a weapon against trans people um it's shitty but it's still a community out there and they're and they're being suppressed right yeah but there's communities like that oh look at the black conservative Community that's how Candace Owens even got to yay in the first place right is we're leaving the plantation like Democrats expect all black people to think this one thing and they suppress everybody I don't think there's anything wrong with being a black conservative in the same way I don't think there's anything wrong with the transition sure there's always going to be minority I don't want to call them token figures but there's not gonna be minorities like that that are going to be used as weapons to attack the entirety as far as I know there's a pretty big group right now in the UK that are looking at de-transitioning there's been lawsuits at least two that I've heard of one in the UK that's a viral story and one in Australia yeah sure there might be against the doctors that they feel like she did not properly give them care and that's fine I think that's good so you're for the transitioning kids suing doctors that help them transition if there was an improper method that was followed or if they were improperly pushing them in a certain direction then like anything you would do with a child in the doctor yeah of course there should be legal the tricky part is improper this is all new terrain we don't know what we're doing sure of course we're just walking in in darkness trying to figure it out and that's the that's the entire history of human medicine and and psychology is walking through darkness and trying to forge A New Path right sure but like we look back at lobotomies and we go yeah that's pretty terrible that we know why do we why do you think that you don't think we look back at lobotomies today I think that was stupid wait hold on you think lobotomies were good absolutely really there was a point in human history where there were certain diseases there were issues of the mind that had no treatment whatsoever and if you had some of these issues they locked you in a [ __ ] room and they threw away the key you couldn't [ __ ] do anything now for a lot of people they discovered that if you split a part of the brain up here in a in a surgery called a lobotomy that they could actually alleviate the symptoms for a lot of these people now there were a lot of negative side effects and they're in these negative side effects were severe and they affected a huge group of people but lobotomies were better than nothing but that's the again the history of human medicine from lobotomies we grew to learn other techniques we don't do the bodies anywhere because we have drug therapy but like people would look at things like electroshock therapy and they'd say that's horrible we still do electroshock therapy it works for depression for treatment resistant depression like there are a lot of things in human history that were they seem kind of bad but that's just because we have better alternatives to what those exist at times but if you look up research where did lobotomies come from why do we do them it's because there were non-treatable conditions um related to certain severe mental health problems not not just like I feel sad some days and happy for other days but it was there was no treatment whatsoever I highly encourage everybody because people always bring up lobotomies lobotomies go look at the history of the bodies it was better than nothing that's the problems I super recommend it so what you're saying is teaching kids about this stuff now potentially uh misdiagnosing them potentially getting them started too early irreversible stuff they'll never have an orgasm they'll potentially never have kids you think that's better than nothing I think that there has to be a risk assessment that always has to be more caution could we agree on that could be good there needs to be more it feels like right now yeah because it's way too ideological from the teacher's side and teachers already are going to have an ideological leaning towards the left and schools are already Administration is going to have an either so yeah but this is also the reason why and I blame conservatives for this why they need to stop being so [ __ ] crazy about these conversations because I want them in those rooms having those conversations I want a conservative in the room saying Hey listen I don't hate trans people but maybe we need to be a little bit more cautious on some of the conversations that are happening because that's an invaluable voice that needs to be there but instead all those conservatives are on TV shows saying all trans ideology is hateful they're trying to [ __ ] give chemical castrating drugs to our children and they just hate us and they hate children they're trying to destroy our kids and that's like okay wasn't that a bit of a character though I don't think I don't think this [ __ ] has brought up so much I'm not speaking on the Pedro but that is the mainstream narrative talk again on Twitter look at DeSantis Banning uh using the uh Medicaid Hammer the state initiative to get rid of a treatment for any like trans children or whatever like it is the mainstream position to think that all of it is bad but when you when you have that position now you're not in the room having the reasonable conversation no I guess I just don't see it as a binary all of it is bad I think it's like hey we're over correcting for actual kids that were hurting and actual kids that were struggling and now we've over corrected and