Netplay Falcos are a PLAGUE

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before we start if you haven't already and are able to go over and support chill indeed the link will be in the description thank you all right so today we're going to be talking about falco with the inception of slippy netplay melee has become more accessible than ever before and issued in a new generation of players to carry on the game's legacy and in this new age of melee there spawned a meme a virus that is rapidly spreading and poisoning the community the dept play falco you know these players they shoot two lasers then jump at you with the scrubbiest down air possible only to get dash dance grabbed by any player with half a brain cell they're able to do the most insane tech skill imaginable putting even west balls to shame if they seem to lack any semblance of a neutral game and the weirdest part is that this doesn't seem to be a thing with any other character in the game only falco what exactly causes so many players to gravitate towards playing him and why are there so few top falcos despite being one of the most popular characters in the game i've wanted to understand what's going on so i did some digging into the netplay falco phenomenon and what i found was a pretty obvious conclusion in order to understand the falco pandemic we first need to address the elephant in the room why is falco so popular to begin with and there's a pretty easy answer to that maybe look for a wave dash back into that and mangle with all the snake presents no job [Applause] wins [Applause] untouchable on mango is quite easily the most iconic and notable figure in melee's history his aggressive rush down play style has been a staple to competitive melee for over a decade now to the average viewer he encapsulates everything great about melee is a fighting game melee is a very fast game the fastest one in the entire series and its speed is considered to be the trademark feature that entices people to try it out as a result there seems to be this idea that playing fast and technical is the only real way to play this game and anyone who doesn't is automatically lame has no skill and is ruining the game this is where falco comes in falco is a very fast-paced and aggressive character and requires an immense amount of skill if you want to properly utilize his tools at the highest level once you learn to master his kit you can be one of the most powerful and entertaining characters in the game easily top three the problem is that most melee players aren't at the higher levels they are usually low to mid-level players and at those skill levels falco's tools are busted falco has extremely powerful tools at his disposal but this is amplified by the fact that the vast majority of the community doesn't know how to deal with these tools effectively low-level players especially don't know how to deal with lasers or how to escape his pillar combos and as a result falco mains can get very far without any real skill this is why falco is extremely popular in the first place he's extremely accessible compared to the other characters but his accessibility runs out the better you get eventually these falcos will play against better players who implement proper counter strategies allowing them to expand the weapons they have in their arsenal to counter falco once these falco players hit this wall they have two paths path a is to adapt and relearn the game to become a great falco player however this almost never happens because playing falco at a high level takes an immense amount of skill it is brain dead easy to play falco like he's the fifth or sixth character of the game in fact it takes no skill to play falco like he's the fifth or sixth player best character in the game to play falco like he's a good character take skill and most people do not have skill and that's what i mean by falco carries people to top 50 because they don't have to actually learn the game almost no falco players actually understand the game in any capacity and it can't and conversely knight from the community has no idea what to do against falco and especially lasers and so no almost no falcos have incentive to learn the game and then they run and they're like yo if i'd say my tech gonna be the best in the world and they don't recognize that when they're playing me or they're playing zayn or they're playing mango no you're not losing to kill sucks you're losing because i actually know how to deal with your character and i'm not trying to cheese you over and over again that's the only reason why you're losing not because you're not hitting your tech skill even if you hit your tech skill you would get washed 99 out of 100 times sure that one over 100 times maybe you get a win but that's not the ratio you want to be operating at especially as like a top 100 player that's not the ratio you want to be operating at you want to have a chance to win everything but most tacos don't get that so many of these netplay falcos never actually get better and instead plateau at this mediocre state and choose path b to complain remember how earlier i talked about how the community has this belief that anything that isn't blip lip tech skill is cringe people seem to see the space animals as these uber technical and hyped characters that require an immense amount of skill with the burden to carry melee to the promised land and anyone who plays a floatie or really any character that isn't flashy or sick or whatever is actively killing the game we've gone through this with jigglypuff ice climbers marth and most recently peach lod wrote an entire document about why he thinks melee players hate peach and specifically spoke about the protagonist syndrome that many fox players have when playing against weaker characters but honestly the same thing can be said about both spaces as well because neutral game timings are entirely in its control fox players often attribute neutral game outcomes to their own competency if fox wins neutral he outplayed the peach if he loses neutral it's because he either messed up his tech skill the opponent got lucky or the opponent played so lame that fox got bored and picked a dumb option this is what i call protagonist syndrome i understand that fox is fast flashy cool but it doesn't help that foxes have convinced themselves that they're the saviors of melee and the only reason this game still exists anyways fox players think that every neutral interaction is either them outplaying the opponent or messing up they never consider the possibility that the peach player outplayed them this disparity of perceptions of neutral game is a big contributing factor to why people hate peach players fox players think that neutral game is entirely in their control and so losing neutral means they messed up with a peach player plays lane or something like that meanwhile peach players think they're so much better than the opponent every time they land a hit because of how many layers of mix-ups they have to win to land that hit peach players complain about how hard it is to play these matchups but