Lincoln Riley OU Offenses & QB Drills Football NIKECOY Las Vegas 2019

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so we wouldn't looked at all of our quarterback drills and we said I you know what are we doing what's working and the thing we noticed initially with over half of our quarterback drills was they happened from the pocket and they were based on just kind of pure you know kind of normal like we would all love the script it up pocket throws okay well what had changed in those years since was a couple of things one okay is how these kids are brought up okay with quarterback coaches with seven on sevens guys just simply come out throwing the ball much more than they ever have at all the different levels working their way up a little bit okay and so what we said was all right if that is happening these guys are getting a lot more throws from the pocket at an earlier age they're getting all these sevens on 7 throws they're getting all these throws with their quarterback guy or with their coach more guys specializing in one sport all that all right so let's create a drill package that attacks maybe what they're not getting enough of like like for me like I get sick of seven on seven like seven on seven drives me crazy I mean to me we used to back in the day at Texas Tech man we would do seven on seven for 40 45 minutes straight and now at Oklahoma we probably do seven on seven five six minutes a day and that's it and we don't even do it every day because to me in the game this day and age with all the play-action all the movements quarterbacks having to moving around RPO is all that good stuff to me seven on seven there's a place for it but I don't know that it really applies in to me sometimes it can teach some some bad habits too especially from the quarterback position so back on our drills we said I we're going to revamp our drills and we made everything movement based and made everything trying to make the quarterback uncomfortable the thought process being these guys grow up getting enough comfortable throws just stand in there throw them from the pocket seven on seven no rush this and that they get plenty of that okay from perspective so we got to give them more throws that are game like more movements put them in more uncomfortable positions that are game-like so that we are actually getting something out of this I I saw it deal the other day right after the Super Bowl Dante cigar Nekia the old line coach for the Patriots great a great line he said if you don't see the drills you're doing showing up on tape and helping your team win you're doing the wrong drills I mean what a great quote and it's exactly right so I think you know we all got to constantly you know reassess what we're doing making sure it's applying to the scheme's were putting out there make sure it's applying to the game and it's actually there is a a clear point that it is helping our guys and our players see that too so just a couple of drills I'm going to kind of show you kind of a a progression of our drills so gonna kind of start here with the most simple of our base drills and then I'll move into some that that have a little bit more to them this is our big movement drill pretty base stuff here for us here's a couple of key coaching points big thing for us is when we can we want to get the quarterbacks back to balance after some type of sudden movement so the whole deal here is everybody in the world does the shuffle drill right we move them this and that that's all well and good and it's kind of comfortable and easy for quarterbacks as they get going I'm not saying there's not a place for it this is different throw this is simulating not the soft slide in the pocket this is simulating my guard just got beat right down the a gap or this is simulating that the edge just got beat right now and a simple shuffle or sliding in the pocket will not do like this is this is all hell has broken loose type of a drill and so we're looking for a couple things again keeping the quarterbacks eyes lower body and tandem fast erratic decisions which is favor maybe one of my favorite parts of it and so here's here's just kind of a base look at it so you see the coach in the middle so what we do initially okay is we give him just a nice smooth shuffle in the pocket so whatever drop whatever play action locally do it off of you'll see the first command I give them just one certain command is just say I just want a soft ok just smooth shuffle in the pocket and then when you see the hands kind of violently go up with two hands right there what I'm communicating to the quarterback is hey we have something that is busted through the line of scrimmage you got to go now this soft shuffle that's all nice and pretty is out of it this thing is a sprint ok to avoid trouble and then as we bring him down okay we're gonna try to come to balance reset and then make a throw so you see just a couple of quick quick looks at this for us and again this is so much different than a normal shuffle for our guys because it's simulating something uncomfortable something unexpected has happened and how are we gonna hand it handle it mentally how do we going to handle it fundamentally so look here with two of them simulating here a pressure right up the a gap okay I've got to back out of it this is one of the toughest ones for our guys where they've got to slow down okay come to balance get on top of the throw and finish so you see just a couple of looks at this here okay probably our most base simulation or base movement drill that we have our next one here and again all of these are gonna be something has happened unexpected how do you handle it as a quarterback are you prepared do you panic do you handle it well physically do you handle it well mentally the John Wayne drill okay one of the hardest things we all battle with is you know how much do you hit your quarterback right yeah same old question our mind all right if our quarterbacks getting hit in practice if he gets hurt we all feel like a dumbass all right if we get out in the game and he's a little gun-shy er doesn't want to trigger doesn't know how to stay into a throw taking a hit then we're like well hell we didn't how was he supposed to do we never practice it so there's always kind of that give-and-take of how could we maybe simulate it but maybe keep him healthy too so this is we got a couple of these on here but this is this is one that's kind of a favorite the John Wayne is just kind of a pure toughness drill for us and something we talked about kind of all the time our guys are always kind of referred to it as a John Wayne finish when you you we pull up a game on Sunday and we're watching our guy takes a shot and he'll he'll say Colin say hey man that's this John Wayne right there coach I mean that's they it kind of becomes a point of pride solid base okay you see lower body upper body eyes down the field why being pressured which i think is a huge one I mean even for four guys at the college level but certainly I think is your young quarterback building up that's a that's a great skill to be able to teach obviously the pocket presents the ball security and then most importantly for me and when I talk about guys taking a hit the whole deal that I always put it to the image you have to commit to the throw you have to finish the throw I always tell them guys you're gonna get the knocked out of you no matter what it's gonna feel a lot better if we complete it all right so I mean it's it's gonna happen okay so you've got to understand and you gotta have the courage and the trust to finish the throw and I think that's got to be drilled I mean I think yeah well it's great to get the one tough guy that you know the the Baker Mayfield it doesn't care and wants to go run over the linebacker the next play but the reality is we're all gonna have that guy with that mentality that was born with that all the time and so you know you've got to be able to teach guys you've got to be able to get them used to feeling that contact feeling a little uncomfortable not the seven-on-seven nice and pretty easy world where nobody's rushing me there make me feel a little uncomfortable and get used to that and be able to handle it and develop the confidence to handle it so how we how we setup this drill is we use I use a pop-up and I've got a couple of kind of different key spots that I like to get to try to make these guys uncomfortable so first thing with the pop-up that you see is I want to close down the space I want them to feel like that pocket is closing down on them so I'm not gonna give them a lot of air okay so you can see okay pop up right there and what I'm simulating here for him okay is finishing a throw and taking a little bit of a shot okay writing that I'm not trying to cream them with it okay that's not the that's not the deal especially when I said when I'm dealing with anything that involves a throwing arm okay I'm gonna I'm gonna be smart about that but at the same time I want them to feel