Nine Club EXPERIENCE #3 - Brian Wenning, Tim O'Connor Facetime, Mikemo Facetime

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all right about that intro we're back Wow welcome back everybody episode 3 here we go two or three viewers on this thing it's not bad it's not bad you guys enjoy Apple people watching usually you know I say we have a special guest on a regular show but you know we're returning here we have a special returning guest got Brian winning I'm gonna say you gonna sit in the whole show Brian let's do this alright yeah yeah let's get it going welcome welcome how are you I'm doing good mmm-hmm everything's good what's been going on since the last time we saw you what was that like two months ago wow yeah been riding my board switch hauling double sets that was a triple sale oh I didn't count the stairs my bad nothing look big dude yeah I just scare myself and to do over the culture always the culture I love that I love that no but you've been [ __ ] killing it dude appreciate that yeah I love to see that dude I love to see you're gonna make a sponsor me tape but I think it yeah think so yeah yeah get back oh how did the board sale thing go the reissue oh it just came out it just came out yeah yeah okay over there well you brought one yeah oh why don't we put it up rush I'm riding it though oh there you go oh yeah let's uh here let me let's yeah yeah I got I got a couple boards back here I need one of those for the wall - Brian please Booya Kelly very nice to see you hey nice to see you too Brian glad to see you back back on this side of the states man I've been a good trip man yeah what's the size of this board over here because I'm 8.0 by 31 point I don't know what was the original shape do you remember the original size seven point five six by thirty one point two five okay it's in great Wow the new ones are crazy I looked at one of his board it's like eight point zero six yeah a little too crazy so you like an eighth flat now yeah straight up eight yeah was it hard to switch it was a Schmidt sticks yeah that one yeah it was a hard to switch but like I guess the wood no no I liked that wood yeah yeah the shapes yeah I mean they're different they look like shovels but they're good switch trays they work yeah that's still PS yes yeah we don't know yet how how it's doing no it's doing good the pre-orders were phenomenal really yes oh now we got a what sit back and just do what we doing right but I'm just happy to have it I don't really care too much keep getting those clips man let's go ski that royalty check will be coming in again soon maybe they'll do another reissue maybe maybe they'll just put you on the goddamn team again yeah I wouldn't he did the switch all I've done that triple said I first saw the clip was like yo what the [ __ ] is he doing pushing hard yeah it's which I was so hyped when I saw them hell yeah man a lot of people were hyped on it too maybe I just wanted to scare myself you know yeah good stuff you can still do it yes and I and I rode away thank God so how many tries did that take you I just kicked two out and rode away next two out and that's it did you do a roll did you like land and roll or did you I don't know what I looked like but I mean like tumble yeah yeah yeah legs can't take that because somebody will just like stand up no that ain't happening Wow yeah that's crazy yeah hell yeah I would probably [ __ ] break every bone in my body if I tried that triple set true Jesus anything else going down there can we see a switch back 180 maybe that's what the culture is demanding I'd love to see that one oh yeah give it give it a few days okay was it like spontaneous - did you know that well yeah we we got in a car accident on the way the spot Oh what I look in the back and I thought my brother's neck was messed up and really a dude with no insurance no license no registration he crashed into a snow god what are you driving no no I haven't driven in nine years legally so though we get whatever we get hit everything glass everywhere and then we just go there and I was a little rattled but I was like I I think let's make this day cool let's make a good day right so freakin started switch I lined down the little to stare okay and then went straight to the triple sec to do a triple of that - does a triple you started off like that wait for the car go out get in a car accident but everybody was okay yeah everybody's good yeah your brother was good what made you think that he was in his neck was all [ __ ] up what was it here's the way he was sitting or already got hit by something okay it was bad from two to the triple Shawn hope if you two can go from the two to the treble Park was that Sheldon Sheldon do you get a lot of love when you go out to Sheldon or yeah yeah yeah everybody's cool it's a fun park escape I went to the courthouse today you did Santa Monica how was that you went with them one of our good friends okay ohayo Danny Garcia you know I miss Reverend Barry I was cool though you guys old teammates yeah I've been friends done for like 17 years today he's came on family vacations with us to Mexico right everything yeah well I've always like I haven't seen him in years the Samet Street League and then came and hung out here and I filmed him skating that I motivated him did you call him up and be like yo let's go yeah yeah text he said he gets up at 9:00 so I hit him it like 8:50 externally he was there first what time did you meet got there at about twelve twelve yeah what time you wake up sometimes 4:30 sometimes five serious I was six today was what like 6:15 yeah what are you doing I got a little routine we can't go into rigor routine nah okay so you went to the courthouse and what did you do you guys filmed some tricks yeah we did right he did we got a few clips got a few clips of the Reverend Baron Danny Garcia I got some good ones I don't go along you know sure yeah we sure yeah we're gonna show right now I love this I love to see clips of you and Reverend have you heard his music by the way no no no maybe hopefully you uh oh I downloaded yeah here it is this is it right here sounds a little bit different than you know - Bayless right no must pay less yeah that's what it's Bob let's check out this footage cuz I'm dying I want to see [Applause] eager [Applause] there it is for the culture there we go damn Danny Garcia and Bryan way look at that uh-huh for the culture does Danny escape that much often no or he says not really at all but yeah he still looks great on board he does Jesus right very happy to see him today earlier you said you've been going to the Brooklyn banks yes yeah yeah how was that it was good man it's uh like closed off right yeah we snuck in you go through a gate we got kicked out by the police and I told the cop I was like look man I was like ah um I do this to like not go insane like this is my therapy and I was like hey man I used to do this but you know when you tell them all that they're like what they can't say anything so they just kicked you out is that gonna come back an hour oh really yeah and so we went back I had to hit a little switch tre