Nissan Sentra Brake Job - Mistakes were Made

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oh I got the new tires installed on the rear axle for the same as the old tires she had good luck with those so we just went with the same thing but I found a problem on the front axle and I'll have to throw this up as an addendum because I found it while I was editing the first video and you guys never missed anything so I'm sure you'll catch it all right can everybody see that now look at this and tell me what's wrong yep backwards I've got a fun experiment for you guys to try at home I want you to think of a simple task that you've done hundreds of times possibly thousands of times to the point where you think you've mastered it and then find a video camera set that camera up nearby turn it on hit record and try to explain to that camera what you're doing and see how often you screw up it seems to happen to me all the time the other side that I didn't film put her together just right this side somehow put the squeakers at the bottom and they did not engage this little drag clip here so I've got to flip those around which doesn't take that long but I still feel stupid that it happened at all well see if we can do this before the battery runs out so it's real simple just gotta swap them around there's the inside one and there's the outside one and they anti drag clip here catches in the squeaker and pulls the pad back a little bit so they don't drag [Music] well not to make excuses but I think what happened besides being distracted by the camera I had put the pads in the bracket originally before I bolted it up and then at some point they just catapulted themselves off onto the floor and I guess when I picked him up I must have put him on the wrong way I don't know I was fed up with the squeaker and her with the clip popping them out and I just didn't put it back that way I just don't know hey big deal it really won't hurt anything but it's not right can I want it to be right there we go fixed before I get a zillion comments yes I did block up beside the jack not with a jack stand that's gonna break and kill me but with some good old homegrown wood and I chucked the rear wheel alright folks that's it thanks for watching
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 44,857
Rating: 4.9742727 out of 5
Keywords: nissan, brakes, pads, wrong, mistake, oops, mechanic, fix, repair, redo, front, anti-drag, clip
Id: 4buFOoJwOng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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