like I'm having to finish this throw with somebody in my in my lap okay within this we will also create decision-making we do that with all of our drills I can actually illustrate it better in a drill I'm gonna show you in a minute but will what kind of the base of all our drills is all right let's start doing the drill fundamentally right then let's add an accuracy okay an accuracy component to it then it lets add a decision-making component to it as well and so that think that's always kind of your tears as your guys get comfortable with one then a way for you to continue to challenge your players make it competitive and keep their interest so you see here simulating just something right through the a gap again finish the throw is the whole deal here if I see these guys to stay back on that back foot don't see a follow through those are the key points that we're talking through here again not a decision-making deal here all I'm talking through here is complete fundamentals of drive through the throw okay biggest deals that we see as we all know in situations like this okay is it's coming right through the middle okay I don't finish the throw and that ball goes straight up there and we know when the ball goes up there it's not good okay so you see some of these here in the front just cycling through here get through my line okay and then we'll start working we'll see here I must have been talking a lot to stay okay okay here we go so then we'll start working coming from that back side okay and now I'm gonna get a little more aggressive with the dummy really more than anything because you can alright so now I want them to simulate and what what we're simulating is we get it beat up the backside we don't feel this thing coming I'm getting ready to deliver the throw and a lot of times there's not many throughout a game that a quarterback can't see okay every now and then they get the one to just blind the guy didn't see but most of the time what I found that what I believe is quarterbacks as they're delivering the ball can feel that thing coming they know right there at that point it's it's it's about to happen and so for them what is your body trained to do at that point okay are you trained to flinch are you trained to fall off of it are you trained to continue to drive through it and that's kind of what we're simulating here and what we're constantly talking about is I'm taking that hip from the back side that I feel right here at the end how am i finishing the play or maybe my offensive lineman is getting driven back into me but I've already committed to make the throw I've already made the decision okay what is my finish gonna be like all right and so that's examining these guys just a little shot okay I'm trying to keep their balance throughout as much as possible and most importantly I want to see that throw finished and in the meantime I think you're building confidence with these guys you're building confidence that I can go in there in that live team session or that game session I can take those hits and I can still make throws without it affecting me so you see kind of I'm trying to put get the dummy in every kind of uncomfortable place as I possibly can I'll get it down there around their legs I'll get it in the back okay we'll go right in the front I mean it's got to be everywhere it cuz there's gonna be people all over the place all the time with these guys and they got to get used to it I really think too you know I think this is an incredibly valuable drill to for you know the the people that believe very heavily in rpoS because as we all know the one bad thing about rpoS is they're terrible protections I mean if they were great protections everybody nobody would pass protect our peels are you know that to me quarterbacks take some of their biggest shots off of our POS you get more janky things on protections and so I think I mean I think it's valuable no matter what but this has been this has been one that throughout the years when when I've gone back and talked to my quarterbacks after they've left our program and you know kind of debriefed them a little bit or hey would you like would you know this and that our quarterbacks have actually even maybe more than I would have believed thought they've gotten more out of this drill then then maybe I would have guessed of just kind of that just just being able to take some of those hits and just being able to just kind of feel that uncomfortable feeling a little bit to gain confidence and I think it's helped some of our guys quite a bit at the best drill without a doubt that we do with our guys and the one we do the most is this med ball drill so what the med ball drill does is basically kind of takes the the first two drills showed you it's gonna add a competitive fast live aspect to it and it's you know it's it's it's a hell of a drill I think it's I think it's the best one we do with our quarterbacks period so again another couple key coaching points again most importantly I would say here would be number two and number five they're helping the quarterbacks eyes against stay downfield when there's some type of pressure happening something uncomfortable is happening this is the best drill that I've been able to use or I think the one that's had the best results to work that and then very I think you know a lot of times we get that guy maybe it's that athletic kid in our program like man he's a hell of a quarterback but he always wants to run and sometimes that's a good thing I get it but we always get that guy's man how do I teach this cat to stay in the pocket more like how do I teach him to just hang in there for that last read when that big one's coming this one may be able to help you a little bit ball security is absolutely a this is a great one to coach ball security within the pocket and then certainly simulate the live bullets so here's a diagram of how this thing works so you're getting out you're gonna need a snapper you're gonna need you know coaches with with a with the with a medicine ball on the side and then to start off this is kind of this would be the the part of the drill with training wheels we just have one receiver out there okay so how this works for us is to start off again with just one receiver out there we're just simply going to be working movements and a couple of keys as you're setting up this drill obviously you can see we've got two medicine balls and they're gonna simulate defenders okay a couple of keys on this you have to just from doing it a bunch and screwing it up a bunch you have to have the two people all right on the same page you got to have somebody on the other side that you're in a little bit of a rhythm with because you don't want to the drill can become kind of messy if those two guys aren't in sync about like who's throwing the medicine ball first you know is it outside is it inside is it low is it highs it's separating a wide rush as it says it's simulating an inside rush what is it so you can see how we're working here so I've given the quarterback just simply here a drop that I want him to work and so that this is how this one goes he's gonna snap the ball here okay get into his drop okay and then what we're telling him here is I'm just simply giving him a ball command okay so I am controlling when I want the ball thrown now here's the key coaching point on this because this is where you get a lot of flexibility as a coach to make this drill whatever you want it to be he throws the ball when I say ball now that may happen like this instance where we've simulated okay rushes on the edges where he's got to step up and he's found a good spot in the pocket and can set his feet and make the throw fantastic it also could happen okay right now where that ball is coming at me but I've made the decision hey he's open bestop balls balls got to get out right now now I got to take the hit now it's becomes a little bit of that John Wayne deal am I going to flinch when I'm getting ready to take this thing right now or am I gonna finish the throat all right so they've got to trust okay taking it right now sometimes you put them in that's in that predicament and if you'll think about it's the same predicament these guys get in a game and you can't simulate this in seven-on-seven okay is okay I'm getting ready to get hit but I know that guys open do I throw it and take the hit or is it do I have enough time do I need to reset and then if maybe take it or move on in my read or whatever a lot of quarterbacks get in that predicament and what do they do do they do they take it or they not this simulates that this puts them in that position where do I got time to get this thing off before this medicine ball gets here or do I need to a I've got it I got to get to a point where I can make the throw first so I need to move I need to shuffle I need to flush out whatever it is so you can do a lot of different things with this drill and and and the initial part of this of controlling the throw by our cadence gives