NO EXCUSES, WORK LIKE HELL - The Most Powerful Motivational Compilation for Running & Working Out

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so I have to keep working hard and uh hopefully everything will work out be number one in the future so I'm going to continue to work hard and we as a team will continue to work hard as organization the same way you continue to push and push until we get back to that topic everybody will be at the cafeteria of work you know eating and doing all sort of stuff I just go back to the gym I'm talking to the one that's been through hell [Music] I'm talking to the one that really wants to take it to that level that no one has ever been if you learn to put in a hundred and twenty percent I guarantee you one day you'll wake up three years from now five years from now ten years I don't know and you'll make exactly what you want to make you'll have the job you want to have you had a position that you want you'll have everything in life that you want if you can learn not only to go to work but I'm talking about go with all your energy all your strength and all your spirit if you continue to believe that your best work is behind you then you will never achieve what is ahead of you you are going to have to get acquainted with pain with discomfort with inconvenience because hunger is the only thing that's going to give you the power to persevere through that pain we spread ourselves too thin don't know how to say no and we find ourselves doing all kinds of things and never ever have time to do those things that we need to do to work on ourselves and then there goes a second there goes another second there goes another second and we can't stop and hold time and before you know it you wake up one day and you're behind in your dreams and your bills work like hell I mean you just have to put in 80 to 100 hour weeks every week what you gonna do on Monday I don't see that what you gonna do on Tuesday like you just showing me your dream I don't see what you're doing on Wednesday what time you getting up on Saturday what you doing on the weekend when everybody else chilling show me your plan don't just show me your dreams it ain't gonna be easy it's not gonna be a walk in the park there's always more to give you got to be willing to sacrifice you got to be willing to hurt you got to be willing to yell out whatever it takes keep pushing forward I'm telling you this is a short window you're not gonna be doing this at 47 years old 58 years old 62 so if you got 10 years why not give 120 because if you give one twin you guys have an opportunity of a lifetime and it's a short win I work because I'm hungry I sacrifice because I'm never full I lose sleep because I'm going after my tree if other people are putting in 40 hour work weeks and you're putting in 100 hour work weeks then you will achieve in four months when it takes them a year to achieve [Music] if you are alive you have another archery to begin again a new opportunity get up and get after it it's not about scrolling through social media and looking at people on vacations and looking at the people that are projecting the highlights of their life is not about that it's about can you do better than you did yesterday [Music] if you're walking through or walked out of or survived the worst trauma and pain of your life this is the first day of the best days of your life it's always another level and it's not about beating the man or woman that's standing in the room with you it's about beating the man and the woman that's in the mirror better than you can you do better than you did yesterday that's all I want to ask you can you do better you may be tired you broken you may be hurting people may have betrayed you light on you left you but you refused to give up there are going to be days when you are not going to feel like waking up you are not going to feel like getting out of the bed you're tired of yourself you are tired of looking at the face in the mirror that you see you are tired of maybe the way that your body looks or the money that you have with the people that you are connected to there are going to be days when you're going to be tired of being you you got two options you can give up or get up this is the day that everything changes we get waking up at two o'clock in the morning you may have to lose sleep for a week so that you can accomplish what it is that you've been destined to accomplish what you were born to contribute to humanity so I know it hurts and I know it's expensive everything you need to get to this next level is inside of you but if you don't count up the call from what it's going to take and if you are not willing to pay that price you cannot have your future faith and death is in the power of your tongue just to make it progress just needs you to be one percent better than you were yesterday get up you gotta day to Cocker when you leave this place I need you to get and be small and stay and be small on three beast mode one two three no come on one two three come on one two three you wake up at 3 30 some other kids getting up at three and he's got 30 30 minutes on you today I need you not only to want to be a beast I need you to live in this mode because if you live in beast mode you'll have what other people don't have listen to me very closely not only will you have what other people don't have you'll do what other people can't do so what is it what is that one thing that you're saying that I am going to get this thing done and I'm going to make my dreams become a reality everyone wants to be a beast until it's time to do a real Beast do everybody [Music] there's no one sitting in this room who said I want to procrastinate I don't want to get it done I don't want to get to the next level no every person in this room not only do you want your dreams to become a reality you deserve for your dreams to become a reality this is important seasons are always temporary say it says it's not a permanent condition it's just a season and the key to life is what you have to do is organize yourself to Outlast the season that's all as long as you're average you're going to get what average people get you get to that point where you do exactly what you say you're