Nintendo and the TRUTH about Smash Esports

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now look hbox one of if not the greatest players of all time honestly might just straight up be the goat stuff he's been able to accomplish with a character like Jigglypuff I also think it's cool even though I think we should stay as far away from crypto as possible I think it's a good thing that he's bringing in money for the community I also don't like fresh cut but take the money but if if fresh cut if they end up going bad or whatever they end up being a bad thing for the community imma be there in a month just ready to capitalize with the the greatest I Told You So of the century and I'll be eating good for a month this is something I want to talk about for a while never really got around to it this isn't once again an extension of the the smash World Tour debacle and like Nintendo working with events and Licensing and that kind of stuff he says you're implying that Nintendo has never supported the smash community on that end the topic was like prize pools organizing events stuff that like other companies are doing that Nintendo kind of drops the ball on first off Nintendo has no issue with smash tournaments like you can run like a Smash tournament outside of your in your basement or out of your garage or whatever they don't have an issue with that they have an issue with the commercialized aspect of these bigger tournaments that that's the issue they seem to have which is why many sponsors tend to avoid unlicensed events like Ludwig has said like I can't get these sponsorships because they know that he he's he doesn't have the approval from Nintendo a lot of brands are wary to work with even me when I run a smash event because they know that I don't have the approval from Daddy Nintendo so Nintendo obviously in that regard they do dish out licenses to these events last year almost every major tournament was licensed including events that were not on the panda cup even earlier this year uh generation Esports which is some Esports org was able to partner with Nintendo for like a middle school league it's really just vgbc that doesn't understand how to get these licenses in terms of bigger orgs and I guess Beyond The Summit as well I don't think they they have licensing hbox responds we're gonna read through this whole thing because I think it's interesting uh he says not even trying to roast here because I think most people are ignorant to this if this is worth saying to remind people that fact that the average person slash person not in the community doesn't realize this fact always breaks my heart for those of you seeing this tweet and are unfamiliar Nintendo has never not once to any of my memory added any cash funding to a modern smash tourney prize pie apart from panda cup which I'm pretty sure they didn't do but that's beside the point which was canceled due to protest after another Grassroots circuit smash World Tour also shut down by Nintendo a month prior I've already covered this there was not a single good reason as to why like the rest of panda shouldn't be allowed to function let's let's pretend that Dr Allen was guilty of everything everyone was saying even if he was some like evil dude then just get rid of Alan why can't you just keep the circuit or like at least the company they had to lay off all non-essential staff all their players all the team members just gone across all their games not just Smash esem and Mars tried to stay on the roster even after the the whole smash World Tour thing and they couldn't do it because they they got laid off it's okay Nintendo has never supported smash except for this massive circuit where they supported we had we had a Nintendo supported thing and even outside of panda cup we had like four or five licensed events that were not on the Panic of Genesis shine a low tide City and Riptide none of them were on the panda cup but they were all able to get licensing now granted that's different from obviously what he's talking here with like getting cash funding but just the permission to get a license have this commercialized activity getting these sponsors on board that's huge to do that you know Genesis makes over 350 000 a year also 350k for Genesis don't you guys make more in Revenue in one year than 350k yeah you do I'm not sure if that's rep if that's profit or just like their revenue or their income uh but 350 000 is a lot of money you don't get that being Grassroots you don't get that from staying away from Nintendo and as it turns out they are licensed by Nintendo they've been licensed by Nintendo for several years has NHS license yep many were many were publicly announced to be too so clearly Nintendo's support in this way does benefit the community even if it's not a cash prize so I I could agree with this in the sense that yeah they should probably add more to the prize pools so the players get paid more but again like Dr Allen was able to accomplish that with the circuit he was able to get what was it 150 000 prize pool and it was going to grow over time he got two million dollars in sponsorships and he could use that to support the events on the circuit add to the prize pool Etc he was able to get the money because he was licensed by Nintendo that's where the support comes from maybe not directly like they give you money but the rights to like make money off of their IP to profit off of that how is that not valuable and all these events last year had it and some have historically had it like genesis yet vgbc's the only company that failed to get a license or at least the biggest one when they applied for a license they got rejected and they got rejected because they didn't follow