Ninja | Full stream | 29 March 2021

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[Music] hmm [Music] yo what up girls gabba we're gonna do something today man we're gonna do something every time i [ __ ] about someone else instead of focusing on what i could have done better i give 10 subs [Music] my support's name is dirk dirk diggler the man the myth yo jake you like it bro oh yeah no scrims today we're not playing to win we're playing to play well that's it i'm playing to win man obviously i want to win but yo braden and the two man thank you guys for the subs already all right these guys are going so aggressive oh well since i was doing a full clear i really wish you came down earlier but [Music] kind of getting bullied down here what should we kill top line on scion [Music] um ring i got the scuttle we got first blood for the scuttle instead definitely needed to block that zap no i [ __ ] reflash for this dude i just dude i don't know what it is i just feel like she just doesn't [ __ ] oh there's no game sound i'll fix that hang on why do i just feel like i don't do damage like oh dude wait what oh i know what i need to do differently right isn't that it there we go yeah i got baited man i don't really know if the lulu did that on purpose oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude up lane who didn't have flash jinx i shouldn't have went in though i i knew i knew i was really weak honestly get it back a while ago i'll take that new blaze i i think since i'll live through this get out of there man please don't let this guy get a dublin all right braum lives that's good braggs can get some plates here brand just lost the one via ahri mid i feel like i'm gonna be able to dive everyone on their team i mean i'll be able to hopefully won't be on the rengar i'll be able to go in jinxley lulu might be a little different she might polymorph me but like ari you know if i find her i catch her out man as long as i can like absorb her charm or you know deflect her charm then i can just get on top of her my huh i don't know why my team's being so afraid but that's okay i mean rengar was weak jinx was weak lulu's level four our level six brand running away i guess i overextended and i should have just backed uh did we get i think we got jinx flash though all right uh let's try dirk [Music] i'm all right nice prom six i'm close you guys got him oh my god the kitty guy just showed up they got the shut down they're gonna get don't die to zombie oh dude i'm so sick and tired of getting flashed on man we hit the stun gragas does not have a oh yes you're good take your time it's free killing the jinx is it a free kill in the jinx it is a free kill on the jinx like i said nice and easy dude i love this well played from the fat man drinking his fill oh my god it was so well played rengar altered and they all just stacked on top of one another brahma he actually could have got braum probably i just saved our little braum's life here we want the assists here sweeping the wards there's kitty cat coming for me i think the shot or lose the chance oh oh we are totally screwed all right gragas is big this guy is going full tank rengar hasn't built anything tanky i mean no one else on their team is really anything thank you besides dion but scion's just so far ahead they have two drags oh boy make this thing with firebase man jay for something like the 6-3 sub oh i've not put all the academy in something there's really an each i'm not going to play any of them i love it sion is literally just winning like he's carrying his lead and just winning the game uh will soon yes i'm just getting bullied bro i knew they were in that bush man that ass now i got it back i can't get my mortal shield bow our brand is owen three and beforehand he literally took the brand from our support and was like hey i'm popping right now on brand bro can i go brand mid oh here we are about to get double killed bro guys i swear to you man i have to this day to this day i have not a single singles in thou that has not like fed or just gotten absolutely [ __ ] throttled yeah not good dude huh oh nice way get me out bro like why did we not surrender this game is over please go next our brand does negative damage oh another charm hit by the aria another kill i'm down to end again oh my god you're so talented romulan man did appreciate you taking over the team just been pretty much rooted the entire time oh we just have to give this like don't question mark me bro like i'm trying to [ __ ] go on the on the carry because we're not gonna be able to kill the scion because this is what's gonna happen we're all gonna focus scion everyone's blowing all their cooldowns and abilities on zion as he peels for his entire team and jinx starts to auto attack our back line okay but forgive me for trying to do the only thing that was actually going to [ __ ] win that potential fight which by the way we forced people just don't get it bro dude i'm so bad man don't mean anything to get sub students i have so much room for improvement here's my shoe like i actually just fell in love playing the champ and she's not very good brother it's not even like on me man i think one of my biggest problems is like i do my deaths are like that those are my [ __ ] stupid deaths i run down man i'm just like limit testing because the game's [ __ ] over and i just keep beating over and over again [ __ ] three and nine like four my deaths are just me running down running it down all right i am 100 percent in losers by the way though that's also that's unhelpful you know you're in losers you like someone on your team's like yo man i've been [ __ ] destroying on brand i've been feeling brand bro let me play brand and then it goes 0-6 oh yo we had that guy straight up like permanent knocked up it's easy of course it doesn't talk knight in three with the freaking turbo chem tank and titanic hydra easy dude i'm gonna dude i kinda wanna i'm gonna be honest man i hate this whole like immortal shield bow bloodthirster like mickey mouse [ __ ] on samira i [ __ ] hate it i don't think it's a meta like i think that dude i really do i think that i think that there's a build that just would just make her so much [ __ ] better for example i mean first off like she has attack speed and crit it's like why not just completely hard skill with the crit like i mean i obviously already do but like also like i don't know man like ability haste thank you so much for the leak code sorry i didn't notice right away i was too busy feeding and losing checkers thank you yeah dude i've been on um i've been on cloud nine i've been on team liquid i've been on luminosity i've been on uh once upon a time noble uh jesus christ man what happened did ron ayanna i don't know you know what actually hold up i did see someone do something on one second let me go here let me go to runs we're gonna go to where is she samira i saw someone run this and i i want to run it i want to run this game we're gonna go uh was it uh biscuit delivery for lane sustain and then cosmic insight summoner spellings and itemize so this is actually going to stack perfectly with our gale force build that we're about to try i'm gonna be able to give me more item more usage out of it and also just be able to flash more oh yeah my logic isn't saying you don't worry i'm going i'm i'm de-ranking all the way to gold maybe even just over rhino donated five dollars i know you've been playing a while but what brings you over to league dude i love challenges and i don't know man i just kind of fell back in love with the game the challenge to be good and and to get better you know it started with yo braden thank you for the thousand bits earlier too by the way twice make this and chewie think of the 500 bits uh what started with was like you know me just messing around playing league uh after scrims with morgue turned into like me kind of sucking and then like not wanting to suck when i played like i was just getting carried by more when he was jungle and i was like dude i want to get really good so i started playing a lot more venomous david 17 months teddy think the prime sub i was not also on evil geniuses how do i don't know how how could i forget that yeah i'm about to i'm about to go bye bye boys munchie think of the seven threesome man pink ward said reasoning people don't build kraken is due to old not procking on hits like the crack but then you have cat who would proc it since just beginning of the preseason sagamore think of the prime stuff i played check this game out i didn't i okay i've been playing offstream all day today and i've just been getting absolutely railed um literally just the craziest [ __ ] watching all on samir obviously and you know what was just at least game okay i went 10 10 and six right i invade i invade ghost olaf 1v1 him in his jungle level three destroyed him i have a ziggs mid dude have you ever seen ziggs mid not like just top top do top damage gp stuffed volleyball top i don't even have to gank i don't even gank top once okay i gained to mid and every time i gained mid this katarina i [ __ ] you not i have i had i had like dude you know what i actually have to see like like look at this look at this overview boom this was like i got the first kill we started going up started going up and boom i couldn't catch her dude like i swear to god she i i literally felt like she was cheating because why did i get jungled she would just literally teleport a thousand times over like almost like it was no cooldown and she was just fascist at me i had i was playing river walking elise and she was literally running faster than me uh did you ever miss playing fortnite competitions do you like doing your own thing no dude listen bro i wish i could play fortnite like i'm just gonna be running all day like competitively as well but dude i don't know man the game just like it just the game just like drives me crazy with like i mean just obviously the sniping but also i mean the community like competitively there's just no respect man i mean because it's a bunch of kids teenagers extreme sniping one another like in the middle of their like cash cups and ruining games because they have no chance of winning so they like will grief and land on top of another team like it should it's just no respect then not to mention the servers are just ass still to this day competitively insane lag i don't know the season looks great dude the game looks great i always have fun when i play it red vines what's up bro hitch up d lo papi thank you guys for the subs welcome to summoners 30 seconds until minions spawn i don't want to do anything oh oh she saw the word damn and i kind of just choked i mean that's tough this is gonna be weird they they better not uh i mean dude they get hooked once dead straight up i can't believe these guys didn't invade the blitzcrank quite a mess so ah there's nothing to fear yes swing got hooked he survived that's all that matters still level one bro i can't push stop it oh my god i stu i didn't take dude i just [ __ ] up really really really really hard i didn't take my stun dude first an enemy has been slain did and he got it a brownish [Applause] all right we got both crabs that's so huge for my exp i want to get sword shoes on my first back so i'm just going to get one more camp at least jungle's not my main champ but it's definitely my main jungler now infernal drake is the first one i actually can't i have a really hard time soloing this actually i don't think i can what am i looking at here girl oh you want stealth sorry sorry sorry [Applause] oh i really really hope that this is unwarded let's crank got it let's [ __ ] go i know it lurks in the shadows we must only [Music] so i can show them i thought we should not just go in he went in dude i don't think i can take her at this point oh my [ __ ] goodness man oh [ __ ] now she's got [ __ ] doubles 4-0 man literally was like i'll be there soon like i'm let me grab some [ __ ] and go just farm just [ __ ] farms [Applause] um i mean what the hell did you expect homie like what was that everywhere [Applause] i can only hope the enemy team is just as bad and they try to do that dumb [ __ ] strand by silken strand [Music] flies i could kick this leasing's ass dude but it doesn't matter all right so what keanus use ignite i mean oh she's weak holy [ __ ] all right take it [ __ ] patience swine has a lot of goalies backing okay only assume that yeah i knew it [ __ ] idiots i mean do we just lose oh this is the fight [Music] yes yes swain they need guns [Music] [Applause] oh you have been slain i almost had it dude literally stick with the prime man she's so big i mean i gotta i gotta get after i get this i gotta get uh seekers immediately dude vlad just afk farming pop i didn't even realize how big he is too they were [ __ ] bro oh dude this cat brim i'm just like hoping that you're watching the stream dude you're level nine she's got two levels please stop like doing that she won't man she just stays in the lane and she just keeps dying over and over and over and she's never on her tower either my true beauty bro swain yeah dude just wait until vlad joins the party i don't think we are good man i mean these guys aren't good but i just have to get big dudes i want drag i need to buy more your words [ __ ] it dude i'm literally uh oh my god wait cat this is it this is this is the fight cat you don't want to go in on two weak people on drag put your shove away this guy's actually [ __ ] trolling me oh it's six dude yo ninch man big fan let's have a good game just [ __ ] gigafeeds dude well then oh watch them dance i mean bro she's just so [ __ ] tanky now too she's got a hex drinker merch red she literally built a hex drinker i guess i'd say she built it for me but that's all soybean we have ap everyone on our team oh annie support coming in darling thank think about the uh prime step bro i don't remember the last time i formed a camp my life i don't know if you flash for that or not i mean dude it's just a matter of time final puppy thinking 25 months i feel like i'm building i correct could have been more i mean let's just group button let's kill this idiot don't show bro they'll baron so we can't so weeks or weeks all week so weeks a week dead team teamwork team we're team we're unit we team fight we hit our abilities we hit our skill shots nice yes katarina don't be a [ __ ] don't be afraid katarina for yourself let your knives fly true yes yes yes we can start it don't be a [ __ ] yes [Applause] nah man [ __ ] all right all right all right i'm dead yo who said to start that [ __ ] okay my bad um true i'll take full responsibility why wouldn't they think we were going to be a dragon that's why i want to know like not a single person check the whole team was there that's a cool swinging skin man this is one thing i'm good at man is leashing dude i love how lisa has two levels on me now i'd like to stop playing now i gotta give it to this club man he's going all out he's trying real hard i don't have any anti-heal for this guy yeah i don't i don't i know i'm not sure that that's yup team wants to play um yeah man this might be one of the worst catarinas i've ever seen dude i can relax [ __ ] i actually think they win this if they if they [ __ ] help him why is annie so far back oh [Music] shut down what are you guys doing dude what what i i hate that i'm here bro oh my god we're bursting oh my god cat go girl ooh i mean walk right into that one that one i don't care about my ammo anymore man this [ __ ] sack bro bro hello i mean i don't think we can stop this drag that's just me our only ad just got caught quite a mess come on that kind of [ __ ] blows man don't worry bro i could have played that 10 times better oh he's up holton out going for the lease in here wrangles him got a lot of help now getting a hook though cc to death is going to get that elimination on to lee sin he's not here comes annie seeing if she can get onto that mf gonna throw a fireball at her and call it a day huh i took ignite and lost the lane for this team the enemy team doesn't ward like do just [ __ ] please get me out man like what what danger yeah no [ __ ] [ __ ] they're unbearing because they're massive they can do whatever they want man just i'm at this point just [ __ ] give it or go all in let's go dude make a decision what are we doing all right we sit there and now we're gonna go in they finished it now's the time let's go now i [ __ ] hate this elo dude two people voted no rather wait to let them walk down and just ended hmm how well do i remember my trip to poland dude incredibly well man let me break it down for you okay i died 15 times it's a little excessive so first we get there what do we do we have dinner five-star restaurant bro we are served some of the greatest food i've ever been served with a shot of vodka before and after each serving and the shot was meant to be like sipped on and it was meant to one was meant to cleanse the palate and one was meant to complement the dish that we were having uh and dude it was it was incredible it was fantastic we then went to the casino that was close to us it was like right next to our hotel won a shitload of money we i won like three grand and we got so drunk like obviously because of all the freaking vodka jess and i are hammered it's like 5 a.m we get back to our hotel room and what is waiting there a whole basket like a poland greeting basket we literally ate and drank the entire jar of polish pickles and the juice that was in it before we went to bed we woke up felt perfect and there are people that swear by that [ __ ] by the way they're like if you if you're just absolutely plastered just chug a jar of pickle juice before bed and we did and we felt great it was amazing you guys want to know a secret there has never been in the history of ever a player who has been like oh my god ninja and then played well on my team akali big big big cat 14 and three big my game four twelve okay straight up man i mean i literally dude she's dead one time i'm like yo wait i'll be mid don't die she goes in with no advantage no wave clear like no wave advantage down a level takes a 1v1 loses he's another kill to kiana one of the biggest snowball champs in the game by the way this is why i don't do i'm so torn bro i just want to [ __ ] play like i want to stream for you guys but like i just wanna i just wanna just play and not have to worry about people like literally playing like monkeys on my team just making the dumbest [ __ ] decisions i honestly feel like people just troll me more than anything dude like the way that guy was playing there's just no shot right this is what i feel my genius will be understood oh yeah the new samir build thank you so much all right conquering friends of mine bloodline last name biscuit every cosmic insight we're gonna go gale force and it's going to be lit gale force is my first item what's my second it's got to be like what like collectors or maybe i maybe ie second or like bloodthirster second oh my god caitlyn lulu you have a nami into a caitlyn lulu okay 80 80 80 ap one tank hecarim last stand seems to be the play here i think um i kind of want to go actually maybe like do more damage slow health champions i'm gonna go coupe here man because i feel like i'm gonna go i'm feeling about to pop off but i have a 60 win rate for a reason i mean actually dude this also you know what dude i'm just you know what dude we're gonna go you know what dude no we're gonna go we're gonna go coop and we're gonna pop i'm gonna pete i've got two rules for every fight don't ask for permission uh i mean do we have like we have a really good team fight what are they and then mastery just like runs it down cleans everyone up honestly we just need to not die bot lane bro at least not feed hard my folks keep telling me to settle down nami's such a delicate support she relies on like bouncing her heels like off of herself you know what i mean for like damage and healing obviously and sustain and it's like you know you and if they like get on her and she misses her bubble like oh well well that went well yes yeah this is actually a great time to let the wave come to our side who's our jungler like a rim job you know that's actually one of my favorite things about samira is like you really can't ganker from behind i mean you can if you have like you know some sort of cc from behind like hard cc but i must say it is quite nice to just be able to like e like that through a champion back toward my side of the of the lane i messed that up oh nice yes i think i got this yes i do no i don't you got to be [ __ ] me dude love that he came back [Music] oh yeah gale force gail boom let's go pick the axe wait hello uh boy howdy man that's okay can you come here come that crab is up and these guys are on us to make him interesting huh these guys are 100 backing i'm gonna shove this [ __ ] as fast as possible and try to get a plate the empire values strength what are you doing bro go for the horsey booth where the [ __ ] did he go yo why did you do that we didn't guarantee you man i'm so annoyed bro malphite's still here though nami gets another kill that's not good caitlyn boom velkas takes it's fine and we're gonna get drag okay dude why on god's green earth man did this dude do that i'm silly i'm just happy that the caitlyn roamed right back down in the lane gave us the kill and this wave is pushing the villain it's all a matter of perspective damn the man think the fire gets the tops bro appreciate you dude oh my god i'm so slow i probably shouldn't probably should have got like boots but i'm a little guy here i think it's totally worth it dude i'm telling you when there's engage to follow up i love i love samir i love her i love her you guys know me man i'm such an aggressive freaking player the fact that i can literally like i mean sometimes like i can initiate in a sense nice hecarim stop sorry my guy boxes yeah you guys split that goal three ways danger runs from me bell cause is giving the zed the doo-doo does that try to hit a roam there still couldn't get the kill gotta love it i'm pretty sure he actually would have killed nami if i didn't like block all the uh the extra shurikens at the end there throwing stars i'm pretty sure yeah i'm definitely i would lose six though i don't know we don't know why not uh what do you know oh we love that i'm not really worried about that guys i heal up still dude samira is like hecarim's counter i want to stay in this lane we win the 2v2 oh my god yo what the how does he do so much [ __ ] damage already ally has been slain i care most about my warband or my family order changes you know i don't know how they know but they must have themselves a d board tell you that right now i just keep shoving bro all right let's go all right gale force acquired let's check this out man here's the thing i actually don't use this item very often either so it's going to be all interesting let's see what's that current you know every we get movement speed with every other legendary item after this 60 a.d 20 attack speed and it goes into the crit which is great uh oh i'm ready man ryo's champions and low targets oh i do the new smear skin is the reason that i'm playing here so much for all i saw and i was like dude i have to i have to get with her well i'm entering now so i can be good with her later you know what why not [Applause] damn i like that damn i felt dude i don't dude that felt way better than when i had chill oh is i knew i dude i should have just turned bro he actually played that so perfect then it pisses me off dude stupid horse oh his shadow that's what he was waiting for yo dude such patience bro that's actually incredible oh my god my girlfriend's up again already they don't need my help right now oh my oh dude the tide wasn't high enough we're working on it dude yo lulu say good night actually not serrated dirt yo this feels so much better bro this feels so much better than that shitty immortal shield bow bro oh look at all this that kayla's missing sucks to suck dude dude is broken bro he always is he always has been he didn't need the buff man i gave it to him anyways bro this guy's lagging i'm like 99 sure oh i'm not gonna chase that [Applause] dude i love this inspiration build with her into the gale force i i i the the ability haste and the item haste i i get my thumbs back faster and i'm flying around the map more this game so honestly bro the way that like everyone's playing this game's over our team knows like i feel like we know we're doing so far no one's like giga hard greeted i don't know what this caitlyn's doing oh dude hold up [Music] just [ __ ] misses old [Applause] meanwhile he gets a double kill between two towers yo this nami's playing a ring around the rosie with the horsey [Applause] yes sir i don't want to take valk oh you know what all right i will wait relax he wants to do this [ __ ] right away and i actually really like that uh we grab that and we grab this i actually think i almost should have went yeah i should have rushed last whisper that's fine i'll go collector and then i'll get uh dominic regards next all right i want to go by baron in 20 seconds is up so i'm going to go here malphite has i'm just going to grab these real quick my rotation here is awful dude bro this is so underrated and low elo man just hopping on the [ __ ] baron right at 20 minutes [Applause] especially when you're like up but not like up a crazy amount this kind of goes nice call of duty thanks man like bro humble yourself a little bit buddy not my stuff um unseen blade 69 seems to not be taking uh the malphite too serious prime tip think of the prime stuff bro wow hey look at prim's most recent game isn't that you yeah that's you that would be you are my katarina mid that feb kiana now fights with tom i'm pretty sure yeah i'm actually incredibly positive that he just one shot those guys i'm just gonna heal yo the new samir build [ __ ] amazing that felt so much better bro i had mobility i could solo kill dude it's an extra escape and a gap closer makes her that much more lethal i love that oh next game you went 25 and two i mean prim i'm gonna be honest man i i expect nothing less everyone plays like [ __ ] when they play with me dude look at this bro like lead client please i have missing i have a missing chromosome agent braiders thank you that's the prime subs we got a tier three sub sam harrison twitch sam thank you for the sub bro chewbacca they give you the two months the thing is bro like i would have probably been able to carry that game if i didn't also in later after like i was like this game's over because it just was and then the enemy team was awful i mean dude like a fed kiana bro she's just going to win she's just one shot everyone what's the win-loss song like today i'd say like probably like 10 losses two wins things are about to turn up turn around though tell you that right now we just tested out this new samir build it's incredible so like samira i dude i i hate dude i hate following the meta i really do that's why i'm playing right now when not a lot of people are the way you use the player is just have it is like omni vamp life steal immortal shield boat for survivability plated steel caps so you can get in there and not die right away and like you get your your damage off right that's samira okay i'm telling you obviously like dude they nerfed ravenous hunter they nerfed the mortal shield bow and it's like dude she's so good you don't like so we people just have to stop treating her you know people just stop treating her like she's that she's the same medicare she's not i loved the gale force dude i loved it okay we went biscuit delivery for sustaining lane cosmic insight right which gives us plus 18 summoner spell haste plus 10 item haste item ace is is things like gale force so i'm literally able to use the gale force more off cooldown and i get my flash and heal back faster so i can be like a little bit more lenient with that in lane and just late game flashing on stuff and just really going big for kills busy mods i want to know what he did prim's excited for the five dollar donald man said yo what's up bro just wanted you to know if you wanted to play some game sometime on the stream i'm a new streamer i'm just trying to branch out and you would like to play with me well dude honestly that benefits one person man all right no tank by the way on our team cho'gath i mean we can go change i mean this is actually kind of they could have a pretty nasty front line this could get this could get messy we need to get big well the one person we need for the eliminations is the last one out damn all gucci lethal tempo domination he was talking [ __ ] to me wow man why is everyone gonna talk [ __ ] to me dude i'm just trying to game here bro oh my god ranga with the smite level two already on his way man that was a terrible train by danger me from me damn it dude oh dude missed that bro ice cube bro now now i literally walked into that i got hit by her bubble bro what a good [ __ ] bubble dude no shots and she got the double two [ __ ] changes dude on who gets on my nerves dude i get that kill if i don't get hit by the [ __ ] bubble my force keep telling me got a nice little wave freeze going on here like tennis give me that come on man uh why is she stepped up like this was there jungler a reaching i believe it but random monk is crushed [Music] nah and i'm not nice i'm kind of dominating her ncs right now wow that what where the wha what happened to my health already have flashing hill back up ow i am the beauty and the beast that caitlyn laughing [ __ ] out of your brother tilt me [Applause] [Music] good luck guys no yes get him a brandish we're near enemy my morgo sorry i've been on the phone playing like [ __ ] i'm gonna give you a piece of advice okay i've tried hanging off the phone and playing better you know i mean he has looked a little distracted i will say that i think we all can agree oh we got a 25 dono from lauren said hey ninja just found out we're sub neighbors on twitch tracker i'm new to the neighborhood but i want to say hi what does that mean oh sub neighbors like our like our sub count well hello welcome welcome i mean [ __ ] how's the weather over there my god i missed the big daddy i'm just like i really want to find out where the monk is dude right you've got to be here right no no we're too weak you gotta be [ __ ] me dude i could probably go in on her too man i'm just too big of a sally i don't want to i don't want to feed uh i have my i think i have my my buddies i'm staying for this [ __ ] is that going to crash it's not going to crash guys so close to completing guild force already i kind of want to wait for my boots her old is not like dude it's really not that crazy unless you're fed a [ __ ] wow morgana rotates and makes a god pick on their jungler love that mid is getting absolutely throttled ncs i am beating caitlyn in cs which is great and got that double killed again which makes me sad i'm gonna die this idiot hmm [Music] yo what the [ __ ] was that yeah we just got cleaned up dude bro she had an auto attack that followed me from that far wow man i guess caitlyn really is a sniper that wasn't even her ultimate dude bro now she's four and one i'm so annoyed i'm playing so much better than she is oh my god everyone oh bro she just hurts so goddamn much [Applause] dude we're just getting camped bro oh man i'm having a blast this is energy this is so much fun people always right i'm the road can i guarantee you like you're about to set up another gank like right now last person i loved i was too reckless they lost okay that's kind of annoying bro