1970 all original Th400 talk about history...

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this is a richard back at you we got burt's 400 in the house this morning this guy he got lucky he got him a 70 model all original 396 big block el camino guys you just don't find them anywhere anymore let me tell you but they're going to go through this car uh since it's so nice and just do the all the drive train motor training everything and freshen this thing up so i'm really excited that he give me a chance and brought it to me to do it for him he's uh from not emerald but he's close to amarillo so um he doesn't have a long drive like 90 of our people have been doing to get to us but we're going to put all the good stuff in this thing we're going to put him uh stall converter a beef that shifts up stuff like that that way he can have a little bit of red light to red light uh if some young youngster pulls up beside him like me yeah i like you trent so but this is all original you can look at this dinosaur uh vacuum modulator here old canister style can now we got a boat that come out of man we got an extra bolt look there i've been in there a while i don't have to save then give that back he might need that to do something with it but this thing's all original for sure i don't even know what they were thinking when they made these things they're so big taking it off you have a weight reduction i'm telling you did you hear that thing hit the table heavy heavy of course you got your modulator valve here a lot of people say richard why don't you steam these off before you uh tear them down i say well if you knew how bad water doesn't mix with my solvents and you get water and all this stuff it just don't mix with solvent and try to clean it out and stuff it don't work i would rather clean the dirt off of it than try to clean water out of it now we do clean the inside of our cases before we put them in the washer that way we get all the dirt out of the pores of the metal on the inside of the case because that fine gray metal you see in the pan this stuff right here that fine gray metal that parts washer even though it's got new soaping and stuff that stuff's in the pores so we take solvent and air and blow in here and we get it out of the pores of the metal that way when you go out and first test drive your vehicle uh the new fluid is such high detergent it will draw that gray out of the pores of the metal and next thing you know you have erratic shifting and all that type stuff so we'll take a solvent bottle like this get an air blower clean all that out really good and get that out of there that way when i put in a parts washer it don't seal it in the pores so now we are going to leave the governor in this thing it's going to be have the fully manual capability but when he puts it in drive it's still going to shift on its own but if he puts it in low gear at 100 miles an hour it's going to low gear so we'll explain that to him and stuff because uh when we build them back uh it won't shift out if you put in low gear it's not going to shift out until you move the shifter so that tells you if you're putting low gear in 100 miles an hour it's going to go a little bit and probably send all the rods out the motor and all that type stuff too so actually uh make a long story short we had a friend of ours that was racing his uh corvette and was shifting from either fourth to fifth or something like that and went from fifth to first and dumped the clutch back out and it blew the rear end off the back of the the the in the back of the car because the rear ends on the back on the corvette that's something we've actually done twice isn't it trent yeah those uh close ratio six speeds in those corvettes uh it's really easy to go for the wrong gear when you're speed on with shifting yeah then it's even worse we actually fixed this corvette once the rear end was like ten thousand dollars and then we welded all the pieces back together welded all the pieces back on the and then like uh two months later they did it again so oops this is all that gray metal i'm talking about that's inside the pores of the metal inside the barrel of this case that we get out with solvent before we put it in the parts water we'll actually clean that pan with solvent before we even put it in the parts washer because the parts washer we wanted to get the dirt off of it and stuff like that but we physically get that out of there before we put it in the parts washer so now this does just have a stock filter you can already see it's starting to mess the filter up it's been in there so long looks like he's trying to suck it forward so now we could put a screen filter in this i believe he asked me about that um but we might decide not to on this one since he's going to be driving it on the street a bunch and stuff like that and those screen filters they really don't filter a lot of stuff they're just more for high flow capability so compared to your felt you got an o-ring down in here for your extension tube for your filter now we'll go back with two o-rings right here when we put it back together that way we don't have any leakage or like that anything like that now this here is your passing gear switch here this is your uh switch to downshift it to tell the computer when to downshift it lower than certain gears you don't see that very often in these units either what's funny is i'm gonna have to say that's two for today yeah you don't see stuff like that this thing's really early but it's not as early as the early ones you know on the 350 transmissions they always had a switch over here by the dipstick tube on the side of the transmission and everybody said richard what is that switch right there and i would say with that switch right there when you hit passing gear it turns the air conditioner off before it hits passing gear and they go you got to be kidding me i said no sir i said that's what that does i said we can take it off plug it and uh the air conditioners still work fine but it will not turn it off when you hit passenger so ninety percent of them come in leaking and most of