Harry And Meghan Author Omid Scobie's Attack On Kate: Royal Feud Continues | Cristo's Royal Roundup

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[Music] the right Royal Roundup there we go it is time for our right Royal Roundup and Matt blinsky is a royal commentator attorney host of the prevailing narrative podcast and joins us this morning morning to you Matthew morning to you Christo how are you this morning where are you you're LA right Angeles yeah evening over here but you know happy to go through the vortex into the morning with you find people the United Kingdom lovely lovely lovely now um firstly I got to ask you uh because of course a lot of the front pages this morning that you're waking up to here in the UK uh Harry and Megan's authors a cruel attack on Kate there's an interview with uh the author as well in the Sunday Times Kate she's been infantilized William is a hotthead who Embraces dirty tricks Charles is not relishing being king that's made the front page of the banner of the Sunday Times this morning as well um Harry and Megan claim that they've got absolutely nothing to do with this book and um they haven't contributed to it in any way shape or form um firstly what is your reaction and how do you think these comments will go down in the state I'm well there's been an interesting trajectory of the narrative around the royal family in the United States over the past 12 months beginning of 2023 a a media title wave around Harry and Megan and you did have a lot of Sympathy for the couple because they they the The Narrative that they tried to portray through the Netflix show um and kind of the victimhood narrative that they had initially people were receptive to it that went very quickly from receptive to rejected in almost a heartbeat as they it became very apparent that they were just playing into this narrative exaggerating evidence of Oppression or racism uh or whatever the the Grievances they had against the royal family and it became very obvious how much they were just trying to soak up all this attention um South Park obviously went after them and lampooned them aggressively so now after their their star fell very quickly out here in the states so now this information I feel is going to be is going to be received with a lot of skepticism in that with so many of the commentators and everybody is looking at this situation kind of pegging Harry and Megan as the villain and their narrative on on very flimsy premises over the last year so I I think everybody's going to look at this this story and and these Revelations as kind of motivated reasoning or motivated journalism on behalf of the author because when Prince William and Princess Katherine have visited uh the states in in in recent times they've gone down really well haven't they I mean the states people in the states have really loved them absolutely and they seem to for better for worse they are portraying more traditional role and and attitude of the British royal family more Regal more respectful more respectable um in contrasting with har and Megan who seem like uh the types of kind of media media Hogs and media that you know the we've seen in the United States over and over again and sure they we may pay shrift to them and they may get some of that attention but they certainly doesn't Garner respect when when do you think Stateside particularly was the turning point in their popularity and the believing of their narrative um was it was it the fact that people started to Lampoon them or was it because I feel like over here it was spare actually I think a lot of people felt that a lot of what was written in spare which we were all waiting to hear about how terrible things had been for Harry and actually in my opinion what spare portrayed was obviously how terrible it was after his his mother died which we all knew anyway but what spare what we weren't prepared for was the gripes like his bedroom was too small when he was at a family gathering or that you know William had taken the Mickey out of his snoring one day during an interview and he was very very offended by that or the Dustbin that he had a conversation with at Courtney Cox's house after taking too many mushrooms and the Dustbin answered back so there were those sorts of things but none of it was this horrific um you know the these horrific stories of of of Harry having had this terrible terrible life um so I think that was where it happened over here yeah it did not match the the degree of their Grievances and it right off the bat their entire they were branding themselves just around the supposed harms visited upon them by the British press by the rest of the royal family and it was nothing but victimhood and that can Garner some kind of fake uh affection right off the bat because nobody wants to look like a b guy in in criticizing someone who seems to be uh have all these grievances who seems to gotten the raw end you know the raw end of the deal here um but I think people were it was kind of just under their Consciousness that this this was all fabricated that this was that there there was no substance to it and I think as the Netflix a as kind of um the initial uh uh response and the visceral response to the Netflix show wore off um then you had spare obviously as you mentioned the the facts and the claims by by Prince Harry did not match the degree and scope there's just a misalignment between the level of their grievance and and the acts that seem to give rise to those grievances Megan then seemed to lean in and it be um what whatever you know the charm of her story and and describing how she found herself uh as this fairy you know this fairy tale gone wrong in the royal family that became very she she gave herself up very quickly that she was just another