ninja valorant best stream

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100% won them like several rounds with his just his plays I really like how there in Phoenix played hug I don't know how beautifly like when we're even on defense when we were trying to take site he would wall horizontally across the site and like threaten the fact that he can run through it any minute okay hi everyone we're back no delay and all these cues or second forever - I wish they I don't know the omen ghost it looks dope actually it is [ __ ] City I think the arena ghost looks nice it's like purple mm you start looking at the agents real quick I gotta start figuring out who's gonna be the next one bro I'm just the next one that I'm gonna freakin be activating oh my god that sage classic I'm gonna do sage there's another qualify for the same thing next weekend so you guys want to enter that well and what time waiting well we checked 24th maybe damn match found June 24th the same time supposed to be two weeks apart from fakes just play whatever you want man I'm just gonna I'm just trying to go y'all I'll learn brim so I can swing Bruno and on map so I think we need raise actually we should have [ __ ] pig graze on behind here though I feel like you learning stuff ruse just about blabbing like crap some cameras and [ __ ] can I be honest Piper y'all ease like we're quite like requires really the least amount of like yeah I agree you know like you don't have you could be the shittiest cipher on the planet and someone can be like yo here's just gonna do gonna put a camera here your tried texting when you're in for your trap here if they break it we know they're there and like and they that's their [ __ ] job and that and boy it was enough information think stuff would have been a better pick on a son anyways he gives more info on offense and defense but I think that was used correctly well how did I it was I mean I'm not I'm not saying I [ __ ] know I think what did i do so incorrectly there no it's not this in some points yeah the flanks all that was on offense other other than points that wasn't all offense the main thing I just think somebody in general you I guarantee it don't have that much practice on them so I just know I know I saw that there's some situations where like he's knew where guy was heard of Mike peek and like kind of like hesitated to like just swing on and then it's like if you would've [ __ ] you were Soviet was swine in one tap that [ __ ] out of him like you're in the back of your mind you're still like I'm on cypher I'm gonna I haven't played a lot and it's like it just [ __ ] with your comp and I won't see you afraid oh yeah and whether you yeah whether you think it does or not like I am a prime it's just 1 million and in any single person who has ever played a video game where you have felt like you've mastered you played so much of it and then you switch here 1 keep on you switch you switch your pickup line right and you forget how to play you forget what every other button does for some reason even though even though it's only one your aim is different everything else is worse like until you you you get that mental down that mental game down where you're like ok I know what every single thing is I know all the abilities are I got this [ __ ] and then bah bah so basically you should've played solo and not has told me to [ __ ] rotate oh yeah got one what's your left [Music] have recon your own time could even be you all airing backside bike planted sure once I can't go once this cool baby she came back side to her did she yeah man one thing I do not like about this mister mister brimmy brim with brim Steen we talk about a massive hikes on the how long it takes to bring up the smokes anagen here right you know what I don't know it's burning up fast like how long I might planted edse [Music] aa-are you were gonna do it so me man you want to buy me a stinger you be a good friend uh I have enough I mean you shouldn't be buying afford anything I can pull by texture oh no how do those yeah but if you don't then you can get me a stinger and I combined and we'll have two guns someone windy three I'm waiting I'm winning right along rain along beat everybody else I ever use this camera or your set here one inside to insect Polly bike plant is down narrow so much we need eyes show us where they are so Bo we know we need we need your eyes mr. so man um maybe let's put Phoenix here and I'll play B just flash begin look I'm tellin I might have killed the Phoenix so much literally run hit 70 yo try to let Rayna Zolt expire if you can just become a showers right now sure coming what's down it's almost on don't peek dude literally the entire time I was aiming bro there's a little [ __ ] flicker flicker flicker of [ __ ] oh my god Tyler shut up Sony why are you planted you just killed Bramley about a mousepad it can't hear footsteps dude a crumb crumb gommi dude don't eat [ __ ] sandwiches on your mousepad bud swear man it's like I don't like pie eat over the plate I'm gonna remember this man everytime you yell he brought memories it's like a little crumb here's the thing dude he's like it was just following me it was it was following Mike on my palm the entire time bro the entire time and then I finally like get up and I look at the door there but I felt it dude how'd you get so distracted crumb versus ninja crumb wins did you share is my there's two outside hundred twenty-one on the Jets no dude I'm [ __ ] awful I said I'll give you $100 am I trying to win this spike [ __ ] so after basically becoming a brim main now that I play him so much his old isn't always being with ninjas mouse pad one more time I will call the [ __ ] bank that owns your house and foreclose your [ __ ] house I'm saying I don't you know I don't got your back bro threatened that more often cleaning going agra smokes down got one fast fess up short short a short oh yeah Susan have anything had better I know exactly where [Music] hooray sorry last player said what caused a body shot planted when you're getting absolutely cream sauce he's weak when he's blind why on god's did it that spiny it was behind me ice cream didn't even flash I'm gonna drone mid here and get a nice little oh oh hit them back thanks Oh smokes down it's from here shorts cleared ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna go be telling dude I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming III I don't understand we're on beat the man the myth the legend big booty Judy with this watch that behind you guys on the 17 are how the hell is this guy honestly if you didn't flash yourself I think you had it that's true yo is this a dagger or a sword it's definitely like a sword right these equipment all by me that is you know there's somebody's like me that I didn't buy you know - you / knives yeah you can be good buyer oh yeah right yeah it's like it's like a hobbit shorts bird yep we're here you can uh or the Rings you can grab the oricon smokes down well he was a big-time big-time prime time nice beautiful okay why why wasn't a static ah be like me in every round you head up like twice on offense Oh house be I know you should have been like yell I'm gonna go mid so much somebody my somebody my chat set a very interesting thing mid tournament it was that we kept forcing or not forcing but like light buying when we should have just done a full eco reset so you gonna have guns like a few run rounds in row I know if you guys noticed like we had a gun one round and then we're just [ __ ] on like stingers the next round oops ever get here nice work all right click my big booty Judy pushing on Abbi right now flying on the air like a [ __ ] gazelle out on sight oh man fakes doesn't have a weapon yeah I don't bother you guys well I'm gonna turn your guys aside for you oh and you look a week easy BP's oh [ __ ] oh ma there's no way I just what just wow dude I don't know what am I wanna sit had like one hell yeah no I hit him 117 what'd you hit him for I'll find out in the start here tab yeah I think we're eating after the numbers put him in I would I tell you nice I'm torn right now between literally only wanting to use a guardian a singer every single game just because of the way that sounds and actually using I mean it's not rated you can go for it you know anyway but I mean I see whenever I need to be playing and practicing as much as possible with the weapons that I'm gonna be using whoo you stand it smokes down [Music] thank you for the wine is on top of the box and he's so weak 30 seconds left we breathe our nun looking hiding maybe right - well I do that was what world does that work I don't know what I'm watching I'm gonna kill my old I did huh Thanks Phoenix PT at 5 HP Chico enough I could totally see you though like what Brit like just brim is just so strong like that old man when I have that all and it only takes six row like yeah that's pretty low what so vez takes one more than that the food smokes down how does that make sense actually Molly I love being swinging like that breehn oka takes like tonight I like him we're gonna like it like it darlin dude I long yeah they push you were what I'm sorry Junior [Music] empty Soni empty nice try it yeah right yeah right here on my last round before the Swift last round before the switch I'm gonna freakin swing and think the [ __ ] out of this kid guys run attorney man lost first round played one of the best teams in it and it's best if one one map Luke no losers bracket like what a [ __ ] freakin concept yeah it's pretty dog [ __ ] for me I'm gonna be honest on site yep he is he's up she's hurt a sister one enemy remaining sorry if she's although 99.9% sure she's just sitting although she's open moment and wait I get to [ __ ] myself to eat honestly like not knowing where she was that entire time thought as a bull string I like I like a little a here boys hey man Oh another thing to I there's so much more I don't have that [ __ ] sheer fire confidence on the sand really though we have to probably gonna bandage yeah yeah no I act I was talking about that after with my screen like I don't I'd I would rather play by innocent right no troll we're gonna go three in heels Ovid art to make sure we can just walk in for free and not get picked by a show I mean you want me to be the clothes ice wall outside bathrooms we can play no I mean that's I think it's a little extra I don't think we need that cuz I'm gonna throw the smoke down and then you guys just worry about you all just crunching be right now just go get on site okay okay yeah I don't want that nice they're coming through seats here now smokes down think it's like mint they could find it yeah be careful until they break here this situation I'd like to sustain though you know I'm saying dude hit with the full armor sting bro I'm gonna keep it bogeyman I don't think I'm ever gonna go back to this thing now I think when you call for finger rounds I'm gonna either dispute it heavily and say we should reassess the situation or I'm just gonna buy a sheriff smokes down listen if you want to be a sheriff harden hearing it I need a [ __ ] heal heal heal I need a little more than I I'll give you some I thought you were breach on the menu man arrows out ladies and gentleman there's one back side one coming right now behind me I [ __ ] died to one body shine all right okay okay oh no I'm gonna follow you is it possible is it possible to turn off so they come on being healed canterna pineal thanks give me your gun please yeah upgrade if you don't mind no no what you're gonna want fakes gun Thank You Man appreciate you dude my good friend what I'm gonna look like Oh get away well good weakling little or belittle I you little whispering eyebrow go Agra do that gosh down Molly I'm walling you up bro write that [Laughter] [Applause] what is happening I just love killing Phoenix's while they flash likely one day