you an opportunity to be really flexible so let's look at a couple of Clips here okay so we'll talk just kind of how we would coach these guys here a little bit what we're looking for here is these guys move or a couple things and here's here's what will happen right off the top okay these medicine balls don't have legs all right and so you're gonna throw that ball to one of your cats right off the top and the first thing he it's gonna be coming at him right here first thing he's gonna do is this right here okay it don't work like that in real ball so first thing I tell them is they're not allowed and I don't want guys moving from the waist up that is that's that's no good that does not work very often I do not want guys moving from the waist up I don't want that rush all right same thing I don't want that ball coming through here right at the front part of my chest and me just simply doing this to avoid the ball because in real life that's a human being with two legs that it's about to put me on the ground okay so I talked to them the first thing that's got to move is those two things right there those feet have got to be not not here not here not certainly not here well and we'll talk office Lee the ball security here in a second but the first two things move when it's time to move or my feet second thing is if there's not a reason to move don't move what will happen is you'll start firing these things and these guys will start doing what they'll start just moving anticipate well I'm just about to get hit well how's that like a young quarterback in a game guy gets a little antsy we took we go back on Saturday after watching the Friday night game and Jets hit the the pocket was good my man was just all over the place he was antsy he was this and that this creates that seven-on-seven has no chance of creating this okay so you get a lot of really really good things to coach off of so we'd say this would be a this wouldn't be good here so first thing we're seeing here it the first thing that moves is shoulder okay and upper body other than the feet okay so I'm gonna be getting I'm gonna be sack their number one second never never separate the ball likely to get two hands on it but no reason at all to separate the ball but the reason the ball did that is because the body did this if the feet are moving this is nice and easy the other thing when you move upper body first you obviously get out a throwing position as opposed to just moving right here you move your entire body you don't get sacked and you're in position to make a good fundamental throw okay pretty good here because I like that there's limited movement only moving how much he absolutely has to okay and and this one's that this was a good one to compare to the last because here the ball comes right here at the top right coming right here this this defenders coming right here at his front shoulder and watch the feet move first watch his left foot right there right there now the whole body's moved I've kept great pocket presence and now I'm in position to deliver a nice easy textbook throw okay so all right now let's go to kind of step two of this thing all right so I and this I'll say I'll preface it by this this is one to me because that even the first part of this one is is hard especially for a younger guy or guy that has not done this before and you can really ramp it up again by the speed of the medicine balls coming at them simulating all the different rushes all of that I would I would really get a guy comfortable with step one of this where you move on to this one I think it could get a little it could get a little ugly has in my experience so step two what we're gonna do now is we're gonna create some type of decision for the quarterback here okay and and to start I just make it purely a a two-man decision so we've got we've got two receivers we got one read key okay and now what we're doing is we are taking the command to throw out of the coach's hands and we're putting it in that defenders hands okay so he's watching his rekey when his read key gives him a read then he is that is gonna be okay it's time in my mind to make the decision so we've taken step one okay and now we've made this one a little bit more game-like okay we're now he's doing it based off of a defender something not something he hears but something he actually sees on the field and this is you know we do this with all kinds of read you can too whether it's flat curl whether it's two seams and you're working a middle safety that's what I'll show you right here we'll do it on stick route where you've got your stick and you're flying any any kind of to receiver combination that you have and even if it's out of a trips or whatever and you just want to work you know this part of it or that part of it anything goes here so you can tailor it certainly you know to what you guys do in your systems as far as the throw game so so the back in the gray obviously here is is the coach okay and again you got to kind of have these things in sync and you see what I'm trying to do here in the front here it's trying to move around a little bit and and so he can't just sit there and say well he's standing right in the a gap I know the medicine ball is coming right so I try to move around and give them different looks so we're trying to get out here on the edge here again a good this is a nice step up again the first thing you see with this cat right here that's pretty damn good is the first thing that moves are those feet he's not trying to avoid the medicine ball with his upper body the first thing that moves are the feet and he stays in good throwing position okay as soon as that rekey breaks okay then he is doing everything he can to make this throw now here's where you'll really feel again if they're if they're cheating this drill is you know I tell them you know I once again I want to create that live situation okay I want it to feel like a game so as soon as that rekey goes the second he can get to a spot to make that throw he's got to do it and again this is one that may happen at times we'll have to read key go first where it's time to throw it and then throw the medicine balls at him and put him kind of at that in that conflict where what you know which one do I do and the most important thing to me and those is teaching them to be decisive and not be hesitant and so again you could tailor this thing so many different ways to fit your guys and to cover a lot of different needs great look right here for it okay so what he's seeing right here no I don't know need to move rush stayed in front of me I'm in a good spot I get him to move I deliver the throw I would have graded him here for a young guy I said pretty good if this was one of my older cats I would have said this ball still gone a count late I mean I'm I've got no movement right here my Riki's gone and to me there is just a you know half second ther of hesitation that I'm not real fired up now that's my young guy that's been doing it for two weeks now I'm still telling the same thing but deep down said all right that's we can work with that we can work with that it's not awful the thing I do love here is he's not moving just to move he's not antsy he's only only moved when you have to move don't think you got to move every single time that's not what this drill is about it's about being able to make that decision and have that feel the other you know obviously for a coach being down there at ground level and one thing that I normally kind of really tell my my guy here that's snapping to watch because sometimes as a coach you're throwing the medicine ball you're kind of watching the rest of it is really to watch his eyes are those eyes on those medicine balls are those eyes down the field on my read key or what's happening all right are they are they watching the rush are they trust in their movement trust in their protection and eyes down the field to see what's happening pretty good here pretty good got to move two different ways here okay scholars having to move left here back to the right okay he knows at that point tarik he's gone and this is one of those do I this is that this is that conflict right here it's a great clip to look at it's a great one to show you guys okay right there Ricky's gone can I can I beat this or not can this is this medicine ball gonna sack me or do I have time to get this gone the thing I love here you could argue maybe either one here and I know sitting here I could pause it this and that the thing I love is he was decisive about it like I mean he was there was no doubt he did not feel like it he was but he was already starting his movement and then set up I think it's pretty damn good I mean I that's that's that's that kind of conflict you want to try to put those guys in as much as you can and I think again I think it makes it real I just think there's you know for me that's one of my favorite parts about it okay here's a good kind of coaches I look at it notice all my guys do it with