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but hopefully you can hear us um sometimes people wonder why our lives are not as loud as our normal videos because when we edit videos we can you know Pump Up the Volume a little bit when we're live we don't really have a way to do that without getting super nerdy which we might one day but for now we're just going to talk loud and you might have to turn your volume up cool good morning it's cold it's not really that cold can I turn this down a little bit sure point this down um um yeah it's like unseasonably warm no it's been really nice this week we've been doing all kinds of work outside but it is still cold in the mornings like it's a little chilly in the mornings still but it's not super cold you're just you're giving me the look I'm sorry it's not that cold it's really people are dealing with like negative temperatures and we're complaining about 30 you can't do that so my parents are in Tennessee and they got N9 Ines of snow I think the roads are still icy it's real bad everything shut down and the funny thing is we had snow like the week before and it was really warm there and now it's extreme flip-flopped it sounds like a flip-flop brain extreme flip flop extreme flipflops yeah say Adventure flip-flops yeah we should make extreme flips for Arizona train maybe okay that's our next venture no we have other things to do speaking of uh what are we talking about today so many things there so many things going on like I feel like we say this every time but when you live on a homestead there's always something there's always something to do yeah there's always animals that have problems there's always infrastructure that needs fixed there's yeah just it's a lot going on right now and a little bit stressed out yeah a little bit well let's let's talk about the projects that that everyone here knows about first and and yeah give some updates okay um we're finishing a course today on our house course number three yeah today after as soon as we get done with this we're knocking out two walls with the kids so like yeah we're motivated to get that done yeah and and course three is going to be actually the next two courses are going to be very important courses uh in the project so after we finish course three we need to go back and we have to Mark all of the walls every single wall and every single door frame opening we have to like know exactly where those things are you're talking about framed walls like yes between bathrooms and bedrooms and right yeah sorry we already know where the Earth yeah yeah it's a lot um and so the reason we need to do that is because once we get up higher our Compass isn't going to reach over those bags and it's just going to be harder to to know where go like putting a level on the side and making sure everything's Plum and being really careful the rest of the way so yeah after so course three will be done today course four and then we can wrap with the hardware cloth and back fill and the vapor bear and then that course 5 is super important too because we're not going to be able to see a lot of you know the bag once everything's wrapped there's a big step in course for we install our door frames yeah so people are you know why is it taking you so long to build your house um well this is why there's so many little steps at the beginning like mhm um I feel like once we get the door frames in and we're past the vapor barrier and hardware cloth things will go a lot easier yeah but so I think it'll be good cuz I feel like we've been just bagging for about three weeks just B bag bag bag bag so this will be a nice little break get to do some other things get prepped for the next round of bagging yeah and it good yeah and also in in a previous video we had talked about we brought in 20 tons of ab mix to see how many courses we could do with that it's looking like maybe one and a half courses for 20 tons of ab 20 tons yeah it's 20 tons right all right so we so we're thinking it's going to be like what what do we say 600 tons roughly to fill all the bags that's just some fast math um doesn't include the buttresses going cry a little uh doesn't include anything else that we do anyway it's a lot of dirt but you know we've done this before Adel and I were talking about too like when it comes time to like do the Earth and plaster on the inside that's probably going to be like another 20 tons of dirt like it's a lot yeah so for those of you wondering why we didn't just pour a pad and start building on it that's why because it would just the whole thing that's why we spent all that time doing that ground workor compacting it putting in the rebel trench compacting the rebel trench is because once we build this thing up it's going to be real heavy real real heavy yeah it is super heavy yeah anyway so that's the that's what's going on at the house um I feel like there was something else with the house that we were I mean there's some stuff we're thinking about but I think for the for the purpose of this live that's probably um yeah probably good uh so yeah course three will hopefully be done this weekend and I would guess the video for that would be coming out next week maybe hopefully um so that's like we said a very important exciting step on the house which is good uh okay let's talk about the super Adobe Dome home yes what's going on with that well we haven't put out the video the latest video so how much do I talk about we can talk about so so the outside is basically done um we have a few little things left to do but basically the outside is done and we're moving to the inside so you probably saw the video about the tiny the tiny wood stove it's not that big it's like this big yeah yeah um yeah so the video so the the wood stove is done so now we're starting to work on the interior plaster we're thinking about Electric we're we're starting to put all that stuff in motion yeah so next steps are running the electric cord there's only two lines that we need to run very simple and uh then I can finish Plastering and then once the plastering is done we can put in a floor and build Furniture yeah won't be too much it's just there's a lot of like Little Steps but um yeah the problem is as you'll see here in a minute we have lots of other things that are starting to happen too take away our time from I don't know how we keep getting sidetracked but there's always something to do it's because we live on a farm and we have animals and those animals have needs so speaking of we're going to talk to you about a new project this is not necessarily our project nope this is adel's Project I know this that we're helping her with this is adel's first project like she's wanting to pay for it she's like planning it like she's doing all this stuff um of course we've gotten ripped into it a little bit Yeah but that's okay uh we want to support her so we're really excited she is building a goat Barn yeah yeah in a really unique way well here's the reason why we have at least three goats that are pregnant possibly four possibly four and they're all due in the end of February