I will say that killing Phoenix's while they're flashing or like when you're here like if I'm like here yeah and I know that the Phoenix is gonna flash like I purposely get super close to the wall and then he goes loving and it goes Oh any throws in the flash goes behind my head and I'm just like yeah let's get the arrow and a a push page come with us we'll do the wall plant that [ __ ] orb out of my face roll I'm never leaning in absolutely following you with the [ __ ] heal out there like druggie guys throughout here she got pushed without to do a group my shits Rosen tubular nobody close try checking cubby right I heard or there's one hour 'the arizona yes don't yeah oh my god dude oh my baby in her head in getting body once cubby cubby Yoho she's really late over there to your right showers my name's on he's on he's on the DPS boy that could have been we got I got me up me up me up me up me up my god more fifipengu you going to hold good don't you hold your dick to you bro is well breach talk staffers boys okay real talk all jokes aside so we can actually get some progress in voice help us to Sony sometimes to like a little information just doesn't process right this up good music okay well I doesn't wanna hang out there I was just never mind man good job you're nasty yeah more job did all of you is she doing out of the 400 rounds starting let's go back to your music your no mistake poly till you walk through this move if we were trying against those guys internally we didn't sit for an hour and thirty minutes not playing really [ __ ] I'm really annoyed about that man I wanted to cue it up so many times and just [ __ ] say screw it and make them wait or station area in fact I'm we ended up letting them know they were still in it because they're looking for food because we should exchange bro what we supposed to do man like I'm not trying my monitor was on we need equipment thanks Wow more can't wait to get [ __ ] one tap here yo come be ready smokes down my entire challenge shut up about how I get my eyebrows done I don't get my eyebrows done I'm gonna throw the sight I can help you kill me daddy airing side oh wow Wow incredible come on man just incredible I'm real it's art I'm real lady gentlemen I know it might not seem like it might you know but smokes going down yeah I smell beyond yeah yeah yeah holding the hookah push for you you're getting impatient being impatient running yeah I'm gonna give you nothing close left airing back say you're standing I'm beating everyone and then some where the [ __ ] are these guys DB cooks gone already - and be at least to be old that [ __ ] I guess my man [ __ ] the lab sit like a gazelle you seem like the sideline mids young side angle like what was that yo shorty second there is another yeah it's so good for sure 100% it's basically an off my clothes off so strong oh my god please dude are this me where you at man make me use this how's this thing business well that's my guardian man get it back give it back you porous freak Sony do I do it bro dude owe me guy I'm trying really hard sucking him up dude big wall boost and with the wah boost flying off double barrel you a couple [ __ ] 360s in there man one more guys perhaps you know he pretends to be like a really good friend good teammate you know confidence is sometimes increase in well but then you guys didn't know shook yay before we get it you're disgusting at the game or could I get a vibe on it don't do it don't do it much more don't do it he's just asking your your job you're just enabling him did Molly yes bootiful okay I'm gonna go to love honesty I don't even think you could do a better more the I'm the hotter 117 on Phoenix backsights airing backside I got blinded the one who can I think probably see why we don't know where rain is we didn't know he didn't know he didn't it would have hurt you would hurts and you're just better okay actually that was pretty nasty so he threw that smoke teleported back on himself and then got you to take notes are you taking notes on the 18 and 17 brimstone second time ever are you taking notes dude I said I can win I would love man I would love came over here to me you'd walk up here get a nice little jiggle slow there's no no no you're right no your side your side your side your side all right take a little like you like throw I mean to slow the right here planning cover me one outside bathroom steer right pushing bathrooms never jet just thinking the same thing where she left my friends don't wanna have fun I guess I'll have fun man that was such a perfect moment hey just I'm having a blast let's hold hands vandal I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna use the literally insta queueing I'm totally gonna start rocking vandal to by the way this was a practically track practice my one taps but God been [ __ ] with the Vandal today honestly like hard like I'm about to show you guys a clip than like you might just want to use a vandal for the rest your life I just need to get used to be a Brack slip you're like oh you're right you that was born wasn't it well like I pop off with the stinger against top players right and I'm a [ __ ] okay man okay the Stinger is not the same thing as a fan of it you know that I need you right now play Phoenix this stop this is screaming in my ear you are literally screaming it I can't even focus I can't even hear myself be all of you ladies and gentlemen the energy goods and volume inside this call is astronomical I you guys have a good night I'm chillin hard I'm not a great night hmm GHP I think it's a $7 don't man is ninja streams on YouTube xx no I'm not aware of it man I don't care I'm gonna show everybody how to flap I love if you could report it not correctly this place is a testament for it at the job 30 why is my Clinton [ __ ] a lot bid cost you oh I just used it I just use it Britain is weak close right close right close write down what I see sorry here's the market it's not here reloading okay really going in anyway Game five on cipher 25 on brim or juice no go go go have in Gavin aussiepanda through their hundred and they're gonna know we are in sewers you they're going to be here I promise you you're still 30 seconds left crispy oh that wasn't as crispy my eyes are dumb you love to say that napalm pay for the 1500 embers bro appreciate man definitely to keep up the good work look at the salt thank you so much all those embers dude I know now that I have my might appreciate a mic flipped and little yeah hello my chat said bro I got small forearms any workout advice how are you not get the teammates call how do we not get a teammates call huh I don't know game sucks smokes down enemy remaining Oh got it cipher didn't get the memo dude you guys know what it feels like to be the best player in this game right now would you drop it in there I'll check it also i'll show the true masters here solo it take ooh that sounds spicy two bullets well technically forward but the first to hit okay I'm gonna one deke somebody smokes down the cam de Burgh you up crazy spikes our [Music] she's going deep deep one raps okay hang upon direct to him I know exactly what mother dude I was so excited for what's gonna [ __ ] sting hard oh he's hit a hundred and eighty I'll get healed thanks guy haven't you heard it right man this man Trat like trip your dear you want to throw a snake wall of smoke and we just go in it now you're up okay [ __ ] it we're doing it go to it open up this guy Oh No and beacon down my shots is there any way I see the spike I see this way get your ass down there and you take math watch the road can someone it can someone explain to me how people have know I've been using brooms down the way that I am using them right now no no it is no joke it is free you walk up for free with these smokes you don't know you know it's Telegraph that is Oh guys brim smoked just one horizontal line across MIT you guys think they're gonna push that good ninja throw it like this no I think they're just trying to block there's no way they're they're critical line this up I don't really understand what you're talking about you know you did it horizontally can you do it like I did not do it what you wanted me to do on stage Oh middle it's cuz it's Tim dude dude you can't stem the sting you gotta sing the stem what are you talking about yup I said it he's gonna need it from you I need oh yeah let me spin you I don't know why I tried to pay it but it coolant no I mean I mean okay you understand what that is [ __ ] in that it's not a straight line oh my god oh my god I don't have can you find my secret please Bobby's here so about my secret bye bye bye bye missing her bye one can buy you a singer to help you all y'all fittin syrup which you oughta fix up Jack W 1 enemy remaining so we use you just spray it inside the main area maybe markets I'm gonna jump out of it right now double kill oh my god I've never actually seen that animation dude I haven't like seen it up close throw the guy's body disintegrates I also didn't grab his gun if you want to or you guys I said I'm going to the exactly so that's so weird yeah the maps bug to admit I'm not trying to throw that top box one smokes down Molly Sioux assignment you want I just yeah I can't I can't see a little don't even know where I am on a parade like it looks so weird I mean I said it come with me Oh what Oh can you bring out the Vandal again I want you to wait one second right here Gloria I need this right after one second cuz one throw clear I'd say you're just you know at nine smokes down oh this guy's [ __ ] pushed you weren't telling me there's crossing you act [Music] if anyone hiding he flies himself what a [ __ ] idiot workers I planted look at maybe I was just planning to tabs on you yeah I called it - I said about my microphone I said two shots all you need Atlanta's police chief steps down after officers fatally shot a black man outside Bennett Atlanta Atlanta I said Atlanta's police chief steps down after officers Bailey shot a black man outside ways I cannot believe that he [ __ ] stepped down after that Jesus Christ excellent oh wait without the end of his old there was all world said raise me kidding me what is it what God what does it mean to have a good teammate or my good friends it was a she oh she's that down watch read one enemy remaining good [ __ ] he's still there yeah be looking at you continue on its is right [ __ ] my flight got cancelled flex where flight to this big folks down in Pekin down I'm spraying so they know they're you there holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] s'right bodied an indie gold that's a really good reason what am i watching city's roof bike planted vacant if you rush this making a red spicy and you know if I can watch the series maybe not no oh wait he just got more kills in one round last round in the half then he added 12 kinda nutty to think about you huh but what about your flight being canceled and shark tank dude like what no let me see bro do tell me it's not the same flight coming out of the five - I told you man he's Vanderwall Molly knife in bra that guy is pissed they got to to spread across or anything lightning it's more good flash oh no oh my god oh my god me dude I killed somebody I really do anything oh my god you're the Phoenix yeah I'm let's do let's go Sofia just right off the RIP man I'll hit this with some hot smokes dude yo and then later after need you guys can all tow me to my place yeah I'll pour some Kingdom coal in your mouth dude and we'll like exchange Kingdom Cola you know I'm saying look at that Kingdom Cola Brobee what are we putting in each other's mouths Kingdom Cola bro better better than better than pep-pep - pep-pep is dog [ __ ] listen bro let me tell you right now bro I actually heard that some people got the answer from drinking yeah yeah yeah yeah only the diet but like I read about it like it wasn't a