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[33-second preview of the person we talked with] It's been a while since I ate rice cake ramen. See, you're lucky to be here, aren't you? Can you eat it now? Don't you need to control your diet? It's okay. But if you need to control your diet, do it. You said you'd buy me a meal for the first time in 10 years. But you're also telling me to control my diet and not to eat... Hey, I'll buy you another meal later. No, I didn't go against him. - Sorry, but now... - Not now. We're going to play Yut now. Where are you going? Can't you see Halli Galli in the back? Hey... [This place is...!] [(Decorated in grandma's house style) A mecca for breakfast meeting] [Having a friendly chat] Today, simply, [(Instead of rice cake soup)] we'll cook rice cake ramen. [Unlike usual, he's decided to have a short but proper talk] I'll finish this in 40 minutes. In 40 minutes, so that you can get some rest... Don't! Don't? Why not? [The 2nd writer is a fan of Lee Dongwook] I'm his fan. [(He is today's breakfast member)] Really? Oh, really? [I want to tease her so much] Your dream guy is Dongwook. Then I should finish it faster. In 30 minutes! So today, you... [Laughs] 2nd writer) I didn't know this day would come. That's why the second writer styled her hair today. [She styled her hair early in the morning] Now I see, that's why you... You dressed up today. I wore this last time, too. You're wearing a polo sweater, right? [Like an uncle making fun of his nephew] So you dressed up naturally... You look natural but you dressed up so much today, right? Yes, you're right. Yeah. Wait, It's been a while, but I'll have a cup of coffee first. Did the filming go well? Did you have fun? [DdeunDdeun's new content was filmed recently] It was fun. Yeah? That's good. I think DdeunDdeun will be popular soon. Staff) The filming was really fun... But I'm not sure how many people will watch the game. If you keep doing it, it'll be popular soon! We also... We also didn't know we'd get so many viewers like this. We didn't know. About 100,000 views... We thought it'd be nice if we get 100,000 views. [First upload at 10pm on Feb 10th (Fri)] On Feb 10th? The teaser will be uploaded on Feb 1st. After uploading the teaser... Today, this... Don't show him the coffee. Seho will drink it all. He's like filling up on gas with this. [Pingyego!] He's here. He's just in time. I can hear Dongwook! He's here at exactly 9 o'clock. Hello! [Dongwook enters in comfortable clothes] Dongwook! Happy new year. [And...] Yeah. What's this? [His homewear looks uncomfortable] They told me to wear homewear. That's too much! [He claims he's wearing these clothes at home] No, I mean it. Why are you wearing the clothes that doesn't fit you? I really mean it, usually... I usually dress like this. [He's hiding his secret to have a breakfast meeting] But I don't think this is right, so... There are another eyes underneath. [Agreed that he wears a cardigan] So I don't think this is right... Come here, Dongwook. [Whatever] [Picking it up] I can wear this myself, right? [He watched it] Yes, you can. Hey, Changhee! [Changhee is wearing full makeup on his homewear] No one wears full makeup at home. [So noisy as soon as they get together] [Whatever, man] Hey Why are you wearing makeup? I care about grooming. [Can't deny him] But you don't usually wear cardigan, do you? If I only wear innerwear, it's a bit... I'm worried the viewers would be uncomfortable. [I don't get involved in meaningless arguments] But if you want to look real, just wear the inner. [Trying to take off the cardigan again] Let's see how it looks like. This is gonna a big issue. [Laughs] Do you want it? Do you want it from me? [Approaching to him] Don't take off all your clothes. Do you want me to be an issue? [Lost his laughter again] Dongwook, Why don't you laugh? No, it's not that. I've seen them do that so many times! So it's not fun at all! But Nam Changhee is wearing real homewear. It looks so stained. [Showing] I got this stain, too. I'm really wearing it at home! - We promised it, with Dongwook, too. - Even if it's YouTube, you can't be rude on the show. We told him. Since Jaesuk is here, - It's okay. We all have to wear homewear. - But I got this stain today. I got this stain while putting on makeup. And his, too, real homewear! These are all mine. [Official "Opening = Fashion Talk"] Dongwook really likes to wear that. I'm really wearing these at home. But, you know, More than I thought, Pingyego is... [Talking on the view counts of previous meetings] I'm sure you felt it, too. - Because I told you... - The view count... The view count was amazing. Changhee's best works last year and this year are Pingyego, right? It's not just 2022. In my 23-year career! [His peak has come thanks to the breakfast meeting] This is my best work right now. But Jo Seho and Nam Changhee look like regular members here. From now on... It's from today's episode. You guys will be paid to appear on the show. Really? [If you are here more than 3 times, you'll get a small amount of affection - DdeunDdeun] Then, in the meantime, without any fee? - In the meantime, we gave them some presents... - They gave me presents. Or galbi. We gave them things like that. - Maintenance fee? - What? Maintenance fee? - You paid their maintenance fee? - Actually, [New concept of appearance fee in this modern society] That's... That sounds nice. [Got it because it's funny] Maintenance fee... Maintenance fee, and pocket money! (Kwangsoo is 15) He's just giving what's in his pocket as pocket money. Grabbing it from my pocket! [World's 1st random appearance fee] If you grab 50,000 won, it's 50,000 won. It's random! [(Amazed)] But he's handsome, really. - Thank you. - He's so handsome. - To be honest, this hair style... - I saw him after a while, but he's still handsome. If we grow out our hair, That really doesn't look good on us. I think you've been growing out your back hair. - I'm just growing out the back hair a bit. - But it looks cool. It's really cool. - Is it that cool? - You can grow it out a little longer. - You know that these days, right? - What? You look like The Glory's Ha Doyoung! [If you haven't watched "The Glory" yet, I recommend you to skip this part] I mean it. It's a hot topic, right? My friends send me 2 or 3 messages a day. [He can't help but notice that he looks like him] I already know that. - It's the same if you take off your glasses! - Really? You think so? [A nice assh...] [The reactions are bad] You look like Ha Doyoung a bit... But right now, here... [Quickly catches the mood] Well...? What should I say? You know, these days... We don't call it fake. We put "st" on it a lot. [It's like that style] You should write a dot on it. "st". But one day, I'll meet him. Usually, after we talk like this, I'll meet him somehow. - I have to see The Glory. - You haven't seen it yet, have you? - He's busy filming these days. - Yeah, I haven't seen it yet. [Speaking of which, talk on how you've been doing] What are you doing these days? I just finished filming season 2 of "Tale of the Nine Tailed Fox." There's another season. - (Everyone knows) Going to the countryside... - I started filming a movie 3 days later. What movie are you filming? It's called Harbin. So Hyun Bin, Park Jungmin, Jo Woojin, and... Promote it while you're here. But there's a lot of time left until the movie is released... Then do it in advance! [Forcing him to promote it early] Where is Harbin? It's because this video is left on YouTube. Although I'm not the main character... Hey, why do you say that? [A little crazy promotion of the movie] I'm just a supporting actor... - Please support the movie. - But Dongwook didn't come here because of that. - I called Dongwook to... - Yes, it's not that. [Talking about casting of Pingyego] I was working out. I got 2 missed calls from Jaesuk. Jaesuk is not the person to call first! [(Serious)] Why are there 2 calls from him? His voice sounded like that. What happened? [Copying himself] Why? What happened? I was working out... "Dongwook, what are you doing?" "I was working out. Why?" "Come on Pingyego." [You! Be my (talk show's) guest!] And he was like... I laughed so hard! That's when I laughed the most in 2023. But actually, you two have to meet. It's because it's been 10 years since I said I'd buy Dongwook a meal. [To keep the appointment of a long time ago] You should say it in front of the camera. Until 5 years ago, when I talk to Dongwook on the phone, he said "Yes, see you soon." But after 6 or 7 years, "You don't have to!" - "You don't have to buy me a meal." - That's right... - "I'll buy it with my own money. It's okay." - Yes... I said it was okay not to buy me a meal. And I said this after 9 years. Hey, [(Tough)] I'll buy you a meal! Don't say like that! Is that why we cook rice cake ramen today? [Escaping] Let's cook it ourselves... - We'll cook it together today. - Ah, yes. I didn't mean to say this. But one of our writers is Dongwook's fan. - Really? - Who... - Who's... - Let's guess! [Let's find Dongwook's fan by feeling] Let's guess by looking at their faces. Look at their faces. I think she... As soon as Dongwook talked, she put down her cell phone. [He got it right] You know what I mean, right? 