going to do you're gonna get to the next level but no one can do it for you but you It's Not Over until I win life has taught me she will grow through what you go through life has taught me that you will grow through what you go through life has taught me for every level there's another devil life has taught me the depth of your struggle will determine the height of your success [Music] everybody's got a dream everybody's got to go everybody wants something in life but many of you in this room right now your beast mode is idle your beast mode is not turned on and when you leave this place I'm telling you your life is going to go to a whole other level if you can learn to turn that switch on and keep that switch off I outlasted the pain thoughts are discipline and of the highest order us in God's truth with the power of my mind all the powers in my life that appear to be now bow to the power that actually is any illusions that run contrary to the truth immediately dissolve before my very eyes I am the source greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world God lives in me therefore I am whole and I bring that wholeness into every situation I strum the Divine cord in my Harmony summons the full manifestation of who I am some talk about truth that's religion but I demonstrated that's power I am truth in motion nothing can stop me it is written for the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but a power there's no obstacle no situation no trial or tribulation that can stop my dream from manifesting I didn't just think outside the box I completely destroyed it I close my eyes and project my dream onto the canvas of the world until everything that I imagine becomes my reality circumstances align and conspire to acknowledge truth and I am truth in motion burning I am the inner Symphony of Fire good is not good enough for me greatness made me therefore greatness is in me there is nothing about my Creator my maker that is lukewarm that is average anybody who doesn't believe in my dream doesn't belong in my life money comes to me easily frequently and abundantly in God's perfect way lack sickness disease none of them have any place in me for the Lord didn't give us a spirit of fear but a power and of love and of sound mind let us all close our eyes and starve the Illusions and feed our dreams freshwater shout pour pour from the Fountain of ambition there we will become Our Lives again we shall rule the days for my face and thy fears the fears of dying wish I once again just discover living Darkness ignorance statutory all fall from the Tree of confusion those asleep roam the orchids of struggle while the chosen build their Empires yet who's strong enough strong enough to conquer their own thinking who's brave enough brave enough to walk with failure freshwater freshwater cell core pour from the altar of immortality because we we are the priests of Destiny the inner Symphony of Fire that's from the Divine cord and my Harmony summons the full manifestation of who I am religion talks about truth but true awareness demonstrates it a fully awakened believer it's not subject to external circumstances he's the master of the level of truth that you function at will determine the amount of power that you have over your circumstances I see not I believe I hear not I believe I know not but still I believe I start the Illusions and feed my dream I am truth in motion God still moves you can keep your religion I'll keep my relationship you can keep on doubting while I'm believing you can keep on hating while I'm grinding and dreaming you trying to get a paycheck imma try to leave a legacy your goal is to get on stage you waste the days gossiping with your friends I crying from the moment I get up to the moment I go to bed I have no plan B there is only one option and that is for me to succeed this is a hobby for you this is air for me if I don't do this I don't breathe they asked me if I wasn't doing motivational Arts what would I be doing I said I'd be in the grave I didn't come to be an All-Star I didn't come to be in the Hall of Fame in the world God lives in me therefore I am whole and I bring that wholeness into every situation I'm not playing for victory I'm playing from it I am the source as Christ said on the cross it is finished what kind of life do you want to live success is a choice it's a decision that only you can make for you first comes the choice then comes the commitment are you willing to commit to doing what it takes to go where you want to go a lot of people say they want to be successful but they struggle and they stumble on that commitment part A lot of times only way we will make that commitment and so we have to hit rock bottom we have to get so sick and tired of feeling the way we do before we ever take the action needed to crawl up out of that pit I think you're ready think you're ready you wouldn't be listening to me right now I think you know that you have greatness on the inside of you and you just need somebody to speak over your life and that's what I'm gonna do right now I speak greatness over you ladies and gentlemen on the line getting ready to run today life has taught you many things [Music] without his guidance you would not be standing here today foreign it's a shame that most people in this world have dreams that they are not working on because they are afraid [Music] it's a shame many people they waste time they waste time doubting they waste time of being afraid of it they waste time thinking too much about what other people say [Music] is really a shame it's a shame that they put down themselves instead of building themselves up it's a shame it's a shame that you'll let everything around you bring you down to a point to where you can't get up it's a shame that people look down for you and say that you have had it and that you're over the hill tell them this I've been up the hill many times my life isn't over yet young man young woman you have your life to live you have to breathe that life how dare you give up on yourself how dare you give up on your dreams this is your life I've been up the hill many times in fact I slipped a few times I didn't even want to get back up because I was too afraid to go up because