i can't block that very interesting let me testing capo than comfort i actually think if there is someone who can oh no ha ha never mind bro i'm telling you right now wait how the [ __ ] what just happened here what's up what is happening man i feel like our rengar is off the map mr rengar all right then now we have officially ended and the game is over i'm not going to try caitlyn brothers dumbest champion on the planet boom headshot listen if i'm trying to fall asleep i'll play i'll play this ranger has been dominating all game and then he decides now alright you know what did [ __ ] it i'm gonna stop trying i'm gonna play like an idiot dude the last time like like why are you pinging me bro you just died hello why don't you come down here and get your crab here's what you should do [Music] [Applause] you're so [ __ ] lucky bro i literally i literally dodged every one of his [ __ ] skill shots he missed everything all he did was kick me walk up and then melee me the rest of the way all right whatever man i don't just go on there is someone in this bush probably someone else there's no way it's just not me bro this is so annoying and caitlyn just sniped the [ __ ] out of that all right that's what we like to say a little solo kill top landed okay don't worry i'll miss every single ability [ __ ] worth it man you know what i mean we got to get these shut down somehow and you know what that was that was a transfer of the double buff you feel me they're also on baron actually no they're not i don't know actually yeah they can be very well ap cough man this guy's insane rengar can literally one shot him like right now which is good but uh i i just don't think it matters bro straight up on two three four you feel me [Music] yeah i don't i don't really know what our goal is oh this is gonna be fun comes the kog'maw sniping spray dude well this is fun rengar bro did you just walk onto a [ __ ] trap uh well i'm back well i'm one shot all right and we'll leave now like dude [Applause] yeah like i can't even [ __ ] get in range what am i looking at here don't dunk over the leasing over someone else [Music] let's just get evaporated man we protected the inhibitor man mainly because they ended dude i'm so lost i don't know what to do i don't know what to do i don't know where to go i don't know where to farm i can't go back because if i go bot they're just going to bury me if i go top they kill me they get buried nemo try to leave the baby dead morgan is now dead that's not where i wanted that but you know it's where it is i mean all i can think of is like lucian just holding and trying to stop them morgana going in sacrificing her life or that happening yeah it's so [ __ ] huge lucian just flashed oh it goes oh that was rengar um i mean i got flash silence i don't know what he wants from me our team comp is awful it's not worse it doesn't exist [Applause] although we baited these kids are so bad man i know he's gonna split now if they think i killed something good luck [Applause] careful it's dangerous oh [ __ ] they're actually in there silly rengar tricks are for kids did you men have you tried chill boys samira you mean everyone everyone's tried chill boat samara dude this would have been fine man if i mean it's just a ringer never really came bought lee sin can't bot caitlyn got big everyone else just kind of started feeding a little not to mention i mean i could have played better i always could have i don't really know what to have done differently specifically dude oh wait why me man why me my morgana literally ha i was wondering why morgana was literally just standing in lane standing still in lane like for 50 of the of literally laning phase and halfway through she's just like sorry on the phone playing like [ __ ] super distracted it's like don't [ __ ] queue up or get off the phone you're about to put yourself into a 30 like 20 to 40 minute commitment get the i'm pretty sure it's pretty [ __ ] easy to not be on the phone the game was over dude i was hoping that like somehow the enemy team would end like dude we need something okay we're not gonna win a [ __ ] team fight or one person who probably could have sold dude someone asked the solo solo push female all team i needed to do was shroom up each inhib and then split give like each inhib and like turret like two two little [ __ ] shrooms for us to play off of whatever and then just literally split into his own [ __ ] he was he was kind of big right like there's just we have no pressure and we also had no words we know vision i mean it was just a [ __ ] [ __ ] game that's how they always go bro the team wasn't bad by any means like this isn't like he lost us the game teemo was one of the only reasons we were in it he won he's dude he won versus cho gath top came out of lane like 4-0 i just hate getting dude like rengar comes out big and fat he's got he took my first kill buddy like you're gonna take whatever man i don't know whatever you guys remember that gank he came down it was the freeze kill on lulu it should have been my kill because it's my lane he's i mean i [ __ ] take kills on elise so whatever you know because in my head i'm like i'm gonna carry this game all junglers think the same bro unless you're like just an incredibly selfless jungler and you're awesome i'm being caitlin forever by the way stupidest [ __ ] champion in the game yo thanks zack appreciate it man it's rockefeller oh i oh my god i just literally read that ha ha ha how'd you get them to ff and under 20 i mean dude i don't really see this i don't really see this being a close game it's going to go one way or another literally this is just a massive snowball game gnar top card this jungle tristana mid and then like silver lux bot like dude nothing more lethal than comfort thanks paula i'm kenny brown let's hear what's up man i do i think that pain i'm not sure if pantheon wins level two i don't know who wins is panth tristana i think trista is gonna win panthers conquer trista's hail i mean trista's gonna all in try to watch out for the simple lux poke silver cues it's not going to be crazy luck started rude what the [ __ ] is happening in every girl uh i don't like this at all all right well she's completely um i don't think we've gotten it i don't think we danger honestly gotten a single oh uh refugee that label is where i draw my strength nice dude we have an actual support here dude holy he froze away from me well as much as he could oh well never mind well i'm kind of good job hopefully poppy roams but man this poppy would have hit a nasty timing if she came without doing those wolves but she's actually gonna back inside i am the beauty and the beast i know she asked for you bob settle down i don't like this very unfortunate tom mr ken should we get a tp here wow did she just [ __ ] ignite me again those names mean little to me oh man dude that's actually huge i played i don't think bran could have done anything there for me that i know of was that brand igniting i chose [Music] i don't wanna i don't wanna pressure these guys anymore if you don't mind oh poppy's just gonna go top all right lit i mean we don't know if this is ordered or not well these guys are so bad well played man on the pantheon [ __ ] we dragged my man wants this already put a second pink war on it dude i didn't need to flash that kill earlier by the way i want to kill her so bad i almost feel like no this is gonna be kill force can i want that movement speed bro dragon and kevin thank you guys for the two months and the seven on three so we'll come back i don't mind grandpa especially when they help they help shove the wave by throwing their little like volcano on the wizard minions caster minions right oh come on girl you got this zombie there's no shot she walks us out right oh she altered uh and healed nice yo what is this lux doing a little bit of an over shot there pantheon pantheon really just do that oh oh my god man [Music] love that good kill give me that assist too we all saw what just happened right kenny brown i'm very addicted to this game yes dude pantheon had the pinch and then ulted like that's the roof all the way through are you kidding oh i have you addicted kenny brown thank you man ow it's my mug like i know she's there i know she's there i'm just so [ __ ] pissed that this shiver is just [ __ ] on me under my way and i know that i am [ __ ] bigger than she is so i just started hitting 15. growing up yo what am i looking at here brandon do something yes dude get big bro talent i'll play nice gonna know where karthus is hey easy there last person i loved [Applause] [Applause] nah i'm out i appreciate you nice all locks good snipe i think the team is pretty squishy this brand is actually going to be able to do this this is unacceptable oh my cs yes good job shiver keep going thank you no shot sorry dude not gonna happen maybe i'll die in demacia to make things interesting huh [Applause] yes this car this is just awful bro this is what it feels like anthony i get out of here bro we should no we don't fight this we should do drag i really wish you went for that locks there all that happened here was pantheon dying get out get out give it to him oh wow they're not even going for it yo what i mean i just got [ __ ] dunked on by the man dude yeah we should have f i don't know what i'm i don't know what i was thinking i i don't know i i don't oh did she [Applause] there's literally just i just i don't kill this tristana ever i don't wanna be one so that's that's fun i could definitely i'll play the lux though oh what do you know trisha shane i hate when luck supports get wins bro oh my god i knew i wasn't gonna get that yes this poppy is now purposely misspelling and saying that she's drunk friend we have a problem bud stealing my [ __ ] and it's pissing me off i'm gonna start i'm just gonna jungle i guess the rest of the night i don't think these guys are good i don't wanna ff man but it's about my like or my family nice try sir brandulous kraken and phantom yeah that's not happening bro that is horrifying karthus pretty sure he has zolt up goodbye sir their whole team just evaporated oh they're on baron [Music] wow wow i'm really popping [Applause] i a bit thought a few more oh dude someone's on the sausage if we have let's see if we can have one good team fight before we uh we send this one away huh i mean i'm getting bigger than uh well not really i mean what bro look at this man this team has no vision no vision no vision help nothing more than comfort like they're just chilling like bye baron completely blind where are they dude please yeah yeah is man i thought i just went for it all dude imagine if we add our oh yes one blade hit him with a lick perhaps i chose this i'm sure someday it might get me this time can't really want it man i am the beauty and the beast actually really close to the collector damn dude [Applause] refugee oh i actually might be able to get red buff here you [ __ ] [ __ ] man vanquish on the back huh is playing a dangerous game dude i mean honestly we just seem like well the enemy team like this lux is just literally roaming alone trista has i.e now dude i'm gonna get two shotted there's a three level disparity or a difference between top your turret has been yeah i'm gonna keep it with you this guy's the only one we can take out if we could just stop [ __ ] trolling we'd win this game honestly these kids are terrible uh i mean like dude it was either i kill the sivir or i kill the karthus i guess carlos look at armor i don't like i keep forgetting to grab my oracles dude oh my god they are wrong uh yeah i honestly think this gnaw right now is in the worst position dude she has to like knock away the karthus are the locks i didn't even mean to jump into his mouth bro i just got [ __ ] hard trolled yo clapton's man please stop talking dude i just got a hard troll bro i'm just convinced that i'm stuck i'm gonna be stuck in this [ __ ] for a long time and it's fine dude i can't believe he just did that to me bro yeah at least he did some solid damage man last night see like the conquer the the last stand i just feel like it's i feel like there could be so much more dude i feel like her [ __ ] i liked going the guild force it was strong i'm not gonna go echo hello i'm in clapton's i'm literally in the middle of a [ __ ] game okay and you're spamming the same [ __ ] over and over and over again what do you think i'm gonna leave alt tab out and go do what you're asking dude i almost feel like press the attack would be so much better on samira i mean think about it dude literally once you're past level three it's the easiest combo in the world you literally cannot miss you q one time if you hit one q you then e on that person use your w as well and you and you've uh without even autoing once mind you and you've already proc pressed the attack and now you're just on that person autoing them go sock thank you for the 19 months of sobbing man like i think dude i think that with like coop like pressing attack dude hey guys stop bullying clapton's i mean i'm just that was me just like overreacting i was just annoyed dude press the attack with sudden impact and ravenous hunter dude maybe eyeball collection i like dude suddenly impact rabbits hunter thing press the attack dude i lunge in with my e i'm alright dude dealing extra damage um i don't know man rusty tag is really only good for auto based champs like lucian and vayne is it really i mean is it really or unfortunately it goes way too well their abilities [Music] but she also i feel like she's super mobile you know what i mean like she's moving around a lot as i'm saying right so i feel like sleep footwork i mean most 80s are only one who's my support pike night she taught me how to shoot i taught myself 30 seconds israel twitch i mean we kill one of these guys that's facts danger runs from me minions has spawned some two steel others i should have peppered in yo twitch tried to cheese level one what a crap oh really i should have sacked the exp and the minions when i can be savaged all right pike let's see what you got level two you got some mobile tank oops i don't want me to do that last person yikes bro you wanna know how you have a good pike fan they use that ability that like spine ability that stuns people they use it aggressive man oh damn bro yeah you got that just yo be a man no oh you know what dude what i blocked that is this supposed to oh don't you [ __ ] it ping me chief i should've just back then i thought i love that uh we're about to get twitched on bro now there's a smell you can feel right sheen long sword and boots he came back to lane with mr jordan i think that's six on three stuff dude i need someone behind me that's just stand there like ninja don't do it don't do it just back like okay thanks bro dude i don't care about viewers anymore man i mean obviously dude it'd be great to get a [ __ ] load bro but i mean let's i mean the fact that sometimes i can pull up to 15 20k on league and on ballard i'm vibing oh my god is that mine jenna yeah the bottom's a little but it's a so mac and cheese restaurants are things i didn't know it's perfect i love you baby you're the best there is a queen [Music] yeah i'm [ __ ] bad i'm bad you're good good job at least i got the kill man that feels pretty good bro sometimes i'm the hero other times sriracha and mac and cheese dude what a combo i don't even realize they had a shaco jungle dude is even afk is he back nt bro i really wanted to back there man is just getting slapped by this warwick dude the switch support is terrible man he's like you're supposed to just literally be invisible with foot support and then you just come in and poke someone out like too you know i've never seen a twitch in lane more than this guy like physically like i see him we got heal we got bike splash oh yes your mud bruh taking a quick break i feel really slow bucket you know what no those who follow don't expect them nice kill pike whoops i'm not gonna get that one they are wrong i don't feel safe bro i gotta respect the twitch lane and i hate a this a few more ezreal is about to hit a really big power spike man he's level six right now with essence reaver oh level 9 whoops and i meant i should not have dodged that i need him i needed the block is all oh [ __ ] volley's here [Applause] what am i doing i just wasted my [ __ ] i saw that ezreal's in there job baker he gets out nice ghost nice gotta kill top two finally i'm [ __ ] up man [Music] oh no one building armory out on their team bro why is this actually so hard i'm just [ __ ] dead bro that is literally the best thing i could do thank you twitch for sticking around uh this israel is just [ __ ] fat though he's been so aggressive butler man i wish this volume would have been just a little more helpful what [Applause] then i'm just gonna take while he's ready he's not even acting like he's gonna go for it why is nasa's ulting for a tower oh [ __ ] big gold why the average when i can be seven don't mess with me oh we shove these waves out dude get my serrated dirt there's no way this nasus oh yeah you know what actually orianna might be totally go yo is she really actually gonna go for this yeah yeah you're done yeah we are in gold flash black oh [Applause] wow gale force [ __ ] the moment i have no idea why i just bought that and i really don't want to talk too much about it if you guys don't mind yeah growing up my mama taught me one lesson death you kill this little israel dude get him nasty ability haste armor and ab honestly death dance might not be that bad here where'd that little rat come from she taught me how to shoot just back homie i know a few more things thank you for the prime sub oh dude bali yeah volleyball man i don't know what the [ __ ] you think you're doing but yikes oh here goes nasa's now i guess i'll end with you guys oh this is my this is my my life now i live here this volleyball is trying to justify what just happened i don't think this team can do drag very well warwick would have to tank it everyone else is going to be kind of weak on it there's a throw by them now you go in man let's go let's go that's it hello one did i think ezra just slashed for that actually how much did that old hit for dude it's cyanide it's all good bro shout outs mouse is good man hey i think i stopped trolling and i saw this real quick uh and i'm just gonna go lord dom's dude armor and no i'm not gonna go bloodthirsty yeah bro i mean no holy [ __ ] someone needs an executioner's on the team is the color's a bit dark i'd heal up to him honestly killing ezreal he's the strongest person on their team that's so huge that auto attack bro what's your [Music] yeah this is an immortal shield boat game not a guilford game well i mean their team's so big now now i need survivability [ __ ] here's the only thing i'll do i think if i'm fatigued i go gale in lane like right if i'm getting early kills i go gayle and if i'm like just like it's a vibe you know it's just like an even lane why'd you take that from me homie in every girl there is a queen bear in two minutes [ __ ] man i might just grab this and sell my dorans after this i think get a bf sword nah i have not considered playing shaco top or and all those guys i don't know how fed you are bro you do you can't take out a volleyball and now he doesn't go in on it and gravy thank you guys for the subs man drops of this up yo claire's working with us up yo am i getting raided by my brother right now man this is the bearded blevins raid claire's world thomas perhaps a warwick out top what is this guy oh my god he's got thorn mill now just [ __ ] heal tyler like why am i bro i literally am worried so much about like pressing the right abilities in the right order and not like wasting any then i completely [ __ ] just like have a brain fart and forget to use yo john thank you for the bearded blevins pre-gaming raid man yo they actually don't have a fifth player man we got a wet noodle fight top lane i'm pretty sure nasa's wins though the ascendants think they own my people last person i just got [ __ ] annihilated from the orianna a little ball bro there's so much there's too much to watch man that's a tough game dude you're so good hello nasus wake up oh we can't let him get this student man i can just tell as the game as i i'm dude i'm on the craziest losing streak and i can just tell that i'm just in the worst i'm just in the absolute worst possible [ __ ] matches any lows i'm at the lowest of my lows i stopped that baron single-handedly dude oh my god bro nasa stole their soul you're a monster he gets a double kill and a drag we're good partners like this bloodthirster should be really good on me now obviously yes definitely need this executioners i guess i'll just finish the mortal how do you miss that hook bro you just all hidden that's actually kind of huge ah there's just too much bro i don't know i can't do anything there's like i i just don't i i i'm too scared too scared to go on anyone just gonna get it annihilated is unfortunate dude demoted ladies and gentlemen we are back where we belong gold i'm here yeah all right i'm done with samira i'll just [ __ ] go and spam kaiser some [ __ ] bro like i'm trying to like give me vision man where are my [ __ ] warts yes man i was like i was like in case he came out i was like preemptively attack moving i just i just [ __ ] hate broken champions dude [ __ ] i love you bro cooping is cool thank you for the sub man i'm not gonna play varus bro i played varus one game like earlier today and the and and the top lane fed a tryndamere and even though i won my lane i was [ __ ] because the tryndamere got like a three level advantage and [ __ ] on me i actually do like kog'maw [ __ ] it all right get this inspiration [ __ ] out of my face bro taste of blood ravidis hunter right i'm [ __ ] trolling you guys don't understand bro i need just full attention i just [ __ ] no music like no intense music and i just need to zone in dude all right mf misfortune what am i gonna do i'm gonna dump on her this is it this is the game you know what dude if it ain't broke don't fix it bro we're going psyop samira okay last stand taste the blood ravages hunter and we're just gonna [ __ ] win and that's it that's the end of the [ __ ] story where's the music that i want to listen to which one was the playlist trans classics that is not it that's a little too upbeat yeah here we go a fiddlesticks support with ghost let's run with it all right we're gonna let's see tanky graves is probably gonna get tanky i mean last stand here is perfect ninja give up the smear it's not gonna bring out mo it's fine the shield is nerfed but like she still needs it well i think the prime minister man i've never wanted to be more like i'm a gold player bro like get me in here dude misfortune seraphine i have no idea how the fiddlesticks is going to play this fiddlesticks has his he what does he have he has his little he has his suck his swipe and then his fear [Music] yeah you can't get your big arm without i mean you can but like you know it's got to be like perfect timing i almost feel like like starex gage would be a good item gale force sterics gauge it basically does the same thing as a mortal shield bow am i right but you get the movement speed from gale force dice gee you think there's 17 month threesome man i don't want to play broken champs man it's just dude like i don't i don't want to win because i just have a stronger [ __ ] champion does that make sense like i'm like oh like like this like i picked literally like like people who picked samira before she got gutted paul shepard you'll learn something real quick that when it comes to when it comes to like toxic [ __ ] like like giving up samira and saying i'm gonna give her up and then lying about it that's the only thing i'll ever lie about is troll [ __ ] she's so fun to play bro and the new skin comes out her new skin comes out right she's due for a buff right they're gonna buffer so people play her more right right guys dude she's fun to play exactly it's not because she's broken because guess what she's not broken anymore you know night harvester wait dark harvest no dude sterics on it i'm gonna read the let me read the stats real quick since this game is taking forever to load 400 health 50 attack damage unique passive bloodlust after dealing or taking damage against an enemy champion you healed two percent 1.2 maximum health over six seconds so it's got great life steal it's got great healing uh passive on it it gives you 400 health it stacks with a pickaxe a phage a ruby crystal i taught myself how to dude i'm really really interested to see what the hell this fiddlesticks is going to do because he has ghosts 30 seconds until minions spawn oh [ __ ] most about my warband or my family order changes depending on who gets on my nerves well that could have been bad i mean i don't we're gonna miss exp and lane i'm pretty sure eve knows that she has to solo this blue good luck oh she got enough gold for two health potions oh that's so cringe and we're at a disadvantage of the wrestling phase these guys are so stupid [Music] what am i looking at here dude danger runs for me i think i could walk up and kill him right now yo what emma what look out guys bro what the [ __ ] is going on the level three fibroids dude these kids gotta be sniping right they gotta be watching the stream they're fans right i just got [ __ ] ignited by two people the jungler ignited me and the mid level three fizz roams and ignites me within the first three minutes and 30 seconds of the game oh my god bro she got a tear okay we're like literally in this [ __ ] wow they actually reacted to eve asking for help i really thought that they weren't gonna help her [Music] uh sometimes i'm the hero other times gotta hold the wave so don't expect me um everyone just has a hard-on bro the colors [Music] how can she just literally litter off and rip off all these abilities and never lose mana ever i actually i just need boots dude it's another lane man just getting [ __ ] clap bro graves to the double roam bot lane how the [ __ ] is mf level six how was she two levels ahead of me oh yeah i did miss a huge [ __ ] wave password i will [Music] holy [ __ ] wow dude graves i haven't seen you in about five seconds [ __ ] idiots wow for bot crazy i don't work bro why not um homie dying full hp undertower wards won't help growing up my mama taught me one lesson yes isn't the scariest thing you're supposed to charm her [Applause] i'm just not gonna kill her i don't do damage it's too late and my support's not even here like where was this like an hour ago huh where was the where was the [ __ ] urgency to beat bot lane 12 minutes ago yep the empire values strength i value style turn it relating with i still [ __ ] die that's how easy it would have been by the way guys it's not samira ain't it if i'm another champion it's not like i'm not gonna get [ __ ] in the ass when i get roamed on by four people every five seconds okay i'm level two there's a level three fizz and a little three graves ganking me under my tower i got ignited and flashed on by two people twice they're idiots brand isn't rotating and the ev was topped the entire [ __ ] game i am now one and five down 40 cs and levels and now they're trying to come butt and i'm [ __ ] behind so no i can't help i can't do [ __ ] i'm not gonna do [ __ ] damage um it's like it's over they took too [ __ ] long to come here man and this [ __ ] bread yo man you're dog [ __ ] dude look at the damage you're doing it's like yeah no [ __ ] because your little [ __ ] fish mid lane fizz swam his way through river down to [ __ ] bot lane instead of a goddamn [ __ ] tent oh wow man graves put some in the rift herald um guys this would be great if we just got like a little bit of help here serving up the [ __ ] shutdowns man come and get them because they're just [ __ ] sitting but camping me like dude it's just so [ __ ] stupid bro and here's the worst part is that we actually might as well win this game and now i get to sit here as a behind samira people always ask about my weapons right-hand blades left-hand thorn vanquish on the back simple as that oh my god man huh is oh there's half my health dude she walks up and takes a turn shot the wukong quit oh that sounds about right man eve has just been [ __ ] around for an hour i think she's trolling he is danger runs from me what the [ __ ] just happening oh [ __ ] i wasn't paying attention [Music] eve still has her old isn't she supposed to wait for that nice [ __ ] i don't need a ward amazing getting camped dude dude dude i am not going to run three minutes into the game to my second tower at full hp okay because i'm getting ganked by four people so i'm not gonna [ __ ] it's not gonna happen bro okay and and like we had vision we knew when we were getting flanked we had the pings we backed up got under tower full health every time mostly okay and we still got [ __ ] dove because our jungle wasn't there okay and neither was the mid laner rotating has been refugees now she's full of help now i need executioners oh there goes our fiddle why don't you just miss all of her [ __ ] oh she's like [ __ ] i'll go on this oh well played every girl there is a queen nah the second we break this pink they checked yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah get away from me dude yo the kid in here dude boy what's the tier one baby let's go dude you're what you're witnessing right now is just samira honestly perfection bro and the craziest ending you've ever seen in your entire life [Music] dude all right fiddle has level two alt dude i almost want to get into position oh i'm just dead i can't move bro i can't move i'll elect me dude little alts over the wall they're all in the pit brand oh do it oh oh it didn't go as well as i thought it would yeah i uh i'm just never gonna play smart again don't want plat back dude i want to stay gold forever forever and ever dude shut down idiots they're gonna they're gonna do the baron james dude yo curry let me through the four months i'm stopping the channel bro i'll hit your text back up in a sec i love that great i'm glad that you have smite we can't do anything about it bro wukong's putting top i do no damage it's gonna take me an hour to clear these minions good luck eve she's supposed to be able to get that for free myself [Applause] no shot bro actually [ __ ] on that fizz even though he was already one shot so i was like did i really [ __ ] on him answer yes going for the kill guess the mf he's gonna get the double kill right now spinning to winning and there goes the most opening game of the game sheriff he's gonna fall double kill for the wukong and an open inhib for the blue team this could be what they need to get back in the game yeah what you're gonna see here is the mid lane is open now finally the samira bot lane is gonna be able to farm for free and catch up in levels and hopefully gold as well you're out wait why don't you sell the doors with the number advantage right now it will be actually a good idea if they went for the engage to grab one of these players while they have numbers not gonna happen though enemy the team is just literally motionless [ __ ] your face bro eve doing what she does best sneaking around they're trying to set up a wombo combo not gonna happen looks like we might have a potential catch here ghost gonna pop off for the [ __ ] someone who i'm trying to think he thinks he could go in his dick and it just might be as everyone start to fall if only bran was there wait he was wait no he wasn't and now dead all right duty gg what we do to destroy huh it was it wasn't the supports fall you