2nd writer) I saw Scent of a Woman (TV show) - Really? - She's a fan since a long time ago. Scent of a Woman is the 1st work I did as soon as I was discharged. She said today was the happiest day since she entered this industry. - Oh, thank you. - Really? I think she's dressed up much more today than she did last time. She wasn't dressed up at all when we were here last time. [Clapping] She didn't care us at all! She looks natural, but she's wearing her most favorite clothes. [Staring her] She's wearing a polo. She's wearing three rings. I love your sweater. [He's guilty] [Behind-the-scene stories about casting again] Jo Seho called me. "Hey, you..." "I heard you'd appear on Pingyego." so I said "Yeah, I will." "Then, I don't have much, but I'll prepare 4 good stories about you." And I said "Why are you preparing them? There's no need." The first story I made was that he sent me 5 million won... I'll just try it. Why? You don't have to! - Did he actually send it to you? Or... - No, he didn't! If he didn't, you can't say it. But, actually... A few days ago, Dongwook... [Changhee got the allowance from him] gave me the money. - How much did he give you? - He gave me a lot. I have more affection for Changhee. I want to take care of him more. But Seho is very active by himself. - He's doing well. - He is, but... He's very outgoing... [Like parents worrying about their stay-at-home kids] But Changhee stays at home a lot. Yeah, he's always lying down at home. [(To my beloved friend)] Even if I can't buy him a good wine, But I hope him to have a wine and a nice meal... [He's guilty again] That's why I gave him that money. He means it. I'm not saying this because of that, but Dongwook... You two owe him a lot. [Agreed] You owe him a lot. Wherever you go, No, not at all. But seriously, I'm taking care of them with my heart. When I met them, Not just the two of them, but when I meet Byungjae, Sehyung or Sechan... I get a lot more energy from them. So we can have fun together. [(Speaking of which)] What you two have in common is [About the guys who love Jo and Nam] that you like the guys that you can control. [in common, they like obedient guys in common] Basically, having no complaints, the guys with no complaints who you can control. [(Disagree)] Not at all. It's not, right? They aren't obedient at all. That's what I'm saying. That's right! They aren't obedient! - Only him! - But! It's hard to be obedient at 41, right? Today's star is... Lee Dongwook whom I owe a lot, right? There's no star! It's not that. Yeah, he's not the star. Dongwook just came here today. That's right. I just came here. And! This guy, actually... speaking of which, I can call him this guy, right? [This place has no stars or rules] It's casual. Kim Seho... I'm Jo Seho! [A prepared tiki-taka] I'm not Kim Seho... Jo Seho, Jo Seho. [Maintaining his emotions] I'm the son of my father named Cho Kyusung. If you owed him a lot, change your name. - Yes! I'm Kim Seho. - Anyway. Yes! Choi Seho... He told us earlier. It's weird to be obedient when he's 41. Choi Seho was... Until he was 38, I told him to wash his hands before he eat. [Another guy who has advised him sighs] I said, "Hey, I'm 39 and you're 38." "How long should I nag you to wash your hands before you eat?" I thank Dongwook for taking care of me, but... [I also have something to say] In the past, Dongwook took good care of the staff. One day, he invited me to dinner with the staff. All the staff were there. But he said to me, "Hey, go wash your hands!" That was right to say, but... Then don't you have close friends among actors? - Do you, Dongwook? - Yes, I do. I do. I'm close to most of the actors I worked with. Do you? He's like...! He is the type to keep in touch with people who have worked with him. Sorry, but... Are you in his PR team? Why do you keep talking next to him? I want to listen to what he's saying! - You keep talking his stories... - I'm sorry. I apologize. Americano... I'd like a cup of Americano, please. - Make him shut his mouth! - Do you want a cup of Americano? - With a cup of Americano! - This is a cafe famous for Americano! [Orders 3 cups of Americano] 3 cups of Americano, please. I told them to remove it. If they don't, Seho will drink it all. [Fuel for talk: 3 cups of Americano] On Pingyego, I have to drink 3 cups. [Finishes what he was saying] So, we're all close and I get along with them. We always... It was the same when we did Infinite Challenge before, If I do a TV show... Dongwook is really... Whatever his situation is! Yes, I'm okay. He's always on my show. I really thank him for that. [Laughs] So you called me at the beginning of the year and said, "Hey! Come on Pingyego" [Pingyego!] [(Without Seho who wasn't there)] [Talking about the fishing trip to Jeju Island] A fishing trip to Jeju Island? Without Seho. But when I go fishing... To Changhee... [Worried] But when I ask Changhee to do something, - He never says, "Yes". - He never says,"Yes" or "Okay." - Never! He doesn't! I mean, not at all! [Everyone knows how careful Changhee is] I know his carefulness, so... - Since it's YouTube, I can say it, right? - Go ahead! I told him to come by that time. And I thought he'd say something to me, so... Don't say bull**it. Just come. [Everybody laughs] Oh, that's so cool! But... - Oh, that's nice. - Then he came! [But the bad word was very effective] But it doesn't sound like a bad word. - And then he came. - It sounds like a line since you're saying it. He has pissed me off. If I ask Changhee to do something, He has a buzzword, "Let me see if I can." [Having a lovely conversation in a while] You have to see if you can... - You have to see if you can, and... - Don't do that! You think you're going to catch a cold that day. - He says he's going to get sick in advance! - I... I understand what he says. [The topic that they always talk about] ISFP is like that. We don't like having a fixed schedule. Yeah. - I might suddenly not want to go. - That's right. But it was good to go, right? - It was great there. - If I go, I feel good. - We had a lot of fun. - If we go, we have so much fun! - We went to Jeju Island and enjoyed the sea wind. - It's almost like I caught this. If they'll go anyway, they can happily say "Okay!" But he takes a long time to answer like that. [Spokesman of ISFP] But one of our characteristics is - Our reactions are not that good. - Right. Like this, for example, you caught a bream! [(An ordinary) happy reaction] Wow, hey! That's what I do! Taking out the phone, "Wow! Amazing!" - Yes, right! - But we don't do this. [An expert at bad reactions] We do it this much. At that time, Changhee was like "Oh..." That's what he did. It's because it's annoying to react... [Don't have the energy to react to others' business] It's not my business, so. We're lazy. I mean, I also... [Scary regret] I should've pushed you into the sea. [A happy ENFP appears] I react a lot when there's something. Wow! Oh! That's a bream! He's doing too much! He runs around! [Jo and Nam are the opposite of each other] I don't want to see him like that. It feels like you're acting. That's true. It's a bit unnatural! [Detailed story of "unnatural"] In the past, when he was following you guys, before he scooped the hot soup into his mouth, "Wow, it tastes so good!" "Hey, eat it before talking!" I guess he feels some kind of duty. [His face turned red] "Wow, it tastes so good!" Because he was a freeloader... [He was in hurry, so he paid his reaction in advance] Scooping the