helmets on I had one smartass one time that that thought he didn't need to do it with the helmet on and they all wear helmets now you know so good for us to take out some of our frustrations ever now in as well right all this about all the player you know player rights and all that we get some damn rights to I think still all right so pretty good stuff though any questions on that any questions I'm gonna that's you know that's about as good as we got oh yeah I got let me talk about the progression stuff real quick so last part of it here is the is is the true full progression okay so now instead of one defender and a read key we're gonna put our receivers in a progression and again you can do this with any progression that you have and the way we've done this I've experimented with this a little bit of maybe put like two or three defenders out there trying to give them a look it eventually just becomes a deal like how many guys do you need to run one damn quarterback drill it's kind of been my biggest issue it's it's it's it's okay it takes a lot of synchronization what we've normally gone back to when we do this is just back to the the quarterback command for where I'm just telling in the command so what basically what how this one would play out and I would just do it off drew it up off of our why cross is what you're seeing here so so in the middle here would be would be the Y cross or okay would be the curl on the backside in the flat so you're just seeing those three here but basically how this would work very similar to the first one you see we're working off of a play-action is I'm gonna give him the command of X H F Y or Z and when I do that that doubles as a obviously where to throw and B I want the ball thrown as soon as you possibly can at that time so it adds then you know being able to teach your progressions a little bit the one I do like about this is it does kind of force them similar to the very first drill that I showed you it forces them to do all the I think really good you know coaching points that we've talked about on this drill before and then all of a sudden I've got to get to my feet to spot to where I don't know where I'm throwing like I all right I've got these live bullets coming at me maybe I've had to move maybe I haven't then all of a sudden not only do I got to make a decision on where I'm going but I got to get my feet in position to make that throw when you just got the two guys out there the one thing for the quarterback he knows well I'm either throwing this or this I mean he's got it narrowed down when you got five cats out there at a progression you had that element that I think has also been very beneficial yeah it's just a couple quick looks at this another one we wouldn't like here again watch the upper body one after he steps up after the first one watch the upper body this would be the coaching pointer the next thing was that upper body trying to move have both feet the air at the same time as I hopped up a couple of small coaching points there that make that ball get out a little bit slower than it needs to okay so any questions on those on those drills any anything before we move on into a couple of a couple of routes here sure please we teach them to play through we we we create kind of a game with it at times with our guys once they get good we're like they've got to we have a little scoring system on it and make it competitive like you know I have your two quarterbacks um one team two on the other loser carries your pads in or whatever and but you know they you have you know they lose points for getting hit they lose points for bad ball security lose points for the wrong decision whatever it is so you can kind of almost make it a game and make it competitive but I don't know I definitely if they get hit we certainly don't stop we you know because a lot of times you may get hit they I may not get you to the ground so you know certainly still want to coach that yeah great great question any other questions on that I hope that's helpful what's that I think it's I really do think it's one that's made of made a big difference for our for our cats so okay I will talk about our our mesh play and we've we've we've done a lot with this over the years I mean this is one of the few things that when we all learn this offense a long time ago that that was a constant and we've we've added a few new things off of it that we have been you know beneficial to us at a couple of stops and we'll show you some of the shots here at Oklahoma but to start on the you know skiing game plan and we'll talk about this route kind of how we use it I I'm a big believer that you know as you go back and look at your game plans because I'm really big on are we create our game plan we like it we narrow down our plays how many plays you got this for that one thing I normally do about mid week is I look back and say how many calls we got on this thing well we got to call the right thing at right time and depending on how good how smart you think you are or how smart you think your quarterback is or how much you think you can you know you know be right I think that number gets too high you know it gets tough I mean it just you're gonna have those games where you call them all right and you hit them at the right time and catch them in the right coverages or right blitz is this or that and then you're gonna have those games when you don't where they adjust or they do something different that you didn't see and then all of a sudden all that stuff you work can count on this and that were you standing at the end of the day you know and so we've tried to you know develop our game and not not just our throw game but really every part of it to have calls that you are confident calling no matter what they're in and I can't for me as a play caller and I know everybody has play callers you you know everybody sees it differently everybody does it differently those calls for me in a game are I say your security blanket whatever buy me those to me are I want to feel like that eighty percent at the minimum of the cause of my call sheet I'm good with calling no matter what the hell they're in because to me anything over than that if they change I put it back on their terms it's they change if they do to something different if we call it at the wrong time this or that so much has got to go right for that one play to work and I'm not saying you're not gonna have a couple of them your shots or play your thinks really hits good against their defense or you know you got a chance for an explosive play whatever but I think at the end of the day you're gonna play consistent offense you're gonna win championships based on the plays that your guys can go run against anything and then for me as a play caller it takes a lot of pressure off you you know you think it's situations all the different things that come up how fast the games moving right now it's impossible to do that and draw up the perfect one every single time I'm damn sure not smart enough to do it but I just think having calls like that that you like everywhere are are huge man and I think a lot of times I know I'm guilty of it I probably go into games and don't have enough of them I try but I I think if we all went back and probably took a couple more that you know things we can run against everything and took out maybe some of those specialty ones that make us feel good or we come up with this or this and that but at the end of the year how often those things really come to fruition you know how often they really work often do you draw up that perch when you felt great about all week you're like man this thing's money and they come out something different you just wasted all that damn time all week and and and it didn't even work and so I know there's some give-and-take but this has always been one for me that I felt I could call it anytime so this is just our mess play I'm just gonna show one shot of it here and then I'm gonna talk about kind of our progression of it then I'll show you a lot of different examples of how we've run it some new things we did this year that were really really good to us so for us you see down here at the bottom you see a six step out we've always got some type of intermediate route for us that's gonna be the first read for the quarterback on this so at the very bottom of the screen that six step out as a quarterbacks first progression the mesh for us is always the second read so you see his own coverage shot you're gonna see receiver settling turning getting straight up field after the catch and then there's always gonna be for us almost always gonna be some type of down the field answer for that we met if we were on mesh 100 times all year there's going to be probably two out of the hundred that we that it's not open it's that hard to cover but when it is crowded we're gonna have something down the field as a third option to get to which in this case is this dig by the number two receiver here in trips back here is just flat