Nitrous doesn’t play well with others! Especially when you have pretty much stock unit.

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hey dude today this is Richard at decision transmission today we're going to be working on a form of 65 80 60 65 we'll get at Party City come out with to thousands of model GTO hands can nitrous and all that type stuff so turn this part and see what kind of destruction we find any time you take these bolts here out this takes a special bit to take it out right here you want to make sure it's all the way at the bottom tap it in with a hammer and then come into a half inch impact hit it and try to get it loose in here you're gonna beat it to death with chisel and a hammer try to get it out but it will come out this did have our three thousand stolen somebody's three thousand went up this thing did not move neutral actually when you started it it would lock itself down in every gear you so you would have to turn the car off if you can get it to move we have our speech center on the side on the DTO you can just see the metal in here it's just imperative I'm really curious to see what he destroys does have a softer tire on the back I can't tell if the driver a deal or not but it does have an aftermarket and he's probably spraying 150 shots see the hotter side of nitrous on it I'm sure that does have an aftermarket shift in it that's the only time you're gonna see this pacer but when we put our wideband in here we cannot put this in there because there's just not enough clearance for it now it does have a Corvette servo in it everybody says our Corvette servo they are great but they have wery issues so even though you rebuild your training it's got a Corvette servo in it you want to make sure this shaft don't wobble in this hole right here and see this one here is starting to wobble so you want to replace it anyway even though it's a Corvette servo put a new one in it now this did come in leaking out of this bottom pewter line these are the quick disconnect style there's over rings in there that we can replace these usually get hard to start leaking there's a little cover when you get clipped in there there's a little cover that slides over holds that snap ring in you always want to put it back on if you don't you need to put a tie strap around or something to hold that clip in because they could still blow out even though the clint's in there now this does have the big shaft should lock up o-ring here now they ditched I put steel retainers on them hold the front seal in right here this ain't gonna be a mess inside I kept it I smell it you can see all the metal in the pan hopefully I get it apart we can tear it all we didn't show you guys to love these when they destroy them we can't get them all the way apart so it takes up a little bit of southern ends apart get a couple chunks in there you see here train just falling out the back of it right here somebody really messed up [Music] we actually save on the oil and run it through our clean burn feeding system that is really clean burns and smoked out of the stock when it starts I mean there is some carnage and we got your PWM solenoid here we'll still use it hook it up but we will block the system or it's an on and off system being that this is a race car actually do all them that way and whether it's race car not now this is a later model as a later model EPC solenoid no snapping it holds it in I always put it on there to save it there where you don't lose it now this here physically is the lock up solenoid right here that actually locks the converter up this is one setting a pump that does all the main work but if this still annoyed fails or this one fails that still quit working or if this valve right here gets wore out in the board it'll quit working too that's why we block this valve if it's even wore out we can block it and it still we're fine we save you some money and said I have a by Reimer kid to read that valve if any value 1 to accumulator these shift kids got to do them a little dickie they try to put the piston in the middle the world it kind of gives it a soft downshift to we're on the race car we don't really care about the soft downshift we care about a soft upshift really but what they do is they put this piston in the middle well this was everything do it right we're going to excuse me with it is they put a spring on the bottom in the top like this so they can work this piston either direction when we block it down like this it's going to only work in one direction it can be solved on this side so but we're going to be adjusting the piston come in this direction so I don't like the dual stage [Music] this is the later version it's got a sealed body where metal can't get down into the wiring and stuff of it but there's actually little pillows in here it's kind of dirty I'm gonna try to do maybe a clean up video on this train where you can see everything but then the fluid touches these pillows that tells the computer that the training made the shift so I can go on to the next one now all these bolts in here are 10 millimeters and you have these 8 3 8 millimeter right here if you put these create this bolt runs far enough deep in the case it'll hit those spinning parts on the inside of track it's only that much difference but you've got to put them in the right spot and there's I three I'm kind of the l-shape right on the bottom now this here's your actually your forward accumulator this right here will compress this spring and soften your engagement when you put it in gear got it what it's not a bank bank going they actually did it two places I get it here and they did it in the drum notches go in there it's pretty dirty you can't see in there but this is the bow that will be blocking right here we're just on and off system any rain star converter now if you have a triple disc 4l60e converter if you block this valve it's