yeah so we're on another time crun I don't know why we keep getting on these time crunches because we've had enough goat burst here to know that what we have now is awful like our infrastructure is not great for kidding and cleanliness and like and milking too so a big part of this is you know adeli wants to increase our milk production she wants to be like you said it needs to be more sanitary it needs to have a more permanent setup that isn't like with all the other animal feed and Stu cleaned really easily right now we're milking in the feed shed yeah and it's just dust floor the temperature is all over the place it's not very temperature regulated it's more of the cleanliness we want to have we'll have a completely separate milk room that is closed off from everything else and keep it really clean and sanitary and we need a nice like dry clean clean area for when the goats are born too yeah kiding stalls is the main thing some stall and really we just need some animal stalls where we can put certain animals when we need to keep them separate from each other right you know what I just thought of what because we're going to have lockable stalls in there uh if we needed to go somewhere the dogs could go in there I'm said game changer like we've never had we've never had a place where we could keep the dogs so either someone's staying home with them or it would depend on the temperature too like cuz that part's not going to be climate control but of course anyway uh yeah so got me excited I know so uh so the way Adel I wants to do this she has purchased a 40ft shipping container yes and we are in the process also this is tied into some land purchase so we're actually adding an acre to our property we're ref fencing we're moving some things around we're bringing in this container and then we're going to be doing a bunch of work inside to add the Stalls in the separate room and all that stuff wouldn't it be nice if it was just bringing in a container and outfit it for a barn but it's not that simple nope it's never that simple um there's always I was talking to my mom yesterday I was like it's just like dominoes it feels like dominoes all the time I was like you got to do this thing to do this thing to do this thing to do this thing but before you can do that thing you also have to do this and sometimes you do the dominoes in the wrong order and then it's really frustrating and then you got to start over and uh we may have spent an entire day yesterday mapping out where this container is going to go and then we found out I can't do it the way we wanted to so it's a long story it's a long story that we'll explain later but it's super frustrating to spend an entire day planning something thinking you can do it a certain way when you have one assumption about a certain part of the process you can't control nope and then you find out that it's not what you thought it was anyway uh so listen I know I said that that adeli was paying for this but we are thinking about doing sort of like a fundraiser for her to help cover the cost to most of this project it's going to be really expensive and it's a huge expense and she um just works at a coffee shop right she doesn't have a huge income um and so that is going to be coming out really soon uh I'm not going to tell you the name of it yet I'm not going to share any more details oh can I just show share a little DET okay sure fine she is planning on making really cool things it's almost like a Kickstarter type thing where you get different levels of support yes support but also you get different levels of like cool things yeah we'll be mailing physical things to to people that support that are super freaking cute little package of stuff that's going to be really it's a really cool idea we've been working on it we're almost done ironing out ironing I can't say ironing ironing ironing out all the details um we just got to put a video together sort of explaining the whole project and and letting youall know know about it so yeah we're so excited to be able to like support her and help her because she's so like passionate about the goats we keep saying hey we have a lot of goats could we have less goats and she's like no these are my goats and I'm going to take care of them and I love them and so so we're going to do everything we can to make sure that they stay safe um especially with all these goat births that are coming up yeah so this is a project that has to be done by the end of February right yeah like we said timelines um so we have to keep working on the house the Dome we still need to keep working but also this there's a lot of time things involved with you know the delivery of the container and then materials and all that stuff so we're we're in the middle of all that so that's fun that's that's happening um what else what else is going on I'll tell you what's going on okay um I saw a comment we're going to get the questions here in a minute but saw a comment asking about hyper Workshop oh oh yeah we are planning another workshop for sure this spring probably in March sometime for sure in March yeah seems to be a good time of year um details forthcoming obviously but we have a fun idea we really liked with the super Adobe workshop how everyone worked together towards a single goal um so if we do a week-long workshop uh we don't want to just have people come out here and just slog away on the house for all week we want everybody to come out and and do something and like finish it so we have a fun little project do we want to talk about it I don't know what it is well we can say this um the main goal of this year for us is community so the project will be based on a structure that will encourage Community I like that it's very good all right yeah um very small structure totally doable within a week yes and and then we get to enjoy it at the last day with the hope that maybe we'll even finish that structure early and then maybe get to work on the house a little B fun yeah so as sort of a fun side project um what other side project can we do I mean there's so many we could but uh yeah I think we like like we said at the end of last year when we were kind of recapping the whole year and sort of looking back um the community that we felt grow from that weeklong Workshop was really great and we want to try to rep at that as much as we can and you just can't really do that with only like a 3-day Workshop or something so we're hoping we can do a whole another week and have lots of people here and uh yeah enjoy our community area yeah at the end of it so yeah uh so I always have to mention if you're interested in either a workshop or we might even do some kind of work day you know this just like a hey if you're in the area this is the day we need some help or we might meet up at the coffee shop shop and just hang out for a little bit sometimes it's very last minute too so it's usually very last minute yeah so if you're on that email list we'll send out an email probably a couple days before yeah no well not for the workshop that we'll give you plenty of time but yeah tiny shiny Meetup um