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cInEmAtOgRaPhY iS tHe UsEs To ScIeNcE oR aRtS oF mOtIoN pIcTuRe PhOtOgRaPhY bY rEcOrDiNg LiGhT oR oThRr ElEcTrOmAgNeTiC rAdIaTiOn EiThEr ElEcTrOnIcAlLy By MeAnS oF aN ImAgE SeNsOr Or cHeMiCaLlY bY mEaNs Of A LiGhT-sEnSiTiVe MaTeRiaL sUcH aS fIlM sToCk pLeAsE TyPe oUt: cInEmAtOgRaPhY [Types "Cinematography"] vErY gOoD nOw, PlEaSe sAy It oUt lOuD cInEmAtOgRaPhY cinenmontography vErY gOoD dadadadada dadadadadadadadadadadadadada Beep-beep beep-beep beep-beep beep-beep beep-beep [Helicopter sounds] Beep-beep beep-beep beep-beep beep-beep beep-beep [Helicopter intensifies] Beep-beep beep-beep beep-beep beep-beep beep-beep [Helicopter Ascends] Beep-beep beep-beep beep-beep beep-beep beep-beep Hello! Hello! and welcome to the second installment of Nick Cage-A-thon [Goofy music] Nick Cage-A-Thon is a series where we just watch Nicolas Cage movies and that's it NC: Bogart was the best, the king I picked out three today before we start let's issue some corrections from the previous Nicolas Cage episode First of all, these lifeboats are real World War II boats. Let me know and secondly I called Paul Schrader Dude, just stick to writing and I'm one of the writer meanwhile, he just directed the best movie that came out this year "first reformed" so.... sincere apology so when you want to zoom in I'm just teaching the guy directing this movie out of directed movie when you gonna I'm not gonna Defend "Doggy Dog" at all cuz "Doggy Dog" is awful, but I can't deny that the guys the talented director This is strike one for Ralphthemoviemaker three strikes and I delete my channel Hey, listen, no one can be right all the time, you know Except Alex Jones Alex Jones: Fidel Castro took the guns, Hugo Chavez took the guns, and I'm here to tell you 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN! And now ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the Nick Cage fact of the day [Applause] Every Nick Cage-A-Thon we're gonna have a Nick Cage fact of the day did you know his acting technique is called Nouveau shamanic I think Nicholas Cage is the creator of this acting technique using normal human language as an exercise in futility So what I would do is I put on afro-caribbean paint like a white and black paint and black out my eye So I look like the sort of afro-caribbean voodoo icon the guy is