control alright so we see a quick example of this thing now how we coached this okay is a couple of ways we coach it with our settle induce drill and I'm not gonna spend all day on this we talk drills a little bit but really really work hard in zone coverage and this is a low tempo drill for us we really work hard in zone coverage of receivers learning to sit in zones quarterbacks learning to put the ball on the shoulder away from coverage and receivers gaining the trust and having the trust wherever that quarterback puts that ball is where you need to turn and get upfield immediately which is paramount if you're gonna be great at the mesh okay we drill it through our routes on air this is a drill we do every single day or we have either five or six quarterbacks in the progression you see that same route that you just saw in the team period happening right here so you got five cubies one assign to each route coaches out there giving different looks especially on the mesh everybody getting through the progression okay so in a way to create a lot of different throws again I'm not gonna sit here talk about a million drills but these are these are ways that we drill this place I think you can come up with great plays but you got to have a but you're gonna have a plan to practice them and you gotta have a plan to make them all work and this is this is what we believe in with this play so if you see a couple shots of our routes on air period how it works you know this is one of the place for us that we believe as you do this in routes on air because it is a true progression okay that you need to have that these these throws should be coming out in the sequence okay of the reads so if you just think in your mind right here the first read for us because we treat we teach this from the quarterback perspective is purely progression okay it's not based off if this defender does this if that defender does this it has nothing to do with that they've got to be aware obviously but it is truly progression so the first throw that should get out okay is that out ball up top and you see that happening so that's a nicely done quarterbacks throwing it right off a quick three throwing it right off the third step the second throws that should come out should be the mesh okay you see those are starting to get out right now man coverage at times causes us to hang on to them just a little bit longer and then the last throws that should be out should be that dig and then the will were out with the tailback I'll tell you another I think just great point you know if continuing you see our guys you know you know why is it wise a guy the number one pick in the draft he looked down there to the or left of the line you know always challenge themselves on the throws how many times I mean how hard is it to sit there from the pocket and throw a nice easy will we're out we can do that all summer we can do that all offseason we can do that all the damn time challenge yourself smart enough to realize if I get back to that wheel I'm probably having to move in the pocket simulating a rush stepping up and making that throw with some type of pressure and challenging yourselves on the throws making them game-like and this drill gives you a chance to do it and great players do it all the time okay all right so let's talk about this let's talk about kind of the bones of this play how we teach it how we coach it and then we'll go from there so you see this out of a tight end trip set for us so the same same concept that we saw earlier so this is this is a pure five-step progression for us okay back for us here is is is in the protection so you can see just a quick hesitation with the running back before he gets out into his route so he is responsible based on the protection call responsible for some combination of the linebackers and then gets out into the route okay the first route for us okay and I'm gonna show you because I think is you're gonna watch this route a half you in the room are gonna be saying well my quarterback can't make this throw this is a left hash six step out and this thing you know it's a long throw well I'm gonna show you some different examples and things that we've used the throws that everybody's quarterback can make and and and I think I think the key point that I want you to take from this is you can implement whatever your guy likes to throw the most as your primary route on this and you get a chance to maybe throw that route one-on-one maybe a little bit more and then still feel good about it so so our guys are got here like to throw this out round a lot so for us this is a six step out route it the only thing that we convert this against is any cover to if we get it covered - and I'll show you a shot of that here in a second it's gonna become an inside release high corner out we we speed cut this route I think squaring these things office the field is tough and we're just a big believer in speed cutting first progression routes we're not a big square off team I don't like receivers losing momentum on routes and if you're gonna square routes off unless your guys just can't run anyways and they're gonna keep the same momentum all right but they are gonna lose momentum if you square it off period and it's gonna be slower and the quarterbacks got to hang on to the ball longer I know at times they can come out at different spots but to me the speed of it is is is not worth compromising in my opinion now saying I'm right just just letting you know what we believe so what he's looking at here to start is he is he is asking himself a do I have one-on-one with that corner out with that out route if I do then it's simply do I like the one-on-one look for it so really you know he obviously here there's really one player this flat defender over the number two receiver that could take this away that's the only guy that could do this so as soon as that doesn't as soon as he attaches to that inside release dig route he knows he's one-on-one and ball needs to be gone now the beautiful thing about this play for us and now you'll see a bunch of different variations here in a minute for us the mesh is always the second read no matter what we call it out of what formation what routes are there the mesh is always second and the thing I've always harp on these guys with if you don't throw the first read whatever it is the out route in this case if you don't throw it on time go to the mesh because of what I just said earlier you'll run this thing a hundred times through the year 98 times you're gonna be able to throw the mesh I promise you if you run it right no doubt about it okay but guys that hang on too long to the first one okay and then it's not open and get to the mesh late that's when you're getting proper that's when you get in trouble so he's seeing a one on one he's taking it right now he's decisive he makes the throw all good okay coaching the mesh right here we teach our guys we teach our guys man in zone you know we don't but there's got to be a feel to it especially how do these trips cover just when you or any-any single receiver routes because we know you may see some combination like we're seeing here where one guy it looks like some man covered the other one obviously we got to talk we've got a bust here on the wa khatim in a pressure where they were locked up on the backside we got a pretty good call cuz that back side mesh guys give me money so you may end up with one runner here what you should great job by the ex running through okay and then our y coming over the top for coaching the mesh which is a anybody's ever coached it it's one of those things man you you don't work it for a week it goes to hell i mean it is a maintenance deal but it'll it'll pay it pays dividends okay we coach the receiver from the right always being over the top and we just make it that simple far guys he is responsible for the depth of the mesh i know people got different different views of it we did we coach it a little bit differently when it's an off the ball tied in like this as opposed to on the ball cuz to me the timing of this is way more important than does he get to five yards does he get to four who cares they need to be coming open at the right time they need to become an open just as that first read is closing out whether it's at three yards or whether it's at six to me that all depends on you know how you're structuring this whole thing so he's over the top underneath receiver is solely responsible okay for making the mess tight which simply means those guys running close together and we go with the juvenile way we go with the peewee football team we make them slap hands you watch our guys in the dangling big told Shay bishop college football plus they run it to their slapping hands we make them do it and I'm glad we do we didn't do it at one of the stops we started doing it when we got to Oklahoma and we just to teach them and we just never stopped and we never will stop I think it helps and it just kind of constantly reminds