I felt like the hill was this too steep but you gotta know they're steeper decline the harder to climb and if it gets tough you got to get a little bit tough so what do you do you don't keep sliding down you find a way to get up and climb up that's what I had to do that's what you must do in order to achieve greatness you must first believe you can what do you want what do you like you got to be able to add passion to it to activate that thing and make that dream a reality the reason why you're not taking advantage of this opportunity is not because you don't believe in it you don't believe in you what would you like to do what do you believe you've been destined to do what talents skills giftings and abilities do you possess to support your desire to do it what are your motives for wanting to do it why do you want to become what you are looking to become what steps are you taking to become and to live the life to make the dream a reality [Applause] you can learn all right you don't believe in yourself it won't happen for you so you must continue to believe you must continue to understand that on this day on this hour this is your day and your time is now hold on tight and don't let go focus on what is necessary and disconnect yourself from the things that are not necessary spoken the world heard it and it activated your problem is that you don't believe you belong here your problem is that you don't think you should be sitting down here you've got to sell yourself every day on your abilities on what you're doing on the goal that you want to reach you've got to sell yourself every day every day every day according to your level of belief it will manifest itself in what you're doing whatever we have right now whatever we're demonstrating in our lives is a result of what we believe subconsciously that we deserve and part of increasing that belief level is that you have got to convince yourself every day foreign you should be a monster because everyone says well you should be harmless [Music] you don't want to be too aggressive you don't want to be too assertive you want to take a back seat no you should be a monster then you should learn how to control it the definition of being aggressive is forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's aims in combat almost nothing will happen the way you want it to If You Don't Force It That Way [Music] the enemy nature time there's all kinds of things that that are going against you it's a losing battle and if you don't use force of will then then you're not going to get it done what it means is is you need to make things happen this is the good thing about being aggressive sure there's certain parts of your nature that are aggressive but it can also be trained you can start to think with an aggressive mindset which is I am going to take action I'm going to overcome obstacles I'm going to push through roadblocks I'm not going to take no for an answer and those are things that you can train so often times where people they get told no or they hit an obstacle and it's game over for they're just done they're done training they're over it and your attitude you have to go okay little little roadblock cool how am I going to get through it how am I getting around it [Music] yourself to see where you are in this race of Life many of you don't even realize that you've been racing to the finish line this life is a race some of you need to be pushed to stop running because you've been walking or you haven't been moving for so long and you don't even know that you're in a race that all of us are competing to win but it doesn't matter where you finish it matters that you run after your goals and your dreams the way to live is to run after your dreams to run after your goals and to run after that finish line there may be things in your life right now that's holding you back from running but you have to break through those things they're there to hinder you but you can't let it Fork you to stop running chase your dreams change your goals I don't know the situation you're in right now but the situation that you're in is not your future it's not who you really are it's not your full potential sky's the limit but it all starts from within [Music] you should be a monster you have to be hungry for greatness a rise Champion I'm speaking to somebody out there the reason you feel so uncomfortable on the inside is because you know you're not being the best version of you that you can be that discomfort is trying to move you from where you're at you belong Destiny is greatness you know this on the inside and that voice just keeps on calling and you're never gonna have the peace until you go become who you are supposed to be now we're gonna set this change in motion for you right now I want you to say this with me I want you to say this out loud I am ready to change my life I am willing and committed to going all in and fully commit to doing the things that it takes to become the person I was meant to be and that starts right now all excuses stop right now I will not from this point forward point the blame and anybody else for my own destiny I will take responsibility for who I want to be I will get up every day and work toward that person that I know that I I pledge with all my actions allegiance to success I will search deep down inside for a while that will allow me to run through walls with it because I will not be denied champions put in place the habits and daily rituals that manufacture success they push themselves constantly to the point of pain and by refusing to tap out to that pain they eventually give birth to Greatness pain is no match for a real champion one must be comfortable at being uncomfortable the dark the unknown the fears that stop each and every one of us must be faced and faced alone [Music] on fire the more refined we become foreign [Music] under stress under duress and without hesitation because perfect practice consistently makes one perfect all the time the inner standard of a champion sets him apart from the masses the wannabes and the uncommitted Legends refused to settle for mediocrity for them being average is the plague and totally unacceptable Champions go all in all the time it's on game day [Music] it's over for the team for the Championships begins they understand the process and what is required to be elite to be great to be the best it requires Obsession passion focus and an unbelievable work guessing becomes the friend of the one percent success is available to anybody that is willing to work for it success can only be bought with the currency of hard work and champions refuse to concede to anything less than leaving every ounce of themselves on the practice field the weight room the classroom Champions do they carry that same understanding of greatness with them they don't turn it on and off depending on where they're at it is constant they never enter an environment without it to them is to be infected their commitment inspires strengthens and impacts everyone who comes in contact with them they are the leaders not by working they set the example for their teammates and exemplify the message blessed and Unstoppable you're saying I've got dreams I have goals there are things that I want to accomplish I'm not satisfied like I don't sleep well at night like like EET I dream it E.T I wanted E.T let me tell you something if you get to that point if you get to that point where you do exactly what you said you were going to do you're gonna get to the next level as an individual I need you to get your schedule up I need you to get your life up I need to get your words up I need you to get your heart up I need to get your action up I need you to get to a place that every single thing that you do is phenomenal so that the life you want to live you can actually live that life everybody wants to be number one everybody wants to be the best everybody wants to succeed everybody wants to have to be and do what they feel they've been called to do the challenge becomes most of us when it's time to do what beasts do we don't do it I need you to put this down put this down put this down because what you're going to discover as you're going towards your dream that you're going towards your goal they're going to be they're gonna man so many questions they're going to be so many people that haters so many people that come up against you so many obstacles so many trials so many tribulations when people ask me ET like for real for real E I know you can give me 20 things that you've done to help yourself to become successful but E.T I just need like one or two can you give me one or two and one of the things I tell people is I outlasted the pain I outlasted the pain I need you to recycle your pain when I was sleeping in those abandoned buildings I kept telling myself one day you'll be a homeowner every time I walked into that abandoned building I told myself that this might be your current circumstances but this will not be how the story ends all you have to do ET is to survive today when they kicked me out of school I knew that I would not be a high school dropout for the rest of my life I knew I got to get through this one day me and my mom been through a lot my mom and I have gone months and almost years of not talking to each other but every single day I kept telling myself one day I have a great relationship with my mom again one day well I didn't grow up with my biological father he wasn't into my in my life until I was 30 years old but I told myself today your father is not in your life but one day and so every single day when I wake up homeless one day every single day when I woke up in that abandoned building one day one day is going to be et's day but that day can't come if I give up today so every single day when I woke up I kept telling myself today might not be today but soon it will be my day and I will recycle my pain so what do you mean ET you recycled your pain I turn homelessness into a book [Music] and a strange relationship with my mom into a book I turned being homeless into a book I turned being a high school dropout into a bestseller and not only do they sell it in America they sell it across the world what will you do with your pain will you let it break you or will you let it redefine I outlasted the pain [Music] rise and grind baby let's go [Music] thank you Lord for giving me one more day one more opportunity one more meal one more outfit on my back thank you for that one opportunity if you haven't been able to get up something inside of you has to snap you've been insecure long enough you've been unfit long enough you've been unqualified long enough you've been overlooked long enough you've been undervalued long enough you've been in this cave you've been in this deep dark prison of obscurity and uncertainty and doubt and fear this is the day you come out of your tomb in this very moment you have an opportunity see see the opportunity I'm talking to that person that keeps saying I'm gonna lose weight I'm gonna make more money I'm gonna learn a new skill I'm gonna make bigger connections I'm going to invest in myself and day after day you fail I know you don't feel up to the task I know you've got some doubt and you've got some fear and you've got some uncertainty and you hate the image that you see in the mirror and you hate the way your money looks and your relationships look and people that you've given your all to keep walking out on you I know you feel stuck in Reverse I know you feel like you're underpaid and undervalued and overlooked but listen get up this is the day that everything changes you've got to do what is required in order to manifest get up and get after it to take a deep breath in him exhale it's a new day troll all the way control yourself alter your thinking and delete negativity period what are you made of what is your DNA what is your mentality what are the skill sets come on start to write down the vision the first day of the best days of your life get up and get after it you are here by the sun you are listening to this talk side every single day's movie getting every decision you make is either bringing you to your destiny or taking you from your destiny some of you you got to take everything you have on the inside and Claw your way back to right standing sometimes you got to dig deep inside I'm talking to that person that keeps failing the mission appreciate what has happened appreciate the people that walked