soup, [(Predicting)] "Wow, it's so refreshing!" [I mean it] What is Dongwook's MBTI? I haven't took MBTI test. [(I don't know his MBTI, but)] I think he's this kind of type. He grumbles, but does everything. - Why do you do that? - That's right. But he surprisingly does his best. So when I casted him here, "You're calling me because of this?" "Okay, I'll be there..." I didn't do that. I really didn't do that! [He exaggerated the story, but looks calm] I didn't do that! [(Very Reliable)] If you say that, I'll get so criticized. I mean, you look like this type... I really didn't do that! I didn't! I didn't at all! [He officially didn't] He's this type... He really didn't. I mean you're this type. - Of course! I'll definitely be there! - I'm not saying you did this. [Explaining individually] It's so fun. I'll be there. - You know what I'm saying, right? - Yeah. According to Gallup survey, Koreans have loved him for 20 years... For 11 years! [The number needs to be exact!] To be exact... - It's 11 years! - You need to say it exactly! Throughout all generations, he topped the list. - For 11 years! - He topped for 11 years! And why are you wearing a gold watch here? It's my valuable item. [I see!] You should leave it at home. Why are you wearing it here? [Let's introduce Seho's valuable item] It's a gold Daytona Rolex. [Wearing] You look good on it. Just have it! [Owner] Give it to him as a new year's gift. For you, I can give it to you! It's a rare scene. The scene Jaesuk wears this watch... [Unfamiliar and rare scene] It's a very rare scene. I like new things! Everything is new things! You should pronounce it harder. [He's guilty of laughing] New things! I was personally curious about this. You don't have much interest in watches, do you? I don't, to be honest. I also have a Rolex at home. When I got married, I got it. - It's a really standard one. - But, since I... Since I'm appearing on variety shows, I should move my body a lot. So I can't wear a watch like this. - It's heavy and gets scratched... - It's uncomfortable. [Basically, he isn't interested in watches] I have one too, but I'm not interested in watches. - Me, neither. - It's a difference of taste. I liked watches a lot since I was young. Not just watches, you want to buy many things! He's working hard to get them. It motivates you, right? [His interests motivate him!] Yeah, that motivates him. I think he'll make his coffin with gold later. Yeah. [Next topic: Dongwook's interests] What about Dongwook? I... The only thing I'm interested in these days... is my work, really. [Looks cold] Because this... - That's not what I mean! - Except for the work. [He's guilty of marrying his work] That's not what I mean. Except for the work. I... I need to keep working on other works without a break. "How should I finish this well and move on to the next?" has been my interest for 2 or 3 years. He keeps working. He only works out and acts. Other than that, I really have nothing. And what he's interested in is how Changhee and I... [How his friends have been doing...] He checks how we have been doing. [Jo and Nam's father] Our father in this showbiz industry. [Jo and Nam's mother] Jinkyung is our mother. [Jo and Nam's brother] He's like a real brother. These days, even a real brother wouldn't help you like him. Yeah? Then, he's my cousin? A cousin wouldn't help you more! Say something! [The brother looks happy, anyway] Don't say no. Say something first! "My cousin?" "A cousin wouldn't help you more!" - A cousin wouldn't do it more. - Then, what? But he only says the right things. [Everyone loves him] Yeah, Changhee only says the right things. Then, who? A tutor? [He's right again] A tutor isn't as nice as he is. A tutor is a stranger, after all. - Daddy Long Legs. - Okay. That's right. I thought of Daddy Long Legs, too. [Officially, he's Jo and Nam's Daddy Long Legs] I'm not. He's really like Daddy Long Legs. [Saying about his height] He's really tall. [Saying about the book / He should write a book. [Saying other things] In the past, he also... [His height is chosen as the topic] He's really tall, right? - How tall is Dongwook? - 185cm. - Wow... - He's definitely Daddy Long Legs! I wish I was that tall. 185! 188! I want to be 188cm tall, too. Oh, really? You're greedy, man! - We want to be as tall as you. - I just want to be as tall as you. [Relative deprivation] It's driving me crazy. You want to be as tall as me! Nonsense! How tall are you? - But... - 169cm! [They have different sense of humor] Hey, stand up! You're 167cm tall! But Seho and Changhee's height debate has been too old. - You two are the same! - The debate has been too old. - I'm definitely taller! - I'm taller than him! Ahh... [5 secs to relax your ears and eyes] [Small issue in Pingyego: Changhee's poached egg] Last time, Changhee said he made poached eggs, so in the comments on Pingyego, there was [There are always requests for the vlog] a request to upload a vlog on how he make poached eggs. But they told us to try making poached eggs. I've received a lot of DMs, too, so... - What do they say? - "When will you make poached eggs?" They want me to do a live... [More requests for Instagram live, too] They want me to do an Instagram live. Post it on your Instagram account. They want me to post it on Instagram, so I... But I've never done an Instagram live before. - Come on! - Hey, just try it! Don't do this. Don’t make a big thing out of this. Don't! You guys do this, but if he really does it, you won't watch, right? [Live sample] Hello, I'm Nam Changhee. I'll make poached eggs. After making poached eggs like this, Okay! It's done! So what? He ate a lot of food I made at my house. [Naturally starting to talk on Changhee's cooking] I cooked a lot for him. Changhee is good at cooking. I said to him, "make Naengmyeon colder!" Then he made the Naengmyeon warmer... That's not true! Jjamppong... I said to him, "make Jjamppong a lot hotter!" Then he made it colder... [The chef adds anger] I was so angry! What's wrong with you? He's never cooked for me as I asked him to! If it's too hot, he might be surprised. I was so angry! [Considerate ISFP ally] But it's because he's considerate. - I made it at a temperature that's easy for you to eat. - He's being considerate... Yes, thank you. [He's interested in Changhee's house] Then, invite him to your house soon. [He's interested in Changhee's hand] Look at his hand! [He's guilty of being sweet suddenly] It's not a vlog, but... Why are your hands so small? [(Go home and)] Make him a poached egg. - With Dongwook, too! - Dongwook, come. Yes... Make me that. On Pingyego... I mean, we'll do it. [We'll go there and make poached eggs someday] It's not a vlog... We don't usually go outside. Come... Are you going to show us your house? I'll do it for the first time on Pingyego! [(Drum roll) Showing his house for his best work] It's his best work. But no one is curious about it. But if you go to Changhee's house, [(Raising expectations for his house)] His house is so cute and pretty. [(Raising expectations for his house 2)] But I've never shown you the house I moved to. [(Jumping at it)] It's exclusive! To our subscribers who love DdeunDdeun and Pingyego! It's our exclusive! Before that, you can't show it anywhere else! [Making a promise] I didn't go anywhere. For the first time, Nam Changhee's house, [Excuse for the first booking: poached eggs] We'll reveal it exclusively for the first time. - I heard he treats guests so well. - He's really nice. There's food on the table, and he keeps cooking for me after I ate. Yeah. He keeps taking something out of the refrigerator and cook for me. He never gave me simple snacks. Even Jagalchi or squid chips are served on a real sashimi plate! Yeah! I mean it! On a seafood plate! Stop saying that! - There's no way he put it on a sashimi plate. - I mean it! [Pingyego!] It'd be fun if you two have a variety show together. - It's such an honor for me. - Because he like... - He loves talking! - He likes talking so much. [I recommend the name of the show] The One and Only show. Do you know what that means? Hey... Seho graduated from high school, too. - Hey... - He knows it, too. Hey, man... Excuse me, but you two! You two are high school graduates, right? Yes, I am. The highest level of schooling you have received is high school, right? - Yes. - Yes. I'm a bachelor of comedy. I mean it! - Did you graduate? - Yes, I