a meme generator And then I would sew in bits of Egyptian artifacts and we were thousands of years old into my costume and gather some onyx He's an internet legend you google his name and you find pages upon pages of just memes so let's start with this film it's called outcasts the film stars Hayden Christensen best known for Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequels ANAKIN: I don't like sand.... It's coarse... ...rough and irritating.... And it gets everywhere Top-notch acting there Hayden and Nicolas Cage. Of course, You're the outlaw they call the white ghost? I am the white. ghost; but no one calls me outlaw child, NOT TO MY FACE What a pairing when I saw this poster, which is fucking awesome, by the way Look at this badass poster when I saw this poster I was like, I can't wait to see Hayden Christensen and Nicolas Cage just going around the chopping people's heads off You'll be like a buddy roadtrip movie gods are because thicc as flies on a FUDGING goat's ass because of you, you brought them here How did you find me that? but that's not what we got at all It's boring it makes no sense and Nicolas Cage's barely in it and come on That's why we're watching these right and Guy in the movie :and you may come down from this mountain, a free man! Oh I don't know... My experience those who climb to the top only had to remember they got there by that RALPH: What's with this? Rubber snake that Nicolas Cage is carrying around did he just bring that to set like oh, this is my character thing I idolize Nicolas Cage so I got myself a rubber snake that I'm gonna carry with me From now on his name is Samuel the snake He's replacing Hendricks now. Fuck that little twerp. There are women and children in that- They won't be harmed They WILL be harmed Nicolas Cage puts on this amazing Authentic accent Nick Cage in "authentic" accent: How much you had enough of this killing for hypocrite priests? We do God's work the blood we spill his on OUR blades, OUR souls! It's so good You can't even figure out what it's supposed to be. You know, I swore an oath to your father the trailers and marketing make it look like Nicolas Cage's in it a lot He's like top billing in the cast the trailer makes it seem like Nic Cage is in it a lot and then you watch the movie and most of the movie is just a bunch of Asian actors and A white guy with an out