I Made $832,000 Flipping NFTs (Full Advanced Guide)

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nfts pictures of animals pictures of dogs pictures of people in pixel house things whatever the hell this is did you know you can sell them for lots of money yes you can for example i sold this picture for 542 thousand dollars i've made over three hundred thousand dollars in gains with pictures of dogs i've sold photography for 100 x gains in this video i the most woke empty house business advice guy with a hot body who is also family friendly and pg get your damn kids in the room tell them they're about to learn something i'm going to teach you how to do it look guys i'm just going to skip right into it because if i do a monologue where this video is going to go too long and there's a lot to talk about because nfts are one of the funniest easiest ways to make money but also one of the biggest most deadly traps in all of crypto and i can tell you firsthand because when i first got nfts i lost so much money in this video i want to make the most complete guide you can possibly get when it comes to flipping nfts because i've made a lot of money selling nfts but when i first got into it i lost a lot of money and so what i'm gonna break down in this video is everything you need to know when it comes to every facet of nfts now am i the greatest nft flipper of all time no but i've made some very large sums of money doing it i've made some really great investments doing it and on top of that i've made pretty much every mistake you can possibly make when it comes to nft so hopefully this guy is going to show you how to flip nfts how to invest long term in nfts and also the things you should never do in fact we're going to break it up into three parts as well and i'll even have a crypto punk investing guide for you so you at least kind of know what you're looking at also guys really quickly go to my twitter at css becker not only do i talk about mt projects i'm looking at i'm getting into i don't get into a lot okay but when i do i do that being said i'm also gonna be giving away 10 dogepound nfts that are valued at 2 500 each in a twitter contest you'll see a post in my feed saying post your wallet plus doge for the new video the new nft video guide it'll be very obvious go there post your ethereum wallet plus the words and you'll enter the win one of these 10. it's basically free money you should go there and follow me on top of that i point out coins i'm getting into i point on nft project meeting into for example i called dogepound when it was super duper cheap now it's not super duper cheap you could have gotten one of these things for 150 bucks now they're 2500 minimum they're 3 000 a few days ago you should follow me there it's a good time good jokes also i want to give the biggest disclaimer disclaimers nfts are the riskiest form of crypto if you do not have money to lose if you don't have money to throw away do not do this because you will probably lose money when you first get into nfts almost guaranteed on top of that i'm going to talk about projects that i own i'm not going to sit here and beat around the bush and act like oh i don't know news just hop into them i'm not going to do what other influencers do and tell you to buy things while i'm selling them or not tell you what i'm going to do i want to be extremely clear with you the products i'm going to talk about here the ones i know most i'm not saying buy these projects i'm not saying hop into them or fomo into them a lot of them have already taken off and most of them all and promising you because what every other influencer does is they blow this project buy this project and act like they're going to hold forever i am not guaranteeing you in any way i will hold any of these nfts through any dip or any pump or anything like that if you buy these buy them on your own accord because you've done the research not because you think i'm going to hold the bag and support the project and pump it for you until kingdom comes okay do not buy these on my accord don't even buy these projects that i'm mentioning unless you like them and you've done your research on i'm actually suggesting you go and find your own projects and use your own damn head so that's the disclaimer if you lose money i literally do not care that's not my problem it is your problem for not doing proper research on the project and jumping into something just because an influencer said so and not researching properly do not invest in this if you do not have money to lose you will lose some money you could make gains but this is not alex becker's damn problem if you lose money here this is everything i know i'm already doing you big enough favor that's the strongest disclaimer i can give here let's continue so that being said let's just get into it let's go so anyways guys in this video i'm not going to really break down what nfts are you can find like a zillion videos breaking down what nfts are and if you don't know what an nft is why why in golly gosh you silly sausages are you trying to dump money in the stuff you don't even you don't even know what it is you can't describe it okay i'm assuming you know what nfts are at this point so that being said let's just talk about more so the money you can make in nfts flipping and selling them for example you can see right here here's my crypto punk cell record right here it's not particularly great or or spellbinding you can you can see that uh really my biggest gain is just actually selling my crypto punk right here that i bought for 51 eth at the time which was about 83 000 and then later flipped for 542 thousand dollars yesterday so the price to eat is fluctuating right here but you can see that if you can get in the right point in nfts you can make an absolute killing and you can see it for just general purposes right here if you look at my other entities i made some pretty good deals like bought this one for at the time 90 sold by 13.5 bought this one held it for two months i think i bought it at like thirty thousand dollars and i sold it for fifty one thousand dollars you can also see many examples like what i did with with dogepound for example you could