Newsom addresses President Biden campaign stops | July 10, 2024

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Tonight on to The Point Governor Newsom campaigning in other states for President Biden, but is he committed to California? When I say I'm all in, I'm all in why he says his actions right now will help California lack of breeze, making a big difference in the heat for today. Plus the new timeline tonight on when this all ends inside the urgent search tonight for two young Children after their mother was found dead in Sacramento. And ABC 10 stands for you asking how law enforcement is trying to keep people safe following three drownings at a popular reservoir. We're starting off tonight with breaking news just into the newsroom. Sacramento police are investigating a shooting that left two people hurt. It happened near the Walgreens off Broadway around 430 this afternoon. Police have the entire parking lot and nearby sidewalks blocked off. It is unclear what led up to the shooting, but we will keep you updated as we learn more as always. Thank you so much for joining us tonight on to The Point. I'm Alex Bell and we are of course tracking another round of extreme heat and we'll have your full forecast coming up in just a few minutes. But first tonight, as the countdown to election day continues, Governor Gavin Newsom has been active on President Joe Biden's campaign trail. Leaving many Californians wondering about his commitment to his home state ABC. Ten's Jeanie Nguyen asked the governor this morning about his goals for California and shares with us how he believes the presidential election would have a severe impact on the state of California. What was supposed to be a discussion on California's efforts to combat wildfires and extreme heat behind us are our Black Hawk helicopters that have been introduced and are available to fly at night when needed. Turned into a discussion on Governor Gavin Newsom's commitment to California as the state faced a deadly heat wave last week with record breaking temperatures. What do you have to say to people who feel like this press conference is coming a little too late given that you left the state last week to be a part of President Biden's campaign. As I noted, I was just here 56 days ago. Uh right before we went out to the White House to get the emergency declaration signed and to get the kind of support that we anticipate we'll need moving forward for the rest of the year. The governor even took some time to criticize former President Donald Trump. We were involved in 100 and 22 lawsuits with the Trump administration. Don't you guys remember that? The chaos the fear, the anxiety how he played politics. Even with the heightened criticism about his focus on the presidential campaign, Governor Newsom expressed his concerns about how much the election will impact the state. I saw a young girl, 13 years old who was raped, that was forced to bring to term her baby clutching a teddy bear. That's the world we're living in under Donald Trump. That's the world he's promoting. Ultimately, the governor reiterated his dedication to the people of California. This is a consequential moment for all Californians and all Americans forgive me. But this is a very intense thing for me. And so when I say I'm all in, I'm all in, in Sacramento County, Jeanne Nguyen ABC 10. The governor has also openly said he would not run for president uh against vice President Kamala Harris. He was asked again if you will if he still felt that way today. And he said, yes. Also we want to mention that coming up a little bit later in the show is President Biden meets with NATO leaders today in Washington. Several Democrats in the Senate now expressed concerns about his candidacy. Plus also coming up a little bit later in the show, what is Project 2025 several of you have asked us about it and tonight, we are explaining what it would do and also where it came from. And as Jeanie just mentioned, Governor Gavin Newsom along with Cal Fire and Cal Oes all announced plans to help Californians safely get through the extreme heat and wildfire season. Cal fire says that they have added more staff and resources to help fight these fires. And so far this season, cal fire has responded to more than 3500 wildfires and more than 207,000 acres have burned across the state. It's important to note that 95% of all wildfires are human caused and they are currently igniting in light flashy cured grasses that are spreading to the brush and timber and our winds and the heat. Recent heat wave have exacerbated the issue consuming 1000 of acres. Officials with Cal Oes encouraged homeowners and residents to protect their homes. Have an escape plan in the event of a wildfire and be prepared to go at any given notice. Governor Newsom also mentioned that the state is working on a heat index to be released in January 2025 to better prepare for these extreme events in the future. And speaking of the heat, we are back up to the triple digits. Let's get over to chief meteorologist Monica Wood excessive heat warning in play all the way through Friday. So you're right. We're right back into that excessive heat heat advisory in place for the foothills and across the coast with highs near 100 but very warm overnight, lows our 24 hour temperature change up five to over 15 degrees from yesterday. So we're out of the nineties into the