of fashion haircut walking around the woods and occasionally they get into an awful sword fight UUGH ARRGH AAA EUUGH So you won't know what really kills this movie it's not Nicolas Cage COOOOMEE OOOOONN it's the cinematography Wait! ChingChingChang EEUUUUUGGAA EEUUUUUUUUUUUU We're going all over the place like look here all this scene is is a guy walks into a room and talks to the Emperor Lord soon Majesty how many of your fellow generals will offer support to the boy? This entire scene should be five different angles take a look at this scene from Game of Thrones very similar scene You've been holding the council meetings in the Tower of the hand instead of the small council chamber. I have yes May I ask why? The Tower of the hand is what I work There isn't excessive cutting we cut to close-ups when it makes sense when the scene is getting intense we stay on one side of the room and here we're like We're on the right side now and now we're on the left side and now we're head-on and that we're back on the left side Is like what the hell is going on the action is boring. You can't even make out what's happening [Lot's of "Ching"s "EEUUAH"s] They usually do this in movies when either the actors don't know how to fight or the choreography isn't good or both EEUURERUUAGH DOH URR REH UUUUR It's just Dutch angles for no reason it was so distracting I kept leaning my head while I was watching it like sıɥʇ like my brain had to adjust to the Dutch angle So I had to watch the whole movie like sıɥʇ. Can you imagine watching a whole movie like sıɥʇ? So, this is an American Chinese Canadian production, it's made by Arclight films I went to their website which is great By the way, I love this bright orange background these are also the guys who Proust "First Reforms" and "Doggy Dog" another Nic Cage movie we talked about Now it's all starting to connect the pieces are coming together so they shot the movie in China They got a bunch of Chinese actors to be in it And then they got Nicolas Cage to show up for a day and they shot all of his scenes and then they got Hayden Christensen To be in the rest of it They're like, alright, you're the white guy just act like the white guy so we can solve this movie in America That is my request of you But, Father No, one will follow me. They will Because you will be KING Why is everyone speaking English? Okay, so