fox players discredit peach players wins because of protagonist syndrome and so fox players end up resenting the peach players for complaining so much this applies to other characters too namely falco falcon and puff i feel like she this okay this sentences i feel like sheik and marth players rarely complain about peach players complaining that's a mouthful because they realize how ridiculous those matchups are okay so imagine your standard salty 20xx fox player complaining about peach because they don't understand the match-up now imagine another salty player complaining about peach who not only doesn't understand her but also doesn't actually know how to play the game in general because their playstyle centers around their opponent lacking proper skill and counter play that would be even dumber right and yet it's somehow acceptable and reasonable to complain in this manner when the real problem is you like yeah you're allowed to dislike whatever you want but at the end of the day it's in the game and we all have to deal with it complaining about the things you hate isn't gonna get you anywhere you may hate peach down smash or up throw rest or stomp knee or f till fair or whatever but those same players that you resent may hate falco and think lasers are dumb we're all allowed to have our own personal preferences but yours aren't more valid just because you can mash buttons harder how you how do you lose how do i lose yeah so this mindset to complain about your problems instead of dealing with them starts to become even dumber when you realize that most of the players who act like this aren't even good at the game and play a character that carries them against 99 of the community i know this protagonist syndrome complaining applies to both the species and lots specifically singled out fox players but at least fox requires skill obviously falco just like every other character in this game requires an immense amount of skill to fully master and play at the highest level but other than that he really isn't that hard to pick up and play compared to everyone else so this toxic mindset that peach puff ices or whoever is lame because they don't require any real skill is ultimately hypocritical especially when you consider that many of the lame characters people reference aren't actually all that good and have to work much harder to win wow oh nice tech chase nice tech chase again by slug he sets up a dsync so he can cover both platforms nice okay okay when you think about it falco players are like the spoiled kids who were always praised while floaties are the kids who had to work and claw for everything they had only for nobody to care in the end because again they weren't some aggressive flashy fast-paced space animal take puff for example she is very limited with her approaches because her moves have terrible frame data bad hitboxes and struggle to knock down at low percents she's also extremely light meaning that she's at risk of dying from a stray hit at like 90. obviously she has a one hit kill move in a great off-stage game but against many characters she can't always leverage these strengths effectively this is part of the reason for why hbox has declined in recent years no matter how you slice it puff and most floaties will always have a harder time across most matchups than falco not to toot my own horn but as somebody who's recently quit playing isis to maine fox i have a certain level of perspective and self-awareness which is why i can keep a healthy mindset as i learn the game when i'm struggling with a certain match up i know that the problem is with me because i know what it actually feels like to play into a bad matchup this is something i believe other spacey players lack since they've never had to truly experience a losing matchup and only complain because of protagonist syndrome to be honest i don't know if peach hate will ever end some people hate her so much that their only place in the community is to spread hate about her there are even puff players that do this i've literally taken stocks from people without using down smash and they respawn and just start down smashing in place to prove how dumb my character is or whatever it's actually blind rage either way i think every character is difficult in their own way if you consider all aspects of their game plan otherwise everyone would be playing the same easy character whatever character you choose don't let other people shame you for it because chances are they just don't understand your character or don't respect you enough as a competitor to any spacey players that suffer from protagonist syndrome i need to get this through your skulls the game doesn't revolve around you just because you play one of the game's flagship characters if you're losing to peach or puff it's usually because either your opponent is outplaying you in certain mix-ups and is simply better or there's a flaw in your own game plan and playstyle that they're exploiting either way the reason you're losing isn't because floaties are lame it's because you are bad at the game but instead of trying to fix the way you play you throw your blind rage onto floaties who already have to work twice as hard as you do just to get an opening in neutral i'm bringing this up now because recently there's been a massive rise for chic in the current meta sheik has historically been considered an easy and lame character since once again she isn't some space animal that spams tech skill we've seen the emergence of j move as a legitimate top tier player as well as players like fizz wiggle and crudo scoring upsets against titans like mango and ibdw i can't help but think that we're going to be seeing an anti-sheik movement by the end of the year if things continue to trend as they are if people can complain about marth and how fox martha's a 60 40 match-up despite all of fox's tools and strengths then i wouldn't be too surprised if sheik was next on the chopping block given her recent dominance so yeah just a quick rant for the day i want to start streaming melee especially some 1.03 with viewers so be sure to stop by if you're interested as far as future videos go i kind of want to make video essays about the melee metagame because covering drama all the time can get annoying i also promised an ace attorney documentary a few months ago so that'll be in the works as well also last thing before i go remember to go over and support chillin dude if you can i did a fundraiser stream like two weeks ago but you can still donate today if you're able to anyways thanks for watching hope you guys enjoyed subscribe for new channel and i'll see you guys [Music] you
Channel: thefranChise
Views: 20,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thefranChise, Slippi, Super Smash Bros Melee, smash, smash melee, ssbm, melee, super smash bros, gamecube, Falco, falco, Mang0, Mango, mang0, mago, falco lombardi, netplay, netplay falco, Netplay Falcos are a PLAGUE, fox, Fox, Hungrybox, Leffen
Id: j3PriAZkw6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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