uh another person seeking the media Spotlight then and yes the the lampooning through South Park really did them in because South Park really expressed what so many people felt but couldn't quite articulate the Ridiculousness of these people claiming they wanted all this privacy yet banging all this gongs and D driving all this attention drawing all this attention to themselves while simultaneously claiming that all they wanted to do was be left alone and people saw that contradiction uh and that hypocrisy and it was just so blatant once South Park exposed it you know you're so right you use such a great expression about the visceral response because when I watched the Oprah interview I remember doing a phone in straight afterwards saying my god well it appears there's fault on both sides and you have to admit that Harry and Megan if the racism was was if there was this these disparaging comments about the color of of of Archie were were s you know that is clearly unforgivable and my word megga was suicidal and no one wanted to help her but then and the same with the to the to a point I mean I was a bit skeptical by the time the Netflix documentary came out but it was such a barrage of victimhood that by the end of it you're a bit exhausted and your visceral response is God you know that they do seem to had a tough time and it's only when you then Wade through it a little deeper and you look into some of the claims into some more depth and then you start comparing some of their previous claims that you start to realize that it's a bit of a house of cards and it starts to fall yeah hey it's the reason in the legal system right uh uh they give the uh defendant the last word before the the case goes to the jury right because they don't want yeah people do anyone who's hearing a story gets kind of caught up and absorbed in the emotional Resonance of whatever they've just heard from someone who's claiming that something just happened right then of course what you have to do is subject claims to scrutiny so once people are able to get out a bit bit of the fog from these emotional appeals by people like Megan Markle and they kind of subject these things to scrutiny they have a moment to dwell on it and then you know some people who are a little more noons like the South Park guys for instance who are not not they are not easy dupes they're not people who are going to be easy easily fooled by these em this emotional manipulation once that has a little time to soak in all of a sudden it it it's exposed very easily and I think that's what happened here okay well listen stay with us when we come back we'll talk more about these Revelations from Harry and Megan's biographer and some of the reactions to some of this we'll talk about how it's being reported stat side if at all that there were apparently two Royal racists and a couple of other Royal stories as well including the crown being scolded by um well I'll tell you who it's being scolded by when we return right here on talk [Music] TV morning still joined this morning by the Royal commentator attorney and host of the prevailing narrative podcast Matt balinsky to talk about these absolutely staggering Revelations that have been taken from from omed scobie's new book omed scobby of course always sympathetic towards harri Megan has been a spokesperson for them in the past and has now uh written this new book endgame which uh uh well he's been dubbed their mouthpiece I should say uh endgame called inside the royal family and the monarches fight for survival um Matt the other thing we're hearing this morning is uh just going back to the Netflix documentary and and and uh regarding Harry and Megan uh the son on Sunday again another newspaper that's picked up on this story today Charles Harry is a fool Furious King Charles branded Prince Harry that fool after his youngest son Savage the royal family in his Netflix documentary uh that's how apparently the king reacted to Harry 's decision to divulge this information now my question is if let's remind ourselves of the last book that omit scobby wrote which was Finding Freedom where Harry and Megan denied repeatedly having contributed in any way shape or form to that book and then in the court documents when they were suing the uh mail over here regarding the letter that ended up in there from Harry's from uh that was written to Megan's uh father um court documents revealed that they had contributed to that book and claimed that they had forgotten because it's very easy Matt to forget to contribute to a internationally bestselling biographical book about yourself don't if you've ever done it on a on a on a day where you just forget that you've done that um I Ever Had the Chance who I would yeah exactly um so do you think that this would be it if if it is proven that some of these quotes that I'm telling you about today bearing in mind King Charles's reaction to the Netflix documentary Prince William being hot-headed and playing the game Camila being you know devious and the like princess Katherine getting these infantilized behavior and that she's scared to do anything but grin to the cameras if it ends up being revealed that Harry and Megan are behind any of this will it actually be their end game when it comes to their relationship with the royal family and potentially as well the American Media I would imagine so uh but in fact to the the American Media I think they're they're already done out here I think this this was a really rapid fall it was not just uh the public opinion turning against them it was also the revelations and and with with the Spotify podcast um that looked very unprofessional to people in the States because they they' got a lot of money and when and Spotify was very was very welcoming to people like