flip on the bank the ground they're still [ __ ] was it actually slippery right now so bad it's good yeah you're gonna do something else there for the culture I'm thinking I might off the fence and skate steps yeah yeah did the Vigneron toasters yeah it's a nine but I don't want to say this but it's like a California like 12 you know you should just film apart oh no I know [ __ ] it but if you came out with like a full part skate park whatever streets dude people be hype yeah for sure dude what was it Park you go skate at your house with the ledges it's called Long Branch long okay skate Plex something like that oh man the more and more I come out here go somewhere else in New York yeah the place is like really good okay I appreciate it you know even more we're grateful because you know there's no shenanigans there's no insanity going on there's an it's just strictly and it's up caps tits on the beach what's on the beach yeah yeah oh sick I didn't know that the Jersey Shore yeah Wow you ever see a situation yes you see that dude yeah I can I can't break the anonymity but where I go sometimes he's there you can use your imagination do you ever say what's up to him or you just say I'm not down you don't play pool no what would you beat a pool at one time you know I can take a yeah hey man Jose Canseco if I get along I think we were gonna get a Tim O'Connor on FaceTime right okay yeah it's gonna be funny yeah there we go there you Timmy gentlemen yeah what's going on chillin just hanging out eating some store-brand cashews watching a little documentary on Ted Bundy rise legit look how many cameras you're going thanks to Roger I would just use GoPros upon my way what's going on dad Brian wedding repeat offender oh the sequel when are you coming on the show Tim we're gonna get you in the seat over in that area in a bit I come out to mountain LA kind of soon I just fly into LA and then I go up to hatchapee Oh for the word Woodward think for a minute and then yes I'm not really in LA just kind of going into the airport and passing through so what's been going on with you everything good you skating a bunch or what do you what are you up to come on come on go through period spurts here and there where I'm skating for a bit but uh hold up why he's coming in come on yeah yeah yeah [Applause] I'm sorry doing a little face time with you yeah with the enemy with the podcast that's right that's right you you you have your own show the little dog and pony show that I do once in a while you got to do more often dude you got to do it once a week come on yeah right no no if you live where are you guys at you're in Venice right yeah yeah you're in the heart of it I'm in New Jersey in the burbs not your thing it's just me the shift on but you but you call people right or you you meet up with them and record them a little bit about yeah I've done some of them but uh yeah man I mean how many times you have people flaking on to you that happens to me I feel like on a regular basis and then I'm I'm done for like a good half a year after like we would be people flake I'm like that this we never had that problem Tim you know everything's pretty good over here yeah do you live like multiple people just in case somebody flakes that you could add I think I only have one person flake but that a couple people who got like real nervous and stuff that uh they afraid I'd get make fun of them yeah but I'm not like that I'm not trying to ambush anybody pretty mellow like I think I got a rep for being meaner than I am I'm not really mean yeah we don't have fun yeah exactly yeah sure so you're a New Jersey well how come you do oh you didn't have come here to hook up a winning and go to the parks and skate everybody's killing it I know this dude is like it is it's a wedding has had a rebirth man I love it it's incredible I saw that clip the other day yeah which ollie down the triple [ __ ] was it Sheldon Park is that the name that you know yelling at man yeah sick as hell yeah I will when I can but yeah man like I was saying I was yeah I don't skate all the time once in a blue moon and then maybe I'll go for like a month where I skate every day and then I quit for half a year you're not hey but uh ya got [ __ ] going on yeah we get it really I don't know lazy there too right there yeah I'm in the corner you can't see me omit in the shot though but yeah I'm here too yeah are you still skating your boards backwards I skated normal now dude I uh I don't know why one day I just stopped and went back to normal Ryan's a census stuff skates it's boards backwards right I think so him I heard glia mama Lou did too yeah he's not a thing anymore sit down with Ryan disenzo and just be like a man get over it you know you start pushing [ __ ] when you're a little kid and then you figure it out you pushed normal you know it was tough though is why I did that I realized it made it made it easy for myself to like figure out lines we're like you would do a kickflip and then I could not only flip before I had to like pop everything off the same side you know so it was like it drove myself insane trying to do all these [ __ ] trying to make your board line up right you know does it make sense no sense of stupidity I mean I've been stupid my whole life man just work it has worked out you know Tim do you have owning it and jolly about it yeah you know do you have any weird quirks that you grew up with skating or anything any madness or anything no no I don't mean to give a short answer but no not really that I can think nothing like you have white laces or white soles or certain top stain colors no I wasn't - I probably didn't like the all-white shoe too much maybe that that was it yeah people have some weird ones man I they're like we won't skate a certain like like a board with the the top layer of wood being a certain color I like that right yellow well Tim I like pink tops pink do your pink tops yeah hey this would be a weird oh no no I have a pink table right now you prefer a pink top pink yeah yellow I don't like the dark ones I like the like ones it pop why you need to see it through the grip yeah I do the cut on the grip I've always been doing that oh yeah and that forever did you always did you ever skate the boards that we're all painted all the way over like you know Terry the habitat they only aboard yo I still got em at home - how you do yeah I got a couple of yours - really yeah brand-new collection I need to get one of your new ones man look at you oh yeah yeah did you say you I can see here you look all slender and healthy nor drugs just snortin vitamins snorting vitamin C look good buddy yeah you just blow it over there you're back in Cali what I'm out here chillin man I'm here with my brother is there a specific purpose to the dream you know yeah we had to get away for a little bit yeah fair enough yeah none of this was planned out yeah just called you Kelly just hit me up you know James Craig right of course yeah where we go we got them on the phone here you want it you want to say what's up to him come on wait what you can do multiple people yeah welcome to the