How To Make Money With The Metaverse As A Beginner In 2022 (Easy 15 Minute Guide)

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over the last few weeks i've been messing around in the universe having a lot of fun and making money in the metaverse and in this video i want to show you exactly how you can make money in the metaverse even if you are a complete beginner now if you don't know what the metaverse is don't worry i'm going to explain to you what it is and how it works in this video but essentially it's a digital world online where you can do loads of cool stuff and i'm going to show you some of that stuff in this tutorial now over the last few months i've been doing quite a few videos on nfts and how i've made money in the nft space and a lot of people have had questions about the metaverse have i been in there have i messed around in there do i know much about the metaverse do i have some methods on how to make money in the metaverse so this is what this video is going to cover now in this tutorial we're going to get straight to the point here this is a super quick tutorial perfect for beginners showing you how to invest in the metaverse in under 15 minutes now the metaverse it's not really new but it's been hyped up recently and a lot of people are looking to invest in the metaverse but we are in the early stages so now is the time that you want to start to invest in the metaverse if you are interested in doing that now before we jump into this tutorial guys quickly we're still doing the course giveaway you can get access to every single one of my courses all you've got to do is smash that like button find the emoji in this video once you find that emoji comment what the emoji is down below and we will pick a winner in the next video so let's jump into this tutorial and i will explain to you exactly how you can make money on the metaverse in 2021 for beginners alright so recently you might have heard the news that facebook the one of the biggest tech companies in the world is changing their name from facebook to meta and you might be wondering why they're doing this and you have no idea what meta is or how it works well they changed their name because they are diving into the metaverse space and what that means is facebook is going to create their own metaverse and if you don't really know what a metaverse is it's essentially a digital world where you can do a lot of stuff inside this digital world and we will talk more about that as we go throughout this tutorial but one of the main things that you can actually do and what a lot of people have been this is kind of what um kickstarted it recently is you can have online digital concerts so for example travis scott has done one post malone has done one marshmallow has done one i think that was the one that kicked it off and you can do things like create games that people can pay you to play and justin bieber has a concert coming up so essentially it's a digital world online where you can go and you're away from the real world and you can do lots of awesome stuff inside these digital worlds which is called the metaverse now right now i have been playing two metaverse games and this will make sense to you as we go throughout this tutorial the first one is the sandbox which is my favorite and the next one is called decentraland and these are the two most popular metaverses right now as far as i'm aware of so you can go and check these out if you like this is called the um decentraland i actually just got word of someone that created a golf course inside this um in this in this metaverse and they're charging people to use the golf course so that's the kind of stuff you can do inside these metaverses this is the one that i've been using recently so we're going to go over this as part of the tutorial but before we jump into this tutorial guys i do need to let you know that this is not financial advice i'm just showing you some ways you can make money in the metaverse it will be up to you if this is the best thing for you to do or not i've just been messing around in the metaverse finding some ways to make money and these are the ways that i've been investing in the metaverse and i'm just sharing them with you so let's get down to business the first way now this isn't number one this is just one of the ways is to invest into metaverse games now what i mean by that is you can invest into these games like sandbox and decentraland because they actually have their own coins that you can invest in the the sandbox has one called this this is a sandbox here and we'll talk get into this game in a second i i've actually been playing this game a lot recently i'll put up a thing on the screen you can see me i'm in the club cruising around doing a lot of things it's actually a really cool place to be and i've been messing around in there anyway this is the sandbox coin now this has been taken a massive dive recently i wouldn't recommend investing in this right now i would recommend you just wait until it kind of bottoms out just it's been a very very hectic last few days or last seven days okay but i've invested in this long term so for me this is a long-term investment i see this stuff as a long-term investment not a short-term investment but the sandbox is one that you could potentially invest in the next one is called decentraland or mana and this has taken a tumble as well so do not invest in this just yet i'm going to be picking up some more because to me this is quite cheap right now but it'll be up to you whether you do that but this has had a massive spike and then it's dropped down now this is actually healthy for these coins to drop they you know they've had a massive run up they're just coming down a little bit settling down and then they might go down a bit more flat now or they might go up we really don't know this metaverse stuff is completely new as well so just be careful only invest in things if you can afford to lose that money now another way to make money in the metaverse is you can invest into a metaverse index now this is a metaverse index right here and essentially it's like a index fund in the stock market if you want to use that as an example but what they do is they invest in all of these underlying tokens and stuff to do with the metaverse and so you you have a much less risk because you're investing in a fund and they invest and they and they've picked the best ones to invest in uh so this one is called metaverse index this is the price here now obviously it's gone down again just like the rest of the tokens but that's understandable it's going to follow those um as they go down and up but this is called the metaverse index so if you're looking for like a index fund a metaverse version of an index fund this is the one you're going to want to go and invest in where your money is spread over all of these metaverse tokens so that's a real quick one that is another way that you can invest in the metaverse and make money in the metaverse all right now number three is you can invest into companies who will shape the future of the metaverse so things like facebook and stuff like that now i do have a list of three companies here from the motley fool that they think are good companies to invest in in the future for the metaverse now take this with a grain of salt this is just their opinion but they recommend nvidia which is a they make graphics cards and uh gpus for short for computers now their stock so so essentially this is a company right and you invest in it it's a stock so if you know how to do that you know what i'm talking about if you don't you can research how to do that but this is nvidia okay so you can invest in nvidia now another one is meta platforms