Nine Club EXPERIENCE #24 - Beau Rich talks CF & Dakota Roche

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all right well we are back come we're back at the 9 Club experience everybody what episode is this rush this would be 24 24 oh good number very even even number yeah number oh ok I didn't know you were into numerology Kelly but numerology yeah is that me that's the ology of numbers I don't know what I'm doing Roger yeah so of course we have the usual suspects we got ROG to my left over there to my right we got Kelly and an LD once again and uh I'm pretty sure whoops T's is coming in later in the show to talk about some news and stuff whatever's going on in the in the world right now what's that he's in traffic right now yeah he lives like five blocks away but uh I'm a burger zone yeah right but and then also we have another special guest to coming in later in the show to was uh we especially guys for Kelly especially especially special guests for Kelly and you'll find out what that is a little bit later in the show yeah well it's a special guest special feature in the show we've never done this before but uh it's about time right Raj we're gonna break the rules I don't even know what's going on inside it's sounds special and then maybe we'll get a little Instagram update from Eldridge he's good at finding these Instagram people you know I'm out there looking I know doesn't follow follow he doesn't follow anyone as well he makes his life a lot easier on his girlfriend yeah well in the last episode you were talking about like how you're done unfollow people and you you unfollowed everybody because you were looking at other girls pages and just she she got mad it happens he says do for sure and no I don't just inspire me to stop following some people they do I went through my list of people and I really liked 250 people there you go right ball I gotta see if he still follows me man do we had a fight another night song stormed stormed out of here which happens often it happens often it you know I get fed up with these people but uh me and i--i LD dude you've been riding your bike up here doesn't even call me dude you believe that that's good we talking about riding bikes around the this area for a while and then like ladies burning up here twice here alas eleven miles or whatever it is yeah does he can ride with you like a block yeah and be like yo that was great he comes his all outfit - he's got a hole Oh spandex the whole thing I don't know the clip-on shoes here's a clip on shoes I wear the spandex under the shorts you have to because my seat is like a real bike seat in it bucks you're a fluffy see because that's not what we do Roberts you can't do - don't do mileage and no I won't enjoy my bike ride I don't want to [ __ ] sit there with the [ __ ] airstream helmet on and sand and sunglasses and click that's why we don't ride bikes together I wrote down our most of the other day of myself I wish I was with you man do you text me don't see that's what I'm saying rise you're a good friend see that you saw you're supposed to do when you ride into somebody's zone him up you hit him up next time look will did it with it can't wait I feel bad now [ __ ] yeah that's old point comes in we've been front we can run on tour together and everything like [ __ ] [ __ ] bunk beds together yeah he gave thread some cool gear you know thing had to get that oh my god thanks Thank You Mitchell Mitchell NS any more plugs l do you have anything else out there just want to thank okay let's move on we actually have a yeah thank you LD you're welcome no thank you Robert we have a we have another special guest here he's in from New York his name is beau rich and he's gonna initiate he's got an interesting story now and he's it has a cystic fibrosis Raj do you know what that is it's like mucus in your lungs it's mucus in the lungs it has it affects 70,000 people worldwide which is Oh crazy not many people if you think about how many people are in the world billions right I mean before this world billions thank you Kelly I mean it affects primarily the lungs it's got thick mucus which clogs the airways it's a genetic disease it's a genetic disease that has no cure right now rush Bo's been in and out of the hospital for about 20 over 20 times in his life weeks on end sometimes right weeks on end crazy and skateboarding has been a crucial crucial in keeping his Airways clean apron city years and yes skateboarding saves lives right Raj he's working on a documentary right now with skating with cystic fibrosis to raise awareness so we're gonna bring Bo in right now and talk to him and see how skateboarding has has helped him name by the years yeah this is amazing Bo rich everybody on Justin give him a round of applause bro thank you thank you thank you thank you hey Bo thank you so much for stopping by yeah man this is amazing bro oh I didn't even show your clips before we started man I meant to show some mesquite clips let's do that right now while you're here if they don't don't get him do you do you mind if we watch some skate clips in front of you sometimes it doesn't cost I'll look away it's Justin doesn't like it when we watch the skate clips it's embarrassing let's dive because like in the beginning that clip you were coughing a lot and like that's what cystic fibrosis is right it's a mucus buildup in the lungs yeah pretty much give us a breakdown there it's actually a pretty complicated disease but the the primarily affects the lungs my producing a lot of mucus what what cystic fibrosis is is a defect in the CFTR protein which acts as a gateway to the cell wall which regulates the chloride ions and the sodium ions to help the the normal mucous membranes that cover basically every organ in everyone's body their their fluid but with a CF defect that that gate basically doesn't open and it can't regulate the fluidity of that the the cell wall so that mucus gets really thick and it it clogs pretty much every organ like the pancreas the liver but primarily the lungs because there's so many different little tiny Airways in there and it blocks those up okay so my lower Airways are about like 15% right now and then but just like my overall lung health it's me around like 65 70 percent as a normal when you say 15% but 65 like what do you mean what they do is they'll measure your lung function with the pulmonary function test okay you take a deep breath in biggest breath you could take and you blow it out as fast as you can okay and there's a fev1 number which is how much air you can blow out in the first second and that's the number that we usually gauge what your lung function is and the last number I blew was 65 percent that was a a couple months ago okay and that's good yeah good for me good for me yeah that's like the best I've been in a while so yeah I'm pretty stoked on that okay and you you were born with this yeah this is genetic its genetic so my parents are what they call carriers and there's actually about 10 million Americans right now that carry the defect of that gene unknowingly and they don't necessarily have this they just carry is just carrying the defect of it so when two people who have who are carriers get together and they have a kid there is a 25% chance that that the child will have CF oh wow a 5% chance that he won't have anything and then there's a 50% chance that he'll be a carrier himself when you were born what the dot the doctors told your parents that you there's a 16 year lifespan probably that was 17 years I was born in 1990 there really wasn't many treatment options available at that time so the lifespan was around 16 17 years old and when I when I was three months old I caught this really rare pneumonia and so I went into the ICU for about three months yeah it was rough but it's rough on my parents I don't remember it cuz I must have been crazy on your paranoia I mean they're there every night just like you know praying by my bedside and like just you know holding my little tiny hand are you already diagnosed with the CF at that point - or this no no they didn't know that it's that they ran so many different tests and I was on so many different antibiotics and so many different machines and medicines that all these tests kept getting skewed basically so once they did this experimental procedure that basically saved my life a couple months after that we did the CF test so when I came back positive and that's like one thing after another and then well you said there and before the show you said that the the pneumonia what did you have that ammonia as you said it only like three people have survived at the time there was only like three people in the u.s. that that had survived it and so I was one of those three in this Miracle Network did a story on baby yeah baby yeah yeah so obviously growing up you've had to deal with this thing and going to the hospital in and out for weeks on end sometimes and everybody tough like growing up and knowing like you're gonna die soon is that's the weirdest thing it tripped me out so much as a kid because I would watch this video they die watch the news story yeah me like you know you know he's a miracle baby like he was supposed to die you know I remember watching it at nine years old just thinking like like it's hard to conceptualize at that age my precious life is but it it just made me realize that like you know I you know I really shouldn't be here so like even as a little kid every single day I've just been so good yeah right were you ever to your parents like I don't need to go to school this is I need to just live my life enjoy this you know I didn't want to go to school for different reasons that's just me but and then so you so dealing with this whole thing for years and you you you started skateboarding right is this what do you did you start skating I started skating when I was eleven eleven now when you started skating with the doctors are your parents were they like is did they think it was a good thing or a bad thing or you needed to take it easy or they didn't know how it affect your lungs and this like how was that you know it it wasn't until I started skating for a couple years and I realized how good it was for my health so you realized yeah what doctors say or your parents were they scared over the days there's some there's certain treatments that you have to do you for airway clearance there's one called the vest and back then it was like a pretty rudimentary treatment for it and you you put on this big vest machine and you hook it to like this air compressor or car and it basically shot a bunch of air and it like you know like expanded and after the lungs and so it just kind of shook you up and it was like it was really rough to do and I hated doing it cuz I felt like I don't know man I felt like it was just like I like I felt like my room was a hospital room because I felt like I was you know had to go sit in the corner and get hooked to this machine and like do all this stuff and so I hated doing it I hated it so much and I told the doctors that you know I didn't really want to do it anymore and that I was skating all the time and like I felt skating was helping me more than then this machine this not not that the machine doesn't doesn't work or like isn't you know it's it's effective but I just I just felt for me in my personality look I just wanted to go outside I just wanted to go play I wanted to be a skate you know so it helped me like skateboarding helped me more than than that so I realized that skateboarding was a lot better for me than anybody else and I eventually convinced the doctors that it was it was working and I remember when I was like 16 years old it was literally on my doctor's charts as my airway clearance I would just write skateboarding oh really that was your my doctor's Joe is that like skateboarding was prescribed like if you get kicked out by the cops right my doctors know what are you gonna give me a ticket I got got a doctor's note you that's incredible you know it's funny uh it's not funny but it's crazy cause like you know doctors have what you're what they think you're supposed to do Yeah right man it's like everybody's different and that's why they call it a practice and it's like for someone like you to come along to like make that so you know apparent that it you could [ __ ] be anything yeah yeah whatever you want like as long as it makes you feel good yeah right I love that that's it you said something about you know everyone being different you know obviously everybody is different but everybody with CF is different there's no I've known some so many people with CF that it affects them differently like it'll affect somebody's pancreas a little bit more than the lungs or their liver so it's it's different and there's only there's actually over 1,700 different genetic mutations of it of the CFAR protein and it affects that protein differently sometimes it gets developed or destroyed sometimes I can get to the gate sometimes it won't open at all sometimes it it regulates it a little bit so it really does affect everyone differently but I have the most common mutation the F Delta 508 and copies of that my parents whose parents both had that copy so that's how I got that have you met any other skateboarders with CF um I've connected with a couple on Instagram but never personally okay you talk to them and it's has skateboarding's helping them to deal with it yes amazing yeah and so like in the clip that we just watched like you were coughing and doing this is a like is that a normal occurrence for you like almost every day every time every day every time I go skate I call it it wouldn't go ahead I'm sorry so I'll get to the park and I'll have to warm up and yeah obviously like warming up is the hardest part yeah I just jump right in so it's usually about like five ten minutes and to warm up where I'll get hit where I mean because it's it's shaking up the airways and the deeper I can take a breath it's it's going a little bit lower into the airways and and opening up those it's unblocked and all that mucus stuff so about 5-10 minutes in I'll have to cough or when you know I'll get hit with like a coffee and attack or fate or you want to call it and that's it's actually good for me to