mint these for a hundred and fifty dollars almost two weeks ago he meant them for 150 bucks and then the lowest price for them right now eth just took a hit but they were going for about three thousand dollars yesterday so if you've gotten this at mint you made literally about a 20 x roi minimum i believe it's still it's about like an 18x right now with a little bit of a dip that's going on still juicy still chunky and i bought about a hundred of these at that mint price so that's nearly between 200 to 400 000 back just for that 20 30 000 investment put into it again juicy you can also see stuff like here like my twin flame sale right here i was able to get a hundred x on this thing i or not a hundred xx i was able to buy this for point five five eth when it was much much cheaper than this right now it was like a thousand dollars per eth right right then then sell it and it's and then sell it for around i believe this is about 500 and then sell it for 40 000 making a clean i don't even know how many x's that is and also if you go to my twitter at css becker you can enter a dogepound contest i'm going to be giving away 10 more doge pounds which are worth like literally 2 500 to 3 000 right now go to my twitter go to the post has a picture of dogs on it and that says dogepound video contest we'll have that in the title just put in your wallet address plus doge to enter and you might win a three thousand dollar dog again twitter address is at css becker and i also point out these projects when i'm getting into them so for example everybody got notified when i post about doge when it was at mint is up 20x right now am i saying you're going to do that with everything i post absolutely positively not but if you want to see the things i'm looking at you can follow me there as well so overall nfts are very exciting but i would be lying if i told you i only made money in nfts for example there's a project called hash mass i lost tons of money i believe about 20 to 30 thousand dollars there's many other projects where i don't think i'm going to be able to sell and i would also say i've lost probably fifty thousand dollars in nfts at any given point combined maybe a little bit more than that because if you don't know what you're looking at you don't know what you're buying in fts you buying to hype you buying the fomo you're going to lose a lot of money and so more so this guy is going to be focused on what absolutely not to do so first off let's talk about flipping and getting into projects and what i look for so when you're buying projects there's a few rules you need to have one always buy at the floor so for example if we look at dog pound right here or for example bored apes so when dog pound originally launched you could mint these four 0.0698 this is 150 bucks the reason why you want to do this and why you want to get into new projects is because they really are going to go below the floor unless they they do what i'm going to show you here in a second but they're rarely going to go below the mint price if you pick the right projects so this means you're basically buying a get out of jail free card this is not always going to be the case but what you can do a lot of times is by the mint price and because it's not going to go any lower than that you can usually always at least exit at the mint price so put you in a really good position to make really really crazy gains but also kind of defends you a little bit the worst thing you want to do when it comes to nfts unless you love the project is by the nfts when they're pumping okay i'm going to be very very very clear about this so let's look at like for example board 8 yacht club all right so if we go to the lowest on sale right now all right and this is this is a great project this is one you can invest in but here's the thing when you get into these projects like this and you start seeing it go to these prices what's going to happen is you have to understand nfts it's not like crypto where you can just exit at any time okay you have to find a buyer to exit and so what you need to understand and the two things you must never do when you're buying nfts to flip or sell them very quickly or make a quick return is you do not want to a buy projects that are pumping really hard because again what happens if the project stops pumping people stop buying and so the floor goes down very very quickly and so that comes into the second thing i'm going to tell you is you always want to buy the floor if you're going for quick flips so look at this right here board apes right here if you buy this floor right here 1475 and this market tanks you could probably exit this pretty quickly at maybe 10 80 or something like that okay but if we go down here and we start buying middle tier board apes all right we start getting into like the 38th range or something like that these are the hardest ones to sell when you're looking to buy or sell or flip nfts the hardest ones to sell are going to be the ones in the middle because if people stop buying they stop buying the middle and they stop buying the top because it's just that damn simple they're not going to buy they're definitely if they're not buying the floor if they're not buying the lowest price ones they're not going to scroll down and buy the middle tier ones those are going to be ones that are very difficult to sell so for example you're not going to be able to find a buyer as easily someone's going to have to scroll through all of them and pick out the one that you're trying to sell and so the only way you're going to be able to guaranteed sell it is to be able to sell it at the floor so rule number two of nfts is first off try and get into new projects but if you're going to buy into an existing project buy the floor if you want to protect yourself as much as possible for example when i got in the hash mask what i did is i went and bought a bunch of rare ones and then hashmaster dipping super hard to sell that for even 50 percent of what i bought it for why because people buy the floor and they buy the top and you don't want to be buying the top if you're getting new to nfts because that's the most expensive ones and the highest risk ones you can