gonna be so firm you're gonna unblock it then you need to make sure the valve assim is good but if the stock converter single clutch block this valve and it'll work really nice you like it your shift solenoids a and B now this here's a three to downshift so large when you hit passing gear this solenoid will create the downshift for you always check for fluid in here we don't see it often on the 4l60e but the four ladies and stuff like that we see a lot of fluid in these and it causes a lot of issues this is your number one killer of your 3/4 clutch this ball right here will beat so hard on this plate and it'll get stuck in this bore right here and when it gets stuck in that bore it won't feed that circuit enough they know one two three four clutch right out of it so you always want to go back and drill this hole right here so it takes some relief off this ball beat on this plate I like to crash here balls they're a hard hard like a plastic we always put one here like that and even if the plates damaged a little bit that ball works really good just drill this hole here out a little bit 90,000 hundred thousand to the hole out that'll relieve that first off there and then I put that type of ball in there now your overhaul kit will come with two different - cos it will tell them with a round hole round hole round toe square hole if you look at them both on your upper and have a valve body BB this one here has a CA case so you'll have two sets of gaskets in here you just look at it but you need to make sure your round hole square hole if you put a round hole round or you messed up and make sure it says B being for the top CA for the case on the bottom all the stuff I'm telling is real simple mistakes that you can make if you're doing this at home now here is our 3/4 accumulator here I just got a fifth kid you know he's put it upside down put a spring in it we just take the spring out tuck it away and then we do our double piston that we have three 20,000 spacers we put it here to stack with a double piston a lot of people beat a check ball down this hole down in here but when they do it it rings a case and we don't you can see there'll be a whole check ball down in here but if you stack this piston in there double stack it over it works really nice and you didn't run your case this is your shifter linkage or lose your shifter bring forth your roots become your Park linkage always trying to get it locked in park by the way you can get down but if you don't lock in park it'll try to cover it where you can't really 6500 so if they did where's the o-ring that physically goes in here they put this hard overhang right here and study you have your groom your soft o-ring goes in there I like them either way I didn't see a fault with the other way it still worked really good so I might have a lot of change this does have a 500 bucks out there like just by the color of the spring though right it's got a shift get spring in it we're gonna take it apart lift the body make sure everything looks good the valve ain't wore out top looks really good you see just a little shadow but nothing you can feel that's really nice you can see that only spring I was talking about now you can identify these things - let me get my jewel - take that now get out okay now this is an aftermarket boost valve and shift it right here we'll get this out let you look at it all right back to follow [Music] okay sorry about that but how you can identify mr. spring the color and stuff like that the stock spring of a different kind a little bit weaker looking spring button to get in here on this booth out a lot of metal in here now if you look at the two this is a stock one here you can see the ribs right here on this team they have a make a two three before but these booth valves are programmed into the computer the computer is programmed to this boost valve so if you change boost valves you don't have to change the programming but it does bump the pressure up more and stuff like that now look I'm it's bigger that's in the tube the bigger the bits out the more higher pressure but they have it programmed and and the way the ramp is and stuff like that so we do have thirty thirteen nine that still looks pretty nice work like all the innards on this we have kids that we use that we just replace it all we want a really nice in our unit this is your front brush wash where it is not selective they don't make different thicknesses or anything like that so I don't think you want to take this band anchor right here and get it out of here it's right here you don't want to grab this drum and pull it out till you get it out of here it makes it really hard to get out just like that comes right out pull it out just like that with that in there that band will grab this lip right here and you just can't pull it out now this does have a stock band this was our wife and we're gonna be putting in here you can see the difference in the size I'm gonna just show with the drum so much better let's have your little black pants this is called your reverse drum second gear drum overdrive drum however you want to call it there's multiple things this is reverse flux on the inside this cluster you always want to leave loose you never want to tighten it up or anything it's only on in Reverse so if you tighten it up tight this clutch the barn up going down the highway going forward it's already trashed so just make these Teflon rings right here when you you build it back you want to make sure you don't cut them if you cut this bottom one you lose your third gear you got your forward you got your engine break so any of these you cut you're gonna lose so you got to be really careful we have a tool that puts them on resize in the back and then you can take once you get it on there you always take your pump stator and put it right back on there like that make sure that it doesn't cut them this bearing