cough it out I know it looks painful and violent but but that's it's good for me to do like a cop-out mucus yeah it's it's gross like it's it's kind of a gross disease to talk about but you know it is what it is yeah yeah it's really serious but it's really good for you to get that stuff out because that's where bacteria can grow right you know you breathe stuff in and there's you know there's things little particles in the air and that mucus it'll stick to that and then it'll start growing and then you get infection you can get pneumonia you go to the hospital so the more you cough that stuff out the healthy you're gonna be that's that's the main thing that skateboarding's done for me is just help me get all that stuff out it's crazy because you live in New York City not the best air to be breathing so Ely's but I mean there's a lot of places right you know like ocean breeze that's true that's true but I mean like is that like on your mind like hey maybe I should go move to a place with like the air and all this stuff I grew up in Florida I was born and raised in Florida and I lived like ten minutes from the beach and the salt air is actually really really good for our lungs so one of our therapies is breathing in a sodium chloride formula I'm trying to help you know regulate that the salt levels and break up that mucus so the salt air is like fantastic for me um when I moved to New York three years ago I definitely noticed that the air is a little bit more I don't wanna say like polluted but they just kind of like like bickering good yeah yeah I'm like skating down the streets like I'll skate in the city I don't I don't do a ton of Street skating just cuz it's it's a little bit harder for me but yeah skating down the city like you get the bus exhaust and people smoking literally every 20 feet so I'm like I'll take a push and then I'm like holding my breath until I pass the smoke and like it's hard but you know do you get bummed when you see people like smoking and stuff like because you you you you're battling this thing with that that that affects your lungs and you just see people taking their lungs ran it I mean you know is it obviously lit and let live and you know people are gonna do what they're gonna do right um just don't do it around me um for people that are close to me that they're not smoke they know and I you know I like I love that I'm I'm not gonna lecture people this is you know they're gonna live their life right you know I'll definitely say like you know there's there's people that don't have you know the breath like I should really cherish that right right actually one of my good friends he's he's our roommate he we've been hanging out lately and he I don't know if it was my influence but he just quit he's been there for you for like a month and a half and he feels great Wow oh it's the hardest thing to quipment say guy smoked for a while man and it was it's gnarly its gnarly but uh but going back to the skating thing when we were talking when you were having like you and you get warmed up you haven't look like coughing attacks do people come up to you and like see if you're okay or do they kind of look at you like what this guy's like no one's like coming up and like oh my god are you alright yeah it's usually like you know you okay dude like yeah alright and you know I'm not like I don't want to be like gimme could be gimmicky about it be like oh yeah like I got a disease like I don't want people feel bad for no so I'll usually should be like huh yeah man I'm out of shape or like I haven't skated for a while or it's like you know warming up like it's just you know whatever no but uh it's like it's one that you just want to go skate you don't want to sit there and have a long conversation with somebody yeah right that's the thing too with all that the the coughing attacks and like that clip like you know I'll cough and the second it's over I'm hopping back on the board I just you know it's just little interruptions interruptions but once they're over I'm trying to get back on the board and get my trick I just have fun you know yeah and so like right now like when you when you're out skating and stuff like how have you seen like a difference from like day one when you picked up the board till now like of course you're getting treatments with advanced technologies and medicines and stuff right so but I mean skateboarding has had like an integral part in like your yeah being here right I've been skating for 16 17 years on and off and I say on and off because I'll go back at my doctor's charts and I'll look at my medical history and I can see the times when I'm not skating like if I don't skate for like a couple months I'm like in the hospital oh really it's crazy back in 2000 2012 2013 I kind of quit for a little bit I was a I got it really big into acting okay I feel making and so I wasn't skating that that often and that next year I went in the hospital three times that's just from not doing it I mean yeah just you know sitting around and not having like that that physical exertion you know skateboarding is a lot of you know jumping down stuff so you've got that bouncing and you know shaking the lungs up so interesting yeah I mean it's it's I definitely have noticed throughout the years and even now like short term I've skated every single day since I've been out here for a week this is the best modeling stuff felt in years seriously yes seriously you know is it just because you're like out here like on a holiday or because back home maybe you get into your groove you don't go skate one day and it could be that it could be that but um okay just because I'm like you know just super happy to get out here but no I've definitely noticed like every time I really make it a focus to go skate more I can see you know with the pulmonary function tests like the numbers go up yeah so like I know there's something there and I'm working so our doctors even promoting exercise with oh yeah they okay yeah so that's a physical activity is huge for someone with yeah because if you're here you know if you're sitting around and like not exerting yourself or not you know shaking up the airways that's just the stuff just Fester's in there letting you when I'm on my couch I'm probably my I'm probably breathing it like half my lung capacity right because I'm just sitting on my couch with my cat like watching an Animal Planet you know so it's I'm only getting like half of my lung and when I'm out skating right you're really working your lungs yeah and there's there's a lot of a lot of CF people that you know do vlogs and like a little bit more famous on social media and they're always outgoing and doing stuff there's people that you know they're in the gym they run marathons which I think is the craziest thing in the world because I can't I can't run yeah I hate it I'd rather skate but uh ya know like there's there's you know the more active you are obviously the healthier and my doctors have really made a push for physical activity finding that thing that's gonna push you and drive you and you know skateboarding is that thing for me man what about oh sorry good I was a sensible quick can you do is this something that can be developed later in life from somebody is it always start from the beginning its genetic you're born with it like it's it's something you get from your parents and it's it's just part of your DNA basically yeah interesting diet diet Oh big big be right water water especially dude I have I have literally almost died I've literally almost skated myself to death I was in this contest a couple years ago in the middle of the summer and they actually ran out of water in the contest and I was skating really good so I didn't want to stop like I was landing on my tricks like I want a couple things in the best-trick and I skated for like three or four hours in the middle of the summer and I was driving home and my vision got blurry my toe started cramping like my foot on the gas pedal like I started going faster cuz my foot just went BRR yeah I started literally I started throwing up outside like my window and I drove myself to the ER room like I almost passed out walking through the door okay and they yeah they hooked me up with IVs and like I stayed for like 24 hours just to get fluids back in conservation it's no joke declaration in salt because we we sweat it out basically we can't retain our cell and we just just sweat it I actually have like the salt but yeah we sweat out our salt so much so I've got little salt packets I carry with me little iodized I win your what your ear one yeah they have I just got one yesterday they do these sick little bottles but their minerals you know so it's like super salty oh it's like good for hangovers good for like pickle pickle juice is the [ __ ] for cramps right Steve yes I drink like I'll drink like a full like bottle yeah after you you have to buy a bottle of pickles right pickle juice and just pour it out in the way it also works good with Jameson like alcohol and stuff do you try to stay away or does it it I don't even matter I don't drink just cuz I'm a I don't know it's never been really much yeah right right you know I we're on so many different medications yeah take medicine specifically for my liver to help regulate the l.f.t.s and okay so yeah I try to stay away from alcohol anything that's gonna like put an extra strain on my body except I already got enough going on what about like CBD are like any doctors prescribed you like some sort of like marijuana or something like that you know SPD is America it's an iffy topic and you know I'm never gonna encourage somebody to do something that's gonna be bad for their health um but uh yeah CBDs are great because it's inflammation pain you know anything that's gonna help with your appetite increase your appetite because another thing is we have to have like a lot of calories I eat like three to four thousand calories a day just I mean my weight my body is using so much energy just to keep everything functioning not as it is right so yeah like nutrition is key a lot of fats a lot of proteins yeah pretty organic I try to you know I feel better when I do so you know it's worth it it's worth spending that extra what like 14 cents for an organic banana versus a regular one you know so it's you know you poke at things in your body and inspect good things out of it so yeah man it's it's incredible you know that skateboarding has helped this help helped you you know go through this whole thing this process right it's like skateboarding saves lives it really does mean you know really does it's been a journey it's incredible even when I'm in the hospital I'm watching skate videos yeah like just kind of the last time I was in my buddy Blake carpenter his push partying out and I'm sitting there on the treadmill doing my nebulizers are watching his part on the on the on the TV you know there's like it's just like Anthony yeah you know I gotta get better yeah yeah get back out there get on my board who's your favorite skater that's Kate I know it's a tough one yeah you name two one you leave one off right yeah man well there's a three I hear ya Rod's might be the best actually favorite favorite here I'm gonna have to go with Cory Kennedy good since 2008 okay back when he was in snow hope in Seattle and really no one kind of knew before he went on the barracks before you up at all I was like watching his videos watching the shoreline rail or you just freakin kills that yeah did you see the recent little day in the life or not day in life it's like a krill tap clip of the day it was like no literally like last week or something I think it was like I just put out something with with Shane Oakland mmm rats yes what was that like last month I think you should put out like a minute of footage just ran just like yes your second favorite ski second he's fishing was their first video you saw that like really got you hooked on skating first video was probably 0 new blood oh yeah and I actually met Chris Cole and Garrett Hill a couple years ago and that was surreal dude you guys like are one of the reasons I'm even skating right now and like nicest guys - Chris Cole a little too nice we would you love skateboarding and you see these guys it's seriously like meeting superstars yeah sure yes crazy rock stars yeah I mean even so even a Kelly gets starstruck all the time yes increase I every dance all listen video and I'm oh yeah that's why it puts me far away cuz I'm like Kelly you tried Kelly tried to ask me for my autograph this morning you know Kelly is only so much I can do sorry Chris so like what do you do like for like what's an average treatment when you go to the hospital because you say you sometimes you're weeks on end right I mean like what are you like what do you what do they have you doing like so I mean my daily treatments what I do at home is I'll do a lab utero through a nebulizer which is basically an air compressor that turns liquid in a mist so I can breathe it in okay so a butor all is a bronchodilator helps to open up the airways and sodium chloride helps loosen up and break up that mucus and then parmesan helps like dissolve it and then i'll have several different antibiotics that i'm on is there's tobramycin that helps fight the sort of bacteria among Pseudomonas and then cased in there's another vector another antibiotic okay that i rotate between toby encased in every other month so i do those in the morning of the night it's just kind of like routine like it's like waking up and brushing teeth and you're eating breakfast it's just like something you just do and you go through I know this is way gnarlier but like compared to like a crazy case of asthma yeah I actually have some asthmatic symptoms that's why that's why I have a albuterol I have a little puffer inhalers yeah so yeah I'll do that and it takes about 30 45 minutes depending on what meds a month at that month and also used the the vest that I was telling you about earlier yeah yeah they actually just came out with a new one this this company called international biophysics and it's it's portable it's not one you have to like hook up to a machine or anything so it's like one of the first portable chest oscillation therapy devices