just make sure your email is on there if it's not and then any kind of event stuff like I think we we even uh we may have mentioned this on our Facebook group the other day and maybe one of the videos but there's an optout expo that's coming up here in this area in February and so our our Meetup list got that email before everybody else because they're interested in in-person events right so make sure you're on that list so that we can let you know when any kind of event or Meetup or anything like that is coming up yeah yeah what else is good oh can I talk about something that I'm really excited about what is it guys I know this sounds crazy but let me tell you we are getting fiber Internet run to our property there's like a grant and they're running fiber internet everywhere out here which means I get to rethink our entire internet setup here in the homestead right now we're doing a cell boosted internet which we have we basically we pulled the whole system from the Airstream and put it in here you can see the wires coming down we got booster antennas on the roof of the solar shed and um yeah funny how excited you get about this I'm excited because I know the kids are frustrated like it it works but it's we don't have a great like beaming situation from inside the shed with walls this thick to the Airstream with metal walls and so like their internet over in the airst Stream is a little flaky uh and so we're going to we're going to Beef It Up I've been doing some research it's going to be a really fun nerdy project that you wouldn't think of for a homestead but we're trying to think and plan for the future like if we have multiple buildings how do we get that internet to them when you basically live in a cave when you live in a cave or a metal building yes which signals do not go through so uh yeah we're pretty excited to have fast internet um obviously we upload a lot of video and so that will help us spend less time waiting on videos to upload um so yeah pretty exciting can I talk about something I'm excited about yes of course shoot it just left my head I will say though that this is like probably six months it's going to be a while before they actually pull the cable and start the service so we got a while I just want to let you know I'm excited about it I had something that I was excited about and now I forgot what it was does it have to do with sushi it always has to do with sushi we've not been in a long time I know it's supposed to rain on Sunday so maybe we should go on Sunday maybe a rainy grocer Sushi day yeah um no what was there was something I was really excited about and now I can't remember we're just going have to keep talking it'll come later okay um what else is going on do we have anything else going on probably we have a few things but we can't talk about but I had a list oh okay sorry guys hold on I think we I think we covered it all we did yeah except I have a question it's been a long time since I've done any cooking segments yeah does anybody miss it crickets leave a comment I'm just wondering if I should get back to cooking segments because I kind of miss doing that yeah I mean I'm cooking all the time but like I haven't recorded it yeah see the problem is when you cook then you have to do like the whole recipe thing and it's so much work like maybe you could just cook and not give the recipe oh that doesn't seem nice maybe you could I am really frustrated that I can't remember what I was going to say that I was excited about can I see your phone so maybe we can start answering questions and then maybe it will come to yes we lost the ringer switch here okay all right guys it's time to answer some questions and go back through all the comments here hold on just a second hey someone said they miss cooking see I told you okay because one person said that they miss it I'm going to keep doing it I'm going to start doing it again okay do you remember how to do it it's been so long since we've did a live YouTube come on now come on now here we go all right make sure it's not going to make noise there should be a better way to get to your comments on YouTube I feel like more cheese oh that's something I can talk about because Adel is making this whole separate milking station that's going to be extremely clean and sanitary I am upping our cheese game and because we're going to have more goats in milk usually we only have two so we're going to have at least three maybe four goats and milk at a time that means I'm going to be making lots of cheese and ice cream new kinds of cheese and ice cream of course yeah and ice cream okay but cheese um I have I've got a course from Sarah at nest in the west she has put together an amazing cheese course that I am going to go through each recipe and try every kind of cheese that she has in there and it's like you can age cheddar feta like so many cheeses parmes I think she has parmesan in there yeah I'm real excited okay I want to I want to be able to get to make all of our Dairy products love milk cheese ice cream and maybe yogurt I know you don't like yogurt but I like yogurt so I'm going to make yogurt gross I'm glad you like it and sour cream I can make my own sour cream it's a lot of stuff you're a lot of stuff thanks okay I'm ready to answer questions are you ready M all right here's the deal someone asked uh why did we not put down plastic for the tiny shiny dumb Foundation because we did gravel we did gravel bags which means that we didn't need to wrap them in a vapor berrier because they won't retain moisture yeah so it a an experiment gravel was up above the like ground right so gravel or a rubble trench of gravel and then like the lower two or three bags until it actually came out of the ground were all gravel bags um so that's why we didn't have to put now we will have to do something when we do the floor right the floor ins side we'll do Vapor Barrier for that yeah and we might even insulate it we might we'll see yeah uh when do the concrete floors go down in the house no idea well here's the thing let's talk about how much concrete costs concrete has got an expens the plan was when we are done with course number four to make sure those walls are super level and use that as a screed to pour our concrete floors but you know what the more I thought of about that with the vapor barrier and the hardware cloth I don't think that would have worked okay so here's the new plan the new plan is just build the walls we'll deal with the floor later yep either we'll have Willcox come and pour it which is I'm really hoping we can afford by then um or we're going to have to do it in like 4 foot sections and pour it ourself yep and we have some ideas for how to do that faster um there's some cool products out there that could help us help us be able to do our ourselves which would be kind of cool and we could do it in sections and even make forms that are like unique shapes so it's not just a bunch of like s it would be cool to do it ourselves but you know it would be even cooler to have it done in a day agreed yeah I know I know I know we learning on if we have the cash