Nicole Kidman Is Happy She Can Wear Heels Again | Letterman

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[Applause] our first guest is a lovely lovely woman and a very talented actress she has a brand new motion picture entitled the others it opens august 10th ladies and gentlemen is nicole kidman nice to see you hi look fantastic i heard you're getting divorced how's that going hey hey hey what are you doing i don't know what to do but you know what i'm saying it's none of my business i hope things are all right and i'm guessing things are all right you wouldn't be here you wouldn't be here if things weren't all right would i think i'd probably still be here yeah oh well i i really appreciate that um yes well i changed people driving you nuts now everywhere you go people are just saying oh my god oh my god do you get a lot of that um i yeah i get a lot of questions yeah and you know what you do when you get those questions you tell them to mind your own damn business mind your own damn business is that yours online i believe that's complimentary for our guests oh help yourself go right ahead it's coffee it is is it no well let's find out my stop it okay uh well you're live yeah you look fantastic thank you [Applause] i don't know how to take him well i know it's odd it's just an odd thing you know well i can wear heels now wow wow man now we move on yeah that's gonna cost you that's pretty funny [Applause] so uh are you uh where do you spend your time now do you go do you go home you've been spending a lot of time at home um yeah i've been in sydney um i had my kids there in sydney for a couple of weeks and we came back i'm actually pretty jet-lagged because we just came back a few days ago and it's nice to be with your family i guess it's always nice to be with your family especially when things are not you know going so great yeah no things are fine it's fine no i know i know you know how was your divorce oh my god take a seat get ready it was it was it was just horrible it was just it was just god-awful and and uh because the whole thing was my fault uh i i started the the the trouble when i asked her to marry me and but it's just you know it's just it's awful and it's really i mean as much as you joke about it and everything it's just for me it's better just to stay away from it yeah i'm on your side did you hear me it's none of my business i don't want to talk about it because it's so there's children involved and everything and i'm just moving on with my life and um what can you do so you can do it don't ask any questions you're gay i learned my lesson i'm gonna be good tonight are you uh are you attending is the premiere tonight oh oh it's tonight yeah it's very strange because this summer i had um two film i mean i i usually i mean i work but i don't do a lot of work and so suddenly having two films in this in a period of three months is really weird do you like promoting both of them you like going to the premieres you probably don't do um well if you like the movie well you like the movies i like this movie yeah and i liked mulan rouge too i have made some movies i didn't like what do you do when you at the premiere what what are your do you have responsibilities you have duties you have to fulfill at the premiere before you show up wave to everybody do you like get drinks for people i would um yeah you know you sort of say how much you like the movie yeah but it is it's actually this movie is um a a thriller and so it's i like this genre of movie it's a really very i like scary movies it's psychologically manipulative and and you're not quite sure what to tell them right yeah there's lots of different sort of um twists and turns it's got a killer ending which is it's always hard in a film to have to find a good ending and i think that's the reason one of the reasons i i really responded to the script was because the ending is so good well i hope it's a huge i'm sitting here saying oh it's so good but no well but the ending is good yeah so no no i am hopeless at these shows so what you're saying is show up late no the film is very scary but it's you know yeah really have a bad ending that have a generic sort of formula exactly you feel let down by no sometimes i mean so if it has a good ending you go good now when we when we come back we can show a clip of the movie if you like we're going to show the ending no no what do you think we're dumb uh so tell us about you where did you see you went to fiji fiji yeah um which is a really beautiful place to go long way away it's like three hours from sydney so that's why i went to fiji because i was on the way back to sydney and took my kids and my big big island is it there's a lot of clusters oh it's a group of several small islands yes clusters yeah and what do you do there what kind of things what kind of companies well we oh you drink carver carver juice has anyone here had carver ever what does it do it makes you what does it do it makes you happy mellow yeah does it does it really work well i mean you sort of pretend well i suppose it works yeah the power of suggestion you sit there instead of drinking it makes your mouth numb and it looks like it should work right you know what happened everyone else is sort of acting like it works so you go well yeah i feel something i feel something is it is it a uh is it like a it's a plant is it a uh a tree is it a version a root yeah yeah and they make it like a tea or something out of the cava yeah make a a a drink a drink yeah but yeah it does i mean you can buy it here they say it's very expensive well that's what they told me on the island that they sell it in america for a thousand dollars is that right yeah right now it seems a bit so other than sitting around getting your mouth numb what what did you do on i mean do you think like snorkel do you win no i went scuba diving oh man are you are licensed or registered yeah yeah really and saw sharks oh my gosh this is my i love sharks and one of my obsessions how close do you get to the uh seeing sharks i love to go and see them quite close and as long as you stay calm they just sort of circle i mean not white pointers or something but they were there was a bronze whaler a bronze whaler that's a variety of sharks large very large do you scoop it up no you know i did it i tried it some people taught me in a pool in new jersey honest to god years ago at like the hilton in new jersey and and uh didn't like it well it's very claustrophobic well in a pool well i mean but all of that you got all that [Laughter] yeah but the sharks it is actually because of that feeling of yeah yeah and if something goes haywire then all of that stops but you do all that but but now has anybody explained to you uh what what is the difference between a shark that's just fine and then a shark who will just you know attack you what is the difference not much i mean it's like it's a whim really they attack on a whim well i would yeah i mean they choose to attack boy oh boy so so just they like her they don't like you yeah but so you're down there and and it's entirely up to the shark how he feels about the you know go on things and then you use it stay mellow take a lot of carver no you you you don't go where um if you don't dive where the seals i mean there's certain things that you just don't know the feet on the seals is that what it is yeah yeah certain certain sharks but i mean obviously you wouldn't go where oh this is where the white pointers are you wouldn't dive with white wonders are those white pointers are known to be are they the great white is that what it is the same same kind of difference oh my god yeah but i'm fascinated by them i just think they're they're beautiful what other kind of thing do you see when you're uh in the water um you see you've been in the water haven't you snorkeled yeah i have snorkel but i tell you here's my theory about it beautiful colored fish this is so boring people don't want to hear about this it was a good question it was a good question just what the hell went wrong what the hell happened i'm not sure um but let's talk about it come on that was anything i thought that whole shark thing was well yeah i don't think that scale of one to ten like two one you want to show them the clip of the film yes okay now can you can you explain what this is you're uh in the in the movie you you play a woman and as well with psychological problems but we don't know that exactly from the beginning do we we don't know how bad they are till the ending right yeah this is uh it's it's a supernatural thriller but it's all um it's and it's it's psychological so it's very tense and there's things that happen they i am so bad at describing a movie in one sentence you're fine everything's fine just relax this was often this film called low self-esteem you think i should do it good to see you you look fantastic and i know you are fantastic good luck to you come back any time the beautiful nicole kidman ladies and gentlemen [Music] you
Channel: Letterman
Views: 56,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letterman, david letterman, dave letterman, interview, letterman interview, letterman official, letterman late show, letterman late night, late night, stupid pet tricks, stupid human tricks, top ten, late show, top ten list
Id: tashAHo7s3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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