verified account or anything we just want Twitter Oh some random person sighs so means it's like right I'm pretty sure like I didn't I feel like I didn't have to go and do more on my own research because you know who would lie about something so serious [Music] now I don't that wall was asked as a whole alright guys I'm coming don't worry I'm coming would you do anything on this team guys I'm coming last player standing Tony do you do anything why I mean they're either that wall you wouldn't see you I'm like if we're gonna run be nude what kind of run be I don't know I don't know I don't have an answer for you but good news is reading chat I was slashing a wall you know you don't get better you don't get better in this game good we're playing unrated these games it take 30 45 minutes in and you're not even trying reaches right i'm not read a brief chat when you're dead right side you can't see me traps fully erect right now holy flex right back up alright man let's get [ __ ] toggled I'm just gonna I'm just gonna say hi calls like I see if you go for he's going for another eighth don't give it to him [ __ ] that's right I did idea uh-huh absolutely shut down his is fm can we just like save one more round so we can I'll actually buy the next round please are you wait you sure you want to see her I mean I'm gonna get I I mean I'm gonna get a stinger Morgan's like nah man my musics too high don't give a [ __ ] I hit her once nice right sure you know push through that big push through that makes push through it push your weight and game kills yes yes yes behind you here no no no oh my god I [ __ ] deleted you so smart these guys thought it was serious when I called out Walter toggling listen listen dude chad is morgue all right man morgy good Morgan redbud more did you ever get that up fountain dude dude dude more he's not here Manny okay does anyone have more extreme up everything right so I can see him yeah let's work a minute what happens him how do we lose you if Cain and your anything IFK because I didn't get healed and watching left side smokes down I don't I only hit him oh he's got Excalibur guys let's stop messing around it's like and tired of it no I don't want to have fun I just want to more did you actually not play because you didn't get healed are stuck bad guys I can smoke us on and decipher it literally just has a stupid ass one way do we have anyone to break his [ __ ] I mean you know we don't know we have to write we have to run everyone has a run are you gonna get needed these you're wondering there are three people might as well grab this I'm gonna cry you guys watch they're trying already it's found this front let's go pamper it down for full try-hards be cool and be kind of cool you know mommy blank so neon Phoenix like oh we need a so really good yo yo I'm here I'm gonna all time in smokes down spike drop yeah break wall B bro ropes and edge all turn out there enough to do their one left one right so that oh man how the [ __ ] yeah ya know he watching Stuart blank and watching this deer fight Stimpy get here take it on a sec then garbage garbage we have more told and unfortunately no joke the way that the cyber plays in since we've gone over Phoenix were Jeb we are irate I'm sorry razor jet we can't do [ __ ] or soba all the all the ability to break these traps and trips we can click on a site unfortunately dude I swear man I I can't I came an ephah I came to play peanuts what's my name race you said we need raise on some [ __ ] learn Oh Oh is she here now been peeking down [Applause] no that was the right call names good shape it wasn't it was a [ __ ] terrible call I could have easily grabbed live on Monroe tape but I wanted to [ __ ] see if this look he was gonna get it off me when can you budding again it is really hard to hit off shots also I hit the brimstone for already lady 948 my man lived with 2 HP use guns that takes skill please right here please let's play defaults and we need I think we just push minute why don't you all tusen to be heaven yeah I agree that's the play I'll break wall also sin to be Evan what's your name it's Lotus oh and here's the raise this round weird that's kind of weird I just put this milk down so first I'll go Teleco securities mortal he dropsy talk to you where there they're hopping glass dropping every time that we've inspected any like dying I'm saying since since since you know I got a kill right before I died I killed the cipher on site because I thought we were gonna succeed my in assaulting and be heaven I think it's I literally I think we have to just [ __ ] push let's just push me okay sounds good to me you don't play some people let's see what the raise it need comes from this weird say just lit be heaven smokes down [Music] you wanna come yes arouses be heaven already know what you've to do fix you already what you have to do on site only 30 seconds Landon a he patent a funny name he'll pony one enemy remaining PCC yes yes you why is it in just I mean you I don't know dude shut the hell I need I keep the key so here let's go let's go let's go here and I am going to bolt here and force her out because she Peaks that [ __ ] everything around so it's just swing you guys can't swing we have to swing he's like a brimstone I think you guys [Music] just seconds left standing 1:30 that's just unfortunate yeah we should have went up happen quick I mean honestly dude I we just stopped someone [ __ ] dies and then everyone just stops moving like no one pushes through all the way and I also didn't know where I was I know where Y K me out I'm scared it thanks for everything also been someone for ass [ __ ] I'm good Hey please please I already killed him oh this guy plays B we're good why is he a yes where'd you kill him that was it's easier match point Christian before the moment but a moment I'll add zero lads of court my alt I might be the greatest stinger Blair bald I'm actually yo hold up hold up hold up no do let's go P let's go P let's go beef Sony are the old man he can just run through all the [ __ ] we're literally gonna use your old as a way to like break all the [ __ ] it'd be here should you be no no no no just sits to 8 IG l ty-- eyes yo ty alright can I ask you any questions with /e I'm kind of run over with this wig wait for that to go yeah yeah why would ya just be safe they push me they're slapping a hard % Rome what uh-oh I mean they're gonna [ __ ] be here just get ready she calls roll oh my gosh the Vandal spray is the shittiest spray on the planet that's number one number two Sony man goddamnit what listen but it took like 30 seconds because that slowed off mid twice it doesn't matter nobody make noise they didn't know we were all we mean yo fingers tell you so you're telling me that there so you're telling me they know how am i alt works yes you were telling me that there wasn't a single person in here didn't see anyone we had no presence you know say it it none of it matters is we're gonna win right now Erica I'm gonna smoke this and then [ __ ] play default go back and watch people only do that's what I'm gonna do mmm they wish it why are we for it like let's go mid action good he's done he's done close I'm NATIVE oh just slowed down just so it down already man oh it slows from stage already closed X is still there still there you smoked the oven smokes down he fell off site she's in robes I is good good and come back or he'll flash in sight grab spike how much longer any other yeah I'm waiting for my smoking or my smoking yeah Volkoff went bike planet my ops ready find flank Molly Tim beacon here good JA see under to dude that guy typed at the end damn new low I don't I don't understand like what again I [ __ ] match him that he lost to us way huh [Music] I gotta pee let me see let me see it iodized this is morgues this is more about popping off with the vandal in this parkour oh oh no dude oh good Morgan the cleanliness dream was disguising entry it's crazy it's crazy yo mas job I will look I will say we really do have to we have to fix that [ __ ] I think that's that it should be the only one ah being or like and Morgan used to be just MIT way more aggro I think the only ray I didn't you I didn't the only way that more gets more and more and more more and more comfortable like we just need like we need you up in front not in the back throwing like stuns and flash isn't [ __ ] right if you're in here because if you're in the front and you lead right and you go in first like we're behind you and we'll never get stunned will never get fly like and I think that you'll just get more and more and more comfortable as well with your with your utility you use it way more you noticed Rick I just thought that first kill that first kill is what is what you pray that your shot could be like every every game every time you like there's the wide swing stop like at counter stray instant one tap dead on the one shot not even like three what you can try to transfer into a spray you know you knew you knew that guy was dead good I'll tell you that much should definitely be using the Vandal over time alright so here I have used the Vandal I need more than a sorry you're fine bro IV Savannah more than anyone I never hop on the Phantom gang I've always been about Daniel Vince beta and switching to the phantom the last like two days and just using it more it's crazy like the consistency of the spray it's mind-boggling it's my it is mind-boggling how much easier it is to spray transfer and spray with the Phantom like it's more accurate more consistent cleaner the Vandal like the Vandal kicks too much to the left to the left and to the right in full spray right like there's so many like who we want we were expecting someone to the very end one of the last like two games smack oh yeah you were spraying with that [ __ ] vandal like your fourth shot yes you're like fourth or fifth shot from the spray just like went far like far left that was hitting the wall and your aim or was it it's just like damn it's not it does not look good Jason was saying that he thinks sage platers should be hopping like say genes beam him back anyway she's already in the back anyways reveals and [ __ ] right yeah I find myself on the tax side and turning sites before a lot of people and I'd not okay with found you guys have to flash for me just like breach should be second entry not first cuz he can flash for a teammate and very rare but yeah let's try real comp on this get better at it okay we're doing real car yeah find do we want me on Brimmer do we want me on safe I'm fine here I mean like I can play brain right I know or should I have been over here I think bream is way better than Ullman on this map I don't think I don't understand I'm like we at this comp a lot I'm reading the article of of the Atlanta Police Department of the police she's like stepping aside I don't understand what the [ __ ] that is I just would be a whole other basically she's stepping aside I don't think that she's like I think she's still there but she's just saying that she's get it she's gonna support the mayor and whatever and and whatever he wants to do with the police department you know I don't know I don't know [ __ ] bro this doesn't make sense like stepping it like what is the mayor gonna do that she isn't I just have to step aside for that davon I don't know I mean to kill somebody right no-nothing chief did one over one of our officers did a flame careful they're gonna they're gonna be well rotated by the way just break it earlier I'm gonna arrow back side load back sight slowing CT as well jump down always to see one CT one hookah hookah smoking for the spark coming out oh they don't the New York City situation with the chief and Mayor and I'm handling situation she wants to be and not be responsible for the [ __ ] show I think that's pretty presumptuous I can't handle the ether mad at her for not doing anything okay so she's