Newlywed Game from 1997 (81)

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[Applause] double number one walk down the aisle 11 months ago Mickey and Matt Spencer dude in the I dudes five months ago Jill and Chris tigley returning to six months 20 months ago Cheryl and Jim Cole and come along the porridge James Air Miles five and a half weeks ago Jamie and Craig Stewart and uh here's the star of The Newlywed Game wow you back thank you thank you very much hello everybody Welcome to The Newlywed Game glad you could join us today glad you guys been join us you want to play this game yeah I've got a great second honeymoon for somebody over there we're gonna get the game started by asking the husband some questions so ladies if you would please go off to our sound room thank you hey while the ladies are leaving like to remind our husbands I'll be asking you some Five Point questions what I want you to do is answer the questions as you predict your wife will answer the same question when she returns and remember if her answer matches your predictions doesn't get Five Points the one couple with the most points at the end of the show wins that second hunting I was telling you about so here's our first question for Five Points gentlemen will your wife say you think a stand-up comedian could have more of a field day cracking one-liners about her best friend her last boyfriend or her mother Greg standard comedian could have a more of a more of a field day cracking jokes about her best friend her last boyfriend or her mother I think I'm gonna have to say her last boyfriend uh he he leaves himself wide open I mean really you look at the guy you just got to make fun of him you know yeah this is hideous yeah hideous yeah ugly yeah I would say a beer butter her mother yeah she's just uh food a handful that's for sure into this into that really cool all right Chris I'd have to say her little last boyfriend he was uh pretty much a joke her last boyfriend's a joke Total Gym all right Matt I definitely have a say our ex-boyfriend also really he was definitely the type that you can laugh at you can laugh with this guy absolutely next question gentlemen at what time of day will your wife say you need to beg and bleed with her the most if you want to get in a quickie be specific what time of day would that be Jim uh that probably would be um right in the morning okay Chris morning in the morning all day um actually I have to say in the evening time okay I'm gonna have to go in the afternoon uh we're definitely not morning people we both love our sleep and uh just hate to be interrupted and the evening is pretty much a given so I have to say hi in the afternoon next question John how about your wife say you would complete those sentences this is you talking my wife needs to learn that life is full of ups and downs that's why I would like to have her blank moved up and her what move down Chris grab her blank moved up chips moved up and her chest moved down I guess I'm not this is not going to be a good one for me a strange looking woman when you're done boy Matt what are you gonna move up um her breasts moving up I'm gonna have her uh gonna have her boobs moved up butt move down move down move down bubble down some of my favorite spots what's that press your butt is that right I swear to everybody great I'm gonna have to go with her uh her butt moved up and I'd say her hair moved down I really like long hair yeah all right Jim yeah I would go with the breasts a boat smoked up and the butt moved down okay thank you very much gentlemen we'll be right back to realize this really well we're gonna see how uh predicted let their lives we'll say what happened [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] remember each time there's your prediction matches your wife's answer you guys Five Points one couple with the most points at the end of the show one's an incredible second honeymoon so ladies let's see how well you do with these questions tell me does your husband think a stand-up comedian could have more of a field day cracking one-liners about your mother your best friend or your last boyfriend Mickey my last boyfriend your last boyfriend is he a funny guy no oh really Milwaukee was kind of a macho I think I know everything oh really okay well Matt said we're gonna have a great time cracking one-liners about your last boyfriend yeah okay thanks Joe I definitely saved my mother your mother yeah okay he said that you're no it'd be your last boyfriend yeah what are you talking about your mom she's a sister she's an artist what if it was a jerk I mean you're bad was your boyfriend a jerk joke he wasn't so great he wasn't all right so Cheryl because I won I couldn't a stand-up committee could have more of a field day cracking one liners about your mother your best friend or your last boyfriend my last boyfriend yeah is that right definitely my last voice so definitely it would be card for me please your mother thank you oh boy oh boy good luck at the old family reunion [Music] Jamie um definitely like my last boyfriend oh no no Craig just he called Greg one day and it was just not he called great what do you calling oh on the phone and it was just like I know she's over there so it has to be him there's after you were married no no no okay great with that crack little jokes about Park please your last boyfriend sure okay next question ladies at what time of day does your husband need to beg and plead with you the most if he wants to get in a quickie be specific what time of day Joe in the morning in the morning April you would say it would be in the morning yeah yeah sure what do you think I'll say in the afternoon in the afternoon your husband said he'd have to beg in the morning he's over that morning