out on you appreciate the people that hurt you appreciate the people that overlooked you the people that slept on you appreciate it I want you to get this mentality in your head every day you play you pay you may get two hours of sleep in seven days so that you can accomplish what it is that you've been destined to accomplish everything you need this next level is inside of you there's always another level day gives you that new opportunity so if you don't have the to-do list get a to-do list planned the day start planning your day the night before if you don't want to start your morning with prayer meditation if you're not tracking your progress start tracking your partners if you don't have accountability Partners you need to get accountability Partners if you have not identified the roadblocks if you have not identified the Kryptonite if you have not identified the hurdles what has hindered your forward progress identify those things this is your day get up and get after it foreign yourself short all of your life you have the opportunity to experience more environmental physical and mental abundance someone who is in a constant state of elevation their self-talk is I know who I am I know where I'm going and I know where I came from working on yourself talking to yourself that's so very important overcoming the negative conversation that inner dialogue that's going on all the time all the time even when you don't want it to be there you can't stop yourself right now from thinking you can't do it it's going on and so learning how to empower yourself part of doing that is standing up to yourself you've got to stand up inside yourself sometimes and say shut up when are you gonna realize that you got to get to a point and focus on the better things that are gonna get you to the next level and Beyond in your life persistence consistency resilience courage establishing your priorities mastering self-awareness maintaining Focus believing that your help is coming because of your dream only requires you it's not big enough [Music] most people go through life never discovering what their talents are most people never develop their talents they have skills and abilities but if you don't nurture them if you don't develop them they will never serve you your gifts can take you many places if you develop your gifts all you got to do is realize that it's up to you to make a difference in your life the only reason you're not the best right now is because you don't believe you're the best I and when you walk out this room I want you to go I'm the best right now he said before you even become number one start you Proclaim it and say it long before it happened [Music] so there are those of you who want to mimic their behavior it's not their behavior you need it's their mindset that you need it's the way they think it's what you need you need to start to believe you have something that you brought to the universe and that if you decide that my life deserves my developing this what I do well and becoming the best at it and mastering myself and seeing what I have Within Me if you decide to drop your buckets Where You Are and develop your gifts I grant you you'll never ever be without I grant you that your gifts will take you places that will literally Amaze you I grant you that if you begin to work to develop your gifts you develop a strong sense of Happiness you'll get a larger vision of yourself because part of beginning to get a larger vision of yourself all of us need some area of Our Lives where we can have a feeling of competence that people know when they think about this area that's something you do but you eat and sleep back and that you do that do that and people know it I don't care what it is that you're trying to achieve what you're trying to accomplish what you're trying to give how you're trying to evolve what you are looking to become everything Rises and falls on your perspective if you decide to maintain a sense of Integrity with yourself that if I speak it I'm going to live it who I am I know you hate the gym I know you hate to lift weights I know you hate cardio I know you don't like drinking water I know you don't like taking care of your temple you think it's the hardest thing to do in the world to commit but there is somebody who's in the grave today and if they had another opportunity to live they would enthusiastically with great confidence and courage and consistency do what you hate just to live a little longer find the positive see the bigger picture guard your gratitude what price are you willing to pay to make the dream a reality but just look forward look forward to the best of you look forward to the mistakes you may make look for it to the failures that may come your way and don't give up on yourself don't throw the towel in so quickly many people give up on the one yard line it's up to you to understand that you do matter and that you got some work to do foreign and you're pushing and you're pushing and you're doing everything right you're tired you're exhausted and ain't nothing happening yet [Music] that word is what you're waiting for yet it's no different because we've messed up because you fell off the wagon you've been on alcohol and drugs and you gave up on life and you dropped out or you've been to jail one time two times three times and you really want your dream to happen and you're putting in your work and nothing's happening yet [Music] I promise you if you keep pushing if you keep giving me all your effort it will happen it must happen it can't do anything but move you can do anything but make progress but I want you all to understand and saying that word that you how you all have to stop getting caught up in movement as progress for some of us the action of making progress is progress the the push itself the fight you get up and swing and Miss that's progress you get up and you run at yet what you want with everything you got and you miss that's progress the effort of making the attempt is progress and so guess what the goals and the dreams are in that mindset to do nothing I'll get to it tomorrow I'll do it the next day I do it the day after that we're in a mindset of quitting and if you want to make sure you become successful