possibly get into though it is easier to find buyers for those than it is in the middle next when you're looking for quick flips you have to look for projects that are started in a healthy way okay so for example if we go and look at i'm going to show you the biggest mistake the biggest stinker nft i ever bought this is the logan paul box breaker right he was selling this for one eath the price of this thing is .07 each right now a 90 loss on this stupid crappy nft launch and why did this happen all right so what you're going to see in nfts a lot of times is is celebrities in particular they love to do this they love to launch nfts at very very high prices for example if you look at mila kunis stunner cat stoner cat it started at a thousand dollars per cat which is and let me explain this in great detail because this was an easy easy easy way to lose your butt so when influencers celebrities launched their nfts the hype and foamless in nfts right now and abusively high prices they're already priced at allows them to get a way of charging like two thousand dollars for their nft this is what logan paul did okay the problem with this price right here is that in order for an nft to have value you have to find a buyer okay and if buyers don't consistently see the price increasing they don't buy okay so when you buy any an nft for 2k or like for example stoner cats when you buy it at a thousand dollars or whatnot you have to find someone uh to sell it to period and because there's no track record of large enough t sales or increasing price no one's going to buy it so for example if you buy a new nft project and the mint price is a hundred dollars okay well the next person you have to sell it to is going to have to buy it for 200 or something like that if you're going to make a gain and they're going to see it and there's going to be momentum with the project the second a project fails to sell at a higher price it crashes so for example logan's paul uh his started at 2k and then suddenly there was a thousand of them that were already out there at 2 000 he made like five six million dollars off of it well no one wanted to buy this because the supply was super high and the price was super high no one was gonna buy this for twenty five hundred dollars uh no one was gonna buy it for three thousand dollars so the price went it exploded okay um and influencers love doing this they love to start the price out at 1k if a project's price starts above 100 150 bucks 300 tops do not buy it because you have to understand in most nft projects when stuff is being flipped for example board apes right now when you sell an ape for thirty thousand dollars that thirty thousand dollars goes to you in a small percentage of that goes to the people that made it okay when you buy it directly from the influencer creator it all goes to them so like logan paul pocketed six million dollars while everybody else lost money all right me lacunas and stoner cats wish you're the best i like i like all of her work and whatnot she pocketed ten million dollars when everybody else then has to worry about reselling and whatnot okay that that's that's not that's not a fish that's how you grow a community that's not how you start a project off where where the creator makes all the money and then the people in the community don't make any money that's not a good way to start a project that's not what you want to look for okay again the floor is not if the mint price is not 100 bucks or even close to free 200 bucks 300 bucks top stay away from it like the pro the plague because it's a cash grab you're giving a creator tons of money for pictures that have no established value yet don't do it for example dogepound started at 150 dollars in a better example if we go look at my profile right here and we remove this search you can look at for example moon cats right here you could mint these for 20 dollars you can make them for 20 bucks and so what that means is the project has room to grow a ton and now you can sell a moon cat for you know thirteen hundred dollars and so you wanna find projects that start very cheaply and are not pushed by hype okay for example stoner cats uh something that just got released i'm not hating on stoner cats by any chance but it started too high okay so when you buy something where the mint or the original floor is very high you have a lot to lose if that floor gives out because the floor starts too damn high okay and so in order for people to make money in that they have to flip it for another high price you want to find something where the price is stupidly low and it only has anywhere but up to go if you go and look at the board ape yacht club for example we go digging into that these things started at a very low price as well i think it was like point zero eight eighth i think that's 200 to 300 at a time i'm not exactly sure now the lowest possible one is going for about thirty to forty thousand dollars so one jrny nice okay but you want to look out for those projects that start in a healthy way because then they develop a community then people aren't in it just because of hype and fomo and they it gets a good foundation of fans and then just grows because there's nowhere else for it to go so the next thing i'm going to look for in projects is i want to look for a really good road map okay and so one of the reasons i invested in doge pound and guys look i i don't mean to talk about doge pound a ton in this video but it's really the only product project i've aped into recently i'm going to be talking about punks and other types of nfts here in a second when it comes to investing in them okay but the reason i invest in this one is because it has a really really really good roadmap okay there's tons of things that are going to accelerate the price of the original dogs like breeding them generating tokens and some nfts actually can generate passive income for example hash mask can generate tokens to change the names and so the tokens are very finite so to change the names on the nft people have to use these tokens and burn them or destroy the tokens so they get destroyed as soon as you use them thus people need more tokens and these nfts generate tokens in