Holly Willoughby loses her cool with Katie Hopkins in ANOTHER class row on 'This Morning'

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so what is it you can tell from a name katie i think an tell a great deal from a name you know for me there's certain names I here and I hear them and I think oh and its associated altima tlie it comes down to the mom or the debt because they are the ones that gave them the child the name but when I hear screeched across the playground you know Tyler come back here you know it's that it's that's the Tyler's the Charmaine's the chantels the shot no one shouted out it's me come back here I didn't hear that so much nor do i hear ileana dropped back here you know you don't hear that do you but you here Tyler come here you know that and for me that summarize everything a name for me is a shortcut it's really efficient way of working out what class that child comes from do I want my children to play with them and why would you not what say so if you then from that you go okay well they're in a lower class than I am why do you then not want your child because associated that isn't just about class holes it's about the fact that they probably haven't done their homework when my daughter comes home from school she'll say ah Tyler was a real pain today let's say because he threw his books across the class and the teacher had to lose her patient there's a whole set of things that go with children like that that are quite a disruptive influence in school and that's why I don't like those kind of children but Monty and Ileana can still be nasty self centered airheads can't they I tend to think children that have intelligent names tend to have fairly intelligent parents and they make much better playdates therefore for my children or or sorry pun oh I say won't say that word no not at all i think you know if you look across our Steve you've got to hear this the class system at school I think if mothers were honest with themselves when they vote on that worm of yours and they say oh and the child comes out and says oh let's say a name I don't know Simon has asked me to come and play out on a play date and the mother will say or where despite a Simon live what that mother's not she's not asking about geographical location she's sussing out do we want to be playing with Simon or Nana Mae hello go for it this is snort worthy Katie imma just can't believe that you're such an insufferable snow and I can tell you that if you do let one of your little darlings go and play with a working-class child they almost certainly won't come home singing my old man's a dustman it's safe really nothing is going to happen to them working class children are doing incredibly well in for you to categorize at state schools and for you to categorize them because of their names which they didn't even choose themselves is it's cruel and unkind and so snooty it's just so old-fashioned and yeah I don't know who your children are mixing with but it's not your ins friends who will make them do well in the end and I can also tell you that on friday i was at my daughter's graduation she qualified as a doctor I got two doctors in the family went to state schools i'm the daughter of an Irish immigrant and there were dr. Kylie's graduating dr. Charmaine's so tell me if you were sick when your children was sick would you let dr. Kiley treat your children or would it be to appalling because they're working class lawyers I work with I can't think for single Charmaine Nora Kylie and mighty ready ourselves I appreciate our main Creeley Australia Paralympian gold silver and bronze medalist Tyler Cowen New York Times journalist and professor of economics Brandon Flowers musician lead killer lead singer of The Killers you say that to me and I and I hear those names I mean I think it's probably what we all associate with children we know that have those names I hear that last name i think hasn't done the homework will always rock up late has the mother signing in reason for being late I willingly opinions not really restricting your children yeah but you know what but the way I be your buddy note of time then we are really time short in this world and we need shortcuts that's why you shouldn't be sitting area bankers it's not very new wing it's about making fast choices for your children that you think of all the best highs I get to do their own thing my friends at primary school from all sorts and they're the people who've seen me through my life through illness through bereavement through having my own children and right now I don't even think about where they came from what their names are they're just my dear dear friends and you're really robbing your children of the chance to be decent human being this is not noble I'm a worker okay well I myself something very real pushy mother I oh I don't bother them on so much honey if you don't celebrate the other ladies you all sorry I can't help again Oh when um when Peggy wants me he'll say I read your article or whatever about you know what children are called the fact you wouldn't let your children play with them and they'll say I wouldn't say but that's what I'd what rot snobs attractive we'll be snowed of women are doing this my name is Anna Mae and I was not allowed to play a certain children I was at school because their families knew I was an Irish immigrants and yeah I have to say that me and my children have gone on to do