Nine Club EXPERIENCE #41 - Louie Lopez Off Flip, Boys Of Summer #2, Dan Mancina, Gronze Island

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all right well we are back we're back at the 9 Club experience everybody man this is a great great day we have a great show lined up I don't know what's so funny week it gets sharper inside sharp right there I'm honing my craft flooring your craft for sure we episode 41 rush we're cranking through these things which made me think about it bro the other day listen I'm gone perusing through you want start doing weekly no man listen I was perusing through all these comments you know and we do get a lot of comments like hey do you have this every week you know because even people will tweet out like where's the where's that experienced episode number 41 and I'm like it's every other week yeah but it just got me thinking ROG like you wanna start doing another week don't hurt yourself do we do even dare to attempt this that we didn't know that had a [ __ ] heart attack think about it though if we did an experience premiere every week yeah we get those donations poppin hey listen man the donations helped a lot no you know I'm saying people always and it's just rad that people want to support that's 100 percent yeah I feel like I just watch this Jim Baker and Tammy Faye documentary and I feel like what made you watch that I don't know it was a 20 20 20 20 thing they did a whole two hours on Tammy Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker 20 20 yeah I haven't heard that yes oh they do some years they do great shows watch that house for that home with Larry my god but um dude that fire [ __ ] oh yeah I know I know I know but I didn't watch it Latin and I watched it yeah yeah dude it made me feel like crazy like four four two weeks I was like because it's inspiring I think like it motivated me in some weird way were you like wow somebody can actually do this mm-hmm but then like how he [ __ ] just look advantage of everybody is so crazy well dude how was it that he's with [ __ ] ja rule of all people like that dude what the [ __ ] he's been he's kind of doing like just doing that [ __ ] you know I mean like he said he's like other things he's investing in or like yeah you know I thought the same thing like wow you know buddy it seemed that you know they're showing me all the work they're doing and there's drinking beers all tired I get where you coming from el dedo with the like the inspiration part of it cuz it's like wow this [ __ ] crooked ass dude right it aside you sociopath and just a narcissistic can make this happen taking advantage of everybody like someone good about if you're doing it in the right way right but it's also exactly within its dope to see like all this [ __ ] came to the surface and like you saw the story the backstory and all that but now look it like the people the lady that got paid like 200 something thousand dollars that girl that was from there yeah the lady did all the catering so it's like you brought that to it you know that's the surface and people's attention and if she got paid like triple wouldn't even come to that what had it not like these things wouldn't have been brought to the surface you know holy [ __ ] scumbags [ __ ] a lot of them a lot of it at the end the day greed yeah I think takes over sell of a drug robbery well we should start music festival getting a guy over here the greed is already setting in not all this [ __ ] it just wants to [ __ ] where is job but it made me think Roger we should do I mean it's a lot of work you know but I wonder if it would you know I wonder if people would enjoy having it once a week or if it would kind of maybe dilute our content a little bit you know I'm sorry like I always think of yeah but I always think of both angles right you have this thing that people tune into they like it every other week but if you do every every week is it too much for people to keep tuning in every week every day every there is [ __ ] happening every day and it's like when we start to do we'll put out a this show on you know Wednesday night Thursday morning and something will happen that people like why didn't you talk about this you know and it's like well [ __ ] we own this 3-4 days ago and we don't have another for two weeks we'll put it at the top of the list but then it'll be at abused yeah by the way Energy's backups looking good welcome back the morning you know you were going in the morning of your team loss and the hangover that I loved the last episode you know you're looking good it was last like I said it was a somber day I just did I didn't feel anything is the bus it by the bus not even realize I was just that didn't it back I was like man that's there was a clip off somebody posted ups teases watching the kid get hit by the bus and there was just no reaction no it was like it's like he's dead inside porky it's [ __ ] demolish bang it's real today we're you know we're day drinking it's we switched our hours as you know the sin has been calculated I got some food in my system so this will sit nice good anyway so we have a good show we have a lot of topics to talk about as we all say you know every other week we are the topics just build and build and build but speaking of doing it every week and donations and all that stuff is great we received a beautiful letter in the mail man let me tell you this let me tell you something bro tell us this guy Russia bill send some stickers you know and yeah yeah send some stickers and you sent a nice letter bro let me read this to you man this is uh to the 9 Club oh not even dear know why he said Jesus Christ thank you for prior of right thank you for providing limited hours let me thank you for probably thank you for for Thank You / thank you I can't really I'm on a first grade level thank you for providing perfect limitless hours of quality skate board discussions to your listeners you've donated your time and energy to give skateboarders exactly what we want when we're not physically riding a skateboard sign stimulating conversation about our love and passion for skateboarding on behalf of all skate nerds please accept a very modest paycheck as it as a token of our appreciation for your continual contributions to skateboarding Jessie D boy I can't read you can't read problems with Nate well swell written but he's sent a couple checks man cara's yeah if you sent one the problem is Raj what's that well the problem is is we we you and me work countless hours on this show but they're all this for the same amount no damn we should have got paid a lot more Raj you know I'm saying speaking agreed I'm the first to let the Green Show know so we've got a couple checks here thank you and I figured you know how much checks for well I figured they're for $50 amazing $50 each have a question before we distribute these go ahead does mine say Caesars on it cuz I'm not gonna be able to take that now it says your real name okay yeah all right I just thought that was really nice of the guy you know sending us dollar checks you know yeah cool price checks anymore I know that's what I'm saying it's time to write out five checks Oh six because he need someone to Eric long didn't - is that it's awesome but we'll see Lee you know let us know if you guys want us to maybe do it one a week it's a lot of work ROG you know yeah do the fan do they want it or no do you think we're us huh it's more work for us I know that's what I'm saying do they care I mean I'll tell you what I don't I don't really watch that other show guys do but a lot of people hit the player up and it wants this I I'm I'm right there with you no I didn't even know that other show was still a thing but you guys still do it right I mean that's neither here nor there but the fans want the experience you want to see Stevens's check no I'm actually county Justin oh you want to see other district go ahead oh there's I'm prizes [ __ ] this is Eldridge's check up how they spelled my name wrong anyways it doesn't even matter kidding LD that's a fake check is messing with you bro is it Roger it's not that big of an [ __ ] J's I like good for you but what did you guys make that is a sin that really no you never really said it I made fake one so you photocopied him oh that's sick hey that was good the look on Eldridge's faces Hawaii trip pulled out from under no more tanning lotion yeah well yeah what we saying about editing and yeah it's a lot of work it's a lot we'll see you know maybe that could be the I and I do agree it is a lot of work for you guys and I'm very cognizant of that but we are trying to get 200k subscribers and maybe that could be the little boost that we need yeah you know that's true 100k we'll start doing that almost there are we at 98 last night I was like 88 I see the comments a long time like I can't believe they only have this amount of subscribers and always like right yeah I mean I thought we have a lot already kind of don't we in the YouTube world it's not no you know what I'm thankful for every goddamn person that watches this show that's so Drive oh yeah no thankfully but in the world of YouTube and everything like it's nothing yeah you know it's an it's really not a big number eighty eight thousand that's amazing it's a lot of people though think about it bro if they all [ __ ] give us a dollar but then you got YouTube channels like you know no offense to them but you got YouTube channels like Braille and and you know Andy schrock and millions of followers we're known that for a long no I said I'm not taking anything away from him I'm just saying you know a lot of them too is like content so based on like the content that they produce they have a demographic of people that want to see those antics and that shit's a younger audience that hits the subscribe button are far guys you know our demographic doesn't really YouTube accounts I wish that'd be amazing of skateboard companies really just were on YouTube like these guys were like the a nice rocks and everything yeah I think a lot of that was because they didn't see the value in it early on a lot of these guys were doing it by themselves and everybody's like blind tried to jump in late and I put all their catalogue on YouTube and all that and it's a little too little too late I'd love to see like all those like skate brands YouTube's like join our [ __ ] super chat oh you know the kids yep connect with your [ __ ] audience my that's a good idea YouTube is a hell of a platform you know you got Instagram which is rad you get you know some people get 55,000 views on a little video post that's great a number for YouTube you know but at the same time there's a whole different audience that literally lives on YouTube yeah and those people that don't follow you or XYZ person they're on YouTube and they're gonna watch it you know whole other audience dude it was sick last week in the premiere we had a premiere chat no Paul was in there he writes I don't think it was Paul Rodriguez it wasn't I don't think I don't think it was in there James credit I think it was Raul Rodriguez honestly yeah it looked like Paul and people were commenting Paul and I looked and it was raw wool Rodriguez yeah Wow amazing that's smart I got me you got you but it is what you're saying it is