Newlywed Game from 1997 (62)

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stacy and rick neville double number three traded wings two and a half months ago stacy and mario espino and couple number four to the eye news ten months ago danielle and alex [Applause] nice to have you all with us are you ready to play this game well i'll tell you what we're gonna do it's nice to have you here first of all and then we're gonna start off the show by asking the husband some questions so we can't do that unless the ladies are in our soundproof room ladies if you would please and while the ladies are leaving like remind our husbands i'll be asking you some five-point questions you'll be answering these questions as you predict your wife will answer the same question when she returns remember if her answer matches your prediction you then get five points the one couple with the most points at the end of the show with a fabulous second honeymoon so gentlemen here's the first of our five-point questions gentlemen the last time your wife accidentally woke you from a sound sleep will she say you got annoyed got up or got excited pal last time she woke you from a sound sleep if you get annoyed get up or get excited um i would have to say that i just got up you got a lot all right how are you i actually got annoyed yeah i sleep during the day so when she gets home and wakes me up you know i'm annoyed getting up anyways hey rick what do you think oh no you're annoyed oh yeah joe i got annoyed she's been bothering me a lot and wake me up a lot lately next question gentlemen what will your wife say is the last present she bought for you that she really bought for herself something she bought for you mario but really it was for herself hmm i would just say a piece of lingerie there's a long story she wants you a piece of lingerie but it's really fun it's kind of for me but you know she's going to put it on and i guess i worked in bed you know oh i didn't like things good bro she bought me some sunglasses way too small oh her style her everything joe uh she went out and said she bought me some frosted flakes but they're actually for her boy she's a big spender isn't he yeah just you and tony the tiger how um i would have to say that it was some clothes because she's being more specific than just clothes right sure for sure my dressing has been a little bit bad lately so she's been trying to get me in colors like this shirt right here i think you look very nice today thank you did you pick that up no no she did okay next question gentlemen how will your wife say you would complete this sentence this is you talking the crew of star trek's enterprise may have boldly gone where no man has ever gone before but i'll bet no couple has ever boldly gone to make whoopi like we did where where rip did you go to make whoopee that no one has ever gone before a public pool in a resort [Applause] the shower oh sure no couple has ever known that before now um it was in a laundry room whose library room it was an apartment complex laundry room that everybody use we put the soapbox as the pillow what kind of soap was it dude right t-rex oh oh i was hoping it was bold mario uh i used to have an old truck i'd stay in in that truck and the passenger seat out in the middle of nowhere so you're on the middle of nowhere in that truck in the passenger seat yes sir all right don't call me sir please all right thank you gentlemen we'll be right back to revive we'll see how other husbands have predicted what their wives will say right now welcome back to the newlywed games your predictions on cards you now have them flat on your laps each time that your prediction matches your wife's answer you get five points one couple with the most points at the end of the show wins that great second honeymoon and it's a good one too ladies if you're ready here's our first five point question the last time you accidentally woke your husband from a sound sleep did he get up get annoyed or get excited april um i'd have to say he got annoyed he got annoyed yeah he did because i i've been in a i was in a car like a moped accident uh-huh so for like a whole week for anything i'd be honey wake up oh yeah okay he would say that he got annoyed you're right yeah i know this answer what is it it would have to be annoyed he got annoyed at you yes does he do that often he says i talk too loud on the telephone oh okay rip says the last time you woke him up from a sound sleep card please rip yeah he got annoyed [Applause] hey i'd say because whenever i wake him up for anything whenever he's sleeping he always gets annoyed yeah he's always grumpy he wakes up in a bad mood all the time he's letting him sleep there oh i just leave him alone he would say he got annoyed [Applause] danielle i'm gonna say he got excited he got excited wait no danielle he's always he always wants to do it all right he said the last time he got up always get excited that's over sex yeah but if i wake you up that's probably you i'll wake her up for six yeah that's why let's try another question so you can get this one ladies what's the last present you bought for your husband that you really bought for yourself stacey devils i would have to say a pair of sunglasses he predicted usa card please [Applause] um i have to say a cd a cd he said the last president you bought for him was really for yourself was uh a piece of lingerie he said you bought him some lingerie but it really is for you sorry yeah you can buy these things to put on so you think you look nice and everything you know but it's for me actually because it excites me no you're getting annoyed no i don't get annoyed with you're awake you're annoyed according to her no no no no you've been wearing her lingerie i guess not long enough i'm annoyed i guess i'm going to say lingerie lingerie all right he said the last thing you bought for him really for you was a shirt a shirt a [Music] okay we're gonna lose this show you missed that one too yeah i'm not doing good you know april uh the last thing you bought for your husband that you really bought for yourself i think it has to be an ice cream cake an ice cream cake yeah all right still pretty did you say it was uh frosted flakes buy them for me but you eat them all that's my favorite cereal what are you talking about ladies how did your husband complete this sentence this is him talking he said the crew of star trek's enterprise may have boldly gone where no man has ever gone before but i'll bet no couple has ever boldly gone to make whoopee like we did where where was it stacey um i guess i'd have to stay in his car in a park in this car in a park yeah really what park was this oh gosh um it was a couple years back in anaheim it was at the school park at late at night and we parked and good thing to rent a room is that it you would say it was uh in his old truck judge okay what does the judge say they say that's okay okay danielle here's your chance now to pick up some points no couple no couple has ever boldly gone to make whoopee like you did where okay the laundry room the laundry room weren't you afraid you'd get caught no i guess the vibrating dryer kind of got us excited all of tomorrow the maytag man is going to be really busy april uh well we haven't really ever gone that experimental so i just have to say the bathroom