which as far as i'm aware this is the facebook one so yep this is the uh facebook metaverse if you would like to invest into that so i i think probably the the best one to do is going to be facebook since they're trying to be one of the biggest players in the game when it comes to the metaverse okay so that's another one that you could potentially invest into and then unity software i'm not really really looked much into this company but this is one that they also recommend as well but my recommendation would be look into things like facebook and nvidia because these are the companies that are going to benefit the most from the metaverse in the future alright so this isn't really for beginners okay you do need to have quite a bit of money to do this but if you're a beginner and you have a bunch of money maybe you'd like to look into doing this but you can buy plots of land in these metaverse games there's also some other things you can do as well so it's recently this is crazy okay so sandbox has traded a total of 70 million dollars for 4 433 assets over the past week alone that's crazy so making it the metaverse collection that ranked and the ranked in the most cash so there is a lot of money getting exchanged here now the assets can be plots of land and other assets that we'll talk about in a second but sandbox 70 million dollars traded in the last week so this is the sandbox game right and what you can do i haven't signed in i think i can look at the map i should better look at the map so what you can do in this game is you can buy plots of land so these can be used for all types of things like atari is using this for advertising and lots of other things but if we click on the snoop dogg one here it loads up um the the plot of land so snoop dogg's plot of land and you can visit the website and it'll take you to the website that's linked to this land which is snoop dogg enters the metaverse he's doing like some concert i think soon and you can buy tickets he's got a youtube video here um from i think the sandbox probably owned this or something kind of maybe rented it out so i'm not really sure how that works but you can buy plots of land so the walking dead have one um like i can click on a random one here and it tells me who owns it so this person here owns it we can so we click on their name it tells us what they own uh sorry the assets that they've published and all sorts of stuff so you can go mess around with that if you want on the sandbox but if i go to find land on openc it takes me to a website called openc and i can see the land that's for sale now let's go sort by the lowest price it's pretty crazy how how much this stuff goes for so like the lowest one is three ethereum uh right now it's actually gone down a little bit so the lowest one is 3.025 ethereum and you can buy this plot of land and you can use it for advertising you and one one thing i've really looked into it but apparently you can buy like concert venues and stuff you can buy land and create games like someone created a mini golf course but you can buy these plots of land and you can do whatever you want with these plots of land it's really really cool but this is one of the main ways people are investing in these metaverses because we're in such an early stage if this i say if because you know it could be a bus but if this takes off if this becomes a massive industry then it's going to be like real world land it's going to it's going to have value and it can go up in price and all that sort of stuff and you can use it for lots of things so that's probably one of the main things that um i like about this is you can buy land you can do like there's a lot of land like if you check this out if you zoom out real quick it's quite loading quite slow today there's all of this land and the closer you are to the central bit the more the land's going to be valued if you're way out here and stuff it's going to be less valued but you can click and a lot of these people are using um this these lamb plots for advertising so ever some of them advertise their websites their twitters all that sort of stuff the youtubes we've got finance down here you probably know what binance is they have one two three lots of land pastels of land down here so they're called parcels of land um and yeah that's what you can essentially do with this uh with these games all right guys this one is probably my favorite because you don't need a lot of money to do this and this is called creating digital assets inside the metaverse so when you're on the sandbox website you go to the marketplace and there's these things you can buy now these are called nfts that are for sale and there's lots of nfts that are for sale these entities equipment wearables so if we go to entities there's all of this stuff right here there's equipment that people can purchase now you can actually create these and you don't have to create them yourself i'll show you how to do it without creating them yourself and there's a lot of money to be made here now if we go to create you can also create other things you can create games inside the metaverse you can create vox models you can create a lot of things now if you know how to create this stuff that's fine you can create these and then you can go and upload them to the marketplace so these are like the the vox models here you can go to the marketplace and you can upload them once you create them if you don't know how to create them you can go to a website called put in sandbox metaverse and there's people that will create this stuff for you and you can go and sell it on the metaverse so for example this guy right here will i will develop an open world game sandbox game nft game or midiverse game and what that means is you he'll create this game and people can use it and you can make money from people using it now another one is i will develop a sandbox game nft game another one but as you scroll down they will there's lots of things you can get created for yourself so i will um do a some more games down here you keep going and people will create things for you in the metaverse that you can sell on the marketplace in the sandbox and remember the sandbox is just one place there's decentraland there's other ones as well but the sandbox and the central lands are the main ones but you can go and get this stuff created and you could sell the stuff on the metaverse so if we go to lowest price right these are selling for twenty dollars thirty dollars thirty dollars thirty four dollars uh thirty seven dollars sorry and then we go up and fifty three and fifty three and people are actually buying this stuff so you can get this stuff created on fiverr so you can make money in the metaverse all right guys that's some of the ways you can make money in the metaverse in 2021 for beginners if you want some more free videos on how you can make money online i'll leave some videos up on the right right now that you can go and click on don't forget to subscribe smash that like button tap that notification bell and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Franklin Hatchett
Views: 548,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metaverse, metaverse crypto, how to invest in the metaverse, how to make money with the metaverse, how to make money on the metaverse, make money with the metaverse, make money on the metaverse, make money metaverse, metaverse stocks to buy, investing in the metaverse, how to make money with facebook metaverse, making mney in the metaverse, make money with metaverse in 20201, how to make money with the metaverse beginners
Id: QE-pMp5diFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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