Nicola Sturgeon’s legacy is ‘FAILURE’ says Dr David Starkey

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David commentators are saying that her decision to go For Broke on woke has been Nicola sturgeon's downfall why do you think she doubled down on the trans issue he sort of says isn't it odd isn't it strange what on Earth does she think she's doing I've got a very different take on this Calvin I think going for brewcon work is absolutely fundamental the sturgeon and the particular kind of nationalism that she embraced see what is generally the case I mean come on you know you and I are used to sort of putting things in in big pictures at various ends of the political Spectrum where does nationalism normally belong it belongs very firmly at the right of the political Spectrum but Scottish nationalism has decided to play a different game it talks about Civic nationalism it's determined to distinguish itself from anything beastly and old-fashioned and sweaty rather like English nationalism so what you do is you embrace the left and the further the left goes the more you've actually got to embrace it and this of course is in one sense really quite clever you as it were you take from nationalism a taint which with today's politics is seen as dangerous you know shoving it out on the far right as the kind of thing that we what most people disapprove of but on the other hand it means because the left boundary goes further and further and further and further you have to go further and further and further you see what I mean and so we've what we've done we've seen at work as me and and the emperor the of course the Preposterous Embrace of transsexualism and what I would like to call it not sexualism we've we've seen this as something accidental it's not it's fundamental it's Central to the Enterprise it's going to be very interesting to see actually not I mean sturgeons got out of it by simply disappearing clearly what happened Calvin she found the contradictions absolutely impossible and the question is whether the movement and escape from the position that it finds itself in because it's not just her and and salmon was playing exactly the same game so they've used it as a differentiating factor which makes sense but her popularity has been on the decline for years now do you think that's linked to that and also do you think she jumped before she was pushed I think that the I mean the things in one sense is is simply the the standard remark isn't it all political careers and in Failure even that of goddesses like Nicholas sturgeon uh she's been around a very long time um she of course embraced not simply woke on the one hand but we will get a referendum now and she failed to do that and and the great problem has been of course that the pursuit of this Willow of the Wisp of on the one hand a Civic nationalism and the other Willow the Whisk of an immediate referendum on Independence has meant the other side is you neglect a boring weary business of government and I think there's another reason why because of course this attempt at squeezing the very diverse phenomena of Scottish nationalism into this strange corner of woke nationalism means that you can't actually agree on anything if you if you look now at the range of successes you know from a radical feminist like Terry to a fundamentalist Christian you have the sense of a fundamentally incoherent movement and that is the point isn't it I wouldn't go as far as you as calling her a goddess I'd probably refute that however she has been the longest serving first minister David I don't think I agree on either term however she is the longest serving first Minister and she is an election winner but she's been very poor on domestic issues what do you think her Legacy will be well I think the legacy is failure and I think my guess is really historian Prophet is a terribly dangerous role but what she's done has left the movement in a fundamental and serious uh dislocated form the future for it is not at all clear and I think there's something else it's not simply that by pretending Scottish nationalism is peculiarly left-wing what you have to do to do that you actually have to trash the entire history of Scotland Scottish nationalism on the one hand like most Nationals pretends to be the Fulfillment the natural Destiny of the history of Scotland but the only way it can do that is by denying the most seriously and extraordinarily successful period of Scottish history which is Union with England if you compare medieval and early modern Scotland extraordinarily poor and more than for impoverished violent and marginal Society in Europe transforming itself extraordinarily in a very very few years from Union in the early 18th century into one of the centers of European Enlightenment of Industry of trade all of it of course through the unmentionable the participation in the British Empire so by pretending that Scottish nationalism Scottish identity is naturally to the left you of course ignore the central the the central fabric of your history you also of course because you're again going to the left you're playing the game of being evicted the one thing that Scots were never is victims Scotland was never colonized by England so you create this Brave art myth which is the absolute antithesis of the greatness of the glory of Scotland which was part of Union and even the most striking thing of all when you go to Scotland and you look at these great monuments of Industry the great universities the scientific achievements these are the triumphs of what that the triumphs of the British Empire the Scots were the fundam arguably the Scots were more important in as in Period administrators as industrialists as as Engineers as doctors than the English the British Empires at least as much Scottish as English
Channel: GBNews
Views: 89,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GB news, gbnews, Great Britain, United Kingdom, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, news, UK News, UK
Id: NrSoKy0r7Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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