Nintendo Wii Hidden Gems 2021 - Part 2

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hello and welcome back to another episode i'm back again with one of my favorite systems that is not called playstation 5 or xbox one series s x whatever it is the nintendo wii and i did a video of the hidden gems the nintendo wii has a lot of the games that i chose are games that a lot of people don't talk about and i'm just kind of sick of seeing the same games over and over so i've been doing a lot of digging a lot of digging and finding all these hidden gems that the nintendo wii has there are like there's over like a thousand games on that system so there's a lot of garbage out there but i've i have amassed quite a collection as i've said in the other episodes and this time around i want to show you some more hidden gems that i think you guys are going to love uh some games you might not like is you know as much as others but you know what it's okay because i still want to recommend them because they were a ton of fun for me to play and that's my criteria and that's i hope you guys have a lot of fun doing it but these games were a ton of fun and hopefully you like them without further ado let's check it out okay so the first game i want to recommend is a game that is a puzzle game and if you guys are familiar with a game called puzzle quest then you'll be familiar with this game it's called puzzle kingdoms and it is an awesome fantastic puzzle game it has these rpg elements to it if you kind of like that kind of thing kind of reminds me like a game of thrones meets puzzles you know i know it's kind of weird but what i liked about it is that it's like it's like a chess game you know you go first and then the other person goes so it's like a turn-based puzzle game and it's very very fairly simple but also complex at the same time so you really have kind of like one move to make you either go up or down you move your pieces up or down and then hopefully you strike some damage to your opponent but it also gets you thinking because if you do make a move you got to be careful because kind of look at the possibilities out there because your opponent might be able to strike you so it gets you thinking and i thought that was a really awesome aspect of the game i think it's great uh if you guys are interested in puzzle quest i i played that for the psp back in the day and that was an awesome game uh and it also has somewhat motion controls i mean you do have to point and click you know with the wii mote some people might get turned off by it but i didn't because i think it's done really well it's not over sensitive overly sensitive where you you could point that you have to really really pinpoint it's really not like that it's forgiving and it has really good controls on it i liked it but um i think it's a it's an excellent little puzzle game that i'm super happy i found and i actually found this one for i want to say like three dollars at goodwill so and it has some awesome effects i'll tell you that like these really cool sound effects it's kind of funny i mean after a while i could get sick of it but you know what check it out it's an awesome game puzzle kingdoms it's a really really cheap game but not cheaply made let's just say that you can pick it up for dirt cheap right now it i like i found it for three bucks you know maybe i got lucky but i really don't think it's much much more than that so take a look at it puzzle kingdoms on to the next okay next game i want to talk about is actually a sports game and i don't i'm not big on sports games typically but this one i i had i have to say it was really good it is nhl slap shot now this game came out in 2011 and it features what like the 2010 rosters uh so keep that in mind i don't know you know for people that care but this one was really good because it's a mix of like i want to say like sim simulation in arcade so i like the arcade style games i don't like the realistic stuff i mean i don't hate realistic stuff but this one you know i'm into it somewhat but i i just want to play the game i don't want to have like a very difficult time playing a game so this one is was surprisingly really good i know it comes with a stick or some kind of a hockey stick normally i didn't play with that you could just play it with the wii uh mult and uh nunchuck and it does a great job with that so one aspect i like about it that is awesome is actually the checking aspect of it it's really easy all you got to do is just kind of shake the control just go after somebody and just shake the controller and it's just it's really it's really a satisfying feeling and uh it's just not that difficult to play and it's just an awesome well-made hockey game it kind of reminded me of like back in the day that nhl you know janet on the genesis so i don't know if that if that tells you anything if you like those types of games but this i mean obviously it's better it has better graphics and all that stuff but it's a really really good sports game and it's a lot of fun it's and i think it's up to four players so you can have fun with a lot of you know your friends stuff like that there's a lot of mods there's like shootout mode there's two on two and you could start off on like kiwi which is like rookie you know and then make way all the way up to pro but it is a really really awesome game honestly you're you're not