we're in a bathroom on top of the sink on top of the sink all right joe said it was uh no he said in the shower well you move around that bathroom a lot don't you it's too thought i don't know you only got a couple more places in that room to go and you have to go to another room you know that joe okay stacy neville i would have to stay in a car on the 91 freeway how fast were you going oh probably about 55. well at least you weren't breaking the speed limit all right wait wait a minute whoa whoa you're in a car on the 91 freeway at 55 miles an hour [Applause] can you imagine what the people thought when they drove by you look at the smile on his face rick said it would be uh no in a public pool at the resort or you just get out there in public don't you really yeah we'll be right back to see how well the wives can predict what their husbands will say right after these messages [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the newlywed game ladies your husbands are now secluded off stage it's your turn to predict what they will say remember these questions will now be worth 10 points here's our first one ladies what will your husband say is the softest part of his body be specific stacy neville's the softest part of his body be specific please i would have to say his stomach your stomach right he's pretty athletic and everything else on his body including his butt it's nice and firm yeah his trouble area he's got a little trouble right there okay april i have to say his uh boobs his boobs yes because uh he doesn't have an upper body thing going for him he doesn't work out or anything so when i squeeze them they're real soft really i've been doing this show a long time it's usually just the opposite that that works but maybe things have changed danielle um i'm gonna say his butt his bottom his butt is soft as part of his body yeah it's really soft and tiny [Applause] he's grabbable he's incredible okay here's the last of our ten point questions ladies how will your husband say you would complete this sentence this is you talking his friends and family don't know this but my husband is a closet what april his friends and family don't know this but your husband is a closet what a closet uh some his friends and family don't know this man is very public they know everything everything are you kidding he won't even get out of the bathroom and make love like me and he's very comfortable i'd have to say a closet odorous man or something i don't know obviously we need a ton from work he reaps of like old car man so he's a closet older man i don't know what word is differently i want to read it differently but that's basically it he's a closet odor manager well i bet they match that one he's a closet sex maniac yeah they think he's oh i guess i'm sure they don't know but he wants to do it all the time but we walked but he gets annoyed when you wake him up no he gets excited yes stacey uh she's taking on my answer i have to say he's a sex man yeah he's a closet sex maniac yes he wants to do it every five minutes is that right yes no kidding yes the show's been on here [Applause] [Music] oh yeah that's right he won't rent a room i forgot i would have to say he's kinky sex maniac kinky he's a freaky what he's freaky he's a closet freaky really weird huh no no okay not at all 25 point bonus question ladies what will your husband say is the name of his very favorite singer your answers must match exactly danielle tupac two five he said he's too far um uh oh jim morrison jim morrison okay stacy i would have to go with also tupac tupac bye april bob elvis presley bob bob pause elvis presley thank you ladies we'll be back with the husbands [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the newlywed game all of our couples have scored points we're gonna see how you do now gentlemen let's see how well your wives have predicted what you will say remember these questions will now be worth 10 points first one gentlemen tell me what is the softest part of your body be specific mario softest part of your body it's in my stomach tell me she said the softest part of your body is top card for me only you know it's your butt your butt's soft and squeezable yeah it's hard it just says it's soft and squeezable you know i work out i run you guys yeah wait to the guys at work find out about that ow softest part of your body um i would have to say my hands your hands she predicted you would say no it's your butt i think i'm gonna have to go with the blood she loves that really she's oh this part is the butt all right she said the soft part of your body is your boobs [Applause] you don't have much suggestions they're kind of soft i don't know how much chest or something there it's all but i yeah but you have soft boots yeah what do you do for a living i'm a cop you're oh you're a cop a cop with soft boobs you guys softest part of your body i only have one soft part on my body yes stomach she said you only have one it is your stomach yeah last of our 10 point questions here gentlemen how did your wife complete this sentence this is her time his friends and family don't know this but my husband is a closet what al you're a positive what uh now i have to say freak freak i asked the man all right she said you're a closet sex maniac what does the judge say about that hey the judge knows sex maniacs don't argue with the judge joe your friends and family and everybody at the station don't know this but you're a closet what i said the closet singer singer she said you're a closet uh card for me please uh older man okay i think everybody knows that are you thinking how public you are he's public about everything so they're doing everything i don't know how public he is you're a positive what um guess that's senior because i don't think i can singer she said you are a closet freaky kinky sex i always ask him to sing to me he never does okay mario i'm gonna go with the closet like wild man party animal party animal all right she said you are a closet sex maniac before we get to our 25 point bonus question let's see where our winning couple will be going on their second honeymoon it's a fabulous caribbean cruise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] private island experience bruising italian style from costa cruises back to you all right peter thank you very much here it is your 25 point bonus question for 25 points gentlemen what is the name of your very favorite singer and your answers must match exactly let's go first to come number one joe and april yeah five twenty five would give you thirty joe if you get it right you're gonna be in first place it would have to be elvis elvis he said it is coming danielle with five twenty five to give you thirty i'll get it right you're tied for the lead [Applause] gives you 35. mario get it right and you're going to be in first place jim morrison jim morrison that's what she said morrison all right come on over to the rip and stay to 20 25 will give you 45 rip if you get it right you're gonna win a fabulous second honeymoon what's your answer two five [Applause] see you next time [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Rich Short
Views: 44,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ghvaoDlmwfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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