amazing like if people do understand that like to get in on that like that like we could [ __ ] be a outlet for people to talk to people while Bohr was talking about skateboarding and it's like the live aspect of it too is you can get in the comments and respond to somebody and all that right I have a live conversation and see the totally conforth interactions so yeah that's super and it's beneficial for your brand and like you know whoever these people are that want to be a part of it like come tap in like we got this yeah you know it is fully I never really thought I'd be into it Raj but I remember seein ya the first ever first one that we did the premiere on I just remember getting text me like is can you pay to chat it's difficult I mean I I want to I want to watch but at the same time I I don't know if other people out there are really paying attention to what we're saying along with writing [ __ ] in the chat it's like two different but that'll give them TV at the same time and still a laptop and they watch it again no I I did it for the first time on the computer last time all I end up doing is laughing at LD the whole time [ __ ] for some reason when I watched on the screen it's way funnier the actual sure that comments the show well I think the thing about it is we when we're in there we're actually like paying attention to the chat we're reading we're trying to keep up with like we're talking to us without adding us and all that [ __ ] so you having to like really focus on it everybody else is kind of watching the show then contributing to the chat and then back to the show that's difficult because I want to read I want to follow everybody's [ __ ] because I want to respond to people yeah it's so hard I don't watch the show bro what the at you doing and we do get a few trolls in there to start and cause some [ __ ] you know it's kind of funny but I like Chris took someone off the uh [ __ ] booted there why those kids are saying dogs I know I think it's finally go back and forth with him a little bit because then you just kind of like you just aggravate him because you're not taking anything to heart and you're not taking it personally but yet I thought it was funny when the [ __ ] was like this person has been I like chris Roberts you say like the nine club but we're at me so we okay he's got a boots people sometimes it's coming into our home talking [ __ ] I'm saying take your shoes off I'll offer you coffee I'll offer you [ __ ] a beverage you know sit on the cable tower of our time track dirt into our house there was one in that light he pretty much made a template he was like every time you come into the experience chat you can expect to see this and it was like Steve this is a blank LD is blank Kelly's laugh is blank it was just what you expect to see every time somebody comes in it's like that was pretty much like Nayla man oh yeah the second question the second one is uh is this live yep exactly yeah I'm typing it's pre-recorded yeah seriously live chat it's fun though it's fun you know and then I shout to Ramon who donates $10 every day every [ __ ] me oh yeah yeah you just filed for bankruptcy I'll donate my 52 Ramon back to you listen if I can help him Ramon get back up on his feet there's like a three or four every time there's five guns seven yeah Ramon and there's another one but it's like some yeah Osiris is from like New Zealand there's always like yeah it's cool it's cool it's rad it's a good feeling that people actually want to like support you no I'm saying like it's one thing oh yeah are we this we get this many views or whatever but when somebody's like hit like taking money out of their [ __ ] bank account and giving it to you oh it's a good feeling man I mean it's really [ __ ] it's also cool when people to send us checks straight to us yeah you could keep doing that we'll accept guy's greed man this [ __ ] guy you know we tried to go why I wanna go to China all right should we get a new this rush we got a bunch of [ __ ] to talk about man a lot it's [ __ ] topics where should we start off eating out [ __ ] cookie let's just hang out cookies part rocky dough gnarly good [ __ ] 9 8 minutes of [ __ ] footage bro it's amazing what did is did he's a pro you know right that's it makes no [ __ ] sense like amazing part dude turn improve absolutely you know what I wish I wish they could have easily how many people are pro height on it right now a lot well some people just let me make a little [ __ ] dozen people on the Tina yeah they should have at least taken two minutes of that footage ROG and put it in the element piece video and then he could have come out with another part after that five minutes or footage or whatever it is double of what may be a decision and here's the thing being a skateboarder right you you want to be involved do you want to feel a part of these projects and these projects are massive it's not just like an internet part ROG it's like this huge video you you you want to feel a part of it you know and you want to experience it with the rest of your teammates and you know all that stuff right at least take two minutes of the guys footage put it in the video we don't know the reason why we don't but that's just my feeling I would want to be a part of that you know what exactly is war and peace because I know like Evan Smith had one and Mason had one but oh it's an ongoing thing I'm pretty sure they've done it before so when you put it it was a nine minute video I said oh [ __ ] but then I looked in Evans and mesas both were like 14 15 minutes so I don't know what the whole war and peace thing is but it's all I don't know if that was like their rough cut rough cut things yeah yeah anyways what cookie needs to be pro yeah somebody [ __ ] did amazing incredible that from blood did them in the beginning oh yeah geez Jerry look at sweat flip that switch flip see regular note he's goofy but he always skates spots I've never seen one skate either which is I mean you got something crazy on it da mean all the [ __ ] that he was doing his [ __ ] he's insane he's been killing for a long-ass time to be a long time well that could have been last part in the peace video no offense to Mason Silva but Jesus Christ not even own element in him yeah yeah oh yeah that's right crazy where was cookie before element I don't even remember oh no no no sure hmm I can't remember that either I think he was on Flo for element for a while maybe and then he got on I don't know cuz I remember Jordan was war Co before he went to blind I didn't I don't remember if cookie was also working I don't think he was working on a member hmm but I do remember seeing him and and Jordan comes to the barracks back when I was doing that before like people really knew who they were and dude he's always been [ __ ] incredible yeah he's so good cookie cookie dough I was going to say something real quick or bring up one thing to the attention of everyone there is see you said Jordan Maxim I think it looks like they're doing like a new video magazine what is that I dabble is is that gonna work this day and age yeah I'm glad you brought that up and this is I don't want to throw shade on anything or anybody because I respect everybody's hustle and trying to do something different but in 2019 I don't know if that blueprint will still work the same way it did back in your website Andy's I can see being a website but still let's like well I can be an app but it's still for they're doing I think four episodes a year now that's following the on video format yeah which is is that what they're doing before yeah that's what it says on their Instagram oh okay wait are they having it on a website only now I don't know all I Fisher's gonna be YouTube's other two though that I haven't really seen yeah I haven't really seen much of its crazy they're spending money on [ __ ] billboards and [ __ ] tons of stickers already I we wet billboards where it's one I got a bra is it La Brea I think how they having a billboard assignment available yet it's just a logo in art it's like literally a squiggle that's BM and that IIIi don't know it was out with this quick it says VM yeah well I was wondering what it was like a mountains yeah but no I just don't it depends like nobody knows they're like what they want to do whether it's gonna be a subscription-based thing or what like so I doubt it it would be only way I could see it I almost say the only way I could see work the best way I could see a working as if it was like an OTT channel on like you know Apple TV and Amazon fire stick and [ __ ] like that but I think people really search that [ __ ] out on those type of platforms people go to youtube right you had just one click access to it you never know I don't know I don't know people it's someone think you gotta think to is like a lot of people don't like extra steps so if somebody's like even I do it myself and I known people don't care but it's like someone's like linking by oh I'm not going to click that something I want to see but like complex does it all the time and I'll just search the comments till somebody gives me the answer and I cool yeah but is that that seems like more work no cuz we get top comments cuz people will up vote [ __ ] so you click on it comments right there you read it you're on to the next but if you like click on their [ __ ] click on the link in the bio then it takes you to a page and you gotta click on another photo that it's correspondent to that hyperlink like there's just steps so I think that's a lot of what people were trying to do is like make everything less and less work because the attention span of most people now is so short I mean you go on a website if it's too complicated and there's so many button you get off of it but it's a very simple straightforward website there's been more time and then to go with that if you have the option of an app or a website you go with the app ya know what I mean that's right that's where I'm will see what they're gonna do I don't know it's gonna be interesting I figured it was just gonna be a YouTube channel maybe their website and then it would just be I and we don't even know hard to say maybe they have a whole [ __ ] business plan later who is it mmm Jordan max him Ciara fellers Apple you are toasting in I was good okay so as you say the only person at that account of follow is following was Appleyard mmm so a PR it's supposed to be like the Lance mountain thing okay well welcome to I dabble yeah in this episode I wonder if the film and everything with iPhones no no how do you know so much information Chris cuz I've looked at it do they they you you see people's stories like they're doing stuff you know they're out there doing stuff interesting Josh so we can meet with them inside you imagine Jesus ROG more that CBD man calm down anyway well let's go back to cos cookie deserves everything their be pro there's a man he deserves his own shoe bearing pack of bolts Pro bolts Pro bolts Johnny Miller handle if you're watching and you're listening or however you're consuming this content put a [ __ ] chocolate chip cookie on the bottom of the board and destroy that's right Wow yes he's definitely been hearing it for sure oh yeah yeah and Johnny you don't want to do it go holla Shane but I mean