the the health and safety protocol as gimmer put it their security team left an hour before the end of the event and it allowed a ban player or spectator to end re-enter the tournament and they took no responsibility for that they played the victim in that situation and now they're never going to work with Nintendo again if you want to learn more you can watch my special tour video yeah everyone can get anyone can get a license I obviously I don't run events so I don't know how difficult it is to obtain a license but it's possible everyone was able to do it last year so I don't see why that doesn't count as support for the community even like obviously again I guess they're not directly adding to the cash prize but Alan got two million dollars Alan got two million dollars I think you could argue that the whole process to get a license is maybe unnecessary if it's difficult or the fact that you have to go through all these hoops looking at it from Nintendo's perspective I don't fault them for having that sort of stance that you have to go through them get like a license to commercialize your event or to get like sponsors and stuff because I I'd understand why as a company like Nintendo if you want to eat this like sort of I guess family friendly brand they'd have a big issue with say like Ludwig if he hosted a smash event and ran like a fancily ad on it Nintendo's like wait a minute we don't we don't want this being shown with Smash Bros so I could see why they would want to control the stuff and when you get a license there are like guidelines that you have to follow so there is direct like corporate oversight obviously there's the health and safety guidelines that we mentioned but there there's other stuff like other restrictions that people have talked about so I could understand Nintendo saying we have no issue with events but if you're going to be running ads and getting sponsors you should get permission from us to do so there's like two sides of the community there's the one side that's like we need money in this community we want to take smash Esports to the next level but then there's the other side of the community that's like nah we gotta stay grat mainly melee like yeah we got to stay Grassroots get Nintendo out of here their involvement was terrible it's scary we hate Nintendo we we don't we don't want them in the community so that's that's step one first of all deciding do we want to partner with Nintendo do we want to work with them do we want them in the community because there are people like the Crimson blur who just say no we don't want to work with Nintendo next time someone comes in with a Nintendo League we say no from the outside we don't even [ __ ] entertain it Aiden Calvin who are like we're boycotting any Nintendo licensed event and then he's had Genesis foot the only issue is like with melee and Nintendo's like yeah no mods all right let's continue reading this if they have it was likely for a much smaller scale or something far less significant that left my memory okay they've held their own attorneys and invitationals which I myself was invited to and competed in twice but mainly for the promotion of their own game first place was often a trophy or licensed merchandise but never any money for The Talented player that managed to come out on top okay I guess they have sponsored events which to my knowledge consisted of providing setups advertising or boots where you could play the upcoming titles again promotion for themselves and again they also give out licenses which allow these tournaments to make money allows Genesis to make hundreds of thousands of dollars so to act like Nintendo's doing absolutely nothing to support these events clearly the license is doing something if you're able to make that much money because you don't get that much money selling T-shirts you don't get that much money from registration but unfortunately this came at the cost of not being able to use any modded versions of any game at all and even muting certain in-game songs because the license wasn't cleared commentators weren't even allowed to wear shirts with the logo this is what I was talking about how this would affect melee because melee you obviously have to have stuff like UCF uh ucfs at a minimum if you want to do stuff like Frozen stadium the point is you kind of need mods to play melee because otherwise the controller debacle would just become all Hardware side like actual modding the actual controller itself or getting a box and that kind of turns the game to pay to one dude a fob is like 500 and if you it moves an inch it breaks like I don't want to be living in that world but other than that like I really don't see why at least for ultimate why they wouldn't want to partner with Nintendo instead when certain events didn't meet their criteria they actively tried to shut down events with cease and desist Clauses sent to organizers like big house online or try to prevent the event live streaming it's smash version Eva 2013 until a massive outcry from their fan base and horrible PR caused them to overturn their position so shutting down the the big house online was dumb I don't I don't agree with it like people pirating the game it's a 20 year old game unless you unless they have plans to remake it for switch or like remake melee I don't see why why they would care so much at this point you should know like Nintendo is extremely litigious when it comes to their IP but at the same time it's like come on dude in terms of Smash World Tour they did not meet health and safety that criteria your security left double down an hour early and let a band spectator get back into the event and then you make a statement denying that