them the other thing it enforces is it gives them some ground rules they can settle at any point but after they have crossed you cannot settle before you cross after that you have full freedom to settle okay so until those hands have been slapped and nobody's settling again you don't they might be open got settled early he might be open but he's gonna be open to early and the quarterbacks not gonna be looking there and it's gonna close up so again getting guys open to me he's not that hard getting them open and sink where the quarterback is going through a progression and they're coming open at the opportune times and that's what that's what it's all about okay and then that dig route for us we've like this it's given us a kind of a high-low with the mesh we haven't thrown it a time it's given us some vertical presence on it it's given us a chance when we have had a crowded mesh to be able to go over the top and take it okay but certainly you know we throw the primary and then the mesh about having far in a way more than anything okay all right so we talked about it's just coming from the other direction here so we talked about the cover to shot so watch the X up top it's just an adjustment for us every other part of the route is gonna be the same here okay so just seeing the cover to adjustment throw in the high corner that's let's talk about this here so off of that corner out here everybody's loving to throw the back shoulders okay and we do to a great thing to throw so here he is we have we have tagged this play you know basically in our terms meshed with the back shoulder okay so he's gonna start with the now back shoulder down here at the bottom a lot easier throw for most guys especially younger quarterbacks when you're talking about throwing it to the field okay and then you see out of a two by two tight end set these same routes happening you're still seeing a mesh we did bring them under here we did bring the right side under here this was a little bit different that we were trying to create a pick here we don't do this often we were trying to create that pick up top but we are 95% of the time we're gonna bring the Y over so he obviously just ends up taking the back shoulder throw we're getting you know obviously heavy man looks this was a had this clip on there too cuz this is actually one of the examples let's say he doesn't like the back shoulder which he doesn't he's have his head examined but if he doesn't like the back shoulder here okay and he gets to the mesh I got a pretty crowded mesh here got locked on man with two free players all right this is one of those times where you would get maybe to the dig or to the wheel and obviously see we got really favorable matchups there that Diggs getting ready to be huge all right we do square off this dig because once again that would that routes not about speed this is not the primary route we square it we intentionally want to slow him down this is the this is I got to go through a primary I got look at the mesh see it squeezed down and then throw the dig so that dig if we speak cut it gets open way too quick so we square cut that to slow him down and we normally run it with a slower guy and that helps even more okay a great look at it here so we're grading there's the types of terabits it's a terrible by the mesh almost embarrassing not almost it is embarrassing by the mesh you know great execution on the back shoulder and it really nicer out on the dig get this all the time like so all right I got a team that's gonna play a bunch of man and and you know maybe our receivers we got a couple guys is good but we need you might be help get some separation mortar a couple of quick easy ways to help me create that maybe put them in some tough scenarios this has been this is certainly doing one of our favorites and then this is also for everybody in here that was watching those first out throws say my quarterback can't make that out throw from the far hash with that big split with the receiver this is also another way to shorten that throw all right so we've got just a little a little a little short buzz motion that we call this okay with the X receiver okay but nothing for us is going to change here I think we put every clip on air made me liars I think we put every clip on here that we've ever brought the right-side receiver under alright so what we're doing here is a couple of things one we're given the quarterback initially a great man's own look I mean and we're also not we're not just coaching our quarterback this because we're always trying to give our receivers on this you know any indicator that they can have any clue we can give them is it man or as its own cuz some of these things are tough some of them it's hard to decide and so we are also coaching every receiver on the field here when this play is called and that short motion happens this is what you are looking for you are gonna have a great idea if its man results it ain't just about the quarterback knowing here especially those mesh receivers but even the guy running the dig is gonna have a pretty good idea how I'm gonna have to run this man dig route okay so I think anytime you get an indicator don't always think it's just gonna be for the quarterback so we see the switch happen okay so we know obviously we're getting some type of some type of man coverage getting a little bracket here but a great job okay we've created a pretty nice leverage here on that out route and you see the routes are the exact same and now it's just coming from number two in the slot that we've created by the motion so we've gate we've made it an easier throw okay if we're playing a team that's really talented man coverage wants to get in our face bump us do all that stuff we've made it very very tough we're making them defensively have to communicate no matter if their manner zone we've given quarterback and every receiver on the field a great man zone indicator but for us the beautiful thing for us is and if one of the reasons I love this play is defense is gonna go script this thing they're gonna have to be talking about this motion this and this and this for us and I'm we're coaching the quarterback other than getting a man zone indicator and the fact that the throws a little bit easier because it's from not so far out it's the same thing we've taken something that's really really easy for us to just go out and do that is a play we worked a thousand ways whether we had the motion on it or not and now for a defense it becomes a totally different deal you get teams into bunch roles stack roles how do they do all this it you make this a lot tougher on them with a simple movement like this on one of your bass plays but you make it simple and easy your kids my quarterback say I'm gonna give you a great look throws is gonna be a little bit different other than that the reads never never change okay it's your intermediate throw to your mesh all right and then you've got your down the field progressions another great look at it some again just gonna show you a lot of different looks of this and how we've done it so another another great look we're gonna we'll get it out a two by two here and when we see obviously we're playing a team here that's that's it's up in our face okay hands on us trying to disrupt routes gonna try to bring pressure and disrupt those routes throw timing off okay and again you know I think we sometimes can get caught when we play a team like this it's gonna come get in our face I'm just throwing vertical vertical vertical vertical vertical vertical vertical now and I believe me I love throwing verticals you got to do it but I think you got to have some variety and and and and showing these guys a few different things certainly help so you see that same motion the same out route with your mesh working okay we have this as double outs it's always been one of the quarterbacks favorites I don't know you guys as guys are you know my guys have always loved the you know the mirrored where they get the choice on the primary so one thing you lose on it obviously is you lose kind of that third read on this you're kind of banking on getting the first two now in this one that's honestly a pretty safe bit because that's who we throw the most often but he simply got a choice here of which out route he wants to start with the motion or up top he makes that decision but no matter what you can always go back to the bank with this the mesh is the second read no matter what we do the mesh is the second read okay so obviously gets gets it gets a rub we're able to create you know great leverage on the motion not a big fan of the mesh think we could have been a little bit better picking that off okay and then this is where this thing can get really good and this is to me the versatility of this play so all right throwing you out you've done this with that let's talk double moves a little bit okay everybody loves double moves right double moves are great we probably we at the end of the year would go back