you could come up with a [ __ ] nine minute video parches Christ rush was like in that point in time though your he didn't [ __ ] care he's keep just skating it looks like you know I mean but you know you want to be you want to be F right yeah it's the dream right you want to like imagine doing a big reward it yeah well imagine doing that much work and putting in that much [ __ ] blood sweat and tears just to become like a man am that could have been see I have I have a half a bone to pick with that statements thesis I'll go for it um I'd ever felt like that you know I mean like it personally like I never did it to to have that you know I mean I wasn't out there trying to skate to become a pro skateboarder that's what kids do nowadays if that's so crazy to me and I'm and nothing you know I mean like that's where I I'm I'm like I don't understand if the dudes out there having fun I feel like he looks like he's having fun like but so I've never made it into the pro ranks so I can only speak from an outsider's perspective imagine doing all that and then having to go get a job in routes right or you know work at [ __ ] warehouse somewhere because you nobody ever gave you your proper opportunity I mean dude so go ahead and I was just gonna say even if you have the opportunity it's tough out there there's only a handful of skaters that actually get paid enough to have their own apartment have there are like it's it's tough Griffen Griffen gas is works at like subway or some [ __ ] no way like he or something it's like he I know he did work at Subway or whatever his job is yeah but he works and he's the best gave a lot of [ __ ] work dude a lot of skaters [ __ ] work I mean dude I turn pro knows thirty so like like that's crazy sounding in my head thanks chica yeah and a shoe after that but Thank You Chico Brito or lean on dog Thank You chica Thank You Chico no I just no but when you skate for that long and the cookies been around for a while it doesn't like we it's just like it's like you put on a pedestal or something like that and you feel like you're never gonna get there and then when that time comes you're like well I saw like them my board I had to start crying it was like that because you don't give me my board I was like crying straight up but like for you for Justin like you were just in the moment skating so much and it came to you naturally because you were just like in the groove and skating at the right crew with like everything and so sometimes people it didn't come easy to you because if that wasn't easy impart [ __ ] but when you don't get turned pro right for a long time you start to like especially if you see your peers kind of turning pro and things are happening what time we how old were you when you turn pro things like 21 maybe that's yeah that's oh yeah we need to go from flow to fully on girl like what a Jimmy what is that I'm sorry yeah it was it was I don't know the difference kind of because I think it was like an in the same year thing is also like so from growing up with Shawn seeing like him not being out here like you were down in redondo near the warehouse near you know raking out Ricki wreaking havoc in Howard freaking hell man I wasn't there at the time but yeah yeah you know but just being in close proximity right I think it was a little bit different for sure whereas like Malto was like I remember motto sending tape after tape after tape and going on trips and trips and trips and it seemed like it took a while for him to go from the flow program yeah sure like that so I like it I like it personally when I watched someone works so hard year after year after year and then you finally see them turn pro okay you're like yes dude like I don't know everyone's cheering for you do ya once again though it's waited for now yeah yeah way different yeah true you know is it true I'm just I don't have you know what about you Chris what about me well actually it took you a while to go pro yeah like how old were you that's why I say when I finally I was um 42 damn haven't even turned pro yet still in my future but no I don't worry I'm really bad with dates and timeframes and all that stuff but uh it was later it was later you know like late 20s killin for huh was like before I don't know but yeah it was you know III just you don't mean Robbie were going you know we were neck-and-neck yeah you know got on at the same time really [ __ ] we're doing it and I think that's what happened - Robbie - he was he was never he was the man am and I think that's why his career got cut short I think he was over it what dude he was not speaking for Robbie McKinley but I don't know from what I gathered he was kind of just like dude this is never I got a I got a shift gears I got to go into web development or web design and he shifted gears thinking about that though is like where avi was like not competing but he was right next to Paul Rodriguez and Jeremy when hit they were like on fire there was a lot of things things back then were you know you taking a consideration you know it's like back then the shoe companies had to be in line with the board company it wasn't he was on DC was DC read ready to give him that Pro check a lot of different factors right nowadays it doesn't [ __ ] matter ya know it's like hey you're pro you're not pro you didn't have a board sponsor but you say four [ __ ] adidas or Nike some company turns you pro it'll actually [ __ ] up your other opportunities if they're not on board I mean what now we're back then nobody like I think enjoyed turned Jose Pro when he's on audio yeah and like Jeff chose like do like we can't turn you pro like yeah that go somewhere else that's what I'm saying back then it was this everybody had to be in cahoots with what was going on for sure you know or being the same nowadays it doesn't even matter man yeah you know that turns Jesus Pro sponsor we turn pro I love it anyway should we keep going should we keep keep this journey keep moving where do you want to go with this Roger what you said a when you said earlier you're like oh yeah I never click on the link in the bio mmm-hmm I I ran them like I did that for the new primitive video the testing one choice I saw pop up randomly and I was like what and I don't know he saw Thiago do a figure of crook so I clicked on that but that video was nice and sweet like a short sweet I was watching I was watching it and I was cuz primitive always does stuff - for a reason - I feel like yeah and I feel like this one I was watching it I'm like what is what is the purpose what is this for okay I felt the same would you I did cuz when I I saw I think Trent McClung posted it on Twitter and it was just like the one minute thing and I was like oh okay there's more went to the YouTube and it was on like two minutes and something yeah what is this they also have [ __ ] crew that is just phenomenal that can do that yeah but Boyd is putting it out there because there I have the footage exactly testing which I thought was funny because they called it testing and using a set rocky song whose album was titled testing was it really mmm so I was like I didn't know if there that's where my mind was like they're doing something right exactly so that's Alma and ASAP Rocky III the primitive has to to make a video for something but I usually do I usually what this is Fame all those masterminds usually have something going so maybe in a couple months we'll see something that's like oh they're do that's true that's true great skating that great color sweatshirt really it is like the color of the switcher you know good I think nor has the same one I blow 11 here is you know it survived I like that from clothing to the bathtub smell it listen great skating though yeah it always comes through with [ __ ] bangers definitely yeah and now that they got tiago tiago and wage any time doesn't stop putting out footage dude it's like every time you watch them dude Manohla put out a little clip of him did you see that instagram you skated paris for a day and got like a minute of footage of [ __ ] nuts it's footage you know I think another day Raj that I was like every generation right the skateboarders you're you're young you're coming up you turn pro you do your thing and then all of a sudden this new generations coming in and passing you by with technique and just ability and yeah and I was like due to all the people now that we're watching like Tiago Jaime Floy like all these [ __ ] killers Zion no he's not past that yeah people are gonna slowly pass them and they're gonna be the dudes that are like you know not on their way out right there but they become the oh geez they become though geez yeah and all these younger cats are just [ __ ] like what are they gonna be doing it's so weird to think I know how die some of them I think dude I hate to be that dude say no don't say it but be careful out there players I mean the progression it's just strong yes dude I think about that it's funny you said I think about that so much man like looking it just guys that I looked up to you know coming up some of them are still in the game some of them have phased out and they're doing other things like you said Robby McKinley going a web design and sure people find different avenues and different lanes to go down and then you'll start to like come back around and see them later because of social media now you get to see their lives now and [ __ ] that they're doing and all and it's just like [ __ ] man like at one point you word that new fresh [ __ ] kid that fresh face that was just terrorizing [ __ ] and now just you know there's a new squad and those that new squad is now becoming adults oh yeah oh yeah I can imagine Jamie Foy Xion all these [ __ ] killers five years from like yeah you know what I mean my catching them and they're gonna be like all right that oh yeah and even but even to go off of what you're saying sneezes is like when I was watching boys of summer - video mmm and I'm watching Causton oh the old Causton footage and stuff and then I'm watching his presentation I'm just thinking to myself like Costin is literally the epitome of like the best skateboarder and you know world is very smart about it I'll just I mean just what he wears I also have me of the Fountain of Youth just like fun youthful like he's a the thing I love about Carson is like you get Eric who's kind of like the business dude kind of humble kind of 10 you get Causton who's the [ __ ] skateboarder we all know and love and then you get frosty oh yeah parties dude best dope like going out and [ __ ] Tampa Pro parties with him and [ __ ] stabbed but like Oh Mike but he's like straight-up order in the world like this style the way that he does tricks you're just like watching old footage right along with the new footage you know like dude this dude today he's like the bet well daddy's the best that's like what we used to do as Damian we used to as Timo's he used to be wowing the crowd with dork trick exactly so insane that's why his Trump on this part is the most searched video on YouTube there is mostly video part not not the most of the videos but his most surgical part on YouTube yeah I'm sure it's fun to watch and say you guys think it's blessed he's super talented born with talent you know good at everything