at the time sorry um someone said how do I help fund the build of the goat oh oh coming very soon we're working on a really fun video that explains all of that and also people have been asking how they could donate to all of the projects here on the homestead I'm I'm putting together a list of all the things that like upcoming expenses if you wanted to like help with that that's true we've had we've had two people buy us wheelbarrows yeah thank um and then so yeah we're going to try to make a list of like specific tools we know we're going to need if someone wants to what I think would be really cool it's like hey do you want to buy a 2 by8 for us no listen I'm serious because we could write their name and how cool would that be to have people's names that helped us in our house you could put it on the door on the door frame be cool and then we have like Memories in there yeah I think it'd be cool oh here's a good question uh some can I wait before I'm going to forget cuz if I don't say it can I just say it real quick cuz I'll forget you know how I am okay one other thing I thought would be really cool is I don't know if you should what if we hit what if we don't do it okay never mind we have details to work out still I have so many plans I know you do okay go ahead okay I'll just sorry someone said when Hayden came did he have any gifts can you get the gift that he gave us guys just just hold on a second this is really cool anytime are you there no not that he gave me he gave me a metric tape metric look at this it's a tiny shiny Dome he made it he made it and brought it all the way from Australia and it didn't crack and it's amazing and it's actually what my tattoo is based off of yeah um so yes he did bring gifts and he brought he brought the kids veggie M well he got that here but but it also hasn't been opened no sorry Hayden not yet maybe we'll maybe will be brave enough to try it one day we're not there yet after I found out how it's made um it's still shut uh is Hayden coming back for the hyper Workshop probably not in the spring no hopefully he's coming back next November maybe not to this Homestead he might be at a different location we might be road tripping it we'll see what happens yeah it's still still a lot to plan but he is coming back someone asked if we were using a background filter nope we're just in the Solar shed a background filter yeah cuz the bottles and everything look really cool oh yep nope it's just in here do I have to touch everything for people to believe me it's real I promise okay um someone says ubiquity ubiquity Wi-Fi point to point Wireless option yes that's exactly what I'm looking at big beefy UniFi system I'm very excited um nro I'm excited that you're excited because that's something that I don't get excited about I think you'll be excited when you're not like curse you internet like three times day restart it every hour yeah we're on this you know we're using a hot spot and AT&T really doesn't like that we're using a lot of data on the hot spot so we just have to reboot it all the time because they're always like yeah we're going to slow you down a little bit and then we're just like so it would be nice to not have to do that um or we could just be totally off grid and not have any self sign well then we would't get to talk to anybody oh that would suck yeah uh lots of yes for cooking comments oh good so you know it's coming back then yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I wish there's got to be a way to like have people write in what like suggestions of recipes that I could make that would be fun if someone's like make this and I can make it but what if you don't want to make it well then I have choices like if other people like you know I have a whole list of I'm like oh I should do this one yeah maybe I think that'd be fun well I don't have time to set it up so you'll have to figure it out okay I have too many other online things to set up right now okay like a goat Barn yeah Kickstarter things and some other things yes um someone said how cold is it here in Arizona where we're at right now it is exactly 42 degre right now it's going to be 68 it's going to be almost 70 degre today and it's been almost 70 yesterday I was sweating yeah it was so hot it was hot um like you had shorts and t-shirt on and was still hot but the week before it was like in the teens yeah and wouldn't get above 40 or something so like I think we're in a weird warm spell but I'm not complaining because we're getting a lot of work done for sure someone said they miss your cooking segments but they went keto so it's hard to watch oh we need to do some more meat-based recipes we need to buy a cow now we do lots more for cooking and cheese okay here's a question good question uh on the Dome what does that little gap between the ground and the stucco where you put the black hose so the Hayden called it a render stop so the idea is like all of our other buildings our exterior plaster is on the wall and it goes down into the ground like below grade like below the ground even the paint it all goes below ground so like theoretically if it rained a lot and the ground got saturated it could work its way back up the plaster and so you could end up with some bubbling of the paint or blowing out of the plaster all around the base of the building so the idea behind the render stop is is that all your exterior plaster comes down to that black plastic tube and stops and then everything below that are the gravel bags so they aren't going to retain moisture anyway um and you would typically like back fill up to that render stop yeah so we're going to cover the render stop and but yeah the idea is that that because the plaster goes to that plastic piece even if the soil goes up to it it shouldn't be able to travel back up behind that plaster and cause problems over time it's an experiment it's all an experiment we haven't had any issues with that but we also haven't had a lot of standing water near our buildings we try to grade away from them as much true we build up so that no water is ever it's always going away from the building which you should do anyway um but but you know sometimes if the rain is going sideways it'll just hit the wall and it'll come down and then that could potentially cause that kind of problem yeah so yeah we're just you know we've got what four Earth bag buildings now do we yeah chicken Garden kasaka solar shed Dum and the Dum yep and they're all built a little bit differently so we're just keeping an eye on everything and we're trying to learn as much as we can I think we've learned everything we can going into the house but who knows we might even learn something else with the house in the next building might we might do something else we'll see something else um are we still filming on iPhones only yeah other than our drone and we do have a little GoPro that we use every once in a while but yeah all just iPhones someone says um your plaster work is out of this world good a I agree thanks uh someone says we should get a starlink until fiber shows up so here's the problem with