The Accountant (2016) Movie REACTION | First Time Watching | Movie Review

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what's up everybody welcome back to the channel got another movie reaction for you the accountant with Ben Affleck yep leilana one of our moderators has been talking about this movie and recommending this movie and years pumping it up and saying that we needed to watch it and it finally made it into a poll and it absolutely crushed the poll so here we are watching the accountant usually when movies and these polls just dominate it's usually a good sign and if you guys didn't know we do movie Nights every single week live with the community it is an absolute blast we love live streaming watching movies with the community yep laughing telling dad jokes it's a good time so see that notification roll through say hi in the chat if you want to hang out and watch the movie with us cool if not that's awesome too but yeah we do also post these full watchalong reactions over on the patreon so there's links to that down below but here we go the accountant Ben afflac you ready yep let's [Music] go oh God what the hell happened here I know but this Cafe seems deadly the creaky stairs they'll get you every time Dam you got [ __ ] up and whomever that was begging just I I [Music] assume okay wow yeah it's called stemming self-stimulation you and I might tap our fingers grind our teeth your sun rocks back and forth would you be willing to let your son stay with us for the summer working with me in a sensory friendly environment what if what loud noises and bright lights bother him he needs more of it not less oh great we need finish we need to [Music] finish need these poor kids feel bad that was so sweet was that an all one color puzzle oh he did it upside down holy [ __ ] wow I'm impressed Bud that wow I wonder what the symbolism of Muhammad Ali knockout there is do you like it I made it myself no not particularly but did you ever sell one at church Fair's known again your home is 2913 ft I code allows us to deduct from your taxable income a percentage of your workspace relative to your overall home absolutely welcome to the office I wouldn't so much as call it an offic you're missing the point catch it when you order supplies do you order online I don't I I drive the truck the company truck I like you that's right Bud where can I sign up for this accountant yeah does he take new clients Mr King you have wandered so far per you have a very Cavalier attitude for the president of a bank with such a piss poor Capital cushion he's great Whiplash is his best movie ever by the way University of Baltimore Kum laa with a degree in criminal justice and The Last 5 Years here at treasury analyst I'm scared of him he's terrifying agent Loren why haven't you applied for promotion to agent analyst is a good fit and I enjoy the work well you're a liar Medina Jesus ward of the State of Maryland's foster care and juvenile detention systems from age 11 to 18 oh dang assult in battery attempted murder whoa is that a 9 mm 45 you better sit your ass back down in that chair young lady oh [ __ ] this is a big moment for you damn dude he's absolutely terrifying to me I mean he's not when he's reading the news and Spider-Man but I'm the only thing standing between you and significant prison time [ __ ] what do you want do you like Puzzles Mary Beth Medina Nikki likes puzzles I do tell me what you see oh it's the same man luk Carroll the home Kong photo goes back about 5 years in that one he's Carl gaus so that's who that small child grew up to be say you're the head of the caloa cartel now the cartels count their money by weighing it in 18 wheelers but one Sunny Mexican day your in-house money scrubber comes to you and says you're 30 million light who can you trust to do the forensic accounting somehow contact an individual capable of coming in cold uncooking years of books and getting out alive wow what exactly do you want me to do no other casework no other treasury Personnel involved at the end of the month one of two things will have occurred resolution of this case or we update your photo deceased just I thought it was pretty clear what he wanted like sounds like a threat I think he was showing you all that stuff cuz he wanted you to do some work this is very intriguing start by the way cuz we've seen accountants for mobs and cartels many times dude he almost hit that garage door and he is cold there's no emotion there oh my wow very simple needs he has his routines very specific by the book can't get a flash warning for Marshall artists do that to their shins so that they don't feel pain when they kick hard things stay here don't go any I couldn't leave the kids I just couldn't do that I just couldn't leave them he's struggling help him I I couldn't ever I couldn't I just I couldn't leave them there with him with a dad who didn't want help looks like somebody's seen too many westerns oh we did come out a mile out not on my best day oh [ __ ] dude [ __ ] yeah I mean and he hasn't said very much he had like what three lines so far four lines [Music] holy dude he's got quite the Arsenal damn and cash holy cow I mean we saw all the people he was working for yeah hey what the hell that's fantastic got my lightsaber right behind Nikki's head over there and he's a Star Wars fan wow love it just listen to my tone I say oh I'm another