he does golf and all these things that he goes he does he's [ __ ] good it is a big golfer that's crazy you used to go on trips with that guy bunch of them that's what was that like dissing you never went on any of them no that wasn't always on fuel yeah your old chocolate chair is four days [ __ ] guys [ __ ] ribs what am i favorite oh dude yeah go back to the round mutt round Mount Rushmore he's on it four times four times four times full costume just [ __ ] copy paste copy paste so I'm having wrong here I'm just saying actually you could probably just take liking different eras of cost and watch really frosty version up there oh oh he's up there oh yeah but the boy summer to video is great cause awesome it's like rolling hard oh the muse like all of your favorite skaters in one video thank you hold it yeah I just love the random snippets of what makes it fun to watch though yeah it's not just like skate skate skate exactly fun you're like I remember that movie yeah I remember them yeah I remember the movie with what was it the the guy slapping dudes in the [ __ ] jail yes what dude there's a dude walking down the street with rollerblades on like me I had rollerblades always walking definitely entertaining video [ __ ] great skating like I said it's like all your favorite skaters in one little video one little montage you know Hobbs dude five-o tre flip 200 Hobbes is so undercover gnarly uh he's [ __ ] Ibiza so sick dude that was sick not to UM venture off too far but it was a t-bird just directed some like crazy music video that had like Paul and once they spanking a couple other dudes anything right and I shot it yeah and it's [ __ ] Hayley Williams from Paramore was in it like it was pretty like really it's sick to just seed [ __ ] like that [ __ ] intertwine and come back around mm-hmm dude his nollie flip back tail in that video I was back did he back no he was a put his foot on the yeah it was so sick millimeter yes anything else about the boys of summer video Raj just had a line there Scott Jones oh no that was old lino is wearing what was the table line there's some dude he's Shepard Gibbs are so sick oh good oh yeah the guy clip oh god what's my dog blind Robbins MA yeah three stairs [ __ ] ledge did I thought about guy the other day like just the fact of like him getting on Nike and not putting anything else in and just being like yeah whatever good friends with him for like a long time and while he was everybody kind of thinking the same thing then like where do you know there's nothing yeah but I was there him [ __ ] going in every [ __ ] day every single day I thought about the other day there's something coming yes yes there's some gnarly [ __ ] yeah dude the old clip of the blunt slide fakie or blintze blintze like kickflip out like that that was me what year was that that was [ __ ] nobody was flipping out of [ __ ] we did that wouldn't come out back then No so it was it was sequence or something with the video sequence yeah oh come here I guarantee you that Tim Dowling film that yeah timbersaw yeah yeah that's while flipping out of [ __ ] back then crazy see that's another one to go back to the whole cookie should the fact that Nike it's it's a weird [ __ ] area cuz I know how people feel about Nike and Adidas and all these corporations coming in but for somebody like guy to be able to still live a normal like substantial life because Nike saw what he had provided to skateboarding and the legend that he was and I hey we want to support you we don't need anything from you but we want to support what you've done and I continue to carry on your legacy like that's the type of [ __ ] yeah alright you know yeah that's what's deserved yeah totally I mean he's so fast uh figure brings these sprinkles I don't know yeah I don't know anything more like yo we need to video part from you in the next three years know what I mean going back to the flip [ __ ] out I feel like I'm getting a little sick of it everything every clip people do they have to flip out do a tail slide flip out in a line like key it's too much I feel like I feel like it's just you know everything is full everybody's flipping out of everything sometimes it looks sad but like you know it's alleged answers yeah Simon banner Oh like [ __ ] flower over the street in Lund but it's like I just want to see can I just see some cruising can I just see some dope [ __ ] the sick ass tail slide and then do you know what really dope cruising footage was [ __ ] a v' oh yeah in England I was like I would eat I saw his footage in that boy summary videos alright that's that just makes me happy I would say there's only certain guys related launched like that yeah you know like certain ones have to be right you know like we always say Gino I'd rather watch Gino pushed and you know right in there too man yeah it's for sure you have to flip out right now yes knows these days they're not like in a way that cuz we're talking about like the new kids coming up they see dudes like Shane and Filipe and that just becomes there and right yeah so when they think of that as normal like okay let me do [ __ ] I don't know just like big spin back tail back stuff about you know every because that's the normal thing to do and that's what's gonna get me notice is what people think so it it soon I think manually clean go for it yeah yeah just a lot just too much I mean some people don't like flipping uh Chris don't about yeah but I mean not yeah I can't heal occasional switch you yeah but it's not every [ __ ] day every clip in it is over I would just appreciate it good nice snap out you know like a back tail and kind of spike cookies from yeah certain [ __ ] like that out of every goddamn thing no Jill oh speaking of guy like you guys saw that new Nike commercial where they all like snow back house it was pretty that's pretty hairy they kid like intertwine like NBA and the dude I thought that was such a missed opportunity what do you mean so the video that we one of those [ __ ] Nike videos I was on the list was a Nike Nike SB MB a collaboration video oh you thought that video it has nothing to do with the the nothing to do with me I was like and I'm just like we're and the gear yeah where is this going and Kyrie Irving is such a [ __ ] Nike SB fan he's done on his latest pro model shoe he's done some of the og dunk like colorways and renditions put him on his shoe and there was like no connection with that but then they just do these shoes that like tear away into different colors and [ __ ] it's like Oh Mikey SB NBA collab it doesn't make any sense like who is in this creative department that's making this you know these decisions and like yep that's what we're gonna do right we're gonna put Kyrie in a commercial we're gonna get the guys to skate the pool that's it NBA Nike SB like what the [ __ ] are you thinking yeah I mean that makes sense I know what you're saying with the UH what was it called the crust video yeah Chris Bowl I mean even they they had the little you know things coming up like Nike shop Nike SB buddy yeah I know what you're saying there was just kind of like a like hey here's the guys wearing this stuff some clips it's like 2019 there's a Midwest or they're just all happening we were like Erica like yeah but they probably gave them the [ __ ] to wear yeah I know I mean it's like you can do something more than that like in that commercial didn't make any sense either this is my opinion obviously I'm not getting paid to [ __ ] do Nike creative whoever is if I'm making a [ __ ] ton of money to come up with these [ __ ] ideas but pairi in the pool and me fer that me going but there could have been a backstory to that because Kyrie has been since his shoe came out putting Nike Dunk colorways and like taking the [ __ ] dia de los muertos [ __ ] ducks and putting them on his [ __ ] and take you know not doing [ __ ] with concepts and making his shits like that is a legitimate MBA [ __ ] professional who is tapped in and actually used to skateboard but had to stop because this [ __ ] professional basketball career took off like why wasn't that story and you like a part of this whole thing probably because they don't have to [ __ ] probably have time to do any of that yeah yeah skateboarding a lot of people quietly know that [ __ ] Kyrie skates I skated with them hey that Duke came to the barracks the barracks down I think it was like Sony or whatever Kyrie came in you beep I shouldn't but dude the dude we was getting there for about two three hours rolling around the dude never stopped I mean he wasn't doing like a kickflip fakie on the [ __ ] quarter pipe buddy he was just rolling off the stairs dropping on the court last crazy he just literally wouldn't stop like amazing candy store super hyped and I was like dude I'm tired bro you know this guy's [ __ ] going in that's crazy yeah kind of everything okay I think this is when he played for Cleveland - yeah I think it was like right when he got old school candy they were trying to find ways to incorporate it and all that you know when you just see somebody like that skating like dude please yeah I don't I'm not a fan of the Cavaliers just I would just hate to see I think honestly I think it was in his contract saying that he's not allowed [ __ ] so he's probably get in trouble from the show nah it was out there it was I mean that was he's on the Celtics now he's gonna be a Laker how do you think you feeling okay you I heard some [ __ ] trade rumors today that they have like coos yeah ball [ __ ] damn near half they're [ __ ] awesome yeah yeah and first pick but they can run Anthony Davis they can rebuild around Anthony day I know but [ __ ] I don't know I trust me yo yo y'all are like Lakers I grew up on oh yeah I would just like super heights on our young little squad I think we can build with them with nah they're building around the brunt for sure they're sure yeah if we get clay the problem is is I will move on real quick but um gabi problem is is like these youngsters I don't see that Kobe mentality you know what those dudes coming to the league right it happens all the time you you look at these amazing NBA players that come in here like this guy's the next [ __ ] blah blah blah blah right then they kind of just they're just they're great like like Tracy McGrady or Vince Carter like they're [ __ ] amazing players but they never really reach that super superstar Kobe Bryant Michael Jordan like wow like he's great player but I don't see doesn't see that see I'm like taking the team and with LeBron and winning championship he's like a CP 3 where you keep dishes he can be a good facilitator right but there's a lot of dudes like that and then ba ya feel like you could just kind of rebuild the team around those two dudes you need that you need that Shaq Kobe you need that Pippen Jordan you need that yep you need that yeah yeah what do you think ROG boarding this is exactly boarding like building a team like building who's the the Costin in guy Mariano on Nike like there or the cost and appall know when Paul started primitive it was Nick Tucker and Carlos Ribeiro right next to you know exactly old around it so it's a similar you know turn around I think it's all it makes sense to get you know unlike the Nike SB NBA video that shoe is