experience there's James Craig for you huh am I live you're alive James [ __ ] dude you guys got the Apple 10 already well Kim alerted me to the fact that he was waiting to be on face don't like it has to call yeah yeah we're on this skate nerd text thread who it games craig jason rothmeyer and al bob leo so what do you guys talk about on this skate nerd basically there's this game where you throw out like a skaters has to be a pro skater okay be any era you throw out the initials which jason just did one before he said DC and then you have to start guessing a bunch of piston there you go well that's a like that's a guess and then you could go dick cheney east coast street vert whatever god james it's got like a deep history which i didn't know man he is like he started skating in the 80s which I for whatever reason I thought he was more like you know mid 90s kind of like nerd yeah yeah he knows a lot so whatever it's some nerdy [ __ ] that we do another game to where you you say like James Craig and then the other person has to say another name starting with the letter O yeah last name or something never play that one yeah definitely yeah wedding play that all the time for sure let's play a little round right now should we play a little game that's like it's basically skateboarding's version of 99 bottles of beer but it's a it's a you know it's fun in the van it's definitely fun and then you get to the double H's and you [ __ ] oh you have the H is suck yeah they're they're terrible yeah Brian wedding and uh me Brian wedding and Ian Reed used to play that one a bunch but that was like I feel like pre smartphone alright so like you'd be on a long car trip like some skate park or whatever all the skate parks out here and it's getting better now but before they're all like an hour two hours away it was always a mission what are you doing they throw out the word the name job oh yeah and that's it you got a well then you say that you're gonna be like the [ __ ] like Madonna like a Tim listen I got some good footage of Danny today Danny Garcia yeah what do you mean you got good fun day you filmed them with your phone on ask you know more do you got like proper video camera are you about to steal one on your way out from snow tonight they got some good [ __ ] around you where did you film them Santa Monica courthouse yeah I got some good footage of them switch front shove back nose grinds and inline Bank aren't winning out there killing it the boys are back what James Creek on the phone right now Greg's kind of silent right now he's on James I mean I'm here I'm good I'm just listening to the thing the game is you got to throw out the letters and then the people just have to like ask like whatever East Coast West Coast whatever and then there's definitely like a layer to it where elbow glia was like oh good [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] and there's that give you a good guy or the bad guy so many questions pretty much yeah yeah yeah that's where you start to whittle it down and it's like it's the best thing ever that's a bit like wasting time it's uber thick it's super thick and you guys do this over text the copenhagen open and that's kind of where we were doing it a bunch and realized and we're all like vicious skate nerds that's like that'll happen a lot work okay I'll go on we ended up getting like Brent can I do it he and Deacon like [ __ ] if you even randomly go up go up go up to some of these dudes and just be like whatever KH you like Kenny huh early 90s late nineties do you guys keep it do you guys having yes right on the bag / did you oh yeah yeah sometimes you get in people's head man and you're like you're in it and even before like they just drop the initials and you're in it and you just you just guess you're right off the bat sometimes you guessed it even before they say it man it gets deep wait so who's better who's the best at it though who would like you Craig or uh bog Lee is really good yeah rothmeyer is pretty incredible yeah Rob Roth is definitely demand the best the best one ever though was someone throughout CW and albo Glee it was like got it Chuck womp lit make and we're just like no like for the Hulk that's probably what it was Chuck Wampler was like the joke of the rest of the time any time somebody would say somebody be like Wampler blur so but they have to be known they have to be like a pro or can they be am to a pro that you would know a legit Pro okay well yeah I mean basically they'd have to be a pro or a super well-known am I can't just had to be like if it wasn't a more obscure like European like young vaga got thrown out a couple times and like they just became this whole european 401 something that probably kelly would know it's like random four one one dude that got named Williams fam I don't think we would throw him in there though because was he Pro was he prefers I don't think you was ever Pro God we don't put him in there he's sick enough to be in there though has nothing to do with whether you were sick or not yeah well doesn't matter you know who was hey Kelly you know who was sick who [ __ ] everybody doog are you guys keeping tally or this is just for fun shits and giggles yeah I don't even know if it's for fun we're just doing just dude [ __ ] Tehachapi dude get off the plane and come here maybe I'll extend my ticket comfort him needed to come on the show deficit the culture demands that a cult and you could come on our show and then record it and then use it for your show we could double up maybe go [ __ ] inception pod quick we expect another episode of your pod is there any would you have anything planned I have a couple edited I got one with James I did one with James when we were on our we're on a trip right after Copenhagen oh sorry I didn't listen to his one that he did with you guys yet but probably talked about all the same stuff yeah no isn't that good was that good oh yeah yes actually yeah you start finding out when you do that a certain people suck at talking they start one word answering you to death and whatnot and so James Craig anybody else we could accept I mean come on bro let's get this going mark suits you rikiya Yola I didn't do it yeah but the world needs to hear that one yeah that'll be a good one he's a good talker as well yeah very busy people the kind of roughly lined up and then I'll try to knock him out soon all right we can't wait you should hopefully you can get get the I mean while I'd like to see it I once a week at Leon severy a couple weeks you know yeah but I just need I need I need what you guys got right there yeah bro what do you want to grab I seriously when I do the phone calls and stuff I'll do it at my house I got two [ __ ] kids two horrible roommates and then I locked myself in this big like walk-in closet in my house and like hope to god they don't come in how old are they two boys six and the other one's gonna be three and a couple days Wow do you seal be done yeah I got that one we I had two of them one of them died but the 3-legged one somehow it's still alive I don't know how can I see it yeah what happened to his leg