starlink their upload speeds are garbage here um and is it just because of where we going no their download speeds are pretty good but their upload speeds are way slower than what we're getting off of our cell phone based stuff so not really worth the crazy high exp we almost got it till we saw the upload speeds and it's like5 or $600 now just for the hardware the fiber they're running it's all on a grant so they're basically running everything to our property for free like up into our property wherever we want it for free um and then we just have to create the Wi-Fi network after that so we're going to skip Starling for now I think keeps scrolling on me sorry guys hold on did we ever name the Dome we never did did we no I have funny names for it but nobody likes my names for it uh we've got a few people asking about the Swale uh the burn and the Swale so this last year it did not rain um so we don't have a ton of progress I mean most of the trees are still alive like we specifically planted these trees to be drought tolerant but that means that they didn't grow a lot um also we had a ton of activity on some of the BMS like during the workshop and we killed a lot of our grass um there's a few places where it's just bare now because we had so much just foot travel lack of rain like the first year we had so much rain things were popping up everywhere yeah it's just the lack of rain I think that's the problem not and the dogs yeah the dogs just tear through and over and around they think it's super fun to climb on they're digging holes all in it maybe they're finally like I feel like the next year we'll be getting out of that puppy phase and hopefully it'll slow down a little bit maybe um just in time for to get enough no she really wants another dog and I keep saying no no no no no no no no no um where we so Burman swell um there's you know it's still there it's still doing its job you know when it rains it's still catching that water and protecting um but I think I've left it you know I have a few people ask about it in the comments and the thing we have to reiterate about the BM the well is it's a very longterm project it's like you're not going to see huge differences for 5 to 10 years probably so uh we may do little updates here and there but there's just not a lot to share like it's just there it's doing its thing um hopefully on the next like big rain we'll be able to catch some video of it but right yeah and I think the biggest thing is like we want to see those trees grow faster but um without doing some big upgrades like on our water pump and our water storage it's just going to take time we're not going to be able to give them fire hoses of water for a while um but yeah they they shouldn't die they they should keep growing but uh yeah so just it's a long-term project I think in total out of the 77 trees we've planted I think we've lost seven yeah not many um not many at all and the ones that are there are they're doing good but they're not they haven't reached that like no they haven't reached that like three year Mark where they really start to grow um so they still look kind of similar so it's like we'll we'll let you know in a little in a year or two maybe let's see see it keeps scrolling on me how many courses on the house have been completed almost today will be three yep yeah we're finishing course three today like as soon as we're off here we're working uh someone says they like your dreads how would they start don't brush your hair don't brush your hair and you got to do like you got to mess with it right to get it started like the first year you're separating them a lot and pulling them I don't really want to talk about dreads there's lots of information look up dreading on the internet free you will find videos preform dreads yeah you didn't have them like professionally done like you just did them yourself yeah yeah they turned out really good I like them I like them a lot I might shave my head we might shave our head I don't know about that what if we all shaved our heads at the same time oh my gosh you know that family that's building their house and they all shaved their hands yeah no no may maybe we'll see hey here's a question um are we going to put a wood stove in the house yes absolutely maybe two where's the other one going to go in our room remember I don't know if you ever for sure one maybe two for sure one in the living room but it's not just a wood stove can I talk about it for a minute sure yeah okay um the real the one the cook stove I really want is called it's from a company uh overseas I think it might be in New Zealand I can't remember um it's called Homewood stove that's the company name and they have three different sizes the one I really want we we're not getting but she's already picked it up the medium one I think it's called the companion but it's not just a wood stove like it's a or it's not just like a fireplace it's a stove that I can use like it's got an oven and burners on top it's kind of like back in the frontier days where like they would have a wood stove that a small part of it that would burn and sort of radiate and heat the house but then they could also cook with it So the plan is that's going to heat the house in the winter we still will have Mini Splits and stuff if we it'll heat the big room the big room is what is going to the mini split's not going to heat that big room all by itself yeah so in the winter I'll be cooking on the wood stove as well as using it to heat the house sweet sweet Homewood stove Homewood Homewood cook stove Homewood stove something like that anyway look it up it's really cool small family family owned adorable family beautiful house did you see their house that they made whose house the home wood stove people no I didn't I got to show it to you it's really cool sorry I'm looking for questions here hold on um I still haven't thought about what the thing was that I was excited about still haven't you still forgot huh mhm must not be very excited here's a good question do we shower in the outdoor with the colder temperatures uh it depends on the wind I think this this past week was the first week we haven't used it yeah uh I think what we've discovered is that it's still fairly comfortable to about 45° um because it's open air we've even done it like when it's 30° but the key is 30 we never done it below freezing well in the 30s it was like 38 when I did it once anyway it was really cold and we just can't do it when it's windy cuz that's miserable well yeah cuz it's since it's not enclosed on the top the wind will just blow that and then it's it's and then when you you know turn it off then you're freezing in the one until you get dried off so anyway I I didn't think we would use it at all this winter but we've actually been using it a decent amount All Things Considered yeah until the other day when I took the propane to get filled and then now it doesn't work they messed up our propan tank so we're going to have to go figure that out sorry funny name for the dome which we won't repeat here uh sorry still don't remember huh nope don't remember