dope that shoe is dope yeah like the goes color with different colors and like all that [ __ ] looks dope it looks good there's a couple different ones right yeah yeah yeah if you could make a [ __ ] [ __ ] which I feel like has been done for they [ __ ] Statue of Liberty dunks that were green and turned [ __ ] like bronze I think nothing no converse - I think it's done but I think that they did it in a way where it was it made me think like I've not my shoe I had that [ __ ] oh right the same [ __ ] but like the way it did it it was I don't know it's kind of cool I was thinking like you said though I was hoping she did it better I was hoping there was gonna see more stuff with the NBA go down like celaya with the players and radiators that was like doing a long time they won't we already know how this [ __ ] song plays up it sound like you won't know more than what the people at Nike I don't but I'm yes I do have my finger on the [ __ ] pulse so Mike if you want an opinion but at the same time it's like I do pay attention to the things that line up prior to all this [ __ ] coming out and it's like I don't know I just feel like it was missed operative something could have been better yeah yeah yeah and that's gonna be always you can't please everybody so I'm just a [ __ ] bitter dude that didn't get please this time it's all good it happens sometimes you got to go please yourself yeah anything else about the crust video ROG you dope oh yeah so fun product oh you've had five 40 amazing prodigies yeah I watched him or him on Bert who knew dude I didn't know [ __ ] I kind of knew but his hurt though yeah when is when you want have you seen him skate vert I mean I could have see it's this ledge of like it's game for like we're like 12 like I know about eight at 12 yeah he's got like good vert style did but like even like skating streets there's some crusty like the front shove he does off like overs of gap into a bank I was like dude that is the crusty islook in spot yeah yeah you're just gonna die any 540s on Bert did that tail side this is random but the tail side he didn't have one Nike video a huge ass rail on a bridge yeah huge ROG come on you know I'm talking oh yeah made it look like a [ __ ] ledge yeah the amount straight I was like tribunal I can't see it in my MA right now dude humongous he's the one person I think at Street leagues especially like we watched him skate like he won't he won't do [ __ ] during the practice and then when it comes out and the during the contest you just holy [ __ ] like you never would have thought you would even try something like that let me ask you that does that affect your scoring no no no but like as I think the crowd gets like holy [ __ ] leaders we're not you're not expecting it at all and that does not affect the scoring whatsoever because the tricks are just ridiculous right now so they're still above par of what's going on at that level you know what I mean so it's like but as a spectator [ __ ] yeah holy holy [ __ ] so people it's funny how some skaters literally think that they save their tricks for before the contest and won't show that like we don't want the judges around I'm like dude it doesn't matter yeah because of the pressure to when you're in the actual moment yeah yeah I mean like it did the trick is the trick and yeah done it's not you're not gonna surprise me like oh that's a 10 dude it's like on it's based on a scale that we stick to yeah so just letting those guys you know the first the first 10 club is gonna be buck we got to start a whole new show [Applause] Louie Lopez I tried to say something really awful flip ya know just when you were talking about flipping out I was trying to find a way to make it work with you after what 12 years yeah guys not raised him they rate literally right yeah yeah Amen kiddo [ __ ] long hair he is a little kid with braces one of the best skateboarders out there right now for sure used to be my one of my favorites on the little flip squad when it was just like none but little kids him and current and the beat and all that and it's like man what do you uh what do you I think he's gonna do Missouri I gotta me he's got to be doing something Shane O'Neill Nyjah power couple power couple one of these days eltridge is gonna it's gonna be right that time skateboarding know where it was like dude you hear that this dude left he's doing something with that guy because that never happens that much anymore now so it's like because people make exit videos or exit photos now on social media where's before you just kind of heard it through the grapevine yeah that was like a big deal bag name for sure yeah it wasn't like Louise left flip and now he's on this like right away even your brand dizzy what you a born again what's what's the company calls freedom freedom like freedom like free like free free getting some freedom damn everybody likes free to everybody wait a minute Jeff wrote this and he's not he left foot long yeah yeah really I feel like you said I feel like he's a lifer over there yeah I saw I talked to Jeff I'm like Jeff you know you we want to do it he's down but I was a hey Jeff you interested coming on like this month maybe he's like I'm not doing interviews I'm just skating right now thank you though when I'm done skating him down I was like eight you [ __ ] rule or dude that's the answer you could ever get I like sec yeah but it's like you can't take a little time for an interview to [ __ ] oh really dragon we don't really do interviews yeah just hanging out and talk exactly yeah that's why I'm saying you got time for that and he's getting freedom I don't I want to go to an interview either but we'll see what he does now we'll see what Louie does right yeah it'll be interesting my new [ __ ] shoe new I mean goddamn primitive I don't know happy dude you know I seen on the comments was someone Figgy or not figgy somebody on Baker said Baker and then I looked down thing and then Jamie Foy said I had a comment of like are just like like hand clapping or something it was like I seen two people from that camp be like say some [ __ ] we could do I could be like 9 Club boards or it could be like Kelly could be like laughs emoji interesting and everybody else below I want that crop [ __ ] musket board yes the candle emoji Roger you took down my crab musket board unbelievable we gotta make a little limited a box my other plate screeching oh there you go bad mill and Martinez I don't know those boards up here but that dudes oh right there that did one trick of the year that lipslide he did Oh death that's what I yeah I was bunk that was that was definitely feel like those angles didn't even show gonna say the angles didn't even show the [ __ ] the one angle where he's walking up and he gets the top the rail and then a woman walks that's [ __ ] die yeah should we pause for a little music interlude rush alright well we are back we're back at the 9 Club experience [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] music interlude ah that was done by a goofy dude I think that's an adju V du da it'll remix for us huh I was Superman Yeah right when it hits you feel no pain it's getting the [ __ ] out of here I do say that a lot huh you didn't know because after a couple our moms you hate that no but thanks to that guy Jovi dude on Instagram that was mattering yeah yeah people tell you took the time to grab all the sound bites and do all that [ __ ] amazing oh man Raj listen bro right in man man all you other busy lookin yeah all left hand are you know you're have you ever heard that expression but I right hand man but he's you're laughing but if I'm gonna say over use my left hand man let me tell you something all right hand supersoft Wow of course it is listen bro I'm listening bro we were that's another one he should have put in there listen bro now this um Transworld Skateboarding you know they do Transworld snow they do transport skate it's all the transport network the enthusiastic notice news network right the American media acquired them and they've been bashing and burnin I think people go it's [ __ ] sucks man you know what while you're talking about I'm gonna pull the article up again because that was something that I was interested in hearing about yeah with the layoffs and stuff because there is a portion of that Forbes article that says should it didn't go to the same supply that I had it I'm sorry it says ASN will remain in its carlsbad california offices and am i spokesman said no staff reductions are anticipated immediately though back-office efficiencies are part of what drives any acquisition right and that meanwhile they're letting everybody exactly that bummed me out to read that and then know you know that there are actually layoffs just happening [ __ ] right away it's crazy right I mean how it must be tough though a magazine like met like magazines this aren't the raster Aaron is there knowing it but they're not acquiring and I don't I can't say this but acquiring on 14 of the mags they're fine but what they're actually acquiring is their audience we really think about it they're getting millions of eyes or hundreds of thousands if not millions of eyes from all of these different entities and their social media currency so that's really what it comes down to is them wanting to put their content and their [ __ ] in front of all these eyeballs and that is kind of like the catch-22 like it's a smart acquisition but it's a bummer but supposedly they bought for cheap and they just plan on selling off each magazine individually really what's like a [ __ ] who knows I think thrash stretches just go by trans rolled why why not why do they don't need to have all that [ __ ] history yep cuz they also own before I have four on one they're skateboarder right yeah that's cuz that's the same thing that like barracks tried to do to save the skateboard mag they acquired that and turn it into bears magazine just to try and keep it alive you know but it's like yeah but they changed the whole name and they didn't know the heritage of it right but would you rather Eric and Steve get it or some [ __ ] suits and you know Karlsbad that we don't know I mean I agree but you you change the whole thing when you start changing the name of things and it's a heritage of the the magazine and everything all the original tapes follow on or sitting in a warehouse down there mmm what the hell is [ __ ] the people that own the National Enquirer then do it they have no idea yeah they don't even know what the [ __ ] I would love to watch those for one day bad yes please that's a bummer man well we'll see what happens with it you know but it's on that's never good when you know people quite and then everybody's losing their job it's that time of year it's like in the you know in the one year beginning of a new life vice just laid off a [ __ ] ton of yeah it's a whole thing like oh it's my club gonna be okay yes we're not laying it went off are we Kelly I'll just check that all ripped up 50 it's too bad it's too bad Kelly you're the first of our first to go your first to go man oh yeah well luckily we're doing okay so yeah we're just good we're getting rid of that whole corner about it's done the button for a long time much real estate hey kill you so we start we start