so basically just vibrates and shakes up the lungs but uh I like I like that one because I don't feel like I'm you know having to go sit inside and like yeah you like I'm like stuck in a hospital room or whatever so I've actually like skated with it on Susie Wow pretty cool cuz it's pretty lightweight it's like crunchy pounds and it looks like a big life vest oh wow okay so like when I'm when I'm in the hospital the though you know I do like the normal breathing treatments and they'll have a physical therapist that comes in in we'll do manual PT which basically it's funny looking but they just beat me they literally just I lay on my side like I'm on my side right there let's target different different partner trying to brain go I'm just trying to break up all that stuff that's funny because I've I've walked in when Kris was doing that yeah I was mad it's funny because I mean when I was growing up my parents would have to do it and really look up their hands so go try to get like like air pressure they that sends that energy in there it's mainly the vibration okay and then when I'm in the hospital if I get you know bad enough to go in it's usually because I have some type of infection in the lung so they'll put me on IV antibiotics for two weeks at a time that's like the normal cycle is two weeks you know I'll go in for I think the shortest day I had was ten days and the longest was like twenty Wow yeah it's crazy but yeah it is it's I mean it is what it is right I can I could sit there and and do those treatments and feel like you know this is like this is the medical treatment this is like such a burden I have to do this mhmmm or you know I could just pop it in my mouth and like watch skate videos and you know yeah the last time I was in the hospital like just to kind of show that you know like I can just I could do whatever it's not it's not like something that's that's really bothering me I did the the Matt Miller did the switch flip while hooked up IV in my arm I had a breathing breathing treatment in my mouth next to an oxygen tank like it was no it was probably gnarliest thing I'll do just because like the level of risk there sure no sparks my doctor came in like like 30 seconds after I did it and she was like what's all that banging and I was like oh you know I just I knocked over the tank and I just I didn't tell him it so mad Wow I mean I didn't do that guy's no I'm kidding no but you even leavin left a disclaimer on your Instagram I was like you know I know this is stupid don't do it obviously like I know the risks my best friend's a nurse actually and I talked to him before it and it was like he was like dude like why and I'm like not like the barracks reposts yeah yeah he was like like dude coming from you what are you talking it actually just did the still trick thing again no come up at the Colin all skaters house which I've been staying at this whole week they got a mini ramp in the back and it's like right next to the mountains and everything and it's like outdoors so I did it with the a flow of Astana and I did it with doing the Toby pod hailer which is like another portable device and it was like it was cool to to do the first one where I'm like trapped in this room and I'm feel like I'm just hooked up to all this stuff and like I felt trapped and then to come back out here and like be outside and like doing my treatments but like totally free from all of that stuff and like it just kind of came full circle I did a tray flip because it was like Thursday see like fall came full circle no it's just been it's just been a crazy journey and I'm just like really grateful thanks for the barrack for that shout out that was crazy they didn't repost my still trick generally you see mine the one he didn't do but that's amazing that you dare the the whole thing yeah 360 flip and you know hey I love the message to man just have fun man do you enjoy your life and you know don't take anything for granted you know you're getting man yeah I'd be here for ten years or a hundred you never know all right yeah all that all it is is just this moment right now yeah it's just this whatever is happening right now enjoy it enjoy yeah seriously dude one thing I'm wondering about is like medical bills oh dude don't get me started on those I'm in so much medical debt it's ridiculous you know that insurance insurance so I did a video back when they were trying to repeal the the health care bill and all that I was in the hospital at that time and I actually I did a video that kind of like blew up on Facebook just like saying like hey protect people with pre-existing conditions because this stuff is so expensive like if I didn't have health insurance $300,000 a year oh wow yeah just to like fall stay alive yeah it's ridiculous but um yeah I mean it is what it is like I would rather I'd rather have medical bills than like you know being crazy credit card debt or student loans even like right right cuz because at least medical bills I can justify it like yeah I mean I I needed to live is there anything else that you want to talk about or bring awareness or cuz this is I think this is super interesting and I'm super stoked that you uh that skateboarding is yeah like helped you you know you man skateboarding's like it's been everything to me since I was such no since I was a little kid and and you know you know I find any like words of wisdom it's just you know it might not be skateboarding it might not be that might not be your thing but find the things gonna push you and drive you and keep you healthy and you know just just this enjoy your life because not everyone has that opportunity right cherish your breath and I don't know I feel like there's so much negativity in the CF community because it's it's such a it's you know it's a pretty gnarly disease and you know there's like there's kids that pass away within you know there's so many people that you know that's just like great people that have this disease of no fault of their own and they have to you know they have to suffer through it that I don't know I I've never looked at it as a suffering it's just kind of something I've had to go through and I've just always been just grateful for being here you know just be grateful for being alive right I thank God for everything and I don't know just just just happy to be human hey we're happy you're here too bro thank you yeah and is there like like you were saying like the doctors only gave you 17 years and is there any other day because you're 27 now yeah so there has been so much research in so much development since I've been born so in 94 they came out with Paula Zahn which is a treatment to help break up that mucus somehow to dissolve it 96 they they started doing research on the actual bacteria that grows in most CF lungs on like 98 they developed tobert myosin that helps specifically fight that bacteria 2002 I think they came out with another drug so literally since I've been alive they've come out with so many drugs and I've actually been in these clinical style clinical trials I was in a clinical trial for case 10 which is aztreonam it's another antibiotic I was and the trial for the Toby pot healer which I'm on right now like I've I've literally been in these clinical trials that I'm prescribed those drugs right now so I've seen the growth and I've seen the developments that have happened within my lifetime and that's why I just want to I just want to share that like we live in the best time in the world because we know so much about this disease and there's so much research and there's so funding that's going into finding the next treatment or the next cure and we actually I say we but you know the CF foundation is always like pairing up with all these different pharmaceutical companies and they just develop this one drug that is supposed to treat the underlying cause it's supposed to help that see if TR protein regulate those chloride ions and you know I we can't say cure because it's in your genetic code like the only thing that would that would be a cure is like genetic modification or something like that but this this specific medicine is supposed to help that underlying cause and I was in the study for that and now I'm on that and like I just I mean I feel great I don't know I just want to share some encouragement like we live in the best time for it and you know it's yeah you're gonna struggle you you're gonna get sick it's just gonna be part of life but you know there are good things that are happening and you know I don't ever want to say like we're gonna find a cure in my lifetime but I feel like I've been on the cusp so much like right now the life expectancy is in the 40s which is like awesome yeah it's mind-blowing how much how much advanced that that it's a once you're 35 just trying to like stay ahead you're in the right gap right yeah yeah oh man let me tell you if you want to learn more about CF you know go to WWE to see WWE right but go to CF f org if you want to take it a step further you could actually donate on their site to the CF foundation foundation yeah man and follow bowl on Instagram you know he's doing this whole documentary thing to where raise awareness and that when is that gonna be done you think it's I know I got it I just I've got a rough cut it should be out next month we'll see okay always you know Roger always is trying to do a project it's always gets delayed but uh Instagram is a 65 bro skate yeah the play on words of cystic fibrosis 65 broski oh the 65 actually comes from 65 roses a couple years ago there was a it just it's one of those like urban legends that kind of caught on where this this kid that couldn't pronounce cystic fibrosis we called it 65 roses and that's just been like the thing that's stuck and yeah so it's kinda like a play on that okay so I love it man like I said man go help go help out man's cFFO org slash donate donate donate go yeah hell no skateboarders don't have a lot of money but even a dollar or something you know what I mean like Rogers gonna go donate right now he's gonna give up a case of Stella for ya dude thank you so much both thank you bro and I hope to see you when we're older 65 70 years old I'm will uh details I'm just saying in the future Browne will sit on the porch Napa kool-aid together sounds good another mean yeah there's water and kool-aid you know you like who made love kool-aid yeah that purple stuff it's funny cuz I want to add some too because I was just talking about this yesterday our bodies are built to heal themselves it's just how you treat them right and it's just what you put into them and someone like you who is doing this you know for yourself it just shows people just to reiterate like you know mean like it's it's not only what you put into it but it's your mind and what you keeps you going and I was talking my mom it's like people that get diagnosed diagnosed with things it's such a mental breakdown right when it happens then it just puts them in this place but to find skateboarding to to treat your body right like that's just amazing yeah [ __ ] know man you just got to take care of all three and you know if one's off then you know focus on your mind get your mental health right start feeling good about your body and talk to it talk to your body hold talk to yourselves be like hey function I'm gonna start talking my body yeah I talked to Mike at all the time I think I'll start talking to you know my legs you might listen a little more than your cat does that's true sometimes she can be a [ __ ] but uh thank you again so much Bob and and dude like good luck in this whole journey man and we're all rooting for you you know yeah love it we're all brothers man absent sisters right skateboarding a little piece of wood man I know that's crazy yeah those here from New York I'm sitting at the nine o'clock we're doing the show cuz we're writing a toy still big little kids so cool yeah he's two over there thanks again Bo for coming this has been incredible and then to bring awareness to this whole thing's great yeah thank you so much um so Bo rich huh look at that inspirational yeah that I think so you know L do you went through some back [ __ ] right and you healed yourself with like food and exercise and stuff like that that dudes story like it's a good one man ya know I know people could learn a lot from that dude I can't imagine growing up with that and knowin like oh you can probably only have lived about 16 17 years old my crazy that story had like imagine being titled bad when you're like 10 or something like well the doctor said you know or you know like living in my ether guys Benjamin the paranoid his parents yeah [ __ ] could die like anytime but he had like pneumonia at first he had this whole thing and then the CF stuff I mean different life and he's skating well too man it's getting good great skateboarders really cool he killed that many rabbits crazy that the at least like 70,000 people in the world have that but they're doing such like advanced research on it you know what I mean it's not like a well I didn't know about it really you know I heard about that never really understood what yeah yeah crazy dude crazy but well let's move it along we have a I thought you know I thought for this episode I we'd bring in a special guest star things up stir well you know there's been a whole Kelly started this thing you know he was talking about being mixers and you know he hates pegs and you don't like them grinding your lunches they don't like them breaking the ledges no one likes them anyone breaking ledges exactly right but you said like at the skate park like you they you can't hear them and that's you know it was saying you're running into a biker at a skate park but they say man like we've gotten a lot nah not me why you've gotten a lot of flack from it I've gotten a couple dm's right ROG but uh you know there's a probiem exer dude why didn't know that until I could live with the guy like a year ago but like on a really quick notice and I was like what's your we're already ahead Jerry right now Jerry Bagley Jerry Pro BMX Rogers famous in that wait this is real yeah yeah dude broke or was a probiem ixr right yeah yeah amazing right he had a few covers how come you didn't go the the BMX route