year older and I don't know if I'm ever going to get out of this [ __ ] place you're probably right Francis you're extremely old it's unlikely you survived no hold on that's not what you say this is crucially frustrated what am I you're frustrated that's what I am I'm frustrated good good excellent finally all right let's do another one even went to prison sanov 79 primorski Boulevard oressa the my your brothers MOS 22 sh Boulevard in Jerusalem this road you can't go back you understand it's dangerous do you understand I understand you find one person you can trust just one the accountant mentorship program right there's an uptick in online chatter people looking for you let's try a legitimate client for once no cartels arms Brokers money launderers assassins Illinois electronics manufacturers they're in your current backyard no risk of movement you meet yeah I'll meet there's a lot of good actors in this movie yeah just the r drop the price heavy sigh go to work bring boat is he talking to AI we have an incredibly complicated accounting system depreciation schedules on hundreds of different items I'll need to see all those books for the past 10 years bank statements complete list of clients and vendors hard copies printed out my eyes only all the information's right here okay well well look Lamar is overreacting there's no missing money how long have you been CFO of this company sir 15 years I need the books for the past 15 please well you're awful goddamn blunt he is is I wouldn't take a dime without his say so you're angry oh this is [ __ ] I love this you were recommended by mansor hakani we custom made prosthetics for his youngest daughter you may know that she lost both legs to a Car Bomb outside his investment firm in lore why does a man like that need you I don't discuss client business so he's the Will Hunting in this movie genius oh so he gets his fake names on artwork it's going to push your brain to the test here it's interesting that he's never like there's no shots of his actual face it's all like side or like just certain parts Christian wolf I presume Mr Blackburn Lamar come with me such an interesting shot I never married never had kids this company is my child that said money has never been a motivation my mind doesn't function the way yours must I need you to be my eyes and ears Chris whatever you need to do your job you let me know I'll start in the morning so interesting mhm son of a [ __ ] I just hate when that happens I like to leave a note says uh next time leave me a can opener [ __ ] okay excuse me who the [ __ ] do you think you are is it who the [ __ ] I am please tell me that that oh it's Bernthal yeah that's him CEO Dey Capital yeah look at hair [ __ ] love this how in the world would I know that you had people [ __ ] amazing oh when you interrupt somebody like that it makes them feel that you're just not interested in what they have to say that gun makes you a big man does it this gun aome come on so good I I just love him we have a client let's called a European manufacturing concern you're shorting their St Big Burn fan around here spreading false rumors regarding the health of the company you'll stop now correct which company wrong answer son look genius Punisher doesn't need a gun to intimidate you're just going to have to stop shorting them all that's ridiculous I can't be expected oh oh throat punch how do [ __ ] how do people sleep at night knowing that theyve stealing stuff you're man in your own way oh [ __ ] Simon are we good yeah yeah yeah a boy Simon proud of you so good honestly it's so funny that he keeps popping up he just popped up in one of the shows that we're watching I had no idea he was in so many things one of the last movies we just watched [Music] mhm no must be a good nap well needed is that the correct say well needed well earned she's passed out boy oh hello oh oh hi the consultant Mr Wolf Chris hi Chris then these are all the files you wanted I uh cross referenced them by year and alphabetically must have taken you all l it sure did that's why she was passed out I'm I'm the person who first noticed the missing what I think was the missing M yes I understand I'll find it I I can answer any questions that you have I have no questions basically get out I'm in accounting if you need anything there's a some donuts there for you I don't need donuts okay I do I'll take the donuts and the coffee thank you so much Donuts are delicious by the way how many donuts did our daughter buy at the snack bar today is that what she was getting yes breakfast of softball Champions Donuts hey sorcus give me something I match the face in your an photo to surveillance video in NYPD database 2006 your guy takes out two mob enforcers with a steak Knife he lifted off an Italian restaurant down the street oh what then he strolls into a dentist don't Cold Killers and goes on a seven-man killing spree that was him oh headquarters of the gambino crime family he killed Anthony little Tony bazano Little Tony bazan you're an analyst for treasury what the hell you got yourself into the accountant should be called the Assassin I want know if he does that on the regular what do you have to hit to den to steal thermos somebody's said it's just old how did you um get into financial consulting oh he does not want to talk girl my dad was an accountant you know he had the whole stick you know the little