and watch our cut ups and we all say man we should throw more double moves we should we should have done it more they were good or this or that the biggest problem with double blue is why don't we throw them more why don't we call them more okay is time and then we as coaches I don't know you maybe I think you guys will feel this way we feel I can work on a double move like we're taking a shot like we're we're taking a shot and it's feast or famine like we hit the big one or we get sacked or we hit the big one or it's not there and we just burned the whole place so like for us kind of deep down in our gut when we want to call them it's like man I'm thinking of risk like to me call it a double move shouldn't feel like calling a flea-flicker called a double moves not calling a double reverse pass or any of that crap call a double moves just another route and so when you call it off the mesh the way that you can present it to your quarterbacks because you see some of those beautiful plays on double moves when you get the guy wide open and then you see to me some of the dumbest decisions you'll ever see quarterbacks make on double moves because they're so they're so juiced to cut that thing loose they've already decided before they even play started that's where they're going with it no matter what whether it's wide open or whether they got three defenders around them so this is to me a great way to coach the double move within a scheme and and the beautiful thing is you coach it exactly like you coach the rest of the mesh so now this example here up top instead of the out we've called a double move we've called the out and up okay so when I would go coach put quarterbacks on this okay a couple of things one if the pre-snap look is not good for it then we're just gonna be on it for a split second just so we're not to the mesh too quickly just to keep the integrity of the read if the pre-snap look is good meaning we feel like it is one-on-one okay nobody else is involved then we're gonna truly read this thing but we coach at the exact same ways we do just throwing that out ball if it looks good and you're gonna take it rhythm all this in that great do it it better be one-on-one and it better look good why because the mesh is always open and so we coach it just like we do the back shoulder that high out ball or the low out ball that you've seen or whatever route that you want to put out there and then for me it gives me a call that really not much different than the mesh where I'm sitting there feeling like he's gonna throw the double move or we're gonna pop it right down to the mesh and we're gonna get five yards and the double move on there and that's okay but we showed it to them and we all know there's value in that even at times when we don't throw these routes so I think it's just the psyche of one us as play callers and then two are the quarterbacks not feeling like well every time I call it double move you got to throw it or every time we call it double move it's it's all or nothing they taint all or nothing it's not all or nothing at all this is just another play and it's the same progression that you've been prepping time after time after time whether we had the double move called or not and so it's been a great a great thing for us we've we've been one of our favorite ways to call double moves and and it's probably one I've been more aggressive about calling just because I don't feel like I'm taking some big risk I don't feel like it's gonna be a great play or an awful play I feel like we're either gonna hit the double move for a big shot or we're gonna complete the mesh for seven yards and it's gonna be second three and that's okay I can live a second three that's not bad okay so a great way to get to it coast exactly the same way as the mesh and I think that's the key I think that the key is the quarterback psyche on it I mean I think you can get them to truly believe and buy into that then then your business yeah a couple a couple good best shots here so you see us even calling this will call this anywhere any hash to the field to the boundary that's another thing reason I love this play is not only do I like it against any defense that you can draw up okay I also like it anywhere on the field there is not a place on the field that we will not call this play it don't matter what hash it's on I don't care if it's on the -1 I don't care if it's on the +1 this was a fourth down shot here I don't care when we're anything like that and to have those plays that you and your quarterback have that confidence in to me when you getting these big games like this that's tough to replace so you see some good stuff happening here another great coaching point here with this tied in we don't want him open too early so we also talked about the knot speed cutting him okay squaring them off because you don't want that leg later read open too early the other thing it allows you to do is take a wide stem like this and create a little natural rub for the mesh runner so it becomes two picks now that this defender over the number two receivers got to run through beautiful mesh there by the guys you see them you see them slapping hands beautiful mesh we've already had one pick there's a second pick and we're in business gay ball in the upfield shoulder I think another big deal to talk about on this mesh for your guys if you're gonna give them this option which I think to do it just play well it's what you got to do obviously to be able to sell a run its decisiveness and I think decisiveness is something that we got to empower these guys with we got to really look at ourselves and say how are we coaching these guys okay we as we coach our receivers myself and our 2 receiver coaches when we coach Somesh it's it's it's there's kind of like two different screw-ups ok screw-up number one is hey man it was man and you should have ran alright alright this was zoned you should have sat in this you made the wrong decision we're gonna get on your ass about that but we're not just gonna we're not gonna blister you okay okay mistake number two okay guy runs starts to settle acts like he's settling kind of moves around all over the place our guys running and then starts to slow down and can't decide if he's gonna settle or run indecisiveness indecisiveness we're coming after you indecisiveness we're coming indecisiveness kills this play because what indecisiveness does is it makes the quarterback unsure and then we get the well I thought he was gonna do this and he did this and then we get up with an interception or whatever bad stuff happens for the quarterback he can see what you're gonna do as long as he's looking at his intermediate first he will have already seen what you're doing and you're at least gonna be on the same page even if you're wrong and being on the same page we tell our guys all the time being decisive being on the same page is more important than being right it is way more important than being right because you can still make it work we can still complete the ball even though it was zone and he settled right next to the defender we could still complete it for five at worse end up with an incomplete pass whatever we can't live with the other ones and so that's how we try to empower our guys to be confident the decisions they make let's coach them up so more a higher percentage of them that percentage grows and we become write more often but indecisiveness no way it cannot happen it absolutely cannot happen so I don't think you can coach those two things the same way without making those guys hesitant that to me is a killer on this play a couple of the grilling nice looks here you know this is a great example I yeah I get you know guys see this clip for about receivers they'd be saying the same thing here right thank you they'd be saying the same thing alright so I'm the receiver down here at the bottom I'm running my measure out okay we got a decent mesh okay I come off of this I mean you could make arguments is it man is it zone I can certainly looking at my side of the field the single set I'm gonna say it's zone I look up at the top and I feel the defender carrying both receivers I could look at that and say it's man which one is that which one is that I I don't know okay be decisive had he settled right here Franck I'm good with it but be decisive he hauls ass he is giving the quarterback a clearer picture there's never one point here where he looks like he's settling not even close quarterback knows it everybody's on save page able to give him a ball in the upfield shoulder keep momentum because of that decisiveness not just complete the ball and now it turns into an explosive play because of that really really well done by the receiver could have gone both ways decisiveness is key it's more important than being right another good look at the mess here bad right of the receiver at the bottom should have felt the cloud corner with inside released this run around the high corner quarterback sees it immediately