if he was into it you just have skating like my Jerry I mean like you know I think you have a little brother doing what's your little brother eventually he got into like ridin bikes and he like would go to this Wakefield bike track okay which is like two two towns over apparently he like he met some people and they started riding bikes to towns over my mom found out like what the [ __ ] he could do him like he got really into it he was really [ __ ] good Oh sick Wow at all I found a little bit of extra of him yeah that's pretty so you never touched it nothing no bikes not when he was pro for mosh bikes whatever he gave me one of his bikes and uh I picked on a couple times no way no do you [ __ ] up the late ROG Kelly died Ryan properly see I didn't know there was like a thing I just thought that [ __ ] that's [ __ ] up but listen you say so and then it kind of just blowed up it's blown up out of proportion I mean not really but you know they who knew that BMXers like I don't like Kelly I know dude and I don't blame them my brother's friend biz hit me up like you know your boy Kelly it's really [ __ ] stirring [ __ ] ya know Kelly's innocently saying like dude like I just you know yeah he's got his issues with it issue it's just like it you know it's uhm you know what's interesting it's I feel like that's something that happens in California yeah cuz no cuz there's a lot of there's a lot of skateboarders here and we all skate the same thing in the middle of the country there's not a lot of skateboarders so like they like the one biker that called a music yeah all the bikers to be a I'll get along the BMXers the skaters we all have to go yeah right and like we you know it's just there's so many skateboarders here that we don't you know but California is so spread out like when we go skate spots like we rarely see a BMX or exactly you know what we do you know whatever yeah half the county chases them out of the [ __ ] park something should they be invited ride like you would never tell now right right right like where they're on top of the [ __ ] roof well we thought it would be only fitting to bring in a probiem X rider Dakota Roche is that right Roche Dakota Roche to the show come on in having me cheer listen oh do cheers bro this is debate oh yeah let's get going Dakota Dakota after the show we set up an octagon out back for you Kelly to really you know go go yeah you you got some pretty big arms there Chris Cole wanted us to arm wrestle so oh oh no wait let's get people up to speed though cuz we have a couple clips of Dakota shredding on the BMX and it's [ __ ] incredible no thank you is that the right term shredding shredding works across the board my gosh Jesus Christ crazy this lines sick by the way this gays huh what yeah don't even ask me where that spot is oh no you are too what no comply oh wow the 500 [Music] what they make how did you not like holy high up after that you guys want to skate that ledger each if you want to go there no that first spot though Dan Berman did that grind to what don't we do oh yeah grind it across the room fifty-fifty yeah and then landed on there on the shed roof again and then like all it off yeah that that left peg 5o down the rail is that the right how do you somebody what is that it's the ice pack I suppose I don't really like that name ice pick no yeah I like left peg 5o because is it left peg or right pack well start like blending the terms together yeah bit more I mean switch it up what's harder is the left side of the right side depends it's like it's a dominate yeah yeah normally like if your left foot forward then normally you grind on the left and vice versa right foot forward huh right but some people some people are ambidextrous and other people like kind of vice versa no cause like yeah the the line in the ditch 360 over the fence and everything like how many tries did something like that take that line wasn't too bad that line was like maybe 10 tries but doing like seriously I you know I have a skateboard background I got er up skateboarding before I rode BMX okay oh the deal but uh yeah dude we battle tricks as much I'm sure yeah I'm sure I've gone to the same spot three times before I got it I'll do ours each time you know it's like you know same same situation Yeah right right well speaking of skateboard we have a skateboard clip here - oh jeez look I apologize I know I'm gonna get some what do you mean this is a sick clip dude I just look like The Tin Man I've skied listen I've skated that spot the LUP ledge right there I don't watch a lot of biking but you look like a skater on a bike in some of the you know I mean like I appreciate that yeah well it's like well a lot of my influence comes from skateboarding it still does to this day like I'm not like trying to be a skateboarder alright but like I can't help but be influenced by this it looks good yeah no I appreciate thank you and it's like you know there's a lot of dudes that are in BMX that are that same way it's like we're we're out trying to get the same thing we're filming video parts we're trying to find spots I gotta drive around for 12 hours in a day looking for new spots like it's California it's been a you guys know different worlds same world Kona yeah the reason you're here Kellie he meant no harm by a sure dude I said come on I meant no harm in I don't know man he's kind of you could he's kind of a just scared to run into a biker at a park have you seen any BMXers in the flesh since that no no no no they uh you said you don't really see them that much they don't though I used to where do you skate normally I do live that doehner partying [ __ ] lately whorehouse and lately I've been skating around yeah mixers go to the courthouse quite a bit I never see it though the key looked to me know hey dude love the show business before the calm yeah yeah but okay I don't know I was talking to a friend of mine he's like you had the the bikers that like really know what's up yeah you know like someone like show you they're like they heard that comment and they're like I'll do it's kind of funny I get it like for sure well that's the thing it's like we've dealt with this for so long you know what I mean and it's like sometimes it kind of goes quiet for a little bit and other times it gets flare back up but it's like I know I know but it's like you know there's cokes and BMX you know right 100% there's nukes in skateboarding - yeah that's the way you gotta look at it it's like you know I don't endorse the behavior of some of these BMXers that are acting that way and then I also don't look at skaters that are acting lame and you know look at them and be like oh yeah you're skateboarder you know and I mean it's like right it's like across the board if you're lame you're lame there you go there you go but I all said I have to say something too because like we yeah like Kelly and everybody keep referring to bikers but that if that's not the normal that's another good too long term right yeah I mean when you think of bikers you think alike a road bike road bike you know yeah it's like BMXers like more of a more of our term I guess okay I didn't even think that sounds that cool but is what it is like BMX set is harder to say than just bike makers yeah it'd be worse if we didn't abbreviate it its bicycle motocross not motocross because there's no moto or motor but yeah hey you guys want to go bicycle motocross you know what's funny I never even thought about that yeah I didn't bring it under I didn't even think about what those initials stood for yeah yeah bicycle my moto cross moto what's the race days moto no moto though it's not it's moto not motor like there's no R where the [ __ ] is X come in cross crossing exit come on do you ever think about like who the hell came up with that diet don't ever but no I mean now I'm going to okay sleep and like tag Munez I'll tag you first you as used for referring to BMX just riding riding riding yeah okay yeah so I mean like we got a lot of comments Kelly got a lot of comments and like I said like he just was saying that what like the the you can't hear him at skate parks and the major one was you said that bikers excuse me excuse my language BMXers chip the ledges up like not just like in a way of skateboarder would do it it was like huge chunks yeah and that was like [ __ ] ruin the ledge completely like well I grew up skating you know so I get it I get it let's get into this okay let's get into it yeah how often have you seen that happen though not that many times but it was just that one time not ruined it for pretty much ever I get it yeah yeah it's like one of those things is like a situation that happened and it's like you know now every time you think of BMX you associate that I get it I understand yeah if I did that with a lot of things in life no no to be honest like I get it like you know I grew up in Huntington Beach and like I grew skated for six years before I even touched a BMX bike and I knew all that was going on for a long time but you know as I started getting older I was like you know my friends were skateboarders and I had friends that were BMXers and we just like did both I don't know like it was never like it was never like oh you're gonna go BMX hey it's so weird I was like oh you're gonna go ride today cool ID friends that BMX wrong with no so but that might be a list see there you see everybody that's on the show yeah Johnny Layton you don't I mean I took Chad tempt him it's like did the Chad one was so funny he was like why why do you hate BMX bike it's fun as [ __ ] anyways back to the ledge yes I get it yeah that's the you know that's the that's the way of thinking that's been around for a long time and you know but dude I see a slappy curb that's not even high enough to grind on a bike and that thing is like rounded beyond you can't even fix it you know what I'm yeah yeah so it's like yeah we're both causing damage obviously in different ways but like in addition to that like a lot of us ride plastic pegs now and that's not like a we didn't do that to please anybody else but at the same time it's like got its benefits it's like wow this actually works better as it worked like wax you have to wax or if you have to wax as crazy I never heard of that yeah so you have to wax everything before you grind that's the only thing it sucks but like we didn't we were never never able to hit like aluminum rails and stuff oh yeah cuz they would stick and you know flip over but with plastic pegs and a little bit of wax dude it just opened up like a million spots yeah the thing I've always wondered too was like why how come they haven't made well my old my thing was like why haven't they made trucks I mean uh pegs like the trucks the same yeah they make aluminum baby yeah [ __ ] you chunking up our ledges um yeah so the ledge thing I get it I understand but um like you said it's like how often do you see a ledge that's like completely ruined to the point where you can't skate it anymore it happens from time to time Rogers point feeler spots are popular spots you know it's like yeah they're gonna get worn out whether it's a skater a bike but like you know if something's got like a I'm mindful of it yeah I like to I like to preserve spots because I want to be able to keep hitting it Oh to Rogers point to because his ride his brothers Pro BMX but I mean like if you say again if you're not again doing great and you want so much is that yeah it's been a long time since I've written something and looked at it after like damn dude I've kind of put some damage in on this and I've dude I like with that being said I've I've dealt with everything that comes with it I've had skaters try and fight me I've tried to fight slave orders yeah but it's like it's not just because they're a skateboarder and I'm a bike rider it's like if you're being a dick you're being a dick you don't I mean like I've probably tried to fight BMXers to I'm not a fighter by get him a tissue no it's been like dude it's been a long time since I've got in a fight like middle school but there is that kind of for sure you know like I think a lot of people respect bikers like a lot of skateboarders respect bikers but I think at the same time there's a little there's a lot of things little things like you know what happened to me last week so I live in Costa Mesa ok and I live like two miles from that Volcom skate park without door park yeah if there's more than 15 people there kind of said yeah you know what I mean yeah but uh dude I was rolling up and they do like skate camp they're like where it's like you know and I support that 100% you know if you're gonna teach 15 kids out of skate in they're three years old that's sick yeah yeah this is like the funniest thing that's happened in a long time I rolled up a three year old kid told me that I wasn't allowed to bring my bike in the skate park yeah my three-year-old kid so it's getting ingrained race I mean the my view is I I believe that you know a lot of skaters and BMXers do coexist we respect each other a lot yeah I mean and and but they're all is always the the things like there's no eggs or Kelly's argument or not argument but Kelly's point to you like when they're at skate parks like the bikes so quiet so if you're flying in the air with the bike that is that's right default so so a gnarly no no that's just like gnarly on the BMX side how the hell are you bailing with a bike like that when you're flying off a roof dude that's completely know you just gotta try and get away from oh boy yeah pretty quiet there there are yeah well especially these days like I mean a lot of people like the street riders should be wearing their headphones either though I know Kelly I ever do that never do that that also comes down to the etiquette thing they shouldn't be anywhere near you doing a trick if you are in or vice versa it's gonna be aware of your surroundings yeah that's just being aware funny thing was was that going to Hell's Gate Park he said you went there before that's where I do tickets baby oh wow two tickets that's I grew up there only got one wait why are you getting a ticket no helmet no helmet but he would so they would come in they would raid the park it was gnarly I would rate it from all different angles and like