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maybe some of this and here you go i could live here hey guys it's me minori and my pet baymax welcome back to my channel hi okay so guys we're going to an art hall oh my gosh i think it's been like seven months like eight months since i went to a haul and like i really really really needed one if you guys have been watching my videos you would know that a lot of my markers have been running out of ink i didn't keep all but i have some of them over here and all of these markers are not working and they're mostly my blue markers i don't know why but the blue ones dry up so quickly like for example if you look at the names here they all have a b inside which stands for blue i think i had to throw away like 50 markers recently and they were all blue i actually use those colors a lot and it's so so frustrating when you're trying to draw and the marker doesn't work so guys i've been dying to go to a haul and i've been like mentioning it in every video and when i ever go to an art hall i like to bring you guys with me to the store i mean it's such a magical place and i love it so much there so again like always i'm going to a huge hall without any budget so yeah let's just jump right in a huge no budget art hall let's get started hey guys so i'm at tools my go-to art store so today i'm going to buy everything here with no budget so let's get started come on in i think i'm going to need the bigger one okay oh gosh i'm so excited let's see i mean it's been like six months so i hope they have like things that they didn't have before [Music] they have some crayons i do need some paper but i'm going to get it at the end because it's really really big and it's going to be hard to like carry it around so let's get going i do need some papers maybe this this one's specifically for manga i don't think this is the one that i always use though let me see which one's the one that i use i think these are the ones that i normally use i'm going to get a pack of this [Music] this is going to be really cute watercolor marker some ink [Music] i always need them maybe one of this and one of this these are like my go-to screen tones i use them a lot [Music] some sparkly ones this is pretty so sparkly and maybe this one [Music] what else do i need i kind of want to try these out maybe a violet oh that would be really pretty yeah i'm going to try white [Music] i need some books i want like books so i feel motivated to draw [Music] this is really pretty i want this [Music] this one they have recipes on how to cook [Music] these are all books on how to use copic markers i need them okay so the cooking section oh my gosh my dream section i love this place so much so i'm here to get all the blue markers the blue ones basically go out of ink really quick so i want to have some like backups this and this i think i'm out of like these colors [Music] i need the purple colors i need a few of these as well [Music] so mostly these two colors because i use these a lot i'm going to get these colors and a few of these and the e000 because i use these a lot as well [Music] i also want to get the refills i think these are the refills yeah oh that's so pretty i love how it's transparent oh i do need this one i need the b b000 so this one [Music] i think i'm out of these two as well i could get a few brush tips [Music] i could live here i need some paper thick marker paper i've heard that you should use like thicker paper for copic markers so i'm going to try these and maybe this custom paper let's see which one works best for me [Music] and here we go okay let's go upstairs these mini canvases are so adorable i honestly don't think i'm going to use them so i won't buy them but that is so cute a stitch binder this is kind of fun [Music] another sketchbook oh these are so pretty i actually need this i should get this one because this one has the price tag the uv light look at this this is a silk screen print kit that's a fun project to work on do i have the time to do this project or not i've always wanted to do this though uh you know what yeah let's try it out [Music] i actually have most of these at home so maybe next time it's getting so heavy [Music] some brushes maybe this one okay [Music] and some paint i do need some for my next project i want to make like another diamond art painting from my painting and i need to paint the painting so i need more new colors for my new painting that i don't have in mind yet i don't know what should i draw should i draw shelley if i am going to draw shelly i think i'm going to use this aqua green i'm definitely going to use some quite [Music] oh this is so hard [Music] paper palette this is so useful i'm definitely getting this one and maybe some like normal palettes maybe some of this do i need some pencils no i don't think so do i need some erasers i don't think they have the type that i like the most okay oh my gosh look at this this is so unique i mean like i think they're like acrylic colors but look at how small they are i think they're all like pearly pigments and this whole palette costs 220 i don't think i'm going to buy it because i'm probably not going to use it but this is interesting okay let's go back downstairs [Music] these masking tape is so cute so shimmery and sparkly [Music] oh my gosh look at how shimmery it is [Music] they're transparent [Music] i want to try this one out this one's a sample so don't worry and it has a like spongy tip and when you press it down like so you can make like circles [Music] that's