guys i'm not guys listen i'm not i'm not blaming anyone like i'm blaming my mid laner that never rotated and followed the fizz okay and i'm blaming my jungle that literally sat there and okay it is their fall early game everything else is whatever just dude we got camped forever we had four people bot lane for like an hour there was nothing i could do and they were diving us bro like what like i can't [ __ ] do anything and then everyone's like yeah dude man [ __ ] bailey doesn't want to win the game oh [Music] it's like dude [ __ ] off look at this [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] we are vibing okay vibing one two right women i'm about to kill this dumb [ __ ] seraphim about to dump on her boom boom dash attack attack attack i should have just went on her i don't i leave her fid peels off the graves i wrap around i'm still half health boom shot on grave graves more damage huh right ignited from the grapes oh wait here's fizz getting re-pressured fizz flash over the wall dash through ignite level three three minutes in the game okay guess what it happens again right here here's the graves they come actually i think we just get [ __ ] dumped on under tower but it started with this bro and actually this isn't even like counting when we had to back and [ __ ] like eliminations bro the graves i think he just left there we just got screwed bro you flashed and you started poking you healed dude i don't like you man the fiddle support was dude literally i'm not even kidding we like we win this game like we win that lane 2v2 dude that samir was dead to rights or whatever [ __ ] seraphine dead dead 100. but the thing is is we kept do the graves and the fizz they kept roaming and roaming and we never got help and then finally after i'm down two levels and 50 cs then they start coming and then they are like pinging me when i'm like not doing damage it's like hello i'm [ __ ] behind you don't come back now and be like are you stuck dude how is a fizz out shoving a brand can we talk about that oh dude dude dude [ __ ] dude morgan i love you so much bro i literally scheduled games with boy boy two days ago for today man uh mike carlito think of this up man dude i'm not trying to get carried bro like i just this is like more of an influencer [ __ ] fellow streamer duo session what i have to do is stop listening to this music not it's just not not not happening i need i'm also about to start sweating literally do i have a shirt on underneath i do yo yo be ready man what's up man just you know nothing much dude just ready to be you know camped even harder now that we're playing together nah the difference the difference is i saw i saw your last game you got like five minutes at like two minutes but the difference is i got your back this time so instead of you just getting rolled by the whole enemy team i'll try to i'll try to run some counter maneuvers you know can't wait bro can't do it wait you know what honestly i'm pretty sure i'm just [ __ ] insane by the way you know what you know what the definition of insanity is like the good kind of insane or oh yeah if you keep trying the same thing twice or whatever if you do you keep doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result yeah yeah i know you're samira i know that i killed that it's one thing i i can't climb on adc it's not [ __ ] possible like if i'm gonna be streaming my games because i can't i can't i can't carry from the lane it's just not like i'm sharing a speed i'm relying on some a complete stranger every game right and like the people who have the most control of the games early and in the mid are junglers and mid laners and obviously top if they're like you know fed as [ __ ] yeah i mean that's pretty fair but i would beg to differ i i think you're i think you're underselling yourself a little bit i'm good man but like i don't want to play the op champs oh let's go baby they gave you support let's [ __ ] go i want you to go oh [ __ ] i want you to pick the beefiest [ __ ] you can find bro should i pick tryst man i'm just gonna start dunking on kids and pick them up yeah yeah we could we can do a tristling that sounds good no let me think what am i gonna run so we can get you popping i really want to play i do samir's just so much fun bro yeah she's she's so she's so crazy especially when you pop off dashing back and forth getting like the all resets and [ __ ] yeah it's nutty i need a player more too um okay let's see if we can uh bot diff these guys real quick five minutes too much more enemies but um i was gonna say you're saying you're insane because you're trying to call me carry all right i mean we'll see after we jump in the hyperbolic time chamber let's see let's see how you're feeling after that i think i think we can switch it up a little bit switch up the script i'm just ready for this only blue king jungle to just dominate you know yeah it's not bad at least i mean he's named only blue cane so hopefully he knows what he's doing right i mean there's cross dude there's no i'm serious when there's nothing scarier than a fed game like blue like a like just a filthy fed blue game oh yeah especially if you're playing eight he can literally if he's fed he just runs like through the wall you don't even see him he smites you and then he alters you you just die and you're dead it's it's pretty bs all right let's see let me try let me try pike bro he got buffed this patch too he did he's got a cooldown i believe on his stun yeah yeah not bad all right i know they nerf oh yeah no no cat me cat made the only top commercial support fiddle jungle triss doesn't sound bad is that what you're feeling i mean you know i'm kind of feeling some really no no i gotta i'll play tris not okay okay let's try one first game let's get a little hot streak going and then we can we can hit the trails dude she's just too easy it's like you hit one pull like w e yeah yeah we just get crazy reset get my w back go on the support w auto auto auto dead yes sir that's the plan uh let's see what they pick hopefully something without a dash so we can just own these guys it's the kid dude hey oh careful man someone said whenever someone says big fan it's the worst thing at least at least in my lobbies it's the worst game they ever play i've had that i'm a dude it's like yo boy what's up man let's get this dove i love you bro yo and then they go like oh and 15. what happened the game literally just starts minions have first blood it's like how the [ __ ] yo my bad man no why yeah i've definitely have people like pretend to be fans and then they'll just like straight run it down i'm just like all right man come on i literally had a a katarina mid like first game on stream oh yo ninja what's up man i'm like hey bud what's up dude just fed kiana it's like 12 minutes in the game she's 0-6 and i was jungling and i literally told her like several times when she died first just like one death i was like hey just like chill like don't don't engage unless i'm there and she and she just kept going in bro down two levels on cat going into like what do you expect to happen not like this all right it's our game baby let's do it oh dude i love that i love that my boys trying to get some early early stacks yeah let's do it early let's hit some pike keys yo don't level up yet you got you still got a skill point yeah yeah you think i should just like if we catch someone like if we get poppin you can just start w yeah it depends especially if it's like a group fight hey let me leave no let's see if there's a af care yeah oh hello oh a pink word okay we got we got nine exp come on bro tell me that there's just like you know one ball the support just loaded in and just went straight down all right it's fine dragon trainer tristan when do dragons oh you got the rocking the chroma too come on now come on now you already know all right let's see maybe these guys might try jesus let's go okay fiddle there what do you usually build on tris anyway oh just i mean let me see this team i mean i probably should go gale force but because yeah go first shield i just want to go cracking there's no tank right yeah yeah gale force is good you can reposition all right let's see if we get a little something probably like level two unless these guys did you scale anything up yet yeah i just killed my up now so i can actually start kind of shoving this little yeah yeah excuse you yo such talent bro they're about to hit through yeah we can chill one attack oh this is so fun [ __ ] minions coming yeah boom hello kane yeah these guys keep playing aggro cam will be in a good spot again i'm gonna go word try is he coming before red buff or someone is nice he's doing something right try not to get poked by kate here yeah i just wanted that i need to hit that one i was gonna lose it nice you got this one for me get the caddy yeah yeah so come here have you ever seen a more powerful level three cat and she's like [ __ ] is she holy [ __ ] dealing so much damage that's a cat top too damn okay that's fine somebody else gets pretty ahead of that exp wise nobody gets nice yeah she started the dark seal bro someone's on there i know we've been pushing towards you which is great yep yeah we could look for plays still oh bro he hasn't reset yet yep we're chillin oh he went a little early there damn i've only waited for you they can't reset the wave oh good i'm going at them okay yeah q in four two one [ __ ] talk of them got two hyphy oh yeah yeah you got your cannon yeah i got that baby let's go damn degree overwhelmed i'm coming back oh you're getting pretty juicy though it's good bro trust is so simple it just feels so good yeah she's beast like going from playing like samira and like trying to just it's just focusing so hard i'm just gonna go on her by the way thank god cheers okay just want to get a little damage dude that's fine let's push it let's push it in because you guys yeah yeah yeah exactly i got caddy all right we vibing all right here yep i'm gonna go support kane see where the fiddles at [Music] i mean karma's definitely gonna check i can already see her like looking in the direction of drag yep yeah where's the young boy fit man i think he's just like afk farming until six or what yeah after he fell behind i got scared i feel so obnoxious when he has although only when he's birthday party fiddle dude happy birthday oh can't get the solo kill right oh he's stealing no he's double healing it's okay you can face your walls a thousand times oh no he went way too deep yeah that was a good impression you've been practicing yeah bro you know yeah actually no practice it's just happened to me so many times you know it's just ingrained in you i just know exactly how to say it oh hello mr pink see if they're on dragon or something oh yeah they are just shoving this can we stop it oh my god we can't i'm coming it's that's 600 we have no one else here it's hard it's hard although yo pull purple yeah three seconds oh she sized up a bit i actually could have probably wanted her dead ass dude yeah i'm so [ __ ] big because the wave two if they fought it they would have missed a lot as well once i get six we just hard smash two i've seen like another level and a half bro homesick pushing all the way yep oh yeah you're here okay one more little for my sick i was about to get sad and it's on tv hello bro you there how you got that what game you playing bro she's like ready to try to honor you all right we take those uh fiddle my alt over the wall we actually never mind we have a ward unless he's in a bush yeah he's playing she's kind of stepping like like he's there in the bush you know yeah yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna play here oh hey he is i'm trying to get uh i'm fine i held the gate away i'm good i'm doubling away yeah yeah yep nice we made that i don't want my bolt two minutes yep all good i'm gonna shove wave and share some gold yep grab this i think nice the math genius come on down [Laughter] uh all right i have gail bro all right i'm just gonna grab it put it in completely [ __ ] you're massive yeah yeah uh get gail get gail all right all right i'm pretty close to six once i get six we just like farm the whole like these guys and we just like grow them take over oh we farm every farm everyone bro let's get it straight farming factory my guy okay hmm nice and peaceful dude you know yeah it's pretty tranquil oh man i need one more creep i'm gonna paint this okay see if i can find karma or something yo there's no way five seconds on my stuff nice i got the gold good job and we got the tp let's get the [ __ ] out later cat let's see if i'm not even gonna [ __ ] with it dude she's just gonna get massive off of it oh actually hold up nice she thought just don't know i'm like two abilities honestly yeah okay yeah yeah she has no flash she has a ignite i think it's silent oh damn it bro i was just gonna take out karma come on karma award this damn it all right i'm backing yeah this is a huge i mean bro i'm literally i have full over circular dreams off that back yeah you're huge i also have been 22. i'm just swarming these guys easy an enemy i'm gonna drag this can to you so i can target on it there's no shot man you're not w flashing to lane i shouldn't bro i should have done it i do need to w like right when i get out of the fountain but he wants to shove and then go right here later fed oh he won't oh he won't he wants it bro look at that careful yeah yeah i'm not like yeah don't happy birthday oh hold up yep just a little poison around the pit oh okay okay all right hey we made that we take those the whole thing bro calculated top to bottom all right now i got crawlers club too we're vibing bro i'm part of the mythic club oh dude i have 30 seconds man you think we can go down there and grab a plate all right let's let's do it let's do it i'm coming come on baby i do have flash up man imagine do it for the one 180 gold if i get it alone 160 yeah 15 dude w up and running three no kate's gonna stop us 10 seconds no i'm actually kind of low already i'm just running oh so close god damn damn this cat this cat always in our lane i mean i mean i mean listen are you a katarina main if your name isn't cat you know or some something with cat in your name like oh yeah he actually does have the cat name oh yeah that's dedication dude i had a guy all right earlier his name was cat mid bottom bottom frag it's like dude if you are straight up if you are in a 1v1 win you're one trick right and you're in a 1v1 lane and you don't win like hey and you don't win lane every game like you're awful you know what i'm saying yeah yeah i can see that because yeah you play you play like every matchup so you have a better uh understanding of it exactly but there's also there's also one tricks that are like like they're pretty good at their champion but and they've played a lot of matchups but like they're just worse than like someone that plays you know something like once every like 10 like 10 games or short games for sure okay awards in their jungle oh he's mid yeah i'm gone i'm just going to keep shopping bro arcade rather sorry it's watching this side for you yeah my pike's rusty i haven't played them in a while looks polished and perfect to me man smile did you uh sweep this or do we know if this is we're singing away yeah there's no word there's no work we should just sit right here man or like right here they're chasing down oh we got spiders there's three here it's only karma around i'm gonna shove this and let's grab dragon actually it's in two minutes she's never mind yeah i'm just going pretty good okay cat's here it's kind of strong oh they're looking for us yeah i yeah want to feed yeah i'm about nice dude he's letting me take his red i think i'm gonna get collector after this the homie oh kane's trying to fight all right literally i mean there's no way he he knows that i just backed for yeah literally an item i hope he doesn't damn bro you got that all right hold on bro double kill dude yo let's the way the pike sounds like part of the kill part of the cut like that he's so [ __ ] badass right it's so badass yeah that's like one of my favorite things i get my share you get yours it's like holy [ __ ] i have 2k gold the theme i love my pike is just how much like insane gold he generates with all so crazy i mean it's just so nice you know what i mean it's like the one time you want your support to take the kill i mean yeah the only time you want okay please take every kill only with the alt though i hate oh like no no like bro like i don't get my like we don't get money okay unless you old i'm coming back from base do i need what do i need against these guys third item i think just what ie yeah i think he's got e why are we not here yeah they're all hella fish fans up in a minute we're gonna look for something maybe i'm clearing a word kane's like that game's getting in there yep [Music] okay oh dude i just gotta absolutely [ __ ] dominate about a thousand different ways i could have survived that oh [ __ ] the whole the whole world listen bro if there's one thing i'm [ __ ] good at doing it is getting a shitload of abilities and thumbs out and like alts carry i like to refer to it as the assist damage carry i mean you made out the knr i mean that that gig that gave us the window opportunity to all in and just ace their whole team reload it's actually five head i love it you know what it's crazy bro too only only like boy geniuses will truly understand like you know the method and the matter is behind it right like others man right other people are like wow man it's not dying why you keep feeding it's like it's like beating excuse me dude they just don't understand we're just you're just playing out like a galaxy brain level this is a pretty uh there's a really good um executioner game two but i grab it literally right now all right right after i steal kane's last camp how much was you got uh 800 getting excuses right now okay sounds good oh my god this caitlyn dude it feels so bad for him yeah i guess stop push now are you ready uh we came but yeah that's that's fine it's fine i just wanna stand here okay they know we're on it i'm backing me up dude i'm gonna bait it a little bit you know i'm sandy i got yonay he's here and i'm dead cat is just absolutely popping off holy [ __ ] oh my gosh you're about to hate the whole team oh [ __ ] wait a second hold up well singed actually does so much damage that's still alive oh yeah no my [ __ ] auto where did you just go she went here i'm gonna chase dana's up in 12. okay no come on two seconds get back here bro where did she just go the gap she just go too easy okay they're there for a while um i have to back though i got brought him on my way all right yeah dude i don't even know i just got actually [ __ ] annihilate the cat just like teleport a lot of me and that's what she does yeah she's pretty massive she's hella squished though she has like no defense so you can pop her next time easy the drag coming up too in like five seconds yep as long as this guy doesn't steal it i think we can just do it right now yeah [Applause] do you stand away from her dagger you gotta run come on bro guys i see steve's is okay i gotta take her out bro oh yeah the baron yeah uh i mean i'm just she's all magic right i'm i think i'm gonna go [ __ ] hack shrinker dude yeah hex is not bad this game i bought one too stay alive uh i'm gonna sell my thorns real quick i still want to finish my mind infinity yeah you should get a hex here you'll get more damage off if you stay alive a little bit longer especially because they're just like destroyed they're just so much they have so much damage right now oh i didn't see cat i was focused on the variant they actually have a disgusting combo we might lose if we don't build them are like the fiddlesticks because the only person that is tanky on our team at all is singed and he's not even that tanky and yeah we just have to close it out we still have the baron on sims though the cat oh into the fiddle is just absolutely disgusting trying to get some words out oh there's a fiddle i'm coming oh kane went kind of deep kind of a little bit might be someone here [Applause] all right we out here bro yeah i have four we have 4b3 tower destroyer dude zoning them i'm here with you if you can hit if you can hit the yet didn't get out oh man uh just run away things damaged no i'm dead maybe i'm no shot oh you lived there so you're definitely tanky yeah kane's coming dude he's gonna clean house finishing my mall which actually was really helpful there yeah hello goodbye that's her second item yeah he's he's just like a bait right now the traps are still annoying though especially when we're trying to end you're i'm gonna oracle red and see if it's up oh you just got it we see you fiddle inwards out damn yeah gotta be a little careful here don't don't walk up too close right now because they're just kind of waiting for baron yeah we're coming for baron bro is it just me or is ga like really hard to like tell this season it was really hard to tell it's just like a little circle if it used to be somewhere distinct oh he dived he did not nice friends in a minute i don't know why they're just letting you guys take everything we just killed two no they're scared bro careful for a cacker broker get over cut yep i'm flying out did we get mid oh [ __ ] my life just flashed before my eyes dude she's coming for you no this is gay how are you guys wait oh my god should be free baron and drag what a game man i honestly don't like i didn't do they brought it back yeah yeah they got they got quite a bit they got quite a bit i mean their volume is still like they put a straight dog [ __ ] like we shut that [ __ ] down real fast but yeah yeah we own these guys buttery nipples thanks for the sub man love the name i'm coming so far oh [ __ ] probably dead oh we win these we win these okay okay young ninja yeah we do hey we just gotta end it in swag man dude i got dove on from by kate and yone they both went on me i owed them away i knocked them both into [ __ ] diana she just yeah that was actually that was really nice eat some off dude yo did you finish chem punk because you you just had enough for it yep coming up or something and i'd rather have health yeah between that or more reminder and i was like just give me like a little bit of help for we about to see the world famous ninja ezreal come on bro i'm about to let everyone know man you're trying to like you trying to watch me run my dark harvest that's built or what oh is that what we're doing no i mean what do you what do you nor what do you normally run no no i lie i like i like it what do you normally run all right so i actually had like a coaching session from uh um like a challenger of adc who like went over one of my seo games and just in general went over a bunch of israel [ __ ] and was just like he's like i'm gonna keep it real he's like you're out of mana all the [ __ ] time and he's like and he's like and you can't rely on dark harvest because you obviously who who was it uh hang on after his name off the top of my head uh okay [Music] karma k drama kdrama he's the guy okay okay so so what so what so what did you what did you what did he tell you basically like you know play conquer it's the meta like you get more you know obviously healing damage off a lot more uh get away from you know my hail of blade [ __ ] that i was running by the way halo blades dominate in lane dominant yeah yeah yeah ezreal's weakest people don't expect it either oh my god sweet you just throw three fast ones out like level two they're like what the [ __ ] yep especially if you're like scrapping you get your passive built up i i ran it mid lane for like a little bit but it's i think the the conqueror scaling is kind of just like exactly exactly yeah yeah so yeah the main the main things he gave me were um first off like ezreal tech that i didn't know existed which i still need to practice uh and then uh just to like run inspiration with uh biscuits for lane and then what was the ezreal tech like the e like when you like i don't want to like say it looks like i don't know how much is it i mean there's like like you know uh using your ultimate and like flashing right like like flash holding flash cueing oh redirecting or like e flash right to like cancel out the animation get closer on top of somebody that you might have tagged with a w just [ __ ] like that that i just never knew about damn you guys went you guys went to like the dna of ezreal huh yeah he gave me yeah and then just was like you know when you're going to into a team fight like you pick out like what three things have to happen uh mm-hmm yeah i know what your targets are who your targets are like what three abilities have to come out like before like you're just like safe to just go all in so like for right now for me looking at this it would be nautilus hook nautilus alt and then like i don't even know some what something else really kha'zix just just knowing where kha'zix is i guess yeah yeah all right sounds good that's not bad yeah if i if i if i see anything or i notice anything i'll i'll let you know too yeah and then i go coupe instead of cut down because they don't have three tanks and then also my build path was like you know he swears by many moon so i think i think i think uh merman is really good at israel too yeah yeah some people some people skip it because essence reaver and stuff but do you do you go both or do you just i go both i've just been going uh i've been going both but i you go both okay i i think that's fine yeah i think that's i think it's personally fine because it just scales so hard and you i just like having infinite mana personally because i just like staying on the map like if i'm in a fight i just like never want to like stop until like i kill everyone or i die right yeah right exactly exactly so so that's why just having the having the extra mana yeah can help so much and he was talking about just like play to your play to your strengths he's like what do you like to do i'm like duel and i like to fight and i like to like you know land skill shots on israel he's like yeah you can't do that when you have no mana like when you're automatically everyone's like i was like all right you're right so were you were you going uh so it was because you were going dark car spill and you're going essential sweeper and you're just going is that what i was going i was going like dark i was wearing dark harvest tail blades uh essence river only but like you know i i would never go tear so obviously like i would just have you know severe mana issues until uh until i completed my essence like severe and obviously here's the thing i'm scanning my abilities to try to get as many you know to try to get them weak and get dark harvest stacks as well which is like and then dude check it out bro that ass i tried phase rush one time with like skull face rust scorch hey actually viable badass yeah i i think it's not bad i think just for bot lane like like if you're against people that like crutch on slows maybe it's better and then it's just you kind of you lack a little damage for like 2v2 and stuff but i don't i think phase rush in general is underrated on like random people that people they like no one would expect yeah but i like i like your i really like like the your creative like theory crafting mindset because that's something that like i've always done and people like never understand and they always like oh they always like sell it short dude like everyone look dude go to uwg and type it in everyone's running conqueror it's like i don't [ __ ] care like yeah yeah because just cause everyone does something doesn't make it good and also you know just because no one does something doesn't it doesn't make it bad or good it all just depends on the context dude i have people playing it like it's showing analyzer absolutely so like dude dark harvest uh dark is scissors like sivir like before it was like a huge thing like i was running it right and like and it was so strong bro i had so many people like when i wasn't like winning the [ __ ] game just like yeah spam ping my my ruins like doorbells like what is this trolling yeah they blame you for like the whole result even though it's like not even relevant it's like you're so [ __ ] i hate that [ __ ] man i i i've literally done that [ __ ] last 10 years since i started playing this game it doesn't it doesn't matter if i'm like [ __ ] playing at worlds like [ __ ] top 10 on the ladder like like i'm busting out tech that like gets played at like worlds and becomes meta people will still just like flame and and like not understand until everyone does it you're just you're just gonna get [ __ ] like that but yeah i mean it depends for sure i thought this was silas man they put silverman okay interesting [Applause] i want to pick silver mint because you can spell shield my stun kind of random though damn survive i think if i flash instead i notice i kill him there you go you got some hp advantage watch out for kha'zix too i get a word out in river when you can do it right now i sing so far back me just throwing out his beyblades is he dark harvest ever uh yeah he is he's [ __ ] inspired he is dude he's just [ __ ] horrified bro that you're like dude i don't want to walk up man i'm just going to throw cues on my pokemon oh [ __ ] we're fighting natalie's back so he could roam like right now he'll be there like 20 seconds though yep [Music] so i'm like somewhat relevant i have killed potential actually i'll stay oh yeah i think grace is going to come but help us gank here [ __ ] help dude please zyra like one auto honey all i need on these you know what i'm saying like are they wrong did you have any sums uh i'm just like in the brush he's no time okay oh freeze that's red oh the ks i mean the security yeah kill secure bro yeah let's go that's exactly what it stands for he gave it to me nice and turns ahead that's why i wing it the girl you about to get hooked i can feel it is brought down awesome uh i mean am i flashing hillary back up so oh there's something back up okay i think i bought time yeah you can really kill them both oh [ __ ] good luck oh my god i couldn't move that's fine oh god oh we didn't have to be taught he's ringing right okay all good all right guys a little setback we're chilling you're blowing csd not worried you're winning lane yeah yeah all right this should be this should be fine we got the pop-off charger now last time i was insurance oh activated oh no he's okay though oh dude there's a man there's a man who was spinning hours limit testing dude in the practice you know what i'm saying yeah practicing those graves combos dude knew exactly how much health he was to survive kais is here oh my gosh okay just a minor setback oh my god running out of red cox is here jinx is next yeah [Music] yeah they want this kill so bad bro yep and like she kind of just shoved the wave a little accidentally oh my god i missed the [ __ ] caddy man and i just hit [ __ ] six like how the [ __ ] did she i don't think jinx is left lane okay literally sits at the back of the lane it's so annoying you gotta be [ __ ] [ __ ] me bro how did i miss that i think we win team fights though even for a little behind should be okay but these guys just don't back trying to [ __ ] play it here bro all right oh this house is here damn you just got one shot yeah i saw this is [ __ ] don't think we need to get graveyards honestly early do you have it already no i don't have to wait a little bit to get it party wants to just straight up force it right now no cap that ass yeah probably just need cannon to