basically she's got a lot of keys okay but stepping aside like she's still there Riley otherwise the wording would be like resigned or I suspect this Molly they pushing out one showers of the shorty 74 Oscar beer I think that's it Kirby right side side I'm not gonna waste wall yeah you know out here those are TP you're right yeah well I think he's gonna both had double barrels there's North's feeling it man there's no reason to seven they're shorties dude that's Ron Hill man there's summer on there okay so she's still there she's seeing a backseat letting the politicians play it out are you feeling it now mr. Krabs you're feeling it more keep them off balance you tapping away on what you give him the gas station to Mountain Dews you swam with the huh the only Maui there is something called Mountain dude game feel you know what right no no right right right I'm just making sure you know more do you want to top a gamer huh you want a public gamer a tub of gamer here on eight under six seven of trash marshalling showers so can we got so many hours the other guys play B so it'll be rotating Oh Mother of God all this spike broke the yo face is a good playoff I said he keeps me to stay alive commend you tip dude good insight to their wallowing for the eviews you're gonna make some plays hold they baited it first time do you have extra uh final mice your collab I need this I may or may not have a few left over I really need a new one okay what color band if you don't mind right you do it do it do it wanna push showers you're alone then beacon here crawl with me walk by him for eight damage how the [ __ ] when you I don't really know she pushed you - my my Tyrion I don't know he got [ __ ] destroy you got what's up I think you should just be offering what so us I had that I saved it for playing unrated we're just chilling but mother you know you had rez you had heal yeah you know your challenge is your day without all I was trying to cross the teammate but you asked you don't like you for trying to pop off you know just let me know I'll play sage for a game or two let's go to long for three long I'm gonna drone it for you I roll it going out 1a or 1b 1b just go I'm an arrow back so it should get on there is I hate my life here at stim beacon down Oh actually I don't think that guy could have been any louder if he tried Dipsy dip you dip I have never seen someone who looks so good at guessing their fate I like the gun and throw in the air a little bit let me let me add a little bit of ice good same thing be yeah yeah be sure I think we can get a pic I'm gonna go clean play your get a pic with my old on y'all what you wanna do you yeah every two though I just need you to say Johnny I just need to say Johnny 3 SEC 2 right here where it comes our Christopher I'm will wait right here okay I'll smoke the right side engine see won't get shot hang on smokes down I mean I need that slower I'm stunning that [ __ ] I'm sure it's on top that's why I wanted you to be right dude you should be swinging up stunning it smokes down Mike I don't even I'm not even [ __ ] I'm so over why is it I'm gonna be coming to sound like the biggest [ __ ] [ __ ] on the planet right now and just look why do I at like why do I have to [ __ ] spit like I asked people to just do something and like they just like don't listen I don't get you know it's such an easier slow and it's safer from my side I said to come by side into the dog they'll stay on this side I'm like it's it just keeps happy what are we doing okay am i hoping I'm gonna start a new good I'm holding back sight ready 3 2 3 2 1 now alright I think there's the one on site right I knew it I knew accounts like this inside of the plane gonna wash your phone the long you got this you're gonna kill most wrong Oh mother mother God do I have to reset my screen does it not say I'm online or something in the following list reminds me of someone I don't know dude I don't know how a mixer works fine all right you just go ahead and tell your viewers right if they want to watch you die my stream is very poor no I'm [ __ ] oh by the by hey that's what I call a rebrand mixer calm slash Owen I'm gonna show me not to restart it it won't fix it like smoke smoke smoke I'm drowning sight for us checking back so once cubby bag them I need to play we don't need to be good just watch you all I got this mug I'm not peeking anything I'm just putting them off there's got nowhere to run I don't understand company my dad said til ninjas tree is part of mine I would tell her myself but I'm only level 29 and I need 30 to be able to speak in chat W just having cherry now listen roll number 2 I still have a kill number 3 if you tuned in to like mixer calm for selection you didn't you pipe that and it'll it'll pop up but nothing yes just it spongebob actually gay no no he's about you that is excellent that's well that's what they say that's what they had to say and come out with after because people are suing I wonder if him in Patrick who bumped uglies I went out it Oh Jett his dog sheep down hopping back so it could be short [Applause] why the [ __ ] is this jet literally everyone no one should probably grab the bomb one hookah three there's one guy who could last you guys what you already seconds left [ __ ] Mead that's where the [ __ ] is after this thing comes up and just I'm gonna cry men don't cry man I know I'm gonna give it a limb on defense because I physically can just [ __ ] in this pile of the shotgun right and I I know that someone will push me and I cannot wait that moment to happen but right now I'm getting absolutely I mean like we don't have to beat around the bush I mean your dog sure yeah you know like it's uh but we all have those halves I gotta go there okay I'm just saying like you're gonna pick it up on D take it just take a shoosh you little [ __ ] Dart so push it is good at picking up D I'm gonna I'm gonna shoot my Big D right into this restroom I think that what do you think happen I [ __ ] died because you didn't push him with me like what is the point like I don't have [ __ ] go there for you to shoot your arrow and then back up like 10 seconds on my thing alright here I go speed run player standing I got this he is one shot by the way with yourself you would have been there would have been great we will kill them you know I could use those columns that would be nice to be helpful Momsen teleporter good I'm gonna get [ __ ] long in the face right now happening 30 seconds left 36 well we know Tyler is not in a good time we'll see I'm having a great time I'm having a good well that's neat equipment [ __ ] real good I'll watch this in uh you know what the are we forcing are we singing yeah I'm gonna say like hey I'm gonna be honest I feel like we'd save for last here boys yeah I never sound imma go make sure y'all combined next round yes sir smokes down I left clothes left clothes left cypher pick me Jay [Laughter] they're all down the area they have four outs boys Oh guys what puts monkey ones here how they smoked it for us thank you one showers yes sir attack them I'm slow it off I am and I'm getting sprayed taejeong's by critics sometimes you take the [ __ ] sometimes you eat the shits and there we last round oh you're not morgue no you're not I'm right entering all game man listen is that why you're three intense rat [ __ ] listen dude going bathrooms gay we're gonna go bathroom Susan's gonna have are gonna go bathrooms gained ciphers or put some no snipers gonna put some trips blending skits whimpers here right let's go meet sage so nice only shut your [ __ ] guard I'm gonna go up there I'm gonna [ __ ] stays are gonna follow me I'm gonna [ __ ] go in there I'm gonna mom grab the orb I'm gonna get my old I'm gonna smoke yep I'm gonna old u-haul we're gonna [ __ ] push aside little [ __ ] dude hold up putting smokes down holding you all and I are doing switching sides it's okay we we you know already knows everything up there I need five on it oh we're about to smash these nerds hot dude zero and ten I mean I move I'm Moises in all of you guys maybe it's outside Roger I don't think that kid got a killed without a no not in Kings I literally think that jet every elimination wasn't awful I mean it's a crud you the OP is actually brain dead we have to if we have to get real for a sex I hate it ones outside showers smokes down oh no give a flasher stun oh hey right there yeah don't be I'll TP and it's crazy it's crazy she didn't get like 15 million eliminations with an off their own I'm surprised she didn't have one how do not have one around sorry gentleman we're on the board more did you cubes we are on eighth we're on the board hey ninja [ __ ] you know the board looks like we're on it looks like this we want to find 10 watch out watch out watch out for me watch out oh yeah I don't think you want me playing tens right now Fairfax in beacon here's I'm going there too all right you [ __ ] why are you there I'll see the jazz guitar bike planted they're gonna get you home that's it Marshall I'll shoot your camera and then flanker there he's in he's in he's coming inside right there I grabbed it for me okay all right um let's not put three on me because I don't think we need to I think we do three a of cipher and brims Ino unbe I don't know I went heaven Nick they are loaded these kids are going on [ __ ] you like chillin Jetta 6,300 she's [ __ ] offing just don't challenge off angles Molly started thought right side or side left side down I'm gonna I'm gonna nice you had enough I killed her nice double ones your last your long in the old pleasure dilemma pyramid garden garden garden okay boom boom there right there booty booty people yeah just hold that figs there I [ __ ] know ping okay he can go be there running market don't swing it don't swing it that's that like everyone should be [ __ ] closing in on her yeah I don't know what you guys are doing like just slowly not there's not a spike he's there she we got trapped in a box dude she's [ __ ] like right here sorry more she's gonna be to your left is pushing humor if I was gonna save the OP can we [ __ ] sure oh please like I don't want to play with this level troll like I get like messing around one if we do a 360 that's fine what do you mean she challenged when you didn't even swing on it and she was right there you know because she's a knob you should kill her the OP was on her body I think by not swinging on contact like daddy's throwing that could have threw the round let's win this round let me know if these guys are in hookah please all old the [ __ ] out of it swing three two one left side let's give it up I'm gonna drown you go I'm gonna go wash my body wash our smokes damn I just always yeah that's for sure [Music] like I wish there was a I wish I got like four assists for that you know like launching them all out of hookah like that I don't get [ __ ] no no I know I'm saying hey what do you mean stuck like they were are you saying that we oh my god I really was the worst Alton Laurel day I didn't cut off any weight here well I mean it's the world you know why don't we sponsor skip a crew I'm gonna grab these orbs smoke I agree I agree this is their Bible and Claire oh yeah she'll probably probably gonna all with no armor so just don't [ __ ] beginning smokes down three outside of showers let's run this Stimpy can hear washer getting halted and a somewhere I don't know where I just saw her going you I'm pretty sure unless those are smoke evaporating no thanks downside of showers yeah you could it is hey I'm gonna scope with this shirt smokes down I'm making cross that you may find Cassie T it can go all the way to be just go be Kobe I think could be yeah halfway oh they couldn't get F Lee the whole cost just trust me just go just mark sorry Turk one animal remaining try to transfer okay still and that's fine I don't know if I let go cuz some people are telling me they