gonna be disappointed especially if you like sports games i think you always yourself at least give it a shot because it's really really a good game nhl slap shot don't miss this one this is a really good one if you like sports games check it out if you don't like sports games still check it out because it's honestly you'll find this for like two three dollars at goodwill or even on ebay for just a couple of bucks so check it out nhl slap shop let's check out the next one all right so next one up is a game that is by codemasters and it's called emergency mayhem now emergency mayhem is going to look familiar or feel familiar when you play it because it's going to remind you of crazy taxi so if you've ever played crazy taxi which is one of my all-time faves back in the day and the dreamcast for those of you that know what i'm talking about you know how good it was um thinking about picking up crazy chaos or taxi chaos that's coming out you know that just came out so i want to check that out but anyway uh this one here emergency mayhem is a it's gonna remind you like i said a lot of crazy taxi so you're in this fire truck and you're just doing missions that's it it's very simple and a lot of the missions are pretty fun and they can they can get repetitive at times but i just had a lot of fun playing it you know runner you know driving around in the fire truck and doing these little side missions and just like i said it reminds me of a different version of crazy taxi and when you have that crazy taxi formula and i just think you can't go wrong i mean the graphics are really good uh they do remind me of crazy taxi and very like arcady type the controls are tight um and you'll see like you've got the arrow on top that reminds you so they take they took a lot from it but uh it's cool it's a really cool game i never i've never heard of this thing and i saw it and i decided to pick it up and i read a little bit about it uh and this was just fun for me i thought it was great so emergency mayhem that's just something you just pick up and go that's it and you got two minutes to you know stop the mayhem and you have some weird things like you gotta catch the movies or something like that there's some kind of monkeys or minkies or something but whatever you get these little odd side quests you know which you know it just adds to the fun of it i guess you know but uh this was cool i mean i think it i think you really enjoy it i enjoyed it i had a lot of fun with it it's got a ton of mini games and it's even up to four players so you can have like a party mode and it's just a lot of fun it's cool it's it's just a cool little game and there's really not it's really not that much money so that's kind of like you know you really can't beat that if it's just a couple of bucks i mean it's you're not wasting you know a ton of money so why not emergency mayhem by cold masters check it out on to the next and see what we get okay next one up is gonna be one that you probably want to play with other people so this is better played for player maybe even two player whatever but this one is called disney think fast now it's a trivia game and there's over 5 000 questions am i a huge disney fan no i'm not i mean i'm a disney fan i'm not like the biggest disney fan in the world my kids like disney you know i grew up with disney and so a lot of people know a lot of these questions what's cool about it is that like i said there's over 5 000 questions and playing with people is a blast actually it was a lot of fun it's it's not one of those where it can get boring but like it says you got to think fast and the way it's implemented is really really well done you just need a wiimote you don't need a nunchuck anything like that and you just pick the answer by going up down left to right with the uh d-pad and that's it and it's super responsive because it's all based on time so you might all have the same answer but you need to do it the fastest and if you if you could imagine you know four people going at it i mean you don't really need to do with kids i mean you you get your friends together and play it but there's a ton of questions this thing did i didn't know a lot of them but a lot of them i did know because not all of them are disney related and um it's just it's a ton of fun honestly like i i was shocked and i found this one for just a couple of bucks but if you want like a party game just to kind of do something different you know i know you could do like mario party things like that but i just wanted to try something different and this was a lot of fun it's a really really cool game disney think fast it's a trivia game i don't really play true video games but this one is really cool another really good one is you don't know jack that's another that's for another time another video but this one disney think fast was a ton of fun please get together with your friends family whatever and and have at it because it was a cool game a lot of fun disney think fast let's check out the next one okay next one up is a racing game now i like cart racers and there's a lot of garbage out there i mean i know there's mario kart right but i'll tell you this there's not very many that i can say that they're worth going back this one i want to recommend is actually pretty decent it's called madagascar parts now madagascar carts is a mario kart clone or copy or you know