get it right now hopefully you just keep working on your thing yep i'm gonna get my sheep you can send the bill to my uncle's museum man they got people coming too careful here careful here behind yeah drag it up yeah she's dead yeah coming have to flash i think there's four people here kennen's like oh my god way too [ __ ] high wall yeah okay they get dragon it's fine at least we got one so they're not threatening school anytime soon yeah this this uh silas kha'zix making problems right now we got the comeback it's all good bro actually missing like so much yes just by like one hp oh i hate that if i use anything uh yeah i'm pretty sure he'll actually no there's some words they got all right rewarded it cannot steep you up this time just in case something happens yeah i totally have one of those walking by there they're gone nice what a fight dude it's big easy oh [ __ ] anytime left over chasing oh i'm coming not bad finally got a little juice out of our little cannon too that was such a good [ __ ] team fight yeah yeah we run this i got my work now too that's big ah i was like an inch away from getting jinx too i hate when you're just barely too slow you're like chasing the guy come here oh what the [ __ ] are you taunting him what the [ __ ] backing up a bit analysis here bro great just keep stashing these guys i think he's a little too hyphy no such thing bro okay wow true uh she has gail force i'm really close to finishing essence i want to get my cooldown boots first honestly yep i like that that's fine i'm going to just kind of unmolding her right now okay i'm clearing the crap did she like [ __ ] see that [ __ ] oh they saw you okay not assaulted right back come in oh my god her little [ __ ] plant just took all my [ __ ] oh it's back oh he recalled okay holy [ __ ] okay that's fine i don't want to oh [ __ ] i guess they're gonna come on are we diving they're coming from top yeah right now oh nice got her yeah i don't even get the assist she just killed them oh cuz one hp kenneth's coming from the back careful if he easy ain't gonna let it happen i have heal up [Applause] this one over what are they doing i'm not sure man models was like dude i want to get this flash deal i deal no [ __ ] damage no no i'm finally gonna complete essence here and actually be relevant yeah that's a big upgrade all right i'm actually literally i'm my tear is almost complete too so now i just need money to finish my medamin you know that's that's between giant spike yelp it's pretty good game for you too you got a lot of good targets just nailing the keys over should i grab it from graves or leave it for him yeah yeah you can just you could clear man just take i just see what he's doing but yeah i think just take it if it's still on the map that's what i usually do there's an unspoken law in archaeology finders keepers lots mid posix is around baron i think he's coming i'm not going to steal it from him i'm a good person hey so if i steal it i'm not i mean look dude your words that mine i use a fake name oh i'll just take any buff as long as i like i know i can carry with it and like right it'll be it'll be better on me which is not always the case [Applause] oh auto crazy literally five hp one oh ninja from downtown oh my god it was completely missed not even [ __ ] yeah one of the worst sniper dabs we've ever [ __ ] seen on the rift oh damn working on your casting too okay okay um you know man uh this blue buff should be fine any seconds mother yeah baby we tried that oh yeah we traded that we already know 150 gold okay and the jungle is on the map come on baby i'm not trying to say my brain is giga's side you know what i'm saying but oh listen yeah baby we still we first yeah okay no light steel oh god from downtown jinxie poo oh she hits the gale force no fear diver with the q oh almost hits the [ __ ] oh jinx flash coming in somehow survived that [ __ ] yo gee splash oh no she goes [ __ ] the reset no all right well wow that was such a bad timing wow oh yo dude it's actually weak i'm holding landing here oh oh so close to killing him she's spell shooting my cue otherwise i got that [ __ ] or the double kill i'm not bad okay okay oh streiber would be kind of nice to break the silver spell shield get that name coming from base this might be hard but holding yeah oh that's a good one that's a good juicy [Applause] second time now um you can take this actually like i know i haven't found mana sounds good bro like graves be staying caught you feel me yeah he's he's made a lot of quote-unquote risky plays all game they're gonna baron actually maybe i have to run across the map [ __ ] if we lose baron here okay jinx was bought at least maybe not okay she's missing now they're not on it yeah as long as i don't lose baron i feel like we're in such a good spot we're not sold to careful careful oh my god yeah we actually almost [ __ ] on that freaking nautilus for free though that would have been nutty yeah i saw him hurled abilities over and the whole team pops up they're all [ __ ] weak still cannon has old two good players he's not assault uh i don't know not a slash they're friendly dude that's a double right there jinx is literally staying out like an idiot yeah i think they're i think they're off it bro yeah crazy yeah they don't get it bro that jinx just teleported to that kid oh nice okay that's worth yeah as long as i don't get bearing we're fine i can clean up here too that's the most important thing oh yeah you should have altered on i thought he had i didn't know you had it i thought he would have yeah that's pretty risky but if you guys could just like straight one shot him and gone out we could oh yeah no yeah we were 100 fine yeah like it's chill a beat and there are a whole team there one good honestly one good old from canon and we win every fight like straight up if you can if you can like get yep yeah there's two people exactly what are you buying next uh probably dust blade but what do you think that's dance maybe for survivability i think that's good that's what's good here yet you could get a cloth armor for an if you have 300 gold because they're triple a d maybe probably not bad this guy's a cannon all that's when he's like most dangerous yep he also has stopwatch oh i don't know [Applause] this guy's the homie yo are you seeing these jinx like laggy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh here's cannon still with his old not with us i don't understand yeah he has tp2 [Music] i mean he should be able to literally just flash in yeah he doesn't have flash right now he's got to ignite nice jump get it oh my god one auto zarya what are you doing cast something oh my god he's just standing there my game i probably liked or something right right hey we got soul off that though wait we just saved the game let's take a look all calculated too man they didn't even take [ __ ] besides an inhib free exp man yeah we get a gold advantage they might have slightly but there's no way we don't get soul they might rush this we're robin yeah attacking us jack's protector silas is bought with tp up they have a bunch of spell shields whole team has supposed shields one oh no sorry she went edge of knight two that's such a [ __ ] strong item yeah it's pretty obnoxious okay we've got sterx yeah we have we have inferno soul now as long as we don't get picked we should win the fights that's the biggest thing it'll be great yeah i see you with that cloth armor okay you know man i was like i'll get my serrated actually dude i probably shouldn't have one serrated i had the option of getting serrated or uh another cauliflower that should have gotten that last cdr i actually have a gigabyte when i get that spread though bro because of the uh that's a mythic and the legendary ability i love that he just died like invisible i just got [ __ ] melted yeah we should uh put your force with kentv oh no uh finally kill yeah is there all other chase fans no i don't want to [ __ ] bro i don't have [ __ ] executioner so this kid is literally just healing endlessly and oh mr we lost this one that's brutal graves y'all so bad you got caught literally ten times minimum he was he was writing it down man he can't be typing kennen there's always one though man you're all so bad do divide a dollar for every time that graves was just [ __ ] dead and then i would look around i wouldn't even see the enemy right and and are what our guys are doing they're like they're just like farming and lane and [ __ ] like doing nothing like because the guy just [ __ ] clearly did some dumb [ __ ] you know what i mean like it wasn't like some epic team fight where it was like oh dude we didn't get the trade yeah it was free it was pretty rough damn we should we should have won though that if canada could just like knock out assassinate myself at the end and then tp in and we just fight 45 we like stomp them it's especially because we have the inferno too pretty unlucky actually yeah i mean kevin just got kennen just got picked like several times before team fight and graves just got picked period yes sir all right it's fine we just need a little a little story line you know a little hardship we win the next one we're chilling you know sandy you got it it's like everyone's like okay wait right they're like this is a dude we've all been waiting for now it's like well i don't know but now if we just stop every game is that really is that really entertaining is that is that even fun for us like it's just gonna get boring right that's what i'm saying bro like that's that's what i'm saying to you gotta drop a game here gotta drop the game here hey maybe we might [ __ ] around lose two in a row you know get people is boy and ninja done for like is this the end 100 right right we're getting tweets reddit threads going you know what i'm saying youtube videos right tick tocks what's happening it's too good yes dude yo okay i have a question so check the [ __ ] out i was thinking about this yeah yeah all right hey i gotta look i gotta think of the um i gotta think of the [ __ ] ruins real quick okay uh precision ruins with last stand right deal more damage to champions while you're low health so it's you know five to 11 when they're 60 even more when they're 30 when you're below 30. check out what if you run that okay and then you go uh and then you go sork absolute focus while above seventy percent health gain extra adaptive damage so oh so you are literally dealing extra double dipping when you are above 70 and when you're below 60. oh wait i've never heard anyone put it like that that's kind of high fee so you're double dipping into the ruins no matter what the game state 100 that's that's actually galaxy green bro i like i kind of like that i'm just saying bro oh you might you might just do it straight you might just start the new lcs minute man i'm not even kidding that could be the future yeah straight up dude yo listen go dude go aurelia go [ __ ] conquer or whatever you go with her whatever her first [ __ ] is what is what is her main one that you go uh yeah conquer all right did you go conquer bro with last stand and then go sword secondary with like adaptive force and then uh uh burn or scorcher like on a nimbus cloak after casting a summoner spell you can move in speed and go through units dude boom dude actually you could go gathering storm too i guess which is like just increase gathering storm's really good if none of the other things really stand out to you damn dude it's kind of like what do you think bro i mean you got to compare to the other like the opportunity cost but i i like the i like the theater crafting behind it [ __ ] that so you're saying it's a great idea but it's total dog [ __ ] i like i like the passion i'm saying i like the passion behind it but right right right it definitely depends on the champ other thing is transcendence is really is kind of insane so like no matter what if you're giving up transcendence for absolute focus depending on the champion it could be it could be a bad trade too dude i almost just think like um honestly i don't like i don't like mana moon i don't i like going i like going essence reaver dust blade and then going mad and then like i make up the the mana with manaflow band right yeah and then transcendence yes so so there's there's some up there's some options there if you if if you played it enough and you and you don't like getting the game more minutes so you can either go like conquer friends of mine manifold bands which if you go essence fever that should be enough for a lot of cases as long as you're just like resetting when you when you're when you're right yeah exactly right and then the other thing is you could go tier for the 400 gold just so you have like that mana pool and then like eventually when you just have so much gold to blow you could upgrade it to more mana and if you don't that's fine too it's like it's like a 400 gold investment so you never run out of mana basically um but if you can play around if you can play around knock going tier and you prefer just rushing essence who are just played etc then that's that's like that's definitely like a little bit more uh like aggressive dude i really like that yep yeah i think i think that's i think that's worth trying then i do like absolutely because then i can go inspiration i don't even have to go right i can go biscuit delivery cosmic insight get my summoner spell haste which is like spam human flashes or should i not do it should i just go i feel like it depends on the i i think it depends on the matchup so if you think the matchup's gonna be really hard then biscuits then that's when i would go biscuit but if if you're if you're not too worried like let's say against like a caitlyn morgana or some [ __ ] where you're just gonna get like railed right but i think in in most cases um mana footband and trends transcendence is hella good like the free ability haze is really nice too right i mean that level eight spike is yeah and and you're playing like a scaler too so it just helps you hit that like sweet spot i mean here's the real question uh faster yet and the real question is huh okay the real question is what do i go on samira because i have real support and and like i'm gonna just i'm kidding i shouldn't go swimming i want to go smear it let's see okay okay let me here i'll i'll give you this i'll exit out or i'll give you that my blessing for this mirror let's see what their picks are yo orianna oh caitlyn dude you need to go yasuo mid and we're just knocking each other up all the time you knock someone up with you dude i'm like i'm increasing that lady no no if you're feeling smear man you got my blessing i definitely am not feeling smeared i think i might go what like jimmy i mean like i don't know jinx dude i [ __ ] hate caitlyn so much dude i [ __ ] broke it was good jinx wouldn't have been too bad jinx is pretty strong it was like a week or two ago i was watching you play a jinx game your team was down like 20 kills you were like at your nexus turrets it was a long ass game and you came back you popped off you had like 20 kills on jinx it was actually pretty clean i was like god damn hey you know hey look man right you better come through you better come correct and you don't come at all [Music] oh my god we got we got to see the jinx you guys see one time then yeah man that's a solution oh wait what a lucian top orianna mid caitlyn swain bought olaf jungle yummy let me see folks are staying clear with the band dude do i do it you know what bro i do like dean i do like the flashing flashing on a four minute cooldown i want to go ionian boots with with cosmic insight is [ __ ] incredible yeah yeah the cosmic insight's definitely pretty underrated i like it too i might go i might just i don't know [ __ ] it bro we're playing to win man we're going transcendence we're going manifold man we're getting big all right let's do it and we're going to battle academia dude not you belong in a museum you know principal umi oh my god yo how about those how about how about the new space groove skins why do you think i've been playing samira so much yeah dude it's actually so good because like i don't think they're circling i think they might make uh i think they might make more like like more champions with it that they haven't revealed maybe i hope so that's why i heard i hope so same well i have a fun elaine match up so yeah caitlyn caitlin's always a fun lady katelyn swain dude the kid not out first couldn't he couldn't be me man i was meditating in base you know giving them a chance of course i love it dude i [ __ ] love it the only answer the only answer i would have been okay with i'm coming though if i see someone might still eat checking out dude what's going on man like i don't want to lead nothing will stop me from realizing my dreams it's quiet what do you think they're on our site maybe could mean try we would have to loop though oh camera oh we're getting separated this place is on a whole other level stay together man don't don't stride from the herd man now we're good other than that bush oh oh wait they were holy [ __ ] it's probably not oh my god okay oh baby oh baby i'm just flashing in [ __ ] it i got a cue hey let's go that's a banger of level one you already know double kill yeah you're massive now i mean am i though because i went here yeah yeah that's fine i like that yeah easy scaling would you i mean would you say that the essence reaver or trinity force or anything with the sheen for that matter is like an absolute necessity right in an ezreal build um i mean it's that yeah that i mean it's it's it's super good yeah i mean you could definitely do builds that don't don't rely on it but i've done like i've been like dust played more mana like sorel does grudge that kind of [ __ ] i love charles garage bro because when you get enough ability haze sometimes like you're just putting out like so many cues that you're doing it like more frequent than the spellbraid proc and if you're buying like the appropriate items for the game it could be all right but yeah i think in general it's you know you can't really go wrong the spellblade essence river is just such like a like a standard item yeah it's pretty okay nice ori left lane could be maybe looking more i don't know i don't know what she's up to i don't have any vision i'm just checking the crab and see if it's up oh my god two long swords boots i'm [ __ ] big man we ready unfortunately i'm actually below on exp like pretty hard i'm about to be level three after like two melees but still i've been backing a lot yeah should be good oh yeah he's right here honest grugs man bro hey we take those oh my god bro this reality is an actual [ __ ] demon yeah he's been beasting he really has he he's literally dude well you're so good yeah dude she's just straight dominating bro she's hit every she hit every hump pop ribbon's kind of getting dumpstered though i hope i hope she gets some help he'll be fine usually more useful all the solutions like really the solution he gets [ __ ] massive bro and he's just like holding over walls and [ __ ] like taking objectives from us yeah look at this 100 there's nothing worse than a [ __ ] illusion that's just fetish [ __ ] and just like throws his entire pulling over a wall careful swain's rotating [ __ ] one view yeah i'm kidding i'm literally just going to stay lane oh i might get him too you don't stand a chance yeah i kind of owned dory there oh you did wrong it's not seeking [ __ ] i hate fighting silence he's so strong yeah especially don't grievous he's he's a menace i'm definitely gonna try robot i can steal a swing we just do a little little dive on these guys meanwhile tank seems pretty good how did she miss that oh [ __ ] i lost my hands i might have to trade on caitlyn if you can um i think she healed there's no shot oh [ __ ] that really hurt her oh she's noon quiver they also could just not go dragon then wrote it up to you all right solution too and he has no tp okay top top to be stabilized seems good no okay i'm going to try to push out caitlyn healed when you flash her right yes yeah yeah i'm gonna try to push out man and then rotate bot see if we can pull it off oh all's behind you again what the [ __ ] love that i love that swing doom yeah i'm trying if you can spell it out we got tp coming too yeah i'm going behind turret on these guys jumping this hard yep oh it's gonna be so easy [Applause] [Music] let's go could have done that [ __ ] dick in hand you know what in fact i did oh [ __ ] the game's a little easier we're knocking five man yeah it's actually two it's actually really nice i mean but here's the thing is the olaf with shrine like sitting there olaf's trying and uh but we have just we just have good teammates right we have good teammates a freaking riven tpedin and like obviously you were already prematurely rotating like dude it's nice i do i get surprised sometimes right because like i let people know whenever something weird happens in select like like someone bans ezreal you know i'm saying like some dumb [ __ ] like like literally our first game on me and me and my boy jacobs our first game on bro i'm like yo man i want to go smear it go pike they first think they ban pike first fix mira right like no right right so like [ __ ] like that it's like dude just twilight zone [ __ ] happens when i play it man sometimes like i just don't understand like things don't make sense and i'm just like i feel it bro like like what the [ __ ] is going on like i remember like i was like yo these guys on the enemy team like they're stream sniping i promise like they're gonna camp bot lane can you like just just be aware of like the lane the wave etcetera all that [ __ ] and like and the guy's like yep guys like yeah nice [ __ ] ego dude if you think that i'm gonna [ __ ] cry oh bot lane bro you got another thing coming guess what happened they literally leveled two gangs and then continued to camp bali in the entire time and then he like he's like yo way to [ __ ] throw the game dude i was like i told you bro i said you're like jackpot just to be safe and like and like they're they're making me seem like i'm the [ __ ] one that's insane you know what i mean like right i i actually know you're talking about no one no one ever like believes like people like are like a lot of people just don't don't believe like how much people ghost or like like grief for like targeting it and [ __ ] and i'm not like you can't i'm not like yo camp my lane right yeah yeah no nothing i'm just like you know just [ __ ] pay attention sorry this is like getting real i get it for up in there oh 32 i'm backing i might tp after my recall empty pain maybe he doesn't know all how they're keeping too okay here oreo to dodge it yeah yeah hey let's go oh my god bro that e i was so [ __ ] clean i love it oh yeah that was the five hit that was a galaxy debate though i saw you chipping away that turret keeping it just low enough where you know we don't take the turret we just keep them interested they had a false in security i think i'll be able to do that i think i'll be able to clear the way before it gets here [Music] hold on to that swing that's what he gets for throwing all those w's at us you know he gets permanent health every time he hits his w and he uh pulled swain what yeah yeah that little that little eye that appears under you every time you get hit by that he gets more bonus hp and then his alt multiplies it and also every time he procs his passive like oh my god nothing will stop me so like go really go out of my way to dodge that [ __ ] i'm a flashlight straight straight up i'm gonna flash it [Laughter] deny the health for the people flash it he'll see he'll see me flash it i'll just type it i'll chat [ __ ] you dude [ __ ] your health look at the focus bro not even close oh nice flash scaling oh one hp yo how long are your as well uh 15 i'm resetting it with cues give me a sec okay i'm trying i'll try to stop a recall oh it's just too far i can't find it i don't shoot it don't shoot it yeah i'm your next opponent i love israel dude he's my favorite bro same you know he was like my first main champion back in the day that's how i got my start i would just like smurf on people with ezreal and then i made a this is like 2011 i made a a account and i i was like best ezra in the world i was like spamming the league forums like i was like 15 years old like just like popping off trying to get people to watch there's like pre-season one and then that's amazing right yeah it's like my it's like my like little origin story that most people don't know bro i that that's on like that's so [ __ ] cool bro i want to tell people man in general like you know every day you know how do i become a number one streamer like a big streamer how do i do this no i i i always just go like one of the easiest way to make it as a streamer i was like just be the best at something like yeah and that kind of means like you can take that in any way anyway you want even if that means being the best ezreal like in league whatever be quote unquote the best at something and you put that in your title and you actually obviously show it up like you know you back it up with like actual [ __ ] talent and people like realize that you're [ __ ] talented not for sure and then all of a sudden bro you know oh so close yeah just some like dumb kid in high school and i was i like it was like i would i would i was i would like own people in high elo but then i had like the confidence to be like yeah i'm like the best ezreal in the world like back then and then i just like proved it started playing like in tournaments and [ __ ] and just kept going man oh okay bro you you just missed my [ __ ] you doing this you just missed my my old flash it was [ __ ] disgusting i hit all three of them and i almost killed one he was like literally on hp oh you use the secret triangulation crack yeah damn okay yeah i was like diving d i'm gonna catch i'm gonna catch the next one though just taxing this guy a little bit you know i'm saying dude just hitting some of those raptors like you know i'm gonna get some of that you know straight pimping those raptors on i'm like hey let me get mine man we we took everything from these guys you could you could leave you could leave a rafter too far all right no mercy i see how you roll i just finished us play bro i'm gonna be like just the dong is long yeah we can just own these guys every fight he's just so slow i'm fighting olaf oh and swain yeah we're fine [Music] let's go oh [ __ ] i'll reset by ftp yeah we're good yeah give that shotgun away man he [ __ ] healed bro what a loser actually caitlyn healed for him and that's kind of into you a little they're pulling out the cheats bro that's so stupid i had him dead to rights the red buff was a red buff applied bro slows coming out oh wait but you actually bait out the heel and then we're gonna win this fight off that check it out yeah i bet you what's your handheld i guess i got carried away you just gave him more health bro oh lucian coming hello oh no elephant's here too all right i kind of ended there actually oh that was a shut down now we're vibing yeah we're fine we just like rush baron 20 seconds do now we're also two of soul oh wait a minute hang on i'll finish red after i do frogs no one saw that exactly weapon seven okay he wants to back yeah he's got 2k gold crowds not the sponsor i'm trying to grab this bot let's see i see you cutting him off with the alt or is he in i've seen room in here they're so [ __ ] weak bro that as i chunk the i literally had two or three guys one shot okay we got it i'm just buying some time they're pretty low they use orioles too and swing a lot of things oh here comes the chase down okay the two man is roll from downtown dude are you guys winning this big boy oh dear dude okay i'm actually a minion eight that way but or ate the q but the concept applies oh he's so trapped it's just where'd you go mr olwaf now he just respawns did he finish it yeah he probably finished it got out the axe is there for like five seconds or something oh my god boom man right here eats when it ends the finishes dude dude love it dude [ __ ] it just keep pinging it over and over again bro i love that man i love when i like finish an item that's like ever it's literally the most necessary item on someone and like people just will ping it like it's a troll builds like excuse me yeah i love when i would get hey you ever [ __ ] with the frozen mouth tech before they removed it uh not frozen mallet but like i would go like frost one guy yeah i'd fry yeah iceborn eggs bro um take me back dude damn you didn't know about the frozen male attack bro i need to get you i need to get you on the hype train last last five years it should be pretty easy i can still swing all we just win the game here we should fight while we have baron it's not like going we can end i can dive nexus from the creep wave i lost one hit oh there i bought a lot of time against can't worry but before i finish that at least oh nice okay t blemish he's doing it man oh dude i couldn't hit the q man i i actually had the cooldown off bro hmm yeah we probably could end it if i didn't dive nexus i'm not worried about it we're fine they have nothing i'm gonna get uh honestly i think she's gonna go syrillas and just completely like nail on the cough in this [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah this rose is good that is real i like it hey serel is kind of like frozen mallet yep yeah yeah but not as but not as much though you know yeah yeah it's not it's not as juicy she's gonna try to eat away hillary i think she failed it now let me show you what a real calling is oh no oh never mind i [Applause] that would have been so hyped dude that would be like the greatest like silas intro you know what i'm saying dude yeah champion [ __ ] premiere put that [ __ ] in the montage okay i'm not i'm i'm off the map but i'm running across the base 45 [Music] oh lucian [ __ ] flashed over the wall man damn i stepped on a [ __ ] calendar trap i'll be there in a second okay i'm dead i finished the old outfit oh i got pulled out of the [ __ ] nexus turret actually did a good job farming she's actually kind of hurt she's kind of relevant so in the animals they have to be careful they're super tanky dude caitlyn traps opop bro everyone everyone runs around i didn't like do anything crazy to go over them stepped on one that's my least favorite part about playing in scale in the [ __ ] traps it's so good even if she's like behind it just gives you so much like annoying ignoring utility i mean it's saying yeah you're signing you're also like super safe it puts you in a super safe position to help your team out to me now anyone land cc like you can be literally like one shot level one but you're so far you're so far away you just [ __ ] put the trap down dude and like keep them rooted there longer stop messing around yeah caitlyn morgana man you mentioned it earlier about like when to take this oh yeah that's like the worst thing get hit by one vine once you get [ __ ] yeah later dude find pool trap yeah autocrat q dead i'm coming from blue buffs a maxi dr now i'm gonna have one more wave and i'm gonna get a roll those and then i'm gonna group okay yeah we can end for sure i've heard those words before nah that works let's go any time this is something that people will sleep on like any time you have baron in solo queue but in general even if you're like even just just just to the last [ __ ] drop of juice of marion just try to win the game is what i always like to like push a lot like even if it's like you know 30 seconds left just run