the time that's what leaks and burns the training up because uh the small leak that that occurs on it so got your governor tubes here now this training has no modifications to the valve body anything no shift kit or anything like that it's all stock looking which is where i like to see them and then we have our metal gasket here on the passenger switch now i wish i had some stuff here to show you they did some changing up here guys on the servo piston and stuff on the valve body and the same way with the gaskets the gaskets are always verified by these two holes right here your overhaul kit will come with three gaskets and you pick them out but these square holes right here are the ones how you identify them the other gasket that you don't see here in this picture will have a tail on it and that gasket doesn't belong to this but when you lay them on there you'll see the difference in them but just match your gasket up and you'll be able to tell now what they did here on this servo piston and stuff like this see how this is flat they make uh one that has three legs on it and then they made the piston flat so if you put a flat piston with a flat here it'll come up high enough and blow this ring out so that is the difference if you have one that's got three legs it takes a flat piston if you have a flat one it has the leg the legs on the piston here if you get them mixed up you can either apply the band or you'll never apply the band and it'll blow the ring so anytime you change parts uh you always want to look for that top stuff the only problem you get into if you don't know what you're looking at when you change parts is when you get into trouble or how to identify things in a couple of previous videos that i've done i've talked about educational videos all of my videos are educational i'm here to teach to train anybody that wants to learn you cannot get out of school and jump into the training shop and learn it just ain't going to happen you ain't going to be able to go if you can afford to go to wyotech i'm happy for you and stuff like that go to call all that type stuff but you still ain't gonna learn on the job like you learn in my shop and uh that's why i'm here doing what i'm doing me and trent spend hours of the day sitting here doing this stuff to show these guys you guys how to do this stuff what it looks like how to put them back together i mean everything about it so if you got kids that love cars get them in here watching these videos because let me tell you the transmission is the expensive thing and that's basically why i got into it because in my race car days i couldn't build an automatic transmission uh and that was what inspired me a little bit to get in there and learn how and stuff so now i didn't have to buy training for my race car pay people to build my trainings and stuff like that so it's a lot cheaper on us but if you get your kids up to the watch it's a good thing to learn you can make good money at it you can do it at home in your driveway and make money at it it's um [Music] very educational i mean you've always told me anything you can take in life to take with you and learn yeah that's the way to go now we're taking our center support boat out here you notice this one on the 400 is about quarter inch shorter they will not interchange don't interchange them don't try it you'll mess up a support try to find you have to find you another one but don't interchange them i've never tried to cut one off and make it fit neither i just find me one that fits don't do that yeah so got all of our check balls now what's nice is he does have an eight bolt pump and case here now we're not going to put an ultra bell on it or anything like that but if he wanted to he now could since this tranny's never been apart you notice this pin right here that holds your shifter in it's actually looks like a little nail if i take and tip that case over it'll fall right out once i take that pump out of there so i just want to just try to bend it up just a little bit like that when the tranny's set normal it's going to hang down like that anyway it's not going to touch your shifter linkage but if you don't see that that nail falls out you put it in the car next you know your shifter don't work no more so that's a real common problem to lose the pin in the washer or at the car wash or anything like that if you're doing it at home we've seen that the other day yeah we've seen somebody putting parts in his wife's dishwasher i'm going what are you doing guys yeah you got to get it done there we go now this train is just going to be totally stock it's not going to have no high pressure rings they're going to have nothing in it the bushings still look decent it's got your factory pressure springs i just feel it's cool to be messing with something back back 1970s you know to be able to put your hands on something like that yeah never doing mess with now we got our pump stator and stuff here looks really nice it's got some shadowing no grooves so it's kind of hard to feel the glove so i have to pull this off and go back and check it but you can see here the depth of the converter now see that's got to be respaced that's got to get some depth on there but he's just barely catching that thing hopefully this pump ain't wore out now we're starting to lose our bluing on our pump gears you can see that right there our pump body looks really good still nice got lucky there bushing doesn't look so good so tranny's been around for a long time got to give it some respect there looks really good dinosaur yeah how many miles this thing's got on it how many times it went to the grocery store how many times it went to the movies how many times it took you to work you know it's it's amazing how many miles you put on a car nowadays and don't even realize you went 100 miles you know and it still amazes me today that these things can push a car down the road you know after all these years and the weight the weight they pull that's that's what gets me more than anything so we got our forward clutches pretty much cooked that could have been done from filtered starvation