fell off you want to see you I want to see how it just saw that a lot didn't know did you get him with three legs or did it did something happen no he had all of them and then he fell down a flight of stairs broke his little leg and then uh and then he had like pins in his leg and then it you never healed up properly so he would always run around on three legs and hold his arm up like a Heil Hitler kind of a thing like he was trying to exam yeah years later the pin popped out of his arm and it broke again and that's pop it off here it is it's right here wait can you see him yeah look at him he's got juggler he's got juggle awake on right now he's cute that was cute little dog yeah he's pathetic which life which leg is it but let me get him do I pose for you this front left leg can you see him oh yeah oh now did he get you stood not having a leg did it take a while for him to get used to it or did he just cut it or that thing off at the vet and then he just ran out of surgery on three legs like nothing ever happened he's fine Wow Wow all those years of him running around with the arm up like all hurt and stuff he didn't even use it don't think I was just aided and so uh yeah it was it was done it was done so they it was like it helped them out to tear it off I think that thing was like hurting them and stuff and yeah so now he's just a little pathetic tripod what's his name diesel don't get a brother that was deaf his name was no comment but then I don't yeah diesel but yeah I'm sick of him he's got a tumor on his butthole yeah I got the pink meatball growing on his butthole and it's starting to make me sick man let's just take a look at it oh Jesus can't you have that thing removed he's 12 it's not worth it's just like I don't think it bothers him it's just like an aesthetic thing on that no man will let you go back to your Ted Bundy documentary and uh thanks Ron thanks for facetiming us hey thank you guys it was a pleasure and please if you ever in LA give us a call please come on the show I will I got Rod's info yeah I'll hurt you guys I would have loved to be here this is a good trip so far I wish you were here let me know your when you're going next time maybe I could get maybe that'll be an excuse to get away from my family and they'll let me go sounds good alright Tim yeah Tim I got good James iPhone does James you go James I forgot he was even on the line Oh Jo how's everything going with you everything good skating I think we your connections pretty bad how was it you job all right well your connections bad we're gonna we're gonna drop you bro there you go James Craig dropped just like the window was dropped Oh we'll find a new phone call to get on Alex from Temecula yeah how do you get three 6s on speed dial all right I know seriously so Alex what's your do you have a question for wedding yeah yeah just curious like what is like the most craziest [ __ ] you ever seen like while you're on a skate trip like what is like the most craziest [ __ ] you have done all right um I'm gonna downplay it because I don't want to incriminate myself anytime we'd be on a trip with Fred gall if the if the words code blue came across as a text or a phone call from the person the other line no matter where we worried have to get naked immediately maybe like once them for a while it was happening every day on purpose when it would happen you know at a bar TGI Fridays why though yeah who made this up yeah like this was this group of guys my buddies back in Jersey called the wolf pack okay then they would uh text Freddy or text anybody that got it you'd have to get naked immediately Oh anybody yeah but he would he would he was the one that never turned it down so that's just a normal you know before you go out at night whatever random 2 p.m. code blue yeah just code blue holy [ __ ] Freddy's at it again did he sit there or do you like run out or so he would just continue on you know have a phone call drink a latte he was in Starbucks he would get naked I don't think Fraggle has ever been in Astoria well there you go Alex how about that huh all right way thanks for callin did he's billing every [ __ ] show we've done with the phone lines no no I I feel like I know him yeah good luck with that you know good luck with school and a skate shop you won't open I do people but we'll see you soon Alex people you know for the bone for the culture we'll talk to you soon Alex have a good one brother you too have a good day it's a Fred gall coke balloon can we call him right now and get him - code blue somewhere when's the last time he's probably heard that years oh yeah dis imagine randomly just doing it now do it to Kelly or there's no reason I'm just just can't do it man for some reason I think the Fred gall like I wouldn't mind Fred gall getting naked if I was around but - Kelly I would not I would I don't think I'd partially naked at flamenco in Barcelona flamenco flamenco the dead bar oh right Fred right yeah he said Kelly oh yeah okay good he was about to say something real nice about me James Craig and you cut him off he was this phone line was [ __ ] up you know now he's texting Roger during our show I got the text appreciate ya thank you well we got Carlos from San Antonio Texas hey what's up yo what's up Carlos how you doing today do you have a question for for Brian winning I do as a matter of fact I do okay I was I was curious to hear maybe like a funny story maybe it's a cool story in general about him living with pj ladd you live with pj for a few months stay with them in hollywood where do you guys hang out a lot back then yeah yeah yeah okay Plan B dates like 2006 probably oh those fine automobiles Oh does he yeah I wouldn't know that a Maserati strange overs and renting them right he would rent them yes right the what and with you guys were just cruised down Hollywood would you guys would go skating and yeah yeah no what was the fanciest car he ever rented and you guys rolled out I think it was back then I was like ten years ago and you know Maseratis it let me see it we do skated some random times okay yeah crazy times like like 3:00 in the morning wake up all day come back take a nap eat some Chipotle yeah get a big coke with ice take a nap and then we go see I don't really have too many crazy stories about him I mean he's a pretty mellow dude yeah it's not really getting in shenanigans like he was a good roommate yeah maybe you like the craziest trick you've ever seen him do because I know he's like the type to just think he is but it isn't good enough yeah but it's been saying like his new New Balance part was messed up that's true that's good was there anything Brian that you ever were skating with them just like what the like when you saw my switch flip Manny in person something like that I mean he was nothing on that level of course well you know he's Ryan winning was there when I did this I was I was there let's talk about that Brian how was that for you well who's running this show no no but anything you saw PJ maybe do that you're just like tripping Eid Cana you know what he do he like play possum you know they play dead and