NFT Flipping: How I Made $400 Per Day With NFTs As A Side Hustle (Full Guide)

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three days ago i purchased this nft for 0.389 ethereum and today i sort of for 0.5 for ethereum to make a small profit of around about 200 to 300 now i do this multiple times a day and over the last three weeks i've made an average of around about four hundred dollars per day flipping nft and what i'm going to do in this tutorial is show you this exact strategy that i use and it's really simple to understand and what you can do is you can go and make multiple sales per day and make profits with nfts now out of all the methods that i've tried i found this the best to give me a consistent profit every single day so instead of going and trying to find big profit wins i'm going out and finding small to medium profit wins and they're stacking up and i'm making good money every single day with this method all right now before we jump into this tutorial guys if you want to potentially want access to every single one of my courses all you've got to do is smash that like button find the emoji in this video once you find that emoji comment the emoji in the comment section i pick a winner that gets announced in the next video let's jump into the tutorial and i'll show you exactly how i've been flipping nfts for profit every single day all right guys this is going to be a really quick guide on how i'm making money with nfts now this might not work for everybody but this is what i've been doing to basically make money with this type of stuff now i'm kind of like i do hold long-term and stuff but i do like to move around and flip nfts as well so it really just depends on what you want to do but what i do is i hold rare nfts and i flip the ones that are kind of some that are kind of rare and some that are not so rare and i'll explain to you everything in this tutorial now if you don't know what nfts are i'm going to assume you do know what nfts are so i'm not going to actually explain what they are how they work and all that sort of stuff but essentially just a quick rundown is this digital art and you can buy and sell it on a website called openc okay so you can go to openc you can have a look there's all sorts of like digital arts there's videos there's images all sorts of crazy stuff you can really go down a rabbit hole researching this stuff now there's two things you can do you can buy and sell nfts or you can do something called minting nfts so when you go and actually do research on what the nfts are and how they work make sure you understand selling buying and minting okay but yeah we use this website called openc so what we're going to do in this video remember this is about how i made money every single day i don't know if you're going to make money nfts are extremely risky so it's really up to you you need to do your research so we're going to do this in steps okay so step number one is you want to find a few projects that are launching soon and just watch them don't just jump into nfts flipping nfts because you will get smoked essentially you will lose money if you haven't watched patterns so what you want to do is you want to watch patterns on current projects okay so what i recommend you do is you to start all this is you go to a website called and you go to the upcoming section and you go down and you see what um projects are coming up soon and you can go into the discords and you can follow them on twitter and just see how the launchers go and then after the launches see how the prices fluctuate see who's selling who's buying just do this for like a couple of weeks this is what i did and just see what's going on in the market don't just jump into nfts start trying to flip them without knowing what you're doing okay without knowing what kind of what how this type of stuff works so let's get into the steps on how i made this money okay so you could essentially go and copy what i did so step number two is you can flip most nfts for a good profit but to maximize you want to try and find an nft that has a white list pre-sale and a reveal so essentially what a reveal is is this is one that i did did recently this isn't my nft here but and a reveal is when um you you mint an nft or you buy one and it's just a blank image for now everyone has the same image a placeholder image okay and then they actually reveal the any uh nft at a later date you can make real good money with this because it builds a lot of hype uh let me kind of explain how that works so step number two is you can do what we call so this is this is probably a real good quick way to make money but it's gonna be hard for you to do this this is called the the white list sale so actually let's just kind of step back a bit here so this is this is kind of how an nft works they have these specific stages of them what we call minting so they got the pr usually they have the white list sale then list now these numbers are not correct they're just um based off stuff i've seen usually 48 hours later they'll have a public um mint that's sorry a public um a public sale then they will usually after that 24 hours 38 hours 48 hours some i've seen seven days they will then reveal the nft okay so to figure out that the timelines what you want to do is you want to come here you want to find a project that you're interested in that's upcoming soon then go to the discord once you're in the discord you want to go to the so this is the crypto dads one you want to go to the announcements