amortization book in the green eye shade and dorky pocket protector and I have a pocket protector that's a nice one I mean his was dky that's yours is nice she's trying so hard cuz I wanted to study art at the Art Institute of Chicago but art doesn't pay the mortgage dad's taste ran more to dogs playing poker I like dogs playing Parker because dogs would never bet on things and so it's in congruous oh he smiled so I studied accounting at the University of Chicago where fun Goes To Die Why why does fun go to die at the University of Chicago no it's just an expression I'm joking I I don't think I could have a conversation I would struggle because I try to make people laugh and like if you don't I feel inadequate and awkward because I don't want to make you feel inadequate or awkward have a nice day yes you too you could tell he's also trying it's just that's just not who he is I know I know I my anxiety would be too nuts and he has his [Music] system 158,000 is dude and this is why he doesn't need anyone's help oh man I wish I had the brain power and the ability to function that way I know honestly I wish I was so good at math I just want to remember things yeah well my brain just is not work like that oh he's getting in the groove [Music] literally wow that's amazing this movie is really good so far I didn't touch that old man I wasn't is the old man the dude from the prison oh I was thinking his dad but probably wouldn't give a [ __ ] about his dad wow you're able to pull all that from that audio it's amazing come in come in come come in you have to see this look at this it it's going to blow you away I mean it'll just jump jump right out at you I mean I'm blowing away just by walking in the room living robotics 10 years ago earnings before interest tax depreciation $4,495 719 9 years ago revenues go up profits go down down no large Capital expenditures dragging profits down no Spike and raw materials or labor costs year eight profits and revenue both go up but not in a commensurate fashion 6 5 4 3 you're making money but there's a leak the leak is I wish that I understood things so well my head would be spinning look at this you notice anything second number and each is a three yeah most people when generating random numbers tend to rely subconsciously on certain patterns yeah yes I was right you were she going to lose her job now it's absolutely makes no sense where does the money come from exactly um it's not inventory inventory terms no uh chargebacks to vendors no perfectly in order internal offsets no that's a terrible idea um cmings you're needed in whatever area I'm paying you to be needed in and 61 m679 th000 and some change you'll have a report for me when I'm finished yes his whole demeanor changed yeah in that moment I think he could get along with uh misc comings I feel like she hits the right spots in terms of like the yeah the personality and the conversation and oh hello he oh [ __ ] we're having lemon mering pie oh my God cut me a piece you administer your own accidental insulin overd do and just die damn why she'll be the beneficiary of what's got very generous insurance policy am I right but the only way she's kind of collecting that policy yet is if we had the appearance of an accident so does he work for she wakes up my hands are tied no choice I'll have to rock and roll a home invasion violate your wife does in different ways kill you you both burn the place to the ground nobody's going to violate your wife I will however Park a 45 in her brain pan oh my God make a decision sir wow I always find the the Assassin murdering dudes oh no sir excuse me Mr jilton passed away I was told to clean up the room what's happening oh my God as I was saying I always find the murdering assassins who are like funny like smiling and making jokes to be the scariest I haven't finished yet yes you have Ed was a diabetic for 30 years you think he didn't know how to check his blood sugar as far as I'm concerned whatever he did is forgive him you're very good Mr Wolf but I hope our paths never cross again I'm responsible for the death of my best friend I prefer not to be reminded of it he needs to finish though he does he got to finish the puzzle I'm not fin finished I'm not I'm not finished with this I'm not finished I'm not finished right Chris I know somebody died and you're talking about not finishing like that's just how his brain operates it's just how he handles things he's not going to be able to focus on anything else until he finishes I to assume oh he's yep he's he's [Music] off oh God so the idea is like you bruise your shin and then you rub the bruise out it creates like a shield over your shin does it yeah my brother used to do it as a martial artist oh uhoh you [ __ ] with the routine oh they actually in martial arts training oh [ __ ] this is Sparta they have done their best that were true you'd be covered in blood and snot not them keep going my God stop I'm Jing such wow so you's got hand toand combat he's a weapons specialist and he's a math genius got it call the bookkeeper in this is too far he won't hear now let's go get up come on oh [ __ ] Christian again louder oh [ __ ] no no please oh my God she's coming with me stop stop leave okay so they're not together no they are not together we're all going together pull that truck around back let's go let's go holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God