this movie's bad obviously doesn't have a lot of Nick Cage in it There are some good Nick Cage moments YOU WANT MY BLOOD? YOU WANT MY BLOOD?!?!1! RALPH: Hey -uh- Nick, we don't have any moves for you to do So you're just gonna improvise and we'll just shake the camera and cut quickly and look fine. There's this badass battle toward the end We're Nick Cage has to fight off this entire army. And you think that'd be a challenge for him. But nah not for Nick Cage, dude He just runs at 'em, like [When you step on a safety pin on accident UUAAH HHHOOEEUG OHHHUUUHH DAAH Ralphthekungfumaster wayawayamoki ( ͝סּ ͜ʖ͡סּ) This is a film called mom and dad the plot of mom and dad, is that some Virus breaks out that makes parents want to kill their kids [only their are kids not other people's kids] So selma Blair Nicolas Cage team up to kill their children There's also another fantastic scene where Nic Cage his parents. Try to kill him. Mom dad [Me when someone starts online dating on Animal Jams] The film is directed by Brian Taylor one of the guys who directed Second Coming Of Christ 1 & 2 which are The best movies ever made AAAAH [Best Movie ever made] And now one of them brings us mom and dad and I like this movie a lot actually I don't think it's great I don't think it's gonna make you cry or anything not like National Treasure 2- which just Always makes me tear up. I thought the opening credits were great. They're clearly an homage to movies from the 70s and 60s I like how Brian Taylor shoots violence in this movie He has like these weird techno sounds going on in the background and it's a lot of cutting and shaky-cam but there's like There's weight to it I guess it's the sound design that helps with that - it looks so brutal and it looks like it hurt a lot There's this scene where Nic Cage falls down. I [Falls down] EEUUGH LIKE HOLY SHIT that looked like it hurt Selma Blair does a great job. The kids are pretty good the characters had chemistry the Interactions between the parents and the kids felt very genuine within the context of this movie's over-the-top universe It didn't feel like a bunch of actors just reciting lines But I like the characters and I like Nicolas Cage's character in this this Washed-up, middle-aged man whose best years are behind him and he thought he would be so much more when he was younger But now he's just a mediocre