in the corner huh we didn't try yeah we did it flew that we did it we did it yeah goddamn it we did do it we did do it Chris little smirk right there what's the shoot we might do one soon actually go ahead man good luck many of people have tried many people are not with us anymore groans island brush great great little video uncle every time they do this number three number three and this last trick I'm telling you watching that name no Kevin Bradley's footage is dopest [ __ ] oh my god that's right yeah max drones always sick when you see somebody backside flipping over the wrong way the backside flip we called my backside flip I don't know why I called gorilla but that's what people were saying when I was kid maybe now call in front shoves shovels shovels you guys see that jenkem shovels yeah it's pretty well there was some jenkum posted this thing on their story it was all like someone posted it on their Twitter they're like some kid did a front shove it and called it a front shove them and instead of me correcting him I'm just gonna say that works gonna change the name the front shovels evidence so they jenkum dick everyone was just like call the skate shops are calling front shovels to kept getting people to like the repos yeah yeah so that was kind of good we just call forums jenkem is the [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah that's great I love that great didn't Kanye to skate and [ __ ] do ya wow that was them they got that - yeah yeah deeds a 50/50 wall ride - that dudes on the tear right now man yeah it's mustache ride video did a boardslide that dude does the end that all the three bars drop down that's like that through the last tricky boardslide drop down boardslide board so that like to drop down I don't know you you're nuts could just be gone after I like the Wally boardslide and then they put the clip of him just like chillin yank out of them yeah yeah that's what he has a real time Lord oh did he yeah she didn't be sliding pretty fast yeah I know that where is he from not really sure that's really cool he's on enjoy that's really really it like fits really well and now what that song was such an enjoy song was insane mmm he looks like Paul sharp there was a actor that he looks like - it's on dude man he's on Pirates of the Caribbean like the oh my god I know blew it holy looks like Canada yes known as Paul sharp yeah yeah you did some amazing [ __ ] oh [ __ ] when did he get on enjoy they kind of just really put him on what's his real name Diedrich golf ball okay I think so it's as welcoming part or was just like he's been on for a little while right on oh I don't think made up deal about it huh I think that Patrol one point that's why I'm kinda full there no boom hmm dude totally heavy - it's the staff he kind of like the little stash right yeah hello Orlando dude hello hello pirates I like this Steve speaking of something I know you just talked about that's on the song in that grande video to the Metro Bank Dre song was [ __ ] you oh yeah I like that a lot of good music out there right now skateboarding good seeing good skateboarding finally not finally no but from a younger generation I'm saying there's a lot of Instagram skaters out there you know but when the younger kids are starting to do their thing in the streets like ah there we go that's a valid point yeah I'm wondering how long Internet video should be like a youtube part because some of these parts are now like four or five six minutes seven minutes long even longer - if they're edited well and entertaining gonna be as long as they want mmm that's true I mean maybe it's just me sometimes I watch a video and I'm just like I hit the screen to see where I'm at and I'm like oh not even halfway done yeah I got it obviously not holding your interest in that's sometimes it doesn't but depends who it is like what it is if there was one on our list and I won't say what it was just to not be disrespectful but I made it like two minutes in I was like all right I can't yeah yeah yeah yeah you know it's a and it's all personal prep will skate boarders oh we all have what we're into what we're not into and you know having this list every week we we watch all kinds of [ __ ] and we may not even be into it but it doesn't hold our interest for at least mine sometimes I look at I can't imagine when people look at the 9 Club be like two hours yeah holy [ __ ] man wasn't there I didn't watch it I'm an idiot for not watching to be honest there's a Brian Anderson did he have some new footage come out recently or something there's I say old it's all old stuff right but I saw something just surfaced out of nowhere and all the [ __ ] that's - I saw it - but he was wearing the reason I knew was oh because he was wearing a project ba yeah I was like I don't know yeah that's tight leftover stuff that's a weird Roberts you're like what hold nose grinds forever but you're attendee can't hold attention for see my nose grind at Milton Keynes all right damn I was there were there I was [ __ ] there that's right yeah five owed that [ __ ] - twice I ran in high remembers time and you came I remember being like dude you're so tripping did yeah right right what a good what the [ __ ] yeah well dude to be honest the courthouse ones way gnarlier dude hire it's like it's a bigger drop you know that was just a ledge Mellon Keynes like you know less than knee-high dude not landing I saw McKinley one time he's flown for the DC video he tried to cook her grind it got broke he landed on it fell off I'm like oh my god next one he goes next try crooks goes into noseslide it's wax dude went to nose slide slipped out straight to his side of his dome on the stair just like I know he got served he that was like I think that was last time he filmed for that videos I'm like it was like right before the deadlines and that's it [ __ ] work computers I'm trying to figure out why nobody's really stepped to it like Tori back tail did which was awesome people crooked grind nose slide [ __ ] is it metal no no no same [ __ ] but I'm just surprised nobody's like really like from do you know I mean like throwing I'm just throwing a trick no no like I feel like I was here front nose I tried tail sliding it and I could only get like 3/4 of the way there like this is only like 17 that [ __ ] was not easy to skate you got a wax oh [ __ ] yeah that thing's got to be ice it's gotta be buttery yeah dude speaking of long ledges I don't know if I can't remember what this was in I want to say it was either Jamie Foy or [ __ ] Frankie Villani I know it was one of those big boys but that long-ass sledge in at Compton high over the grass get oh okay the fakie back to carving at that Fang ridiculous to Dickies yes on there Joe face did a good job filming that - yes Frankie's amazing shaky back tail was buck yeah all right Joe it's pretty sick yeah man he's doing doing good for the big boys you know boys he's a he's a costume esque in the sense of like he can [ __ ] with anything yeah you know I mean in the trainee clip she was like the the Bennett grind revert in the in the middle that was that was gnarly yeah but you could tell I think because he posted that and so did Joe face and their instagrams you could tell that trick to him was like what meant the was like I can't believe I did this yes is amazing last trick but I think they didn't pull a string because it was like yeah I mean dude II can't have a last chicken escape part that's my opinion but unless no it's don't last trick yeah actually surprised there is actually sorry will you have a trainee trick there's no place else really it's gonna be gonna be a park so I guess that's it not too many of those but Dan men Cena right lost his vision I think he's got like he's lost like 98 97 percent of visions you know skates you looked around here for a while I used to see him around Weesa skate you know friends with like Guffey and McNulty bro uh like have you had vision back in oh yeah yeah I need so far as far as I knew yeah I don't know when this thing started or maybe it was already deteriorating but the dudes been killing it on a skateboard man he's just came out with this part that was [ __ ] amazing to know best thing I've seen in the last few months Wow like it's this [ __ ] grass cap ollie yeah imagine rolling up to that closing your eyes and just sending it oh yeah I would [ __ ] anything closing you're never yeah it's insane crazy that's off to this guy right the dudes doing front crooks on ledges and [ __ ] it's like it's incredible that's amazing true love of skateboarding right there go okay even they like drop-down manual stuff off the curbs and [ __ ] yeah bro like [ __ ] kudos to first of all imagine holding this long ass stick in your hand yeah to use for your site that you used to feel around what's what's in front of you the memory that it takes to like okay I'm gonna go up this Bank when I hit this thing I have this much room speedy I mean there's a lot of factors that go into not being able to see and rolling on the skateboard doing a trick you know we take it for granted absolutely sure it's [ __ ] insane this [ __ ] guy yeah it's just such a [ __ ] testament so I go don't I think I'd do it myself in everyday life like complaining about [ __ ] night things could be so much worse than this thing out here handling we should get him on the show man yeah thanks for actually he was he's gonna be in town he's in town this week and it just didn't line up because we shoot this show and then we have two weeks off and then he's gone and then two you know what I mean like we couldn't we couldn't do it you know you know I did talk to people about getting him on but uh just didn't work out and that's a problem too we're doing the show twice twice a month every other week you know we miss out on opportunities ROG so let's do it but yeah by real did a board forum where that actually had Braille Braille board super or sick man I love it bro seriously hats off to you man like you are a [ __ ] legend yeah and there's a couple other blind skaters I see on Instagram pop up once in a while yeah yeah it's a couple other dudes yes that was so crazy yeah and I've been seeing the thing you know people that are like paraplegic and I'm telling ya yeah but have like imitations and seven have crutches yeah they're getting it to like all that [ __ ] is [ __ ] since why are you doing this like doing lines fakie tre how is that working yeah it's insane so how come he's doing that by using the stick to tell where it's at but like how do you know where how do you register yeah I mean a Ledge that that gap [ __ ] grass gap Holly cuz you depth perception right so I keep right know where the [ __ ] ground is you're just you're waiting you're waiting waiting if you're waiting that the problem is is if you're waiting for something you want to land with your knees man you know that feeling of like when you're like carrying some you're walking up stairs you think there's one more yeah yeah like that would be that feeling all the time yeah listen bro wow what a [ __ ] brown shirt Wes and brass and bro I want to cry dan the man taking care of business TCB they haven't watched that part man go check it out big fan dudes awesome great dude great dude still you know I mean is he