then all of a sudden there'd be like Bow Wow whatever you know right capable back tail kickflip just skating camera go away yeah yeah camera would go away and you'd land the trick that's okay yeah like skaters we want to get but like Kelly's dying to get a clip right now he is no yes I can see it on his face hey thanks so much Carlos man we appreciate the call yeah thank you guys I appreciate it y'all I wish you all the best and yeah thank y'all so much can I give a shout-out can I give a shout-out real quick absolutely good can I shout out Dave skateboards and commit grip from San Antonio Texas there you go dato need a skateboard de skateboards and what grip commit grip commit grip there you go you wanna show my homies they started their own companies and oates it give them a little plug there you go right there you go we'll see if that makes it on the show okay thanks Carlos men we got John from New York on the phone what's up John what are you doing tonight everything good this is crazy Brian wedding fare yep he's here how you doing man holy [ __ ] Oh what do you mean how did that happen that beric video and this I'm Mitch oh okay do you watch Brian weddings episode when it aired dude of course I've been watching since peer at that was the first step I saw and then I watched that I've been watching fun what do you have a question for him tonight are we ever gonna be like a another part from Brian let me not [ __ ] love doesn't the game quit oh I appreciate that man that's just you know my friends and my brother filming me which is out having a good time but um as for a part I don't know well you're just talking about yeah might need yeah it's it's harder to do that if you don't if you're not being backed by somebody and you have like a film or like next II and living with you cuz that's what a lot of these guys have what if uh Tony would tell or Thrasher hooked up a filmer for like six months if you win you don't owe to you if he hears this he's gonna be like [ __ ] that's what we're doing we're gonna take him a silver Bryant's wit jolly old Toro I'm like you know what's crazy is that I'm like working my way up today switch all the el Torro Wow baby steps maybe like a forced air there that you could practice on there is yeah otherwise they're not anymore actually but yeah man I mean that'd be great everything all the right things would have to fall into place thing that allowed cats what's your cat's name Chester gesture yeah yeah well there you go John what do you think [ __ ] crazy well I'm glad you called in dude thanks so much for calling up hey John thanks thank you thank you hey thank you bro appreciate the best film ever there you go keep going we like these guys tell us more but hey John thank you so much for calling in dude and have a good night huh um Mike my girlfriend's here and she says she loves your cat she doesn't like skateboarding but she likes your cat no cat's name which would Larry or Larry she liked Larry does she follow her on Instagram yeah I think so I think she does and I should post more of Larry but I always forget I'm not the biggest Instagrammer you know what's the internet handle again curb curb you Larry cat you would love to see some more Larry alright well we'll try him I'll try to make that happen for you but thank you John have a good night huh thank you fell much that's a good guy right there good dude good dude here we go grant grant Anthony from Tempe Arizona you there grant uh grant you there is some great are you there hello grey hello can you hear me hello great yes it's a little muffled out here in the tenth e my bad my bad it's all good what's going on tonight not much first off I just want to say krob which flips which many the [ __ ] best legends so far just like forever the best thanks Kate border of course as a [ __ ] skateboarder and as a little rap like to pay my respects to Kelly - over there over there left [ __ ] button dude very welcome Google band [ __ ] hell yeah and then Raj you know of course like I'm like trembling guys like I'm so stoked to be on this no idea the [ __ ] we're not wedding we got we got Brian winning here - and a [ __ ] course what a [ __ ] course winning wedding dude is is beyond [ __ ] legend you know I mean I'm so stoked to [ __ ] I follow you your stories or fire I love the stories the IG stories are worth that oh yeah Kelly you're hilarious you're at the [ __ ] 16 the other day I know what you're doing over ask you a question did you pick up bridges you pick up Brian weddings new new deck great question I have not you have to understand is that I am a broke skate rat don't say anything I can get my hands on I'm gonna get my hands on it so I if I could Brian if I [ __ ] could I would but you know it I'm trippin I I don't know thank you so much for just having me on and I watch it every [ __ ] week and the best show in the goddamn world it's I don't I don't understand something so simple can just you know push so many different skaters lives and the huge inspiration watching you guys on your video parts and then just the transition into you know kind of getting really to know the life and the vibes and what skaters go through on a daily basis because you know when I was a kid growing up seeing all that everything was first tried everything was crazy gnarly so I just thought these skaters had these you know MBA live dreams and it's kind of humbling to like grow up and then share these stories and winning your story your your story was amazing just hearing that is really inspiring you guys really do a lot for skaters and you guys know that and I just wanted to let you know from another skater too you all oh yeah thanks man for real yeah thank you - thank you what's your fav what's your favorite part of the show my favorite part of the experience is the Mark Johnson no boy yeah the wigs yeah I also like the The Stoned down that [ __ ] was pretty funny well hey man we're stoked that you enjoy the show thank thank you so much you know we really appreciate it dude no thank you guys and keep doing what you're doing and I'm just appreciate you guys took my call with Manny all the way and hey well thank you so much grant and you uh you and your wife you have a great night out there okay all right hey thanks to the kind words baby there you go grant I think I think in honor of grant will do a drunken stone right now yeah we don't have one plan we don't really have one plan but here you go here you go what about what about your uh freedom machine oh we got a breathing machine to come over to my place we got a breathing machine what does that do it [ __ ] they search frozen burrito very much yeah I saw a guy standing there today waiting for his breed up I'm too embarrassed to use it you know I my neighbors see me using the breed of machine was weird I don't shake it out once though yeah there were you hit never but they do have Cinnabons - Oh disgusting do you know buzz there are so bear so Louie CK's bit about son I don't care about this but he describes it perfectly the only people that wait in those lines are fat ass yeah but if you're not a fat ass dude