can't are you [ __ ] kidding I see no harm I mean with me here and and and Sony where he was like I know burner I don't want him to go here I literally wanted him to be closer to hear the plan I'm saying and then like and then if we have someone who could potentially pick them Safety's off based off the traps down nothing here abb I mean ice add a new car baby smokes down I just got the biggest flank of the century might be pushing hooker it out one enemy remaining Oh got my buddy directly on me right now you're the panthan and she gave it up I've survived much worse soon come and J&J and JJ's let's go what homie what does it even mean that is an issue we need to leave one a I just hate this whole forest where they on it yeah there or is it perfect one copy go spin beacon down Plus right close try hopping it okay dude okay we just give them a bunch of balls you know crazy is is literally the round where we are where we needed to play the best gameplay like puzzles oh this whole round Matt that last round ways was that round and funny enough morg was like I'm gonna pull ninja play and was grieving me the last three around saying that I'm [ __ ] truly and by trying to act like I'm trolling and they're doing his stupid [ __ ] play he troll again I mean you both stop throwing us just [ __ ] better oh you do hold on you're all T for too long I used it that rounds saves cool give you drone in the rest drone res play it out I heard him go straight clear close clear he's back there don't be weird [Music] these players to lose like the jet is literally sitting on a [ __ ] box there okay smokin a bike planted just let them be holding us showers I'm not I'm literally not gonna I'm not moving yep I'm good I'm good French I have I have a stinger and I'm not afraid to use it actually and why is that it doesn't get ours yo fakes can you sell and request and get armored bell that get light armor and request ascetic by him I said a climb I said a climbing now watch this Alan I'm just sitting behind triple stack honestly they're gonna be in shower center go close okay you wallet they're in showers grabbing word don't stop calling it smokes down nice I'm smoking he's drowning out of showers into I hear the like eight times I'm gonna Isis they're out of showers at our insurance in Pekin down a metro they're planning their putting I'm trying I'm trying to you [Applause] I know here in beacon here doctor uptown girl Tiger hard we're getting half there so there's other guys got pocket brim give you guys you can't stop this up Calma quake was that brim just like literally in the back of this side with a dick in his hand like waiting to oh like what was that what was he doing oh I actually wanna know what he was in sorry did he have his map out like was he trying to maybe use play out Sony come here oh this is gonna be so you're going to I don't want to I don't wanna swing showers I think we don't know I'm smoking you're getting you're getting this orbit oh yeah just just literally shoot your arrow in the commutes that's possible we're just looking go there yeah smokes down there spitting my wall a little neither Donner they're now spokes down one long one long to hookah yo let me know if you're squishing short I'm gonna Alton okay coming up along your own I'd rotate one everything so holding your short hit one long cypher I need to heal we should I said a good [ __ ] man Sony good [ __ ] how they broke they are not she will up again I have never in my life wanted to winning any more than I do right now I guess these idiots your Sony wait what's up wait one second and then shoot it because I want I wanna I want to grab your pretty much as it hit scene I'm saying and it lands a little too soon just wait one second he's in the smoke rotating goes it's 3v5 I have he'll know I'm gonna scope on back elbow under you there on be site so if I did I just wanna [ __ ] dang ill as many as you can I'm turning it a second there holy [ __ ] all elbow are all flowers I'm gonna smoke flowers and I'm gonna smoke hookah can you second one see Pete lay it's only recording flowers smokes nobody garden out of charges we need to start moving boys what's happening oh so bad alright last final round boys we've any old-timey clothes well I have all this is great I've got my own worthy dude I've been pushing like here do we know if they're like being aggressive here right away or what I'm gonna I'm gonna drown early from short and show you what was that Sony can you buy me these equipment mm-hmm did he do that yes or no thanks I don't know you're asking like what the [ __ ] do they do okay I'm gonna old right away this wing she's offering bathrooms I lost a foot where's that brim push that brim to towards bathrooms oh [ __ ] man I can't solo that thing you are last player standing that's right all right yeah iku peak like was it a peak up house holding the bathroom angle you got on top of the box enjoy rebate area yeah it's just this is definitely just just the play it just has to be done again I mean she's getting up she does not [ __ ] do anything else so just don't peek just sit wait I'm gonna put a small watch I'm gonna put a smoke down first don't do here ooh no wait like three seconds and then smoke smokes down one is showers a sheet glass hopping he says she will 100 weaver give your came on her right c21 fix you sure she's okay well then I'm gonna cheat over safe smear they say breaking ball - of it you wanna arrow your long jump swing left doing site running silently it's there out on site airing ten seconds left I don't guess one out like that boys GG morgan man you're you're you're you you know you're dealing and I'm losing my [ __ ] mind because your sarcasm is so sincere and it's pissing me off cuz it's that good and it's just really annoying I mean come on you know I'm trolling you wait wait wait wait I'm I don't think I've ever seen more play that bad no good guys I'm having a blast Oh usually everyone know here like I'm actually having fun yeah I wanna see having fun too but like do you understand how easy it is to not have fun when you were getting [ __ ] every single round through smokes and on different sites in different angles every single time no one time we're getting [ __ ] on tea man you derailed the one time triple smoke bro I smoked u-haul and all of a off the dumbass always in the back corner I got caught him in his all I'm bunny hopping like a little [ __ ] bunny right in my prime but and she just - she's out of you all gets an angle and Clips me in my foot when I'm about to frickin kill this over like oh dude the new Dragon Ball super manga I think is coming out soon you read that at all does anyone read that joy not matter to you man that might have been one of the most aggravating game to my entire life is it you know it's about to be Vegeta's moment in the manga because he's uh Goku's like kind of now I'm not gonna spoil it you can listen like what everyone knows what Vegeta - Goku is and can we talk about like why I really actually cuz there were a couple enemies what talk about it I want more animes I love more animes where they're only in guy doesn't have it's just insane plot armor yeah we're like it like I was like I would have loved several times for Vegeta Vegeta could've just like yeah like popped off and it not take him like his wife being threatened or punched in the face or or his son from the future dies like I just like I just wanted you two to disappear for like a decade I'm telling the manga is Lily's Goku is defeated right now right like where's Benjy man like I mean just disappeared for years you know but he's just Instant Transmission back to the [ __ ] it like it's gonna be lit I don't wanna spoil it dope would it be 10 10 years right the first whole first episode is like what's been happening where is he what has he been doing for 10 years he comes back and he's like 20 levels above Goku Ultra instinct on crack like how dope would that be and then the whole saga is like explaining right the the I'm telling you that is literally what's happening the manga right now god I mean I have an erection Goku just went ultra and singing work for the guy they were fighting a new episodes huh no it's there in the manga but they're drawn oh yeah it's the manga did he recently learned Instant Transmission I know so so he he's on yard Jarreau be the place where goku trained for a long time to learn instant transmission and nobody knows what vegeta was doing there but he he was like [ __ ] it I'm not gonna learn Instant Transmission I just want to do it this one time and then he found Goku ski and he just went there Instant Transmission and now the flight between Vegeta and the guy that go could just lost you is about to go down Emma she's been training for like five you're like how ever long that's the [ __ ] already yeah it's me Dobie my favorite moments still in Dragon Ball Z final flash and when majeeda gets mad after trunks does too so and I I still I still I think that's cell saga that cell moment is just it's like I'm not gonna be I'm gonna be honest is the coolest [ __ ] ever like yeah when I go on like oh but when Gohan goes mega mega super duper power like it is one of truly one of the coolest moments when but when Goku turns Super Saiyan 3 what do you like demonstrate do you guys remember that about to piss you guys off were piggy didn't finish kind of go on the [ __ ] idiot we thought we just saw the guy and then he and then he finally does have the power and then for the next 15 minutes he's kicking the [ __ ] out of him taunting I'm like give up I don't want to keep doing it you made me do it and these anyway so [ __ ] long that cell blows up like talk about just like the bill I get like give some other people their moments yeah I mean like it was the biggest F up of all time from going it's the stupidest [ __ ] in the world all he had to do was just whoop his ass he had the power to do it well but then he but then he then he [ __ ] just obliterated him in pretty epic fashion so there's that don't go Instant Transmission it blew up King Kai's planet me talking about oh that's really uh that's right go yeah hello he came back I forgot no but I was gonna say you had a moment there it was kind of cool they played you know his theme song and he puts a big bang right in the cells back and inside Vegeta's theme song is I literally listen to that at the gym sometimes that's so great I love that man I wanna let you know that I go end up full anime mode when I'm working out that's like I'm watching the DBZ motivational [ __ ] on treadmill right before I lived I'm listening to all the OST I love it that's incredible oh yeah let's also talk about go I mean go on go that Super Buu is not as big as mess up so I got freaking the liquid [ __ ] got everyone that was annoying yes yeah let's go tanks to know it takes was a flop don't things [ __ ] up - dad they they train forever they practiced a perfect perfected the fusion and then they did the same [ __ ] even when socially it really didn't they didn't think they did a mess-up I mean they kill they definitely killed him they started this happen it what was left of him and then he still came back was really stupid oh yeah that literally them it was over they beat him and then they start zapping his freaking little gooeys that's left over and that doesn't matter he still reforms like the hail shadows I got one - 26 - the uh-60 yeah I don't crouched into this you guys totally can take him out by the way big two of them are weak cyber c26 agreement sixty and sages heels down for 30 seconds so gonna make big plays bro yeah ninja I had no idea you were doing that oh yeah sorry you run through teleporter you chew me out I said wait a minute dude I Super Saiyan 3 bro I remember the day that I watched the episode where yep Goku when Super Saiyan 3 showing off showing it off to view I remember it was one of the good