doesn't let anything to stop you you want to do something go on a [ __ ] do it you know where is he from Michigan or something ring sell some somewhere I think McNulty's friend to them right that's what I'm saying McNulty he was a hole he was down here with a two-five crew and everything but um yeah it's insane but it was it's a degenerative disease so he he was born with it knew a family thing I think it's a so he knows I think he knew yeah it was like yeah you're gonna eventually go slowly lose your sight you know insane you know how old he is he's gotta be late 20s 30s maybe early 30s early thirties one thing I think about it's like I couldn't imagine having your sight and then have it taken away yeah like if you're born blind you don't know any different right I can imagine that would be easier to cope with but I mean it seems like he's taking it in stride but yeah he's wrong lying dude he's like preparing for that like you sure you go through depression moment I'm sure you're feeling sorry for yours and this is just you know what I mean I'm sure you go to that site said luckily he probably skated when he had trying to learn yeah oh no but still like jesus said if you get something taken away from you yeah it's it's much harder right no but I'm sure you battle the demons you know and then and then as it as you could deal with it you uh you overcome well everybody I mean life's hard man life is hard imagine trying to [ __ ] deal with it I wonder if we're probably not too far off with technological advances of where they might be able to get to a point where they can start to I'm sure it's a sect people that you're sure do implants or something too you know I'm sure it's out there we're not too far off I'm waiting jeez are we almost done ROG don't technicals no not today bro not today maybe next week all right oh there it is next week oh there it is you guys show up every Sunday if we wanted to do one every way every time you guys just was like oh money's blowing away no I didn't think about that though I was like damn that's not they have to be every week listen bro if you don't show up you don't show up else to sit there I have to get the ken-dog I get a tray of wigs shall we do Justin which one the other one yeah yeah the one that you just I don't know we do that one every week do you guys yeah every week we're crazy you're [ __ ] crazy I'm just kidding i watch it Raj oh you know what before we go let's talk about real quick the Corey what's his name you got yeah Corey you called you know got suspended for marijuana hot shake for what I love that article right what well the the US US anti-doping agency announced said 19 year old June Corey Juno had accepted a ruling from the agency that carried out six-month suspension the whole thing started on january 28th at OE park jam skateboard in Brazil at the avenge you know reportedly had to take a urine drug test came back positive for THC under the USA da rules as well as a world anti-doping code in the world and anti-doping agency prohibited list THC as banned substance all Olympic athletes are required to follow international dose oh he was gonna be Olympic was he gonna be in the Olympics we not to be determined this to be yeah like he's he can't compete for six months well it's only maybe had no plans I just want to contest I know but I feel like is this knowing Park well see that's the thing is only it's legal in certain states so the US or the [ __ ] could be high as for additional certain states are recreational but this whole like but it's the world of doping agency but they ended up doing they changed it to where so this was this happened in January of last year yeah they changed it to where it would be back dated to the original time of him being tested yeah and he had to take like anti-doping course or some [ __ ] like that to get it reduced from six months to three months anti-doping course so it's like he didn't even really have to like really do it like he's not being reprimanded now but it's coming to the surface but he had to take like basically he had to take a dare class speeding ticket you got to go to like comedy driving school this is crazy so add all the street leagues all go do like before I didn't they do the the contest like the day before like all the skaters have to go into this meeting like the dope meeting anti-doping not that dope oh yeah happy to go on they listened to all the regulations or whatever it is and then they go Stephen in Street League yeah oh my god so they it's all it's all of the street leagues all these concepts are going like the building blocks that go into the Olympics so so that's even like if there's because in order for CBD to work properly there has to it has to be attached to THC molecule so now if people are just taking CBD for inflammation and [ __ ] right it has th scene and they're gonna piss dirty right I think there's a there's a limit to how much you could have in your system I think that's very testable I don't know I I literally have no idea I've heard that recently I'm like dude I don't wanna give anyone's name out but like there's certain dudes that we all know there's no way they're gonna pass with that rule yeah I mean it can but they're using anybody be sober it maybe they've been it all feel sad out there if Niger's out there high as [ __ ] doing all the [ __ ] I'm like more power to me yeah it's not saying that he smokes I'm just saying but though it's called like performance hansung a performance and hands hands that is not [ __ ] in hints like performance wise in star you bad boy for me it's an exact opposite for some people it's literally medicine no instead of talking [ __ ] percocet yeah [ __ ] dry it real quick and I will [ __ ] way better on weed we should start our own competition Josh nine club rank for Bridget knows the Olympics on the 9 Club League but we didn't we talk about that like some good time Rogers already got the first event event then the high Ollie contest there you go perfect pretty insane there you go that's a sick it's not even that high like you're just like a high as [ __ ] there's like ollying over shows you have to [ __ ] grip before everywhere to skateboard I picked that idea to do it at people's like a Geordie client all those guys were like oh yeah spliff all start smoking like crazy they were out of their time used to do acts yeah oh yeah yeah that was good times so I never was a part of it was a good time watching it well we're almost done here bro we got a ok do we get emailed it's been 2 weeks that we've had we have mail time we have mail I want to know if people enjoy us opening mail on the show do people like it ROG sure the person that sent it wasn't she ha ha we have gotten some pretty shocking stuff that's true that's true yeah some stuff leads to have pretty funny conversations too interesting that was quite the swoop just thank you I was careful Roger did is a joke don't cut yourself don't worry Roger I'm a professional I've been opening boxes for 20 years well Roger you go there's some pins okay excited to open it there's some oh look at this Steve's us hmm this is for you buddy oh you may want to take this home or you might want to put this in the back of your whip you know like people put him amazed up in their in their windows uh-huh put this in the back of your window so people really know is it what you're all about do this oh that's [ __ ] seat belt zimas are expired now I know everything my expired so that's what they had to have been yeah from the [ __ ] og Zima days oh there you go Steve don't know if I want to put that in my vehicle it's a problem yeah but who's that from ROG I threw the box Peggy and Charlie Peggy and Charlie put it yeah and Charlie Oh Peggy and Charlie there you go thank you what do you bring in the back spot like that was a neon sign I have 100% wood yeah I'm aboard why don't we make nice yeah there we go nightclubs Zima bored its tables on the same way really trying to turn you pro you know and that way so we don't get in trouble we can put a nine where does he is at the top and just Club where it says NEMA starts listen there's a hard toady my marketing brain just [ __ ] oh here's a another box for Oh candles half moon candle company Erica Russo who wears a nice candle friend that Paris is called others for Kelly I love you with all my fart says it people call my smelly fart my whole life man I didn't actually smells pretty good here we go this is a sexual healing with red jasper Nussbaum yeah dude my fart oh are you it Raj dam does that one have love that people send the nightclub canvass especially sexually healing candles Erica Russo thank you and I'm nice night it a nice note here half my gosh soy coconut hey guys we were honored to have you smell our newest candles hope you enjoy them as much as we do Tory Suk's sweetheart club and half moon there you go who is smells the soy delicious more delicious Marty this sweetheart club sweetheart club yo the [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] rocking hear that little heart with the budding I got that tattooed on my leg really yeah except on mine you can see your peach you can't see the peach on this one oh let's move on here we got a okay this is from Australia dude courtesy of Andre Rus shipping this is some Vegemite oh God kangaroo balls kangaroo how do you know that oh right away balls come on guys that's kind of just a whole bag of kangaroo it's like a rat it's a booger opener kangaroo balls just like a rabbit's food or lucky Oh wine rewboss amazing that's it you can know think you're hanging your [ __ ] cars put those in your mouth dog yeah yeah right away Kelly part looks like cooking garlic cloves mention of furry balls imagine I do Thank You Andre Russ for Rogers favorite gift it looks like a couple of dudes assert a bottle over to you [Laughter] grab life by the balls it's got two different little that's nice last one a lot of sack nuts yeah we're going just get balls deep right now hurry up Chris beside cover oh dude that spot is nuts to skate dude that's still there yeah that thing is insane I'm stickers I know oh [ __ ] remember when skateboarder used to be that [ __ ] big right what is this is that a dreamcatcher [ __ ] it's [ __ ] people here I killed him Linda package in a rush you got a trash bag here reuse that he's [ __ ] nine club sign look at that whoa [ __ ] it engraved and painted yeah it's on a cutting board it's uh you look old you can hang it up oh yes mints P go boom thank you uh name Mike Michelle and Chris thanks again Mike Michelle and Chris Upstate carvers that's their at on Instagram hey guys who made the sign for you I'm a huge fan of the show the show makes me look forward to Mondays and firend Wednesdays I just added that in thanks for all you do this is just a little token of our gratitude I would love to see the sign hanging in the background there you go how about hanging right here facing no camera right now oh there it is oh there it is I'll just hold this it's nice it is did a great job great great [ __ ] job man that's some cool gifts the sweet guy is this pine yeah this is oak could be pine do you respect wood rush I respect a lot of wooden balls have it in red oh yeah yeah alright well this show is run way too long this time I feel like