right and a [ __ ] Cinnabon rather zeiger enjoying a delicious Cinnabon yeah I wait in line yeah I'll wait I win or 45-gallon good old time not all the time but you know I like them they're good but this is disgusting here oh oh hold in from Vermont is on the line what's going on Holden yo I'm on the nine o'clock that's right that's right what's going down welcome to the experience first-time caller longtime listener very excited to be on thank you - thank you we're sitting here with wedding do you have a question or comment for him yeah I was obsessively watching the DC video for a long time I like skateboarding in the past couple years and this got really obsessed with like that song for mr. dibbs so that's something that you picked out or is that something that someone else's like hey like you should skate like put your part together to this they're like how did that come about it was me and the guy Greg Hunt that made the video because that was like a year or two after photosynthesis and we're like I you know we'll get another mr. dibbs track and do it like that and he came out all right man glad you like it the Chi got like an obsessive conquest to find that and like I know Kelly has that CD but end up looking up a lot of his music I thought that was like such a cool part and let it slip together it's like yeah there's no actual track online of that song like I can't find the actual track okay you know Kelly you can hit up mr. dibbs maybe Greg still has it too what is mr. dibbs and how did you like find it joke is true she found him oh really yeah okay because he's from Ohio oh he's from Ohio no.6 oh you got did you contact him they spoke to each other yeah I spoke to each other maybe I use this use this tracks Daewon add us all into Transvaal Pappalardo and the same one yeah yeah well there you go hold it what do you think about that so sick well thank you and thank you so much Brian for like doing this stuff so tight and it's so cool it's you get like a reassuring habitat like I was watching like your decade interview and you talking about like that graphic and just being stoked on it was really cool like come up again it's so awesome are you go by that board I'm Travis my boss is the obsessed was like collecting boards and I've been Mike and fan like yo we should get that one for the walk this one be really sick your boss where do you where do you work I work I design studio mmm it's like a bunch of like skateboarders and stuff like that that's sick do you have any of my boards on the wall no I was I think I was looking at your old the chocolate like portrait one yeah you have the beer support rate video yeah it's got it's like really different than like clean-cut krob it's horrible krob it's the worst cross we should redo that boy with a clean cutting off I would love that yeah worse worse Jesus Brian you ever grow like a crazy beard and good you know I've had stuff like that happen yeah it's bad those are times in my life where I look back yeah what the [ __ ] was I you look at a Unabomber I look crazy did you try to get him taken off of Google ID I want to it's hard thats luck that was your first board he was unapproachable remember I've never seen him and he was unapproachable at that point maybe that's why nobody told me hey you should shave that goddamn thing off yeah cuz [ __ ] nobody would approach me and I'd like no friends back then it is becoming clear now why thanks holding man we appreciate the call yes thank you so much and then I'm not sure if you guys are still doing that contest where it's like which team you're on I'm obviously team nine club would also throw my hat towards team ROG because he's like this skate nerd a fire to be okay people are gonna get used to getting hung up on on this show you know well I really was way down the line by episode two of the experience I watch it at work after watching the cows fart sound pretty high so like you guys are doing an awesome thing I'm like I think I found this like a while back just like needing something to do like listen to all that work and it's been so awesome so cool and I'm gonna make em longer just because like survive my workday experience thank you dude you get paid to listen yeah thank you for the support man hey well thank you guys have a good night you too old - thank you dude should we get Mike Mo on the phone and then uh and then wrap this up sure okay let's see if Mike mess around Oh should we do Skelly's news real quick be good there's wasn't a lot that happen this week okay well but we could go do it real quick okay real quick what do you have well Street League was just happened two days ago did you watch Street League Brian yeah I was there oh you were there yeah okay me my brother and my buddy James we're down there oh sit on the floor hanging out drinking uh was that thing called horchata drinkin horchata $7.00 horchata the food there is expensive me oh do you think was it gnarly to watch all that [ __ ] in real life yeah like Tiago and low fat Thiago sick he's one of my favorite skaters right now did you watch a girl's competition no no the girls competition was really really dope actually cuz then it came down to the last second oh it did yeah really like basically we came down to the last trick okay I'm Lacey Baker it was actually interesting was it what was the bring bring us up to speed with so what happened was what what about what happened is is that basically was done Leticia and Lacey Baker okay Leticia was up and she had one try she could have did a trick that was really good that could have this bumped up her score she's already in the lead like give us an example of a trick that she could have done um and she I could have slide down the rail is that she did it back Smith down it she did what would what was the one trick that she should have been she could have done well I don't know that's the thing that I didn't know she'd done our tricks at that point and I think she ran out of tricks okay so she went and she did a fakie ollie down the stairs oh and I was like like I don't think she had she at least didn't think about it as much or she didn't have anything left I don't know but I think she had to had something maybe but she just couldn't put together so she fakie all he did and people like well it's kind of random like that's not enough to like you need like a powerful score to like keep up the first place okay so Lacey came right next and she was it was [ __ ] gnarly trick to do it like a manual she chooses a manual in a three up three down she doesn't knows male nollie heelflip out ho there you go I'm the three kind of trick yeah yeah yeah it's elated you know normally that is though like all the pressure on a man you like yeah right right she does it crowd goes bananas what's where did you give her man I think I gave her like at least like an eight eight something I can't remember exactly thing down when I do it at that time yeah you know what I mean but she it was like she won like as soon as she landed it I was like this is she won everyone yeah well she had to get like I think she had even a seven point eight or