like dude it was pitch black there was no one home like uh everyone was out like for like church or some [ __ ] I didn't kill all I say longer going knowledge and it was just pitch black in my house it was dark outside I had no lights on I was full training man waiting for your contact there's a gun out there that I really want I got a heal switch yes yes I don't think I'll be able to get that gun now stealing sight everything is 103 owner sack man I will if you start to instinctually or just just wallet right well then grab this thing very plug play I mean we have a fresh wall down and we're gonna we have to slows to delay the mid as well so it's probably gonna be somewhere else get ready get ready when you shooting to be watching that year 30 seconds left that's wall at your mouth one enemy okay David I love good teammates wait do I actually have quick sorry about Super Saiyan 3 episodes no I missed the airing of it on Toonami and I had to wait for it to come out on VHS and then my mom took me and my brother at Target we got the VHS episode of when gogo turns Super Saiyan 3 are popping that [ __ ] in I was elite a foot away from my big screen in the living room and watch it is so remember it oh great I'm pumped for you thanks [Applause] on a bike plan to make it that's great I would save that vandal did not let me let me get this straight let me get this straight I just headshotted charted race twice with respect there and yeah I'm shoddy shoddy you're some little some debris is literally pushing showers before my arrow can get in why on [ __ ] God's green earth am I getting swung by every person and their pool and huh that might be the smartest England oh my god fakes can you all like here help him Oh balls broken I'm getting Sun you yeah there PI coming to us Seaford [ __ ] and that wall cooked me we just not facing more literally jerking each other off it'd be not reacting to I should have said I told you to stay I need done all three all three are in hookah bike planted just smoke out flash how you guys gonna do this yeah the mambas are quick reads there's not too many chapters sir I bring this back I think it's gonna be more like what is the flash the first flash and then charges speaks and didn't call it I didn't mean to it's not supposed to you guys should have rotated I'm literally I'm just gonna start you go I don't know what you want I'm sorry put some sheets are going I've double your kills ninja Lee yes bro nobody does really well is that orb down I said it could rush grab the urban rez that's as possible maybe spike planted just go up just prone back sight [Music] nice try nice sage I can't believe you as bathrooms if you ever wonder where it's taken from so uh light buyer how my alt try to pick summer are we saying I must hold together yeah marriage are short sadly they're pushing it some tourists nice how's it gone on that res you body block me oh my god you're gonna be [ __ ] kidding hero spikes down there I'm usually placed showers going I'm holding back yeah I'm gonna check side showers all right so I have all this site one enemy remaining okay I'm not I'm not the littlest things I'm [ __ ] filming go and they keep happening which is the worst the littlest big Steve Abedini me just did just send you over the edge bro like I get an ice pick I'm like all right turn around jump away dude boom boom but afaik sky why Peaks it's once the body died little a morgue I'm gonna be honest your clip wasn't like insane it was really good it wasn't okay that's your opinion you know yeah the jiggle peak long was dope [ __ ] the site more experienced oh my smoke you're exactly where you are oh my god they know I'm here I think teleported by the way I'm okay hey raise it rest me rose me okay I'm gonna arrow it they're using this little [ __ ] swing goats go all the time time time down there get on the bomb Soni oh my god dude get over here well I think you literally flicked off of his body kind of crazy right he said I've always said that in halo as well like siping inhale - hey let me not be able to pretty much every halo slapping in any game is near impossible against worse players well they have no idea what they're doing and their movement is so [ __ ] and unpredictable it's like yeah I'm gonna marry short hey push me I'm still there no wall spat the walls fat rock I'm gonna turn this characteristic air Jarvis just shower push yeah yeah I got I got it good where's brim not sure he could be short watching all right and watch you're right my hair is short yeah how do I remove that I wish I could remove that left side hang on I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna old hang on it's party this morning spawn still [Applause] distraction wave off wave mommy mommy come on I think Elly all right I'm actually gonna hold this okay I won't I won't yeah I'm all smoking no no no wait wait oh you're good more there's no one else there's only bike places as morges coming as fast as possible and he's gonna be the heel which is 15 seconds we have enough time to do this five five seconds five sir [ __ ] it one in hookah you didn't even kill the guys fight I think first shot accuracy like that always sometimes like that off doesn't even do anything against person who's hopping right huh I mean I mean their mother aim is slower as places them the first shots so it goes off just as fast huh yeah hell yeah what's it gonna do make the bullet travel make the bullet travel slower I'm gonna go for this bathroom by the way it kind of blows that that guy did that immediately ultd cuz we are we forcing say Carol I just have this morning wait what hey you can get up oh you also have something to play have it running have it right now I'm gonna run be they were they were in there quick they were in there okay still to here night-night your new can do more hookah gonna belly - get Emily to him some [ __ ] they're not out yet Sony seconds left what's going elbow spike planted standing back ability Sony can you explain where the arrow was and how did it work like that hit the corner of short like a wall in I'm not pick Tyrone up I don't it's actually bugged okay I'll show you where it landed have you guys ever played in this corner and Valerie you literally revealed you yeah I don't know what's up the corner in bathroom yet we're at ping uh I played it one time you know I'm gonna help you I'm just hiding here swinging off your contact the brim is almost always here your arms open these open now they're not gonna come I gave up short I mean just lay a smoke down there [Applause] just to bring some last round in the half yeah the guy sat outside showers for a minute the entire to that's and his entire team is be not to mention the cipher stayed in and push through push through the smoke listen dude honestly my own stance on a few Lucien you're sniffing it's like it's on that you know you're a piece of [ __ ] you do it and it's just unrated shoot your arrow future arrow and [ __ ] oldest kid I'm not drone short or know it could be pushing it yeah they're pushing their inside oh my god Mike planted wait what they're all good bro long toxic I [ __ ] a planner now this is working deliberating 40 sided now you know it's crazy as we are a tea sided team all right let's go let's go let's do any eight please may have ciphered everyone just come on over we're coming come on over be great we'll have a wonderful time one person here I need Sony I need Sony and I wanna say so Bremen breeze plays short on the sunny side do you need for me baby just don't get picked and we're gonna shoot your dart to your daraa what we'll walk in will get aesthetic the orb I'll smoke plant we win can't stop me your guys just you guys push up when you see my smokes like start [ __ ] around using my smokes going now I have no heel I rip her I ripped it she's [ __ ] the link she's late I'm in across I'm crossing could be in this nice yeah you're the female response it's a noise you get on this file are me oh [ __ ] yeah you won't say that's a plan what's the plan idea I mean let's just play for pics don't go who cut off Johnny's please don't go you can cuss in to the washing back so you know arrowing I died whose clothes I didn't touch her she can walk through smoke I only smoked off elbow do not wallet there it is I stopped crouching you got a double-barrel long turn up my Spector you will have your spec there for sure oh god that sounds so sexy can we push us can we push you so he doesn't get Spector please oh my god they're all nuts he knows scope them through his smoke oh and I really just watch what I watch I don't know what did you watch two of them can't get rifles I think we do or I think we do our a push again we can get this arms will get will get will get ascetic or old and remembers be aggressive here I don't care if they know that we're here whole point is to get as close as possible with sony's arrow cover going out I press I can draw it I'm gonna draw inside closed right side finding I'm so scared one a bit red huh you know you want one you off all right side right side I'm weak enemy remaining 35 shadows prepare to hell I want it tonight the [ __ ] out of him dude you got [ __ ] cold eyes dinner dude if I if I hit and weird I think I could have bolted him I think I think I couldn't night them I think you could have mail ate him okay understand I'm gonna get it orab sharp I think we just worked hard again okay okay why am I just being mega told by every what if you is you an order picking on me oh my picking on you no no no no y'all I'm not gonna cry let's buzz watch my body has more there's 300 speaking there's a trap there somebody [ __ ] clip that that's going on that's going on Twitter and inside in the next 20 minutes was it that gonna do all the knife and then into that yeah type into the TP triple ADF spray like holy would you get the knife to keep the cypher outside of showers so no so so you you were drowning and like someone threw someone smoke tears won't cure so I just [ __ ] went from here and tp'ed here and then niacin huh oh so it doesn't gotta be here Carol therefrom they might even opticians every time going out [Music] she's rare rare marker no wonder he can drone and then and Rona roller and then in the shot gutter I'm saying she's in that corner I know exact I'm over here salting I'm back here I'm in you all yeah can we can we switch I think we just we just commit it's just I think he's behind me you are you said go go go go canal just if we get out thank you from heaven that came from like a tower heaven yeah I just get it just get it as aggressive as you possibly can be hey you know what that works too baby yeah yeah you can raise you a signal the rest I'm gonna rest yeah yeah my plan for long he's bringing it already so buddy cross why are they so determined to die [ __ ] sock top thank you for the clip oh man appreciate you bro I just oh yeah yeah I mean I'll pop I'll tweet it yeah oh you have fake salt Orville yo what's up let's push him out of a u-haul and I'll smoke everything else already smoke that hang on let me smoke haven't let me yell honey you ready when you are schedules games on your mark ready [Music] two more here [ __ ] that just come from and I'm gonna die and I got a double bounce shot Dart yeah into the [ __ ] like little crevice that you can see in you from shower nice night I'm one hour Boff ulti it would hold it for you I'll hold it yeah just one person come with me yeah baby you know you got to learn the other learned timings and I'm rhyming there I was like he'll probably push that thing so good thing you want status for a [Music] bathroom back sight clear one heaven one heaven funny good drop that out 78 how's that a headshot I got the heaven peek okay okay there's a window there was a window menu thanks pushing you pushing you oh my god you guys are toxic your hips pull your head after the question mark he was [ __ ] toxic no