sorry oops front row seats good God apparently you shouldn't bring a knife to oh [ __ ] this is like a [ __ ] John Wick he just slapped him in the face with a belt what the [ __ ] yeah a such a shame the big goon can't fight kill you both that's all I know [Applause] what Dana what no I think he was saying that he has to kill them both oh yeah okay sorry my bad she is not your problem straight to the trailer hook it up and disappear there's no time address and phone number get it see he did appreciate Dana and I appreciate that he appreciated her oh Dana no one ever answers oh God yeah girl [ __ ] yes good for you hit him with the stove Gra great whatever it's called damn dude yeah oh with the throat punches oh in the face in the face here's Johnny moment oh yes with the toilet lid oh break his oh that that hurt what not going down without a fight oh oh [ __ ] traumatized for Life traumatized for Life holy [ __ ] come with me if you want to live right man I obviously screw up my movie timelines like crazy because I don't watch things when they come out like this one but this and John Wick like the kills feels so similar the way he just makes sure he ends every fight with a gunshot to the head right oh [ __ ] I'll take one of those and some of those comic book I won't touch your Comics I'll leave the comics I'll just take the cash what are you doing in here who are you you can't you should not be here sit down sit right there that'd be my question too so this is where you live no I don't live here this is a storage unit that would be weird that's what would be weird this is on Wheels which means I can hook it up and be gone in 12 minutes usually sarcasm is that sarcasm no that's not sarcasm I don't use sarcasm I think she adds a fantastic Dynamic to this movie I think she's a really good co in this like she works great with him out of curiosity was your subject a trauma victim we often see this type of repetitive chanting in children who have been exposed to trauma persons with neurodevelopmental dis autism is nearly impossible to identify visually the traits are Behavior difficulty with social interaction communication lack of eye contact lack of eye contact so with then the mug shot be somebody who's not looking at the camera oh okay I didn't know that oh I didn't know that how interesting what's this names of the 100 most famous mathematicians look we know what we're doing now so just enter the names narrow down the search right off the bat what's in it for me doing your job I mean is this this is all off the books hey those paintings in your trailer they're real right they're a form of payment [ __ ] it's the nicest freaking hotel room I've ever seen that's why he brought the big bucks my father was an officer in the army psychological operations he ranged for me to train with number of Specialists throughout my childhood I lived in 34 homes in 17 years wow I have a high functioning form of autism which means I have an extremely narrow focus and a hard time abandoning tasks once I've taken them up I have difficulty socializing other people even though I want to when I was a senior in high school I wanted this special dress for prom the problem was they wanted $1,700 for this dress and I didn't have that so you asked your parents no hang on Blackjack I'd never played a hand but I went to the library and I checked out all these books on strategy and I turned the Neville North math club into a little v a math club you compete against other schools Theory and speed math like what's 29856 time 92 27,467 uh 16 4 woo why was this dress so important to you it wasn't about the dress I just wanted to walk into the gym and have everybody say wow I was trying to full on I get it I think no matter how different we are we're all trying to do the same thing but I I lost all but 20 bucks in the first 10 minutes oh [ __ ] fed that into to a nickel slot on the way out and I won two grand nice wow Chris why are we here cheaper hotels have scratchy towels true it's true it's true I'll be honest I wanted you to like that [Music] A Crazy Eddie Anar he owned a a string of electronic stores in New York City in the 8S he deposited money in Tel Aviv and then he cycled it through Panama and put it back into his stores okay why why take it out and put it back you see by taking his own money stealing it and putting it back on his books it was riging Cash He took the company public at $8 a share a year later it was trading at 75 Rita's taking living robotics public but why would she hire you in the first place if she thought you would figure it out I'll have to ask her oh [ __ ] what's the plan find the person who wants to kill her and shoot him in the head oh [ __ ] okay well well I mean he's honest very direct yes is very direct very intentional yeah get it she was having like a deep connection with him and then uh oh he's leaving the house did he take care of it you get a Burnal afflac battle here Dana doesn't die right she can't now okay we're too invested now get that silencer on there bud oh [Music] [ __ ] you just went for it that's a brand new car I just had it two days I'm just kidding oh oh so now he can't go talk to her yeah is it him ZZ Z accounting zzz it's not exactly a smart Yellow Pages move wa a second who father returns for Kim's Nails w planfield z easy accounting could just be the neighbor Great Mandarin wush Z