it's not will you quit is where you stop preparing to quit You Gotta Give Up on saying look I can do that tomorrow look this is my time for rest this is my time for break there is no quit guess what dreams don't stop people doing and then you have the nerve to date or to ask yourself why you're not successful and you see it happen every day on Monday morning somebody's gonna get up and they go hand in their resignation going to a new job on Monday morning somebody gonna get up lifting more than you on Monday morning somebody gonna get up running faster than you on Monday morning somebody gonna get up with their name hiding the drafting you on Monday morning somebody's gonna be getting that scholarship that you could have got that's what on Monday morning somebody's gonna get up Rippling to take that test while you worry there's no difference between them and you they're not faster they're not smarter they're not stronger they're not better they just don't quit you give up you give up you believe that 24 hours that 48 Hours you deserve to be all you deserve to relax right you relax and always remember this though it's somebody grinding it's somebody pushing harder than you and somebody giving up more than you guess what until you get in that mental mindset that you will not prepare to quit you will never succeed because if you prepare to quit recording is inevitable I'm gonna have the same amount of time the same Advantage no excuse they're not gonna have an hour more than me they're not gonna have six hours extra to me I'm gonna grind just as long and I'm gonna grind off and I'm gonna prepare myself to be successful why one reason I don't quit I don't prepare myself in the mindset equipment if you don't understand this right now that you're gonna have to push harder you're gonna have to fight longer you're gonna have to give in with everything you got you're gonna have to give up more you're gonna have to not be lazy you're gonna have to not listen to that old you believe that's the time I commute on the weekend or at the end of the day or at night when other people have seen before and everybody's at the family reunion when other people on vacation at the beach I'm gonna run I'm gonna get it and I'm Gonna Make My Dreams a reality nobody gonna stop me but me that's the only person that can understand if you want to make your dreams a reality you gotta understand that you can't quit because you have a timeline for when you want your dream to become a reality that don't mean your dream listen to you baby I'm not coach right now I'm your conscience you're in a fight between will and skill I say will first because that's where you are you locked and loaded with skill you're practicing every day you put me in your work you're buying everything you're making the investment you live in your dream you're walking like your dream you're surrounding yourself around your dream you got mentors everything you putting your work in you got your skill now it's a test of your will it's a mindset thing you in right now it's a mindset thing because your challenge your challenge ain't moving your Mountain it's not moving you don't feel like you're making any progress you're not physically moving when you see everything else around you and other people around you moving you not making progress you're in the test of your will right now cause life says it has a little more test for you you [Music] foreign with skill and it will see it just as that a challenge or you can look at your challenge with Will and see it as much understand this and listen to me clearly you may forget this face you may forget this voice you may forget who told you or get your fans out don't ever forget these words that I'm about to tell you if you want to be great in this life you only have one choice gentlemen you only have one choice make choices that just get you remembered or you can make choices that ultimately make you a legend [Music] if you put as much time into working on winning as you put into thinking about losing you already be adjusted when we gonna get tired of just knowing and seeing successful people and become one of them time is out to sit up and just make these average decisions to be make these irrelevant decisions that don't change you don't change your family don't change society don't change your environment don't change the world it's time to make decisions that make you 11. we see it every day but the only difference baby [Music] you gonna make a choice to just be remembered or you're gonna make a choice to become a legend you gotta stop quitting we gotta stop giving up all this TGIF TGIF it is now t g i a thank God I'm alive we open our eyes and we're in our right minded we live as though we really appreciate that opportunity and every time I see a post every time I see a tweet or just anything I want to ask the person why are you thanking God is Friday hello newsletter tomorrow is Saturday the day after that is Sunday the day after that is Monday what are you thanking God It's Friday for because you're preparing to quit you're preparing to stop what you doing you prepared to clock out you prepared to go home and you in the mental mindset could do nothing dare you stick for the challenges of your life by getting rid of comfort I dare you I dare you when you find that job if you don't have a ride in the work that you want and then when you get there you take the stairs I dare you not protect the brain baby I dare you to work through your life God damn it when it's hot that you wrote back when it's cold my God damn it you learn something new today that you didn't know yesterday I dare you to I dare you to run back to you God damn you to face that verses I tell you to look at it and say look I'm right now again just to stop throwing away food because you scared you don't eat it at night I dare you to stop taking the detours because stop running from your addiction I dare you to stop running from the old you will become a man you know you can be cops mountains are better moves you gotta climb that bad word baby you cannot get what you want in your life Comfort is failing us many of you are denied your dream and your goal because you have a consistency versus an intensity problem