section and they're usually going to have a timeline now i'm not sure if i'm going to find it in this video because there's a lot of stuff in here right now but they're going to have a timeline okay right so the pre-sale is on september the 7th it's already been and the public launch is three days later so you want to have the timeline the further apart the pre-sale and the public launch launches the better because you can actually make more money okay now you could try and get on the pre-sale list but it's nearly impossible because there's only a few spots if you want to know how to get on the pre-sale list usually somewhere in the discord they have instructions on how to do that i don't bother doing it because i never get on them it's a waste of time for me because i have better things to do than trying to get on a pre-list now um if you can get onto the pre-app pre-sellers we'll talk we'll talk about that in a second you can make some good money so anyway that now let's go down to step three so you can try to get on the pre-sale list and what this means is um so most of the time you won't even get on there but if you do manage to get on this list they will let a certain amount of people a small amount of people mint the nfts before anybody else now the good thing about this is if you don't know what minting and fts are go and research that okay but the best thing about this is it's low gas fees you don't have to worry about high gas fees and you can mint them cheap and you can usually sell them on the open market instantly for a two to four times profit that's kind of what i've been seeing happening in the market okay because because you've minted them on the pre-list there's other people that want to get their hands on this but they aren't on the pre-sale list they will easily usually buy it like two times plus on the open market okay so if you can do this this is the best way to make money quickly with nfts okay but i don't i don't mess with any of this so this is up to you i don't even bother trying to get on the um pre-sale list got bit of things to do like playing xbox and stuff so anyway let's start getting into what i do to make good money with this step number four so a few hours after the pre-list mint the floor price is going to slowly drop down because what happens is all these people that have the small amounts of people that have minted on the pre-list a lot of them want to sell off and make some money okay so the price hasn't really been set yet because these are new to the market but usually you will get them a lot cheaper than what the public sale is going to be so anyway and remember these are unrevealed yet okay so you can pick up these unrevealed nfts at a good price and you'll be buying off people who were on the white list um as they slowly offload and they keep undercutting each other now it's a fight it's all about timing timing okay you need to find out kind of where the bottom of the floor is don't just go and buy straight away you want to wait a few hours because what people do who are on the pre-sellers they're going to try and sell for hot as high as they can when they realize people are not buying they're gonna they're gonna go lower and lower and lower and lower now the best way to kind of um indicate should you be buying is you want to go to the um to the place on openc the the crypt the nft and you want to go you want to click up here and you want to go to the activity okay so if the white list is done and people are listing and there's lots of sales going on that means that there's a lot of interest but you still kind of want to wait a little bit if there's no sales going on and the nfts have been listed at a higher price they're going to start dropping down pretty quickly okay so just wait just wait until you can pick one up now once you do that okay the good thing about that is low gas fees you don't have to mess with the big gas walls that are coming up we'll talk about that soon you can usually pick up a good floor price and then flip for two times or more when the public sale is coming up we'll talk about that in a second but basically what happens is a few hours before the public sale happens okay whether it's two days later or a day later people realize that they're going to get into big gas wars so when the public one happens there's so many people trying to buy the fees are outrageous sometimes thousands of dollars so people don't bother with that and they want to buy beforehand so what happens is they end up buying off the open market so the price starts to increase later on so if you can buy it for a good price after the pre-mint you can then resell a few days later or you know 10 20 hours later whenever the um the public one comes up you can sell to people who don't want to do the public mint for a good price and the floor price price starts to go up okay so that's how you you're flipping them um they don't mind paying a premium because they know gas fees will be a lot on the public mint for example today i was watching one in the floor price before the mint so the floor price is the um is the is the lowest people are i'm paying right now okay so the floor price before the mint was 1.5 ethereum to mint one at launch it was three ethereum with the gas fees okay so that's why people are willing to buy for 1.5 ethereum on the open market before the public launch so for example if a day before the floor was like one ethereum and then it went up to 1.5 ethereum before the public launch you've made 0.5 ethereum