just opened up the floodgates and I agree with you I think a lot of the trans [ __ ] especially dude that's why I'm [ __ ] banned from twitch I was streaming there for 11 [ __ ] years and I think I got banned over trans issues because I said that some of it goes too far 100 so I agree with you but again I just I don't feel like the the criticism comes from a place of compassion sometimes it feels like just hatred for like that left-leaning I would agree that there are definitely you know conservatives that are ideological that aren't coming from a place in compassion I think that's a fair point um wow gentlemen sorry Hi no this one goes that is great yeah he's crossfaded huh look they know he's no longer High the weed wore off LOL I don't smoke very much at all you [ __ ] huffing next to me all [ __ ] day and I'm a little bit yeah I know my bad it's okay I ordered a Red Bull for you I gotta chill for an hour it's like the casino you know yeah you gotta keep you in business my mom was a blackjack dealer by the way oh wow yeah legendary I sometimes wish that I was able to do something like that with my life get a lot of good human interaction in there you know do you have a a a a cut off point for you in terms of success and everything you got going yeah is it like a number you're going after I don't feel all that comfortable yet you don't I feel like you always want more yeah it feels weird because like I'm were you ever poor as a person yeah as a kid like I would yeah I mean growing up I would always think that like God damn dude if I could get a job earning like 75 000 a year that would be so far above what I could ever occur but then like once you start hitting higher and hard numbers and then every now and then I'll look at like my monthly income like this is insane but you always want to push for more it's just like the human drive to like you acclimate and then you want more and more and more my dad had a friend who gave me a job doing landscaping for 20 bucks an hour and I felt like I was the richest [ __ ] kid in the world in high school and like 99 because I was getting 20 bucks an hour I just felt like I was like outlandishly Rich at that moment I got money at 99. yeah yeah dude when I in 2008 I was working at the casino and I was doing 22.50 an hour for overtime because I was like a I was working a ton yeah I got on PokerStars I was the richest [ __ ] and this is in Nebraska I felt like I was a printing money yeah my rent is like 900 bucks a month I'm making [ __ ] you know multi-thousand dollar bi-weekly paychecks like you better believe I'm loading up the Joker Stars account we're going so it kind of becomes just a game like how much can I do but I don't know it's it's weird because okay you could kind of look at your life as I'm just a content creator so I'm just going to make as much content as possible do as many podcasts and interviews whatever I could do that and then it's also kind of like I could try to be this like businessman I could like create products promote products try to like build you know build a gigantic business or whatever you could be like Mr Beast with it you know and it's kind of like that's the the struggle that I have kind of at this point is like well how much am I really supposed to expect of myself like to what extent do I want to like really put time into trying to turn this into a crazy business versus am I just okay with just being a person who does content all the time you know yeah yeah that makes sense I think it's a good tension that that we as creatives have like making something as great or like making frequency and trapping a lot of content about interesting stuff that you'd probably be doing this anyway we'd probably be having conversations like this anyway you said you're married with two kids two kids yes sir so a question for both of you uh because I have no answer here because I'm a horribly obsessed person how the [ __ ] do you guys balance out your work [ __ ] knowing that if there was a hundred hours in the day you could still work sun up to sundown I try to just think of it as like okay I'm gonna take Saturday and Sunday to hang out with my kid and I'm gonna see my kid like in the morning during breakfast you know sometimes I don't have to come to work till like one or two at times so it's like try to just get kid time in the morning but I also have to like force myself out of this like sappy child loving mentality because it's like I just it's just impractical for me it's like in reality is is that I need to spend a shitload of time here and that's like yeah but that's in you you're datum 22. right and I was gonna say the reality though is you don't need to spend that time yeah yeah because I try to hold myself to that standard you know yeah I know I'm just curious how you yeah how do you balance out especially you as a growing person I'm sure you'd see there's a million ways that you could dump more time yeah so we have a an eight-year-old who just turned azames Levi and we have uh I'm sorry we have my niece yes your son says no no you're just the really oh actually I guess it is and it's not Levi it's Nathaniel religious names his son's name is Levi's like of course it is and then we also have another child named David it's like okay no I'm just kidding or whatever psycho right here we have our niece we have our niece put your sunglasses we have our niece who's six and then my daughter is about 19 months okay and so uh her name is Zoe Grace so it's dope so what I do is I just try to be home in the mornings and hang out and