one hundreds right now throughout the valley, parts of the foothills and close to 90 up top of the Sierra, you might have noticed a little bit of stickiness outside as well. Our dew points are running in the mid fifties to near sixties. So you can see our threshold here that's going to put us right around the sticky range, not quite oppressive, but it's one of those situations we're not usually used to here in California. Most of the moisture off to the east of us. Here we are going to track the slight chance of thunderstorms reappearing for the Sierra forecast heading into our weekend outlook. In the meantime, for tonight, we've got temperature still in the one hundreds at 7 p.m. cooling into the eight nineties by 8 p.m. Not into the eighties until 10 o'clock tonight forecast low around 71 degrees. We're right back in the one hundreds again tomorrow. All right, Monica, thank you tonight. Police are looking for two missing Children after their mother was killed in a Sacramento home. Please do me a favor. Take a look at your screen right now. Police are searching for four year old Athena Lee and two year old Matteo Le they are believed to be with their father, Cameron Lee. Officers say that their mom 28 year old Angelica Bravo was found dead in a home Monday night on Didcot Circle. Police say Cameron could be driving a gray 2023 Honda passport with license plate number nine J like James U like umbrella, S like Sam 091. They say that the car is believed to be in Mexico right now, locating the kids right now are, is our number one priority. And so what we'll be doing as a police department is using every resource we have available and we're gonna be working with every partner agency we can from federal state and local agencies. And if you have any information about the case call the Sacramento Police Department tonight, officials in Stanislaus County have a safety message after three people drowned just last week at Modesto Reservoir. The tragedies bring the total number of drownings in Santa Claus County this year to six tonight. ABC Ten's Gabriel Pori has more on their efforts. It's very relaxing, peaceful. That's why Lucretia TPI chose to spend her week with her sister and kids at the Modesto Reservoir. We just like it here. The water is good enough to get in. It's a little bit cold but you get used to it. We sat and took a deep breath and we both looked at each other and was like, wait, what are we supposed to get to? Literally? Just this is us. We get to relax, but that calm can quickly change to chaos Reservoir. We had our first drowning on June 29th. Our second drowning was July 1st and then our third drowning was July 6th. All of these drownings could have been prevented with a life jacket. Like the one that seven year old Mary Anne knows to put on before doing circles in the water, the life jackets are lined up before the water. So they know that life jacket then water just for not only their safety but for ours as well because like we tell them, we get tired out there, we get tired and we can't keep up. And if we don't have a life jacket on, we don't have nothing to rely on and float. Not everyone has their own life jackets, but officials here at the reservoir don't want that to be an when it comes to staying safe. That's why they offer a life jacket loner program offering free life jackets to people all day at the marina on weekends and upon request at the front entrance on weekdays. We also ask people keep in mind how much alcohol you consume. If you're going to go into the reservoir, try to swim with somebody else, you know, have a couple of people with their group all together and life jackets on the Fisher TPI families are ready to relax on the reservoir. And this one right here she brought life jackets for, I think the ducks as well. Always a must. It's a have to have in Stanislaw County, Gabriel Porous ABC 10. Next on to the point how one local man is bringing relief to those living on the streets. Plus increasing pressure on President Biden, more Democrat donors and leaders questioning if he can win in November as our region experiences deadly heat. Many unhoused people are in the thick of it. Showers by Touchstone provides free showers, food and clothes to those experiencing homelessness in Sacramento with triple digit temperatures. This week, they have Mrs and even converted showers into cooling rooms. We spoke with the veteran who runs the showers about why he felt compelled to start this. I know there was really a big homeless problem and I thought to myself, well, somebody needs to do something about it. Then I realized I'm no better than anybody else if I don't do something about it. So I like to do. Not just say the mobile shower station operates three days a week at locations around Sacramento. And if you would like to help, we have more information on ABC and speaking of all this heat, let's get over to the chief. We're right back up to the triple digits. There we go. Didn't take long. The lack of breeze and you can see how quickly we're going to change things around. Taking a look at that stretch of 100 that was broken yesterday at 98 degrees for downtown Sacramento today, 10 degrees warmer 108 and we're going to get even hotter for our Thursday forecast. We're right back into that weather impact alert. Now, I am going to continue that through Saturday because we're going to stay in