down minus five and try to fight them because worst case scenario you like lose the fight best concern you instantly win the game and there's there's not many windows where you can do that dude who uh who's sharing that tyler1 bro i'd like to see one like he's like in the in the wise words of and he named a pro player he's like the game ain't gonna get any easier oh yeah we love that oh we're in the mix oh my god i'm dead and [ __ ] swain bro oh we killed them all jesus yeah even though he's like he was still behind this game yeah bro he's still having so much damage good [ __ ] the bad thing about them having swain is that we also have swing playing silence love that swain's like one of the best the best style sauce to steal for sure nice good job bro that was a good game thank you man what was the uh what was he fine like it was second yeah yeah dude all right i'll take it second most damage hey okay we damn we out here carrying bro yeah yeah not bad see like that's what i should have done the first episode game yep we had that good level one two that level was so good bro dude i don't i wish i just wish people would uh i get dude here's the thing people in like silver gold plat like like low plat or whatever if they just instantly came out of the game like another t1 quote dude like game starts at zero zero zero dude you know what i mean like hey get your hey get your [ __ ] like right get your [ __ ] items and like look for a dumbass who just [ __ ] right clicks into the jungle in afk's for the first 20 seconds of the game that's 400 gold first blood dude yeah no it's it's it's actually op for sure it really i mean as long as you're like together and you don't eff around bro yeah like your level is not considerably worse i mean here's what i here's like what i might i mean my boy man when we do it we always encourage like invading no matter what and it's like if we if we run up as five and we go down mid to like just to sneak in the bush it's like all right first things first we're gonna find out if they're doing it even if they have a better one because we'll obviously meet together at mid and then we just back but it's like if we beat him there it's like dude we're five in a bush man like we just sit here we don't do anything crazy we wait for maybe someone to walk up on a river get the dip it's like no i like that it's yeah as long as as long as you guys are doing it right it's like low risk and then potentially super high reward so it's always good especially because most people aren't making plays then so it's like the yeah the game three is just so weighted to you dude i had i got a story for you bro all right all right let me hear it i was shyvana okay and we got invaded in our red okay and like this game like everyone play me for the game i run on my team jungle them jungle dip bro they stole my blue they stole they they stole my blue yeah they invaded red so like i had a back and then like start right by myself and then straight up yeah i'm like okay let me go back in the game because i i mid didn't help me top didn't [ __ ] move like i'm like i gotta show everyone because my entire chat's like dude man like take take [ __ ] responsibility dude like you can't carry every game whatever all this [ __ ] and i was like let me show you how [ __ ] dumb this [ __ ] is okay yeah i the the the cho'gath but i'm like telling people to like help me by the way and like ward for my blue he doesn't work he doesn't ward my blue number one number two yeah he sits in his lane behind his caster minions afk until literally like did not move once by the way he was choked up until all three of the melee minions are one hit and then he like comes like comes back and cues he doesn't ping that garen came from [ __ ] river to top lane i don't need more right so like yeah like all the signs of like hey good teammate like there's someone on your blue like they they invaded your blue and then like and then i got [ __ ] and then i tried to like go for her blue because i ended up i went and found my boobs missing so i went as fast as possible as elise i go to her blue then their whole team they're bot warded and [ __ ] invaded and killed me and then i bro i was like and then i was behind literally the entire game and my and my team's just like what way to [ __ ] throw the game dude [ __ ] you guys like yeah that's the thing with like yeah people like they'll just people just get hyphy as [ __ ] like even if it's like okay like this guy messed up or this guy lets someone else down and then whoever like whoever kind of like gets [ __ ] is usually like the person that gets blamed even if it was like you know my ball is just afk while i'm like trying to like you know like it's like you're taking you're making a good decision assuming people like react accordingly and then you just kind of get owned and i told that super tilting bro that's jungle in a nutshell like ever like every lane has to make those decisions where it's like okay like but that is but to be fair [ __ ] junglers too because those [ __ ] be doing the same [ __ ] they'll be you know i'll be playing like cast in or though like someone will have lane prior in balling and then they'll just force scuttle and then they'll die and then they'll start bamping in you know like hey it's it's it's a it's a doggy dog world doggy dog bro everyone's everyone's gotta take blame and like be able to read the situations for themselves kind of i hear you and make good ones i hear you oh dude lux support bro i mean [ __ ] like which one of the 30 incredible champions should i band that are gonna destroy her in lane what do you think round nautilus yeah rose girl's pretty strong honestly no one plays ralph besides besides that incredible yeah the enemy team let's go two for one special [Music] i know this isn't bad especially if he means it uh we're gonna need an uh we're getting an ap mid which uh i know you're not short on any of those yeah yeah because he's going darius i got the champ galaxy man are you gonna go oh okay i thought you're gonna wow we've been getting graves jungle a lot yeah hmm can i grab your pick or do you want to wait uh dude got my pick uh let's go you don't know what i mean i wanna i wanna oh i wanna go samira but obviously i'm not trying to [ __ ] completely throw so what do you think what do you think pick me whatever ad besides draven that you think would be good with lux i'm really good with a lot love it let's see the jinx let's go bro i want to see that 1v9 that i saw the other day i got you bro let's go coup de gras legend bloodline 20 20 kills this game minimum easy easy okay here's a big boy question okay first off what do you want i'm thinking you still don't know your lane they waited yet um give me give me give me a call let me try this like they like buffed her she's really strong dude yeah yeah they made her scale they made her scaling way better which is like kind of crazy because that's like that's the biggest thing i didn't like playing about her was i felt like she was strong up until a certain point min game and it just fell off [Music] but they added a lot of damage oh yeah big question bro uh legends legends bloodline or alacrity okay uh bloodline yeah yeah okay good call i knew we were going to be best friends man try it out yeah let's go yeah blowing so that line's so juicy all right we go project jinx dude got the blue chroma you already know me brand gin by the way probably oh my god looks please be good no this guy's gonna smurf man we got we like we just we literally can't lose unless we want to everything just everything just goes our way trust i mean you're not wrong i just hate this one bro like jen like dude double dude double dark harvest like we're [ __ ] bro no dude please you gotta go d shield this game too that'll help you survive for the lane for sure all right i will it's hello appears brandon twitch because their passive just ticks and you just get so much extra regen dude i'm against laplat james i'm kind of shaking i'm not gonna lie i can literally hear your teeth jittering and chattering that is not what it sounds like do we have a slot yeah we do let's go hopefully lux didn't level up because i wanted to have ian lane oh nope never mind actually q in lane though if she can hit it like right before the level 2 spike is [ __ ] nasty yup might not be bad i trust this guy we let the uh i just hate how slow lux is from what was champion in the game that's fun man he just cashed in bro she oh oh close dude uh co-sidious man brand support is strong all the time if he they win lane if he doesn't like millions it obviously depends on how big the enemy team gets if he's going up against a tanky team like and he's not big like he's just not getting too [ __ ] damaged it's old it's going to be i like about brandon the thing about brandon even if he's like behind or doing average it's so easy for him to get like the minimum off in a team fight right i mean he scaled pretty well so it's like launches in the mass center where everyone just threw it through all that [ __ ] exactly honestly you could like close your eyes and still put out like oh 100 of damage a fight dude who was the uh they all do the old cat meme little katarina meme oh yeah like and then you just like this guy like rubbed his face on his keyboard and got a panty kill this lux overstaged he might not get these uh yeah straight up we just completely got shredded in this because she was so [ __ ] late i'm gonna give so much space yes that's pretty hard matchup for you guys but if you can scale you'll be you'll be so much more useful oh hecarim dying you guys debated a little nice okay okay i ain't gonna do it good job complaining yeah oh my god yeah i have flash oh he likes thai stuff with gen w i have no idea okay our top's winning you guys guess merfin nice big nice dude my r and i'm in the game just made the wave crash let's go you're back some team think that's the subs man appreciate dude how many subs is the boy right now man 20k 30k yeah nah we're chilling i didn't stream like uh oh [ __ ] wait oh get me out of here no shoddy flash for that i was at like 4k in december but then i took like a month off because i just needed like a mental health reset let's use probably we grind him back absolutely muscle frags grays boss side he's probably on scuttle actually you know it's actually really good that i didn't get the kill and that hecarim did because probably gonna miss a lot of yeah exp from not getting the scuttles yep yeah i like when jungler gets ahead they're good just pays off so hard because they can take over like every resource on the map pretty nice correct a brandsman oh sorry bro nah i gotta dude i gotta like ping that way more though walk in you think it's not a twitch support man hello hate that it's me it's a [ __ ] bro ap switch is actually it's still pretty it's pretty insane but yeah especially before they nerfed it so strong and he could build zanya's so he just never dies oh [ __ ] yeah i did not see that coming you better have that double q girl you did hit it just won not gonna be enough it's the barrier though there's no flash oh i got it i'm so [ __ ] slow dude that was on me uh he's um don't drag oh it's super low oh he the camera you a little greedy we don't mind a little greedy now and again you know what danny i really want to get this guy had any xp oh graves done scuttle airplane how low is he i'm coming i'm kind of low though [ __ ] i can't actually move nice okay it is coming from base try to get out if you can oh my god i didn't get the [ __ ] caddy man they have no sunspot pretty sure jim might have flash pretty confident jenna slash is this missing i'm coming from base right now too oh [ __ ] damn what a talented old and skilled smile everyone is watching playing around we can go oh my god he misses old you got him though hey you know what oh oh [Music] oh my god no he gets out there's literally negative chance fizz is here still running at him okay nice nice job ponyboy crazy all right we got to clean up i finished my boots this feels much better except for the fact that i feel like i'm trying to damage okay so okay wait is that him he's the kid baby okay let's [ __ ] go get all day baby i want sneaky every day i got those cheeks mechanics [Music] kraken or gale force i'm sorry cracking her up yeah what do you think probably yeah yeah i like gale force here yeah absolutely uh our boy hecarim i mean grace is bigger but hecarim's already immediately building armor which i [ __ ] love yeah it's so good here triple i mean it's good against graves especially is this counter jungle he's gonna be invading a lot missing all right all right back real quick i got tp though oh what the [ __ ] okay we just killed graves nice easy i don't know where brand is i'm pretty sure he's in a bush waiting for me that ass and he's trying to come behind me a hundred percent i haven't seen him yet he's 100 like in this bush and he's gonna try to stun me we're trying to drag this we should yep coming to oh coming an enemy has i just win this okay we got him at least grace man jin's coming back from base yep oh he needs that plate come on maybe did i get it uh i think i got it dude oh my god man no it has two hp dude get it if you as long as the wave doesn't take it is what i say i don't bond that i should have got that kill on branch by the way he had to flash my rocket because that [ __ ] was like literally in his mouth uh yeah okay oh looks like that love that i respect that vision i'm coming too barrier double baby baby oh old coming in oh coming in boom i mean that's just [ __ ] brilliant oh my hp you got him okay yeah mother yeah oh he's got a ring damn i didn't think we'd do that okay the reset young means you're going playing come on you're all right i don't [Music] dude the gods aren't on my side bro i should have had that that's crazy yeah it can't get robbed not gonna lie getting double dagger here all good man it's fine gale force double dagger back for circuit graves man i'm about to be frying i missed that play too by the way man the one that got away [ __ ] oh no the two hp that's two hp man in a dream all right we got rift in 50 dude dragon two [Music] graves also has gail force a lot of gale fours someone else how long have you been playing league like how long right season i so i i've been in it since season four but i've taken like massive breaks and i only grinded that season like hard grind but i've been watching bro like lcs and like a lovely [ __ ] hey did you watch lcs in cm4 uh i watched a little oh no oh yeah in season four hell yeah i watched i was watching all that [ __ ] i missed i missed the freaking x pack a [ __ ] though it makes me sad oh yeah it was like season two right or yeah yeah i think season two world oh my god i forgot the tournament yeah that's a classic i'm dead spike oh oh just down there oh my god he gale force man yeah now you're dead yeah yeah feed the [ __ ] horse bro where you going you ain't going nowhere damn hecarim is massive now yeah you see yours dude you know what honestly man assist damage carry bro that's what they call me yup i can't believe i met him bro by the way that cringe brand bro literally using his [ __ ] abilities to roast some marshmallows in that bush it's only a matter of time man maybe he just wants some s'mores i love s'mores dude underrated you know what i mean yeah bro as you get older s'mores are the most delicious thing on the [ __ ] planet dude just some classic delicious hershey's chocolate i love that [ __ ] graham crackers bro are you kidding me any friends wait what kind of chocolate is this hershey oh [ __ ] okay i don't know what i'm doing i don't love marshmallows too oh my god what's your what's so on the s'mores like how do you how do you roast them up i mean you want to get like you know i want it burn on the outside are you a golden brown guy or golden brown like like like like a thorough golden brown you know what i'm saying like the whole thing and then on the inside of the culture come on now you already know what's the worst that could happen shut down the sniper oh wait okay it's off the map game's rigged man i was holding out i was holding out some hope you're a good friend bro would it how cool would it be if you could send like a jigsaw in ezreal like right here and it goes to the other side it's just like another it goes like another game just like appears [ __ ] blast some guy it'd be cool if they could do that without having it actually like affect the game so that like you know like no there actually should be an angle where you could like shoot it shoot it like through like the alcove and it ends up on the other side of the map oh uh that's just not happening bro he flashed on me okay okay oh guys i'm bouncy thank you yeah yeah he wouldn't tap me i'd love to kill him look at that zone yes man you have it already you have a completed jesus yep pretty strong uh i can finish rapid fire right now but i'm also now i'm going to go renance i'll go rapid second yeah it's better i should go auntie he'll actually next just for graves i'll snag and executioners because he's just uh is he going he's not even everybody he's not even rocking you don't get it you don't get a night yet maybe eventually if uh the camille becomes a problem and he gets like uh ravenous and [ __ ] but you're fine for now all right that grapes didn't flash i swear he flashed him okay i guess no flash i love chat bro oh yeah i do this all the time it's like a free notepad actually i would say here you just go oh nice okay i was gonna say here you just go uh lord dom's third because they have fizanyas they have graves who gets a lot of free armor i'm looking at these guys i'm darius but we can try [Applause] nice let's go oh great's right here yeah i'm gonna fight him yeah he's like happy hp like we go for bearing nah nah come on oh okay i'm here i'm here [ __ ] it oh oh my god no ah you guys the hardest one hey it's all good oh [ __ ] i'm coming they're all up let's get out let's try and steal their blue real quick uh but yeah you go go lord dom's third here that was hello he if there's any armor at all it's always good our boy dude took care of him oh we can bear it now bro is this what it's like to have a darius that kind of knows what he's doing this is insane dude i'm telling you man and like in the gold elo like in the gold one gold two slash platform yellow the amount of darius's i've seen win lane have like 100 cs and then literally do and i'm not kidding not over exaggerating zero damage in team fights mid to late game is [ __ ] insane yeah darius is he's he's kind of face roll but he's also kind of hard to play in fights especially against certain con i've seen a lot of useless uh darius's all across the board too i'll take that 150 i'm coming let's go i can't handle it man oh get her away from us dude oh my god my auto got it come on [ __ ] hey grace he's killed me twice this game as i'm about to kill him with my e it's the midair auto oh my god the brand life still no it's so good i had it oh he missed his pole probably the only thing he needed to hit he gave him too many compliments man is he listening yeah we literally just want baron [ __ ] yeah at least we got it my auto five hp outers i can't dude i didn't even know he didn't have flash oh i'm holding straight diamond killing this guy so oh all right i believe dude she stole drag wait that's so good that gives us one obstacle old coming in bro literally it's coming right at him bro boom oh let's go oh turn on lux turn on let's turn on lex turn on let's turn on next come on man you could have given that to me bro i literally just [ __ ] i am [ __ ] feet call me guy fieri dude call me ninja i am feeding this hecarim kills the [ __ ] chef dude serving it up krusty krab style the krusty krab pizza is a pizza thank you for you and me do you understand we haven't even started to talk about the fact that you and i i brought iv my oh my god i am spongebob dude i am patrick stark like a girl [Music] okay you can keep going i don't know a lot goodbye oh oh oh dude stop every time i'm just i'm just i'm just hyping it up nice hacker hey let's [ __ ] go oh up why is he flashing on me man i'm gonna take this no oh i made it darius too i'm a fake youtube oh nevermind okay you're pretty fine coming up in nine grand name one lane one wait what okay the traps genius no i was on my rockets yes uh i'm gonna go mortal reminder what do you think fifth item or like i would go 1200 right now i can get execution i can get executioners or zeal you you don't really need it here i think um you could go pd or i.e sorry sorry i yeah yeah just go ahead that's gotta be it should i sell my dirty habits i could sell my door and shield right now should i sell my door yeah yeah you can spell it especially if you can buy something i'm gonna be a sword selling the d-shirt allowed you to buy the bf right correct okay yeah that's good oh [ __ ] i need to get my [ __ ] took me like way too long our site altercation acquired 26 wins in the game i like that group for soul good call yep bear in the same timer i'm trying to shadow you i love that oh that's not good he's gonna be different soul and baron they have the word be careful i'm just like i have zhonya's face there's no shot we go for this yeah people coming here too he's looking for you but like the most they got locks uh we gotta give i think 3v5 damage i did from a distance at those little [ __ ] bro i'm telling you i am the zap king holy that was legit that was actually insane that we uh maybe three or five then absolutely bro good [ __ ] job man let's go [Music] yeah that was actually yeah i don't know about these akali buffs by the way i think she's i think she's just too good oh you think she's too good yeah yeah they went i mean she was basically unplayable i don't know bro like you're saying she's too good but then like i mean have you been have you played a defend keanu kiana yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's the most broken [ __ ] on the planet yeah yeah kiana's gone is pretty insane there's a lot of good champs right now but i think they i think they for sure over buffed the kali like the amount of damage i did there is like it's it's just it's so much more than she was used to be capable of because you just have so much energy and your q such a low cost like i got like three queues off on like four people and then like the r scaling is better it's kind of it's kind of insane if you can if you can stall or maybe just kill them all actually nice okay young ninja okay he wins these okay the micro the project oh i've gotta do it i'll take that man oh brands hit there he's in the [ __ ] background jerking off there he is dude he just died let's go get him lux you're the best in the game bro let him know put him in the grave the kid the young genius himself boy running it down letting everyone know who boy boy whipping it out on the mainstage here worlds 2022 with a random team of himself cloned three times and ninja clone twice for the bot lane as they have taken out every single nation in the world the championship he's going to america they do it we won all right i gotta take my dog out real quick okay you're good all right holy [ __ ] we won worlds let's go it's us baby me ninja cloned twice and two north american talented prospects bringing home the summoner's cup renee we're two we're too crazy with them man that's that's world's right there we we just won let's go but yeah honestly they call it dude guys i i feel like they just over buffed her it's so it's so crazy she just scales so much harder feels so nice oh [ __ ] my mic was on are you ready yo yo yup we chillin let's do it oh dude do you see do you see my sis let me let me leave you like a little reason why don't you show on show chat bro stream okay oh my wait is that no shot you had you had the most assists slash kill participation in the entire game what's that dude what what's up baby is that ninja the support assist eddie carey coming in here okay okay like get out of my face dude i had almost 30 000 damage right second most damage by far and 22 assists i'm telling you i i literally cut the legs and the arms off of 20 22 champions okay and you just served it up on a platter you served it up the heck i'm on a platter like y'all here's jen uh yeah here's your great and grace and how come just like and just [ __ ] slicing them dude slicing and dicing yeah really that's the that's the play style man y'all think of the 10 gift itself appreciate you bro i don't know man like we can have lcs teams knocking on the door soon you gotta be careful i told you you stopped donating bro you're inventing i appreciate your support man tell your daughter i said hello oh should we pop bro i mean if you yeah i i just the streaming right now might not be in the cards here bro focus on working focus on your family oh okay running back to balling oh dude this is what honestly this is what the [ __ ] stream wants to say i'm just straight with you man okay they want to see they want to see a samira nautilus spotlight okay oh [ __ ] all right i better ask someone to play nautilus then i'm captain okay well is there is there like yo dude yeah we can we can run samir i can't hang on hang on let me go i'm gonna put something down you can pick it up dude you can throw it right you can throw it right back at me okay okay let me what are you putting down yasuo samira botlane okay i'm down dude i've played awesome support before it could be good it could be good depending on what they picked i already banned morgana just just in case we want to do it all right we i mean we got we got options later we got a few last picks here i mean think about it dude like you're dashing up you knock you knock them up i keep them knocked up like we both we both are dashing through the minions like getting on top of them i don't know man it could be either incredibly cringed right wait against it actually i i'm super down but probably not against this cop okay that's uh that's what he's painful what uh what 80 carry should i probably play tristana kaiser um how's your vein not good at all non-existent i think i played her not good okay okay okay good i could i could go ezreal and take cut down i think that's what i'm going to do kaise is probably better against these guys ezra might be hard to kill him but up to you up to you no no pressure believe me that's good where are we going uh cut down presents blood piece of blood oh this is my jinx [ __ ] whoops ezreal conquer presence bloodline cut down i cut cut down is not cut down is nice but it's not like it's not like the tech that like kills cyan and nunu though but he put that damage probably you know what i'm saying like dude at the end of it at the end of okay i ran cut down and gets a three like literally first time three tanks i it did 7 000 extra damage no it's it's definitely it's it's definitely good as [ __ ] okay i want to hear your opinion on something because i just because sometimes i like i just don't get it right like i'll take like i'll take sudden impact uh you know like j4 or sudden impact you know ezreal just to [ __ ] around uh you know and you like you look at the numbers or you look at uh you know lethal tempo not like the tempo like press the attack you look at the number so much sometimes it does it it's like 300 extra damage 400 yeah damage it's like is that that or like coup de grand right coupe de gras will do 500 extra damage or something at the end of an entire game or four or less and it's like cut down to six thousand explain to me how coop coup de gras is like is it is it better like which one's better which one like kids like obviously the numbers are are it's i mean it's pretty it's pretty it's pretty situational there's definitely runes that depending on the channel like on average just perform better but like i mean there's like there's like other benefits like press the attack right like even if like you're even if you're like the number it doesn't go that high like it does increase the damage they take from like lane two stuff like that and then does it does it does it not count does your own page not count the damage that it that like they're taking from everyone from bonus yeah yeah press press detect does so it counts it i i know it does i'm saying does it count actually i don't i don't know i don't know if it i think there's two numbers i think it's the amount you do and then i think it does count the extra but i have to double check that i don't know but yeah who's general generally underwhelms in a lot of in a lot of games for sure uh what counter is soraka not nautilus does oh someone eventually won people don't play thresh that much in these games do they yeah it's crazy i love first pick 80 carries my favorite you can't go wrong with that i got it i got it i got to get you on the vayne tech though i have no idea every [ __ ] day yeah have you tried ninja try dane have you so you you don't like her or yeah i just started playing too much like i'm gonna be real with you man i'm an emotion guy like i'm very but i'm also very like i'm very smart okay but more emotion i i i did the [ __ ] ego of vayne players makes me not want to play better same thing with draven by the way okay like about a dollar time like i've had a vein on my team who like if she didn't win the win the game or win her bot lane like just blamed everyone and then [ __ ] into the rest of the game like ah okay okay it's like it's like i don't want to be you know i don't want to be that ego thing so they've kind of rubbed you the wrong way and it kind of makes you not want to play the champ yeah i mean you never when was the last time you ran into a vein that like that gets a double kill stolen and goes yo great fight guys you know what i mean like dude check my [ __ ] kills like pinging you off the [ __ ] off farm if you accidentally like steal a cs dude that's too funny so are you do you think wait let me think actually damn this guy wants to see the akali again wait stand no shot bro yeah so do you alright so so let me get this straight [ __ ] are you saying i have an ego no listen bro there's the exception okay and the kid is always the exception all right next next question [Laughter] no i know but i do i sort of got it's i will i'll put a little powerpoint together i'll send it to you uh another time but there are some games where you just gotta pick the main and you just want me nine and you have no ego you just you know good attitude we can win we got that we got that scaling and you'll you'll be you'll be surprised man you got the mechanics for it for sure so i think i think it's worth considering all right i definitely will dude i'll [ __ ] with it bro straight up let's go uh showing irelia jack coop for sure and then transcendence manifold and dude it's too late uh my favorite lanes are zyra lanes you like playing against her no she's not [ __ ] annoying i was gonna say yeah she just throws the plan out and it like solo kills you i actually hate that too yo here's here's listen first off an ezreal q should one shot that plant that's facts number two number one facts number two okay um i mean i i for damn sure should be getting more than three [ __ ] gold for killing those things i mean dude about it like think about like put them in dude if you actually think about it there has to be a downside to that op plan right other than just running away like because if there's pressure you're not gonna be able to shoot them so if you make them worth like a decent amount of like five gold six gold that [ __ ] adds up right and now it's like okay don't just be throwing your [ __ ] plants off willy-nilly