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here we go India Doug and Stacey this is Charlie from Brooklyn I just made my first raised bed and I'm a homestead homey and you're watching Doug and Stacey off the grid what the hosts at home is off you're with other 50 I'm done and thank you and today we're going to go over our composting system really quick we are six years into our homesteading off of experience and we get a lot of questions about it I think a lot of people are going back and watching that video there's one of them right there and we're going to talk about it in this video and we're going to give you some of the things that like may be going in we thought whoo I don't know and then how we feel about it over the six years so if you guys know we do use the bucket system it is a composting system designed with a five gallon bucket and you basically go to the restroom just like you would normally and hiker you cover your your business with some sawdust okay and for some reason this is like a super sensitive topic for people but so we're trying to be as cool as we can about talking about it but there should be no reasonable that we talk about it just freely and openly and there's other different types of mediums you could use to cover off your waist besides thought of such as you can do leave and how people have done pine needles in to do coffee rooms sake times you can also do a lot of people get the hot dog - or but for sawdust for us or super simple eating these be easy because we have several different sawmills in our area we can just pull the truck in load up all back load of it and then we can bring it home and put it in a container so we do store one truckload a year roughly is what we go through and that's counting the chicken houses that's counting everything we use sawdust for and our toilet system and we keep them stored in a 275 gallon food grade tote that we cut the lid off of we got the sauce all right yeah cut the past that's where we put it because that helps to keep it dry so the number one thing you want to do is make sure you really dry sawdust because then you'll use less if you use a sawdust that has any damp or moist feel to it it's going to work but you're going to use twice on a three parter than that yes as we learn that the hard way before we worst are storing it inside the ball farm in a big pile and we would even cover it with tarps but it would still get moisture and all that so then have a great idea to do the toasting and it's been dry and great since we did that because when you have a little damp sawdust it really takes so much more yeah so that's a hot tip for you guys right there so there going to be a lot of hot tips in this video also so now basically we use the systems to go to the restroom it's just a basically a box that's built around a five-gallon bucket then we take it out to our compost pile in any way and then you can you get a regular toilet seat at the store or not if you want a black one a red one a wood one one whatever you want yeah whatever you want those clear ones with the fish in whatever so yeah one that has a padded one on it yeah so then we take out the buckets now here's the thing a lot of people might not know right you can actually take you can do one or two buckets or you can do ten or twenty buckets how many buckets you want to do is totally up to you guys when you compost in the buckets when you put the lid on them when they're filled up to the very top we put ours up to the very top then all you do is put a lid on it and put it anywhere you want sometimes we put them outside and sometimes we just shuffle them off to the other side of the bathroom there behind like our wire tub is and we just let them sit there because while they're sitting in the buckets they actually start breaking down and composting so it's not a problem so like in the wintertime I don't really want to go out there and it's cold and it's weary and so I got all started where we get started with four buckets or we started with four buckets and now we have only twelve we have a lot of buckets now but we know because they're all colored so you know maybe they're all green and then ones that are we know it was getting close that we have to start cleaning them it's like wired read and then we go to orange that's like emergency it's time for you to you know do it and all buckets are not created equal okay so the thicker the is the better it is for the humidor kind of posting if you get a Home Depot bucket or any kind of other bucket they'll they do the job but they do stain and they they're just not as durable as you want to try to find the thickest bill bucket that you can find and that way it will stain and keeps its original color very well and it's very durable going inside and outside because like I was explaining the second ago when we fill up the bucket some friends I'll bring them outside and they can end up sitting outside for a month six weeks you know it just depends on what part of the cycle there is like of course the last word is going to get done because I have to dump when we get new buckets but the other than the first four or five or you know whatever or could be out there for quite a while so when you open up your pile and you go to add in the buckets again here's another video that we did and I kind of went through all this stuff with you guys and they're old and they're you know not as good quality videos but you guys can go relive some back-in-the-day footage and get some information for those but when you open up your pile there is no smell there is no you don't like open it up and there's all your business it breaks the stuff down and it works really really well because you know I was under the assumption I would figure you know if you would get near it you would kind of get an owner you would smell it just like if you went by you know the horse manure or something you kind of get that smell I mean I could be standing like right over it there's no smell whatsoever at all and even in your buckets if you guys we've heard of people saying yeah we tried to do it but it was smelly and all this if you're smelling your bucket in your house or your pile then you're not doing it right and more sawdust or whatever your medium is on top of it inside the house holding the bucket and it will take care of the smell and outside we put straw and we use old and we cover it up with that and that works really well you should not smell it at all ever here is a quick tip I am one too okay in the summertime when it's very very hot then urine smell you can smell it the trick to this is is you know it is a bucket and later the bathroom sometimes the urine it can get on the house if you're not a good aim you but either way no matter what so what I do and I always have I made homemade wet wipes your handle video bug I did will link that there but I also have little squirt bottles that I've put you know a little water in there with some witch hazel and some you know like essential oils and what I'll do is you can kind of just spritz it and then you just can wipe it maybe with some toilet paper on the edges where you think maybe a little urine might get on it because it will kill / - yeah so if you get a little bit you know dribbled on there and that's how you can take care of it so how does comes out of cleaning that of compared to