a whole lot better than the sum of their children now that's not bragging that's just the fact so they should have really bet on me because I probably want to help their children do well I Casey so that's your view on Christian name so what happens about surnames then you judge someone on their surname that's sinister surnames no I mean I don't really get involved in surnames I don't really know many of the surnames of the children that my four friendt of my children so I wouldn't judge them on their surnames it's a very dangerous territory you start to judge someone their surname but as I said I don't judge people on their surnames but certainly I do make a very quick decision based on their first names and there's a whole bunch of first names that I don't like I don't like footballers names I don't like names after seasons of the year I don't like geographical location names celebrity named things like Apple things like you know Tilly fears or jolly apple whatever they've decided to Charlie and crazy my childhood papi yes it's a planner at your grad class evil no no no please quickly sure call to the Latin name for papi that would be really touching lilo other people have criticized me for calling her pop because they say pop is an otter named CEO it's like geographic stuff Geographic oh so Brooklyn or London good Indian yes but you know best because it's not related to a location that because India mr. capture no we're talking about education it is a very very lovely name for very lovely child I think Casey was longer than a when she chose those now yeah I think you've sort of it's a little holiday you've chosen beautiful names for your children and I would never think to judge them by that I do judge children by their names I do make a suction and lots of we see you judge children yes on their name yes honey yes I do do that because it's jordan me Casey where does it get you and your children to do that well we're how actively it's a blitz about the fact that it makes me allowed to make very quick decisions about whether there's sort of children that I want my children playing what decisions always right decisions quickly made a quick decision I know I run officious forward I mean it's funny that we call our children names before we even have them before you've even taken a look at your charge will give it a name I think what you have an issue with people calling their children names that may mean beautiful or something well it you end up with a terribly ugly kid called Bella it's quite strange so cruel cargo like Michael Bell my daughter school bell if you have a funny face no just my daughter school bell so that you would maybe have an issue with that be quite beautiful high-tech music at the mum she has a beautiful soul she's beautiful but she's a beautiful child in many ways other than way she okay and I'm surely but I can't envisage a child of yours not being but when I got you dine out second time yes mam it's a very different thing hey tell your children only allowed to play with good-looking children as well no because clearly you let the lug ugly ones in as long as i have a shoot I don't have a choice in that matter I want to well they're doing the homework their record a long time they dress didn't work on it they're trying hard they've got good prospects and retirement era put those things I my bingo bingo they stopped itself there's everyone let's have a look at the well what people think is good right Oh judge a person by their name anime 91% yeah you know is that not it I think that were might be called Tyler yeah that's all I've got sale no work that were my dad on my friends you can't I take like the name time right let's go see what Stephen thinks in the hub thank you well let me tell you this is going nuts you've been taught at tileable Katey Tyler has emailed good morning Tyler and Tyler says how dare you I've just got my PhD and I'm from a very working-class family what a sweeping statement that you are making that's what Tyler thinks after gonna keep saying Tyler um amber Dilton I'm guilty of this my nine-year-old made friends with a girl could Chardonnay and my stomach turn I completely judged the poor children but alas I was right she was expelled last week Wow and last one for now Maddie Roberts I hate to admit it but I do agree with Casey is well so just done i'm amy is he mad who cares of a child has a name that you don't like fancy saved your child you're not allowed to play with that boy because he's called Brendan I've I like the name Brendan khleevi comments coming in point final point here so if your child if India or poppy or Maximilian come home to you and say my best friend chardonnay would like to come Ralph or something oh that wouldn't happen because I'd have short cut it that out a long time before we don't achieve bestfriend status with Chardonnay can't late on my name down name sign is not coming through our home are they now Philip know and she probably had peas off a knife anyway political it so she wouldn't last she's more of a few like that terribly num I'll stop stop right there thank you very much right there and browns he ran to the break you
Channel: Phil Townsend
Views: 16,934,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Holly Willoughby, Katie Hopkins, Apprentice, This Morning
Id: edZjdgU0asM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2013
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