quite fun [Music] here they have the eraser i was talking about this one's my favorite [Music] oh my gosh this pen is so unique so if you look at the tip there's two colors and when you draw some lines you can make two lines at once oh my gosh there's all these pens that i've never seen before these are so interesting i kind of want to try out like a new pencil because i'm always using the same pencil but i'm always on the hunt for like pencils that work best for me so i'm back at the copic marker section and guys i think i'm finally done let's go back home and i'm back oh my gosh it's so heavy again whenever i pay i don't pay myself i asked my cameraman to pay it for me using my credit card so guys i paid it but i just don't know how much it cost so yeah let's see what i got today so let me show you guys like the big ones so first off i got some paper and these are comic papers specifically made to draw manga so like they have lines and stuff and i got some screen tones four screen tones and they're all stuff that i actually use i'm just so happy just looking at them so clean and nice and new and next up we got a sketchbook i go through these a lot so it's like a must thank you baymax for holding it and here's some more papers these are called copic paper made specifically for copic markers and i was completely out of them so i really needed them thank you fema i've got three books it's so pretty so you guys know i'm self-taught so these books are my teachers this is how i learned to draw oh my gosh i can't wait to read this this is on how to draw eyes digitally and the other two these are about copic markers recently i've been kind of on a flump probably because i've been doing like a lot of big projects but i haven't really had the motivation to sit and draw and reading these always help my motivation so i just can't wait to read these next up i got some disposable paper palettes whenever i paint it's such a hassle to clean every palette sometimes um i get a little bit too tired after drawing to like clean up and stuff but these um they're just paper so you can actually just like throw it away and you would have like a brand new palette so hopefully this works i've never used it before i also got a tint print set i've always wanted to do this but i never got the time to do it so i thought this was my chance oh i can't wait to try what else did i get i also got like a uv light this is for resin and a palette and lastly ta-da i've got some markers yay markers i feel like i can breathe now so i got all the markers that i had to throw away i actually got two of these because i use this color a lot and i actually got some extra ink to be honest i've never refilled them before so i don't know how to use them so that's why i only got two today because i wanted to try them out first and i also got some nibs so from next time if these run out of ink i think i could just like refill them using these and the nibs as well because some gets a little bit dirty so let's see how they work so you take out the nib and put this into the nozzle and push the ink into the body let me try it with the ones that don't work anymore so you can tell from the nib it's out of ink so i guess i'm supposed to like take out the nib and pour the ink inside and i'm just going to use a new nib and let's see how this works and if this works perfectly fine then maybe from next time i could just get all the refills so there's going to be a new haul coming up okay so here's all my markers and i've got two more bags and this bag i got some brushes and this drawing board i thought it would be like really fun to like draw on them and do like a giveaway maybe i don't know let's see the last bag what did i get oh yes and the reveal so here i've got some acrylic paint and like i said i want to do another diamond art project and i want to make a diamond art painting of my own painting and i don't know what to draw yet but i got some shelly colors just in case and here i've got some multiliner pens this is called sepia and i just didn't have this color and i got some black ones because i use them so much i kind of broke the tips for some of them some masking tape these are so pretty these ones are transparent and these ones are all glittery and shimmery they're such like minori colors i could totally imagine them being in my room and last but not least i got an eraser and i've talked about this so many times before but this is my favorite eraser and it's called risare it's just eraser but backwards sorry a friend of mine suggested to me and they work so well i've been using them since then so yeah guys i think that's it oh wait wait i forgot to share this i also got some ink this is a violet ink and some white ink i kind of want to try these using my glass pen that i got recently so yeah guys that's it okay so here's the receipt the reveal here it comes three two one oh okay so this all costed three hundred and forty dollars i honestly thought it could have costed more so i'm kind of relieved but yeah art could be a little bit expensive sometimes so guys don't worry this isn't it i'm thinking of making more art videos and i am thinking of making like a 24 hour challenge again so yeah guys don't forget to subscribe and comment below i'll see you guys next video bye [Music] you
Channel: Minori
Views: 223,303
Rating: 4.9612694 out of 5
Keywords: minori, みのりん, みにきゅーとくら部, minicuteclub, art, draw, manga, anime
Id: 9kY81iU4VmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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