did! - He majored in it, so he's a bachelor of comedy. - I mean it. Oh, I'm sorry. My major was comedy acting. [Surprised by his unexpected academic background] I thought you dropped out of university. I didn't know you were a bachelor of comedy. [Fact: Yewon Arts University (bachelor of comedy acting)] I majored in comedy acting. Then you have a certificate for comedy, right? Yeah, I...! I have a certificate! What is laughter! Laughter is communication! - It's all there. - But... But why aren't you communicating at all? I can't...! [Lol] So I graduated with very low grades. With low grades... At that time, Professor Lee Youngja and Professor Jeon Yoosung were there. So our 1st semester's assignment was juggling. Because we had to learn some technique. So juggling was... Juggling and beggar training! A beggar, it's because we didn't know what to do. This is true! A beggar is a high-end job! It's a professional job! Yeah, I know, but... Was that in the curriculum? It was in the curriculum, so... We learned acrobatics and how to play janggu. Since there are people who took classes with you! - You can't lie. - You can't lie about that! If I call Shinyoung here, I can tell if it's true. Juggling is true. Acrobatics is true. A beggar training is a lie... See! Yeah! Because the professor said that. - After learning how to play janggu... - But a beggar is also... - It's a professional job! - It's professional! Yeah, right! But we caught one. We caught him in a lie! Anyway, I... We talked about Dongwook's interests, right? Oh, going back there? Going back there, again...? - We tried to talk about it and stopped. - We've gotten off track so much. [Spacing out] He's interested in the world. Let me talk about him. - No! I want Dongwook to say about it. - He can say it himself! - Okay, do it, Seho. - Our 2nd writer pissed off now. Why do you keep talking about Dongwook? I... - Only talk about yourself! - You talk about me, you talk about him... Dongwook... You're the boss, man! [5 secs to relax your ears and eyes] Dongwook is today's star, right? - He's not a star! - There's no star. He doesn't want to be the star! The four of us are talking today. I'll say it again. This show has no particular star. [The one who talks is the star] There's no such thing. We're just talking together. [(Without knowing that)] I studied about Dongwook for today. Stop that! Why do you have to study him? You meet him all the time. And let's listen to what Dongwook is saying. - Yeah. - Okay! So! Now, acting is the most... [Dr. Strange in the talk show] How far do you go back? I have a good memory, right? Aren't you interested in anything else? No, I am not... But Dongwook, you get the question like this, don't you? "Don't you have a girlfriend?" Of course, sometimes I feel lonely. But since I'm so busy working, I filmed Tale of the Nine Tailed Fox for 8 months. I haven't slept at home in less than 2 months for the past 8 months. - Really? - Yes, I was in the set of the countryside. Why don't you start Airbnb or something? Everyone tells me that! [Everyone thinks the same] Everyone tells me to Airbnb my house. Then who's going to manage it? I'm sorry for you two. Why? Since Dongwook came here, I was curious about his girlfriend, so I keep asking him... I've never asked you two, right? Never... Well, do you want to know? - Shall we boil some water? - Shall we? [They started cooking ramen long after they met] Yes. Because it's time to get hungry. How many are you going to cook? [Decided to cook 4 ramens] It's been a while since I had ramen. Why are you spilling all the crumbs? You should add one each and pour water. [(He loves it) / Nagging / Daunted] Why did you open them all? Even my mom doesn't do this to me! I'm sorry. [We have a lot of lovely conversations today] I don't like spilling crumbs. I'll clean them up later. If you mess it up, others need to clean your mess. I'll clean them up later... We need to cook ramen alone. [The person who said let's eat together] If we cook it together, This person tells you to do this, that person tells you to do that. But this! We should add some rice cakes. The pot is small. [Do this, do that] Shouldn't we add rice cakes in advance? But if you add them in advance, they will get soggy. [Fighting over the timing to add rice cakes] You can't add them now. - I like chewy things. - But if you add them now, they will get soggy. If you add them late, they'll be too hard to chew... We'll add them in the middle. - In the middle? Okay. - You like it al dente, right? [Likes it al dente / Checking the noodle] I like it al dente a bit. [Likes it al dente / Likes it al dente] I like it al dente. I like it al dente, too. I like it al dente, but I don't like cooking it like raw ramen. He likes raw ramen... He eats raw ramen. - Then your stomach hurts. - He boils it for a minute! [Cooking for 1 minute] Then your stomach hurts. He blanches the ramen. I thought it was spinach. - If you'll do that, just eat shabu-shabu. - He's also... [Smiles] He also exaggerates a lot when he talks. - No, he's right! - What are you talking about? When did I put this in and cook it in a minute? Dongwook doesn't exaggerate it. [Pingyego!] Can you eat it now? Don't you need to control your diet? Yeah, it's okay. But if you need to control your diet, do it. You said you'd buy me a meal for the first time in 10 years. But you're also telling me to control my diet and not to eat... I'll buy you another meal later. No, I didn't go against him. I didn't go against him. Don't get me wrong. [I have something to say] Even people around me, "Since it's YouTube," "I want you to say more comfortably" I heard them saying this. But this is comfortable for me. I don't want to say too aggressively on YouTube. - He's not that kind of person. - That's not me. He doesn't swear even in private. I don't. You're good at swearing in private, right? I don't these days either, you fu**er. I'm sorry. This is a comedy! Of course, he has the certificate! [Bachelor's authority] He's a bachelor. The basic principle of comedy is, "Say no, but do it!" [(Continuing what he was saying)] At some point, I became to hate swearing. I don't want to get sweared at. And I didn't want to do it myself, too, so I don't swear. But since you're wearing a Rolex and making ramen... [He's so hip] He's going from non-possession to full-possession. But I can see your hands. Did you wash your hands? [Dad has a strict sense of hygiene] I washed my hands. [His brother is on dad's side, too] Go wash your hands. I don't have to use my hands anymore. Why do I wash my hands? [(Persuading him)] You need to cut the green onions later. You need to touch the noodles, too! I'll make it then! No, I'll do it. I'll wash my hands. No, I'll do it. - Dongwook, I'll do it. - I will... [Fake] I think I should cook. Then you do it. [He was picked] Yeah, Changhee can cook. I'll go wash my hands, too. Okay. It's so nice to be here with just the two of us. Yeah? - It's nice. - Yes, it's so nice. I don't know how it sounds like, but... Since the stars meet each other like this, [Cheers] Happy new year. Happy new year, too. Since I'm with you, I feel a touch of class. Of course, it's a bit different. I like this classy feeling. I get tired when I'm with them. - I washed my hands. - What time is it now? You did good. [He's tired a lot] What time is it? It's 10:16. Why? Do you have to go somewhere? So it hasn't been that long. - I'll tell you in advance. - Are you tired already? He looks tired. His face looks tired. It ends at 1:30pm. [I'm happy] I should add rice cakes a little in advance. - (Confirmed) Add them now. - I should add them now. Just add the half of them. Because if you add them a lot, the ramen soup will be too thick. Yes, this... Rice cake ramen is the best for New Year's day. Yes, right. It's been a while since I ate rice cake ramen. See? You're happy to be here, right? [Acting cool] [Laughs] It's good to be here. When will you eat rice cake ramen if not today? Because he works out and controls his diet, He can't eat it himself out of guilt. He can't eat it. So he can justify himself with this! Yeah, right. Recently, I only eat ramen in front of the camera, too. Will add a lot of green onions? You don't like adding a lot of green onions? Just a little... I like green onions. I like them, too. Then, cut the green onions just for you. [He can't give up his