whatever inspired by but that's not a bad thing it's actually i think it's a good thing and it's pretty surprising because first of all i've never seen madagascar or anything like that my kids probably seen it but this one uh had uh had me surprised it was actually really good the tracks are good the controls are good and the graphics are good i mean you really can't uh i can't find anything to complain about i like the drift aspect it's really cool because when you drift you charge up your turbo and then each time you charge your turbo you could you can use it so anytime you want you can go ahead and use it as as long as you do tricks as long as you uh drift and things like that so that's pretty cool also you can collect these mangoes um you could do tricks when you jump which is cool like i said the the levels are cool the the design is pretty nice and i was pretty you know pleasantly surprised with this one is it better than mario kart no it's not i'm not saying that it is but it's still pretty good and it's definitely worth your time and something like this you know i mean madagascar carts you know that's not gonna be a lot of money i highly doubt you're going to pay more than i don't know five six bucks for it if you get it on ebay or find an amazon i mean whatever or you'll find it somewhere and uh also goodwill you'll find it from time to time from goodwill for just a couple of bucks and for uh you know one of those cartoon racers a cart game that's not named mario kart it's actually pretty decent i highly recommend it if you're looking for something different and uh well made this was actually well made and i like i said i was surprised and i had a lot of fun with it i enjoyed it and i think you guys will too it also has like a four player multiplayer which is cool if you want to you know have a little multiplayer session or whatever but it is really cool madagascar carts all right next one up is a game from atlas now this game is i guarantee you it's gonna be a game that you've never played before like this is a game where you're really it's there's really nothing like it out there uh it's called trauma center new blood now i haven't played i know they i think they made a couple of these i've never played them and this is my first uh attempt at playing this one and it is actually pretty good it is a surgery game it's like you're a doctor and you perform all these surgeries like some people might have cancer some people have a broken bone which is pretty gross but i mean there are i mean it is a disgusting game let's say uh but it's not like so anatomically correct where you're actually the blood looks real and the bones look real i mean you know it is like like the anime style but it's weird i mean i'm not gonna lie to you it's a weird game but it's really cool it's a really good game it had me uh coming back to do more surgeries and you keep going you keep going and you know if anybody that is interested in becoming a doctor yeah you can play this game but this has nothing to do with real life doctors because there's no way you can create or you know stitch somebody up and and and begin an operation with the wii mote and this thing is forgiving so you pretty much have to do like incisions and things like that so you point the remote does use the motion controls so and there's also like a two-player co-op mode which is pretty cool and you just do the operation that's it you they guide you through it some people like one guy came in there with a broken arm and like a compound fraction here i mean not like a little fracture like we got bones fragments going all over the place so you gotta extract the bones and then you put them in a plate and you do all sorts of stuff and you you know then you suture the wound you do you know you bandage it blah blah so you know it's it's pretty much a game like i said that you've never played before it's by atlas and it is actually a really cool game i mean i had a lot of fun with it i haven't played the other ones made for the wii but this one was really good and it didn't cost me a lot of money just a couple of bucks and like all the games that i'm showing you it's it's it's really that's the best part of all these games they're really not that much money at least now they're not maybe in the future they will be but now is the time to buy them especially when all the hype is for the new system so trauma center new blood check it out all right next one up is a third person action game if you will it is called transformers the game now i've played other transformers games before and a lot of them are garbage a lot of them are not that good uh this one here was okay it wasn't that bad i had a great time with it i thought it was really fun uh the controls do get a little bit getting used to takes it takes a bit of a little getting used to but once you get the hang of it it's actually pretty fun i had i'd uh like i enjoyed it pretty much and what's cool about it is that you can immediately switch from like car into the rolled by the transformers you know and it is like i said an action-based game so you're just uh you know it's like uh i don't want to say hack and slash but you know something like that you just you beat him up next mission beat him up next mission so it's kind of like repetitive but it's actually i thought it was well made i thought it was a really good game and it is