your wallet thus you are generating passive income and tokens you can resell or swap for things like ethereum or usdc so if we look at the the road map for dogepound right here they're going to have breeding so it's going to make other dogs with different types of traits there's going to be tokens that you can use to buy items to make your breeding better it's going to start its own kind of game or ecosystem and i'm not going to really talk too much about it in this video because i'm not here to talk about dogepound's roadmap but you want to look at something in the roadmap that is going to accelerate the value of it for example in board ape yacht club if you own one you're able to write on their bathroom board or something like that i don't understand board apes that much i haven't looked into it as much but there's a lot of other things similar going on over there for example other nfts will drop other nfts if you own them if you owned a crypto punk you would have gotten a me bit that was worth like eight thousand dollars uh at the time when it dropped automatically put into your wallet so you want to look at things that are going to increase the value of the original nft if it's just pictures if it's just art that that's not it in this type of competitive environment that's not the best thing to be aping into if it's just art it's just it's just the picture you want to find things that increase the value of the nft usually you want to look for a team that has a really good road map and the final thing i'm going to tell you is look for something that's a really good community for example if you look at board ape you look at doge pound you look at crypto punks you go into their discords extremely active and the owners of these projects are extremely communicative they're talking with the fans there's everybody going back and forth and a community is actually the bedrock of most great nfts so you want to look for that as well or finally what you want to look for is a first of its kind situation which is pretty rare these days but if you go look at twin flames i was one of the first apes on this i owned 10 of them at one point and i made a lot of money selling all those back but if we go look at the twin flames collection right here okay this started off at 0.5 eth now the floor is i don't even know like 40 60 it's it's absolutely insane what this project's done and i sold way too cheaply i'll just i'll just say that first and foremost but the reason why this project is taking off is because it was the first photography project i believe in nfts or at least the first major one okay and when you find these first projects what happens a lot of times you can also look for events around them for example this got picked up by south by or christie's i'm not sure which one it was sold an actual auction as soon as that happened the price of these skyrocketed same thing happened with people's artwork if you're looking at individual artists and nfts if you can find emerging artists who are going to take off later on that's one way to make a huge gain and you could do that just by going to maker's place or super rare and finding new artists whose art you absolutely love so you can buy it super cheaply from them and then if other people think it's awesome too the price is probably going to go up on those things but you also want to find artists where they have an event coming up for example so the second the second justin announced that he was probably going to be in christie's or whatnot i knew the price was going to go up and so i delisted a lot of mine and didn't sell them as soon as it went off i sold them for immense profits okay so for example i was buying them for 500 and then i sold one right after the auction for 7.5 east when east was like 4 000 3 000 or something like that gigantic roi simply by about finding the first of its kind project okay so those are the things you want to look at when you're looking to flip or sell them at least in the first year we want to find projects that especially if we're new to nfts we are buying at mint and the mint price is cheap the mint means you can generate the nft for the first time if you don't know what minting is you need to just go figure out what the nfts are if you were not rich you don't have a lot of money to blow you don't have a lot of money the risk buy things it meant when it's a brand new project find brand new projects to have great road maps and great communities and very communicative owners find projects that are the first of their kind there are not many of these anymore so you're probably not going to be able to do that if you follow that roadmap right there and and then finally if you're buying into an existing project you're not going to catch every project for the first time what you need to do is always buy the damn floor do not be buying middle ranges don't be trying to flip rare ones that is expert level nft selling that will get you burned that will make you lose a lot of money even if you're good at this because if the floor goes out market takes a dip the the floor will always usually sell middle will not sell at all when we're in a dip you can't sell them you can't find a buyer a person has to go and search for yours and buy it it's not gonna happen and you're gonna have to take a major loss to move that nft same thing applies to the tops always buy the floor the floor is again the lowest priced nft which you can easily do by going to openc going to buy now going price low to high and you can see the floor the floor on these is jesus guacamole i'm gonna this is that that angers me okay i had ten of these at one point i sold on average i usually sell them for like five eth so that being said where can we find out about these projects it's very it's very very simple follow people on twitter join nft communities that's who's going to be talking about them follow nft experts on twitter for example myself jrny are great influencers who talk about nfts uh eliot traits is another good one but more so follow the nft ogs for example g money pranksy and a few other people like justin and whatnot follow these people on twitter you can just actually go to my twitter feed and