easy accounting PA accounting everyone Christian wolf I wonder how long they were at that for right I mean they looked real tired ZZ Z I mean he doesn't care about the traffic it's a front all of it Christian wolf Carl gaus Lou Lewis Carroll he's using the names of famous mathematicians as a cover charitable contributions here to Harbor Neuroscience last year alone that's got to come to close $1,100 so you're telling me this guy risks his life doing forensic accounting for some of the scariest people on the planet collects his fee goes to all the trouble of laundering it and then gives almost all of it away well what if he's taking other means of payment paintings very expensive paintings pack a bag we're going to Chicago good job maybe thank you perhaps go get a beef sandwich while in Chicago I like a beef sandwich e just kidding you're were talking about beef beforehand life is a series of choices none of which are new the oldest is choosing to be a victim or choosing not to second oldest loyalty Family First good times are bad are we going to get some information on what happened to the brother right it feels like we're building to that you think if you don't fight back then maybe they'll like you they don't like you they don't dislike you they're afraid of you they different sooner or later different scares people victim or not make a decision dude that's a little hardcore yeah he's about to [ __ ] these dudes up dude your dad drove you to a fist fight oh [ __ ] little brother was waiting oh my God oh like little pitbulls a you deserve wow wow they found his place they narrowed it down wireless security cam whole backyard's got eyes high tech security cameras back here anybody could roll up in the front how does he cover this Jesus Mary and Joseph the hell don't see that every day holy cow damn believe I recommended you leave the country you declined he's an accountant I could see it in his eyes the freak wasn't going to let it go damn it dude wait a minute is that his brother no bernth could totally be the brother stuffed a handful of cocaine up a drug dealer's nose pistol whipped him into at the trunk of his car the coke was half borax same [ __ ] he kept selling my sister she's a dental hygienist in Annapolis now married three kids she saved her sister that's rough all due respect director King what the [ __ ] do you know about ruff call oh you tell me Medina oh it was him men kill each other for any number of reasons money power fear nine men would die that day at the ravenite but for none of those reasons I love the way they're unraveling this story our man had come for revenge and he got it yeah he did nine dead and I was 10 I'm a treasury agent kids I got I'm a dad I got two kids I'm a lousy agent and I've been a weak man but that I didn't screw up wow Francis silverberg a black money Legend cleaned cash from mon Carlo to Havana to Vegas Francis ran became a federal informant in return for protective custody could have turned my career around if only had listened so that was the revenge and this time little Tony got it right he had Francis in a couple hours oh what the [ __ ] and I met our accountant why he let me live I didn't know wow was on my way out the door and then the phone rang ricking never forget that voice do you like Puzzles Raymond King [ __ ] few months later one ton of uncut Warz cartel product is entering Miami all those cases you put together smoking mirrors wow damn so who is he prisoner 831 Fort lenworth Ma maximum security military prison he roomed with Francis they kept to themselves played chess ate together and then one day a guard told wolf why Francis hadn't called or written since he got out that his burnt body had been found in a Staten Island Landfill holy [ __ ] he fractured the man's skull with a thermos oh [ __ ] escaped from a third floor window wow so he is literally Batman Mrs Lauren Alton survived by a husband and two boys ages 12 and 10 wow she started a whole new life excuse me sir this is family only and then a fight breaks out a a brawl [ __ ] a Barney F Type squares off with our boy gets rattled pulls his gun the colonel just stepped in front of 831 she was the dead Colonel's ex-wife were you a good dad R king wow dude this is so insane I'm retiring in a few months when she calls somebody needs to be there to answer no I'd probably say no too it's a lot believe me I wrestle with the same decision but when I got that first call I realized something I'm Batman i' spent my whole life only recognizing my lucky breaks after they were gone and the phone's ringing the phone the phone is ringing tell Elliot Ness to get his feet off the furniture he's not in a barn holy [ __ ] spoke to him what did he sound like didn't make small talk what's it matter what he's sounding yo Bobby was that you Bob I don't think Bob is with us anymore I'm convinced that Bernthal is the brother we haven't seen or heard anything about the brother but he keeps popping up and the way he's asking questions about like you talk to him what did he sound like see a match grade round traveling 3,000 ft per second go through a window know what he does nobody does oh my God holy [ __ ] damn dude that would be that's scary in video games when you know there's a sniper out there real life scenario like that sniper has you zeroed that would be so messed up I got the cameras go join your friends F I don't want to I