세상 부드러운 연유빵 레시피 (다음날 먹어도 맛있어요👍) : Condensed milk bread recipe

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Hi! I'm "Baking Again Today". 😊 Today we will make moist and soft condensed milk bread! It's a basic bread, nothing special, but it's really delicious. Condensed milk bread Use room temperature eggs. I used 1 egg, but each egg has a different weight, so I beat it well and measured out 50g. Add milk and eggs to the bowl. Keep the milk cold in the summer and around 20℃ in the winter. Add sugar, salt, yeast, and condensed milk. Mix with a whisk until the yeast is somewhat dissolved. Add bread flour and stir clockwise with a spatula to mix. Mix until it comes together. Add soft butter at room temperature and mix lightly with a spatula! Mix with your hands until the butter is completely absorbed into the dough. As the slippery dough absorbs the butter, it feels like it's gradually sticking to the cheek. Once the butter is incorporated, use a spatula to smooth it all over the bowl. Then cover it with a wet cotton cloth or plastic and leave it to rest for 40 minutes (30 minutes in the summer). Let’s do the first folding! Lightly dust your hands with bread flour and fold the dough. Lift the dough, fold it in half, and press firmly to remove any gas. Fold the dough until it becomes elastic and smooth. I folded it a total of 8 times. The first folding is complete! The dough becomes elastic and becomes smooth overall. Cover again with a wet cotton cloth and let rest for 40 minutes. (30 minutes in summer) Sprinkle a little bread flour and press the dough firmly to release the gas. Repeat the process of folding the dough, pressing it, and releasing the gas! This time I folded it 4 times. Now let’s do the first fermentation until the dough doubles in size. This is a method of fermenting in the oven. First, set the temperature to 302℉ (150℃) and preheat for 5 seconds. Turn off the oven after 5 seconds. Then, put a bowl filled with warm water and a bowl containing the dough together and ferment. I fermented it for about 55 minutes! Check whether the water has cooled down from time to time, and when it has cooled down, add warm water again. Fermentation is complete. When the dough is fully fermented, the finger marks remain like this. Place the dough on a lightly floured work surface to release the gas. Divide into 12 equal portions of approximately 44g each. Lightly sprinkle bread flour and shape the divided dough into balls. After rolling all the remaining dough, cover with plastic or a wet cotton cloth and let rest for 15 minutes. It’s the same way as making bread! First, stretch the dough slightly. Remove the gas with a rolling pin and push it up and down for a long time. Fold the dough into three folds so that the overlapping part in the center does not overlap too much. Push it again with the rolling pin and stretch it slightly more. Roll it as if pulling it inward. Pinch the seams carefully. Place this seam side toward the floor. Just mold the rest of the dough in the same way. I used a 19.5x19.5cm square pan. Place the dough, paying attention to ensure that the rolled direction is the same. Ferment in the same way as the first fermentation by putting warm water and a pan in an oven preheated to 302℉(150℃) for 5 seconds. Let the dough rise until it rises to the height of the mold. I fermented it for 45 minutes. Let’s make egg wash! Add milk to eggs (whole eggs) and mix well. It is better to use egg water after straining it through a sieve. This time, I will make condensed milk butter sauce. It is used to apply on the top after baking. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and melt the butter in the microwave. You have to turn it in short bursts of 10 seconds to prevent the butter from bursting! Add condensed milk to the melted butter. If the condensed milk is mixed well with the butter, it's done! Ferment until the raised part of the dough rises to the height of the mold. Don't use my fermentation time as a guide, but it is more accurate to ferment until the dough reaches the height of the mold. Carefully brush the top with egg wash. Preheat to 355℉(180℃) and bake at 330℉(165℃) for 16-17 minutes. Bread fresh out of the oven is mildly shocking. While the bread is hot, spread a generous amount of condensed milk butter sauce on the top. complete! It's best to eat it while it's still hot. It's nothing special, but it's really delicious. 👍 It is very moist and soft, but also has a slightly chewy texture. Thanks to the condensed milk butter sauce spread on the top, it was so delicious to eat on its own! It is a soft bread with a subtle milky scent made with condensed milk. Be sure to make it! “Like” and “Subscribe” are a great help in video production. If you liked my video, please press “Like” and “Subscribe.” ❤ Thank you for watching.
Channel: 오늘도 베이킹 Baking again today
Views: 53,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 무반죽빵, 무반죽, 빵만들기, 연유, 연유브레드, 연유빵, 우유빵, 우유식빵, 식빵, 연유식빵, No-knead bread, no-knead, bread making, condensed milk, condensed milk bread, milk bread, white bread
Id: i75UG_ccgrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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