right here is really bad about going out you'll have a noise and park in neutral if this bearing is going out you'll have a wine so you always want to check this bearing right here every time now we'll get in here see if what type of performance saved into the 3/4 pack now it looks like we just have six punches in here we're gonna go back with 14 we'll go back with a z-pack and some new load Springs and stuff now they did leave the load Springs in which is really good that's probably the thing that made it survive longer than it did does a lot of guys like to leave these Springs out and that's a big no-no so this here is what your standard six clutch looks like like exactly this is our Z pack we're going to be putting in it it's a 14 clutch kit back with our load Springs works really nice now if you leave these low Springs out what happens is this clutch will come on before your band can get off and the band is so much bigger that this what this clutch here will always lose so you always want to put these load things back in there and slow this bus down from coming on and give that band time to come off in here it's the same way well you know we put more surface area so we needed more time for that band to come off so you always want to have really nice load Springs you have this little banging right here you have this seal right here this seal this your loop circuit right here see a hole this seal right here seals it to this shaft right here and then your lube oil goes down that hole it lubricates everything in the back of the train if this breaks along an early shower hard plastic and it just break and just burn the train to the ground on the highway so this is your forward sprog assembly she'll take out here now they did a lot of updates here too now this year here is it physically comes off and on but in stationary weather other earlier designs that gear would come off on its own you just fall off so now this has a different a new stops flag in it normally they have a brass support right here on the outer edge of this flag and that's how you can identify - now they did use some of that plastic got that off air that's flipper II but you want to look at this race really good you start seeing some weird scuffing right here you really want to look at that even though he's got a size finish you know a new Spragg on there and we're gonna put another new one I'm here but this right here is already Gore out we're not to replace this piece now you can come in and look at this piece here make sure they know chatter marks anything like that still reuse it if it's good you want to look here they're really bad about this faucet it's best on the brass ones rubbing right here and just turning this to carnage so we do have some redline clutches here in the former clutch on your engine brake clutch here but let me get back to something here they I was telling you they added a way to soften engagement and forward you know the two states deal we talked about this in the valve body right here this piston right here softening your engagement in the forward here's your another where they softened it to so it's kind of a two-stage deal they got a wave Steel's in a clutch so when you put it in this offers it again so I never thought they went into gear hard but I guess they had enough complaints about they did something about it [Music] bang the kid have come with a new one some of them are painted yellow to mark them some of them are playing James Harden now we did notice the GTOs that come out with the five pinion plan instead of a for Cadillac Escalade to do the same thing so they did come out the roller bearing up here they even come out with a bigger bearing here so that you got your five in your plans check for a lot of where here and on your thrush washes and stuff like that so took out your shell right here we it is a stock shouts not a heavy-duty one or nothing like that we just run a stock shell but we have a hardened one that's hardened here on the end that keeps we're pretty mature we're on these blinds and breaking off right here so we're gonna get down into I think we're starting to find our carnage here come some pieces out I'm not this good dog here get this out obvious that comes out got your chef with your speed over here okay we got severe carnage now I was hoping it didn't doing something crazy crazy it actually wiped out the case right here you can see what melted aluminum busted all this out right here the pistols coming out trick it sorry about the video or the phone again but you can see here we just blew it all out now what we got here is the sprocket see me right here just blew plumb up there ain't no rollers left in here where here's one here that has rollers still left in and stuff like that in your race book this here is just totally gone forget these clutches out of the way you see all the pieces like that so what's crazy the gear didn't run over any pieces of that which is shocking we're gonna really get in here and expect this stuff really good because this is the chunk of money if he has to buy it again so we'll look at that really good you can see down in here where this bearing right here oh and and spun the case pushing back in the back of the case just wiped it out and wrung there'd be another race right here that'd be on this side this bearing is made to this bearing but it's welded itself to right here yeah unfortunately gonna need a whole new trace this flag assembly Zambia clutches a lot of cleaning to get off this medal out for sure but we can do it here precision transmission so you own anything it was all
Channel: Precision Transmission
Views: 529,188
Rating: 4.9066396 out of 5
Keywords: tear down, stock transmission, nitrous, upgrades, precision transmission, 4L60E, GTO, pontaic
Id: HiV3cUG2N-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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