anything like that because that filter was totally starved so we see what we got now we don't have a high performance hub or anything like that this won't need that he's not making no crazy horsepower like our four lady e's are going to be making as long as the splines are good on on where your clutch rides and your input shaft goes or your intermediate shaft goes you'll be fine so looks really good bushings run and grab our third gear clutch now since this is a big block el camino we are going to beef it up and stuff uh it doesn't make a little bit more power than it used to we are going to upgrade this drum uh to the better sprag assembly now we do have a wave in here for third gear now if i take that wave out he's going to notice reverse really really bad especially if you go from drive to reverse i mean it's going to be really bad so this wave i would probably put back in just for drivability purposes uh they have kids and stuff like that and uh i don't think when he puts into gear he don't want to end up in the back seat so but even with the wave in there you can make it shift really nice now hopefully being a 400 let's see if it squeaks oh it don't squeak trent oh we might have a good sprag assembly might have a good drum but have a cheap tm sprag oh look at there man lucky there now how you can identify gm sprague you're gonna have a brass washer every time lucky there guys [Music] we got a good drum hopefully this drum ain't chattered up or anything like that because man that that just saves a lot of money for the customer not have to spend look at that drum really nice scotch brite's your friend man that's a good looking drum you just don't see that and to find that drum uh it's just almost impossible so let's get down here we got our engine breaking band looks really nice now this will go back in there we're not going to be modifying anything like that we're not going to be taking the wave out of our second gear or anything like that we don't want it to uh every time you take the wave at a second here it's hard on that at sprague i'm showing you there so and we want this thing to last this guy a long time because he's going to be doing cruises and stuff like that it's just not going to be a strip club so now we do have a three clutch intermediate now we always go back with a four clutch on anything we do now unless it's a volkswagen or something with no power that was weird did you either got a bird in the building or just was running across the top of the building something now i am working on my table man just keep going i'm just going to keep going because it's kind of like a a weird noise went by me in trenton hope it might be in the camera here we'll have to listen to that video i might have woke somebody up today we need to hurry get this snap ring out of here i mean it's almost like right here like something went by kind of weird but everybody knows what type of table i got here so we could have a visitor for a second they're used okay here's our sprag where our race runs right here looks really nice now we will be leaving our second ring off on this unit here to give it a little bit firmer apply on third gear uh it will not affect reverse but it will have the third gear applied because it is a two circuit deal you have your third gear clutch is a reverse spots too so you have two circuits coming in there and doing two different things at different times eight bolt case looks really nice so these cases are getting rare and rare i mean i if i could find a hundred i'd take every one of them reverse bands starting to get a little thin on the tips got a lot of age i'm still shocked for 1973. 70 70. that's a 70. yes sir same way here you want to look down here and see if it's been rubbing on this washer and if these pins have been cutting on here because it sets like this and if these pins come up it'll start shaving you can look at the depth if it's you can flip it over take welding pins down there alright here's a roller clutch you can call that two different things they different builder preferences i guess or whatever look at your sun gear same way here if you notice this one only locks on one direction you know it goes like that well the other a lot of the other ones they have a groove in here to where you can put this in any direction you want to and it's still going to have oil come out that hole yes okay where this physically points all out that hole ah making sure yes so key way they just make sure yes sir now the same way here we'll be getting rid of our thrush washer in the back and putting a roller bearing in there a big old wide bushing in there now that is an aftermarket bushing for this unit i believe um cause them come in the kits too so i'd almost have to maybe it might not be i could have just accidentally throw that in there don't ruin my dreams it looks really nice right there same way here hollow shaft oils to the center same way here you want to look at all your pins check for any wobbling it looks really nice really nice really so wow not too bad huh gonna be really nice to get cleaned up and put back together these are the ones i enjoy doing that really once not been touched or messed up where they don't have to think it's hard cuts down to build time you know about an hour or two easy you know when i don't have to straighten up a lot of people's stuff because sometimes people get in and modify things that i can't straighten up and have to change a lot of parts and stuff so uh it's gonna be it's gonna be fun if you want anything give us our precision transmissions don't forget to subscribe we've got to get the subscribers up really high guys so uh we get noticed a little bit more get your kids uh watching these videos and stuff like that that way they can get a little education on how these vehicles go down the road if they enjoy cars and stuff like that so y'all stay tuned more to come you all have a great day
Channel: Precision Transmission
Views: 118,296
Rating: 4.9661775 out of 5
Id: uJAc3iB0IOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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