I need a new Nikon Z lens but I need to sell some camera gear. Let's see how my wife feels about it?

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we've all got that one piece of equipment the one that you've had from the beginning the one that you don't want to let go of for me it's the nikon d70 200 and the 300 f4 i've taken more images with this camera than all of my other cameras combined it's everything you want in a wildlife lens except it's not a 600 f4 so i'm faced with the dilemma do i keep it or do i sell it [Music] for something that i know that i'll use here's the problem it's not my camera it's katie's [Music] hey guys just got home from work and we're going camping this weekend so i'm gonna go get katie and see if she's ready to go katie look what i found in the van what now this is bread from the last time we went to yellowstone it's like six months old [Music] okay katie [Music] gassed up ready to go we're going camping do some nighttime photography uh maybe some bird photography tonight if we can find some critters uh definitely tomorrow some bird photography and um yeah so we're gonna have a good time we'll keep you guys in the loop [Music] popcorn opolis [Music] oh my god you remember that popcorn place in um covington gourmet popcorn i love it all right we're back on the road i have owned a lot of cameras in the past and i try to be kind of fiscally responsible i don't i don't uh i don't buy a camera unless i sell a camera like the z6 that i'm shooting on right now i sold my d500 to get this and the only way that i can purchase this new lens that i want is to sell her camera but she never uses it so this week what i'm going to try to do is maybe wait i've got a beautiful place just out in the middle of the desert what i'm going to try to do is get her to use the camera and if she doesn't um you know i mean she doesn't if she doesn't use a camera why are we keeping it right i mean that's gotta make perfect sense i'm thinking my logic is right but i'm also thinking like a guy that wants a uh you know 24 to 70 millimeter 2.8 lens so let's see let's see how that goes man all the birds what's that yeah so there's finches robins i saw kestrel and uh morning doves yeah you're adorable all right so we're a few hours before sunset and behind me are the famous bruno dunes tonight we're going to do some night sky photography up there supposedly one of the absolute best places in the united states to do night sky photography particularly because looking due south there's nothing there's like no nobody occupies that space so we're going to check that out tonight you'll get a little bit of that footage but for now we hear all these birds like yellow-headed black birds and stuff down by the small lake so we're gonna go check it out hey baby hey hey where y'at you want me to set your camera up too or you want to take some pictures no i have my binoculars okay all right [Music] check this out katie come do it come stand in the current month there's no shadow right now baby we're not in a shadow area that's cool that would be awesome [Music] so we just had a pretty awesome experience with a ruddy duck until about six kids came out there and decided to start fishing i mean it's no different than what i would have been at that age you know i mean they were obnoxious they were asking tons of questions which is great you know i'm always looking for opportunities to bring people along but man what are you taking a picture of oh my gosh what is that is that some kind of rare duck it was pretty awesome hey baby you want me to set your camera up i'm going to do some night sky photography you want to do something it only takes me a minute i don't know why you brought it baby i'm good okay all right i love you she never uses it [Applause] thank you let's say it blow up your nose that burning hot sand right up the nose the light is definitely going away fast so i love blue hour photography there's a really cool tree up here we're gonna try to get some cool pictures of it all right so night sky photography sucked we're uh we're in our little our little tent on wheels one day i'll do a van tour good morning so uh it is currently let me see if i can focus on this for you guys uh is it possible beautiful 30 degrees in the deserts of idaho and katie's uh dolling herself up already this morning it's a little past 7 30 sun's already up we're gonna we slept in because it was cold it was cold but then we had to pee you know how that works so we're gonna ride over by the lake we did a lot of exploring last night but it was so dark and we were looking for kangaroo mice and that was fun we saw some kangaroo mice oh you forgot the best part we were out in the middle of the desert waiting for the milky way to come up and then realize it was the wrong time of year to really see the milky way very good yeah we didn't see the milky way we didn't see it at all all right guys we're gonna go look for some critters and then we're gonna go grab some breakfast [Music] [Music] what you looking for baby a lot of birds use that little spot to come in and out of the water and they come up here and i'm not sure why i'm wondering if they just want to dry off or like when it's in the warmest part of day sit on the sand to warm their little bodies i just know one of those little kangaroo rats lives in that hole right there i see his little footprints all around here [Music] well we've had a great time here at bruno sand dunes photographing ducks and little marshmans and uh katie's off on a walk and i've asked her several times if she wanted me to set up the camera and uh each time it's just been no that's okay but she carries her binoculars around so i'm just gonna ask her you know i mean that's pretty much a few months without that camera being used these little marshmans are adorable but um let's see how that goes so we rolled out at exactly the right time i mean cars are just flooding in to the trail head there's people starting to fill up everywhere i mean it was about 7 35 7 40 that we got out there and just so quiet the sun had been up for like 10 minutes we were alone with the ducks just a magical experience right so peaceful like i i mean i don't always want to get up early but then i'm so happy we did because everybody's showing up and they're they're fun but they're loud and it's harder to hear the birds and they kind of the birds scatter when groups gather yeah yeah and on another note uh katie gave me permission to sell her camera i didn't need my permission well i love you i just didn't want you to be like hey i got a new lens and oh by the way where's my camera so so when you gave me that camera it was like so sweet and everything but i never would have bought a camera for myself you know what i mean but of course i wanted to be really excited about it and then i thought about how you'd be teaching me how to use it and like putting your head near my shoulder and talking in my ear talking about iso and all this other garbage i could not care less about i'm like there are too many buttons at too many settings and this thing is so confusing and annoying and but thanks baby i love it at the same time you know what i mean so i was doing it to make you happy but it's just really not for me and you take such beautiful pictures anyway i'm like so why do i need to take pictures so you're saying i can sell and just get another lens and that's all okay bottom line right so i can get this on camera yeah i mean yeah okay good [Music] oh my gosh i'll show that to the camera like yeah that's good so that's it guys we just uh we wrapped up our day photographing some robins and meadow larks and katie found a severed head from a starling that was crazy there's an owl living in a tree back there but we think he's just bedded down and we can't see him thanks for joining us on our trip to bruno sand dunes and uh thanks for liking and subscribing and we'll see you again on the next one you
Channel: Bayou Josh
Views: 2,064
Rating: 4.9175258 out of 5
Keywords: nikon, nikon mirrorless, z6, wildlife photography, bird photography, Nikon D850, Nikon Z6, Idaho, State park, Idaho state parks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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