the question marks are talking to it's genuine Matt I'm genuinely wondering what the hell they were thinking there that Chey's is clearly not that talented the game the cable you know she wasn't thinking she wasn't thinking this guy's 12 HP so let me just walk at it with a [ __ ] classic assign right-click and get a free limb that's before you do something crazy he's literally in that close right holding that I said what the [ __ ] did I ladies and gentlemen in a world where more Gauss might actually use his ultimate ability Ray's not dead going yeah I said I did they look like they were both on top Oh shots per shot look clean second shot way I'm not both what 30 seconds left you can grab his gun and catch them on the teleport you shall [ __ ] Queen night was so user name actually how the idea wasn't I ripped her you watch that elbowing not watching over standing hit the stage for 133 man they're like monster think of the embers man we got members appreciate your and thank you for is there it is probably got a SWAT up with the lads for ranked it's me dope and the boys for ranked to in league of legends are we all met yo hold up hold I mean I'm I really do want to play this game all night I could play this Tyler Tyler why you want thousand dollars 1v1 League midlane I don't play middling [ __ ] on it I literally never met I'll take that bet it was your highest you look gold one I'm in one for me liars I was diamond one my very first season no not you not you not you never camera down I have hookah control second smoke down close nice jiggles you jiggled a lot they're still playing on you also this is by the way we go idle in here I just go eh I'd go and do a full commit just one hand default one default we smoke here smoke here we go wait let me draw it let me draw let me draw let me draw she's going in you right now she's going into you right now where the [ __ ] is she I think yeah I think you stick together you play this here you can use your seat through the wall yes I can which is why you guys should be both playing inside this together sounds like probably got a nap you have a flashes all oh did he attackers win the hell retightening hahaha how do I had a message I was concocting forgot to type it in right I do that all the time it's annoying all right boys G to the G's yeah we are almost nine o'clock guys were so nice you're going to wake up at 7:00 okay Jim by 8:00 okay oh yeah we be maybe we we remain to 10:00 okay and then I'm getting on the line by 11:00 here's my question yeah I wish mommy would you pay more to talk you when you stay up late been woke up eight nine bro okay I was were real real you're not a game whatever all day huh what do you do all my health I'm full HP right now look too we are literally forced beyond full shield bro I'm a hundred shield actually for tonight yeah yeah hey I'm max mats mm-hmm yeah you're matted up for sure though out here bro and like let me just tell you sand I'm bigger than you he is bigger than you I've seen more more could literally out/banned you with his [ __ ] that's big all right guys Gigi's I'll be on tomorrow I think yes Jesus is heard I'm not two guys all right man uh-uh hold on let me just shoot that let me just shoot the young hysteria quicktax bro do I have time to make a chicken pot pie you definitely time to make a chicken pot pie no matter what more I feel like an old man King you little 26 man you're good bro Joshua later man I'm not going anywhere bro we out here man my bad for some of my sage play I know I have like all day today oh no no I'm asking like oh yeah today I had some like that one where you told me to come around on vine to you cuz you're gonna I just stayed on the other side stuff like that okay I just tweeted yeah I see who so who do you like to play who who who was your mainly before this I played Chad and I alt with Chuck like that dude you uh that is not but I played sage as well I was like rotating they're different but my off on stage as well I'll do Joshua man I'm good what's your wondering man yeah obviously like I don't think I don't wanna play sage your home in its nuts I just love how I just want to keep getting better better with him better with him like and learn more and more clean you know what I real talk I actually have okay so there are two there are three types of teleports yeah actually there's like four well let me just tell you the main ones against good teams there are the ones that you do to bait them by teleporting nowhere and then there are the ones that like this truly just straight-up Shoop the [ __ ] out of him right it's either they know it's under they know where you are or you chew him and I have been I just need to TV anymore like then know it that the TP noise gets lost in the comms when when chaos is happening and I gotta start taking advantage of that ya gotta start taking advantage of it because that happy that happens so often where I mean sometimes people don't even hear someone defusing the bomb because you know brims old just finished and it's just impossible to hear because all you hear is very difficult to hear to distinguish between vatted yeah there are a lot of places especially if we have a grip like you can do double TP price place until I cover in smoke and just get behind that like during execute and they won't hear you at all that's another thing you saving saving omen saving omen like brink brim smokes are like a little bit quicker oh this is such a clean play hello well I just tweeted I just tuned to the video I'm gonna show my chat right now the video is long in this is I mean this is hands-down one of the cleanest nastiest clips look at this sprint look at this spray transfer in 80s at the end of the clip oh my god do I need to restart my stream well I start appearing offline online I say knowing issues to deal with oh yeah I was a clean spirit and that's how unite to him sit to that night no I do you so clueless I could Silva Holt it - yeah and the smokes are going down oh your bike was I couldn't off no no I'm saying and the and the smokes are gonna there's just so much noise uh-uh I mean whatever I'm you talking to restarted man just save someone someone's like dude only Oh 1900 viewers yeah glitch is one restarted stream blah blah blah we get a fourth or weaker fifth or you can play this hiccups off yeah he has to go to bed early is the tournament tomorrow at 10 a.m. um critical one supplier I know that it here is he's on vivid steam he's good who I said it's gone too right yeah I'm I'm sorry uh yeah I mean just grab a fix just give him the miss Gordon all right geez boys are you guys playing tomorrow - yeah I'll be on yo what up brother oh he's definitely also just left the lobby oh no I had to restart my game to join the disk screen yo what's up man welcome bro oh thank you I will not be playing roam round Oh very hard what's up I heard it was intense wait was it intensity yeah yeah that sucks we lost of them and TSM literally it was our first ever like legitimate match and and and and we and we got [ __ ] ice for an for 90 minutes from real matches because like our first team was a no-show and then they and then they took they took forever to Joe is so dumb that is very dumb we're out here playing spike rush and [ __ ] never go against the top team in the rule of us them oh well yeah wait when you plate to your son how'd you guys do score it was 13 to 7 on a cent no it was not bad it could have been a lot better whoo oh I don't know vivid and carbon they're doing something yeah some semen do you anything or I could literally watch this clip that I was posted forever it's so clean yes the ABS triple like um like I've because I actually I use it a lot so I know the bounce a lot more it shoots slower and it bounces more but like I lean oh my god like I don't even try I don't even try to like be like seductive to my wife anymore like in the normal ways like I just Center clips like that and it gets the job done I just sent her text message with a link to the to the clipping oh okay number I Love You Man thank you the 2500 embers are you going to bed are you staying did you see deke or you saw I'm just gonna call you pity good I love that man thank you yeah I unfortunately like clipping on mixer is not people's first it just doesn't like no one does it like my mods will do it sometimes if it's nasty if I say it but like in general you're allowed to post clips from my channel and the links in this chat but no one does it like knowing clips no one tries to I don't know how hard it is still I know that they improved it okay wait a minute this who's gonna be like 10 times longer because criticals a god or something or what was my iron I don't know I hope not I think we're gonna be alright I mean we are pretty high MMR anyways we went along and we play a lot of good play good teams of five and now I basically haven't dropped around ever we're gonna have to do minik Uslan my match history aim to see mine 31 scrolling we was bad 14 to 4 to 13 they know no joke felt like they got they got carried and I could not not not taking anything away from yeah it was buried yeah yeah that's who carried against us like Austin expand I'm retro like duck they're all great players and they did you know incredible job well in Austin but Bergy like straight up clutch these and three different rounds in an incredible fashion that just come just just one one on it yeah it does it every single game in place I mean I'm wrong I want 2016 i won I have no idea max found top ranked top ranked team a BP or someone's talked [ __ ] when I'm you know when I'm Owen 10 going in the guy Chloe get to the other elevator game was so bad I Who am I on you uh yeah whatever you want man we don't have so we lost our instance locks age so it's you want a sage I mean I owe a cent yeah I want I want to [ __ ] around with some real cheeky Allman plays here even more yeah Brimmer say free whatever you want I think sighs Oh sighs just yeah yeah sorry scream I'm reading I'm catching about some PM's real quick oh no there's no meta it's kind of just depends on like you're playing it's kind of the same all about it's all about how come through all the region and what you execute with it yeah yeah like if you have if you have a bunch of smokes like you can do more methodical pushes and [ __ ] but if you're [ __ ] running like Ray's Rayna jet you know brim sage like just you go crazy and dominated rush it oh these are my boys we gotta spit on them the daily new cases in Florida have just spiked at an all-time high in a single day yeah happening ready this is I knew this was today Arizona 1600 Florida 1300 North Carolina 1200 Illinois 1200 New York a thousand Maryland 900 that's all today I think it's all today or most this week that case is one week ago oh [ __ ] I lied what I just read to you where the case is a week ago cases today this week California 3,000 Florida 2600 Texas 2,200 Arizona 1,500 North Carolina 1,400 Louisiana 1,200 Georgia 1,000 oh yeah the protests the protests protests are starting to kick in right now the incubation period now let's say you think Cathy there's a one-way thanks Irene is that being a sensory oh my god that's seed oh [ __ ] I mix all my right clicks rain is gonna be full help he came from what be probably her know thee there's no way the trip mid Michael [ __ ] sweating let's do it let's do a B push I want to stay honestly but I'm at the light armor okay so I'm going to smoke I'm gonna smoke this and it'll cover everything just get to just walk on the site there's no anything else I'm gonna flush this in the tunnel that's that's perfect it's perfect cover going out the stuff 31 I'm one HP even until I'm going to dude that is later like who does that that's incredible of those okay I just realized also they have no smokes gonna be taking control of made every single round and also and also trippin aside like trippin something