dad I like that dynamic and that's ultimately the point of the movie these parents are just frustrated living an average life So they just take it out on their kids, of course there's literally a virus that's making them kill their kids but on a more thematic level it's a movie about parents wanting to tear down their family life their kids their work that same structure they've become Accustomed to I think that's really well done. There's some really good Nic Cage moments in here Nic Cage is great in this not in the he's actually good way, But if you ever touch that car again I'll fucking kill you But in a completely over-the-top way Motherfuckers? you're going to open this MOTHERFUCKING DOOR! He just has these little nuances in his performances. I love [le deep sigh] [w-what was that?] RALPH: And if you want to watch a Nick Cage build a pool table, this is the movie for you [Nick Cage building a pool table] And also if you want to see Nic Cage destroy a pool table, this is the movie for you OOOH YEAH YOU PUT YOUR RIGHT FOOT IN YOU TAKE YOUR RIGHT F O O T OUT YOU DO THE HOKEY POKEY AND YOU FUCKING WHOP IT ALL OUT He gives a very emotional performance lots of crying lots of screaming BUILD. A FUCKING. FAMILY HOME. Lots of anger. Ok Meester. I need that Dino in the beach Yeah, yeah. Ok. That's great. So ya. Mom and dad Actually pretty good movie Samuel the snake here gives it a three out of five but still a̷̛̼̓͑͌̈́̈̏̈́̃͐̏̀͗̎̏ň̶̮̠͆͛͆̈́̎̆̅̽͘͝͠ą̷̡̰͕͈̣͙͉̖͍̤̑̀̍̿͆̄͂̇̅̎ḽ̸̛͈̩̱̖̽̀̓͐̉̃͂̌̈͆̈́̆͝͝y̸̩̳͑̉s̴̞̳͒͒́̄̈́̍̓i̴̢̡̧̘̩̹͙̲̠͈͙̫͇͌̂̀͑͌̌̀͜s̴̭̘̻̠̘̍̊͗̅̊̔̿͗̀̓̚ͅ,̴̡̢̧͙͚̻̻̪̯͆̃̂̾̌̎̈́̉̔́̊͝ͅ ̴̡̛̖͚̼͔̈́̓̀̅̀͐̊́͂̀̔̚͝͝ŷ̶̢̝̩̠̠̖̙̳̐̓o̶͙͍̥͇̘͚͓̎̐͑̐̐̿͜ū̴̢̱̭̗̙͖̰̅͒̏̂̀̈́̀̕̕͜ ̴̤͔̺͎͗͌͐̇͐͗͌̀̐̽͑͗̕͘͝k̷̟̪͔͐͋̔̈́͑̉̚͝ņ̷̼̩̥̗͇̲̝͚̣̬̜͓̹̏̾̽̉̑̆̐̎̇̊̚͘͠ͅo̴̧̹̟̜͌̓́̊͆̉͘̕w̸̹͈̟͎͎̫̩̅̋̈́̇̎ͅ ̴̟̠̞̼̟̻͈̠̪̭̹͒̈́͗̅̈́͌̓̀̃͑͠ẁ̵̡̨͉̩͙͔͈̮̻̳͔̙̥̩̰h̶͙̙͎̹̞͍̘̹̭͎́̚̚͜a̷̖̥̰̬̎̓̒̎̓͂͑͐̆̚t̵̺̺̪̬̳̅́̄͋ ̶̯̺̝̩̗͉͇̬̮͙̮͔̈́͗̈́̇̆̈̓͜͠ͅý̴̢̛̝͇̩̈́̇̈̋͗ŏ̷͈͔̖͈̖͉͉͉͗͛͘ư̸̫̪̲̭͓̪͍̌̃͂̈͐̍͝'̸̘̤͎͈̘̱̝͊̈́̐̒̄̆̆̏r̷̰̤͖̰̱̜̈́͂͆͐͆̿̏͒̉̾͝e̷̡̨̛̞̘̱̙͈̻͙̜̍́́͂̓́ ̶̨̛͖̳̭͖̯͉̘͇͉͋͆͛̈́̔͒͛́̅̈́̋̍̀̉s̶̖͈̠̬͚̻͖̭̥͇̗͎̍̀͋̍̏̀͌̚̕ͅà̸̱̫̗̟̟̩̦̫̹͔̜̘͕̱̪͛̚̚͠y̸̫͙͈̫̟͇̳̲̼̓͊̎͌̾̑̂͑̒͠͠ì̴̬n̷̨̟͕͉̳͕̗̻̑̾͆̽̇ͅg̴̙̗͚͔̗̿͋̃̉̔̾͝ͅ,̷̢̧̼̟̘͓̹͙̼̣̎́̂̍̈́̈́̄͜ͅ ̴̯̥̹̲̩̹̏͜͜b̴̮͝u̵͉͕͉̰͎̫̝̯͑́͑͐͆̌͘͝t̸̢̖̟̝̳̬͓̪̠̹͕̤̼͇̾̓̈́̉̂̈͜ ̸̡̧̲̮͈̺̞̦̜̄̆́̆̈́̀̆͑ỷ̶̫̇̒̀̅͆̍́͊̓o̶̡̧̯͔̬̯̹̿̒͒́̈́̆̇̆͒̌̋̾͘͝ǘ̸̢͍͍͙̮̰̯̜̟̦̝̘̤̲̯͒̂̓͆̆͆̋ ̸̣̯͕͇̻̦̱͍̈͋͛̋̿̊̓r̸̢̺͕̯̪͌͛̽̓̍̐̏̊͘̕͝e̸̢̪͓͎̖̽̊̉̔̾̓̀͌̈́͒̕a̷͉̬͎̓͛̅̏̉̅̀̈́̌̄̄̎̅ľ̴̡̛͉̫̥̮̖̼̜̟̀̊̓̈́̽̐͝ͅl̸̡͉̰̠͕̆y̶̧̛͍̟̟̣̗̞̫̞̑͗̀̍͂̀̏̓̕͝,̵̨̡̭̮̬͛ ̴̱͕̯̾͊͐̈́̄̇̆̐̅̏y̸̨̢̳̜̖̱̫͍̰̭̘̘̎̂͒̄̆̇͒̐̂͂ͅo̶̢̘̠̞̤̞̜̮̥̗͉̮̭̰͆̑͗̈́̕u̵̡͔̪̗͎̩̝̔̔̈͆̍͂̍̅̊̃̌͘ ̷̥͖͓͙͈̗̥̊̓͊̕k̴̥͈̤̖̓́̆̑̽͆̾̚n̸̢̗͈̤̮͒̎̇̐̂̃̋́̔̎̈́́͐̕͠ỏ̵̢͍͔͍̗͓̦̪̙̆͐̇̀̉̏̇̃̎͆̔̓̕͘͜w̵̨̖̖̥̬͎͎̻̣͋̌̅ S̵̜̥̘̦̲͇̿̄p̵̯̲̲̻̖̰̤͙͓͔͓̳̩̼̞̊ȯ̶̢̘̥̪͉̖̈́̍͆͛͛̂ͅó̴̢̮͚͇̙͓͉̼̭̮̮̠͍͒̌̓̓̀̂̓k̸̰̫̲̋͌͛̕y̶̩͕̽̇̏́̃̈́̈̾͒̚ ̴̢̧̧̠̦̫̼̰͚̺̃͑͛̈́̈́͊́͒͊̓͌͘͝s̴͔̟̱͊ç̷̢̬͉͉͚̩͉̬̜̬̤̖͎̣̎͛ą̸̏͘̚̚͝ŕ̸̢͔̭͙͓̰̦̀̇͐̐̓̓́̿̆͠͠͝y̵̫̻̟̱̜̆̿͒͂͌̇̈́̊̔̌̿͑̍͜͜ ̵͖͔̲͇͖̠̊̿͛́̂̔̈́̇̍͊̀̓̕͝m̷̬̳͍͖͕̘̫͙̈̽̈̀̓͋̀̀̕̕u̶̠̼̟̣̔͆̑̎̌͊̉m̷̧̛͈̤̜̣̥̳͈̗̒̈́ͅb̷̢̨̡̡̛̭̤͈̣͙͖̮̓̎̎̉͐̽̈́͘͜͜ͅḷ̵͉̯̬̼̟̲̱͚̙͈̹̎̈̉̒̆͆͊͗͊̓̔͠ǐ̸̡̙̲̃n̵̰̤̦̖̗̲̮̾͠g̴̛̞̬̻̭̘͕̘̜͙̍̋̈́̈́͑̐̇̋́̐͑͛͜ S̵̜̥̘̦̲͇̿̄p̵̯̲̲̻̖̰̤͙͓͔͓̳̩̼̞̊ȯ̶̢̘̥̪͉̖̈́̍͆͛͛̂ͅó̴̢̮͚͇̙͓͉̼̭̮̮̠͍͒̌̓̓̀̂̓k̸̰̫̲̋͌͛̕y̶̩͕̽̇̏́̃̈́̈̾͒̚ ̴̢̧̧̠̦̫̼̰͚̺̃͑͛̈́̈́͊́͒͊̓͌͘͝s̴͔̟̱͊ç̷̢̬͉͉͚̩͉̬̜̬̤̖͎̣̎͛ą̸̏͘̚̚͝ŕ̸̢͔̭͙͓̰̦̀̇͐̐̓̓́̿̆͠͠͝y̵̫̻̟̱̜̆̿͒͂͌̇̈́̊̔̌̿͑̍͜͜ ̵͖͔̲͇͖̠̊̿͛́̂̔̈́̇̍͊̀̓̕͝m̷̬̳͍͖͕̘̫͙̈̽̈̀̓͋̀̀̕̕u̶̠̼̟̣̔͆̑̎̌͊̉m̷̧̛͈̤̜̣̥̳͈̗̒̈́ͅb̷̢̨̡̡̛̭̤͈̣͙͖̮̓̎̎̉͐̽̈́͘͜͜ͅḷ̵͉̯̬̼̟̲̱͚̙͈̹̎̈̉̒̆͆͊͗͊̓̔͠ǐ̸̡̙̲̃n̵̰̤̦̖̗̲̮̾͠g̴̛̞̬̻̭̘͕̘̜͙̍̋̈́̈́͑̐̇̋́̐͑͛͜ S̵̜̥̘̦̲͇̿̄p̵̯̲̲̻̖̰̤͙͓͔͓̳̩̼̞̊ȯ̶̢̘̥̪͉̖̈́̍͆͛͛̂ͅó̴̢̮͚͇̙͓͉̼̭̮̮̠͍͒̌̓̓̀̂̓k̸̰̫̲̋͌͛̕y̶̩͕̽̇̏́̃̈́̈̾͒̚ ̴̢̧̧̠̦̫̼̰͚̺̃͑͛̈́̈́͊́͒͊̓͌͘͝s̴͔̟̱͊ç̷̢̬͉͉͚̩͉̬̜̬̤̖͎̣̎͛ą̸̏͘̚̚͝ŕ̸̢͔̭͙͓̰̦̀̇͐̐̓̓́̿̆͠͠͝y̵̫̻̟̱̜̆̿͒͂͌̇̈́̊̔̌̿͑̍͜͜ ̵͖͔̲͇͖̠̊̿͛́̂̔̈́̇̍͊̀̓̕͝m̷̬̳͍͖͕̘̫͙̈̽̈̀̓͋̀̀̕̕u̶̠̼̟̣̔͆̑̎̌͊̉m̷̧̛͈̤̜̣̥̳͈̗̒̈́ͅb̷̢̨̡̡̛̭̤͈̣͙͖̮̓̎̎̉͐̽̈́͘͜͜ͅḷ̵͉̯̬̼̟̲̱͚̙͈̹̎̈̉̒̆͆͊͗͊̓̔͠ǐ̸̡̙̲̃n̵̰̤̦̖̗̲̮̾͠g̴̛̞̬̻̭̘͕̘̜͙̍̋̈́̈́͑̐̇̋́̐͑͛͜ S̵̜̥̘̦̲͇̿̄p̵̯̲̲̻̖̰̤͙͓͔͓̳̩̼̞̊ȯ̶̢̘̥̪͉̖̈́̍͆͛͛̂ͅó̴̢̮͚͇̙͓͉̼̭̮̮̠͍͒̌̓̓̀̂̓k̸̰̫̲̋͌͛̕y̶̩͕̽̇̏́̃̈́̈̾͒̚ ̴̢̧̧̠̦̫̼̰͚̺̃͑͛̈́̈́͊́͒͊̓͌͘͝s̴͔̟̱͊ç̷̢̬͉͉͚̩͉̬̜̬̤̖͎̣̎͛ą̸̏͘̚̚͝ŕ̸̢͔̭͙͓̰̦̀̇͐̐̓̓́̿̆͠͠͝y̵̫̻̟̱̜̆̿͒͂͌̇̈́̊̔̌̿͑̍͜͜ ̵͖͔̲͇͖̠̊̿͛́̂̔̈́̇̍͊̀̓̕͝m̷̬̳͍͖͕̘̫͙̈̽̈̀̓͋̀̀̕̕u̶̠̼̟̣̔͆̑̎̌͊̉m̷̧̛͈̤̜̣̥̳͈̗̒̈́ͅb̷̢̨̡̡̛̭̤͈̣͙͖̮̓̎̎̉͐̽̈́͘͜͜ͅḷ̵͉̯̬̼̟̲̱͚̙͈̹̎̈̉̒̆͆͊͗͊̓̔͠ǐ̸̡̙̲̃n̵̰̤̦̖̗̲̮̾͠g̴̛̞̬̻̭̘͕̘̜͙̍̋̈́̈́͑̐̇̋́̐͑͛͜ S̵̜̥̘̦̲͇̿̄p̵̯̲̲̻̖̰̤͙͓͔͓̳̩̼̞̊ȯ̶̢̘̥̪͉̖̈́̍͆͛͛̂ͅó̴̢̮͚͇̙͓͉̼̭̮̮̠͍͒̌̓̓̀̂̓k̸̰̫̲̋͌͛̕y̶̩͕̽̇̏́̃̈́̈̾͒̚ ̴̢̧̧̠̦̫̼̰͚̺̃͑͛̈́̈́͊́͒͊̓͌͘͝s̴͔̟̱͊ç̷̢̬͉͉͚̩͉̬̜̬̤̖͎̣̎͛ą̸̏͘̚̚͝ŕ̸̢͔̭͙͓̰̦̀̇͐̐̓̓́̿̆͠͠͝y̵̫̻̟̱̜̆̿͒͂͌̇̈́̊̔̌̿͑̍͜͜ ̵͖͔̲͇͖̠̊̿͛́̂̔̈́̇̍͊̀̓̕͝m̷̬̳͍͖͕̘̫͙̈̽̈̀̓͋̀̀̕̕u̶̠̼̟̣̔͆̑̎̌͊̉m̷̧̛͈̤̜̣̥̳͈̗̒̈́ͅb̷̢̨̡̡̛̭̤͈̣͙͖̮̓̎̎̉͐̽̈́͘͜͜ͅḷ̵͉̯̬̼̟̲̱͚̙͈̹̎̈̉̒̆͆͊͗͊̓̔͠ǐ̸̡̙̲̃n̵̰̤̦̖̗̲̮̾͠g̴̛̞̬̻̭̘͕̘̜͙̍̋̈́̈́͑̐̇̋́̐͑͛͜ S̵̜̥̘̦̲͇̿̄p̵̯̲̲̻̖̰̤͙͓͔͓̳̩̼̞̊ȯ̶̢̘̥̪͉̖̈́̍͆͛͛̂ͅó̴̢̮͚͇̙͓͉̼̭̮̮̠͍͒̌̓̓̀̂̓k̸̰̫̲̋͌͛̕y̶̩͕̽̇̏́̃̈́̈̾͒̚ ̴̢̧̧̠̦̫̼̰͚̺̃͑͛̈́̈́͊́͒͊̓͌͘͝s̴͔̟̱͊ç̷̢̬͉͉͚̩͉̬̜̬̤̖͎̣̎͛ą̸̏͘̚̚͝ŕ̸̢͔̭͙͓̰̦̀̇͐̐̓̓́̿̆͠͠͝y̵̫̻̟̱̜̆̿͒͂͌̇̈́̊̔̌̿͑̍͜͜ ̵͖͔̲͇͖̠̊̿͛́̂̔̈́̇̍͊̀̓̕͝m̷̬̳͍͖͕̘̫͙̈̽̈̀̓͋̀̀̕̕u̶̠̼̟̣̔͆̑̎̌͊̉m̷̧̛͈̤̜̣̥̳͈̗̒̈́ͅb̷̢̨̡̡̛̭̤͈̣͙͖̮̓̎̎̉͐̽̈́͘͜͜ͅḷ̵͉̯̬̼̟̲̱͚̙͈̹̎̈̉̒̆͆͊͗͊̓̔͠ǐ̸̡̙̲̃n̵̰̤̦̖̗̲̮̾͠g̴̛̞̬̻̭̘͕̘̜͙̍̋̈́̈́͑̐̇̋́̐͑͛͜ Â̸̫̲̝͔͕͙͔̆͋̀̄̈́͂̅̃̈ḩ̸̢̡̯͕͖͔̝͔͉͉͍͉̭͉́͑̈̆͊́̅ḁ̶̢̣̰̺̣̩̩̘̣̞̅h̴̭̎́a̵̭̗̤̎̈́͗͘h̸̡̫̹̼̰̭̦̠̅͗̾͂̿̃̆̓̐͑̕͠ä̸̢̱͉̬̰̼̣͉́̀̆̂̅͌͗̓͆͘͠h̶̫̝̠̗̰͔̣̰̲́̓͗͝a̸̢̛͚͇͔͙̥̫̗͆͒̒h̴̲͓̠̭̏́͊̊̓̒͘͘͝͝͝a̸͇͓̞̳̭̭͎͙̼͚͔̐̀̊̑̏̽̆̈́̕h̵͎̣̩̱͉̹͓̜̙̝͇̝̊͑̿̽͋̾̕͘ͅͅa̴̖͚̗̪̰̿̈́͐̍̋̂͑͌́͑̚ Now we're up to Nick Cage-A-Thon 2 and I haven't shown you guys classic cage if you had just seen the Nick Cage-A-Thon 1 & 2 up to this point you'd be like What's the big deal with Nick Cage? Yes, so what he fought in World War 2. So what he was in Desert Storm So what he has the Purple Heart what's special about this guy? Well to tell you what's so special about him We're gonna have to go back to a film called Vampire's kiss You know those Nicolas Cage compilations or it's just him being crazy 50% of these montages are made up of scenes from vampires kiss. How could somebody miss file something? What could be easier it's all alphabetical? you just put it in the right file according to alphabetical order your A-b-c-d-e-f-g [SCREAMS the rest of the alphabet without dignity] THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO DO! Very good, you know your alphabet IDIDN'TMISSPELLANYTHING That one what time There is of course this classic meme: 🅸 🅲🅾🆄🅻🅳🅽'🆃 🆃🅷🅸🅽🅺 🅾🅵 🅰 🅼🅾🆁🅴 🅷🅾🆁🆁🅸🅱🅻🅴 🅹🅾🅱 🅸🅵 🅸 🆆🅰🅽🆃🅴🅳 🆃🅾 🅰🅽🅳 🆈🅾🆄 🅷🅰🆅🅴 🆃🅾 🅳🅾 🅸🆃, 🆈🅾🆄 🅷🅰🆅🅴 🆃🅾, 🅾🆁 🅸'🅻🅻 🅵🅸🆁🅴 🆈🅾🆄. 🅳🅾 🆈🅾🆄 🆄🅽🅳🅴🆁🆂🆃🅰🅽🅳? This is just a really brave performance. And I mean that sincerely This guy puts himself out there in this movie He goes from a completely, well not a completely normal guy To a completely disturbed nutjob running across the street with a wooden stake Covered in blood screaming. I'm a vampire kill me. I'm a vampire Kill me kill me Okay, you have to see Nic Cage fight off a bat on a string RALPH: You get to see Nick Cage torture his secretary for absolutely no reason and it starts out pretty tame But the psychological torture gets more and more aggressive as it goes along There you are! ヽ(͡◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ Old woman: AAAA What the hell is he doing in here? I hope this old woman got nominated for an Oscar for this performance what the fuck is going on- In what other movie can you see Nic Cage put plastic vampire teeth in his mouth then chase a pigeon around a park Before putting it in his coat and then eating it and no Nic Cage performance is complete without a kind of weird accent That sounds like it's a mix of British and American