I also just was looking at my plants and I have to water those today don't let me forget okay uh few people asking about rocket mes no why um because I would like to move into our house soon I don't want another thing to build right now yeah it's it's not just as simple as like it's that's like a whole at least at least a month project to build in there and I could just bring in a wood stove and run it up through the ceiling and be done like I I love Rocka Mass heaters I think they're a great idea but that's not what I want we have about 10 million projects to do in the house already yeah I mean it we think about it like all of our furniture is going to be like not all of it but but most like our kitchen is going to have to be custom made like all these things are going to have like we're going to have to learn how to build cabinets and all these things I don't want another thing to add on to the list that pushes us out from being able to live in there I'm sure at some point we will build an earth bag building with a rocket mass heater stove maybe in our tiny retirement home right maybe the next kid dump I don't know I'm sure we'll get to it eventually um but yeah like yeah we have too many other things going on also I really want the wood cook stove because in the winter again I want to be able to cook on it and multipurpose yeah I don't want just a warm binge yeah um okay here's a good question the tiny shiny Dome did we ever consider lime plaster on the outside no we've had a very long like years long experiment a with exterior plasters uh and for a number of reasons we have come to the conclusion that we need fiberglass reinforced stucco along with elastomeric to protect our buildings because we get extreme weather out here we get crazy rains crazy winds crazy hail um wide temperature fluctuations uh and we tried some lime plasters and they all cracked and like we just have not had the natural plasters as much as we wish we could use them we're still doing natural on the inside but all of our exterior plasters are having to be cement fiberglass reinforced um possibly even with uh la like we did for the Dome um because all of those exterior plasters have failed over time because of the extreme weather here um also haven't seen it done successful um there is one group of people that have done Earth and plasters like down in the Herford area but I've not been there uh they have way bigger overhangs on their buildings which helps protect it it's another thing with the Dome it's all wide open like there is no protection for any of that plaster also an earn plaster is always going to need upkeep whether it's a year from then or 3 years like I I kind of want to get it done and not think about it for 20 years right like I don't want the maintenance like we have too many other things that we need to do I don't want to come back and fix plaster every year yeah yeah uh yeah so that's where we're at now um you know and and it depends on your climate like for whatever reason this particular area where we're close enough to the mountains we get sort of an extreme version of of weather that a lot of other places don't and so that's this what we found is like all the other people that have successfully done Earth and plasters we've tried their recipes and they don't work here and we've visited places where they tell you how to plaster and it still is not working so it's just like a every climate is going to be different even from here and across the mountain like it's completely different so you just have to do a lot of experiments and see what works for where you are all all right let's see where did we get the round bed from for the solar shed I think we got off Amazon didn't we of all places yeah I would still like to replace it with just a normal bed with storage underneath mhm I want a tall bed that I can put 5 gallon buckets under because I have a lot of things that I would like to buy in bulk and store and store do and right now they're just buckets everywhere and it drives onome crazy it does so it'd be nice if we could just get a tall bed and store buckets under it yeah um someone said if we get a wood stove where we going to get the wood oh we have mosques everywhere and also there is a national forest nearby that you can get a permit to collect their fallen trees that could be a whole thing that'd be fun it would be fun um we won't need it for a while like you know and I don't think and it would only be like two months out of a year that we're running it like it's not yeah it's not like in Alaska you know where you're getting nine months like 10 cords of wood like we're not going to need that much wood to do what we need to do in the winter so which is good because it's proportionate because yeah the trees are smaller here there's not as many um but I I don't think it'll be a huge problem but I mean you know we'll see we'll see how it goes and hopefully it's not a problem I don't think it'll be a problem like it's such a small amount of time that we would be using it yeah that's true and it's not like we have to keep it going all night you know start it in the morning and keep the house warm in the day um are we going to have a washing machine yes heck yeah we're going to washing machine and maybe even a dryer definitely a dryer for the winter and for like when it's raining and I can't hang stuff outside it'd be really nice to be able to dry stuff a little quicker right like I'd say probably from like late spring to late fall we can hang our clothes out and dry them but there's a good chunk of like probably three plus months even when I hang it like now it just it takes two dry it won't dry it won't dry a single day and then you know then it's going to get cold and wet overnight potentially um so yeah we're definitely going to uh to have a real dryer the question is whether we run it off propane or solar that's what we are still kind of we're still planning the power system a little bit Yeah but yeah uh where do we put our clothes well we have a small chest inside solar shed for us and uh we have plenty of storage well not to say plenty but we have a huge cabinet in the bathroom uh in the Airstream with the kids when we traveled we used to put our clothes in bags about this big we each had two bags and that was the amount of clothes we had we also needed less clothes because we were with the weather we traveled with the weather we tried to hit you know the 70ish degree Mark so we didn't have a ton of winter clothes and also now that we have animals and stuff like the we have have a lot of like big heavy work clothes you know like that we don't mind getting dog hair and stuff all over um but you got to be able to store it somewhere so uh Adel is very excited when she gets the Dome to be able to put all her clothes because as she's gotten a job she's like I would like to buy this and this and this and now she's starting to run out of room because she has a lot of [Laughter] clothes yeah yeah so she's excited to have a little bit of storage in the dome I'm excited and we were doing some more calculations on the kids's