something like that to win I can't remember exactly um but yeah she's like congratulations to her and she was there two times in a row she's one sick yeah Wow so I was impressive but they all skated great did a girl Alexis alone do Alexis didn't do too hot but she always looks so good she skates her kickflips are [ __ ] incredible I mean she it's hard like someone like her like she said it's hard for do it in the public on point like that yeah but everyone all the girls skated great sick where's it at one girl that I really impressed you Lacey just is an ass Mario [ __ ] kills it okay so really good tre flip she didn't land one but she would like totally catch it all sake set of stairs and it was like crazy you know what I mean it Nyjah won the the dudes right yeah men's yeah it was well I don't know I saw some Instagram he posted like [ __ ] a concussion blah blah blah he got he got [ __ ] up like we did a week and a half ago okay I heard evil - yeah I heard he was he jumped on a rail was like a 16 and 18 I mean like he went down the first one jumped in the next one ran down the rail at the very bottom slipped out on the rail straight to his head and just straight convulsion and like passed out and as you know concussion all that stuff in the hospital comes back a week later straight to Street League Wow wins and like he put in the battle there was a battle being fought there like everyone was on point oh really yeah who was who was a battle between in the gym and Shane Shane for sure Louis Lopez at first was coming out firing with his head lines and doing that was [ __ ] incredible yeah Shane was there he used he was he tried to only try to win by doing a switch double big flip which it sounds crazy cuz that's a joke he landed on it fell off if he did land well we oh you would have want you know I don't know if you would have won he scored higher though yeah it would have been really really high it would have I would have I would have I know what I would have given him and I think you might have won as a viewer Brian and you're there and the thing do you understand what the hell's going on with the scoring and everything or do you like I'm not fouling a scoring yes I'm saying like I don't know if I was if I was there watching it I don't know if I well it's funny because there's there's tricks that are done that like our crowd pleasers and people go nuts and the mic dude they're gonna hate the score even though the trick looked awesome it wasn't that it wasn't compared to the other tricks it wasn't that hard yeah so it's like people are I'm like it's pretty funny sometimes I'm like Louie Lopez kick foot Manuel - crook I'm like we're about to get booted right here guaranteed like just I already knew it you know I put in my score saw the score come up was like here comes and babies go boo but crazy is like dude it wasn't on that level of what that other tricks were that were getting that score oh you know what I mean yeah but he probably only need like four points to pass the next dude so they all right I'm sure no he wasn't he wasn't in the top runner at that point no no but he'd be all skated great man you know what I mean so Nyjah 1 basically I don't wanna be [ __ ] killed it killed it he's won like 30 of them yeah but he had a one for a while like a you know yeah but it's placed he'll yeah but even the last one where he tried to almost one day gone yeah any [ __ ] nobody you like dude he's just so much [ __ ] and he couldn't worry smacked his knee yeah it's did the splits and then now he's trying to drop in he lands it next try switch frontside flip then for the last try of the whole thing he tries to 180 switch crooked and tail slip down it instead but like you couldn't even drop in well I want to see D guard oh yeah yeah good ever fair you think you Street leagues gentleman's clothes I like it whenever Brian back knows gonna pop out night club right there you go you know right it's right every time someone gets a 9 club there they kind of weirdly look at me oh really yeah I wonder why it's strange I don't know where they I don't know where they got that name from where yeah so cool anything else pop up in the news last week the nine ones submit video dropped okay and I will say it's kind of refreshing oh is it yeah yeah yeah it's a good insane it have you seen it Brian i watch it it's a good watch it kind of brings you back a little bit to like you get to like experience the skate video or this personality just fun [ __ ] oh cool there's a good skateboarding this it's all Street you drove back do that one I think from your zone isn't he yeah Logan yeah yeah did a great job it's kind of a lot of newer guys okay now maybe like you know there's no title so you don't know who the hell came with you with no titles Brian you know there's a few guys in there like Nick stain that this dude he's one of the illest to watch he just [ __ ] so eyes down the road he [ __ ] does eel kickflips how long is the viet property don't like 36 minutes 36 minutes yeah it's an actual escapee I thought when we were out to watch it my ought to tape it just came out online you have to buy it no okay Alex footage in there Alex you know what's great warmer yeah all those guys like I mean a lot of my never heard of but they're great to watch we're watching Alex like it was good cuz I haven't seen Alex with it for a while and that's all good but like it made you a priest like me I wanted I like watching a quick fashion clip of him all that was amazing like on the runway like in some crazy getup Wow yeah it's great but yeah that was like to to me those two rad things that happen you know it's really weird and I once in seven video and Street League in the same conversation alright good nuts so that's it for the news pretty much I mean at this point okay alright let's kind of try to get Mike mo on the phone again and if not we'll just say goodbye oh this [ __ ] guy turn up the video games and let's rap out for a little bit let me turn the audio down hold on one second can you hear it's playing scorpions right now what are you playing I played NBA 2k is that who is that sitting there it's Brian wait yeah what's up hey dude wait we were talking about this earlier have you ever met winning yeah I don't think so but I feel like I know you already want a 38-inch TV right there how big is that thang Derek it's a 32 what what are we doing right now this is sick we just decided to give you a face time real quick who else have you done have you got um well we facetimed uh we facetimed her earlier do don't get nervous over here why you sweatin let me ask you a question Mike mo were you ever a big fan of winning absolutely man switch back tale 3 shove oh yeah I appreciate that was the first time I ever seen anybody do that and I thought that was the coolest thing I ever seen that was at the line in with Santa Monica right that was at John Adams John Adams yeah it was a translate video right subtlety subtleties yeah that's right so what are you doing my email you just at home just chilling playing video games yeah I just got home it's my mom's birthday so I just got home