he's right he's right Jamie um I'm gonna say in the morning because neither one of us are morning people in the morning he said even after big in the afternoon come on neither one of us for morning people I mean you know we go for that extra half an hour of sleep every day so I would definitely be now all right Mickey all day yeah but give me give me a time of the day um all day though huh but not yeah I'm sorry the night it's a night time all right he said he'd have to beg in the evening that's all right Church yeah sure it's all right why yeah she's not a sexual person all right thanks for answering the question man I appreciate it next question ladies how did your husband complete this sentence that's the same talking he said my wife needs to learn that life is full of ups and downs and that's why I would like to have her blank moved up and or what move down Cheryl he might have your blame moved up all right my attitude your attitude moved up and what move down um depression depression all right he said he would like to have your boobs moved up and your butt moved down can you believe he said that no yeah Jamie wants to have what moved up I definitely say my boobs moved up and Kai I don't know down my butt okay he said it would be no he wants to move your butt up and your hair down my butt up yeah you're always complaining about your butt and you know that oh yeah Mickey what does he want to move up my butt moved up butt up and probably because he wants me to cut off my hair and what moved down oh my butt moved up and down would probably be I guess my boots your boots okay he said he would like to have your boobs up in your butt now I love them both though I swear okay Jill um I definitely go for the boob stuff boobs up um and I'm hoping you didn't say body part down so my stress level down okay you're not gonna believe what he said he said he wants to have your hips moved up and your chest moved down shut down yeah chest down hips up you'd be pretty if you're still on your head then everything would be a position anyway we'll be right back to see how well the wives can prediction of the husbands will say I'd like to leave a message [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your husbands are all saluted off stage it's your turn predict what they will say and remember each of these questions will not be worth 10 points so here's our first one ladies tell me which half of your bed will your husband say you think has the most complaints his half or your half which half of the bed has the most complaints Cheryl here's after your hat his house because I'm always right up under him he's like you feel like a heat miser kind of go over just a little bit so his hair has always Flex sure okay uh Jill my half your half has a complaint because he's always sleeping in my half and then he has this thing where he puts his arm up and his shoulders and my face so definitely not happy definitely my house your half has the most complaint yes because he always just spirals out all over our videos oh he squirrels out yeah boy that squirrel will hurt you though yeah his age doesn't spoil too much Jake uh my house I'm always cool I'm freezing so okay next question ladies how will your husband say you would complete this sentence now this is you talking if I ever get caught up in the heat of passion and scream out a name other than my husband's I hope it's not whose in the first thing only please don't chuck chuck good job the ex-boyfriend oh Jack yeah okay uh Mickey Brian Brian Brian who's Brian he's um like someone I dated a few bit years back oh okay Jamie Rob who's Rob he's an ex-boyfriend not the one that called him but a different one A different one Cheryl would not want to call him Ron Ron Ron my ex-boyfriend really yes he's jealous okay next question ladies what will your husband say is the first thing you tried to change about him once you had him wrapped around your little finger so first thing Mickey you tried to change back once you hadn't wrapped around your little fingers stinky feet he has the worst smelly feet and he's got these plastic braces that he has to Orthopedic braces that he has to put in shoes so they make him sweat and they flake off and you leave them all over the house oh man no wonder you're not a sexual person smelly old feet sure Jamie what's the one thing you try to change your body once you're getting wrapped around your little finger I definitely changed the way he dresses he dressed like a nerd before you change the way you dress it looks good now yeah okay good Journal the way he decorated I mean he has these weird statues like dogs and cats and fish tanks everywhere so I was kind of like this is too faster for me we gotta change some of this yeah so the the way of the house the way the house looked you decorated the house okay he bites his nails constantly bites his nails down to the note so now I used to just slap his hand when he bite his nails it only pays me a dollar every time he bites his nails he pays you a dollar pays me a dollar and I'll probably buy him a manicure with it there you go okay 25.1 expression ladies what will your husband say runs your kitchen stove is it gas electricity or something else Jamie yes yes job guess guess Jill electric electric Mickey gas yes thank you ladies we'll be back now with the husbands [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign remember these are the big ones these are the 10 point questions some of you need 10 points let's let's see what you can do with it gentlemen which half of your bed does your wife think has the most complaints would that be your half or her half what do you think Chris has the most complaints absolutely why is that good just because it's whether she's talking about work when we