don't want to I want to go home today I don't feel like that's going to do anything I don't know I I mean if you're throwing smoke in the proper direction that's not going to actually give you cover it will but not going to do its job because he's literally right there [Applause] yes D was that one-handed he had that [ __ ] onehanded cuz he's taking out an entire squad one B 10 oh [ __ ] man oh my god oh [ __ ] oh and just pays it off with a shot to the face wow are they dead uh yes it's not that simple dude oh uh oh oh dear did he get hit oh oh got him holy [ __ ] dude this I never thought they been a like I I I'm impressed yeah I'm impressed he is amazing in this movie seriously it's like just keep a really just straight face No Nonsense demeanor and just beat the [ __ ] out of everybody like what's up bro right that's got to be in TR I don't did he get shot in the butt right now I think dude missed okay oh oh do his dad teach him Jiu-Jitsu what move was that what move was that oh oh oh oh this dude oh ouch the levels are getting harder as he goes through the house that spin around was dope damn dude he just passed your guard he's throwing some crazy oh he got him what guard is that oh my God I can't tell if he is like an arm triangle oh what are [Music] you what the hell that was like a rubber guard wow type thing was that like was that a smoke or was that a stun I don't but whatever it was it exploded and killed him that was Insanity yeah did he not oh my god wow does does he know that that's his brother he does now I think I think he yeah can we all the conclusion the way he was looking in like yeah that was the end of okay yep good job calling that you just see his way his heart rate is climbing too hey Stand Down [ __ ] off oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wow hello Braxton looking for you for 10 years and you're going to come at me like we just saw each other yesterday that's what you're going to do would I think that you're going to be happy to see me I need to finish you should go I should go okay I'll just I'll just go first I'm going to ask you a question if you're going to give me an answer [ __ ] why would you and pop go to that funeral she left us do you not remember that do you not remember that we're holding on to some stuff huh he has no idea what he's involved in right now it's your fault oh he's blaming sorry Sor he doesn't cut it you weird [ __ ] okay Jesus how tall is John Bernthal and how tall is Ben affle I think Ben Affleck's like 63 are you going to fight this is brutal so he blames him for all the dysfunction in the family okay oh Brothers I'm sorry Braxton If you had to see her you call me I'm your brother I've always had your back you don't call him you call me I just wanted you to be safe some of my clients are quite dangerous kind of considered fairly dangerous myself well you've made improvements uh oh he's pissed you want me here those statistically speaking Christ man it's rhetorical I mean really he would have given you an accurate number probably not happy do you consider what you do important Mr Wolf what I do is Men Women children I give them hope make them whole do you even know what that's like yes I do damn oh my God I missed you oh my God I'm going to could see you in a week you name a place I'd be there wow how will I find you you won't I'll find you wow hey burnt all lives yay let me introduce you to the person leading the investigation agent Medina Medina I'd have to be saying in my head don't say [ __ ] don't say [ __ ] don't say [ __ ] as much as I'd like to take credit for this I can't because this was a a team effort comprised of long hours of good oldfashioned investigative work one in 68 children in this country are diagnosed with a form of autism what if we're wrong what if we've been using the wrong tests to quantify intelligence in children with autism all of that word quantify but I guarantee you if we let the world set expectations for our children they'll start low and they'll stay there maybe your son's capable of much more than we know and maybe he doesn't understand how to tell us or we haven't yet learned how to listen oh there's the puzzle is that her from the beginning Justine's one of our few full-time residents she stopped talking 30 years ago communicates with a digital translator now and my daughter she's your daughter the reason I started the Institute oh Justine's computer it's a bx32 water cooled 12 core is she the one talking to him oh my God doc she could back to the Pentagon with that rig hello dream booat yeah shall we chat holy [ __ ] oh I love that hi sign here please but what are you doing here leave me alone why are you coming to my door I thought it was a newer oh it's the dog's playing poker is it the actual not the original if so sh oh it's the poic painting oh my God I don't know if I would want to live in the same apartment I don't know with a multi-million dollar super expensive painting well no also because you know somebody died in my bathroom and in my living room mul people die yeah two two guys died wow what a fantastic movie that movie was awesome that was so awesome I thought the story was amazing the way they told the story was amazing the performances by so many familiar faces were amazing I thought the action sequences were amazing mhm mhm I thought I I loved every flipping second of that movie same absolutely