consistency is when you do something intensity is how you do something and that's why many of you no matter what you do no matter how much you do it no matter who you looking at no matter what you read you gonna be denied because you think that just being consistent at something is going to let you in it just that earns you a right to win that I'm being denied that corner office I'm being denied that car I'm being denied this quality of life I'm being denied that opportunity this scholarship I keep getting cut on off the team you know if I just stay if I just keep practicing I just stay around this team sooner or later I'll make it no you won't no you won't because consistency does not guarantee you the win many of you is as bad as you don't want to accept this you're never gonna win cause you're not intense enough and until you get intense to the point that nothing nothing will get in your way that you will not get in your way you'll never win man let's go it's time foreign I don't know who you are where you're from but get it done it's time to listen it's time to focus what haven't you been able to accomplish what has stopped you what has haunted you why are you losing sleep over it all roads lead back to what you're focusing on and who you're listening to energy flows where focus goes so what are you focused on if you haven't been able to get it done today marks the first day of the best days of your life so where the energy flows I'm talking to you you're gonna get it done I need you to listen and focus at all costs protect your peace if you're gonna get it done you got to let some things go stop waiting to feel like it stop waving it till you see it stop waiting for somebody to come and save you nobody's coming to rescue you the bra of love with many of you is that your focused on your fears you're focused on the risk more than you are the reward surprise to the hardest worker in the room foreign [Music] do you want this the problem with many of you is that you're not tired enough you're focused on the pain of the process more than you are the glory on the other side you're listening to the wrong people you're listening to the wrong voices it's time to pull that energy from Fear all that energy away from doubt how bad do you want this if you can hear my voice I'm just wondering if you are bold enough if you are caring enough if your faith is outrageous enough to take a chance on yourself it's time to manifest it's time to get it done fight fights fights for your future it may hurt but get it done with tears in your eyes get it done if nobody believes in you get it done if the person you love most walks out on you get it done if your children don't believe in you get it done give your spouse don't believe in you get it done as always as possible until it's done so get it done [Music] over the course of my life I've come to realize that in order to get things done there are some things I've got to get over and that's the problem with many of you is that you're not over the relationship gone bad you're not over the job that you lost you're not over the person that walked out on you the people and the places where you've experienced trauma and anguish you're not over it you're not over the fear you're not over the anxiety you don't smile anymore you don't laugh anymore you don't love like you used to and there's some things you're gonna have to get over you have not been able to get it done because you're carrying so much weight from the past who don't feel like it but news flash stop waiting to feel it at the end of the day you can listen to a million motivational speeches but you are going to have to wake up and make a decision to get it done the moment you are no longer willing to tolerate Where You Are Everything Changes nobody's gonna be able to pull you out of the murky water out of this muddy bloody painful miserable place that you're in you're gonna have to make up your mind enough is enough I'm getting out of this place and I got stuff to do I've got a destiny to fulfill are you willing to sacrifice are you willing to let go of some things are you willing to put the work in are you ready to be consistent are you tired of this version of yourself get over the pain get over the trauma get over the Betrayal get over who left you get over who lied on you get over it you're gonna get it done you've gotta get over it release the Pain release the unforgiveness release the fear you're going to get it done you're going to have to eliminate all distractions and put your blinders on I don't know what your goal is let the world reject you let the world close doors on you let the world tell you no I'm just wondering can you dig deep inside yourself the future goes to the hardest worker in the room you have everything you need to get started stop waiting for the weather to change in your life stop waiting for the perfect conditions stop waiting for a hand up stop waiting for everybody to believe in you and cheer for you and affirm you life knocked you in the mouth years ago and you haven't hit back yet you hit back with determination you hit back with Focus you hit that when you listen hit that when you are disciplined you hit back with resilience get in the ring and hit back it's time to get up and get back stand in the mirror and tell yourself I've got a destiny to fulfill simple but it's not easy but all you have is all you need it's the start that stops most people foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] felt like a files
Channel: Motiversity
Views: 654,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational video, motivational speech, best motivational speech, motivational, speech, gym motivation, gym, best gym motivation, best gym motivation music, workout, Best Gym Training Motivation, motiversity, work like hell, motiversity work like hell, motiversity gym motivation, work like hell motivation, work like hell motivational speech, work like hell motivational video, motivation compilation, speeches compilation, rise, discipline, no excuses, no excuses motivation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 45sec (3645 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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