you can just follow the same people i follow if you want i have a pretty good twitter collection following thing that's where i get my info from okay i found dogepound on there i found twin flames in a discord channel i found crypto punks early on just scrolling around twitter and reading about it and i was able to get in crypto punks when they only priced at 15 000 i found mooncats from twitter from a post from justin and i found pretty much every other nft i've made money on from those three sources discords and twitter and then a few from influences for example jrny called uh apes when they were like the 200 300 a pop okay just following those three things right there you could have made better gains in nfts than any coin on the entire marketplace that's where you find the stuff at now finally let's talk about long-term investing in nfts a lot of the same rules apply and we're going to look at crypto punks right here first and foremost when it comes to long-term investing you do not want to invest in projects that are not super established okay so what are super established products projects these are going to be your original artist on super rare and maker's place so for example if you find an artist that's been around since the beginning so if we go look at the the original artist on maker place or the ritual of artists on super rare their artwork is always going to keep appreciating over time maybe not from this point right here i think nfts are in a bit of a bubble right so i would really be going mostly for flips right now but these are going to keep appreciating over time because there's just so few of them and i'm not going to explain the rarity of nfts and whatnot but if we go look at punks right here this is probably the best nft to invest in long term because the value is just going to keep going up it's a little bit out of people's price range right now you can find other projects like moon cats or projects that have historical significance that are a little bit cheaper right now again i don't know if i'd be entering for long-term investment prices right now this it's a little high but for example find those first of the kind projects find the historic projects find the ones that are tied to artists that were the original artists because they're gonna be just like picassos they're gonna be just like other art that you can collect stuff that has a collectible value that's already very very much established so let's just talk about punks in this example so we're looking at nfts like punks obviously what determines their rarity is going to be their traits okay and then what it looks like and the reason why nfts can make somewhat good investments again prices are high right now is because the people buying these things are not looking to flip them they're looking to hold them for a long time or treat them as a true collectible they're just going to collect them these are what people use for their profile pics on twitter people that are buying at 93 000 are not buying this thing to flip it for 120 000 they're just not okay and also people can't really panic sell these effectively let's say you've got 50 punks right now okay if the market starts to dip you're not going to be able to sell all 50 of those punks very quickly you're just not for example me and dogebound i couldn't sell them very quickly if i wanted without hurting the market and if the market was dipping there's no way i could get out of them very quickly i'd probably only be able to sell like five or ten a day max same thing applies to punks but usually you can buy one of them so the best way to invest in punks right now just buy the damn floor just buy the damn floor that's it okay at least if it goes down or nukes or you need the money quickly you can sell it at floor place price for example if you come down here to like the middle tier and say i bought this punk right here if if the market starts to dip i'm i'm not going to be able to sell this this punk quickly you're going to have to find a buyer who's going to pick this specific punk out of the entire middle ground so that's what i want because there's so many choices right here with floor punks and floor and fts people are just buying it simply to buy one okay when you get to the middle ground people are going to start being picky and choosing looking for certain traits and they might want one over another one for example let's say a person really likes top hats well he's not gonna buy my my mohawk right here simply not okay and so obviously how punks are going to work because there's certain rarities of traits for example as we go down here for example hoodies are much much rarer than anything without a hoodie okay and so if we go all the way down to the bottom aliens for example there's only seven of them out of ten thousand so when you're looking at nfts you can go and quickly click on most nfts and you can see the rarity of them now the rarity and punches is usually pretty straightforward okay you can see the traits and as you scroll down you're gonna start seeing the trends and what's rare and what's not for example hoodies are rarer than no hoodies the purple hats are more valued than people without purple hats and as we go down as the skin colors change from zombie or like this pilot cap or this red hair on the side these are very rare so for example if you look at the red hair there's only 68 of them okay if we look at zombies for example there's only 88 zombies and 286 with the 3d glasses so the zombie has more value than a zombie that doesn't have the 3d glasses but at this point it's all subjective once you get down here okay so understand that and my best advice is if you're a new nft investor if you don't know what you're looking at and you're looking at projects either by based on the rarity so for example in dogepound the first thing i did when i saw the project starting to take off is i went and started buying rare ones so for example i bought this astronaut one for ten thousand dollars because there's only like eight spacex or dojax dogs i know the crowns are very rare so i went and bought those i know alien eyes are very rare so i went and scooped that up okay but that's me being