loved it I loved the brother aspect I love the backstory I love that you know it's the neuro Neuroscience Guy's daughter who's helping him and like everything came full everything in this movie meant something everything came full circle every connection to every relationship it all played out in being important and it's just the way the way it was unraveled with the way they started the movie with him going through and killing all those people and then giving us the flashback meeting him as a child and showing us who he was as a kid and that his brother was there and the way he had to handle things and then the way they jumped to the Future and how he grew and learned to just live with with the way that he had to handle things with his autism and I just the way they connected and revealed everything yeah I thought it was Flawless it was really really I thought it was so cool and it like I guess if you go back and rewatch it some of that stuff is obvious but as it's playing out I felt like it was done really well it was I agree and the the main agent of Treasury I didn't catch his name but the way that he basically had Medina figure all this stuff out so that he could leave it for her so that he can retire but so that she understands like a mentorship program well essentially like you're not going to catch him you're going to use the person that calls right to get all this info it's and he's helping Chris is a character as the adult super fascinating the fact that he has this whole setup where he has he's a legitimate accountant he helped that family and did their thing and then end up helping them survive also SA them but then like he was laundering the money through these other businesses to where he could kind of keep himself off the books but he had legitimate clients who were breaking the law but he was a vigilante taking out the bad people like the way all of that just played out was at least that's how I interpreted I don't know if that's right or not that's the way it felt because of just the whole situation with the agent and like were you a good father and the way that tied into everything it's just like the whole story was is just so awesome it feels like one of those where you go back and watch stuff I bet you you notice different things and you catch on to like new stuff as the movie playing out but I mean from beginning to end the way the story was told and the way everything unraveled was so good mhm I thought Dana I thought her character in this movie was perfect also it was it created like such a good balance and showed that Chris like what you see on the outside and the way he responds isn't really what's going on inside right he had care and he had a heart for people and he just empathy right he just like with his autism like the social aspect of his life was hard for him and she pulled it out of him and I felt like she was the perfect balance she gave like like a little bit of special charm to the movie and I just thought her character like I'm not usually a huge fan of hers in certain things but I thought she was amazing in this movie I thought it worked really well I I know you do I just love her I thought just the the way she brought this extra just I think charms the right word for her she brought a charm to the character and the story that I thought was really great I thought it fit in really really well considering what this movie was about and what it all just kind of entailed which is funny that we were talking about Twilight before the movie started because she was also in Twilight oh she was wasn't she she was yes so I I thought all the performances the story The the writing was fantastic I just I the accountant he was essentially by his father trained because he wanted to protect him as an adult because people were going to view him as different and exactly so put him through the gauntlet of all this martial arts training which I mean I don't I don't with the physical abuse I don't you know that awful I mean teaching your children how to defend them mes absolutely you should totally do that I don't know if bloody noses is the way but I mean I mean the way he the way he was like a master sniper and master hand toand combat like and he was an absolute genius who could just go through all those numbers and just like he was a math genius he went through 15 years of numbers overnight overnight that's so insane and the way he could calculate things and just I mean add him to the list I was that good with math and numbers I'm terrible add him to the list of characters that you want to see fight like John Wick and all these other crazy characters that we equalizer was mentioned in the chat I mean there's a lot of them now and that list is getting pretty long in terms of like who would win in a fight this dude or this dude like put him in there because I don't know he can hold his own yeah I with his brain he might be able to have a little bit of advantage on some of these other assassin super fighter folks so absolutely incredible movie it's been asked for for a long time it's been on the request list for a while it crushed it in the vote oh my God and when movies are completely foreign to us like I have heard of the accountant I didn't know [ __ ] about this movie but it always kind of pops up and obviously leilana one of our moderators continue to talk about it it was just never a movie on my