you know be there for breakfast I do about 10 30 to 6 30 every day and then I'm usually home to do like Bible study prayer time every night and then I try to have like like we travel a lot like I took my son to a trip to South Florida um just me and him we'll do we're doing Big Bear stuff so I try to work in those times but I just break it down into like non-negotiables like non-negotiable I'm gonna go do bedtime with my kids no matter what you know so like what's tonight being an exception like they know like I'm up here with you guys and stuff like that so just just the simple non-negotiables it's just like Fitness or anything else like if I just stick to the meal plan and go to the gym eventually I'll I'll have the results I want you know and I just build my life out in a bunch of every day we stream regardless on what the topic is every day there's uploads regardless I'm just constantly conflicted by like am I spending enough time with my kid am I like spending too much time with my kid am I am I sacrificing too much by taking the weekends off when I could be doing all these other things and like the other day we came in and did an interview on a Saturday and you know I'm feeling like a little guilty at that time of like [ __ ] I'm like only hanging out with my kid in full like one day this week and that feels kind of shitty but then at the same time when I look at like truly obsessive successful people in business a lot of the times they seem like people who are pretty comfortable having [ __ ] ass relationships with their kids which I'm not trying to use as like justification for it but I I do try to like give myself a pass on like being away from her for long periods of time because it's like the reality is is that the hours that you put in as an entrepreneur are like the most important thing and sometimes you just can't get away from the fact that you got to put the [ __ ] hours and I I urge all the people out there that try to be like oh Adam does this and that and he doesn't have any redeemable qualities and try to just like talk down on you as a human being yeah we're saying that I don't think anybody's saying it yeah he's in the Reddit so he knows I mean look like you know you have your detractors and naysayers I'm sure they got to be out there but regardless I would urge any of them I'll Point them to the direction of you as a father who's nothing short of an inspiration like you're an incredible father and it says a lot about you as a person and you being someone that like that I know pretty well at this point and who doesn't like to show emotion her vulnerability that's kind of just like intrinsic to who you are as a man like that is like the crack in your armor but in the best way possible right there I'm not against showing emotion or vulnerability I just like to be careful with how I ration it out I think yeah but like but there's no like with her it's like oh yeah I think I think I Think Jesus said like what is it worth to gain the world and lose your soul you know and so I think that's the tension that you're feeling there's this innate thing in you to be a present father and that's beautiful and I think uh I I think the macro question is like what do you think 50 years from now you're going to care about you know when you're on your deathbed like I said like dag I wish I would have grew no jumper from I don't know 50 million Subs yeah 20 million it's a 200 million in comparison though let's say I like had a kid at 28 and then I never did any of this [ __ ] I would feel pretty [ __ ] terrible about that because in reality it's just like anybody could have a kid and like not everybody could like create a [ __ ] media company that's like as big as this like I feel like this is like my responsibility to myself and real the reality is that my kids life is gonna be fundamentally different because I built something before I had a kid yeah a kid's essentially a breathing [ __ ] trophy let's be real Jesus Christ oh my God what uh you were how old when you had your first game uh two years ago so 37 I guess 37 okay yeah so I I uh had my first son at 30 and then quit my job six months later and pursued music independently and my wife was the one that actually was like you need to quit your job at the church and just do Music full time and it was because we we built a foundation and this my first child was the springboard to get me to to build a media company you know but at the end of the day I think of macro like what's the macro idea of all this like what does this all mean I also feel very naive when it comes to being a parent because my kid is only two and it's like I have conversations with people whose kids are like 10 or 8 or 18 or they're like out of the house and [ __ ] and I just realized like how through the ringer so many people I'm cool with have been when it comes to child rearing and so it's like for me I'm very much like in the infancy of it and so my perspective on it is like I don't even know what it's like for my kid to go to school all day you know like I haven't even had that [ __ ] experience yet so I am very like naive in terms of what I think being a parent is the trippy part though is is is this moment from like three to five yeah I don't know if you would Coastline this goes by so fast and then when I look back at videos I do feel that like dude I was on tour I was like really trying to get it and hustling and Donna garyvee grinding grind how old is your kid now he's date now I feel like there is a there is like a guilt and a shame that I wrestle with