you did anything wrong and saying like oh blame blame this YouTuber he he broke into our event oh how do you get in oh our security left an hour early oh don't write that in the statement I could kinda side with the community when it comes to like Nintendo not allowing mods the big house online I could I I would side with the community of Nintendo on that when your security leaves an hour early during the biggest event which is Ultimate Grands I I have to side with Nintendo as to why they wouldn't want to work with vgbc clearly there is true used to this but I think on a case-by-case basis sometimes Nintendo's right other times I think they're just wrong or they're wrong but I could understand why they would do something all right to this day I'll hold my ground on this topic just doesn't make any sense when almost every other major developer does this for the competitive scenes I believe it's just a massive tone deafness in the in the company culture maybe not Nintendo of America but for certain Nintendo Japan it makes the final call at the end of the day yeah I've heard that like Nintendo Japan is kind of arcade with how they do things and that Nintendo of America genuinely wants to support smash the way I see it is that while Nintendo doesn't necessarily want to support smash I don't think they have an issue with doing it they dished out licenses left and right last year I don't think they have an issue with supporting the smash Community if more organizations and TOS tried they could get licenses it was just such a massively missed opportunity here it's been decades and it's nonsensical and it's the reason whenever I have a platform to remind everyone about it imagine releasing skins for the game and taking just five percent of the revenue from those sales and putting it into an end of the year spec article like the international a multi-million dollar event it would be groundbreaking I still don't get what Panda to die why we couldn't just remove Allen or like have Alan step down and then be like yeah instead of instead of putting everything on Panda because most of the people at Panda had no clue about what was going on I talked to them all they knew was like Alan was trying to get events to join the circuit and they were saying no that's all they knew is that Alan was failing these business calls so realistically why should they remove their CEO over just business calls that what that didn't work out you know that from their perspective from Panda's perspective it just feels weird because none of the toes reached out to Panda they waited for an opportunity to just bring them down that's what sucks about this whole thing is that this could have probably all been avoided just all those to like backed up smash World Tour like if they had just reached out to the rest of panda to be like yo what's going on with Alan like he's being kind of they should have stayed away from Alan specifically if they wanted to stay away from anyone if they felt like Alan was threatening their events or whatever the smashful tour was a yeah the Smash Bro tour like document that was just a massive hit piece like they I swear they released that with the intent to take down Panda because there's no other reason why you would mention them a little in one of their state let me actually pull this up it's so dumb because it's like they're implying that Alan shut them down without explicitly saying it to reiterate we never claimed in any of our statements that Panda undermined smash World towards relationship with Nintendo but rather that Panda undermined our relationship with the tournament organizers yeah Allen was saying they were they would get shut down after they announced they prevented them from getting tournaments on their circuit so even here they're admitting like hey we never said that Panda shut us down but then here he never addresses the the entirety of the 2023 smash World Tour being canceled or the issues bgbc is facing with their own individual events why would he address this if you're also saying we never accused him of this Allen definitely screwed up but vgbc using Allen as a scapegoat exactly Allen did was not perfect and he went about creating the circuit the wrong way and he made mistakes along the way people felt threatened if people said hey we really don't want to join your circuit but that's just kind of how it is you messed up and you have to own it but at the same time there's no reason for him to be brought up in this document you're mentioning it on behalf of the toes who felt like threatened and stuff but like those teos never reached out to like the rest of panda to be like yo what's going on with Alan so it's clear they didn't actually care then Ludwig made a yeah Ludwig and critical because if you're going to make a video like oh Nintendo shut down smash World Tour for no reason like health and safety that that's just a dumb reason I think it's important to also mention that there is a health and safety problem in the community and smash World Tour was part of that problem and that's why they got shut down but the irony is I'm only trying to help the executives realize just how much good they could do for the community if they embrace the scene in the same way Capcom embraced Street Fighter or epic Embrace fortnite Nintendo when you want to finally do things right I'm ready to help I don't think this is how like business Works especially with Nintendo I don't think you just add them on Twitter and say yo trying to run a six smash event let me know if you're interested part of this is also like vgbc and all and like these smash Community cigarettes they're so childish like in your business talks it fell through so you start making