in one day okay so that's like a couple of well 1500 or something in one day okay so that's kind of and this is probably hard to understand but this is what i'm doing okay i'm essentially flipping buying and flipping at the right times okay but you need to watch a few projects first to understand and see the patterns so now step number six is um we're essentially coming up to so we've done the pre-sale we've bought on the market after the pre-sale we've resold uh well that the public uh minting's coming up and maybe we've resold some have made a profit now this is where it comes to the public minting now i don't bother with this and i'll explain to you why in a second so i don't bother trying to mint on mint on the public mint chances of you getting anything is slim and you will probably lose your gas fees so what happens is in the public mint they'll have like 5 000 nfts and they might have 40 000 people trying to buy them i have seen gas fees five thousand dollars plus two thousand dollars plus three thousand dollars plus and you can actually lose these fees if the transaction doesn't go through so it's way too risky especially if you're new to nfts okay you can actually make a lot more money if you don't mess with the public minting and you just make money buying a flipping at the right times okay so um you pretty much want to start to repeat what you've done before so what will happen is it as anyone who did the public minting and remember there's different stages right so like i said on this one we have um we find it before so we have this one here we had the pre-sale and then then i then i had i did make some money on crypto dads by the way and then i had three days to buy and flip and buy and flip before the public launch and then today i actually made a thousand dollars on this one because right before the public launch um i'd actually bought um a crypto dead a few days ago or just after the pre-sale i think was for 0.2 ethereum i think it was and then today i sold it for 0.7 okay so i made like over a thousand dollars from that one okay so that was a good flip that i did today one good flip thousand bucks done and dusted but it's all about the right timing so um let's get back on track here so you pretty much want to repeat the process okay so what so essentially what happens is when the public minting happens it's going to be whales or people with a lot of money and they're going to mint a lot and they're going to start offloading them on the market now even though they're going to be paying high gas fees they usually buy enough nfts to have a low average gas fee and they start selling them off on the market so this is where you can make some good money okay let me just go through here so what will happen is anyone who did the public minting and minted a lot of nfts will sell them off you can sometimes pick up for cheap on the open market again so this is the open market right here okay and this is the floor market and things like that so this is actually crypto dad's here and if you don't know what minting is essentially you go to the website on the day and you can mint them and they get sent to your openc account okay people think minting is the best way to do it and all this sort of stuff it sometimes isn't the best way to do it in most cases this is crypto des right here we'll come back to this in a second you've got to remember that when the public mint is happening that the nft still isn't revealed yet okay so no one knows what they're getting so there's still money to make so what happens is these guys sell off at a cheap price after the public mint and then you can go and buy them they haven't been revealed yet now when the big money is getting made is when the actual reveal is happening okay um so remember that these are not revealed yet so you can go and pick some up for cheap on the market once they're minting now this is where the big money is made this is where you can make good money if you manage to pick up some for cheap along the way then uh then you can do well here okay so essentially three or four hours before the reveal so these are crypto dads okay they've already been revealed but this is what they look like before the reveal these little videos here this is where you can make the big money okay so you want to go into the discord and you want to go into the of whatever nft you're doing now they've already been revealed but about two to three hours before the reveal the discords go crazy and people start to realize i missed out on the minting i still haven't bought any on the secondary market and they're getting revealed soon so people start buying up like crazy and the price usually starts to go really really high so what you want to be doing is you should have already been buying nfts before this when they were low before the stage but essentially two to three hours before the reveal sales on the open market will start to pick up again and anyone who missed out on the public mint will start buying off the open market you can usually 2x your money here sometimes even more all you've got to do before the launch is go to the um the sales the activity these will be blowing up okay because people will be trying to buy it before the reveal so if you have multiple unrevealed nfts you could essentially sell them for a good profit okay you could flip them okay now this is probably really hard to understand because it's like you really need to watch other projects for a while to see how this all works but this is how i do it and