taste in ramen] Let them eat it with green onions. No, we should add green onions and boil them. - We should boil green onions. - We should. If you boil green onions too much, the taste of ramen will be... I love that taste of green onion. I agree with Seho. [Well...] It's a difference of taste. Alright. [Laughs] Then, cut some green onions... [Boiling] Hey! Open the lid! Hey, you... Turn it off... Get out. I'll do it. So he took the chance to cook it and not add green onions. [Stepping back] Ah, you... I think the moment Jaesuk cooks it, a ramen commercial offer... This is not a product placement. [It's his taste] This ramen is good when you eat it as rice cake ramen. [(It's not a paid promotion)] It's a soy bean paste based soup, so it's savory. So, it's really good with rice cake ramen. Nongshim is thinking about whether it's Lee Dongwook or Yoo Jaesuk. It's Yoo Jaesuk. No, I'm... He's no. 1 beloved celebrity in Korea according to Gallup survey, for 11 years. Since you keep saying that, it's like... you're teasing me, right? He... I never told you this, right? [Fun to see] No, I'm not teasing him! - He's a bit like that. - Yes, he is. [An expert at twisting] He teases me by twisting my words. No, not at all. [They forgot about the cook] Should I put in four soups? Or... Put all four of them in. I think this pot is a bit small. Is there any other pot? Whose house is this? Put the noodles less. We can't help but cut the noodles in half. Not the half! Put the whole in! - If we put the whole in, it's too... - Just put the whole in! - I usually put the whole in, too, but... - Put the whole in! We should put the whole in! - I put the whole in, too, but... - To cut it in half is... I usually put the whole in, too, but this pot is so small. If we put it in, the noodles will become soft. [Finally put the noodles in] If you cut it in half, You can put all four in the pot. There's enough space. A little later! [The ramen shop has another conflict] If you put it in now, Put it in! If I don't, only this one will taste different. - But this will be too much. - Just cook three. No, you have to cook four. There are four of us... [Putting in four of them] I don't think we can eat them all. [Pressing] If you leave it, it'll become soft. Just leave it. I need to soak the top one. We can cook four. It smells good! Hey, Seho... For you, it's already cooked. [Enough time to blanch it] Take mine out. I'll take it out. Hey, you should have taken out the top one. [See? I'm right] It's been a minute. I'm not lying. [Uncooked ramen is the funniest in the world] Give it to him. [(Looks serious)] You should add an egg! I'll do it in the soup. [(It's important)] Add rice cake and egg only. [(It's more important)] Beat the eggs and put them in. It's done. Pour it quickly now! Pour it... You should pour it around like this! [He can't accept making ramen carelessly] You're like a national team coach. [Another coach appears] Why do you keep turning it down? I feel like I'll burn my hand! Bring it to a rolling boil! - Stir it quickly! - It's hard to put it in when it's boiling. Listen to what we're saying. Don't beat the eggs too much! - The eggs need to be clotted. - It's done! Stop stirring! Then they become like a soup. Stir it! Stop it! Stir it! Stop it! - Just say, "Yes, I will." - There are too many cooks here! You can burn your hand a bit! I'll buy you an ointment. When will you add green onions? Add green onions! But just eat green onions on your own... [Giving them spoons] Our... Our chopsticks don't match. What's wrong with them? [(I Can't hear you)] Isn't that almost a raw ramen? I don't have one chopstick. Use it, I'm fine. Then, use this! [Yut] It's fun. [A bachelor of comedy is amazed by him] It's fun. [He's proud a bit] Comedy, of course. Wow, you can get high grade for this! Yes, he can. [Finally, they can eat soon] I like to eat this wrapped in seaweed. I love to eat it wrapped in seaweed. Kimchi is good, too! I have dried seaweed here, too. Wait. He lied, didn't he? He did. - He didn't eat kimchi yet. - No, he didn't. - "Kimchi is good, too!" - He just looked at it. He just looked at it, and said it tasted good. [Laughs] He didn't eat kimchi yet. Even if he's a famous MC, he can't just look at it and say it tastes good. I did it quickly because you guys could cut in! Okay, okay. [Let's start eating now] It looks delicious. I'll eat new year's rice cake ramen. Happy new year. Eat tteokguk and have a happy new year. y4@#L! [He wants to eat ramen and talk at the same time] What sound did you make? Ummm... [I want to talk] - But! - Umm! We put in the right amount of water. [Eating quietly] These noodles are my type. It's so delicious. [(Today's) chef is eating too!] Dongwook, it's delicious, isn't? It's delicious. - It tastes good! - It'd taste better because it's been a while since you had it. - Enjoy your meal. - It's cooked well. - It's even better if we eat it together like this - That's right. We should eat ramen like this! Ramen tastes good when we eat it together. The rice cakes are cooked well, too! [It's time for ears to rest naturally] It's cooked so well. [It's time for stomachs to work instead of ears] [Eating it wrapped in seaweed] They can't stand this right now. Yeah. [(So cruel)] If you watch this in the morning, you can't stand it. You'll go crazy! It's fun to upload Pingyego at 8 am. [Uploading on time for the actual filming] Really? They upload it at 8 am. We don't upload them on a regular basis, so... And we also think... We've done what the viewers want. [(From now on)] So we hope the viewers to do what we want, too. [Playing a game alone that the viewers don't know] That's how we get some tension. And YouTube is a free content, so... [Asking for a refill] Can I have a little more? Okay. [Asking for rice cake refill] Can you give me more rice cakes? Okay. [Generous ramen show owner] He's good at cooking. [(His specialty is poached eggs)] How about adding a garaetteok? If we had put three, it wouldn't have been enough! - It wouldn't! - (Another story) People around me asked me about promotion on "Pingyego." We're so thankful that they're giving us those offers, - It needs to suit us, too. - That's right. That thing... And Pingyego has so many views recently that it's hard to offer a product placement, you might think like that. But I hope you understand. [In the meantime, he refilled it naturally] Naturally... Yes, things like that, and for each other... Advertisers should have the same effect as they spend money. And we don't want our viewers to feel uncomfortable. [Looking at them] When you guys come to my house, you can do it if you need. If my own clothing brand offers you a product placement, how much does it cost? Staff) ..... I'll contact you. [Lol] Business should be done properly! Yes, right. [Announcing again that we'll give you] Because from this week, Seho and Changhee, [a small amount of affection] you guys will be paid from the third time. Thank you. [A little spoiler alert] I heard the first person to be paid is Seokjin. That's right. That hasn't been uploaded yet. Dongwook, if you want to get paid, you should appear twice more. Starting from the third one? Now I see. - Think about it. - Okay. Come to my house. Okay, okay. [Anyway...] Give me some more soup. [Rice cake ramen is so delicious] It's really delicious. - It tastes good since it's been a while, right? - Yes, it's so good. I'm glad we added green onions. [The man who opposed gave in to the taste] It's refreshing, right? - It smells green onions. - So it's different! It's nice! I'm glad we added them at the end! That was a game changer! I really like green onions! When I go to eat meat, I refill green onion salad about 4 times! Which green onion? Just like this... [Realized something] I'm sorry. Since I'm a bachelor of comedy, when I heard "green onion," I should have said something. [Sighs] You should have said something. [Ideal answer] I am the XX generation XX faction. [The bachelor's pride is hurt] Since you majored in comedy, Seho said "Just like this," and then he was like "Oh, my!" But even if you hear, "Which green onion?" It's not that easy. [Targeting him] Can you do it? [Hit the target] Chungcheong... 