so [ __ ] on I'm gonna full armor singer and I'm telling me some presents happen mid if you get if you give me a second yellow just walk walk up catwalk together like multiple people I'm gonna I'm gonna smoke cat for just wait though don't don't show thon show I need to smoke this and mid first it's just so we just so we I'm gonna blind left side three two one let's go yard Scout there she's winning Wow perfect at jetan safer at Eddie cover going out throw these kids are [ __ ] the nasty with it dude I've never seen this okay get in there and then okay we're good MCPS to markets markets markets like I don't understand it why is her first [ __ ] instinct when I teleport to just check they're not like where I could be [ __ ] so you don't mean like you gonna mean you're hearing the sound you know where it's coming from and she just [ __ ] swings II I could have been behind during lunch after like if I actually did what I was taught like what should have happened [ __ ] shot in the back have we even like tried again they don't have them yeah they have nothing they have literally nothing to slow us down today or does there sagely hey there's safer places and that's they've been stacking it perfectly [Applause] wall on top way wall go won't go and they leave - oh no - I promise you it's just a Italy better if you just wall away yeah unfortunately I feel like Phoenix is composed oh yeah I need the drop I goodbye I kept my pistols talk doc can we do I'm gonna smoke here here and here Phoenix needle here and like firewall all the way across we go where everybody nevermind nevermind nevermind thermo hide [ __ ] goat of a gun I'm gonna get sick we've go to the best you can cover going down there could be one in like this cover your hair this what so I perceive that the outside laughing while you're standing I don't want to market so it needs shadows traveling 30 seconds kill eazy-e's 10 seconds left [Applause] I'll use this it's just a little [ __ ] flex saving right you know let them know real quick I got this I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm leaving it that there I'm gonna smoke I'm gonna smoke cat I'm gonna TP across and try to pick someone mid yeah I'm gonna I'm just gonna all push mid actually I'll push checkers on he's DP sectors DP come on what I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna old on his on a our spawn cover going up got both [Music] you're standing where the [ __ ] was that there's but there's no sounded hmm goodbye prefix or anything guess yep just an literally hold back well I just push something yep [Music] I'm good thanks once you market cap so with the market I can't ask I have my camera Robby Robby come here Rana sub X light 40 with all I think she's here I'm leaving I'm leaving open right one enemy yeah wait that was back there now no I think I think she's here I think you belong into some cover going now healing he/she saving everything yeah cover going now cheer anyway she's going towards I know where he is I'm so mad I I wanted I already cut you're running all the way yeah probably good a TV okay a bit the mani hmm oh let's do this thing let's go on I'm gonna smoke her this can we get like a phoenix flame flame well after i smoke and it's in a cosmic like it just throw it down mid walk and you guys just walk up yeah my mic is muted i'm [ __ ] pink everything I'm so mad chose the wall where I'm getting point item 487 Oh fix you want to counter one yeah I have the spike [Music] they're just flanking those swimming no more we can old this and just [ __ ] push that [ __ ] like through double doors let's hope her talk you through [ __ ] through that was a good I mean she was up and there's flank you guys basically put both side you guys didn't peek sir she was i'll come up we can be be we can do we can do an aggressive be cleanly I have my old I have my old who's gonna happen I'm going to I'm gonna smoke this for you guys first so you guys can walk on the site comfortably and that's pretty much it honestly Phoenix Phoenix flash out here for you guys just to be safe and I'm gonna old here sniper shouldn't be watching there without going down what are you three two that's right done stealing sight from my library okay I'm Molly Markert we're good - on the stairs - beauty it almost [ __ ] awful and I also died because he's got a man pretty pretty pretty clear man like yeah you know you're hurt I mean you're like he's gotta make those placement right you know you know there's two people there's two people [ __ ] around here clearly shooting at people inside the wall you hurt like you literally heard the dude reloading it off and you didn't push him oh yeah and then you went back to site and eye shadow at that point yeah I should definitely that was the moment where it's like I know it was just the moment of wears you out like the window of opportunity to push yeah don't make a noise she's low I'm gonna push don't don't see jury or say anything I'm pinned or half last round before the swim cadiz here broke his fog and jet has pajetta 9k she's gonna I think I I think we shove it down Mithun let's shove it down in hmm a strip let's trip she's definitely Cavanaugh yeah I hear you I'm gonna I'm gonna smoke that mmm I'm literally going to smoke this and this so we just focus on running we're gonna run through mid bottom let's brief flashes in resulting nvm or offing preaching like more you sleek you should be there's one more I'd be grandpa's beef once as well market tend to cry like that real me to play a sage probably in like garden area on a by the bus you want us crazy or be because we're coming back you can tell I want to try this I want to [ __ ] just come in with me critical your find Kasim me and freaking what fixing me fixing me thanks anything I'm gonna smoke I'm going to smoke this we're all little he's gonna run up line up citing that like looking at looking at that and just [ __ ] on him yeah cover going out just there oh my god winnable winnable way together no flashes into having be careful beautiful nice oh you a nice these homes behind me yeah - clean though that was that yo I didn't know that your flame wall goes all down like that yeah we do just sit in this little corner with a Bucky there you know cause if you want man only hear you play play like walk up and just play that and just play around my smoke I'm gonna smoke for you you'll see it alright yeah I mean you know it lasts 15 seconds so cover going out scout oh they're here they're here they're here yeah legit here another wallet like a peeking cat bu cat on the wall alright you crazy let's go reloaded in [ __ ] guns rayna's gonna be flanking be trans gonna be plenty be I had her late as [ __ ] she was 1 HP there she is we got her tag she stole it yeah yeah you did not kill anyone she's 1 DK I promise you she's very pretty cat she's right pretty cat to prosecute it's just terrible players really critical and I got an easy two in the beginning they were clueless I had cypher for wine I hope you guys know kill them that was that me yeah I'll put a smoke to make something I'm pushing her out there I'll throw my header 50 a damage gauges she's like a Ledge you're gonna do it your swings get a guardian she's weak as [ __ ] the balls gonna break no dude I feel like critical it's your mic by the way yeah nice dinner yeah I feel like you swing their hero I think you beat that match point like Guardian versus you know that close that week you know exactly where she was well I mean I got a call that she didn't see me so he jumped the wall she jumps over midair Sheriff headshots me if I can destroy it okay guys guys let's push missiles pushes we need you to see something wipe off your finger just oh just old safely here and just go actually so wherever just get ready this for this for this for more don't become pw8 beautiful shots critical it was insane insane line other more careful Kimber oh there on the I shouldn't like that might be it was it might be there more we're already on a really aggressive blanket but give you something jet and jetting stage Rivaldo gonna float over my [ __ ] or you gotta just do it while they're distracted Oakley everything she's put in the critical they're in twitch player standing I'll turn it around now because they know we're more was that's right attackers hey Mort what's up with that trip at the end I feel like that earlier you shoot it the better instead I was trying to jump it I was like I thought I heard them running back he's the reason why I didn't and I thought they were gonna like rotate back off of B and then I tried to jump it and I [ __ ] up the job yeah it's it blows it blows I mean when they're that close to you because of how that map is designed it sounds like they're right on top of you rotate they weren't they were just stomping like right next to the entrance to decide yeah also on some next-level [ __ ] it would have been awesome if they just like sprayed okay ray arse and shoddy shots while you should destroyed the trip they went it was well the the message pops up for the cypher whenever the trip sprayed yeah yes ever was dead but which is why it's a lot obviously the cyber supposed to call it instead of seeing you completely glowing and hearing the backlight way cool uh could you guys sort of fill me in real quick I'm kind of on a time stamp you just bust this out right okay awesome yeah so what's right right that is whatever so it's kind of just like a sort of showing my solidarity sort of improv I in that space just kind of owning up right cool I love this character awesome okay yeah I'm just huh getting to my sort of empathy sit into empathy for a sec and I'll just kind of get going that's cool cool I take responsibility that's good we got it hey thank you guys man I'm just glad I could do my part Casey Frei made that that video was like in response to the father [ __ ] going out like all that all those celebrities like coming together in that video I know man I'm like freaking craving a Haven morgue I'm so happy you bit granted I really am I feeling a granny let me see Popoff dude the more and more I love Phoenix and everything about him but I just feel like every other [ __ ] agent on the planet is better you say next yeah you guys actually this is what happened to me like are you kidding me I'm so laggy if you fullscreen know like that is disgusting Hey oh you got pooped on top oh that's not fair it's not Oh piss me off no joke when you're jumping with the deagle like that sorry I had to watch my god Ted back in yeah it is that should be impossible well I got to be one in a million like hitting that go hey I mean it definitely is luck that it was not a skill shot he jumped aimed where you were and Jimmy play and it should not have killed you if anything what at the end he wasn't aiming where I was yeah I was still the left of his crosshair in the Hitman just so as a weird man critical I'm gonna send my bot in there I'm gonna help you meeting us that need not work I hate her 48 safety 48 flanking now she's gonna be - you're right critical spike planted Sadie's still lit there's one turbine I'm pretty sure yeah - to do - so you have critical si pulled us out in sight oh I'll drown this hold that hold that that's perfect right there that's where they are oh my god must have been when you let me back off hey mister jump dude what the hell is going on I'm [ __ ] ending my stream and restarting it
Views: 1,180
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: PUBG, Fortnite, call, of, duty, cod, twitch, livestream, live, stream, HD, 1080p, mw3, modern, warfare, Black, Ops, gameplay, epic, montage, premiere, director, machinima, respawn, real, face, champions, club, valorant, ninja, best, mixer
Id: MkNz55ISJEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 49sec (13009 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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