then the last bit is where you can even make really really good money i'm talking like 10x you can make 10x doing this so listen carefully after the reveal happens the price always drops big time okay so if we look at crypto dads they're 0.00 this is actually glitched out so this one's actually glitched out but they're around about 0.25 right now to buy these were like 0.6 before the reveal 0.8 0.7 they've dropped like four or five times okay the reason is is because after the reveal everyone starts off loading their nfts um to get their effect to get some ethereum back so they can use it for other projects or to buy rare ones because what happens is when the reveal happens all these people realize hey i've got nfts that are not rare i'm just going to start offloading them to get my money back and some people i don't know why like this guy here look so this guy here this one's sold last for 0.35 so he purchased it for 0.35 ethereum it wouldn't have been revealed at the time and he's now selling it for 0.289 so he's making a loss so there's all these people that are dumping on the market dumping and dumping but what you've got to realize is a lot of people dump rare nfts and they don't even realize it so so this is what you want to be picking up okay there is a good chance you could pick up some rare nfts and i'm talking like you could pick up rare nfts for 0.289 and sell it for one ethereum you can make like 10 times five times so what you want to do is you want to go to a website called nifty river and go to rarity and go to crypto dads um or whatever one you're involved in and you want to start throwing in some numbers here so i might go hey um i might go this one here looks kinda cool right so it could be rare so 4012. i'm going to go here i'm going to put in 4012 and apply and this is um a rarity of 767. the rarity number is 300 3952 out of 10 000. you probably want to be like a thousand below if you get a real rare one but you can actually see um how rare they are right now this is actually not a bad deal to be honest but anyway you just go through and you just find ones that you think that look really really rare for a good price and you go to the nifty river and you put them in we'll do it one more time let's just do this one i don't think this is rare about 9003 this one's not that rare at all so what you want to be doing at this point is when you're finding rare ones and you can usually flip them straight away so um if we go down here there was some so this one sold for one ethereum this one sold for there was another one down here it sold for two i think this one sold for seven ethereum seven ethereum so this one here eight three three four okay this is number five you're probably not going to find a number five on the market to buy for cheap but either way that one sold for um seven ethereum okay so even if you can find a semi-rare one for like 0.3 0.4 0.5 in it this does happen this is where everyone starts to offload you can find some really good rear ones you could flip for one ethereum two ethereum three ethereum you could easily 10x your money here if you know what you're doing you have to be on the ball you have to be constantly looking this one sold for one ethereum this one sold for one ethereum as well so you have to be on the ball so this is where you can make some good money as well now two things are going to happen here you can find some rares and you can resell them but potentially you also if they if they're cheap enough you could potentially look at picking up some not so rare ones because once all the paper hands sell out and the the price kind of stabilizes it usually starts to go up a little bit over time it might go up by i don't know one times two times whatever but it does go up a little bit usually over time and you could make some money even if they're not rare ones so it's all about timing guys okay you want to essentially buy nfts when people are selling for cheap and they're trying to get out of it or whatever they're doing and then you want to sell at a higher price when the hype is up for the launches so the the the main the main things you want to be worrying about with the launchers is you want to be buying after the pre-sale so when the public sale comes up people want to buy buy buy because they they because they're scared they're going to miss out on the public sale once the public sale is um done right people offload for cheap and you can usually pick them up and then what you can do is you can resell them again for a higher price before the reveal okay and then after the reveal you can just pick up cheap ones and you know what they look like and you can check the rarities and then you can resell them again so it's it's all about timing and there's like those three stages all right guys that's how i go out and flip nfts right now that's what i've been doing hope you enjoyed this video if you want some more free videos that i will leave some up on the screen right now don't forget to subscribe smash that like button tap that notification bell and i'll see one of the videos on the right
Channel: Franklin Hatchett
Views: 144,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nft, nfts, make money with nfts, flipping nfts, flip nft, how to flip nfts, best way to flip nfts, can i flip nfts, nft flipping, nft flipping guide, guide to flip nfts, nft full flipping guide, nft crypto, what are nfts
Id: PARbRvucw38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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