just seriously had Undercovers there like they would do it on every couple years runa Beach funny thing was was that they would go right after the bikers or the BMXer sorry yeah they would go straight after them and if you weren't wearing a helmet but you got like like oh [ __ ] there's a biker here like the cops are going for him so like we would like if you never there's like they wouldn't even they would go right past us and then go right to the bikers live why would they go for the BMX you're now allowed to bike there see that's I've had instances where like I've gotten singled out at skate parks like with other people breaking the rules as well you don't I mean it's like hey you're not supposed to be in there on your bike well you're also supposed to have a helmet elbow pads knee pads wrist guards freaking mouth guard dog you're either yeah don't forget about the cup yeah welcome Park again a couple months ago for some reason that Park like just for whatever reason just bad vibes for me this one dude was like pulling there like it's a skate park not a bike park thing you know to me oh and I was like are you even skating right now dude he was like sitting on the ledge with a Brit like a brand-new Christmas completely just like he just said some just said it just say it I was like well do you have a problem with me being here right now like are you being a security guard for this skate park he's like no I'm like then why are you even talking to me yeah you know it's like you're starting something for no reason I'm not in your way you're not in my way like it's just break the rules constantly like we trespass like sometimes it's just like it's a little frustrating because like you know you hear it like oh it's a skate park not a bike park but it's like dude you guys like all of us BMX is included we're hoppin fences on the weekend we're grinding rails in life we're doing things we're not supposed to and that's like the outlaw part of it you know what I mean that's people skateboarders thrive on that BMXers due to whether whether we get approval or not like we're gonna be there yeah old you know that's just wake love with Chris Cole said when he was here he was like oh yeah they're going after the same Stoke which is a different apparatus you know it's so true sick yeah yeah yeah it's cause the man and you are you you rock opera for Colt Yakult is the company he's a part of and he has helped us along the way quite a bit even like with colorways and stuff how rad is that oh well like he was like you know this was when he was still on like zero and falling in stuff back in the day okay he would be like hey I just put out this shoe and it's like a you know it's it's got like a gum sole and it's a black shoe you know pretty basic but what about a bike that looks like that you know yeah so like gum tires with a black bike we did it it's the tires killed in there look right you know Wow so it's like you know sometimes you just need somebody like a little bit out of it yeah look in and you know but at the same time I now because you grew up skating - right I did have six or seven years you skated yeah and you still do you still see a lot of it yeah so but I mean like now you are on a bike BMX company with Chris Cole I do trip out on that are you doing yo no I love it I love it it's like that's what I mean it's like sometimes like we'll get things like that that happened in BMX or whatever where it's like this is really cool like we're kind of working together and we're part of the same tribe and this is great and then other times like you know people will bring up some things that haven't been brought up in a long time and it's like oh you know really we're back to square one yeah yeah yeah you know yeah but it's like Kelly Kelly just you know running is that's [ __ ] up I don't know there was this much prejudice like in this you know extreme sports realm you know I would have never got on the 9 Club for sure if this didn't conversation didn't happen so there you go hey guys dude yeah I appreciate it I had just watched Jay Lay's episode and then you texted me like three hours later and I was like what is going on right now we were joking before the show because like we were here and we're and we're just like in he got you got his number from yeah that means and so we're like Mia Roger like dude just text him dude like tell him to come on the show and then it's like okay dude I'll text oh man like hey dude this is Kelly heart like I just like and we were sitting here and then he text back and I had another text back well well I'll hit him with the well-well-well your [ __ ] die oh good dude but no I thought it'd be fun to rap out and like you know it means and I appreciate it so much and I think that it's cool what you guys got going on here like I said I'd watch the show constantly or listen to it so it's like to be a part of it is yeah I really appreciate you bro we appreciate you being here but and that just like we were shocked because we didn't know that we had like a BMX following or like a snowboard fall like red no idea and then all of a sudden like trip me out so there you go that was a blessing in disguise for you guys in to because then it's like oh jeez like we are crushing it that hard that we're bringing people that aren't even skateboarders like into this and they're like yo like learning about all these dudes that need to be learned about you don't know shining light on people's struggles and how they got to this point like think about it like that I know we don't even like oh we're crushing it and this and that like we're just like we just sit down and turn the cameras on it you know what I mean and people we hear it in the streets but like to hear that like BMXers and like you know cross-country skiers just watch the show do they watch it too now they have something to say about them I'm sorry no I'm just gonna say like a lot of skateboarders don't even realize that like BMXers really look up to skateboarders and they really like pay attention to what's got what we're doing yeah and I think it's like it's cool you know I I like to say it goes both ways to a certain extent obviously like skateboarding has always had like a pretty big impact on BMX you know like just with you know even like filming a video apart or something like that like that I feel like you know that was like a model that skateboarding took and BMX was like dang that's like really cool to showcase your best stuff and whatever but uh so yeah but you know even it goes the other way around sometimes like I remember there was an interview with Leo Romero and he was talking about like like they asked him like yo like why did you start grinding up rails and he talked about he's like I saw it in a BMX video I mean so it's like to sometimes get that it's like it's pretty cool you know I mean it's not you saw a reaction here we do like it's incredible thank you guys three then oh yeah what how do you like that's what's crazy about what you guys do is how you look at what's around we all look at skateboarding kind of similar way we know what's limp like what what the limit is yeah your guys's limit it's a different oh it's a different realm it's getting crazy though - I saw a video but guy grind up will Toro literally BMX Greg did a back 180 out or something yeah what gotta be going fastest yeah is it harder going up a rail or down a rail not depends I mean sometimes it's less scary to go up upping that's what I say because if you're going down you're diving into a steep rail it's like oh you miss your front peg you're grinding your teeth and slop yeah you're just going straight into a stair set go up it that's yeah that's scary - I just don't know what that's like oh it's it's super interesting man I love it I respect you guys and I love what you guys do and I mean like I said like just off of the rough to the little short thing we watched right now is [ __ ] incredible I mean Justin almost uh I lost it that means a lot because like I said it's like you know we we have a lot of respect for skateboarding and what you guys have done and what you guys continue to do and it's computer respect well yeah I hope we can I mean like there's always going to be the dicks out there there's always going to be the guy that everyone went at the skate park right like to you but how do you react to that like do you get that a lot or is that just like something where you just like brush it off your shoulder or like what like I'll go a couple years without hearing something okay yeah and then all the sudden all you're like three back-to-back and it's like really like we're back to this right now right but then things like you know like I'm not even trying to name-drop by any means okay I apologize but like no like Konoha I've got Kelly Hart I've gotten like I've gotten like really close with like Geoff Rowley over the years sick and like it started with I mean like I said I cry for bands right yeah yeah but I grew up and I grew up in Huntington Beach and like I'd always see him around and I always do Geoff Raleigh's like whoa dude like that's Rowley like I've always admired that dude but he saw one of my parts I put out like five or six years ago like after I had gotten on vans and he texted me and I was like I just got a text from Rowley like this is insane and it was just like you know I saw your part like dude I you know I was stoked on it whatever and like oh that blew me away dude and it's like I get to like travel with them sometimes now or like whatever like we'll send each other spots like yo look at this ditch this ditch is kind of cool like you might like this or whatever and it's just like you know when things like that happen it makes me forget all about the other stuff I mean it's a and it's not like I'm like searching for people's approval or anything but it's just like you appreciate it when people could get along and even if they're doing different things it's still like mutual respect bro skateboarding is dangerous BMX is more dangerous yeah scootering is beyond dangerous yeah I didn't do it are there any like BMXers out there that like just hate skaters no names I don't know any I know some that have been in situations where like skateboarders have like tried to fight them over things or whatever that like probably have a bad taste but I know like so guys it goes the other way it has some [ __ ] from other skaters sometimes like that would make turn me off a little bit you know later I think it's I think it's different for me because like even though I've got boards like flowing at my shin before I've gotten like all that I've been through it all yeah but like since it's like kind of my first love like skateboarding's like you know but that's even worse though hearing it I know I know what I mean like you [ __ ] love skateboarding and then you have this skater saying I can do no bikes in the park yeah well I mean I I hear that and I'm just like well dude like I mean I don't know I just try to shrug it off these days a little bit more but like you know I just don't understand why people have to open their mouths if they're not gonna like do anything about it it's like what are you are you gonna like are you gonna physically kick me out of here are you gonna call the police no you're not gonna do either well I'm gonna be here and you're gonna be here deal with it all of a sudden they become the cops yeah yeah it's like dude you are literally a security guard at that point yeah like literally you should carry around security guard shirts and when you get that just take out of your backpack and that's a good situation like or some skateboard or like is giving you [ __ ] and then you like let me see your board yes I have that's that's worked a bunch of time oh really you can say I've been a part of this for so long and I've heard both sides of it and for so long and whatever that it's like nothing can really shock me anymore with what's being said yeah right it could be like ah this again Kelly do you have anything to say to the BMX community I apologize if I've offended anybody because I wasn't that was not my intent and yeah I would hope to think you guys kinda understood what I was saying that's that's why I never even got spun out when it was talking about it's like dang I like this show but this guys kind of going off a little bit but also to wood to cut we'd like to keep things going yeah you know we keep it going you have to every time I get old don't say in front of Kelly he's gonna get mad at be a mess we have fun you know so and like I said I wouldn't be here without that so yeah but I will say thank you for coming hopefully we get sessional edge together one don't be saying we should no way so actually well the pegs oh I have a plastic bag with me you have a I'm not saying I'm not bringing this out to be like oh yeah everybody rides this but most dudes do these well this is like a pretty common thing sick here we go he's getting the peg out here Pat the pegs uh-oh look at that that's not what I pictured actually Oh plastic sleeve around yeah grinds super-good so it's basically like a sir yeah it's a sleeve this is a plastic sleeve and then this is like an insert and it could be like aluminum or chromoly okay see ya this isn't chromoly is what probably is a baby bunny hop three feet and land on a Ledge might kind of do a little damage though this doesn't even look like or even feel like plastic yeah can I tell you it actually feels like a metal yeah it's my super like durable terry i polymer why aren't Gilbert Crockett skating like a big hubba and he had like a bow the PVC no you have like a PVC thing yeah they make those and they make Oprah's it they've been over the years Z rollers hopers you can take PVC cut it and like basically wrapping around your truck and then take a heat gun and kind of like melt it around what but if you want to skate a hub it's nots not running right you don't want to go through yeah now this isn't like this peg this uh this is plastic peg you know it's not something like like a BMX or would be like I'm not putting out plastic peg on my help dudes a couple old school dudes are a little anti so okay yeah they're like very like purists like oh no it's metal or Die there's always gonna