Introducing the Niagara Parks Power Station

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[Music] we're standing today in a very special place in the heart of queen victoria park in niagara parks from the moment our guests step in they're going to be in awe of the scope and the scale of this new attraction the fact that everything is still intact in this location and makes it unique i want you to step back to the turn of the 20th century when there's competition going on to build hydroelectric power plants in the niagara corridor to harness the power of the niagara river so here for this location hundreds of workers basically doing an open pit construction they're using horse-drawn carriages lots of dynamite so you can imagine for over four year period this construction activity going on which led to the completion of what became really one of ontario's first green energy projects that led to the industrialization of southern ontario and western new york a year ago we worked with the ontario heritage trust to host doors open and we had great success we sold out in less than half an hour of the tickets that we had for that particular weekend in october and it gave us that confidence that there was a huge interest in this building in industrial heritage and in the story of hydroelectric power generation that we're going to share with our guests when we open on july 1 2021. phase one our guests will experience this gorgeous generator hall full of new exhibits interpretive elements we'll do group tours and also a really wonderful culinary and retail offering featuring some of the artifacts that we pulled from the plant as we move into phase two we will be opening up an elevator down to the thrust deck level which is a level below the main floor we take them down 160 feet it will be the same direction the water had traveled then returned to the niagara river so as they walk .7 kilometers to a very interesting tunnel and exit at the end they're going to see an amazing view of the river and niagara falls as they look off to the right and left the nighttime experience is our immersive multimedia experience and this is going to be an absolutely spectacular show this experience is going to be developed for all audience types and really guests are going to watch as this dormant plant comes to life again they're going to watch through video mapping and projection mapping that the turbines and the power plant starts to hum earlier this year our ministry challenged all of us as agencies to see if we could work together so we were very excited to bring science north into this project clearing their expertise and experience with what they offer up in the sudbury area would be a great fit for us so we've really enjoyed working with them helping us bring to life three of the very key exhibits that we will be offering in 2021 one of the key aspects of our approach to exhibit development is really being collaborative with all the people that are involved so working with the niagara parks team to understand their goals for the project speaking to past operators and plant personnel to get their input to be sure we're authentic to the experience we really hope that every visitor that comes in here is first of all awed by the grandeur building and the existing machinery and that when they interact with our exhibits that they really take away a moment of appreciation for the underlying innovation and what this really meant to canada and electricity generation park is at the heart of canada's premier league tourism destination and we are very proud to be opening the next new attraction not for niagara parks but also for niagara this will be a catalyst to drive new demand generation to niagara and to ontario starting in july of 2021
Channel: Niagara Parks
Views: 49,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NtTyB4xkOIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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