radar and then you see the attention it gets and how it does in the poll you're like oh that makes sense yeah that movie was right up our alley yeah every aspect of it the story and the violence just all of it combined with all the familiar faces that we've seen throughout all the stuff that we watched and John Bernthal we talk about him all the time because Shane from The Walking Dead was one of the original things on the channel and The Punisher I mean the Punisher was the second show we watched and probably was responsible for our Channel surviving so burnt he holds a special place in our hearts thank you so much he's a very very special dude and we love everything that he's in and I mean lately he hasn't made it through a lot of stuff so seeing him survive this and I mean are we going to get Batman and Punisher together in a future movie with the two of them and that would be dope just handling vigilante [ __ ] be fantastic that would be amazing so so good if you guys didn't know we do all of our movie watch alongs live with the community and we like to take some questions and comments for those that are live in the chat and we're going to do that now and see what they got to say Bond's guy thank you so glad they didn't do the typical bro vers bro BS have a fight come to terms move on loved it also I like there was I was feeling a little something like I've got a brother so I I get all that aspect of it I'm so happy that when they realized who they were it was mostly uh what's his name realizing who Chris was and then like I love Braxton thank you I love the idea and the story of like like [ __ ] bro like what are we doing here like one didn't actually kill the other so I appreciate that I love that it didn't go down that road and being like Oh I got a job to do it's like I got a job to do it's like no we're [ __ ] Bros and they had they had a little bit of beef that needed to be handled well Braxton more than Chris obviously yeah but they were able to squash that and be like oh we're going to go hang out next week like I actually really like that aspect of the story with the two of them Indiana minitar is someone who is on the autism spectrum the film did a fantastic job of not stereotyping us but rather treating us with respect and decency yeah I appreciate that I mean obviously anytime you're focusing on a type of trait that people have and are grow up with I always wonder if those in that Community appreciate the way it's handled in the movie right because that's obviously a very delicate subject and if you do it wrong it could be horrible and bad and offensive and all that stuff you could defin like shed a negative light on you know something that a lot of people deal with I think one of like one of the movies that we reacted to a while back I think split had that issue right where it portrayed the person dealing with that as violent and trying to like hurt and kill people and being super human and that didn't hit well and you know this is an example thank you Indiana letting us know that they did a good job with it because that's definitely one of those tough sensitive subjects that you got to be careful with so good job movie T1 thank you so much the 50 caliber sniper rifles weighs 20 lbs without ammo and he had that sh on handed and still on point with his Target yeah so insane flas points thank you so much great show the sequel is being filmed right now oh which that's good to know I freaking love that so what we were just talking about with Batman and Punisher joining up I mean it's got to be the two of them right might be a thing I mean when did this come out uh 2016 I think well cuz he was writing 2019 on the board 2016 was when the movie came out but I mean obviously Bernthal has to be a star in the next movie with Ben afflac obviously that's a no-brainer yeah I can't wait for and now that we know that there's a sequel coming hell yeah let's go so as always thank you to everyone who joins the watch alongs we love doing these movie reactions live with the community it's great favorite night of the week it's so good it's so fun when things are going right it's the best night of the week as Nikki said and yeah everyone who contributes and hangs out and just lurks and chats and everyone that joins us we appreciate all of you even if you watch and you don't say a word thank you so much yeah we we love all y'all so yeah another great movie that so good accountant where have you been my whole life Lana's been telling us exactly so yeah another really great one you guys obviously share all your comments down below what you think of that and uh we'll talk to you guys later for the next one have a good one bye
Channel: Nikki & Steven React
Views: 205,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nikki steven, nikki steven react, nikki and steven, nikki and steven react, nikki steven react to dune, nikki and steven react to dune, first time watching dune, nikki and steven first time watching dune, the accountant, the accountant reaction, the accountant review, first time watching, first time watching the accountant, the accountant 2016, the accountant movie reaction, the accountant movie review, the accountant 2016 reaction
Id: Rt6FOsiTb_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 44sec (3884 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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