be so even so everyone's entitled of their own I've I personally endorse riding plastic pegs because a it's a lot more quiet when you grind so if you got a ride a spot where you're gonna get kicked out skate more spots yeah security guard ain't gonna hear you sometimes you know what I mean I always get jealous of that you know I mean skateboarding makes a lot of me ass oh my god yeah oh I hate that I was just having fun with Chris Cole if he wasn't uh no the grinding noise is like you know to me it's like fingers on the chalkboard it can it could hesita high-pitched squeal I get it I get it but I'd like to hear the sound of this yeah stick peg this way but I mean like at the spots like you guys kind of can go unnoticed yeah it's pretty bad pretty rad yeah especially like is like you know a lot of people run that the free coaster - which makes like your bike super silent and that's that allows you to like roll backwards without having to pedal backwards okay and that gets rid of that like clicking noise if you do a back 180 mm down something was really bad why is give a friend if you do a front 180 days I'm gonna back 180 you do back 180 Siraj from 180 is going one switch and one's regular and being its what how wait yeah what's so front and back yes so like for instance like right I mean typically if your left foot forward you spin to the right and that's that that's like your dominant turning way it's like sorry so there's a stands on BMX there's stance yeah exactly it's like snowboarding or something you know what I mean what but you're riding forward well your feet aren't your feet are like offset you know so it cuz I never if I'm doing if I'm doing a bunny hop the most comfortable way for me is left foot forward yes so you probably like if you were to turn you would probably turn to the right into the right but you might not I mean and there's that regular or goofy that's regular regular okay yeah but if you're doing a back 180 down a set of stairs is there a time limit you have to ride backwards or befriended before you hop back is there like to make the hell yeah that's a good question dude yeah that is a good question so back in the day people would just roll fakie for like a hundred feet after they landed keep going yeah and you'd have to put that whole thing in your part like dude yeah you know one wants to watch it roll yeah thank you that one but ya know so normally people pretty much roll back like pretty quick now it's like okay my feet you know I mean you land and then five feet so there's no like distance like oh he only wrote like two feet oh no no no no no harder oh do like land to finish well I'm just asking I don't know ROG if you're going yeah if you're going fast sometimes it's hard to roll out super quick because you land and you're like you have to keep them lined yeah yeah yeah so it's like sometimes it's like okay I gotta like feel balanced and then turn around what's our latest thing you've ever done you think that's not like well you're just like whoa dude like that I'm proud of that yeah what's your Swift lips which manual so there was like this like bumped a bar like bump over bar and filly like a pretty big one though like height-wise the thing is like there with the rail was like seven feet tall or something something offense from where the kicker was it was only like normal height though you know what I mean that drop was seven feet though yeah yeah yeah but I did like a 360 over it it's really hard to explain I'm sorry no no but no I did a 360 over it and I did a trick called a turndown in the 360 it's where you like yeah it's where you turn your bars into your leg okay it's like a tuck knee you kind of like cross it would be really hard to compare it to a skateboard trick normally like pretty good at that like oh yeah it's like this but like like a tuck you know like you're Alex should wrap the handlebars around your leg and it has to go all the way around so your bars are backwards behind you what wait so you do a back okay so I'm regular foot okay it's like a seat build here you like you know like a regular foot I'm going to go backside 360 right and then I take my handlebars and you what from here already almost embarrassed that you wrap it around oh yeah I'm looking at you for direction all right oh and then BOOM turn it again I wish it could I just show you guys could I like pull up a clip is that possible sure yeah we could pull up a clip bro play the whole part dumb it foot is pointed straight down yeah twist if I you know and you know well Raj knows everything yeah he really does it's any extreme sports realm knows at all yeah that's your new name extreme Raj okay here we go I'm not play this so it's right after that right there what was it oh yeah sorry guys sorry sorry okay here we go here we go Oh is the line oh [ __ ] dude that [ __ ] narc how do you even find me look at a building and says look at the little oh you got Swiss yeah thing oh you're hyped right there yeah I didn't throw the hand up though no don't do that don't ever do that yes ma'am you obviously pay attention to the skateboarding really well I do what are your like top three favorite skate videos I really like minefield I was like yeah yes was really a fully flared I mean mmm another good one I grew up on the early zero videos though now what is that hot chocolate oh yeah if you reduce BMX to skateboards what three videos we recommended them to watch if I say a video with me having a part in it that's gonna be weird though right or do I do it all the time yeah myself I don't like feeling myself I don't like there's other people in the metro right like pick three videos yeah I think that would really like so like psych like skaters out so the cult video that was from talk is cheap that was the two thousand or so you guys just saw the ender of the video spoiler so know that that video we worked really hard on and we put a lot of you know we put everything we had into that how many years does that take we did two years it might have been a little bit more than that but I'd say that and then another one that I just had a part in like two years ago was the van's video vans Illustrated Oh sick and it was so we put that out like a year after the van skate video a propellor yeah yeah exactly oh yes I was like yeah it's like you know we got super psyched on that video and we're like we got to do a BMX video you know yeah so but we didn't have as much time I trip out like I'm sitting here tripping like listening like oh yeah we after the propeller video we did this vans me I know and I'm sitting you're like it's so funny how like it we don't know anything about that and that's it's interesting though it's like you guys know so much about skateboard in sirs same spot that's what I'm saying like they just did the Vans video why was it called I'm sorry the Vans video you dad DMX one illustrated illustrator yeah right after a propeller yeah I had no [ __ ] idea you know I know what a normal skin oh oh yeah there was a snowboard video actually yeah not too long man snowboard yeah a couple months ago I think is when it came out what was that called rush I don't know I didn't see that I got a question what session let's hear it Vance yeah how many shoes do you go through like on and you know I'm on a regular basis honestly like I can make it I sometimes a pair lasts me a month do they get [ __ ] up that obviously they get yeah they get they get wrecked normally cuz like we don't run breaks so look at our feet down yeah so that's normally when they get what tell me what what is that I don't never knew what no brakes yeah yeah it was just less things in the way you know what I mean if you have brakes you have this cable or you have a gyro it's like super like just like not it's just not easy to maintain that and deal with if your wheel if your wheels bent a little bit then your brakes are rubbing it's just like you know it's too much this has been incredible Kelly any last words for Dakota because I know that for your best friend oh dude we're help me we're gonna go ride and skate the same spots yeah or where can we do this wish a film that you did you just not learn anything [Applause] it's like where we gotta go do that all right well let's go anywhere then hey I got a question for you Kelly yeah so do you ever like put in work at the spot so like do you ever like show up to the spot bust out the brick rub no dude lacquer the ledge did that bondo I bondo things I always just waxed it normally I never like used that's what the Fillmore does yeah that's what's crazy in BMX guess who does it mean I find the spot I'm your mother one Rick rubbing it and I'm the one yeah it's like it's like the stain that's your duty yeah so that the filmer doesn't do I mean maybe some comers get involved some to help it's not like they're like sitting there like having a pina colada watching you do it but like is there are there like youtubers that are like doing my gosh stuff yeah oh really yeah oh my daughters and stuff there is yeah and are they as popular as like the ones that we had like a revive and all that stuff they're pretty popular yeah like they're them as a person is more popular than like most BMX brands now it's crazy but they cater to the younger kid exactly those younger kids will probably buy or follow them but then later on find out about you and find out about cult so unlike all this stuff and then like I just I lose my over my thing is like I don't want to call myself like a purist by any means but like if the video part aspect of this stuff dies out I'm gonna be super bummed I mean we feel the same way yes like whatever you know you could do whatever but as long as you don't start interrupting our video parts right you know what I mean like if I could still spend a year or two filming a video part I'm happy you guys could do whatever we want yeah yeah yeah so this has been so [ __ ] interesting dude I'm glad you came scared and I told you be scared my brother's gonna be hyped is he yeah that's good we're all hyped I'm hyped I'm stoked Kelly will you grab Dakota a parting gift for us we grab a mug or some more toys you know you know what mug I want do I want Appleyard dude that's the homie the homie homie I need the good homie they get Holly good you don't know what the Kelly Appleyard know he wants the original oh the original it's been a long time coming man you know this is uh you know it's just fun to give Kelly a little [ __ ] right it's fun oh here we go Kelly thank you so much here we go we got the Yankee oh thank you of that don't give you this one first this is our Appleyard mug oh gee I see it yeah I love it this is uh this is Kelly's mrs. Kelly's right here yeah large nine club long-sleeved tee brother amazing thank you so much so let me show you guys what I got for you okay this is a little bit more bridging the gap right here okay I love any yeah we got Oh what is this a picture of oh the gun doing a wall ride that's that's so rad so just in case you guys are feeling a little anti bikes just just no but just know that God's is doing a wall ride at the brown one that's behind thank you so much these gifts inside is amazing so sick you know what do I I really appreciate you guys taking the time to chat with me and I'm thankful to be here so it's at least I can do and now we're going out back to the Octagon where's Kelly and Dakota why are you gonna Duke it out you'll just let all this in a no-holds-barred no rules now we're good well just a sessional that's so much better thumb-wrestle them [ __ ] guys thumbs Dakota look at that oh dude I wouldn't win ever do it again Dakota man thank you so much for stopping yeah I'm so glad that we [ __ ] got this opportunity to hang out with you and stuff and you got a lot of followers followers Graham that 9 o'clock you guys thank you yeah thank you to make tag me not the 9 Club in your phone I already tagged you did the relationship started already okay I don't have I gotta grab my phone after the show I'll follow you thank you follow me follow I got found out didn't I I'll follow the whole squad straight after this that's awesome dude yes okay I was Kelly watches watch a couple video parts after the show yeah yeah sure I'd love to watch that was those clips you had already thank you I didn't want this to be checked me out dot-com we like filling in our audience you know because like as skateboarders like I I don't know much about be I'm sure a lot of our audience doesn't either you know like a lot of our viewers so you know yeah well thank you guys well there that felt the same way Keller did I'm sure you all gladly hopefully like one or two people's minds changed a little bit just exist oh yeah yeah I know definitely dude definitely hopefully next time you had some a biker and a skater sees each other in spot or BMXer they manage to be cool they're like oh do this all the nine clothes yeah I do thank you so much again dude Danko's dakota roche everybody go check out his videos on youtube follow on instagram go say what's up to them if your skateboard out there hit them up in the DM do you check your dams over I know you do I do I'm trying to be better about that yeah it's hard it's a full-time job is seriously but go see what's up to him man and next time you're at the park do the little security shirt that I told you about really for I'm gonna do that [ __ ] with them but 911 right my clubs nine club security sure nine club pegs oh that's Chris am I am I asking a little bit too much Chris will thing about Robert all right all right about that one all right cool that's uh Roger let's bring STIs us in and we will get some news right now with some skate news yeah well there you go Dakota Roche uh huh that was Telus oh really [ __ ] sick dude I hope people like that man you know I hope people like that I just hope that like kids out there the skate parks what are always doing like they would just start getting on with them you know I think a lot of people do but I think there's always like I said like there's always those noisy people always ask you know but uh I've never confronted you problem of this I there was always been that issue he said it best though it was like it's just people it's you're a dick if you're a skateboarder a biker you're