from my mom's and I went straight to MBA 2k because it comes out tonight so I was excited about that oh so I'm gonna name my player right now and I don't know what to name him name um Brian name weddings a good name you know it's like you think of a fake first name but my character could be winning that be said yeah fruits mo winning wedding what about where's uh where's your girl at where's your girlfriend she's watching the Emmys right now man oh yeah right you went your own ways because of that huh like we can't agree on that one so it's you can't get her little ding ding to watch the Emmys yeah nothing ding for her tonight that's his pet name that she calls him Brian I think maybe I should name him ding ding wedding there you go how's your how's your foot doing ankles getting better okay good but but not really you know what I mean it's it's like the slowest feeling that I mean it is getting better but in the timeframe of somebody rolling their ankle like yeah Taron big a minute or something my time frame is a lot longer than that how long's it been it's been three [ __ ] years Jesus it's been three years and one month I've taken three years off my clothes but not for an injury that's crazy dude yeah so three years but I mean it's getting it's getting better like I said though it just low as hell do you still try chicks at all you know what I did a kickflip with no ankle brace oh I know a couple weeks ago that was a it felt like hell man it felt horrible it's almost like I don't know if I referenced this to you guys last time but it's like you know my mom's gonna watch this so I shouldn't say it like whatever screw it sorry mom you know it's like you ever get drunk and you try to have sex and the thing just doesn't work you don't mean right you're like screw it try again tomorrow yeah exactly what skating is like for me with my ankle it's just whiskey ankle and the limp it's just whiskey ankle but the strength is coming back though right is it D you're you're getting it back a little bit no I need a Viagra man I mean I need I need steroids or something I kept yeah whatever but yeah you still shooting those steroids in your ankle I got steroids in the fridge you wanna check them out let's see your steroid collection dude here look at my steroids I've been taking them in months they don't make one here check it dude check this whole thing out I got oh geez yeah dude look like I got all the syringes and [ __ ] and God that makes me cringe yeah Jilly's hip I know somebody back in Jersey might need those like the prescriptions right here ladies wait no no why so why do you say you're not you're not doing the steroids and your ankle well they don't make me feel good like I feel really really shitty okay right like we're at night like I can't even wake like we're sorry I came to fall asleep because I'm just like shaking and [ __ ] yeah yeah okay my blood sugar spikes crazy and I'll start like pulsing it's really weird it's [ __ ] Oh No yeah oh yeah I don't I don't like to do that hon well I don't know I felt like it was helping but I think I got to a certain point where it kind of just my body maybe gotten used to the steroids ooh he lost me it doesn't affect me the same way positively bring out the negative effect so way Mike Mo will let you go do get back to your naming your NBA 2k 17 okay seven 2k teen okay do it don't we think of a name dude we just really quick no winning all right I'll put more why don't you just use your own name why don't you just say Mike mo you're creating your own player that's boring man what you mean i when i buy cream i I create chris Roberts Rob yeah it fulfills us like fantasy that I have of being in the NBA you know I suit you're saying Roberts passes the ball do you know no the announcers say the name you get your name on a jersey and [ __ ] that's what your name probably been on like every single team's Jersey ever I know it's a common name yeah yeah hey Mike Mo do you want to FaceTime us some more and in the future end me up anytime you want man I'll be here all right well hey have a good night Mike Mo and uh you know hope hopefully you'll get better soon dude or maybe we could do another Battle of The Berrics thing together you know do you think we're gonna do that again I hope not yeah it's pretty it was fun that was fun doing it with you if it wasn't you I would I thought it was fun as [ __ ] it was really fun Aaron talk [ __ ] not like did nothing mattered you know I will hit you up hit me up anytime man thanks smoke later Mike mom I ate oh man there I go Mike Mo Capaldi huh the young legend well young legend sucks what happened to his ankle that's June yeah it's not good but I think Mike was the type of dude who cannot skate for seven years and get back on the board and just be killer again looks like he'll know when he when you see the one tricks that he does like it impossible it was like popped and it looks so smooth it's crazy like he's like oh I haven't skated in like a year and he got on the board and did the [ __ ] front pop shuvit like waist high I'm like like seriously dude it was sick like he's he's talented he's gifted but uh well let's get out of here guys we did uh it was a good show man thinks winning for thank you for sitting in the whole time we appreciate that thanks for having me oh yeah it's always good with Brian around man like always yeah dude I got an idea for a clip now actually but I'm gonna say it at the cameras cut out okay so in the streets oh yeah I got an idea okay switch all now it's not done yeah well we look forward to all the Instagram clips and everything I know I do every time I scrolling up and I see that winning clarify I get [ __ ] high dude I do the funny thing is is when you posts a clip your immediate reaction is to leave a comment not just to like it all you do is like yes [ __ ] yeah you have to do that you to get a lot of comments on your yeah sick to switch Ollie the switch I got like five were like I have 600 comments there's no no no Kelly I left 300 comments yeah it's all me it's going well we look forward to more wedding clips and hopefully we can get a video part out of you oh yeah because I know you got it in you dude we're working on it right yeah get Roger out there let's do this oh yeah I'm getting hungry you might get something eat get some more that's called what are those things called down the street chicken surfboards yeah chicken fingers [Music]
Channel: The Nine Club
Views: 38,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, the 9 club, 9 club, skateboarding, skateboards, skate, skating, skater, podcast, talk, show, history, lesson, interview, news, tutorial, motivation, entertainment, best style, legend, how to skate, schrock, funny, haha, hilarious, comedy, braille, thrasher, berrics, transworld, tricks, sk8ing, nike sb, sk8board, street skating, switch tre flip, boardslide, crail couch, experience, brian wenning, tim oconnor, skateline
Id: 903bdoEDa2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 29sec (3869 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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