bathroom and we realized that bathroom is huge so I'm going to make a custom Cabinet in there that they could put all their offseason clothes and linens and towels in that it's going to be a ton of storage in that bathroom and then in their rooms they'll have a dresser with seasonal clothes yeah that'll be exciting for sure it'll be really exciting um what's hilarious is we started traveling with the kids when AA was three so she doesn't remember a whole lot about living in a house and so you know last year I had to explain to her the difference between a closet and a dresser she was like what is it and so we had we had to have a lesson on what a closet was like we went to someone's house I'm like this is a closet it opens it usually has doors and and you store your clothes in there but this is also a dresser that you could store your clothes like so it was just cute that she hadn't had those things so that was funny it'll be a whole new world once we get a house for sure very exciting um someone says we might have to build our own bed not for the solar shed we can the we can fit it we have a king-size bed in here now with rounded edges sticking off of it so if we put a normal king-size bed we have more room to walk around now the Dome is a whole thing what yes do you think that we could do that sometime this I don't know we'll see depends on how many how much money we spend on the house uh in the D the Dome is going to be a custom bed because it's going to be nearly half of that Dome is bed so it'll be flat on one side circular on the other um so yeah it'll be very custom and different I'm excited to make that yeah it'll be neat uh we're going to build in some power stuff into it and maybe some storage um yeah so it'll be a fun little little different kind of project I think don't do a lot of like I haven't got to make a wood project in a long time so you know besides like door frame does that doesn't really count does something I I'm going to I've never made drawers before but I'm going to attempt making a couple drawers for her we'll see how it goes uh okay here's a good question question are you going to be stuck goinging as you come up with the walls to protect the bottom bags no cuz they're wrapped with the vapor barrier and the hardware cloth so they're actually like super protected yeah not really worried about it and plus we're using UV protected bags from Bal and they can be exposed for like four years and they won't be no cuz we will not take four years to build this house yeah we're definitely going to focus on building up the walls getting the roof Ro on and getting it closed in and then that way we've got more time to work on the inside and hopefully we can even get our permit closed um by having the exterior finished as much as possible we'll see that's the goal uh let's see do you know what a wapen is yes it's an underground Greenhouse someone says they're thinking of doing a wall of penini with Adobe bags for the wall Ste think that would work okay as long as they're they're stepped out like a retaining wall yes don't go vertical underground cuz all that pressure from the ground and if the ground gets saturated it the walls are going to want to come in so step your walls out as you're building it and it should be good yeah and obviously at the top the same idea applies you want to build up so that water can't sheet flow into it right oh yeah with a wall of usually is that how you say it I think that's how you say it you usually come up out of the ground like a foot or two and then there's a roof structure over it it just depends on how tall you want it but most of it's underground to like regulate temperature yeah yeah that's kind of what I wanted to do with the original pit an underground Greenhouse someone said have you thought about metallic paint on the Dome actually I did I thought it was it would be really cool to like Flex some like metallic paint on it just to give it just a little bit of the shimmery like the Dome that that she she's considering it we'll see we'll see um are we going to get a milk cow one day not until we have a house with a refrigerator and more storage yes yes I would like a mini Jersey or a mini Devon someone said they have a tall bed with nine six gallon buckets holding it up well see I don't want that I want to be able to L it's a joke yeah oh it was a joke yeah she wants to be able to get her buckets out that's the whole IDE yeah yeah but just so you know if you wanted to put it up on you know what a pain that would be how often I get to those buckets be like come hold the corner okay slide it out no there are I know there's a bed um that can't you can fit a five gallon bucket under it and it lifts it up like it has gas assist to where I can do it myself that would be cool hey how are our ramps working good uh we have one more ramp to build and we have to install it in probably the most difficult spot uh the only problem we've had with the ramp so far is we had to move had actually we installed one we had to move it because we were trying to do the compass and check our our wall circumference or diameter and it was in the way because we of where we had installed it and we had to move it that's the only problem we had with them otherwise they were great what I wasn't there so I don't remember that that's true you were not there but we had to move it okay and we need to put it back okay uh do we have any more questions I feel like we're we're getting close Food Pantry oh oh guys just wait till you see my pantry it's going to be amazing yeah there's going to be a really cool Pantry it won't be like a like a root Celler Pantry but it'll it'll have a pretty good amount it's not going to be like the biggest Walkin Pantry that you've ever seen but it's going to serve its purpose and it's going to be beautiful more than anything else I've got some really cool ideas for that one yeah uh someone said did the dogs eat the Indiana Jones hat nope they didn't it's just a little chilly this morning there it is uh what is the build we are most proud of that's a good question you think for me I mean mostly because it's complete yeah I I will say that the airst string cover I'm pretty proud we did that too because that was like a whole set of skills that was a whole new learning thing we did not have and I'm surprised that we got it done so quickly and like it really fast I know but I'm mostly proud of this because this was our very first building ever that's true yeah and and I feel like we really thought through like it's the use case for it it is still super functional and we're like using it all the time so do we wish it was a little bigger sure I mean maybe but it can't be bigger because uh needs to be under 200 square feet yep but it is I'm really proud of it like just knowing that we all touched every corner of this like we put all the dirt in here and did it as a family it's just really cool well I still haven't thought of what I was excited about so I guess I'll be excited later for it when I find out yeah I can't remember at all are we planning on more solar panels yes absolutely