28... See? He's stammering. Ah... That was a good chance! It's okay. Changhee doesn't have a certificate, right? Yes, I don't. I'm not qualified. It's funny you're wearing "originals" even though you're not qualified. You were even hired through a special recruitment program, right? I wasn't hired specially, either. [Surprisingly, he's never been hired] No one hired me, but I'm just doing it. I'm just developing myself. It's amazing. Give me more rice cake. Stop eating. It's so hot. Give me more rice cake. [Pingyego!] Dongwook got permission from his father when he was in his 2nd year of high school so he went to an acting academy. In 7 months! He won the grand prize in a modeling competition in 7 months. So you memorized my article on Namuwiki... I memorized it on my way here. He was an announcer in the broadcasting club when he was in the 2nd year of high school, so he did many interviews with citizens. I see, now just eat it. Give me more rice cake... [Rice cake is sold out] We ate all the rice cakes. Should we boil it a little more? Then boil rice cakes a little more. Rice cakes only! [Adding rice cakes and rice after all] Just a spoonful of rice. Just a little. I'll have more rice cakes. Okay. You don't like rajuk, do you? Putting rice in ramen and boiling it. - You like it? - If you want, I'll make it for you. [Likes rice cakes / rice / rajuk] Put this in and make rajuk. [But he's full] No, no... It's brown rice. It has a lot of fiber. [On holidays) We don't believe he's full] Brown rice is okay. It's because I'm full... - If you can't eat it all, - Don't eat and leave it. Saeho can eat it. What? Here's rajuk. That's right. We... We're eating all of this. Wait! You should give me the soup! [He just scooped up the rice] Hurry up. [He fixed an important problem] Okay. Now, beat the remaining egg. [A gathering of rajuk experts] That's right. Stir and mix it. - We're eating it properly! - Yeah, right. [The pot was full earlier, but now] Like a porridge... The colors of the chopsticks are all different, so I don't know if they're mine or yours. They're yours, right. ...Are they? - You're so detailed. - (Calm) I was watching everything. It'd be amazing if you have a girlfriend. [His heart's racing] You'd say you were only looking at her, right? [He keeps looking at the 2nd writer] Why? What's wrong with you? You imagined how you feel if you're his girlfriend, didn't you? 2nd writer) I'm a fan! Fan? Will you stay as his fan forever? [Nodding] Even if he asks you to be his girlfriend? [Silence] She's thinking about it... [We call this public execution] Her eyes were shaking! Did your blood pressure go up suddenly? You kept saying you're a fan, but suddenly... I'll be his fan forever. Even if he asks you to be his girlfriend? [(Lied)] [ENFP is not interested in this topic] [Lol] If he asks you to be his girlfriend, you'll be. When your eyes were shaking, you were so cute. [Smiles] - This guy... - I can say that kind of thing! [Got a chance to tease him] I can say it, can't I? Handsome guys shouldn't do that! [Eating after teasing him] I said it was cute because it really was. If I get criticized because of this... - So this! - You shouldn't do that either. - Just say sorry. - Don't give him a chance. [Apologizes after being cornered] I'm sorry. Not only men, but also women, Popular people should be careful about that! That's why people like us got it wrong in the past. Yeah, right. [His anger came from experience] That word lasts for almost half a year. - Yes! - We might get it wrong! The filming... I know it's irregular, but do you usually do it on Saturdays? [This vid was filmed on Saturday] It's not that? His schedule is... [What?] He said he was available on Saturday. - Are we doing it on Saturday because of me? - Yes. Because of you, they don't have work-life balance. [Eating after saying it] Don't worry about me... I'm available any time! [(Cornering him too)] I thought about that, too. I thought they were working hard in the morning although it was the weekend, but it's because of you. [Not my fault] It's not because of me. Because of you, because of you, [There's still a misunderstanding, but he does a recreation activity] they don't have work-life balance. [He doesn't know why, but claps anyway] Because of you, because of you, [He just likes singing] they can't rest on the weekend. What I used to do a lot as recreation activity in the past Let's pick someone to do the dishes. Pass this. When I say stop, the person holding this Yangban Seaweed will do the dishes! [A bachelor of comedy hosts it very smoothly] Because of you, because of you, [Very satisfied] I do the dishes because of you. Stop! Unfortunately! That's too bad! But the song suddenly ended here in a hurry. [Do the 2nd round if you doubt its fairness] Let's do it again. Start! [YooDongJoNam - Work-life balance Song] Because of you, because of you, [Took a round without nothing] It's because of you that I work on the weekend. Stop! Unfortunately, you got caught. Since you're a bachelor of comedy... But this is random, right? It's random! It can't be random! You said you had a certificate, but... [Another random example] To Changhee, There's "dishwashing" between east, west, north, and south. Which one will you choose? South! Dishwashing! [That random pick is very awkward] You said you had a certificate... He did this recreation activity at an event we were the MC. But an elderly person over 60, when he heard this, got really angry. "Who the hell are you!" Sir, it's not that. It's just for fun. He came up the stage! [Pingyego!] [Yakgwa and hangwa] Because it's New Year's day... It's New Year's day, so... I really like yakgwa. [Since you're not leaving, I'll give you dessert] I thought she was my grandma. She just put hangwa here... If we eat all of these, there's something else, right? - No, this is the last one. - Grandma will keep giving it to us. I was wondering what's behind me. That's a Korean dresser, right? You were going to make a grandma's house. [We made it look like we were spending the holidays at Grandma's house] You made it look like that? It's so detailed. Our team always mean something. [Since I'm looking away from it] Eunsol is so detailed. [Interested in the staff's pants] You're wearing the pants that are popular recently What's the latest fashion trend? Recently, wide pants and cropped tops are popular! So recently, the bottom becomes wide. But why didn't you dress like that? You're wearing tight top and pants. Because it's homewear! You're saying you know the trend! [Moving on to Dongwook's fashion] He's also famous for wearing boyfriend look. People like Dongwook know they're handsome. So they wear clothes that suit them. But [Laughing out] And whatever he wear, it looks good on him. Because Dongwook has broad shoulders, too. No, wait! But... Until when do we have to talk like this? [Surprised that everyone keeps saying anything] We should do it until lunch time. I told you. It's until 1:30. Don't say that! - It doesn't matter! - We have a lot to do today. Oh, I choked... Since I'm listening to this... This is just... There's no topic at all! That is, we just talk about anything! Yeah, I know, but... I wonder how long we have to talk like this. (A talk expert says) Talking about anything means we can talk without any purpose. You don't have to be obsessive. I should make them laugh, or it should be fun... You have this, right? When you appear on variety shows... You have different position, but you think, "I should make them laugh." That's why we comedians always compliment Dongwook. - I should work hard when I'm on a variety show. - Dongwook really tries his best! Whether he appears as a PR or for no reason. Dongwook is alway the same. That's why I love Dongwook. Dongwook is a really nice guy! [Laughing out a lot today] [Shy] I'm not saying this because he's here! It's not, so don't get it wrong. Dongwook is a really nice guy. You know, my personality is... Making friends in various fields... - I'm not good at it. - Yeah, right. But you meet so many people. - Yeah. - So you can't take care of them all. So there aren't many people I can call and ask to be on this show. But among the actors, I could do that to Dongwook, so I contacted him right away. I thank him for that. I've been blessed by him since the beginning of the new year. Sorry, but you don't have to say how you feel now. There's still a lot more. [He got caught while saying goodbye] It's not now! We'll start playing Yut now. [Looks tired] Where are you going now? Can't you see Halli Galli in the