the triple digits. And since it's the weekend, a lot more folks like to be outdoors trying to get in some activities, just be aware, limiting time in the sun from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. can help reduce some of the impacts. And certainly our risk of those heat illnesses. Big heat returning though, as you can see, we're warming those temperatures back to near 110 tomorrow. Close to record highs starting off the morning in the seventies. By the noontime hour, we're already near 100. So it's under this ridge of high pressure. We're not going to see much relief until we get to our Sunday forecast at that point. This low starting to impact us a little bit with some cooler conditions. But even then you'll see in the 10 day forecast, it still could be right about at or above average high spur tomorrow in this year or near 90. We're in the one hundreds throughout the foothills with very warm overnight. Lows 81 is where we start the day in Placerville with a high tomorrow of 107. We start the day off at 72 for angels camp up to 111 along the coast. We're in the seventies. That's a great place to get some relief from the heat. If your travel plans allow you to hit the road for tomorrow or even into the beginning of the weekend. Fairfield up to 104 tomorrow. Vacaville 108. As we head inland throughout the valley widespread one hundreds with morning lows starting off in the seventies and upper sixties. It's gonna be a warmer start tomorrow. Today, we still had a little tinge of that cooler air with us as we head into the weekend forecast, slight chance of thunderstorms for the mountains on Saturday. A look at the foothill forecast. If you're doing any camping, just be aware overnight, lows will stay quite warm even into our Sunday forecast along the coast. We're in the seventies dropping to the sixties by Saturday, Sunday and Monday. So our weather impact alert, I'll continue that through Saturday again, primarily because of the outdoor activities that most of us like to do over the weekend forecast. But by the time we get deeper into that seven day forecast and the weekend, we'll start to see those nineties making a return awfully close to record highs though Thursday and Friday. Still ahead on to the point. The latest Democrats calling for President Biden to drop out of the race. Plus what is project 2025. Tonight, we explain what it would do and also where it came from tonight. In your voice, your vote, more democratic lawmakers and donors coming forward, questioning if President Biden can win in November. All eyes focused on tomorrow. His first news conference in eight months, democratic donor and actor George Clooney. Now calling on President Biden to drop out of the race with an opinion piece in the New York Times Clooney who hosted a fundraiser for Biden last month, writes most of our members of congress are opting to wait and see if the dam breaks but the dam has broken. We can put our in the sand and pray for a miracle in November or we can speak the truth. The Biden campaign not directly responding to Clooney pointing to Biden's comments, he's not leaving the race. Meanwhile, today, more democratic lawmakers speaking out worried about Biden's electability. I am deeply concerned about Joe Biden winning this November because it is an existential threat to the country if Donald Trump wins New York Congressman, Pat Ryan posting on X writes Joe Biden is a patriot but is no longer the best candidate to defeat Trump this morning. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on MS NBC. It's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. We're all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. The president today at the NATO summit. You sir Biden with a fist pump with his health, being questioned, the president joking about his age today while meeting with union leaders. A lot of you were there with me all the way back when I was a kid and I'm only 42. But house minority leader Hakeem Jeffries asked if Biden's decision to run is final question that you have to ask President Biden. His decision has been well articulated in a variety of different ways throughout the last two weeks. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump returned to the campaign trail today. He attended a rally in Miami Florida where he brought his youngest son, Barrett on stage. Trump is expected to announce his vice president pick in the coming days. We have been hearing from many of our viewers about the presidential election. One person wrote to the point saying I enjoy your to the point presentations and appreciate that you show different sides of every situation. I see a lot of media coverage about Biden but question why no one is reporting Trump's comments. Please explain to the American people what project 2025 is all about? We also had another viewer that wrote in saying, please stop the Biden bashing. Please cover project 2025. Well, we heard you so tonight ABC Ten's be ha Beer is explaining what project 2025 is and where it came from. What is project 2025. Well, basically it's a 900 plus page plan to overhaul the US government meant as a road map for the next conservative president. It was developed by the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative think tank as something for Trump to consider that we should point out. Trump has stated publicly he is not directly