uh pleasantly surprising i'll tell you that because usually these transformer games are really not that good and this one i gave it a chance because i did read a couple of good reviews on it and i just wanted to check it on my own see because i was in the mood for something you know something action just something i haven't played before that might be pretty good and like i said i enjoy this one i had a lot of fun with it but a disclaimer here the controls do get a little bit uh you got to get a little used to it but once you get the hang of it it's really not that bad you kind of wave the controller to start punching and things like that um and then you just press the up button and you you know you become the car and then you're off and the control the car controls pretty well you don't need the motion controls for that one for the car but you could i mean the the the level design i think is pretty good because you can just become the car and just drive around and go wherever you want and if you get stuck just become the transformer in your set that's it but transformers the game pick this one up it's pretty pretty cheap just like the other ones this one's really good and you know i think you'll be surprised that it was really good and well worth the couple bucks i paid for it would i have paid 40 50 on it no but this is actually worth a couple of bucks and i think you'll get some enjoyment out of it and i was pleasantly surprised check it out transformers the game okay so last one i got for you is an awesome game it it's gonna be the most expensive one that i'm gonna recommend and when i mean expensive it's probably gonna cost you about 15 to maybe 20 i'm not exactly sure how much but it is well worth the money it's even worth more than that and it is a game that i think was overlooked because of the motion controls and that's wario land shake it now i'm guilty of this when it came out i didn't want to get it because it had the you know the shake it i don't want to shake anything i don't want to do the motion controls you know i was guilty of that and i didn't want to you know i just didn't give it a shot but i feel bad now because this game is awesome this game is fantastic it is i love wario games now don't get it confused with like wario ware it's not like that it's it's a it's a 2d side scroller uh and it's oh my it's such a such a joy to play it's uh uh wario is animated it's like it's like cartoon animated graphics are awesome in this game they're fantastic and um he just it's just such a well made game that it's just a ton of fun to play it kind of reminds me of like i don't know kirby without like the kirby floating aspect and stuff like that but it's just it's such an awesome game i had i had a fantastic time with it i love it i love this game and i feel bad that i didn't even get it give it a chance back then because it's such a well crafted game and the shake it feature is uh works very well on this one i mean just shaking things like i said it's like cartoon animated so it's really fun to look at and it's just satisfying to do i mean that's that's the best part of it you have um the controls you just you don't need the nunchuck you just hold the controller sideways and play it like that just use one and two buttons and and that's it it's really that's really much to it but there's a lot of depth to the game and the controls are just awesome they're just fantastic they work well and the whole game like i said the shaking aspect you'll see in the footage that you know it it looks like a cartoon and just when you're actually playing it it's just such a satisfying feeling just it's just an overall great game and i can't recommend it enough it's just oh god i'm so i'm so happy i picked it up and i know you guys will like it too especially if you like wario i'm a big fan of wario i think it's hilarious and i'm a big fan of warioware too but this game wario land shake it please go pick it up don't miss it you're gonna love it i'm telling you it is an awesome game don't be like me just go ahead and give it a shot all right thanks guys okay well that's it for me i hope you guys enjoyed my list of hidden gems for the nintendo wii like i said these are games that i think they're super fun and i enjoyed them i had a great time with them and i hope you guys do too there's a lot more comment i'll give you guys more hidden gems videos especially for the nintendo wii u that one's going to come up soon i had a great time with that system i love that system i'll always love that system and i'm not even shamed to admit it it was just an overlook system and let's do that next time but please like and subscribe i appreciate all your support i hope you guys enjoy the content leave feedback i i accept all types of feedback and i am open to suggestion whatever you guys want but these are videos that i like to make i i see a lot of these video games that a lot of these hidden gem videos that are really not that hidden gems and i wanted to dig through these games and find some good ones for you so the nintendo wii hidden gems please like and subscribe i appreciate you guys until next time bye
Channel: Dream 64
Views: 2,782
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo, Nintendo Wii, Wario, Mario, Hidden gems
Id: uVI9w-qlS64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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