a dick if you're not a dick you know I mean the thing that I trip out too is like they they like a lot of the BMXers like likes like they'd love skateboarding it's gnarly then like to have them roll up to a spot and then have a skateboarder be like yo get the [ __ ] out of here like you're just like dude I [ __ ] love ski I skate myself like I'm just like like that's the skater the great skateboarder no wall ride was amazing oh my god dude let's move this show along we got we got some news topics to talk about and STIs this was gonna bring STIs a sin of course Steve's Christ everybody he knows are you gonna switch seats again like this yeah this is his spot oh this is the spot LD just good over here I think LD does pretty well over here it's kind of crazy like I feel like Jesus I like Felix teases doesn't care he just as good anywhere he's probably and then like I like him over here I know you do know welcomes teases thank you so much again for joining us man we always are always a pleasure having you local that first time I came out I was like look I'm on the Westside now I may just pop up and now I feel like this has become a thing we were like really maybe we could get rid of Eldridge I'm not taking this job I'm just adding food a little bit we got this nice little dynamic now I love it man I love it so first of all Aaron mazey we just want to talk about yeah I want to get in the news Aaron Mesa directed is that the right word rajput together yeah so a band called Hertz paid holidays a group of friends like me as it can I grew up without from the SF area and he was filming with them back in the day okay and they asked him like a music video oh sick and he took all their old footage when there were kids skating scabiei that's been skating that's them and a bunch of like SF heads that's amazing that's cool it was amazing in it I didn't see and his amazing amazin might have a clip in there it's called sixteen syllables yeah there's the name of the song yeah it's great video yeah it's gold skate [ __ ] kind of like a set a good vibe the good vibe yeah dude chico always posts some you know I mean he posed old-school [ __ ] and like he posted one the other day of like Mesa what he filmed of just back then and Mesa was skating too with Chico and it's just like yeah it's sick crazy because they all have the same style obviously but mmm it's called say young cheeks like young cheeks the hardest I've ever laughed in the show is when you did the Geron and Chico talk to you yeah so but I go check out the music do her space holiday go check that out it's pretty sick it's a great video Aaron maze it and I love it I love it what else do we have or anything else we have to talk about we just started talking oh I know but there's mood you know Austin you like dr. Park he handsome team hands it was a very yeah it's kind of awesome I feel like not that I have he had knee surgeries right elbow yeah surgeries holy crap yeah and he's getting better than ever what do you do to his knees do we know I'm not sure what happened it'd be awesome to have on the show so he did it on the same time same thing or do different times I think he had to have one done the other one like was eventually gonna need work so I think I said [ __ ] and had both um done damn smart that's enough [ __ ] I say hardcore [ __ ] like you barely a [ __ ] yeah she just like you know what folks right now yeah I'm not trying to go through this but once you get it done and go through the rehab and do all that like I had all my four wisdom teeth pulled at the same time getting to pulled at one time and to pulled another thank you bro yes sir face get all swollen I don't remember that too much swelling I put me out for a few days it maybe even a week I heard pineapple juice helps for some reason I don't know why pineapple juice helps with some other [ __ ] to appreciate it I always come with these [ __ ] like kooky ass facts but you know like when you eat a bunch of pineapple like your tongue starts to burn and [ __ ] like that yeah apparently pineapple has the same own I don't know if it's enzyme or some type of like chemical inside of it that like your body uses to break down meat oh really oh so it's almost like stomach acid almost oh it's something like that so it's basically like when you're eating pineapple but they're pretty much trying to break you down as you eat more and more because of that chemical huh it's [ __ ] weird I know do you eat with so would you eat it at the same time as me or no but if you've ever drank like a ton of pie a bunch of pineapple like eventually your tongue starts burning I never had that before I love pineapple [Music] [Laughter] I've heard about the girl [ __ ] though we're not in that corner never I remember find that I think I still have a reminder on my phone straight up it says pineapple the [ __ ] home that's boy my boy my boy do you haven't tried maca no what's that it's like a it's almost like a ginseng root type of uh it's like from Peru whatever but apparently it is like natural viagra jot that down your phone but yeah Austin Jillette that's it that's crazy that he had both knees don't you that's no reason Yeah right there yeah do that he's crazy and student a half cab flip on the Le highbank mmm oh dude there was a whole controversy up of that we were the fakie flip or a half get flip oh yeah with the mock mouth dude say something about a lot of people yeah granting those dudes ski flavor or like having a conversation about that mm-hmm that's a half-caf flip right technically a half-caf technically yeah yeah the angle of how he hit it Oh looks like a fakie flip it's a half-caf one yeah so if you're going if you went straight up and down but if you go a little bit of an angle yeah I think I think it's a yep let's see if you think about it though it's like when you do a half cab flip you start one way and you're rolling the other way that's where is that if a key can open yeah exactly so there's like a weird that's true hmm I switch nollie flip oh god don't start with that I didn't see that trick in the video I want to give her I did watch that one though all right you know it's that one really sure I was gonna say that [ __ ] looks like art but see I got a nun possible her opinion about that like this is gonna be real spicy talks or knows people like whatever but in 2018 on 4k monitors and televisions I do not like watching BX 1000 footage mmm it's all pixelated it's so pixelated is so yellow and look that was the greatest era of you know skateboard cinematography and videography and all that but those cameras were built for like tube television exactly yeah exactly so at that time that was like the perfect combination but now it's like trying to watch and the Gillette part was [ __ ] incredible this takes nothing away from his skateboarding but what'd you think of Magnus is part because Magnus is part was HD but shot four by three it was see his skating like it felt like vibey and it kind of worked with the way that they filmed it I believe that part was awesome yeah like I've always I thought he was dope skater but I was like you got like really see him yeah I didn't know anything about it like to that extent of course Nick yeah that's interesting this Jesus so you got a good point there man and I really thought about yeah and I know it's like everybody hold the BX 1000 and you know the Deathlands on such iPad yeah but like it when they have like it's a cropped on the screen you know what I mean that's how it like you can't unless you saw it you know so Harris what you do it back it was like full screen because yeah that's why no that's part of it yeah sure yeah cuz that it just you know 55 minutes 4k TV and I'm looking at this like now you can kind of dissect how do some of the things don't work well like that but never we plug any sort of like video clips that are in you know standard definition into our show I have to like scale them up 300% yeah and then I do they be a background the background whatever that weighted fills the entire [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah I just like the way the camera sounds though this sounds regardless of cropping or not I still love watching games yeah you're like a you know like a smaller television yeah okay yeah it's an interesting argument I can't say anything now now I'm saying something it's an interesting argument would you care to elaborate I would okay check it out you have your live in now so we got a do HD right that's what we're talking about right you still have this nostalgia of the VX so where do you sit you know or is it a better thing because it's more just clear and beautiful or do we stick with nostalgia and you know it's just it's interesting argument there what's even more interesting is we have Instagram which is a square we have HD TVs which are sixteen by nine the older TVs were a square and then we have [ __ ] Instagram stories which are [ __ ] the whole thing's [ __ ] up is real funky and if you think about it are we done with Austin oh yeah magno where's he from Regan Roger I think aza skied some six spots there was a bank with like the tile on it China no I didn't look like China I'd be on sure yeah so much style yeah more of like it remind me of quim Cardona real steezy magnus reminds me of a young Michael Rapaport trying to be quim Cardona no I yeah he Oh at the facial features do you mean no because like he's like we're in like the you know the the cabbie hat in [ __ ] like oh this is flair and like New York not even New York but like he just had like this weird vibe you know you who else he kind of remind me of it was like a flash in the pan but he was hot for a minute was uh Brent straight-up brain actually oh yeah the song oh that's always amazing so we were talking about you have to be a G to be able to skate to that song is it the intent dammit and then an identity but a real like slow version of it was I it was good it was good a whole skate like ledges and benches and that's I mean I loved watching that stuff but yeah you know this away it does it - it's [ __ ] yeah awesome yeah you could tell you didn't like say the skate park ins practice dress he look skates yeah he don't say he doesn't know how to skate and then also you just like what the [ __ ] how do you do that do first line burial flip up with three and then the barony barony oh yeah always like okay numbers oh you know yeah numbers filling in the the squad there huh guy in Eric not a pickle I mean people want to go right for them for sure speaking of Eric Eric Koston oh he had some Slappy's and some very expensive shoes that guy knows how happy all that was awesome I can only imagine STIs this has something to say to actually Kelly loves the shoe talk yeah but I mean that's that this this is like newer like sneaky yeah so basically he was skating in like off white blazer yes and off white Blazers go for like a lot of money on the yeah I think it 100 but they're new so the way they sell values like not that many of them yeah exactly so the way it works is Nike will release the shoe or Diaz or whatever company that happens to be there'll be such a high demand for that they just put out a limited run or so many question yeah why how do they know that there's gonna be a high demand for like off-white blazers because of the entire like lead-up to that so when you tease photos on the blogs or you know you give it to certain influences or whatever you want to call it the you people that have their finger on the pulse within these brands see the the the conversations on Twitter and and see people going haywire on Instagram reposting doing all this stuff so then that becomes a story so with this one in particular it was this guy that goes by the name of virtual applo who came up under Kanye and he skates and he skated yeah yeah he's back in the day dad so yeah he did this whole collection called the tin with Nike where he basically kind of took some of their most popular silhouettes and restructured them and all that so when they dropped it was super hard to get any pairs like unless you had a bot or somebody that was you know going back to eat some pears or whatever so that ended up making the resale value shoot through the roof and the Blazer was a part of that collection and the craftsmanship on those shoes are a [ __ ] amazing yeah they're a beautiful [ __ ] they're like pieces of art and that's the thing tears like the attention to detail and the materials use and stuff isn't always the best so when they come with the collection like this they usually try and I go Romeo because of this that do Virgil is like a designer for Louis Vuitton yeah it was just [ __ ] gnarly skater this like collection that he did with Nike and he's done previous work like he's had his own companies for a while so off-white is his company okay I don't know if you ever remember the brand brand Pyrex which was like a streetwear brand before off why like he did that as well and that whole like Kanye camp they're [ __ ] like talented man like there's this guy on see you know I've been ya even came up when they're not under Kanye but in that squad yeah this bar bird [ __ ] like that so like all those dudes are really you know talents in what they do but specifically this one yeah Erica he's did some Slappy's in the off-white yeah and the funny thing about like Austin is he's such a he's a sneakerhead himself yeah but he loves trolling the sneaker community just by doing like he looks like that's like this or he like he got people tripping out like dude doesn't like the shoes does that know he got this pair of like super limited Levi's denim air jordan for it's like before they drop post him on his Instagram put him on a story whatever and then like [ __ ] was a high B [Music] yeah and then he goes out and does like I remember what I think was like a half-caf flip on a [ __ ] bank or something we were just talking about no shoes or just like rip them to shreds of shades shock value but he also like Carson thing do you think night is giving him like multiple pairs whatever so yeah 100% okay yeah but that's that's the beauty of it too though he's like get people talking it gives people talk it's a cool little crossover like there's another shoe that's been pretty hyped up