Harry and Megan and even to believe that they had a story to tell in the first place and warranted a big money podcast and then when it was revealed that everybody at Spotify pretty much disavowed them because they didn't have anything to say they didn't turn in any content and they had to kill the deal and a lot of Executives who usually hold their tongue on these things very vocal about expressing and and revealing that that uh uh how how dissatisfied and how unhappy they were with Harry and Megan after since then nobody's really paid much attention to them I think they've been kind of grasping for some sort of relevancy and are a bit of a joke and it seems like everybody out here is just waiting for uh Harry to wake up from this psychological experiment it feels like he's under right now and and throw his hands up and give a MIAA and have a reconciliation with his family and get divorced that's what most people out here in the states are waiting for um and if it was revealed that they were lying about using this writer as a back door mouthpiece it would only further cement their their status as somewhat comical and a joke and no very few people would be surprised because there's an interesting cultural difference here in as much as you know one of the things I love about America and one of the things that I admire about America is that that the idea that you're classless and if you want to go out make your fortune and work hard and you make a lot of money doing so that you're celebrated for that you're really people love that um but I get the impression and you can correct me if I'm wrong but if you go out and make loads of money and you haven't worked for it you haven't put in the work then Americans are quite culturally are quite unforgiving about that yes and also if there are certain expectations of you or if you made certain promises and you don't follow through um H how these two were trying to portray themselves as having they're trying to portray themselves as having worthwhile things to say oh we deserve a Netflix documentary oh we deserve a Spotify pod podcast um and great we deserve to have multiple books written about us and then you kind of took a peak under the hood and you looked well there's not that much that's really interesting about these people um and so that uh without a doubt it was a little bit about whether it was unearned and there definitely turned some people off here that um Sim similarly to the the hypocrisy about not wanting attention that the South Park guys uh uh exposed the hypocrisy um of claiming that they didn't want anything to do with the royal family but then running this entire media blitz that was just about their experiences with the royal family it's like well okay you want to claim that you want nothing to do that you that you don't want any of the benefits from your past or from the affiliation with the royal family yet you seem to be building entire content uh uh kind of slate of content based just on your experiences with that so so what is it is it just there's nothing interesting about the two of you with outside the scope of your supposed victimhood from your past experiences with the royal family and I think that turned out to be true and it's this constant dredging of it all coming up yesterday morning we saw on the front page of the Sun that apparently again now this Royal racism story has been brought back up because somehow um these letters that were apparently written by Megan to King Charles on the subject of have have emerged I mean goodness knows how they've managed to get into the media but they have and um so it it's just the constant revisiting of these same old gripes but not really enough information to actually exonerate anyone because what we don't know about this Royal racism story this alleged Royal racism story which they've now backtracked on by the way because in an interview that Harry gave for the book spare he actually said that they never claimed that it was Royal racism and that it was unconscious bias but they never ever put out a correct when everyone was calling it racism until he had a book to promote um but we don't know any context we don't know whether this was a disparaging comment we don't know when it was made we don't know who made it that puts everyone Under Suspicion we don't know whether it was uh uh oh I wonder who Arch's going to take after but they're just dredging it all back up again yeah um extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and it's an extraordinary claim to say that you know this very well-respected family um that is so revered you know engaged in kind of this really um pedestrian type of racism just over having someone from a different background and ethnicity as part of their family so that everybody seemed to be wondering oh okay it seemed the accusations right off the bat would seem to um prove out some of the worst concerns about the royal family is that they're very reactionary and still living in the past and would not be accommodating to a person of another ethnicity then you're waiting for the other shoe to drop for Megan to provide some sort of Megan and her to provide some sort of substance to these claims and you're expecting to hear terrible things and then they couldn't come up with anything all they seemed to suggest was that a couple people had made vague references to the color of their child and not even particularly malignant ones so yet again a mismatch between the sca the the scope and the scale of the claim of the grievance and then the facts that are supposed to support an actual fact of backtracking because that's what happened when Harry was then interviewed by Tom uh bradby for for a UK journalist for his book another contradiction which they're full of I me