we're actually building a completely new power system for the house like at least double if not triple what we have now yeah this is a good side system for a couple of buildings and for doing you know some like water transfers and like welders and stuff like that um but yeah we're going to be building a much bigger system also we might be adding some solar to this system on the roof of uh the Airstream cover probably in the spring yeah we we could use a couple thousand more watts for this system if we have another summer like we did last year um last year really put the system was like right up against the edge of not quite being enough solar to get the batteries refilled because we were using so much power also another way to make that better would be to replace the con air conditioner on the Airstream with a mini split style air conditioner that's the whole thing that I don't want to deal with right now those RV air conditioners I don't understand why they're so inefficient but it is by far the highest draw of like anything that we we have out here it's like a constant 1500 watt draw and when you're trying to keep that airst stram with walls is thing cool uh yeah it just it just sucks the batteries down so there was definitely um one of the best investments that we've done here on the property is getting that Airstream covered for those summer yeah I mean made a huge difference last summer was really really rough but even then we noticed a huge difference in the ability for that air conditioner to keep up um but yeah it was uh what's strange too is everybody out here said that last year was the hottest year that they remember but we felt like 2020 was the hottest year and I think it was just because we had zero shade M so it it made a huge difference cuz we didn't even realize it was the hottest yeah have we ever thought about a music studio yeah actually I miss having time for music yeah like I I don't even listen to the radio in the car anymore yeah isn't that sad when we have a house I have I have like these visions of like in the morning I walk down the hallway to the living room and I turn on a record player and I make breakfast while everybody's like waking up a record player yeah I want a record player jeez we haven't talked about that I was going to be running like speaker wire and stuff that's fine but I still want to have a record player we might look into some nerdier options we'll see no I want record wouldn't it be cool I don't know I just I want to put music on and make breakfast and then everybody comes out and their pajamas and they're like oh I slept so I slept so good and then then we have breakfast yeah that's kind of like what I'm looking forward to that's funny someone says uh we'll be stretching the off grd label if we have fiber optic not really um I you know I think the off-grid terminology it doesn't apply to internet anymore if you live off grid remotely everybody has generally you need some type of internet connection yeah um so yeah it would make our lives a lot easier I don't I don't consider internet to be uh a requirement for being off- Grid at all personally but if that's how you feel that's your thing so no I mean like some people really want to be totally Off the Grid and not connected that's fine but this is our job but yeah I mean like I said yeah it's our job to make these videos um we have kids that need to learn online because they're homeschooled uh there's a number and just just resource and access to education like uh there there's no reason I mean I don't know I feel like you kind of need internet if you're out here but there's some places where you just can't get it um and some people don't want to be connect to that stuff which is totally fine what about a full class in person to do more solar o that's a liability waiting to happen I don't think so we'll Earths yeah that's just too much um responsibility yeah I don't want to be in charge of someone hurting themselves uh have you thought about running DC and minimizing the AC uh yeah we have a lot of DC Systems here on the property but well for the house even you were talking about doing like a dual system I might have a backup DC system for sure um but no for a house uh for a house as and as many people as will be in this house and we're trying to make it livable and comfortable and have things like ovens and stoves and dryers and freeze dryers and water heaters this house is going to operate like a normal house yeah you need AC power you just you just need it um we're not living in a c we are going to have luxuries we're going to have two flushing toilets guys if it was just like me I could totally live off DC power no problem um but no like for this size project and this size house and the power usage that we're going to need it's it's got to be AC power yeah can I tell can I talk about my end goal for this house well not my end goal but like one of my main goals for the house okay I want to make the inside I can see it in my head I haven't been able to draw it because I'm not good at drawing but I can see it in my head like the color scheme the walls I can see all of like the decor and stuff and like my goal is that it'll be so nice looking that other companies will want to come and do product shoots in our house oh yeah there's like there's a whole thing of like uh companies that search for Unique shooting locations to shoot their products so they like rent a house for 24 hours and come and do all their yeah so that's kind of like my I would think that would be so cool if someone thought it was cool enough to come and shoot their products at our place although we'd have to leave for like a day but yeah I think that'd be cool or we'll just shoot our own products at our house we could do that too you know what we've been talking for a long time oh it's over an hour okay we told the kids we were working at 9: yeah we got to get out there got some Earth bags to lay um so much bag so much bag today how much was it 150 feet yeah something like that yeah our goal is to finish course three today that's the plan um so we're GNA jump off here thank you all so much for hanging out with us on this beautiful Friday morning um we'll be back Monday hopefully Monday with a video uh we'll let you know fingers crossed fingers crossed we got to finish a couple of things to make that happen yeah uh but yeah we're almost there and we can't wait to share more about this uh goat Barn container project that is ramping up quickly yeah make sure you're subscribed so that you don't miss that video coming out hopefully next week right yes and uh jump on the email list for future workshops that are coming up in March and further on like later on in the year because we want to have a lot of community um here this year yep absolutely all right see you guys have a good weekend bye
Channel: Tiny Shiny Home
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Id: c0bkdPYkZXw
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Length: 64min 30sec (3870 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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