over these past few months called the nike air monarch no no if you saw like on his story he did the original Dada Dada yeah so he did a Instagram poll like should I go fat or should I go like hashtag or something like that and people voted and he did like a backside flip over a barrier at people's Park oh you know you know showing them on RSM it's gotta be hard to do that blocks funny cuz I don't even notice this [ __ ] know exactly like yeah like it goes right over my [ __ ] over a lot of skaters I told ya no that's the beautiful thing is like it's almost like a little bit of a crossover yeah what is bringing their attention back to our world - I know cuz not every skateboarder gives I mean not every sneaker head gives a [ __ ] about skateboarding but when you see something like that happen he gets people talking skater just ruin [ __ ] all but Dana's like Causton so it's funny and you know he's like he's got like more pairs in the garage I can't even imagine like I never even thought about that like a sneaker head being like yes hick flip those d yeah they're on eBay trying to pay 50 yep they're sitting there [ __ ] like whole collection right who's selling these for 15 is Nike selling them from Nike will sell them for retail price I believe those were 200 okay so a person will buy them retail price there you go they get a bot or whatever to kind of bypass the system break the code and you know that [ __ ] so when they get it they can flip it and then there's tons of apps you know stock X go things like that that are specific for reselling mm-hmm and with those app stores like eBay you kind of test your luck you know you get somebody is like hey I got these with no negotiated prices whatever and then you might not even get you know what you thought you were ordering but now it's like it's been cut it's become such a huge secondary market that these brands will authenticate the shoes before they even send them to you so sorry that's familiar and that certificate it's like yeah you know this certificate of authenticity and I it's they're selling the whole it's just here's cheers cool yeah shoes it's crazy but do this point like this is a thing but then there's kids that have been doing this for a while as far as ice skating in you know like George yeah there's a kid that goes to stoner all the time olan all these cases J's and I even Jimmy gareki like he'll skate in twos and threes a night on 97th right and as a day turtle you know Cyril yeah yeah I used to get in a Kanye's shoe right after people started doing that for shock value and now it's almost like normal all right yeah yeah yeah you seen the dude skating in Tim's oh all these skates is in Tim that's just hard Chris really do Chris break ya know but newer Chris brands and uses skater right yeah yeah didn't penny start that not yet are you okay dude hard flip the Santa Monica triple said you [ __ ] who's this guy rips it in some Tim who's Tim I think his name's Tim yeah yeah he does the craziest tre flips oh let's get him on it don't happen now obviously you just spoke it in Tim yeah all the [ __ ] weird like the rant man ramp man do we gotta get him on here he'll be pumpkin mousse ramp man you ever seen ramp man yeah we talked about last time that is actual Instagram ramp man yeah I found out that's his that's his okay he has a buddy that they hold ramps and he does tricks look into piece of wood the dude ran up on the Thresher edits ramp man grant man without eldritch finds all these obscure that's the weird corners how do you get there you go you go avoid the hot chicks and somehow end up in these weird like no no not the hot like them in your there okay Sean I'm like you should be look at this yeah I want to be at the hot chicks on the ramp man man did it make so much sense though man we maneuver what else do we got in the news anybody Kelly do you have anything you want to talk about or what it was actually have something I want to talk about go what is it Aldi so Kanye just dropped this album mm-hmm amazing it was very it was very good so reading the crank has a new shape let's go back to Justin real quick what so justin like had talked about like picking out trash at skate spots yeah Justin I was telling me that like a lot of people will start hitting em up saying like hey dude I've been [ __ ] now clean up skate spots remember the light of the decay yeah yeah he said a post of the thing the graphic of he's Gator put in the trash he made that and I never even I didn't really pay attention to that graphic but I saw that in San Francisco when I was just a San Francisco put a little skateboard underneath it oh yeah okay didn't you say if someone got sick from doing that yeah okay this is amazing and I didn't you know it's funny that you say that Kelly because I really didn't I didn't know if I was gonna mention that but nobody mentioned that no we won't tell the truth I know so a handful of people amazing mmm hit me up with videos yeah skating picking up trash okay and I was like that's [ __ ] cool man that's the first time in my life besides like shaking hands or making a kid happy when you know what's up you know skater wise hey that was the first time where you're like whoa you're making a kind of a difference and you know yeah yeah and then this dude hits me up from Australia I think his name's Kyle but it's I think it's Kyl II I want to show this picture it's how you spell chri yeah thinking it was a different dammit whatever I thought I've got God and this guy sends me this DM of him like laying next to on this dirt road next to a bunch trash okay and he is in the newspaper I like the pictures from the newspapers a couple whoa dude sicko inspiration like I pick up trash and he was like is that the newspaper and he was like yeah dude yeah I was like that's sick and he was like ha ha ha I got sick from doing it because in Australia I don't know wherever he was huh it was chemicals like [ __ ] that he was picking up so he had to go to the hospital for picking up trash yeah but he unknowingly picked up chemical trash how [ __ ] up is people just littering chemicals right yeah who does and that the dude that picks it up goes to the hospital who's littering what kind of who's littering Chemical dude I don't know I got to do more research on this guy well we'll bring him on the show quick I was surprised what do you know what I was just in London I was at Street League oh yeah I want to say congrats to Trent McClung and Vincent Malou they want are now in Street League that's it to see new blood kind of circulating yeah you'd oh my god what was the clip that was all over Instagram I'm like nollie 180 switch feeble there's 360 that's beautiful if you like kind of had it not I wouldn't say unlock would you do it look like comfortable yeah yeah he's incredible anyway break has a new show coming out on Vice nice rocker yeah that's a good Segway no brickma cranks show he's amazing he went from abandoned advice to now reticle post radical yeah looks cool it looks cool I don't know what it's kind of about they were showing downhill skaters in a bun showing subgenres of skateboard yeah yeah around the world right yeah yeah he was on a boat or something you you would have liked it older yeah it was on a boat you know it's crazy as I talked to him after abandon yeah and I was like dude you know I hadn't seen him for a while I'm like dude that show is amazing great concept [ __ ] amazing cuz I guarantee yeah yeah and he was like oh no but not like he was almost like um not that it's cool but I'm gonna do this other stuff okay but that's crazy right cuz that concept of that show is pretty good it's cool right yeah been in places like hmm so this obviously he's probably gonna be even better yeah I remember seeing when he was doing abandoned I don't remember what interview it was but he was talking about how he just had like kind of on his own control as far as the direction goes from going to these places and all that whereas like he didn't have the network saying you have to do this yeah right here yeah it's kind of cool to see somebody like Rickman crank going out and doing that and having it on something like vice land without so many eyeballs on camera dude I'm so good on camera I've traveled with him for a really long time yeah but from s Kelley back in the day too and that dude is made for this [ __ ] so if you watch this show we love ya it premieres July 10th yeah right yeah just same day a king of the road comes up right slander vice vice land [ __ ] of a difference on TV no yeah and advice they have like vice news on HBO or should I bet really they're all over the place ya know it's confusing by saying is more for like the Millennials oh my god yes my slant HBO there's HBO vice right no what are you saying no no no it's not I mean it's yes I tell myself under the same umbrella really but it's different it's like documentary yeah it's almost like gnarly new [ __ ] and then vice land is where like you got your decent marrow you've got this show come on a lot of guns [ __ ] that's delicious weed yeah yeah we decayed like there's all these like we take it yes pretty nervous to change the show most expensive as [ __ ] that actually funny as money is sure cuz it's like you get this rapper of like just [ __ ] he's flashy as [ __ ] from Atlanta Georgia and you take him all these different places around the world he's eating like gold doughnuts and dabbing out of like thousand-dollar rigs and all this Iceland know he's rich yeah I think money up to say that he is not paying for that you think Vice land or vice is paying for how much is a golden donut guaranteed people to make the gold own eggs oh this is a great its promotion emotional marketing yeah but to changes in 1000% getting paid to do that for days but how much is a golden donut what is a golden donut it's basically like a 24 karat gold don't it has like gold flakes on it that are edible right I've eaten sushi before with the gold flakes I remember the alcohol Goldschlager yeah yeah that works too ago that Zima was good - Wow SEMA drinker [Music] willingly enjoying a franchise called Zima out of the Getti cooler yeah I think I heard somewhere that it did they're bringing it back like its nostalgic do with krob right wasn't that around and then it just made this like crazy comeback I think that was a round I don't know I don't think maybe you maybe you it has always been around but since this adding water thing it just and you know III know me know why people don't drink that sparkling waters like this no I think I know it's like this spicy water like there's no flavor mousse yeah what the [ __ ] is a Pamplemousse dull [ __ ] is a Pam yeah why is that grapefruit sample a sample mousse I just don't think I feel like I should be consuming anything that has the name Pam what's let me tell you something though it's not as weird is [ __ ] sitting on a [ __ ] Uncrustables butter and jelly as weird as that but we thought we thought we'd give you a little gift Eldridge we thought we'd give you a little Uncrustables nice frozen treats have they come straight out the freezer you might actually have to say feel cold they're cold we put them on ice for LD yeah do you know what's whatever you tried one no no I'm have to try one I already have hello you bet that [ __ ] thing for a while I'm gonna show you why this is the best I give them a box of Uncrustables and he pulls one out of it seriously I'm not even joking you know in the flesh with it your flat ass is flat hair you pulled out of your ass I'm not gonna I don't want to try it there you go Rogers drunk yeah so if we see the thing about it is like you got that pocket at the bottom now where you kind of weren't sure it is bomb no I'm good you yeah I'm up today sit on one of those in the box try one you said sat on Abbas Abbas before yeah I told you I had a couple people hit me up yeah that were sitting on these things and they agree it's been thought a little bit mom look how thick this is like your flat ass is like [Laughter] [ __ ] [ __ ] is my there's a couple left yesterday well listen man that's been a [ __ ] great show dude you know we wanted fun we want to thank we want to thank a bow rich for coming by wish him the wish him well keep skating and doing all that stuff dakota roche coming by and uh i was looking forward to the octagon battle between Kelly and and Dakota but it didn't happen maybe next time and god yeah no we're gonna go skating order have a session instead you'll have to break down that octagon out back yeah go check out cult cult cult yeah Chris Cole's company look at website which is Cle they can Google cold no just find out see you LT or is after well yeah go check out cult if you want to cults my first place hold my cult doc Moloch shopify like I found it it's [ __ ] easy yeah go check out cold you know Dakota's [ __ ] kills it did good Duke Dakota and uh thank you sneezes for sitting in talking some shoe biz with us and some news appreciate a man in my night would uh uncredible and some [ __ ] beer Kelly thank you for being so gracious to Dakota he's an awesome dude I know but I thought there was a little friction to me I think you had a problem towards me at first it did little you know we some big dude yeah it's like thick do you think my man's will snicker dinner LD for coming by switches cease musical chairs again always yeah Raj I never say it but you know thank you bro thank you thank you brother yeah we having a breakthrough yeah I've been sitting here for a long time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Nine Club
Views: 63,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, the 9 club, 9 club, skateboarding, skateboards, skate, skating, skater, podcast, talk, show, history, interview, news, motivation, entertainment, best style, legend, how to skate, schrock, funny, hilarious, comedy, braille, thrasher, berrics, transworld, tricks, sk8ing, sk8board, street skating, switch tre flip, boardslide, crail couch, cystic fibrosis, dakota roche, bmx, justin eldridge, bmx vs skater, beau rich, cult, bikes, skateline
Id: GLrf8jS5qu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 25sec (7705 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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