and this is absolutely staggering that um omed scobby claims that it was William who through his Royal AIDS and press relationships painted his younger brother as mentally fragile um that's and and no one knows apparently how involved William has been in many of the things that have gone out about his own brother um it's not William the the now Prince of Wales that has painted Harry as as as mentally fragile Harry literally wrote an entire book where he spoke about his mental fragility has given countless interviews was the ambassador of of a charity that apparently did this because of his own experiences has spoken openly he even did a uh a a live book reading and and promotional interview for spare with a therapist and then he has the audacity through omed scobby if we believe that there is a connection though of course it's denied that that William has painted him as mentally fragile I mean do they think we're stupid uh they they must because yet another glaring hypocrisy like direct contradiction it's not even it's not even tangential it's not even diagonal it's like literally the same thing with their their um Heming and haing about privacy while they draw the others attention to themselves um trying to once again paint themselves as victims in that other people are question questioning their mental strength while they or you know their their uh me the status of their mental health when their entire brand is built around trying to uh trying to normalize and trying to flaunt their supposed neurosis and talk about you know and and portray themselves as more humanitarian or more substantive or better people because of their willingness to talk about their mental health struggles like this is the brand you built this is what you guys wanted this is what you guys have made yourselves about you've made yourselves about about therapy you've made yourselves about talking about and flaunting your your inner world and your neurosis and your your concerns and then if people are just going to uh reflect that back to you or notice their they just seem to expect people not to notice what they're doing themselves it's it's I think that this might be the end game for Harry and Megan when it comes to their relationship with the Royals but of course um another interesting aspect to this which some people would call a contradiction and that is the comments this week of of um the former Queen Elizabeth second um press secretary Dicky Arbiter and he's been particularly critical of scenes in which Prince Charles breaks the news of Diana's death to her sons in the Netflix series The Crown um he said the sequence of Charles telling his sons of their mother's death was so insensitive and was so uncessary the death of their mother is still raw with both of them um and you know the scenes between Charles and his mother in which he blurted out that he she wanted Diana to come back in a harro's van were absolute nonsense so you know it was there was a lot of dramatic license used for that um firstly do you think that that any of that I mean the crown is a huge hit both here and in the states do you think that viewers in the states watch it as two questions do you think they watch it and think oh yeah this stuff all definitely happened or do they appreciate the dramatic license and secondly how do some of these perhaps more um dramatic moments that some might find a bit tasteless how does that sit with Harry taking millions of millions of pounds off Netflix yeah yeah um I think American audiences at this point understand kind of inherently once again anytime you're watching something you're going to assume whatever you're watching if it's claimed to be based on a true story that it has some basis in fact while still at the same time understanding that uh these D dramatizations of uh non-fiction or real life events very often uh take traumatic license or exaggerate or based on rumor or inuendo so I don't think it would come as a surprise to anybody that um surprise to any American audiences that some dramatic Li license was taken um and then also there is an expectation that things around the British royal family are always imbued with a little extra drama and a so not at all shocking but Harry has taken a load of money off that again that some would say well if he's if he's willing to complain about these things that are being said about him supposedly by William and the British press but strangely silent when paid Millions by Netflix about the the the movie that's that's that's being quite tasteless about his late mother yeah yeah uh it funny it doesn't like he's operating on principle to say the least it feels like you know and that's something that that would just that was the stench of everything they were doing in the first place from the spotif IDE what on Earth what business did they have doing Spotify I get it I get it I get it listen uh the prevailing narrative is uh bat podcast really good to talk to you and especially getting the legal perspectives from you as well that's Matt binsky Royal commentator thanks for joining us attorney and host of
Channel: TalkTV
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Keywords: talkradio, talk radio, news, uk, politics, debate, free speech, freedom of expression, talk tv, live, live news, talktv live, talk tv live, talktv, talk radio live, talkTV, talkradio tv, talkradiotv, harry, meghan, prince harry and meghan markle, harry and meghan, harry and meghan markle, prince, william, meghan markle, prince harry, prince william, royal, royals, royalty, royal family, netflix, series, docu, king charles, queen, king charles iii, charles iii, omid scobie, cristo foufas
Id: l9NYPGajug8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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