if you're not going to be able to back it up because like because because now you're just giving actually you know what i'm saying yeah yeah no i i think i think if most people thought she was opie and ryan did that that would make sense but i feel like she's i i personally think zaire is like pretty crazy her and brand like they could just exist in the game and they put out so much damage which i think for support as a role we're usually like on average like you know the like the player like let's say like you got an average braum or like average like yeah they might make a nice engage but a lot of times they're not going to so like i sometimes i would rather just have like someone putting out like thousands of damage in a fight like pressing all their buttons rather than like you know missing like smashing their like or some [ __ ] yeah there's not i mean there's literally nothing worse than promises old and then it's just like well there goes braum for the fight you know no i hear you bro i mean if i had a dollar for every time i you know for any time i literally lost the game to a zyra and it's just like well there's so much damage she did she's a support like sixty thousand so like did within their mid and ten but it's just like lit and it's the same thing with like swain support and brand wouldn't be happy with me fighting outside oh zara at support don't even get me started bro hits level 6 dude just launches his [ __ ] juice that you bro across the map blindly yep that's so good actually he's so strong really underrated oh my god dude when i see like a zerat mid main that like gets like auto filled support and i like check their [ __ ] and i just use that and i just use it no i'm like dude i'm like i literally just say please there i support me and then they pick it and then we just dominate you just treat it like a solo lane you know what i mean like yeah it's like dude it's so much easier because all you have to all you can all you have to focus on is like [ __ ] your skill shots pokemon okay do you have to see us i got that i'll take care of that by the way this kha'zix or randomly just said it [ __ ] you wait that's crazy sorry i was typing the same face i was there's no way he typed it in like the one second right right we already got that synergy i was gonna say there's some synergy here dude there's some synergy on this team right now i can feel it it's the [ __ ] you look for when you're forming an lcs team 2022 all right ezreal stay calm oh my god dude her plant just ate my melee or ate my [ __ ] range attack was sad right that's so annoying i'm a smooth operator zyra is targeting raqqa let's go we just literally dumped on these guys and we are currently continuing to do so brother are on point though we are hitting we are both auto attacking her plants at the same time zara's missing how's bottling going uh yeah wait was my microphone yeah yeah oh [ __ ] oh okay teeth lemons going crazy help me man like what does she do and she can't attack both of us oh you flash on that oh get him the little thing's gonna get him i guess i got carried away no more training oh [ __ ] were you talking for a bit i was talking that entire time i was giving a lot of updates but oh [ __ ] i was like oh she's focused i got first blood mid i was like nice nice no no i was talking the whole time low guys got some nice ganks unfortunate he did get the kill on xyre which is nice oh he actually might be able to oh he's so smart i think he gets to execute here oh no like dance probably actually no shot oh my god this wave thank god i literally can't freeze but that's still unfortunate really i'm missing oh my god bro fiddlesticks has 42 farm he's already got sorches with predator attached to that [ __ ] yeah that's going to be insane when he hit six casio's so bad against phil two if he gets on me this zyra just literally is like controlling a brush and i miss uh caddy i love that why didn't we just kill them all alex you got anything for me dude words cannot explain oh my god i got him the auto effect i just hit why i'm [ __ ] there like this is just pink and they're just holding the try and like we lost the duel we should we should have wanted i missed the cube damn it's all good man we're doing pretty good top side just hang in there oh i'm [ __ ] dead like why the [ __ ] do her plants get to target me under tower oh my god he's got infernal yeah i think he's got to be 16 be careful they're bottling back yeah i could run from she just took literally three caster minions i think we get different than i out oh kayaks on there and now this is like the 50th [ __ ] kill for this persona dude flashes would have been next level yeah i didn't know riley's coming with the flashy just as [ __ ] ascended dude he's got killing one time get the trust from i'm literally dead and i just got about to get so little killed bro like this is a [ __ ] zyra cringe one trick and i'm [ __ ] triggered like i can't do anything about that like i'm not gonna how can i predict the [ __ ] half hp zyra is gonna camp in our [ __ ] krug bush and one shot me then this time yeah nice it's pretty real it's fine bro we come back i'm gonna look for these guys they're overstaying so are they trying to get first turret yeah yeah siren i mean no olds i got nothing behind them that's fine kept him kept in boxing actually that was good you guys flash too we back in it who win these shut down let's go dude oh i have to watch the replay on this game yo i'm not saying she is but there is like a slight chance tristan is scripting his name is also scr zerath which is like pretty suspect but he got hit by my oh zaire's behind i might be dead oh damn i was hella focused on a twist yeah i could tell if uh oh i'm just dead i watch the replay he must have only got hit by um by my r because of like maybe because of your skill shot too or something if he actually is this place i hope this works kill him please dude just take it nice i can't [ __ ] get a skill shot i suck oh my god zyra wait so is he like dodging every like yeah i literally i literally i don't know i can't eat [ __ ] but it could just be are we sucking yeah you are not gonna make it no i would go in on that bro he doesn't have old either he used it on a flip day don't worry i'm out in 40 seconds for some reason they're gonna take this drag nice and slow and i'm gonna hold it damn the blind steel i believe let's see it damn i already know they're gonna come by i'm just leaving this better not make me late damn these guys are just running this fish down bro you know what i mean like they are just 13 minutes in do they have mid and bot yeah their team's playing kind of crazy actually they're they're playing really well larry's on all right literally on a red buff i'm looking maybe someone else here bro how the [ __ ] she lit i'll never give up [Applause] literally everyone's just bad and i'm just [ __ ] behind so i'm getting railed no i can't catch [ __ ] i guess i got cherries oh my god dude this shit's actually so painful yeah i mean honestly don't feel bad though like i'm pretty i have to watch it before i say [ __ ] but i'm pretty sure he's scripting if that's the case like it just makes the game like five times harder it's like not fair at all but we'll see we can definitely still beat these guys they're not good no i mean i just fed another 750 gold shut down to uh someone it's all good not like we killed uh aurelia nice man all right i got essence river all right nothing will stop me from realizing it's nice we just got a nasty pick on show here comes he's the most that play in the game he's got stormrazer too which is going to absolutely [ __ ] destroy one of us yeah we just got one shot right we gotta hit him with like just a rock of silence if he jumps in and then we just all [ __ ] fly at him exactly desires weak running up to you right now on phil what's wrong i hit him i got him i got him i got him no shot bro why struck walking away oh god i'm dead i'm getting stronger oh you're good kite out oh it's right here i didn't have my yields it in me bro trishana's on his way yeah yeah he's pretty dead he doesn't all either he's good his daughter okay he's following it yep that's fine we just can't let them get the next one oh they're coming back for you you gotta run if you can riley is here good luck brother i love that all right somebody even [ __ ] healed i think maybe if i e oh and you went for irelia oh it didn't work out keep going in he keeps going he's not you know he's trying to get levels before he's done you know what i mean he's doing trying to assassinate someone two levels higher than more than half health yeah he could swing like 1v5 like randomly uh tristana flash for that kill okay okay dude er got like rips him apart yo free kill spot yeah um anya see me [ __ ] it oh damn nice see i tickled the choke up i actually got a really good shot down on that earlier yeah that's pretty nice let me take those take whatever we can get right now yo this er dot is [ __ ] huge i don't know i mean he's dripping through those minions dude oh yeah that guy's sidesteps like the weirdest way god's that man oh nice he lives too better let's [Music] yeah i'm go at baron just in case those because i'm in yeah i'm here yeah come on joe i'm like one health finest yep try it trying to heal i mean i think we could fight we got everyone here chris is here oh i got tris right here right here coming that nice nice i'm looking at football okay i'm on my way oh i'm chasing i'm going to splash careful xyros yeah i can't do anything yo rally's taking her [ __ ] it's just she won't feel down though oh oh so close i go for it yeah that's too bad i really want to fiddle to die so you get baron this so i can test this i gotta er got stp but there's yeah that's tough i wish he had actually yeah we just should have backed off yep we got two really good picks oh my god man zyra is so annoying yeah yeah we have to [ __ ] set up we need to just set it for a pic man like bush camp bush camp clear once i master these powers nothing will stop me from realizing that ireland is always alone dude [ __ ] we should have went on it oh trista's top what the [ __ ] wait we just we just have to can i force the dragon yeah we got here yeah i can't stop this oh it's sdd oh good man that game was so hard okay i want it i want to look at a replay on this on this just though because if we if we play against a scripture that's bs you want to like after you know i mean i've done a game for a while because i want to i want to like grind right now i don't know yeah okay okay let's just play i'm like i'm like so i'm like socially scripting though because his name is scr zerath and like there was so many times where like like i'll cue him on cassio which is just like it's just like it's just like a cue it's just a circle on the ground and it's like almost instant he'll just sidestep like to like the max range of it it's so it's so sus man that's so sketchy all good yep we chilling damn dude bro it's getting the point there's so many champions that are like you know what i'm saying that they're just so annoying to play against it's like there's too many yeah there's too many demands they want they want they want to get like every champion to like close power levels so there's just gonna be especially like because a lot of champs don't interact well like sometimes your pick would just get owned by like three or four of the other guys on the enemy team and then you just gotta play like a super scared game basically but no i hear you man bro i love this memes where's my chat soraka girl 42 i think it's hilarious you kids talking [ __ ] about ninja you wouldn't say to this [ __ ] [ __ ] to him he's jacked not only that but he wears the freshest clothes in each of the chills restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes y'all are pathetic lo hey true i mean we're hanging out right now hey man you're not lying dead ass man like straight up yeah that's like that's a classic that [ __ ] always makes me crack up oh no please don't there we go i'm a band's there insurance policy just in case [Music] oh we going for the kites of this one absolutely man i'm gonna get rid of uh fine i don't need more enemies i just hate santa dude down with that oh my god we got an ap jungler i haven't been able to play an aed mid just do it man we gotta we gotta be top yeah yeah no finally i can oh okay i already i get what we mean all right man we have locked in the kai so let's go oh no shot they're going to take away they're stealing it they're watching are you kidding me i haven't played with a kill in like [ __ ] 40 games bro and all of a sudden yeah both teams want to play kale oh boy they're gonna swap at the last second watch oh never mind okay well evelyn's good versus kale so let me get lucian actually dude hail of blades oh mastery kale what oh dude no no dude they're running the cringe com bro right there's good news and there's bad news the good news is we have a lot to deal with their comp the bad news is they have the cringes comp on the planet we have cho'gath silence we have eve charm and her old which is burst we have i mean honestly you're [ __ ] old if you get really fed like anyone even tries to like initiate you just [ __ ] calling the shot of them also this thresh could be a is that mic muted yes my mic was me the entire time as i'm explaining our comp what happened i'm just an idiot bro we have a lot to do with their [ __ ] uh yeah yeah we do silence eve charm uh i think they're dodging possibly they might be trying to like force a dodge with e we'll see though we'll see unless it's like it might be like kill support i guess oh trade trade trade trade oh my god we almost didn't drink we literally dude four seconds away from trading crazy man waiting you guys hitting me with the the sonic tech victor that's my specialty dude the flash ghost oh absolutely i watched it all the time bro you get so phase rush goes he gets so bad you're like level yes level 16 circles literally sprinting into this like nexus dude just like lasering people let's [ __ ] go you've only taken you guys someone who appreciates i love it i love it bro you got one turret down mid you're literally on their inhib like chasing someone down sprinting yes sir dude ezreal support what can't like what is happening god i really hope i hope that look at this i'm pretty confident my guys i haven't played her in a while but i'm pretty i really hope he just hits a nasty hook level one dude but i guess for the master yi just all ye up in fights actually sounds kind of their team skills so well we just have to like close it out i mean kale has what kayla has healed her like point and click target right where it just like goes on you right like a like a fire strike yeah yeah and then her move and then her range attack move right yep exactly oh thresh could have been on that all right let's do it is spotlight already the suit handsome he just stopped auto attacking he literally just walked away and stopped autoing with me and i died i don't understand okay i kind of [ __ ] up mid i don't even think they [ __ ] flashed here we all just [ __ ] up actually it's fine we run it back he's mid bro what is that don't feel that good to me she just scales so hard though i will make a difference here or that kale self-heal she healed herself and then self-healed herself and literally got like almost back up to like half health yeah that's what i'm saying it's not it's not that bad okay because like two hp wait can i get serrated here i can dude you're insane i love how you just understand i love how you understand how weak a victor is early like he's just in between mid-tier tower dude like yeah i was i was going for a like a dive kill trade there worst case okay because the wave was so built up i might be able to beat this guy so i was i was super down to like just dive him in try try kill him for it i came for the hunt but he just he just conceded too hard he should have just stayed on her turret and made me oh this kale might be a god he literally like didn't didn't even know i came back in a lane walked like walked over to this minion that was one hit and then yeah tanked my w like like elegantly like it was [ __ ] beautiful damn he's he's seeing into the matrix okay victor just went missing for survival we have a juicy frozen way around like frozen but it's oh well never mind it has been ripped apart yeah you guys can maintain that especially if they're scared oh no i hate playing this mastery dude hopefully it doesn't stop too hard he's so fast did he ghosts didn't do that he didn't even have ghosts oh he's got phase rush probably just hit everything did i honestly do i'm not even i'm not going to almost want to go immortal bro the bow dude rock and slayer just works perfectly though is that mike mead yeah kraken's good i don't know i was i'm fighting i was thinking okay i think you go uh cracking here i'm gonna go yeah yeah shove this [ __ ] please [Music] you six too off the heels i'm running about here yeah we can we can die these guys aren't coming bald's really weak yep i got her oh we can wait for the wave we can't wait for the way he can't get out oh yeah i know i just got [ __ ] trying to play execute i'm not worried about it waves coming now nice dude nice that's nice i got my boots now inspiration yeah you're actually making lucian look [ __ ] incredible by the way i had thank you brother i let victor catch up a little bit but i think that was worth it definitely oh yeah especially since he's about to die right oh my god get him nice let's go all right this game's looking good now i'll see if i can robot again soonish they're pretty easy to kill give me the plate no all right i pulled the ninja i can't see terry trust for the plate you gotta do it bro always worth you gotta do it man hell yeah oh he's taught someone said asking here to show you the secret tech hail of blades ezreal though we've been we've been talking about it man bro i like i'll never forget you've been asking me that absolutely i played bot lane once uh obviously this is when i was like grinding it i i swore by it right um yeah yeah and we i got in a game where we were just getting like bro like early game it was just like non-stop action like non-stop like ganking like early like pre-four pre-five right yeah yeah and dude like the mid laner would come like would come now after like we i killed one and like push another one back made the support back out and then like i would just literally like queue uh i'd like to like and then like they come in i'd hit one queue auto auto auto and then like they'd be less than half health and and they're like what the [ __ ] you didn't mean and i'm weak too like i'm really weak and they think it's gonna be free and it's like they don't expect that [ __ ] yeah yeah no it's it's definitely got some cheese factor yeah i actually do i just remembered i actually played a few games in mid lane i remember why i remember why it kind of pissed me off it's because um it's because when you hit a q it like procs the like the halo blades so then it like goes on cooldown randomly off of you hitting q i'm around here evelyn's on the other side though oh god oh [ __ ] no no no okay yep i just [ __ ] fed him why i wanted to back off but then he threw the lantern and you know when he throws the land for now it's like it's fine honestly the game is looking a little too easy we have to spice up oh he he's gonna win those though uh-oh so mr don't miss vr nice yeah while she gets out too it's actually huge kills yep underneath actually i'm walking about if you ever get them chunked like that let me know also i might not be paying attention gail won it but oh oh he's doing it young ninja come on baby yeah gassing him up send him off and i almost interviewed him oh we got him get out of there listen bro it's all calculated you know what i'm saying i'm pretty sure we got a flash or something there yeah no hold on tonight dude so i got people asking me shout out if i bust out vayne too now like hold up all right all right hey i mean i hit you with the i'm i'm one of the best you know self-proclaimed veins in the entire universe and mentor vain top and mid so i've been watching you in the beginning you'd be getting lessons from oh i've seen it i've seen it all i've seen all i've seen actually no that's it it's all gonna say that's my boy i'll run by here you know when you take midnight yeah you can you can there i'm probably gonna clear and rotate because i'm so strong so i want to just keep fighting with you guys get some chill there for a little ninja flossing on him let's go my god victor really have health and oh nice fish i'm running across the map i'm here you keep going nice too easy oh let him know i have my old oh you're taking you're ulting on that object hey i would have done it okay he's chasing me are you good bro let's go i think we're fine walk it out baby walk it out you're clean you're clean i have a 700 backing yep yeah i'm looking at this guy i'm coming dude didn't have to do [ __ ] bro i'm gonna back now you guys got it laptop still oh too much show too much exploit their weakness holy [ __ ] i'm so close i upgraded e2 i really want the upgrade to be against the team comp yep sounds good dragon 15 on my weight yeah i'm coming back is it huge we need yeah infernals guys oh yeah dude i'm just gonna sell a dragon while they do this go for it i'm gonna kill vlad oh does children anything extra for eating rip throat like an actually yeah yeah it's an extra like uh like objective stack so if he eats a champion or eats uh in a like rift tarot dragon baron like the super stack that's [ __ ] cool as [ __ ] no caps yeah that's how he gets like super thick you see all right i got my upgrade i'm literally ready to duel forever let's go yeah that's my favorite on her when you get the stealth yup this is so [ __ ] strong careful yeah it's just you two uh i mean our next yeah together yo you guys died that ass man like they're like in the game like literally i mean they're like kind of in it now they're like in it because they're worth almost [ __ ] two grand yep now we're good i'm just swagging on him shut down damn that hit me okay i'm trolling yo i thought everyone's diving man you left me hanging everyone it's just eve joe stop okay good now that i'm actually dead we should be a little careful just wait for me to respawn we just play for the baron 25 i didn't want to flash the [ __ ] too much pride you guys are fine nice nice nice nice okay oh look at that dude whoops oh uh you missed click calculated the bait so we would ace them after they got overconfident after killing me it's all part of the plan over the wall pour their side grab the rev up of course every damn time two other then dude come on what do you expect let's go i'm gonna kill them all here too watch they're gonna come for the red hopefully imagine you're just literally sitting on a ward look how big this man is dude you want to see show gap you want to see cho'gath get big dude the later the game goes he gets even bigger you got to go and do it just watch see what's other one stream i think he plays joker he plays top and goes like 40 minute games and he's always like the size of the [ __ ] map yeah tyler's joe is actually [ __ ] he's ready on that it's pretty nasty i watched him earlier today yeah he had one of those moments [ __ ] children i know what that was nasty bro you're such a crazy outbreak yeah i get i get so hyped did you ever it's kind of niche did you ever see a main tower playing twitch rivals i got like a penta kill on jax like five and yeah we were both popping off you saw that [ __ ] dude yeah yeah he like do anytime i'm popping off and i'm playing with tyler and he's like yelling like it honestly the closest i've ever came is when you're like gassing me up dude it just feels so nice it feels so nice to have like your boy like going crazy with you you know absolutely yes bro just wait man it's gonna happen like at least five more times tonight all right so good oh [ __ ] he's on me i was i was saying oh my god for his for his life not bad that's all onto that guy probably would have been oh oh my god the genius he doesn't even sidestep the skill shot that's the best dodge [Applause] your team in the chat dude look man i'm a kaiser man bro i'm i was trying to tell you last game they're just easy bro i don't want to play easy champions you need a challenge huh yes how about that how about that vein challenge man the vein spotting that's not i'm just gonna end i do time i gotta put the powerpoint together first then we get then we get to the main 20 pages at least 20 slides if it's not 20 slides i'm not watching oh it's gonna be like 40-ish all right getting good now i'll make sure i could drag it out a little bit throw some throw some graphs and [ __ ] statistics in there nothing to do with it yeah feel free to give me like at least two slides of just montage highlights of you of you playing vain yeah it's just like like ninja guide to playing vain it's just like me like popping off so you're gonna know stuff you're gonna see here we're down ten thousand dollar ten thousand gold okay and and i'm the only one that can win this game so watch this five you want yeah now just yeah just do exactly that no not listen get inspired okay that's why i put this in here this could be you [Music] this could be you dude all right hmm actually i think with six months threesome percentage of hail attacks landed 89. or ezreal was plat one she's so aggressive and i'm so good on her because of how aggressive you can be like her interest like i'm so it's so free which is kind of what blows because like i'm really aggressive on samira i just don't like i i just my mechanics aren't perfect so i just get [ __ ] on you'll be a huge fan for yeah we got two donuts actually also the kid missed it i'm gonna wait to queue back up i don't know if i want a first time vayne right now against all these play like we're playing i mean void boys flat one so like we're the elo is like really jacked up and we're playing like against iplayers so i want to just play champs i'm comfy on i can just 100 percent focus on me uh zuno with the 15 thought i said cool to see you on league you're literally making me play as right now goal three so far but rapidly climbing do you always build mana movement or time where you don't uh zuno so many moon is honestly it's a very big power spike it's very strong um i think that you always go it truly uh you know it's yeah i mean it's dude you don't ever want to run out of mana like literally i mean you know like almost every 80 carry in the game yo yo i'm back let's run it all right babe almost every 80 carry in the game at the at like level 18 let's just say they're level 18. with just their autos is gonna be [ __ ] disgusting okay not as real like he needs mana so yeah metamoon is something you always want to build now yeah we missed cue i'm not trying to like you know oh it's all good not trying to make you feel bad but oh no we missed we missed the we missed the plat the plat one lobby there's never gonna be another one for the next eight seconds it's already been a minute so you're you're wrong there already that's just number one that's just starting out okay don't let me get i don't wanna go into it my bad for my bed yeah that's what i thought [ __ ] man jesus dude please i'm not kidding i am addicted to this [ __ ] game like bro i seen you grinding man i actually like i respect that you've been you've been putting in you've been putting in the hours you know what's crazy oh yeah go go for it well i want to hear what your question is but like i was going to say do you do you think do you notice like uh like you feel like you're getting better like you know like week by week kind of like the moral league you play or whatever absolutely i think that i think that it definitely hit like a really i mean i hit a peak a while ago honestly on 80 k like playing 80 carry in like platform gold one and being there and then playing jungle and grinding elise and jarvan jungle mainly elise jungle like all like almost all the way up to plat3 really really really helped me understand you know understand the game a lot more like you know because the whole point of another whole point if you play every lane there are like power spikes and there are times where people fight and like you get those times down you understand like you know all that [ __ ] whatever so for example just something super simple jungle three minutes and 15 seconds both crabs spawn right and it's like yep it's like 99.9 of junglers want that [ __ ] crab because it's the biggest exp uh and gold like boost for junglers so but you know so i i didn't know that right but now like when i'm you know when i'm bot lane i'm like yo it's three minutes and like it's three minutes like like our jungle our jungle's top side he could be in a river right now waiting for the you know their jungle could be in river right now waiting for the [ __ ] crab you know like don't engage like that not for sure yeah actually that's a pretty good point because playing other roles and like playing even chant like let's say you mean like 80 k or whatever you mean mid lane playing other roles in other champions that you might normally not play like it just gives you such a better understanding for like their capabilities their cooldowns their damage outfit which that's really like what league is like like like risk assessment like being able to like gauge scenarios and like make the correct decisions so just it's all about like knowledge so like playing jungle playing top lane playing mainly playing support like playing all the roles and like having some familiarity go such a long way yep i think for like i mean this game's super old right but like i was trying i've been trying to tell people this since like back in the day that's why i've always tried to play like every champion and like just play like every role and stuff like that and it helps it definitely helps a lot like improve uh trevin thank you for the five games knowledge and just like the ability to carry intro like that yeah i always say that like what i'm telling people now is that like yo man like how do i you know get better at lane or something i don't know some [ __ ] i'm always just like listen here's one thing that i can tell you is if you are getting [ __ ] on by a champion in laning phase or because you just straight up don't know how they work or you like play them one time in a draft or in ranked game like just play as them and like you'll literally understand everything about them pretty much like yeah no it actually helps so much like how they're cool that how the cooldowns work like uh just all that [ __ ] man because like i didn't know how kaiser worked i didn't dude i was playing kaiser and didn't and didn't know that you it like her q evolves off of how much 80 she has and her e of all time i didn't know that i thought it was like i thought i had to use it more on [ __ ] how many games okay how many games a lot a lot a lot a lot of games dude damn too many too many games okay wait what so what was your reaction when you when when you found out bro like this one guy was like i'm a kaiser man like ninja like you need to be you know rush kraken and then or you know and then get serrated and you'll get your cue right away i'm like what and then he's like yeah you didn't know that i was like holy [ __ ] like no i didn't [ __ ] know that and then dude literally next game i got like a triple kill like you know hit level six backed bought a serrated after i got like you know kraken or whatever the hell like