Nikon, My wife is asking Serious Questions! I love Nikon. However, My wife may be right! Nikon D850

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why does nikon make such heavy stuff what's in it today i get to work from home [Music] [Applause] hey guys so technically i'm working from home this morning which means i get a little bit of an early start on my weekend i have a meeting in about an hour and a half so i'm trying to figure out a way to get some bird shots before work i don't know how this is gonna go [Music] well i know what i'm doing i see yellow-headed blackbirds i love it they're one of my favorites [Music] so i'm gonna spend a lot of time with these guys as much as can be afforded all right all right here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] well guys one of the toughest things to do is to recognize that you're not getting what you wanted and to move on to another spot it's so hard to watch birds all around you being active and you're sitting there waiting on one that's not participating in your little game so we're moving on well i got lucky just as i was walking out i found a couple of them uh down in the reeds [Music] [Music] [Music] oh there's a those camera so fun to watch katie's the president of the cormorant fan club aren't you aren't you the president of the cormac fan club she loves cormorants the first time they ever saw one i mean he was swimming for the pleasure of swimming he was looking for food [Music] so it just occurred to me that i'll probably carry this camera around for five miles this weekend maybe stop for you know two and three hours at a time to photograph birds and likely only get five pictures that i like and this is a heavy camera so you know what i keep telling you what do you keep telling me to get the sony oh god because it's so light yeah she doesn't know how much the sony cost obviously yeah you don't have to get like the best sony i have to get the best sony baby whatever it is it has to be the best your camera gets a lot of attention like a lot of people come up to you like that looks huge yeah is that what they all sound like yeah like hey man how much that lens cut you back like questions i would never in a million years ask and so personally i wouldn't want to carry around a camera that enormous that's just my personal opinion i wonder what's in that also i bet you can see the moon but you can see the moon with that camera you have gotten a lot of really good moon shots with that camera as a matter of fact so maybe we'll title this weekend living with a 600 millimeter is it worth it sometimes i don't know my shoulder hurts already i say go lighter go smaller go lighter 100 you know what's right but i won't look as cool oh my word if you know that does anyone care about looking cool anymore leaving the messages does it matter do you think people that carry around big things like this look cool because that matters to me i want to look cool i'll answer you right now no [Music] she doesn't get it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so what just happened with pippin katie just just say it eaten so much goose poo that he just threw up goose poo our dog likes goose poo [Music] [Music] so we've officially photographed everything in the park i think we've got coots and redwing blackbirds and i know huh so what are we going to do tomorrow katie um we could go to shakespeare [Music] so we're thinking about doing a park tour boise park tour esther sim plots esther simploj so many beautiful places oh look a eurasian no a green winged teal you see them katie so pretty all right guys we'll see you tomorrow why does nikon make such heavy stuff what's in it i think you should go with some lighter gear baby like especially now that you're really getting into it even more and you're lugging this around and you know we like taking those long hikes i mean you've invested quite a bit in nikon and they're great but if they're not going to lighten things up come on people then why are you feeling so loyal to this brand 13 13 pounds that you're lugging around on your shoulder all day every day yeah doesn't make sense to me your shoulder is hurting think of all the beautiful pictures i get they're beautiful but you could it's the photographer not the equipment we've seen that time and time again we've seen people with amazing equipment and their pictures aren't as high quality but if you're taking very high quality stuff with a 300 millimeter and then you get a 600 millimeter it's even better quality so that's there's that too yes i can get good images with a 300 millimeter but when you put a 600 millimeter in my hands awesome pictures awesome huh stuck up much all right bottom line i'm leaving the 600 at home today i'm taking 100 millimeter macro lens of 70 to 300 and i'm gonna see what kind of images i can take um that in my shoulder does hurt so there's that thank you katie for pointing that out let's go take some pictures come on so katie and i are at the idaho botanical garden it's a little early in the season so not a lot of blooms yet but we're getting to see some of these you know just the the new blossoms right the new little leaves that are coming and sprouting into the trees and i've only got one little bitty camera and this one of course that i'm filming with so we're gonna try and just make beautiful pictures without carrying around that honking big doggone butt lens so here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so i told katie that i was going to the bathroom um i didn't tell her that i was going to grab this other lens i told her wasn't going to be bringing a big lens today but there's birds what am i going to do i have to take pictures of birds i can't do it with 100 millimeter so i'm going to do it hey baby i'm back in the bathroom that huge camera who were birds i had to get picture birds did you get the nut hatch not yet i'm gonna go by there he keeps moving from that tree to that pine tree behind you yeah oh it's going to turn on that hole i'm gonna go give it a try and bench is everywhere i love you aren't you glad i brought the big camera yeah [Music] well guys that's that we enjoyed ourselves at the park i couldn't help myself from grabbing another lens out of the car but i'm a bird photographer what do you want from me okay i can't just carry around 100 millimeter lens uh but we did get some great macro shots i hope you enjoyed it i hope you enjoyed spending some time with us as always like the videos subscribe leave your thoughts in the comments what's your thoughts on heavy equipment is it worth it is it worth it carrying the big ones around once again thanks you guys have a great week and we'll see you next weekend
Channel: Bayou Josh
Views: 11,036
Rating: 4.8526316 out of 5
Keywords: Wildlife Photography, Nikon, sony camera, bird photography, Nikon d850, Nikon 600mm f/4, Idaho, Boise, Nikon Camera
Id: or5Mu53OkcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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