back? [Throws it away] We should do it. [Plz let me go home...] Hey... [The talk expert is warmed up now] Get rid of it! Bring it back. What are you talking about? Then do it now! What do you play? Ddakji? [Games are for display only, this is a talk show] We don't play games. We just displayed them. But Seho seems to want to do it. I like playing Yut. Let's just throw it once. Just once! To predict your fortune for this year! What fortune? If it's a big number, it's lucky, right? Something like that. What if it comes out bad? - It must feel really bad. - Yeah, that'll make you feel bad. Then do it again thinking it will come out well one day... Why are you playing it like a gamble? Like a gamble? I'm not... But, hey, - Changhee! - Me? I wonder what kind of plans you have for this year... Didn't we do it last time? [He said everything during the new year's meeting] Why do you keep asking me about plans? I don't have any plans! I don't think he has anything to say now. [A talk expert is not afraid to repeat the same talk! Because that's a talk!] Just play the game! I'm not trying to hold Dongwook here! - Just play the game! I won't go! - We can talk about economics! [Eureka!] We didn't talk about economics! Yeah, economics! We can talk about economics. Dongwook will go if he thinks we're out of topics. [Starts talking right away] That's why I asked you the same thing again. At the end of last month... So it's the end of December, right? I got a text from the bank at the end of December. The interest rate went up too much. - It went up a lot. - It went up, yeah. - So I was so surprised. - Do you have a loan? - Yes, I got a loan. - Oh, really? Then, why did you give 1 million won to Changhee? Give it back to him. Why did you say that? I gave it to him before I got the text. Give it back to me... [He also got a loan] I got a loan, too, because... - No, but I think Seho... - I got a housing loan. He should have bought a house earlier. [Feeling sorry for him] Me too. But I... I didn't have enough money to buy it. [A common holiday conversation these days] At that time, if you had borrowed a little, But even if I had a loan, it'd have been hard... I was going to save some money and buy a house, but the price already went up a lot. So, it's a lease now, but after it ends, I'll have to look into... They're not interested at all. [His eyes met with the 2nd writer] To be honest, she's never seen you today! [Copying her] While I'm talking... "She's never seen you!" [Just kidding, she was listening to him carefully] She never seen you today. [Business talk continues] What I want to say recently is Because the economy is bad, It's a bit of an emergency in the broadcasting industry, isn't? That's... You brought it up well! Dongwook, officially, this is the reason why we're gathered today! We already did it for 2 hours, didn't we? The opening is over now. You sounds cold. - You're saying "officially"? - You sounds cold. [Looks away] See? See? Now my mouth is warmed up. And Dongwook, your mouth is warmed up, too. Your eyes are shining now! Yes, they are shining now! Is this Strong Heart, or what? - How long did it take to film Strong Heart? - How long did it take... It took 7 hours to film the episodes for 2 weeks. [Filming episodes for 2 weeks as a holiday gift] Ours are also the episodes for 2 weeks. There were so many guests! There were 14 guests at that time. Today, we have a super special guest. - Yeah! - Thank you. This is a special one for you! Now, offically... [Repeats intro of economy story dozens of times] Let's talk about economics. Did you have surgery on this eye again? I did on this eye. No, this double eyelid... I had double eyelid surgery recently. [Talking to each other, but not about economics] Did you do it recently? Yes, only this eye. I see. - You didn't know? - I didn't know. I knew about the ptosis surgery. [There's another one who hasn't been updated] What did you do? I had many layers on my eyelid. That is only one side, so I fixed it to one. So my eyes look similar now. But don't get it wrong! I'm just curious! But why did you...? Because I care about grooming. That's why I did it. I keep taking care of it. What is grooming...? - The men who keep taking care of their appearance - Taking care! I care about grooming, too. Yeah, I care about grooming. Today, you also look like... He's a man who takes care of himself. He always takes care of his face! Then you care about grooming, too. No, not that kind of care! Once he goes to the dermatologist, he gets skin care for 10 hours. Ya E See Hey, it sounds like I'm in the hospital! [Speechless] Who spends 10 hours at the dermatologist? - You get skin care for 10 hours! - For 10 hours? Even the dermatologist doesn't work for 10 hours! [The person who started this conversation] No, what I said... That's not what I meant by Jaesuk's care. He keeps working out. He doesn't eat too late or eat too much. He eats just the right amount of food. And I go to the dermatologist and apply makeup carefully. I've been putting on makeup carefully since a long time ago. I put on about six. - Really? - I put them on. [(Interesting)] How does it start? [1. Vitamin ample] [2. Eye cream] [3. Basic toner] [4. Collagen] [5. (Can't remember the name)] [6. Night cream] Like this... I think you put on sunscreen very carefully. I always put on sunscreen! I always put on sunscreen when I go out! Your skin looks so much better. - Right. Since I'm taking care it... - Compared to the past, 20 years ago... You know, I had a lot of pimples. I have acne skin, too. [I know] Yeah. I still have a lot of pimples. Now, I do a lot of skin care. But I, color makeup... It's not that. It's not the color. What is it called? [Imagining Changhee putting on color makeup] Makeup? Yes, makeup. Do you put on color makeup? No, I'm not, but... [He probably wanted to talk about base makeup] Covering with basic makeup But Dongwook also has really good skin, right? He has a really good skin. But I'm not good at it. [(Scratching his back)] I'm too lazy to apply it carefully. - So he's born with it. - Are you born with it? I just put on lotion and cream. I'm embarrassed if you say so. You're not born with it. Oh, you sorted it out. Okay, okay. So it's sorted out like this. [Born with it] Dongwook is born with it. [Not born with it] I'm not born with it. It's not that, but should I lie to you? [His eyes start to shine again] I put on 14 types. Should I lie like this? He sounds really tight! But I think you two get along well. And guys, out of all cosmetics, There are so many brands, Please support Dermafirm a lot! Then I'll say it, too. I'm Medicube. I've been a model for Medicube for years now. I'm using Medicube now. Seho, you're also a cosmetic model, right? It's been a while since I did it. It's been a while. Didn't it sell a lot? [Pingyego!] We were talking about economics, but why are we talking about skin care all of a sudden? Because I looked at Changhee's eyes! [Eyes, grooming, dermatologist] This is the fun of talking about whatever. But this skin care is for the economic cycle, right? What economic cycle? For example, if you spend money, the hospital earns money! If the hospital earns money, the doctor goes somewhere and... Spend money! This... That's the economic cycle! But the doctor might not spend money... Then the economy will be in a jam. Then I'll go and induce him to spend his money! Doctor, you need to change your shoes. [The economy is all about confidence] I'll induce him. - Need to invest. - That's how it becomes a virtuous cycle. Like that... I hope companies create a lot of jobs and spend a lot of money! But... You sounds so empty. [His shout for the business world sounds empty] It's not empty! I've been on your side all day today... But you said it... [Hard to get over the emptiness] You sounds so empty. Even if it's empty... - Yeah, - Right. I wanted to shout it out! It could be a serious story, Yes, go ahead. Watching Jaesuk host a show... Of course, you're basically a comedian. And you feel happy when you make people happy. Sometimes, people don't look at you like that because of the situation around you, right? Yes. Your words have more meaning than other people's words. People take what you say seriously, so... When you feel frustrated because of that, how you... Give him a round of applause, it sounds classy. [The classiest question on this