feeling like I wasn't more present you know and so how many hours a week do you spend I'm sorry how many hours do you spend here I try to be here like 40 hours a week yeah I think that's that's I'm also like working for my phone working at home with Shiloh too so I can do a lot but you're always just always on yeah yeah realistically right I was gonna say how like answered this Fool's work emails like [ __ ] eight in the morning you do yeah when I send you an email at midnight it doesn't mean I expect you to answer me at midnight just saying nobody that that shows you're grinding it out but my girl says that to me she'll be like oh don't don't don't text them this late I'm like I'm not expecting them to respond they can respond tomorrow but I guess that's in theory maybe that's not obvious to everybody maybe some people feel like they have to respond at night what are you about to say I don't remember me neither some of us just go hard oh I do remember because you mentioned the three to five going by quickly I feel like maybe you're feeling this uh especially being in advanced years every year you get older it feels like they start to slip by pretty quickly oh yeah so I don't even know if it's the kid getting older or if it's just me your perception of time yeah it feels like holy [ __ ] it's another year like I'm almost 34 and I feel like I just turned 32 and I don't even know where yeah but I also think the coveted [ __ ] [ __ ] with my time a lot too dude there were so many times where I'm talking to my wife it's like oh [ __ ] do you remember that one girl or whatever you hung out with like two or three months ago and she's like bro that was in 2020. that was like two years ago and I was like are you sure um the Covenant time [ __ ] with my head a lot for timeshare so yeah did a covet like make your kid more introverted by then so that's true uh yeah the 25 Point IQ drop oh [ __ ] them um I moved from so my kid lives in Omaha Nebraska I moved when I was 30 so three years ago so right before all the coveted stuff but um for him he has a lot of friends in the neighborhood and he likes playing on his iPad so for him it was like a [ __ ] dream thing because he just got to run outside and play and then mess around on his iPad and [ __ ] so he's not you're you're 11 year old is not with you no no not right now I live no more I usually I'll fly I just visited him actually last week but usually whenever on Flat Rocks I do these shows so much I usually stop by hang out for a day or two and then sometimes he'll come down and stay with me in Florida for a while oh that's cool so you see him pretty regularly um yeah I mean living with him was fun but [ __ ] being an Omaha [ __ ] sucks and um there's just like nothing career-wise there and that's not a very inspiring Place yeah and I can't move him because he's got like his whole family and his friends and everything there and his mom obviously doesn't want to move so yeah like my kid just my girl took my kid on vacation to like Italy and France for three weeks and it was like part practical because she was looking at wedding venues and [ __ ] like that but you know I turned it down I was just like reality is I just have to work I have to [ __ ] do this content I have I have to be involved with the business and [ __ ] and while they were gone I just felt like if I had gone it would have just been this like fundamentally just silly decision for me to have made because it's just so much more valuable for me to be spending my time working right now and yeah I would have loved to like be around and just like see her having those experiences overseas and everything but at the same time I would just feel like this is not as much as I would enjoy it it's not enough of a use of my [ __ ] time right now like I just have such an opportunity in front of me that I just have to try to like seize on a daily basis and that going away for three weeks is just like I can't [ __ ] justify it no matter how much of a great experience I just went to Israel for a week and a half without my family and that was really hard but it was the same thing it's like you're away and you feel guilty for being away but then when you're uh when you're with them you feel guilty for not working as hard and it's like this tension but it's the same thing like being gone but but I feel like in hindsight I should been more present that's the biggest takeaways like be more present I think it's hard because like you'll always have that feeling but then you also it's hard to know like what could have happened otherwise right like it might have been because now you're saying that you feel like you should have been more present but there might have been times where you were more present and maybe your career actually doesn't get off at all for the YouTube stuff right and then I started to say like what did I miss out on so it's like life is always like a a series of what-ifs pay you a compliment but do you feel like you creating more personalities is allowing you to scale no jumper because it seems like you were very intentional and that content is able to be created without Adam having to be present yeah I mean it took a long time to kind of get that off the ground but that definitely is how I look at it is that like early on I kind of saw no jumper I was like okay this isn't just me making content like like even though it took us a long time to really have people on the channel creating content consistently but I was just like kind of realized early on that like this channel is more about like