twit loggers like begging for them to work with you again that's that's kind of pathetic how many big events are licensed uh last year uh every event on the panda cup was licensed but even events that were not Genesis shine Riptide low tide City Gamo was on the smash World Tour and the panda cup that was licensed Steakhouse was on panda cup that was licensed CEO was on panda cup and that was licensed that's like seven Events off the top of my head and then earlier this year generation Esports was able to partner with Nintendo for like a middle school league for like three three games not just smash but Splatoon and Mario Kart and they're not even a big entity in the smash Community not only do the licenses help these events but many of these events have gotten license so it's not even like a reserve thing for like just some people when hbox talks about Nintendo not supporting the community he means on a historical timeline from when people were trying to run tournaments or get spots in the Esports org like MLG that was either for one of two reasons either a those orgs fumbled the negotiations like smash World Tour and like did something that upset Nintendo or Nintendo was like no we don't want to work with you or B Nintendo has changed their stance because sure in the past there have been multiple chances for these orgs to make these smash circuits or smash events or whatever Nintendo said no but last year everyone got licensed so either those companies messed up or Nintendo had a change of heart but either way in modern present day 2023 getting Nintendo support is more than feasible everyone's been able to do it last year anyways I was saying there are people in the community who want to push out Nintendo and then get upset when there's not enough money in the community and then they turn to stuff like fresh cut or coinbase I think the obvious answer is yes and that we should just take the necessary steps to work with Nintendo to maybe make a circuit like panda cup I think a circuit would be cool having multiple circuits would be cool which we could have had if Smash If vgbc wasn't inept and actually followed their health and safety protocols franchise confirmed hbox hater no I'm I actually like hbox I think he's a one of the greatest if not the greatest players to ever play melee yeah and I think he's over hated I think people hate him for dumb reasons they're obviously legitimate reasons to dislike him but a lot of it's very overblown the next thing the next thing we need to talk about Grassroots smash needs to die it just has to there's no there's no other alternative we can't continue like this oh we want Nintendo support but no we don't and we're split on this no we need Nintendo support this is this this isn't a question this is an answer obviously stuff like locals and those smaller events obviously those we still need that will always exist online tournaments will always exist and those are Grassroots obviously it's 2023 if smash as an esport like if they want to go from here to here you need Nintendo you can't stay Grassroots look at Genesis I need to say this Genesis is not Grassroots Genesis is not Grassroots anymore they were back like 10 years ago but not anymore they are not a Grassroots event anymore when you make that much money when you're that big of a household name in like Esports for like smash you're not Grassroots anymore at that point you just made it because with the license comes like different restrictions and like guidelines that you have to follow so there's clearly Nintendo is imposing control over the event they're making hundreds thousands of dollars as we previous mentioned per year and then they get like 50 000 concurrent viewers or how however many they have thousands of people in attendance like that's not Grassroots Grassroots is nightclub that's Grassroots that's a Grassroots event Verdugo that's Grassroots Genesis is not Grassroots not anymore at least it was but now it's built itself up to a point that it's no longer Grassroots events the size of Genesis or even just like half its size like you should not be running on a Grassroots basis that's why vgvc is just a bad business model because you're running these massive events with almost 2 000 people with no Nintendo support like why do you think shine is ending after this year this is the last shine Beyond The Summit what do you think they had to had to shut down you need to accept that hey Nintendo might be difficult to work with but we have to do it and if we do it there are clear cut benefits oh no we can't use UCF first of all we still run UCF Nintendo licensed events still use mods so it's not even that like big of an issue like we can still we still run bods at like genesis at these bigger events so I don't get why that's like a point people bring up like if you want Nintendo to support your events Pro move to Nintendo that you can run good events pgbc couldn't do it Alan did you have to prove to Nintendo that you're worth supporting in the first place yeah it's a Nintendo game that's kind of just how it is it's their IP and they want to have a say in how it's being used which I can I can understand to an extent not in every case but again on a case-by-case basis [Music] what's up [Music]
Channel: thefranChise
Views: 25,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thefranchise, thefranChise, melee, ssbm, super smash bros, super smash bros melee, ssb, smash community, ssbu, super smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, smash, nintendo, hbox, hungrybox, hungry box, hungrybox smash, hungrybox melee
Id: Qq3tahHqdS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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