knows he's off of it onto the mesh a pretty good example here of trusting where that ball is thrown drop stepping and getting straight up field so we talked to our guys all the time you know and we all see it everybody scream with our guys get straight upfield get straight up he'll get straight up field but I think it's more than that oh you gotta teach guys there's no different than you know a move when you're posting up basketball if the the quickest way to gain yards when you're in zone and your back is to the defenders is to drop step that's where that ball is that we teach them to drop step and start getting vertical right now it's not just get upfield get upfield get upfield yeah it's a part of that but specifically don't waste time or space or yards going here when you can go here and the fastest way to do that is drop step and it's a great look here by our tide in that first once he catches it the first step that moves is that left foot up the field and that's what we're looking for really well done couple more shots here for you yeah here's it here's a great look here so look what we got here at the bottom now so we called that same but very similar but that same call that we saw that we threw the double move earlier right so we got the little out and up okay had a chance to maybe throw it but with the quarterback is sitting here saying right now and then this is just how these guys are programmed and this is how I want them he's sitting there saying all right pre-snap yeah it's one-on-one but a couple factors here I'm on the 20-yard line I ain't got a lot of room number one okay number two all right unless that guy is biting right now he has just been we've grinded on telling them over and over it either looks great right now and we take it or go to the mesh if you'll do that I'll call more of these because you guys like me to call them I'm not calling them if you guys don't prove to me that when it's not there you won't go down to the mesh so a lot of guys would say man he's the corners kind of dividing these guys then should he stay on it yeah if he would have would it have worked maybe but I think this is a great illustration of he sitting there saying something's a little off he ain't biting on it I'm going to the mesh right now and I think that's that's the mentality that I'm not saying we're right but that's the mentality we're trying to build with our guys so that I get down here call this thing without any fear in the world and know that when that happens he's gonna do that right there and worst case scenario we're gonna get up he'll go get our five six yards and go on to the next play and and it's just it's it's it's made me call it more you know trust our guys more and I think hey Massa more than anything we've had when they're not there we've had less bad decisions and still more positive plays when I do call them at the wrong time or the wrong coverage or we don't get that bite that we thought we were gonna get by studying them on tape all week okay it's almost always for us the top guy the only there for us in our offensive we're all thought world brainwashed but it's almost always the right side for us the only time that we've changed is occasionally and and why you've seen it some on this tape when we've had a really fast guy as our right side receiver occasionally we've made him the under just to getting there we that's kind of how we were built this year we had the fast receiver Marquis Brown that was on the right side primarily for us and so for him a lot of times we had a quick adjustment called to bring him under just because he would catch those unders and he may go to the house with them so we wanted to I think so but I think it needs to be like if you got to got one guy runs 465 one guy runs for six in my opinion I would keep it as consistent as you can we had a difference maker we had a dude that if you hit him on a cross around BAM and nobody catching this dude and so for us it was worth it I that's the only time in my career I've ever had a guy we've done that with I'll tell you that we've always made it right guy over left guy under just for rep simply you know make it simple you know um guys get to work it over and over let's say this I'll show you this is a good I don't I don't have a ton of great Digg shots but this is this is a great read to me on the dig so we obviously see you know a couple of things here that have happened it's a good job of the quarterback recognizing it all right so he's got his one on one out route so he is one on one but obviously we never got in the corner shoulders flipped at all corners got outside leverage on us great job passing up on that way at this point no it's man coverage Gabe obviously our receiver coming from the top does not know that it's man coverage okay if he continues to run he's gonna get the ball great job by the quarterback seeing that they'll realize that that is closed down okay and then there is my dig shot the other thing you'll see with the dig two things a couple of things he could have done better because when you do it with that in line tied in he can pace off the ball you can gain a couple things you make it tough for a hedge a great edge pass rusher when slowing down a little bit the other thing is you can create like we saw earlier that pick I would have liked to have seen a wider stem by my tight in here okay and create that first pick there's no way my number two receiver and trips here should have this this nickel in his hip pocket no way not on this play because I thought is Johnny to get open okay his job is to get that pick first and then get open at the correct time okay so but I do like how he pressed him wide after that he continued to get his death he cannot be short we tell our guys 15 yards on this and we stay on their ass about it it's got to be at 15 if not they're gonna be open to early and you see this happens you know in as far as guys being in sync this is this was about how you draw it up I think last shot here I know it just talked about calling this thing anywhere one of the ways we really like to do it when we get down kind of the low read is instead of obviously throwing that out ball down there which you know can be a little more dangerous as is running the glance off of it so so same call down here so you're gonna see the glance down here at the very bottom okay so you get your you got your glance route that if he's one-on-one he can take it and then down to the mesh what this simply creates I mean this one creates a little bit more of a high-low in the beginning down here in these areas you know obviously get some one-on-one shots like you get here a lot of people you know you're seeing the the seven across coverages or people trying to pass everything off get you on different levels where it I simply put it to our guys that becomes one-on-one on the back line we're taking it if it doesn't well if it doesn't that means one of their defenders is not on that front line has removed himself and now we got numbers on the mesh and so but again the beautiful thing for us it looks a little bit different but the the coaching points on it the and the reads the progression always stay the same I mean everything I've showed you back shoulders outs high corners double moves glances I mean shows you a lot of stuff here all these like motions they're all the same reads and they look I mean if you're if you're a defensive coach and you're sitting there watching that cut up we just watched you shouldn't say man has a lot of stuff we got defend you're a corners coach secondary coach watching that you're saying a lot of stuff we got a defend there I mean with guys are running or settling what routes your primary all that different stuff your motions but for your quarterback he's taking the confidence of man every time I wrap one of them I rep all of them and that's hard to do it's hard to find stuff like that and so to me you know that that's why I've loved this call our quarterbacks have loved it throughout the years we've invested in it but it's been it's been a great thing for me and it's always been a security blanket him one that we've been able to keep the base reads and a lot of adult logos have stayed the same throughout the years but we've been able to tailor it to this quarter Mike I like throwing the glance more this guy might like telling the back shoulders or more this guy not like throwing this for this more yeah we tailor it to it but it's gonna do that and we can game plan it adapt it run it out any formation that we have and it's still the same for us and I think that's one of the beautiful things about this play so ok alright appreciate you guys having me up thanks for thanks for listening now thank you so much [Applause]
Channel: Football Coaching
Views: 16,049
Rating: 4.9498434 out of 5
Keywords: football, american football, coaching, drills
Id: VxdFyH0xZNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 3sec (4443 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.