we're going to rush to what i needed to and i literally had a valve cue like 10 minutes in the game maybe less and i think it was like really early and i was just like this is [ __ ] insane i could have been doing this for weeks yeah the game knowledge is so p man that's like the most important thing for league yeah so that's one thing that really helped me get like a lot better uh i hit it you know i couldn't climb anymore and i was like dude [ __ ] this jungler like you know what dude i probably should play jungle because i know how impactful it is started playing it got better awesome i also became a god elise like real talk girl you should see some of the [ __ ] i can [ __ ] pull off with her and she's nasty she's got such a high skill gap yeah at least it's pretty hard you just miss your cocoon and take pretty much yeah pretty much over if you make your cocoon you gotta just say i'm on it but honestly also not though like once you get pretty fed or pretty late game like it just one shot well you throw that spider out bro that [ __ ] hurts [Music] not trying to brag or anything but you know back in my day season 3 lcs i was the first one to play at least when she came out player top lane 100 i was had like a hundred percent win rate and then people started permabanning it and then it became meta and then the rest was history boom this is when she was like attacked uh yeah she was she was so she was so crazy back then too of course yeah man dude i just want to say something real quick we got meteos watching the stream right now dude like so oh [ __ ] yo i was playing his videos at the time too indeed i'm a boy i'm gonna need you to straight up terry because i have a hard time playing bot lane when i have an erection all right i'll pop off don't worry i almost just took this buff we're doing this for for our boy will the first name bases i see i call them cutie pie yeah we're kind of i call him honey i like that you know we go way back it is what it is this place is beautiful maybe i can introduce you guys some time at uh some of the cool cool guy parties you know how it is oh i know how it is man and honed first blood nice what's greg is gonna do body slammy yeah this is gonna be a very fun volume i have they have a real thresh support who's actually talented and i have a shaco who has literally are you ready done [ __ ] and nothing this entire laning phase oh so what's coming in uh the old camp top double kill on silency we love to see it oh his name is slippery shaco too looks like the joke's on me wait i [ __ ] let's see though you should be fine yeah i literally said what's going on dude body slamming and he walked me in and flashed by slamming i died i should have never opened my mouth survival well it's not shaco's fault it's just like i just get so frustrated sometimes i like wants to die in lane like i'll go for the fight and then be like dude if you were a real support we would have won that yeah i please you know what i mean it's like if you went literally anyone other than shaco like i guess the way i kind of like it because like sometimes i'll play like weird pics that maybe they're like weaker early or like you know some some like weird niche to it but it's nice when like even when you you want to play different like just like trying to figure out like how how do i hack like i'm like like [ __ ] i'm in this position like how do i have to play to like give our team like the easiest chance so like if he's like hella useless early and it's like all right i guess i just gotta like sit back chill like take our time a little bit trees no no no i don't mind i honestly don't i don't mind like check this out man like i really don't it's nerfed it and you just gotta play around it as well that's all i gotta do i got a really good trade just now in vain right when she got flame which always feels good feed the beast let's go baby oh kind of a crazy fight top plane this world is changing wow you already so broken wow that's crazy let's go yeah he was like one hp two i'm coming alright get him what's the subspot uh don't like don't know i'm pretty sure she's not healed oh you got it all good looks yeah that's nice man i got out too with my life like i better that [ __ ] really really really really really really hard love it oh death well that's home thank you man hi hey how are you how are you today knocked on almost six love that got a nice freeze on the wave too right before all this [ __ ] went down yep looking good i'll robot again too it's kind of hard to kill zed probably that's a pretty good pick against solution [ __ ] that dude throwing his little freaking shadow and cues around and [ __ ] dude like so many patches in a row well that was fun i don't understand why do i have to go in and get hooked for him to old when he's nocturne just alt like get in there fear him i'll do the [ __ ] damage a little cocklord baiting the shot of me dude i keep [ __ ] dying for my shake little support you're a trooper brother i mean what do you mean way too early nocturne libby was sitting right here in river not moving wait pinging me to go in fight me zed come on bro [Music] all right let's take complete stay alive stay aggressive [Music] [Music] all right i guess i just roam this game well i missed i never fight them oh oh oh that's dead let's go knock her being keeped in there i'm going to try clear man the pot i literally just waste them out i'm also pretty um gragas could be clearing towards bot too yeah that's kind of i kind of wanna just i'm gonna fake back need to gather my stream i'm behind i'm here i'm here on greg he's gonna flash so close said flash okay i can't move i i can't roll them out i'm [ __ ] so bad i hate this game dude i [ __ ] hate it dude i like i'm too slow mentally a little slow jesus man i should just cut the [ __ ] out nice bait man see guys you see that they got the kill on me they felt good shaco stayed double killed gomez [Music] is that roaming okay sorry nice paid bro these guys do no one understands we're just we're just mind gaming all these kids i got that pretty weak oh not really trying to [ __ ] me down dude weak enough to dive yeah [Music] oh okay hold up oh come on man for the road give me man you're not gonna let me get you a little a little bump huh okay little kids meal one for the road man just to get me back on my feet come on man i'll look for it next time yeah i'm coming back to you knocker actually knocking on the ball maybe we could do this though oh yeah yeah i'm done nice give me a shake or something i don't know where that is i'm backing there he is still backing [Music] damn oh you guys here there yeah i do for uh thresh i don't know how close they were so i thought i'd just try to kill trade oh shut down oh how to shake the day that's a good question man how does shaco ever die i don't know what this is silas is doing but like he thinks he can somehow one view on this fiora that's the dude that's the beauty of top lane bro is it like what yeah that matches super one-sided hero gets ahead we take those little guys on our team [Applause] actual he was being nice giving me the kill too i got my shield done now oh my god i try to get one more plate does that never fight for me unless it's like flashing on me oh my god i feel like it's a pretty solid trade man i can't i could have queued i i didn't i actually just straight choked it oh he's actually pretty strong i mean shaykh was kind of weak i guess he's shako though right and he's got his ultimate so yeah if you guys if he can get behind unveiling he always does he just you guys can win it oh dude i was gonna hit that row and go on it because i think rush is actually gonna clear more wards don't worry man i'm really good at anything right now i'm going to keep doing it oh [ __ ] that's one e where's the qe i just suck ass right now i don't know what's happening he's just he's uh he's ap [Music] um bro i'm literally at the point now where i'm just so close to getting all these kills but i'm not oh wait oh my god i'm not supposed to see this ultimate he's on my team wait i got blinded the silas shaco dude this is why i hate shaco's i came back what do you do it's a rat bro i could have easily made it and got the caddy bro he put a little [ __ ] little jack in the box bro and took all the goddamn cs yeah i hate when i hate when i'm like about to pull up and get it where i can snipe it and then just drink it dad this skin lives on me all right is that kind of the only one gotta make some team plays damn she looks so useless here oh yeah serpent's fang that's why all right i gotta [ __ ] bring it back too i just got two shotted by gragas yeah that guy's so annoying he just permanent ganked me i know i'm too far behind said we can still win though oh yeah i'm not i mean fiora is five one and four and just literally shutting the silos out yeah i just hate games like this where i'm getting feasted on feels so bad also our knock turn is eight and one that's a double i mean bro this guy's just gonna strike the game don't worry about it yeah yeah we're fine yep we got two dragons too we chilling oh into the box yeah this that is getting kind of big uh guys it was funny at first yeah he's massive dragons mid care coming behind you right now yours here yep you're okay if you are so strong doing these fights oh [ __ ] that's an ant no too deep low bro why doesn't chicken just auto man finish him off what's he doing hmm i see a dragon yeah okay no more soul but baron's almost up we just gotta take one good fight kill his edge i hate this threat she's really good he's like constantly stutter stepping like like he's gonna you know walk up and hook you oh yeah the pressure oh jesus christ fiora the suit hunts i love that i'm enjoying playing this game that is half health fun healing up all the way full at all that might be coming now too damn gonna go by for the farm uh yeah i'm happy that we fed zed so much to the point where i mean i i'm irrelevant if he comes on me like i'm dead every every time yeah i'll play them in team fights somehow it's definitely doable just nice it's not easy they have a coin flip we got this though this place is beautiful mcdonald's that's behind me yep nocturnal in nine seconds that's so that's so worth it yep good beat hey there's one thing i'm good at chat right thank you i think that's a good call honestly i think you guys yeah you guys can you guys can everything they're so dead for so long and they are all mine oh yours is just afk let's go let's see [ __ ] it bro okay yeah we can try we can try he's going to look dude see if you're one of those guys where it's like dude you just have to start it these are the starting like getting half health and then it's like oh my god wait we can do it i know he sure came earlier but it's fine let's go good [ __ ] man drag in a minute i like it yes sir let's get it if we kill them now we can end our bearing timer too in this oh okay is my worst game in like so long oh come on nice yeah whatever my bot or mid rather that's all the way not worried about it yeah if he pushes while we have baron it's so good for us and that's why vayne sucks ass all right next question you just gotta have the text man makes or breaks it okay that's coming back now okay don't worry about fiora and she's 100 getting caught right now yeah this guy's starting playing his own world damn that's a waste of our brand timer we can't fight right it's just risky yeah it's harder okay we had even numbers right yeah yeah you can do it oh my [ __ ] god that damage bro he's got knight harvester voice app and yeah he's not just large rods i'm sorry dude what kill this idiot yeah you got that you basically live and stay alive as much as you can he's trying to save old oh so close seeing like another half second to kill him doing a really good job kind of being everywhere but continuing every single piece of their jungle while that was happening as well i'm down with that okay not bad oh oh no i did not realize uh like that was that if you if you look at it like from a distance i look like a complete idiot but if you look real close you know the answer is still the same dude the the fake shaco can't damage it earth uh yeah i don't know that's right like 20. yeah he can oh my god it's a 30 health and rejecting yeah we lost three people we got chill you can't even do anything you got to play first not hooked bro uh-oh if he dies it's not worth that's so not worth and we're hella time uh yeah we gotta get a [ __ ] in here we gotta just groom keep doing this [ __ ] we're all going one at a time yeah we gotta play for baron and soul brown comes up first our whole team so if you are going and dying maybe someday oh no he's doing it again best part didn't even hold yeah i think he's done like like six times he was doing so good this game too oh you can't he was turning like [Music] dude did he flash yes i think so i could have just eat over the wall honestly i'm not sure it happened so fast it's fine i just got a ga because it's gonna decide the game i need to just get hex drinker now an hour ago oh they just don't think he wants to fight again until our whole team's here shaco's also back dooring which is huge to stay alive yeah he could have one shot vane they were kind of far it's fine enough i oh my god she parried gotta find a good fight bro there's just so much [ __ ] damage man i just feel well i pulled off the batman and the [ __ ] rush dude and we where's gragas uh right here facing throw you guys are good oh bro he literally won't huh no oh my god oh my god nice okay she kills him off that's worth whoa we got it let's go yeah we should wait for next experience ted is literally level 18. he's five hours out of me on the planet bro i thought i honestly thought it was like cooked or some [ __ ] i wanted to flash it away or rushing bearing here i think it's fine you should have to alter baroness kaiser ten seconds can you get some finish nice oh my god just dead bro someone kill him please he's gonna take he's gonna take his shadow back i think careful it comes big boy [ __ ] can't get on said i'm useless dude i just evaporate yeah yeah they have so many like just [ __ ] one-shotters yep i need to just like afk form but it's just not gonna happen i mean yeah you just gotta use what you just gotta use like little pieces hey this guy hey this guy's sniping right here we have vision he's right here yeah i don't think i don't think you guys can do it though i mean he's not he's not going anywhere we got i'm waiting yeah yeah damn it says here he took all this [ __ ] bro damn i really thought he stayed there submarine fiora i think shake is the only one that has it yeah yeah i meant keep going nice if i end here that killed me fine you guys can you guys can you guys can just ignore that we are gods let's go oh my god bro that game is actually so hard yo yo yo yo guys they have time they have time easy win yo hit that [ __ ] i know right don't [ __ ] around guys guys let's go easiest game of our lives that's what i'm talking about oh my goodness dude the thing dude i'd rather go up against like our guys fed than their guys fed you know what i mean like the champs jesus yeah yeah nah we it's just it's hard it's hard to play the game that's so unfair damn it what a huge bot gap no dude that that game was like that by definition it was just j almost defines that game almost bro i almost had enough a.d to get five [ __ ] kills the amount of time she had lived one hp and i couldn't get the limb someone else finished it and i died oh true it literally same it was happening okay i would same same thing i would have snowballed mid but here comes gragas with his body slam flash like three times in lane phase i can't dude i don't know that guy had that [ __ ] on lock he didn't miss he never missed yeah he don't miss he definitely don't usually that's that's part that was for the story line though man we just have to keep it spicy you know we kept it real spicy i'm saying like straight up too spicy you know what i'm saying you feel me yes sir [Music] hmm hmm oh dude i just had one of those like classic like farts al zarathi thank you for the uh the prime sub man it is time can you hear me okay yeah i can be perfect man awesome how are you doing fantastic man how are you doing knowing that you're gonna have to support israel as you get more and more tilted from playing more and more games yeah usually as the games go on get more and more frustrated for sure you know what man i almost never never leave my computer when i'm in queue in league because i just know it's so easy to miss yes super risky yeah just go get water and then suddenly it just pops up yeah man if you don't have your headphones blasting as you leave you're not gonna hear it see you've been playing a lot at least are you still doing the um the dark harvest ezreal absolutely not no i love that i actually so like here's the thing like i i i think i'd i'd run dark harvest ezreal like with you someone who i know is going to like be good and set up solid engages where like i'm gonna be ripping souls in lane um and not even like obviously you know killing but just you know harvesting right like getting a bunch of souls during the laning phase so that i'm like you know really big uh but like i i do it in solo queue and it's like you know i get like a seraphine on my team into a nautilus or some [ __ ] and it's like okay well you know yeah yeah like we just don't even put we don't even get to poke we're under turret and it's like i come out of lane with one [ __ ] you know snack and it's like oh imagine if i had conquer yeah exactly what you mean yum um yikes and i've been playing a lot of um [Music] brand this patch i don't know if you're familiar with the patch notes um like in lane we got him we just got him down to level two and just we just both ripped the souls man like oh my god everyone's got dog pcs love it yeah it's gonna say yeah they have a lot of cc actually too holy [ __ ] well block someone wait wait is that i mean we support no it's lock support then it would be a mid-range i'm pretty confused i'm not sure what's happening absolutely wait and it's lucian and i moomoo we're about to find out yeah i mean we got tp on vayne right so it's probably been top yeah so i've just watched it i mean you could do like lux i don't know it's weird i haven't seen in the movie but for a very long time i mean basically don't get stunned and we're good pretty much yeah i mean he gets on you you're kind of [ __ ] he's got like that little his little tears he's crying me to death he's cry exactly bro let's go cry yourself to sleep dude they'll take you up on that offer average league player surveillance i love the movie so much bro wait what do you think give me a hug bro i had a boom jungle like this is like seasons ago oh [ __ ] almost [ __ ] just follow me around the entire game like because we were both just gigafed give me a hug give me a hug and god i love the emirates spams yeah man i love the um the ezreal on the the battle academy one i like that you belong in a museum but it's gone you can shout the uh the screen yeah yeah that one not again he's got a fancy skin nice try and fight for level two huh we gotta i'm gonna be literally using touching these i'm good i need to hit the cube he got it yeah we both got our soul i'm not really worried support for support give me anything oh my god you know what sucks i actually can't get it here nothing stops me look at the soul breathing yeah not pretty i feel kind of bad though it's like uh the moon was just there crying she's right he's just sorry dude damn bro i missed my q honestly i thought i adjusted way too much for his [ __ ] movement speeding i'm literally gonna shove this in like back instantly pretty much for it's here okay sure i'll start moving towards the mid then do you have the control what's again fixed channel no i have no idea yeah they weren't blocking vision the last few days i have no idea why it's not more urgent his job okay yeah you're good you're good you're good he's oh all right boys on scuddy's gut mm-hmm oh i've got flash i can't really do anything i'm okay i'm okay i think i'm okay it just lost him outside [Music] should be safe oh my god oh god i really want it can he can i take him with me uh no i don't play any yeah it doesn't work like he [Music] you like stop where you were okay at least someone got it graves is top right now saying nice all right welcome back i mean uh the moon is when one of these bushes oh more this nice oh he was in the outfield we can get him okay yeah i have no idea [Music] nice grace is still top right now all the souls dude yeah all the souls i have three only have four five five what's going on with the river do you want to stay or do you want to get back i think i can go back i'm at 1300 actually probably shouldn't all right let's push this one away let's get back it's got a little pokey poke might be able to get another soul actually it might get me yeah oh there's yours he says bro i love it it's just like ali oh hold kha'zix might be here i'm just wondering why the um but then again he has been being a bit stupid let's just go back here yeah i'm out yeah we got that uh that was perfect bro all right kathy it's his top goodbye let's say it's my wife dude i'm like well i'll come downstairs in the morning she's on the couch for the dogs a lot of cute [ __ ] out there none of them she's like what are you doing babe just [ __ ] accept it you know she's a keeper if she puts up with league emotes dude i explain i explain all of them to her dude she loves it i tell her like all the lauren [ __ ] i told her about nocturne my favorite one from nocturne weather forecast for tonight dark with a chance of pain and it's like so corny but so funny oh he's bringing out that ruined king game i think this year so it should be pretty fun with all the extra lauren stuff oh about it bro eat that [ __ ] up so kha'zix is around like top side so we won't have like jungle help if we go in i don't think we'll need it i'm going to go over here i'm going to waive them i'm like six think three melee minions would get me sixer let me go boom they laughed right we got ready three two one oh they want to go in healing you boom [Applause] he's one hit under tower walking up yeah i don't have a dark cover that's probably him yet um it's gonna push this in i'm good so it's not screwed for you love that for me can't remind you okay this should be fun the tech oh [Laughter] [Music] on our way to just becoming disgusting yeah we can do pretty well the gray's quite bad as well oh that was a really good play by those guys i think it's just um mid is having a bit of a rough time at the moment apart from that i think we're doing pretty well no i wanted the dark harvest proc try and get some bella vision on the map with it i want harvest [Music] kha'zix is top so it's just those two [ __ ] man i choked so hard right i should better get it where's my should be the goodness is too oh my god what are these guys doing just walk down bro give me the assist grave yeah it's too late bro for execute no they don't execute no why didn't lucian go legion literally could have just ran right there with him yeah yeah [ __ ] man that's my bad i just waited they weren't going anywhere oh hold on oh man yes yep jungle attacks though is going to take a next wave as well i think yeah actually right now i got absolutely shredded from those frogs i just did not try to kite them at all [Music] that's okay well there goes that ah dragon's gonna be up shortly 20 seconds i'm kidding trying kha'zix is in the river yep lux is probably gonna be around as well [Applause] i need the rest of those dudes okay how's this going for the dragon yeah i know i just i honestly thought everyone was gonna start walking up a lot yeah everyone's like kind of distracted between those two people coming down mid and like you know what dude we got the we got the kill so good job guys everyone team good job oh my god it's all was up again oh no it wasn't easy i got luxol that's great cassie cass doing a great job reacting right now this mini is a big threat mid the other team is just it's just kind of classic um you know gold platinum kind of like people just want to fight but not sure where oh man he walked back up no wasting my all i love this game oh wait hippy i'm going to interrupt him again because i'm that kind of player love that in yeah he failed oh another dark harvest i missed the catty bro i'm gonna go [ __ ] cry no i'm like dude i'm at that part stage where i'm like just like one my 80s just like just missing all these right yeah yeah i find that a lot on israel actually when i play him i think his base 80's slightly lower because of his mistake mystic shot yeah i have essence get back here i've got luden's wow we actually have a really annoying team comp holy posix yeah i'm down yeah waking the blade with 25 100 bitties when you usually go live by the way busy start getting vision for around that kind of area i'll use that thumbnail can you hear me yep nice how did i not get that kill too many explosions uh for that vayne's coming down from top harold's about to spawn as well i might better catch the vein off if she's doing yeah with you [Music] maybe i've got my own 10 that's a bit late nice i'm racking up the dark conversation oh yeah bro all right now we can do all right on the way back although our journey is just chilling both sides holy [ __ ] i don't know what's going on bro like i love it yeah we can get tough actually if you want i'm good bro we've got a lot of gate that solves this stream man hey my friends may want to ask us uh when do you start your stream usually or do you stream consistently or sometimes you just not um i don't usually stream on mondays and fridays at the moment i usually try and do like youtube stuff during that time but okay um i guess like i kind of stream roughly when you kind of like end yours because i live in the uk love that time zone difference six hours to be exact like for me right now it's quarter to eight in the morning okay that was rude we're having a wonderful conversation so yeah for me it's like nearly eight o'clock in the morning i'm actually in my dressing gown right now oh i love that i love that i was like oh my god ninja wants to play with me a hundred percent bro so i was like yeah yeah i was watching i know i hosted the other day then i like went to bed woke up like watch your stream first [ __ ] look oh [ __ ] yeah thank you for the facebook of course [Applause] all right that's um oh the whole crew yeah all right alex's death is she dead no she's not crap but she'll just i'm expecting people to like move a little and they just don't i'm like predicting where they're gonna be going and then i just miss and it's pissing me off it's like the second time it's happened i also [ __ ] choked the cue on the locks i think she popped barry i think that's the only reason why she survived those because i think she had barry she had a little rub it up but i mean i still would have killed her i hit my cue completely missed is this still dusko on ezreal these days um that's what i'm doing now because they don't have a tank so it wasn't sure it's been been a little while yeah i love it man i love duskblade it's so fun i'm just ripping an old man good luck oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god wow yeah that was a lot of damage whoa that's a lot of damage oh honey witness the singer we've actually got a really good baron team just i don't think we can maybe do it right now though man you're so talented man like i how could i have not predicted that you were going to hide in a bush again get on thank you for the gold man unless you got the assistant yeah 150 bro give me that i think that's what a lot of players actually forget like a lot of people think that um the kills are just worth 300 but it's actually 450. yeah man i got lessons the other day from um is it karma or drama why is it getting it it was just a like a challenger of 80 carry uh and he you know keeps coaching us anyways oh that was one thing he said he's like you have to be careful with bot lane when you're playing alone and you're still like doing like or even when you do it doing like if you guys aren't 100 gonna get those kills like you probably shouldn't go for because when you're queuing up and you die bot lane it's not 300 gold it's 450 that you're giving the enemy team yeah well in my case it was 750 gold [Laughter] that's so clear okay i got a double air nice [Music] bro what so yeah vayne's kind of right rage but i think we're good i can't believe i didn't kill that freaking lux i guess i cancelled my auto or something i guess you could say she was fluxy that's [ __ ] i love that [ __ ] man and she was it is i'm coming in i'm just dead wrong that's all these guys have is there's a [ __ ] poke and we got thank god we got in it before that happened how are you okay we've got seriously in there you got three oh nice oh wow i got three that's right that's good brand brand things dude brand things bro dude you don't have to go to brand all i can think of when i'm brand as brand like when i'm holding in that exact scenario is like when you're bowling and you like close your eyes and you like just roll it down the lane it's like did i get did i did i get a strike yeah it's exactly like that it's just literally just mash as many buttons as you can just pray that something happens that is insane and he's always kind of been decent but this luden's change is just mind-blowing well they wanted to they basically made it so the andrew is you only take it against tanks now for sure because you get now bonus damage against uh like bonus health up to one thousand so if the target's got like over a thousand hp you're going to be doing like 12 percent more damage i just ain't oh my god all right i killed lots i love that gale force man we need to get the trucking right yeah we got it barely this patch they wanted to make it so that mages that do consistent damage like get more of a of an effect from luden's oh so every time like a spell does damage um to an enemy champion it goes down in cooldown by 0.5 seconds cooldown so i think that malzahar is going to get some increased play rate because his dot will proc it a lot the resetting of the crime and things of that anyone that basically has aoe on there and their kit and spells all right guys now on the coffin let's go this game should have been a while ago these kids are bad yeah it's so funny like when you're um you'll notice when you climb up it's um the people just like mess around way too much in like golden flat and stuff like it takes like four or five minutes longer to actually end the game than it actually needs to crazy oh when that was season four dude i was like forever ago wait what was your question sorry yeah was that my hello i said but when you you used to play league quite a lot right yeah yeah yeah hear me yo can you hear me yeah yeah i can hear you sorry i wasn't man i said you used to play league quite a lot right yeah yeah you should play a shitload um back in the disney dude yeah i used to be whatever [ __ ] she was like season four i got to diamond one somehow um yeah i lost all of it all right i used to be redder than me back then dude season four bro i'm ready to witness the singularity he's gonna say a biscuit of the kha'zix but he's farming both sides i'll let you have it i'm always like having that dilemma with uh 80 carries all right it's like that you get the warrant i don't want to take the gold do you take it it's a lot of gold man 30 gold and [ __ ] that's up especially when people like put down the control and then