show] As Dongwook said, it's like... When there's something like that, as I said before... I just pass most of them. I thought, "They'll find out later." But this is too malicious. Or they make up false storires. I need to be clear about these things. Every six to seven years, people are saying Yoo Jaesuk is in crisis. How do you feel every time you hear it? Since we're doing a TV show, The peak of the show, Compared to when the ratings were at their peak... The peak can't go on. If I keep comparing myself to the peak, Of course, in terms of figures, I'm in a crisis, but... Every life has its ups and downs. After it peaks, it goes on like that until the end... - That's impossible. - You can't. You just kept your balance! Regardless of the ratings, What we need to do every week is to have a responsibility and make the show well. Whether we're in a crisis or not, every week! We're just doing our best. - Just do it. - Yes. I tried your best but I can't? Then I'll leave. I keep this in mind while doing my work. So I don't get nervous because I'm in a crisis. Or because I'm in a crisis, "What should I do now to overcome this crisis?" I don't think about it at all. I always say this! I have a lot of failed works based on what they're saying... Based on the ratings, More than 80% of my work failed. But the reason why I keep working hard is Of course, it's because I like it, but I can do it because you keep wanting me. So, if you work hard, you can do it. But since we're talking a lot, we talked about economics. But suddenly, because Dongwook likes to talk, so. I talked about this with Jaesuk for a bit. We talked about something serious a bit and we've come this far. Let's move on to the next topic. Chapter 2 Stop... - Honestly, I want to finish it now, too. - Stop it... But I want to do more because of Dongwook My legs are so numb. - My legs are so numb. - Be patient! Give me two more ramen. Let's sleep for 30 mins and do it again... [I'll let you go today] Next time... [Instead, invite him to Changhee's house] You'll go to his house and eat poached eggs Let's eat poached eggs together. Am I going too? - You should! - You should come! [Going crazy] If your schedule is available... I feel relaxed if you're with me. Let's have a meal together. If you're with me, I can feel relaxed when I cook. What's your schedule after this today? - What's your schedule? - I'm curious about it. I'll work out my shoulders. [He'll go work out his shoulders] A workout? He always works out. And then in the evening? I have plans for dinner. What plans for today? I'll meet my friends. Who? [A gathering of actors in Tale of the Nine Tailed Fox] The actors who worked with me in Nine Tailed Fox. You'll meet the actors... Will everyone be there? [Why do I keep asking...?] Everyone can't be there. Some people are busy. What are you going to do? [Lol] Do you want to go together? [He's tired so he goes out of the screen] Let's go together. Why! Everyone can go, right? Let's do it in a day! I'm tired of it! [He's about to go there with him] Tell them to come to Changhee's house. I'll do everything. Am I not supposed to ask about it? [Failed to go with him] It's okay to ask, isn't? What will you do, Changhee? [He'll sing a wedding song with Seho] We'll go to the wedding hall. - I actually... - Geez... I thought the death angel came here. You look cool now. [The death angel talked Changhee on the phone] The day before yesterday, to Changhee, I told him to bring me the inst. Nam Changhee's new song, "How About Me" is so good. So I want him to sing it here. [Karaoke started with the request of the death angel] Microphone, okay. Since it's New Year's day, [Nam Changhee - How About Me] [Interlude] The song is good. He really loves it. Youngmin is good at composing songs. I really like Changhee's singing style. He can sing it calmly. And he appeared as Lee Dongwook on "How Do You Play," right? Dongwook, wait a sec. [Teasing him since he knows when the song starts] He's just starting to sing. You shouldn't talk for a while. [It's so sweet that I'll sleep for a bit] [He goes his way even though it's chaotic] I'm just looking at you. This is all I can do. Maybe I should keep my heart hidden, remain your friend forever. But I can't give up on you anymore. I really want to tell you today. [A dancer appears] How about me? You don't like me? [Appears a chorus] I've always liked you for a long time. [Another dancer appears] I'm not sure I can be your friend. I keep thinking about you, so I couldn't sleep tonight. Do you know it? [Thank you] I really like Changhee's singing style. - Thank you. - Next to him like his director... I thought you were a composer, Dongwook. It was great. Thank you. I'm a little jealous. Because he's so good. [(Everyone can't react) Scratching his leg] I couldn't react to that... Because you're so good! [Grabbing] I don't know what to say. You're so good. [Naturally, he goes in] Can I take this? [The throne is Seho's anyway] You took the throne anyway. [Finally saying goodbye] Today, To the four people who were with us... No, the three people... [Lol] You can use honorifics to yourself. Four people, yes. [1st step to improve his self-esteem] Including me. Including me! Thank you for being with us! [Filmed a week before New Year's day] This will be uploaded next week. It's vey soon. Then, the first morning of the holiday! [Have a great time with Pingyego!] I hope you have great New Year's holidays. Happy new year. Thank you. [Timing game] Oh my... - We should've decided something like this. - Oh my. [(Kidding)] Let's make a big bow. At least say something.... [Finished filming] [Time to unbox the presents] What is it? Wow! Pajamas. Wow, it's so pretty. - Thank you. - It's pretty. And we have sesame oil, too. [Another New Year's gift] Another thing? Thank you for the sesame oil. [Opens it right away] They gave me a good one. The scent is already good. I didn't even open it, so there's no way you can smell it. It's sealed, so you can't smell it! [The boy who reads the smell] Stop it. Fried sesame seeds and sesame salt. [(And)] Sesame oil, perilla oil. So that our house will be full of sesame salt. Keep the sesame oil in the refrigerator. And keep perilla oil at room temperature. The four of us are solid as a rock together! [Please let me go home now] Yes, since we said goodbye and exchanged gifts. No... [It's time to wrap up at last] Now, we're going to... We've talked for too long. [It's 3 hours which is the longest time record] I didn't know it's been 3 hours. Yes. Let's talk less from now on. You shouldn't have done that from today. I said I'd talk for 40 mins as soon as I got here. [We prepared 1 episode as long as 2 episodes] I think this will be divided into 2 episodes. It will be 2 episodes. Because you asked questions. [You = Dongwook] [(Kidding)] You talked about it for 40 mins by yourself! Hey! Why do you say that to me after I talked? I didn't know you'd talk that long. [He pressed his face on it] Your face makeup... Why did you put so much makeup on your face? I need to cover it. Half of your face is on it now! [(And)] Your cover makeup is darker than your skin. [It's contouring] I contoured here. - Because of my jawline? - Yes, I contoured my jawline. Why did you contour your face so much? I need to do it to look slimmer on the screen. I care about grooming. It's because Changhee's best work is Pingyego. [The reason for the heavy makeup] That's why he should look more handsome. Let's go home! [Bye now! Happy new year for everyone!] Goodbye. - Happy new year. - Thank you. See you soon. Enjoy your holidays. Dongwook) Thank you so much. Seho) Thank you for the food. Jaesuk) Dongwook, thank you. Seho) Oh, the microphone! Jaesuk) Why are you taking the microphone? Seho) I should come here next week, too. Everyone) Lol Dongwook) We messed around so much. Seho, clean this up. Yeah. - No, just leave it. - We messed around so much. [Pingyego!] It's too cold! [Director Cho Eunjin, Jo Subin, Lee Eunsol Writer Kim Songhwa, Kim Yijin, Jung Chaehyu] [Intern Seong Minji, Jeon Sangha]
Channel: 뜬뜬 DdeunDdeun
Views: 7,983,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 뜬뜬, 핑계고, 이동욱, 유재석, 조남지대, 조세호, 남창희, 설연휴, 명절, 귀성길
Id: JdU-QezqYTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 53sec (3473 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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