when we live in the city of the regular water toilet how do you mind if you guys have watched me for a long time I love this toilet compared to I never ever couldn't even stand like walking on the wet tile and on it I didn't I don't like the tile and I didn't like seeing the toilet I didn't like the dam that that is like the wetness I didn't like anything about the toilet at all and I really really love this and when you're out there when you're major resources one of the things you want to have the most of is water so this system is eliminating the need for water no septic tank no maintenance on the septic tank no flushing it out no water to flush it and waste it's a totally awesome system and the byproduct that comes from that is the compost that we use all around the homestead and it works great it's very very thick like we when you do it we need to wait two full years and then before you can use it and then when you go to dig into it I mean it's just buying in black and it looks it looks great you know we put it around our trees and around our apple trees and around lots of different areas around here so like she was saying basically you fill up right now we're using palate system I built two bins out of pallets and we fill up one for a year and then we move over to the other one and let the other words set for one year so if you're really squeamish about it it doesn't hurt anything to let it set for two years or three years you'll know the strength that's the pile shrinks and shrinks and shrinks and so you know that it's working because the pile is getting smaller that's what kind of post piles do as a compost and break down but whatever's around the compost pile rose yeah yeah I mean the weeds are even growing wonderfully around there so one of the problems that we do have is with our current system out of the pallets is when I pull my buckets out there the buckets get a lot of mud and muck underneath them and I don't like that it causes a problem we have to clean them off and I don't like yeah I used to clean on it if it's raining if it gets wet it's damp you have to make sure the buckets are clean before deployment and the other problem that I don't like is that I have to haul the water now from the hydrant over to the composting area so what waiting maybe no well we're going to be doing is probably after we get back from Oregon and things settle down a little bit in between this and that and before winter for sure I'm going to show you guys how to build like a kind of nice kind of hosting station and what my goal will be is to get the buckets off the ground so basically when we have our buckets out there in between dumping them in you know they're just waiting I want to off the ground there because they're heavier than and if it rains they sink in and get more mud underneath the bottom so these are things you know tips like we're sharing with you guys that we've been doing it for six years in the lids - in the lids - so what I'm going to do is design a place for those buckets all to stay where they're elevated off of the ground so then I can in fear that we won't have a bunch of mud and muck on them and then I'm going to build a place for after we dump them out okay so after you dump out your buckets really don't run right in the house and start using them we like to let them sit out in the Sun for like a day two days and of course longer because if you have a lot of buckets then you're just going to you know some are going to sit out there for a lot more because they really you know after you dumped them they have a little bit of an owner - even after you clean up so when they're sending out an LMS and the sunshine and do and I'll add it really does help to naturally sanitize them clean them you know they smell like you don't want to jump your bucket out or rush it right into the house you'll have it you'll have a little bit right now so every time you do guys if you do the system you want to clean your bucket out all your buckets except for that last one you left in the house and make sure that that wood can handle like another deck another day or two or at the business so then you can bring in the ones that have been outside in the Sun and everything that's what we found works the best that no one talks about and I also you know if you probably do have a little bit of odor I do use my a little bit of a sense oil you know you could get like a paper towel or towel and just put a couple drops on there and just kind of wipe it around there if you smell anything and that really works to protect so these are just some tips from us because we've been doing this for six years now and I just wanted to kind of touch on it a little more because we have a lot of new people watching our channel and you know there's a there's a certain like stigma or akuti factor about the composting toilet and really guys if you educate yourselves and you learn how the system works it's been around for thousands of years you'll see that this is the best way we were arguing the our hope that a lot of municipalities would adopt the system they do this on a very large scale we've had that sometimes in the comment oh yeah that might be great for two people or four people we have a family of seven that comes here watches our place they all use it this system has been used at concerts outdoor events large gatherings so it's a there are some cities we need to learn yeah they're our own cities in the US because they learned in this method they're now have adopted it and they have like these huge piles of composted manure that is kind of posting and then they actually turn that around and sell it and have it for the public to use so the humidor handbook is a great reference I'll leave that down below if you guys want to hit the Amazon link and get that together very very good luck and you have a few little YouTube videos up you can see like how luscious garden is because that's what he uses on his garden and you know he's been doing it for years probably 25 30 years or so or more we've been at it for six but we just want to bring this awareness to you guys this is the best composting system it's not expensive to start it's not expensive to maintain it's super duper easy very very easy so hopefully you guys got a couple little nuggets off this video is off here with doesn't Stacy I'm Doug no I'm Sadie don't forget to check us out on Facebook Instagram I planners will show you guys as well so yeah hey guys thanks for sticking around as virion is a video and we just want to thank you guys for helping us get to 100,000 subscribers for share in all of our videos putting on social media and because of that I have a copy of the human or handbook that we're going to be giving away and all you got to do on this video is at the bottom of your comments put human or rock and we will be picking someone from this video yes hey guys thanks for watching our video you might want to check out these videos and if you want to become a homestead homey click the picture of us below we will see it smile
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 399,455
Rating: 4.9014697 out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living, composting toilet, humanure, joseph jenkins, David the good
Id: blX2ss5Fe2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2017
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