Sky News host blasts Hamas leader for ‘completely untrue’ claims in fiery clash

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a question there when will this war end well it's not ending but there will be a ceasefire a breakthrough the first breakthrough in s weeks and that will come in less than 7 hours time so what are the terms of this ceasefire joining me live now is the Hamas head of international relations Bassam name you're in Doha Bassam as I understand it for hostage negotiations so what are the terms of this ceasefire are talking not we are not talking about a c we are talking about the humanitarian pause for four days it will start um yeah it is a more technical difference it is not a full comprehensive sea spere most of the arteriales most of the tanks are still inside the city inside the hospitals in the streets uh but it is stop of firing for humanitarian uh uh reasons so that people can move freely can uh search for their beloved people if they still alive or not they can buy something but the crossings will be open for the four days to get some of the humanitarian AIDS from outside into Gaza Strip uh part of this humanitarian Aid will be for the the northern part of Gaza and for this is for the first time since 48 days where the northern part of Gaza was totally cut from the outside world no food no fuel no electricity no Communications no water and the other part is for the southern part we hope that during this time that we can at least help the people on the ground to get something to be able to survive will you be using this time to recalibrate and get more weapons to fire into Israel I I think in the presence of hundreds of Tanks inside Gaza in the presence of uh this mass destruction of 13,000 people killed it is maybe unjust if not unfair to talk about this imbalanced war between people who are under incubation for 75 years and defending themsel and those who are occupying the land occupying the people suffocating them for 17 years and now they are claiming to be the victims of of of the people who are defending themselves let's get to that in just a moment can can I get to the technical aspects of this negotiation over the next four days how many hostages will you release and when I think based on the deal between the two parties uh the Israelis are going to release 150 of our children and women who are now some of them for years in Israeli jails in exchange the around 50 women and children will be released from uh from the Palestinian side yes how many hostages are you holding how many Israeli hostages are you holding how many will be released at 4 p.m. today yes we are talking about two categories we are talking about the soldiers and and the civilians or foreigners or dual dual citizenship regarding this the the the the soldiers Alan Brigade talked about around 200 about the other category which is which is the civilians and I mean women children elderly we are and foreigners we are talking about around 50 to 60 50 to 60 now no one no one can exactly no one can give a number because why not because of the heavy bombardment and the presence of these captured people in different areas with different groups it's extremely difficult now to give exact numbers or figures about uh the captur of the hostages is that because you have killed some hostages that have been in Gaza over the last 48 days how from where you you get this information a question no you cannot raise such question because it is impossible to accuse us where we are bombarded and we have clearly said at least 60 of the hostages were killed with our families and and and still under the rubble of the of of our houses because of Israeli Shing and bombardment how can we kill someone we who we are considering as a as a as a as a as a guest or as hostages uh to you consider these hostages as guests is that how they treated by by the way from the first day of the confrontation we have said we are ready to release all the civilians including the foreigners uh but we need a security conditions so that it is safe to secure to to release them but Israel unfortunately have always uh rejected this uh offer and have said we will continue bombarding Gaza and killing children and women until we get our prisoners released by force so missiles have still been fired into Israel from Gaza over the last couple of weeks do you want this war to end I think Palestinians are under incubation for 75 years and Israeli tanks Shilling our people on a daily basis for 75 years we are under siege suffocating siege for 17 years our children are dying because of hunger malnutrition for decades and therefore we are occupied People Israel is the occupying power if they are not happy with our presence beside them you they can leave us and leave us alone and therefore it is an act of Defense but Shilling having tanks inside of hospitals sure killing uh children wom let me ask you about the hospitals because we have seen the pictures the horrific pictures of babies being killed but Hamas has built tunnels and stored Weapons Under the biggest hospitals in Gaza under the rules International rules that makes them a Target in Warfare isn't it Hamas putting these Innocents at risk honored lady I I'm I'm very surprised that you are talking about things the Israeli themselves they they were not able to prove it they have this propaga this I'm really interested in what you have to say about this but we have seen Vision provided by Israel we have seen Vision provided by Israel of tunnels under our shifa hospital are you saying that's not true I'm sorry you are not you are misled or misinformed because I I you cannot give me any proof because the Israel they were not able to prove any of these allegations they have brought they have said about G hospital as if it is a a head or as a center of command and control and they found nothing they have they found some bottles of water they found weapons some CDs no no weapons no weapons do you believe that the command center of Hamas will will will will be directed by a kosikov in the MRI center m center you cannot have a ring in your hand to be to inside the inside the room again the Israelis have failed to prove all of these allegations the same thing when they have said beheaded of beheading of babies it was it was proven false the raping of women it was proven false burning of civilians and then the Israeli uh newspaper have proven that it was isi jits who have killed and banned all these citizens I think you have to read again what the Israeli media talking about their actions or their attacks against their own people in the southern part of uh Palestine well this Western journalists that have gone into Gaza with uh the IDF and they have seen these tunnels these weapons these uh storage of musicians with their own eyes so I don't know what other proof we can get but look Hamas is accused of using Palestinian people as human Shields so can I ask you why do you use money to build tunnels store musici Munitions instead of you believe when I when I living no I am I am Hamas I am a Hamas leader when I live with my family in my house in my land is it is this using my family as a human shield because they are considering me as a legitimate Target is this a human shield having my children my wife my brothers my sisters my extended family in my house in my land is this a human shield who is using human shield who is building settlements and using his own people in settlements inside Tel Aviv as a human shield and all these military compounds in the settlements in the kibes around Gaza let me ask you this if I may let me ask you this when Hamas attacked Israel on on October 7 you killed 1,400 people innocent people including babies whole Families how did you expect Israel to react sorry again because you are unfortunately you are misinformed they have said at the beginning it was 14,400 civilian killed then the Israelis themselves said no it was not 14,000 1400 it is 1200 because 200 of them have been proven to be Palestinians do you believe that we will kill our people inside Israel but harits two weeks ago have proven that all these people the the 40 the 1,400 people including 200 Palestinians I mean our own people they were killed by israels blindly attacking the Musical Festival this is the hard so you're saying sorry bam so you're saying Israeli Jets killed these young people at the music festival is that what you're alleging here yes this is not not I said this this this why why there was no there was no bombings at the Music Festival this this is the Israeli media is Media I'm sorry B that is just that is completely untr so you think Israeli Jets in Israelis at a music FAL why because simple isra is believing I mean the IDF is believing in the so-called Hannibal Doctrine Hannibal Doctrine means in the IDF if any any Israeli is arrested or captured or some the Israelis giving the I give themselves the right to to attack the captured one and the capturer in the same scene and this has been done many times for example in 2014 one Israeli soldiers were captured and they have killed him with 300 other Palestinians yeah okay I refer to you I refer you to Israeli media Outlets who are talking about all the civilians who has been killed by the Israelis we're getting deep into conspiracy theory in territory basm thank you for your time live from Doha we'll leave it there please thank you very much that's Hamas our spokesperson their live uh so you heard those claims for yourself at the end of that interview we are really uh getting into the Realms of ridiculous
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 789,904
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Keywords: 6341678459112, fb, global, msn, world, yt
Id: TjKuda-ntmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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