like it's just getting snow yeah we gotta go bro we gots to go anything else they would like to add before we go rush is there anything you'd like to talk with facetime someone one day my god we could do that yeah never done in a while I know we haven't done a lot of things in a while yeah drunken Stone oh yeah damn we were good but here's the thing down bro well not the once-a-week thing and all this stuff like do you know how much more work we'd create first you're drunk it's done right now and just in the show and then all of sudden the hardwood floor of Madison Square Garden was the hardwood floor in Jones's parents Wow perfectly leveled and it started here on your eyeball uh-huh I started of my eyelid and it went so I'm watching Patrick Ewing level so it's almost like you remember in Star Wars for like like Princess Leia shows up like help me move on your own okay I'm watching a hologram right everything else is black right from the announcing the door opens and then and then they kill you okay well they all call me pickle everybody everybody East Coast they all call me pickle Keith - a or alex chirping everybody deco that goes wrong nothing and Mary is still kind of daylight like getting dark a little bit and they're late let's go let's go get pizza or something I was like yes do anything I never did get acid before I'm [ __ ] flying Raj what are you gonna do with those balls open up definitely got it kangaroo balls this jumping kangaroo LD everything good with you yeah good yeah okay okay huh then warm up the bench over I know this time you wore number 30 number 33 hat Lower Merion baby Kobe [ __ ] Bryant high school jersey LD looks like me in [ __ ] 2000 feet like me like eighth grade yeah I'm trying to bring you guys back living youthful life what about you Kelly everything good you want to talk about anything before we head out of here everything's good man oh I saw Fabio yesterday no that's great [Music] no I'm normal or moan pounding [ __ ] 32 ounces fries that's right I just living life man okay here hopefully start doing this once a week what about you Roberts anything good yeah I'm just stressed out about this once a week thing it could work it could work you her a stress case last time I try that wool it's a lot going on man it's you know listen editing two episodes a week you know plus all the other [ __ ] we got going on it's like a lot man problem is is we don't this isn't our we don't do this show because we get a lot of money we don't do the show because we get paid this isn't our job just got paid for a Sunday we got no 50 bucks it's not really gonna pay my rent but it all contribute to it Larry's not Catholic yeah maybe uh what's up guy hear us like there you go yeah I can't hear anything headphones no no I mean I should just cut out come yeah we're just gonna Oh how about now no it was almost there like switching around but you guys say I'm too hella crazy anyways and what no no no you're like kidding you like getting in and like can we try some talking keep talking amongst you guys man you know that was you how was your day yeah simple sessions mm-hmm nuts what was that what simple session it's a conscious in Estonia what's going on this weekend psycho a real ian is crazy oh I see a Gretsch Grayson Grayson yeah riffing flying around lying that looks so fun they uh I think they'd like semies whatever already and then like they did like an old man gym or masters like Tony Hawk was out there with like Dave Duncan and homemade Duffy Holies had Dolphy and they look like it so lost on that course he was so massive right where the [ __ ] Pat Duffy been he wasn't killing it really well he's Antonio right now that contest but he doesn't live in the u.s. anymore where does he live wait really yeah I've been he's just I mean I haven't seen him round for a long-ass time uh-huh I have no idea it's pretty sick he's like rocking a plan B shirt like sig skating really well did I fix it it worked for a second and it cut off yeah it's like with the water problem yeah sometimes that wire gets disconnected to feet but it could oh wait there it is boom yeah the whole time it was them not me yep no [ __ ] guys yeah alright well thanks for watching guys any last words Jesus before we go uh no I don't really have anything but yeah I think this was a fun episode who's fun yeah [ __ ] yes shout-out to conscious skateboards for sending that to it I like your name as well that's [ __ ] dope yeah sorry LD that you felt the wrath of angry Rogers or angry ROG yeah I'm glad I got my check before it happened yeah to show that he was close yeah we'll save that Kelly any last words before we head out of here say thank you to all you guys who come and support us what I need to do they be like it subscribe write below or wherever it is just do that thank you guys we appreciate it we have a lot of fun doing this and thanks for the candles that have somewhat you know a great smell to it did that I'm just gonna put it out there next shot out to a Syrus shoutout to Ramon Ramon shout out to scum poor scumpii whoever your name whatever I know you're in know you've thrown some [ __ ] down to like everybody that supports us shout outs all you trolls that I've been going back and forth with in the chat know that's been happening to this seriously is such a fun thing that we get to do man with the experience and the experience chat and just being able to like connect with you guys as we're [ __ ] just going back and forth and re watching this because no this is not live this is a live chat as we've said before hey it's a show that has skaters talking Jota has skaters that's the other so this is the other show it rolls yeah under the bridge man you know what ROG maybe in the next episode maybe we could get something together where we could give away product to the typically don't donate other said you know I'm saying we could maybe funny as [ __ ] yeah maybe we could come up with something like hey the we'll just pick like three people at random who don't know what I'm doing in five yeah maybe we could do that too well you know a ver shipping it's the whole thing I'll have enough people donate we'll cover that one I'm sorry Osiris here in New Zealand well you know I'm kidding but no seriously maybe we could put something together for the next that we have two weeks to talk about wall yeah we could maybe do that you know I'm saying that right now I love it I know right now I'll pick three okay go ahead from the chat that's going on right now yeah I'll pick three people who've donated yeah but what are they gonna get though I don't know are you so just random [ __ ] yeah we're just saying like people send us random [ __ ] yeah we'll send you random [ __ ] Tommy you know what though it'll be on will they get a box they get a piece of the set we have a lot of [ __ ] just have to get rid of a lot of crap allows you there's a lot of stuff here's another man's treasure Jerrod is crap yeah kangaroo balls who knows yeah but okay we'll do that then we'll pick three winners from the chat let's listen again we'll keep the show going for another five minutes get your donations and our slang in yeah well contact them to the YouTube channel yeah we have to that's our way we could do it you know so hopefully there are emails attached their YouTube channel or else we'll have to pick somebody else we can pose yeah I don't know how they hold YouTube but I guess I could send them a is it a D or just a message I think it involves right it's like an email yep and now YouTube has like where you can post stories you can post comments or like yeah look at that there's some things that just don't I don't know yeah I think you got a really be like in the using CarMD analyst now cuz then you'll just get a [ __ ] influx of the ends and the real ones are probably skip pushed it among yeah you gotta you gotta pick from the the pot of people yeah we're trying to build our youtube subscriber base we don't want to [ __ ] move over to other social media platforms right 300k one day one we should get a ticker we really should just to have it like something I can see and I know just go with it just flips and flaps yeah that's a game a fireman let people be let's go let's do that I wonder if it was what is the ten thousand or a hundred thousand subscriber get you get the plaque the 100 hundred K subscriber plaque is bronze I believe then you get the gold play button when you hit a million and ten million is it back I think it's silver silver you're right silver yep damn you get a silver play button in a frame and it's like plaque down says the 9 Club for hitting on let's get a black up in here man yeah that would be dope yeah right Justin love it yeah just ELISA leave so get the [ __ ] out he's a he's like but prolonging my leaving like told any thoughts twice what's your second thought for the day and he's always the one who said let's get the [ __ ] out well he talked about the whole giving [ __ ] away to people who's donate and stuff so three top three people no not top know just random will talk pick him at random and Raj will send you some [ __ ] because he's a warehouse manager they say I'm just looking around right now like what maybe could go and dude its own box Raj with you points with you being a rat warehouse manager is so funny like there's a bunch of like chicks that I know that my candle yeah and one of them sent me a [ __ ] just a photo of a Brandon Westgate Polaroid that sign and she was like who the [ __ ] is in you I don't want this [ __ ] what's the opportunity yeah just in any last nothing there's not anything to say I do i I just love love to be here I'd love to be here I love our listeners and our followers the viewers viewers yeah no I love them all okay I love them great you would be we would be nowhere without you but I got a go to try to make other people be about us too you know I mean we made shoes well I don't even believe you have a meeting after okay you guys will all be laugh when you guys are lace the [ __ ] up Raj any last words any last things you want to say to or I think that justice gonna go hang on his brother oh my god there goes some like YouTube party with like a billion chicks then go to yo that's what we needed we're trying to get 100k subscribers we need to go hang out with chance and all those [ __ ] YouTube influencers you know one meeting at a time I don't even get to the first one can't even get there all right look Roberts any thoughts any last thoughts I got one last thought yeah it's gotta [ __ ] out of here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Nine Club
Views: 76,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, the 9 club, 9 club, skateboarding, skateboards, skate, skating, skater, podcast, talk, show, history, how to skate, schrock, braille, thrasher, berrics, transworld, tricks, sk8ing, nike sb, sk8board, street skating, switch tre flip, boardslide, crail couch, Cookie, WAR and PEACE, Gronze Island, Testing, Primitive, Boys Of Summer, Deedz's, enjoi, Cory Juneau, Louie Lopez, Flip, Dan Mancina, blind, TCB, sls, justin eldridge, steezus
Id: dYFPsc15prw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 7sec (6367 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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