a a that's my experience in fts showing right there am i the best buyer and flipper ever no but what i did is i bought into the project very early okay if this was going on and the project been out for like three four weeks no i wouldn't have done that because it could be an inflated price and i don't want to buy the middle if the project's very new buying the middle and the top could be extremely lucrative for example when crypto punks were fairly new buying a alien for 20 000 was the deal of your damn life buying an alien now i don't know about that i don't know about that so if a project's new and you see it pumping out and you want to make a long-term investment or a flip buying the top in the middle once you understand what you're looking at can be very very very very juicy okay for example i could sell the dog right here that i bought for ten thousand for thirty to forty thousand without much trouble and if if dog if dogepound does what board apes did which i think it will the thing will go for a hundred grand no problem but that's a risky that's a risky trade but what you can also do when you're looking at new projects is for example if you don't know what you're looking at i can come in here and look at the rarity all right so i can go in the doge pound and i can go and look at categories of the dogs not categories actually uh the traits you have a list of traits right here so if i go to eyes you can see that alien eyes are extremely rare cyborg wise are the rares this is why they go for like four eth or something like that okay so i can see oh these guys are the rare ones so if a new project starts off and i want to make a a suave investment or a swab flip i can go and look at the rarities on the sidebar all right so that will help me at least give me some insight on what's going to be rare in the marketplace so you can see like for example uh the ones that are not under buy now that have cyborg guys they're selling for eight thousand ten thousand dollars probably fifteen thousand dollars now so the person that bought this one right here is probably already made like a thirty forty percent roi on his cyborg guys okay and so that's what you're going to look like look for when you're investing so that's kind of my overall nft guide guys i covered a lot of projects i covered crypto punks and i covered a few other products i've been in the only thing i can really talk about though guys is the projects i have been in then guys my final advice to you is only be in a few nfd projects at a time the reason i can read crypto punks the reason i can reach dogepound uh the reason why i can read twin flames and similar projects to those is because i've looked at them very hard i can understand rare photography projects i can understand avatar projects very well when they launch try to focus on only a few niches and then when you're in those few niches only look at a few projects in those niches and understand them if you understand board apes really well right now you could be making a literal killing i don't understand it so i don't invest in board apes i don't understand the community i don't understand what they're looking at i don't understand what they value i don't understand the traits and all the whatnot and it's also super inflated right now so i'm just not touching it i'm not touching it i'm going to look for new projects learn those new projects and mask them before they become the main market projects okay and so that's generally what i think about nfts pretty much everything i i think that's important about nfts there's a few other things you could probably do like understanding nfts that generate tokens and and whatnot but if you follow that basic guide right there you're going to do probably better than i did for example i wouldn't have lost so much money in hash mask if i hadn't if i just bought the floor i wouldn't have lost money in other projects if i hadn't bought the top of the project when the product price was already pumped up okay every single time i've made a lot of money in nfts it's when i bought very very early on in the project and every time i've been able to easily exit it's when i was able to sell at the floor and every project i've made oodles of money on i got at mint or i got very very early on i can't stress that enough you do not want to be buying the middle and tops of projects unless you know what you're looking at or you really like the project if you really like the project for example you like pugs you love dogepound you love board apes or whatever new thing is hitting the market then by all means buy into it and what you also need to remember as well is that you don't have to buy into the big projects you can find small projects and make the same gains there's plenty of small projects where you can make a 5x very quickly just based on a small community it doesn't have to be a giant project like the ones i mentioned those are just gonna have to be the ones with the highest valuations that have gone the biggest gains you can always get into smaller projects and make those two three five x's or hold long term and store your money in those as well and so sorry guys i know this wasn't really a funny video i wanted to get this out because a lot of people have been asking me and again if you want to get in on that dogepound giveaway follow me on twitter at css becker i also share projects that i'm looking at i very rarely get into a new project if you want to get into that go to the post it says new nft video guide or whatever all right it'll be very clear put your ethereum wallet plus doge in it enter and i'll be giving away 10 at this point in time about 2500 dogepound nfts and i'll send it straight to your wallet and it'll be cool and everyone will have a great time so the date when i'll be sending them or announcing them plus all that is on twitter i don't have anything else to say because i've been talking for like 30 minutes and i don't want to talk anymore i'll catch you guys later
Channel: Alex Becker's Channel
Views: 636,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HIf2ecpTQ0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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