and something else from a country You've never heard of, You know, I was in mortal combat with a fUcking bAt. Give me a break I don't know what it is, but it's beautiful Hey, do I get waited on today? Whatever sitting here 4:15 right away, sir So this is a legitimately great movie Nicolas Cage's performance is fantastic Holy shit The film making although it's very laid-back and not very stylized. Its Competent and I like how lived-in and real everything felt. Nothing felt like a set everything felt like it took place in the city I like the cityscape in the background of the psychiatrist office I liked that Nicolas Cage's apartments in the film feels like a real apartment You can see cars in the street passing by and I like the topic this movie is exploring I know it's a dumb movie with Nicolas Cage acting like an idiot Really what this movie is about is a lonely guy who can't find love the reason he can't find the love is pretty clear He's a very unlikable guy I wanna know really NICK CAGE SCREAMS So he falls in love with this fictional vampire he creates in his head because he's a crazy person the movie does it up to 11 and it's extremely Comical but it knows it's comical and I love that even the fake relationships He creates in his head don't pan out because even in this fictional reality, he's created. He's still a dick SHARON? GOD DAMMIT WHAT DID I SAY? I do think vampires kiss is a really good movie and I highly recommend it Nic Cage has given better performances But if you want just a pure Nic Cage meme performance. This has to be the best one ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ) And those are all the movies we did it you know what that means That's it for Nick Cage-A-Thon, for now But I had a good time. I hope you had a good time, too It's a shame. We won't be seeing each other for a while, but just remember to do your morning prayers to Nicolas Cage everyday and I'll see you next time Goodbye are you still here? good for you Are you looking for your name? Can you even see it? Congratulations! you made it to the end You get: Nothing! now piss off
Channel: ralphthemoviemaker
Views: 873,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NICOLAS CAGE-A-THON 2 - ralphthemoviemaker, Nicolas Cage
Id: 6Hq5m3ehIU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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