connected to this plan more on that soon. Project 2025 has four so called pillars, policy personnel training and a playbook for the 1st 180 days of the next administration to be written later. Now, the policy recommendation reads like a conservative wish list. They address immigration including a border wall uh while they don't ban abortion, they do call for taking Mifepristone, the so called abortion pill off the market among other abortion limiting measures. The policy also calls for stronger military removing diversity initiatives from the Pentagon and reinstating service members who were kicked out for not getting the COVID vaccine. It addresses tax and education policy overall aiming to defeat what it calls the woke agenda. Here's the president of the Heritage Foundation on Fox News. This week, we are if President Trump wins and he elects to use some of the plans of project 2025 again, totally his choice. We are going to close the border as a country. We're also absolutely going to end the Department of Education if President Trump means what he says and I believe he does about that. The personnel section is where the big changes come in. Project 2025 would reclassify as many as 50,000 federal workers as political appointees essentially at will. Workers who could all be fired on day one of a Republican president's term. Now in their place, the plan calls for an army of loyal conservatives and it creates a presidential personnel database of approved people. Now there's also a training program for prospective political appointees called the Presidential Administration Academy. It's free and most classes are between 30 90 minutes aiming to educate people on how to be government employees. So who is behind project 2025. Well, the Conservative Heritage Foundation lists three people as in charge of the project. All former Trump administration officials and some authors of the plan are also former Trump officials. So what does Trump say about all of this? Well, last Friday on Truth Social, he wrote, I know nothing about project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal anything they do. I wish them luck but I have nothing to do with them. President Biden has made this a big issue in recent days saying Trump is quote, trying to hide his connections to his allies. Extreme project 2025 agenda. The only problem it was written for him by those closest to him. Project 2025 should scare every single American. Ok. So keep in mind as of now, this is only a plan drawn up by a think tank. It's not a law, it's not a bill, it's not even an official Republican party plan. And if most of this was put into effect, it would almost certainly face immediate legal challenges. A Sacramento man convicted in the January 6th 2021 insurrection at the US Capitol is asking a federal judge to remove his conviction and let him out of prison. George Riley faced multiple charges related to storming the Capitol but in an agreement with prosecutors, all but one charge was dropped in exchange for his guilty plea, obstruction of an official proceeding and aiding and abetting. He's been in prison since November serving an 18 month sentence. But less than two weeks ago, the US Supreme Court ruled that obstruction of an official act applies more narrowly such as tampering with evidence in an investigation. So this week, Riley filed court documents asking a federal judge to remove his conviction and allow him out of prison coming up next after the break, problems arise as PG and E works to underground their lines, what some of the first customers are saying about it. PG and E launched a massive years long ad campaign to promote its expensive plan to bury power lines underground. California's biggest power company has become notorious for starting deadly and destructive wildfires mostly from trees falling on the power lines. PG and E ran ads including on this station promising to rebuild itself from the underground up. But a new ABC 10 originals investigation reveals some of the first PG and E customers to receive PG and ES Underground. Feel cheated. It's a lie. It's all a lie. II, I was very happy when I saw those commercials coming out saying they were gonna do this. But what I see is not what they promoted on TV. We'll show you what it looks like on the ground in our latest firepower, money investigation. Make sure you tune in tomorrow right here at 630 on to the point and you already know the deal. If you have something you think we should be looking into, make sure to reach out to me and the team. Remember, strangers are people. We just haven't gotten the chance to meet yet. So take the time to get to know someone. Have a great night and I'll see you right here tomorrow. Hey, it's Alex. I just wanted to say thank you so much for watching the to the point team and I love hearing from you and I hope that you'll stay in touch and don't forget, you can always email me and the team at to the point at ABC or you can even send us a text message at 9163213310.
Channel: ABC10
Views: 43,434
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Keywords: abc10, california news, california weather, forecast, northern california, sacramento news, sacramento weather, to the point
Id: C_3olDmPX5U
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Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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