a certain interest group and a certain Niche audience as opposed to just people who are obsessed with me at least like The Joe Rogan podcast if you ever put a show on that [ __ ] platform that wasn't Joe Rogan based I don't think it would work and I kind of always felt like no jumper was just had like a bigger possibility to be more of like an overall business so yeah I mean but we were watching like the sharp interview on the way up here and I saw sharp in the chat shout out to him I love that he's a mod I love seeing the wrench next to his name what can you what is what is the Monday show what is fgg back on fig is probably what you're referring to because they're uh online yeah they all think the Monday show like yes since it was addressed the Monday show starts yeah it's coming out momentarily but they they normally go on live at six but it got pushed back a little bit because of this but then back on figures are Boyd Cyril who's live streaming right now the guy was here earlier oh cool yeah cool yeah so um man Adam thank you yeah thank you like I reached out two years ago and uh and it's wild to be here it's funny to think of you as a replacement for Reza Islam but at the end of the day well because you're a worthy opponent you're not you're a replacement for Nick Fuentes really really that was true too yeah and we didn't even talk about how you feel about him ducking the fade and deciding that he didn't want to debate you because he's so concerned about his his new role as a blue hoodie wearing Kanye just walked out on too so look at least this guy's had sex with a girl before like well we don't know that he's turning against Nick we only know that he was a little bit offended by Beenie Man AKA Tim pool so I I am the only mainstream journalist that he trusts really it would appear so because I believe that he's still like open to doing an interview although I need to like do do some coaching with Destiny before I even know how to approach that I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm supposed to ask him about besides like how did you become a blue hoodie wearing Kanye in turn did you go down the rabbit hole of like the IQ stuff that he's on and like he talked about it yeah but with it we were you did you do that with him because I feel like you it wasn't with him but he's not even like a level like 100 race realist he's like a level 20. there's like other guys on the internet um there's a guy called alternate hypothesis alt hype and there's another guy called Sean last who does some stuff but yeah there's some people that spend all the it's the only thing they debate it's like IQ and that [ __ ] and race wheels and stuff so you can go really far down alternate hypothesis I'm sure he's a blasted parties with a name like that oh wow the alternate hypothesis is that black people suck because of their jeans and their genetic that's basically that's so sad man that people view other humans that way well yeah Adam uh you should get more Christians on oh yeah Christian rappers tell me some recommendations if you've heard of the Christian battle rappers of course hey Ward hey Ward that's the homie yeah my man amazing Saga oh those are my those are my people if I was a battle rapper and they put me up against a Christian rapper I would show up in full Baphomet gear like I would get like this I'll be dressed up like Gwar I would borrow their suits that's amazing but to be honest with you award is not tripping in the slightest and that fool is a cold killer the name of Jesus people are saying award is top five right now like top five battle rappers period and it's a Christian dude I got I got some unreleased day word footage maybe oh my God what a flex a battle we could maybe drop on the no jumper Channel who knows yeah there's a huge community and and I think you'd appreciate it because you know what SoundCloud rap was and then this is like the emphasis of that with basically kind of creating with one arm type being your back because you can't talk about killing people smoking you know dope effing hoes and so you're creating he doesn't even cuss no profanity but he's like competing against he battled he debatably beat Gucci you're like how do you like oh my God he's really [ __ ] good yeah but this is a great Christian rap team KB uh Lecrae all those guys they do some really good work okay I'm gonna tap in that's my new my new uh racket it would make it would make my day new sub genre do we have Christian drill rappers Christian drilled I was about to say religious face wow all right guys the Monday show is up next thank you very very much to Destiny for his time thank you uh tell us what your channel is before they get a chance to link it in the description Ruslan KD on all platforms the second channel is bless God Studios right Bruce long KD or bless God Studios thank you shout out to my man Lush one come on baby and t-rell even though he left going on yeah all right uh Destiny Sledge Lords is dropping later this week potentially as well thank you to everybody who tuned in we will be back momentarily with the Monday show come on suspect gonna be there
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 1,086,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny interview, destiny podcast, destiny no jumper, destiny adam22, destiny debate, adam22 destiny, adam22 podcast, adam22 interview
Id: SYntNDzoCq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 39sec (11979 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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