they take the ward as well when someone else could get the like the joint gold that's like the most annoying thing do you know what i mean like the 30 gold each as opposed to just one person only getting 30 gold so like if there's a ward in a bush and then you put a controller down and then i get that ward we both get there you both get the gold yeah you get like um like a vision assist on the ward basically we've just lost half of our team but we've got okay go kha'zix behind us quite late behind nice kid yet and i also didn't take the i want second yeah inspiration and not precision so i don't have bloodline it's actually a [ __ ] problem i should have went that's i need that we can just get mounts this hole and then and then end it bro like dude i'm gonna be maybe another two more barons and then uh yeah right dude oh my god yeah not too sure how the graves in the cats got picked off but i guess we just need to actually just group up now it's fine right everyone just is just getting [ __ ] on three opening hips huh uh i am 200 gold away from ravenous i don't like how graze is like on the opposite side of the river halting that oh my god she's actually kind of uh all right okay ranger's going down oh my god i ain't popped oh we got lucky oh i'm dead wow oh we're good it's laser hp um there's a nice big wave effort bro we go maybe so like if you kill that ward there i get 30 as well i'm gonna do so much damage yeah just please there we go all right did you can't get them careful this guy does so much damage i'm right about like just it's just pretty cool let's reset yeah oh i mean yeah get byron oh dude i mean i guess i'll just get executioners because our entire team is healing um one i mean vain that's the the vein that has healing i mean everyone life steals yeah i guess press the attack you're right i wouldn't i wouldn't the baiting grievous swoons on 80 carry i genuinely wouldn't recommend it i know it's like hard ingrained but but this season that the item itself is like for 80 carries is really like rubbish in my opinion wow way too good at his job like the the grievous screens form four male for tanks and for marilla nomicon is like so much nicer and 80 carriers have it kind of hard enough as it is to be honest good to know that's that's my opinion at least anyway i mean i guess if like if they have a lot of healing and literally no one your team is like buying it because they're refusing because it's certainly cute then there may be the justifications there really lucky [Music] i'm flashing out flashback in got her nice got another one got another one nice dude i just [ __ ] destroyed those kids holy no nice delayed quadrant i'll let you have that let's go unofficial unofficial what oh great mediocre bro that was [ __ ] insane and the only reason i lived too is because of duskblade i went in this and the kha'zix couldn't finish me all right yeah yeah yeah oh that was so nasty dude i was one hp bro literally one feet eq forward hit the lifesteal dustplate reset kill on vayne oh holy [ __ ] that felt so good see that's fun bro you know though damage you did yeah all right ninja i could only do one game i'm on a childcare gta otherwise all right awesome man awesome dude you know just feed that a little bit dude sounds good bro i'm sure you will take it easy bro take it take care man my man on my man on duty so guys you saw that obviously like you saw how much damage i was doing right dark harvest ezreal it's viable but like i already said this waking big think of the 25 gifted subs i missed that same cardio and three-pound thing you guys are the prime subs uh yeah i'm not going to do a halo 2 hail 3 uh tournament uh unzi clay unzi because i don't want to say your name anyways dark harvest has real it's a troll build if you don't have a you know a support that you know you're playing with and who's going to be super duper aggressive with you and like is kind of all in on the uh the idea of you're basically just going to be doing bot lane straight up you guys just watched right like dude he was just so confident in his movement and the way he was like playing the lane and he was obviously super aggressive on brand it was free as as an 80 carry i just sat there and like followed up on a [ __ ] which is what is supposed to happen right you're like you don't engage as an ad carry and you don't and you don't want to be the one that has to make crazy plays to get kills like you want your support to just literally hand [ __ ] bro i swear to god man the amount of canes that i jungle against snap i think the three-month reset bro uh cammy i mean i'd love to play with sneaky meteos t1 double lift like my boys [Music] i mean i played with boy boy today obviously you know but i'm i have to i have to get up there i can't like i'm not gonna i'm not gonna play with them on my main account when they're on their smurfs and [ __ ] and we're just like running like platinum [ __ ] so and we could play flex rank though uh all right kane jungle nar i mean yeah this is pretty standard dude water walking dark harvest cheap shot yeah let's get let's get it let's get it we're about to pop [Music] if i'm smart this will be my last game press the attack tristana not the wave but also potentially the wave if he's going with nautilus this is just a massive kill kill uh kill lane and he might they might just destroy like he might engage like trish just w w e's in w eq gets to press the attack and then into like a nautilus like flash hook oh nautilus damage dude they would just shred him yeah there's literally there's literally one way there's one way that the bot lane dies my bot lane dies and that's if trist gets like hooked out of his uh out of his jump rash can flay the nautilus hook true i mean it's gonna be a skill matchup the prime man trailed into two months or three things of the prime lock ending the tier one all right we actually might be able to get a kill on kane here 30 seconds until minions spawn yo moored with that deep board thank you baby they invaded there's nothing to fear well i'm a fight cain as much as i can early team ugh so but how but how he went in my husband i take my poison [ __ ] i know it lurks in the shadows at least there's one who traded hold the string watch what the [ __ ] was that guy doing uh i just [ __ ] i am so bad that like there was that was literally the easiest thing to get out of i've been in so many situations i can't believe i just did that wow that was terrible oh my god i'm thresh got the kill thank god um ah oh my god man i mean am i like on a ward nothing else free is it possible for you guys to just not dive on and there they go oh that's actually not bad nice thank you guys you're so nice all right i'm gonna back and then i'm gonna get both my buffs so that i can be out and about and have what i need uh we're just gonna go short shoes and then maybe like you know what else whatever else we can afford boom boom perfect all right nice yonay with the rome kane here again nautilus oh good flash nice dodge on the hook and re-engage nice i can change i probably didn't need to flash that but like that's ari i don't know i don't want to like there's some crazy gap closer i'm trolling boys i'm trolling i could probably get this drag but i'm not gonna lie i don't [ __ ] want to and that's literally the only reason dude look at my look at my little pumpkin spiders dude just follow me around look you don't even need me they need guns oh my god he's doing him right now patience but he's coming back like what's happening here i know it works in the shadows get your money [Applause] wow the sea has destroyed a turret this is i can't i don't know what i'm doing i don't know why we did that tristana was literally one hp i'm [ __ ] stupid aminting he's like waiting for his w to come up yo yone though holy [ __ ] that was kind of clean i know we've had two shot downs there that was not good turn around [Applause] ah first thing this mordecai just says like one of the first things that someone likes bro how fist are they pretty [ __ ] fist can't afford right now i should probably get seekers for kane kaiser nar i need to actually oh yeah i never finished these guys whoops dude troll bro i'm getting trolled by my spiders [Applause] an ally has been slain um [ __ ] man i'm not running into meganar on purpose you feel their fears um i'm big so i kind of want to i kind of want to just keep getting big oh whatever look at that i'll get seekers some i don't feed and i'll get a sheen love that i just gave this guy oh he's back wait what the [ __ ] tyler pay attention donate just gonna pop off him oh i missed that oh did she just slash that oh [Music] so whale [ __ ] who got shut down oh no they got moored uh oh nice did the minion stop this moby boots nice good pink ward man oh my god that was donate dude or not you take that blue buff man that's yours are my boys fighting i'm down to stall the cc s right unless clear going so poison oh my god please don't fight here small corridors with a gnarled up please all right now we're good [Music] oh bro i got charmed twice i i might be the stupidest person on the planet no one is feeling oh my god i played this so bad i actually think we just lose this game my bad dude yeah that's [ __ ] bad i literally gave this guy oh my god i just [ __ ] threw well morgan i'll grab kaiser next time good call i just walk into two of our charms [Applause] i feel like dude arione our yoni should be like unkillable i swear to god i've seen him in so many positions where he's like dude he's gonna get like 20 kills and then all of a sudden it takes like an hour to like auto attack a guy i don't know if he's like he thinks he's getting a kill or like oh man these guys are like together oh what about what you say man what does he want to do when he has a when he has baron he wants to end it and we actually have two people successfully splitting mid and top right now our top and bottom welcome is bro i just got knocked up permanently forever i don't know what's happening our most fed player is trying to split push i think i had a stopwatch i literally just got permanent up for the entire time bro just get dressed man trist you have the smallest dick in the world he's gonna get charmed and just get popped little oh bro i she auto attacked me i died in one auto i know this is gonna [ __ ] happen bro [ __ ] hate ari bro the dumbest champ of the [ __ ] game finally trista's getting solo actually at least i'm already behind cain now all right that we saw this already i don't i'm saving it right now [Applause] bro he heals it so much i need to get [ __ ] morelos [ __ ] the mr oh my god bro i literally would have w on one of those one hits like a thousand times if i was one of these guys so far if i was just stressed at least uh let's go take the 1v1 get the [ __ ] turrets boys you guys are dumb as [ __ ] is i don't know how i don't know how i first lose that i think they wait they try to end uh they're just gonna get baron i mean i could try to do some sort of cringe steal now [Applause] hmm this tristana is really good when he's shooting minions well i need to finish this lich bane what am i looking at here bro yonay is in a duel with ari and hasn't hit her once [Music] lit just [ __ ] split dude let's just oh my god i actually think he's soloing this i don't want to be here anymore of course the thresh's in a bush man [Applause] oh my god kill this idiot altar dude please he [ __ ] ulted thresh mordekaiser misclicked and altered thrush well played well played dude go fight shoot someone well i can't bro chris you're [ __ ] awful shoot someone shoot use your gun shoot the cane bro did you guys literally just see the tristana the cane is on our mordekaiser he like walks around the cane and then like w's at the [ __ ] carries oh my [ __ ] god bro the dude was awful man he just dude well guys i'm autofill protected dude i knew that i knew that we were [ __ ] man when nautilus died under our tower level 2. after she got the quadro it was over i can't bro dude like i don't know i've literally hung with better players and it drives me insane that i can't get out alone i like honestly it really does like it it drives me like when i get good players on my team it's the easiest it's free it is free wins but then i just get these [ __ ] six and eleven yones four and six press the attack tristanas who don't know how to attack a [ __ ] tank just shoot kane just shoot him i don't know i'll get vizilian four more toxic blu-ray thank you 203 sub bro it's not getting carried idiot i literally win my [ __ ] lanes oh like without help i outplay people don't worry i got the autofill out of the way [Laughter] i only caught like the last bit of that game it just came out the show it was just over like we had we had early game control and then uh i mean what i don't really think we really fully had it we kind of did but [ __ ] tristana doesn't know how to literally auto attack like it's the crazy quite good at jungle they have noticed like i noticed your um was it the jarvan and the shavana that you're playing the other day that was a while i've got i've gotten a lot better at knowing how to jungle since then but yeah man that was fun when you have control over it's just so much more fun like you just you know you get to pick on someone like the the mid lane you notice the mid laner picks off you know gets a pic mid just wins as one of you on it's like all right free drag pretty much right like you like that yeah and you actually just go for it so what's your like favorite the moment like what's like getting y'all getting getting your juices flowing my favorite roll is 80 carry but i just can't play it alone like imagine imagine going to work okay okay and like there are having a real job okay right right right right right right there there are multiple tasks at your job and you can do them all you have a favorite one though okay okay but the favorite one that you have the favorite task involves a random co-worker you have no idea you have no idea who who he or she will be you have no idea if they'll be good at what they're doing you have no idea if it's gonna make your day a living hell or if it's gonna be incredibly productive you're gonna have a great day that is that is literally me it's like i would i love i would love to do this position at work but i might get you know i might get [ __ ] karen right who like doesn't know how to do [ __ ] and just talks about you know what you know how yeah whatever i i think you get the analogy yeah i mean i think ad carriers have it worse because like supports just particularly for playing like a roaming support you can just say all right bye karen i'm going to hang out with steve in the mid lane right but 80 carries don't really have that do they yeah i know we're slow as [ __ ] educator 80 carries are slow and weak until they're fed hey you gotta carry i mean yeah i got rid of the autofill i'm autofill protected oh yeah i didn't even have that look who we were talking about uh mid mouths are oh yeah bro last game of the night i'm going samira all right let's make a w i'm going samaria samara taste of blood ravinus hunter let's get [ __ ] big dude have you been like complaining of them she's so fun so fun i can't i can't imagine i i i i'd be addicted to her i would have been even more addicted to her if i played when she was broken yeah she was i i didn't play 80 carry too much but i really enjoyed playing samir when she was um not quite balanced shall we say oh another cane not quite balanced yeah you're doing me to get your support right now by the way are you gonna wait i don't have samira actually i've only got like 20 champions on this account i see how it is yeah i do have i think i have ezreal though too lately what are the odds that's brand support by the way yeah yeah um thinking like rel or alistair here i think the time of man has come to an end bro oh but the emote spam on raoul is so funny all right we have to have someone down in bot lane that has funnier mates i have a really cool emote is uh samira it's so funny just control three spam bro and she does backflips over and over again and like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i remember dude jacob you just need varys to be better again [ __ ] forest bro dude straight up man i to carry just sucks bro like dude today i played a various game i was fed bot lane like you know quote unquote fed right as balling um and our top lane lost to a tryndamere bad train near 5-0 game over doesn't matter oh yeah like like i'm literally irrelevant the entire game doesn't matter how many kills i have bro he just ease on to me calls me a [ __ ] chicken and i'm dead i i ultim run away doesn't matter bro because he has merged he's already unrooted yeah i've had a few of these games where it's just like top lane just goes zero five zero six and it's just then you just have to watch them just clean up the entire game bro if you're fed top it's not hard it's it's it's not hard i would say that top lane if you want like top lane really is just the easiest to climb on i think if you're if you're if you're playing incredibly op champions and you're just [ __ ] slaying you just slam your lane yeah i agree with that yeah slam top get the turret bro go in solo go and solo uh rift herald by yourself after getting a double kill on the jungler who tried to gank you get the retail pop the retail get two turrets back spend your seven thousand gold that you just got go bot lane get the get bot lane turrets start forcing drags it's over yeah tp into one team fight where everyone thinks that you're not there get a quadro yeah i think you're probably right i think probably top lane is probably the strongest royal at the moment like before a couple of patches ago before jungles got nerfed i think jungles were pretty strong but i think top is very strong at the moment although they did do a lot of nurse dispatch actually they did enough a lot of the um like staricks and stuff was absolutely broken they didn't have that dispatch everyone was just taking was it a gore drinker and starex yup everyone it was horrible i don't think you can carry games with mouth and nasty spares not early at least like you have to get help usually malphite depends on the matchup i believe but nasus is just like you know audrey how'd you get fed on nasus like early stop one shooting towers at 40 minutes in the game right yo yo yo don't take my tower bro i'm farming like what i'm stacking my cues real one fourth thanks to eight months bro i'm i'm talking about like uh probably warded i'm talking like your aatroxes dude your tryndameres your volley bears your uh mordekaiser honestly if he's big strength we're good what'd you think about miami spam oh my god what bro you look like slenderman they're right top league content right here no listen guys nasa's can carry but like okay guys we're talking about carrying the game like like snowballing it right i'm not talking about like playing for the late game stacks dude i'm almost at 500 bro look at that we already got this energy uh buddy i'm gonna let it hit me because you're an idiot thank you i don't know no it isn't anybody okay good it was attacking the bush bro and if i kept moving it would [Music] level two to go and then i'll have my um hey i feel like my stun these guys are gonna be really annoying for them early by the way just back off i'm just walking around it's fine they're gonna get level two first [Music] bro we got it okay oh dude i couldn't get my e off that's okay i [ __ ] flash for that man what a waste does she feel still or did she use it yeah she used to both i think we just need to try and get this shoved in and then go back again i think i'm not going to get engaged because we'll die boys i'm barely dodging these okay i think we want more or not i think this is pretty dangerous if you stay because graves is uh wrong side of the map all right i'm out it kind of sucks but i'm just going to let fans drop think yeah okay we kind of have to stay now um kane's top side so we're not going to get dope by him it's just these guys okay find the key yeah now i know how it feels to be on the other side of the ground okay we should recall here i think we've got time i don't i think that it's already coming it's gonna interrupt you again i think yeah he goes wrong honestly well try and survive and i'll just get down here as quickly as i can by then graves should be down on our side of the map and then maybe fighting kane they should really back off the brand's in the rhythm considering the circumstances you've done a good job last testing then you're actually going to be ahead in cs okay just just bust it here yep oh i'm machining this last one right craze is about to come down i can probably yeah uh i'm in i'm in no it's it's too far i'm out i'm out they they've got a deeper one oh my god man sorry that's right yep oh yeah you're [ __ ] healthy [ __ ] bro i'm not worried yeah they're not killing this kind of minion very fast so we should be fine nicer if they stay i'm going to go crazy oh dude please uh i don't know wait what is he like trying to like kill me like here i think he's like i don't think so he can't kill you from that position right right right i think he might be he's either roaming the middle maybe having a dragon hands down yeah let's wait a little bit so that the cane goes away so tempting just to go in i'm ready all right okay okay let's get back back i'm just gonna heal don't worry i'm back in yeah okay i'm okay i've got my okay sir just dead where the [ __ ] did he come from uh from our jungle just to come from like mustard blue buff or something did he have blueberry for some reason i just don't think the graves are going to come bond losing by 11's yet by 11 ps right now and oh that's gonna be nice get the little scatties gut i i'm gonna try and interrupt the recoil they put them on did to you okay interrupted sentence recall she's certainly got a doran shield so at thorns all right that's another flash in here i'm out kane is pitching a tent i guess much nice job man dude got executioners too so smart hopefully we can get graves down here now they've got no flashes bruce isn't sick yet though oh he's going for it oh there it is let's go right here ah come on buddy let it go i care most about my wardrobe yeah i'm not even about halfway oh [ __ ] hello yeah we're going in come come come come come okay nice [Music] oops thought it went off earlier i'm kind of hesitant about diving i just think kane's been down here so often i'm gonna try and get deep warden you're so fast respawn times like at this time in the game i can deflect it i see it coming yeah better get that nice all right foot hey grace is ganking mid right now the plane's super aggressive it makes me just feel like nice block all right going greeted standard nice good good job nice thank you yeah i don't know why they're over extending them it just makes me feel like kane was there but especially he's already been down here like three times brad was just horny he just went like a friend's like dude him little stretch man all right drake's just spawned up i'm gonna try and get some woods around them did i really want this kane's already done it things down him he's got herald as well this isn't a fight everyone super reluctant to fight here like mauser hasn't got his ultimate just yeah just leave it here all right like hold this maybe nah i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming thank you i can't miss this hope you enrich my fault if he gets the blade stuck on a minion his e goes further big spread basically he's going to have his ultimate yep that's okay i think just record him i'm out i have so much money i should better go straight in if they're still around when you get back all right i literally have my shield already and boots i'm pretty dead bro he's just loves you doesn't he yeah which means they're going to put powerpoint side i wouldn't stick if it yeah if i was the k and i'd pop harold down on that two one he's getting mid actually hero juice man craze is coming down tp don't back off i think oh i just did oh my god what a waste of a shield but dude things coming up man i have okay he's not sure how much we can we might actually just have to start running back looking to dive here i'm just dead bro i'm pleased yeah we should we should be able to get all of them oh my god nasa's tpd literally could have tp on this award he's dead mass is gonna get the shutdown kane is just so okay well this is one of those things where it's like are you gonna get executioners or am i because i'm gonna be on that cane you know what i mean like yeah i'll get some thor mel second item [ __ ] bro i haven't been able to see us ever so i'm trying this if you like just like last hit this and i'll just get wards around and stuff if you push it and i think kane is just gonna say hi to you i think i think he's gonna come here anyways is you can just buy nasty small time ryan's literally like up in this [ __ ] you put a ward aggressive there to three on herald right now i don't think you'll have enough time i mean they're they have to be hurled it's up to you i think it'd be pretty risky i think but i think it would take too long it's just it's the third drake as well so it's got even more hp i think just take whatever you can and then just um head back again we can't fire this one i don't think nasa's gonna try i'm just gonna have to fire every single dragon though it's going to be a bit frustrating yeah that is frustrating no no no no no no no no no no dude nasa's literally won it already from brand great this is great um the dragon's already done and analysis is just like i'm going to save the day he just needs to farm kane kane shove that shove that wave out he's here i'm coming bob yeah running my whitey nice all right away from the wave on board other this is worth the chase okay oh my goodness yeah the narcissist needs to chill yeah and if i didn't do that i would have gotten all that gold i just [ __ ] up well played by the way man it's great crowd control the only person that could end up coming down is kane from respawn my folks keep telling me to settle down nice all right let's go back which my second item collector or maybe lower dominics i think collectors normal not 100 sure but i think it's collector oh our team is very upset that you're pinging them yeah that's okay you just they just put a bunch of danger marks on us and they're like how do you like it like uh i'll just concede does that kind of be both argue of them i'm very sorry for payment very badly he's never pulled please don't report graves is two level behind still uh it's just brent yeah brandon's like looking for solo kills by the way i'm wondering yeah okay i'm gonna zoom in a lot of fire i know bro okay i got the kill but i've burned literally everything that might burn him down there was still yeah he did dude his space ain't got him nice such a good old for kane bro yes dude let's go oh bye senna oh my god man dude you got this nas just make her wither dude oh my god what a scaredy cat okay cool that was a really good fight for us watch out for that all right we have to fight for this dragon in one i guess minute reset time we have to fight what could end up happening what would usually happen is like they would force baron at this situation so that it would like they would get baron and we would only get like one dragon stack i don't think they're gonna do that though because might be a bit too much at this year though to do that nasa says tp i think he should keep you down right now actually he has to come now he can't keep pushing crap okay he's coming down tp alright maybe we can get the game here he altered me flash again frank's dead moldsted no dude nothing to die i couldn't even get my ultima dude how the [ __ ] did she get so much damage like who wait did nasus like go behind them and then literally do nothing so nasa's tp uh here but the thing is he should have tp five seconds before that before they were around the area i think in his mind he was like thinking i'm gonna split push top and then only tp when we need the engage but he's our front line so we literally need him in the fight yeah so it's like that nasus is like i'm just trying to get like 10 more stacks before the fight but needed him right now i've got my grievous wins in i'm trying to get thor now uh get your collector i guess you'll have to take grievous because of the ocean soul which kind of sucks they're not on it really good for us okay slow but there's people here i think it's a bit too deep okay mazzar's just going i think he thought he had all i these don't want to go into that yeah i'm not going into that done nice shut down just run i think yeah i mean i'm like come on bro give me something man before you're gonna get like a collector proc there that would have been so cool i think the fight was fine we got you got a lot of gold though yeah i did i got a big boy shut down i got it's like a thousand or something um more reminder or like i mean i can get a bf right now for extra damage right bloodthirster or just even more lifesteal it is a really hard call um i think but yeah but first is fine i think you'll put your blood first that's absolutely fine i mean mazda has now got um oblivion orb so he'll be going morello soon oh let's go baby all right yeah you're fine i think for not going through this i'm just going to say top sizes friends they're idiots just like all these i'm gonna try and get a ward up for you of them crooks respond if you want to do this yeah kind of yeah i mean i can't i can't push that i can't go past half too risque but also maybe not risky enough look at these guys i don't think i don't even know chillin how many stats has nasa's got 400. friend coming around for a pic alone this hoarded they had to collapse pretty quickly he's just dead a bit you had to put it politely down to literally 20 hp ulted and then died we had four olds up bro bro look at this man just eating two towers [Music] and they can't end this it could be a potential throw we have to fight we have to do this we do not win this game any other way badass whoa i'm dead i just [ __ ] flew in like a dumb ass broke yeah get us out let's hit the yes please yeah it's 4 20 and i gotta go to bed all right sleep woman i'm gonna sleep like a [ __ ] baby dude like a little baby or a bad thing because babies cry a lot listen maybe infants cry a lot dude babies sleep through the night gotta swaddle them you know give them the swaddle all right brother jesus man thanks for playing bro all right take care take care all right peace all right guys thanks for watching the stream i'm off it off man i hope you guys enjoyed the games uh honestly this was lit uh i'll be back on tomorrow tomorrow i'm gonna be doing a watch party for the uh uh ballerina league all right big big big games tomorrow see you guys then bye guys [Music] bye
Channel: Ninja Streams
Views: 792
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: ninja, stream, streams, fortnite, mixer, ninjashyper, fornite, battleroyale, highlights, twitch, moments, funny, trolling, gameplay, fails, PC, ninga, ninja highlights, ninja clips, ninja rage, ninja fortnite, ninja reacts, t f u say to me, fortnite battle royale, fortnite highlights, fortnite trolling, twitchtv, fortnite fails, twitch highlights, stream highlights, twitch moments, twitch clips, bcc trolling, funny moments, trending, stream snipers, stream sniping ninja
Id: 5HIS2P0s8TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 609min 27sec (36567 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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