go to bed or usually she's I usually end up listening I'm not a bad listener but just that you know she's talking about what's what's wrong or having okay all right don't predict you would say that half the bed has the most complaints definitely is card or half yeah you want this dude I would say my hand your half is the most complaint yeah exactly It's just tough getting to sleep at night okay she predicted you would say the half that has it's yes it's his half sure [Applause] what do you think Greg I'm gonna have to go a third half uh you know her pillow is definitely always uncomfortable she's always swapping pillows with me all right so her half has the most complaint oh yeah definitely she predicted you would say that it is her half but that is the most complaints 50 years well Matthew it's gonna be my nap your app is the most complaints I'm always complaining just about everything what do you complain about oh gosh no sex um my day at work yeah no more sex everything yeah okay Mickey said that it's her house that has like a place [Music] okay next question here let's try this one gentlemen how did your wife complete those sentence now this is her talking she said if I ever get caught up in the heat of passion and scream out a name other than my husband I hope it's not whose Tim all right I'd say Terry Terry all right she says she hopes she doesn't scream out she's in Ron's name is boyfriend and oh he hears some hard stories about him who does James always tell him yeah let me tell you about this clown oh let me tell you this Greg I'd have to say Rob Rob this is another one of her ex-boyfriends actually we talked about him earlier remember the clown and oh yeah yeah I'd have to say that that's it well she said jokes is not Rob yes foreign [Applause] that's the ex-boyfriend really yes that's a cool guy not particularly her handsome guy not particularly well Bill nothing could be me though all right she said she hopes that she doesn't scream out Brian's name who's Brian Brian who I was attracted to not Andrew you're right sorry yeah twiggle in your eyes you said Brian that's better that's way better yeah and why does Brian have to beg I mean he doesn't have to pay what does that happen again you mean Brian doesn't have to beg but Matt does no no no better not be I'm confused Matt it's amazing Brian doesn't have to dig no got it oh I didn't ask that okay Chris um I'd have to say Steve I guess that would kind of conservice he was my best friend he was he boss man you know she might yell out you know eat a passion she might yell out whose name uh Chuck's name yeah yeah why did I yell out I don't know I was worried I don't know I couldn't remember Chuck's name here is that insignificant okay here's another question for 10 points since we're having so much fun here gentlemen tell me what is the first thing your wife tried to change about you what she had you wrapped around her little finger Greg wow I I'd have to say that uh I I'm I'm away a lot and I do a lot of traveling and she definitely makes me come home as if it uh before I used to go on trips and stay away for a couple days now I'm definitely coming back home you're coming back home all right well Jamie said the one thing she changed about you is with the way you dress you dress like a nerd before you know a nerd oh come on no oh I guess that's right she picked this out for me today to her so it looks very nice thank you thank you all right you like my outfit I like beautiful thank you very much well I would definitely say the way should I dress wear your dress so we had a dress before same t-shirt same jeans all the time it didn't matter wow no I'm just sexy man yeah you are sexy man all right she said the one thing she changed about you pal is that your stinky feet oh how can you change that how can you change that and you wonder why you have to beg Chris I'd have to say like the whole laundry thing because I usually was pretty casual about where I'd be throwing it okay she said the one thing she had to change about you once you got you wrapped her on your finger is the way you bite your nails oh yeah yeah that's a bad that's a bad habit a bike okay okay Jim I would say my patience your patience yeah okay uh she said the one thing she changed about you was it's the way you decorate your apartment look like heck yeah it's kind of masculine okay before we get to our 25 Point bonus question let's see where our winning couple will be going on there a second it's a fabulous Caribbean cruise you'll spend one week aboard across the cruise ship you're a leading cruise line there's a second watch the St Thomas Grand Cayman Ocho Rios and Costa's Private Island Experience cruising Italian style from Costco cruises back to you about it thank you Kramer very much okay here we go again this is our 25-point bonus question this one's gonna decide who goes on that fabulous second honeymoon to the Caribbean gentlemen for 25 points what runs your kitchen stove electricity gas or something else let's go first account number one Matt and Mickey have temp 25 would give you 35. if you get it right you're going to be in first place Matt yes yes it is yes yeah double three give us Cheryl call yes 10 25 gives you 35 get it right in your time for the lead James yes yes she said it is yeah sure coming to Chris and Jill 15 25 gives you 40. take your over the league with the correct answer if you miss it you're going to the last place electric electric you got it right to her you get it right you're going to Caribbean congratulations to you see you next time [Music]
Channel: Rich Short
Views: 46,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dHf-UYniLPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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