NEW UPDATED TIER LIST for PATCH 14.13 - League of Legends

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scarner Nerfs have absolutely gutted the champion Misfortune is back on top of the ADC meta and who do you think is the most underrated champ for 14.13 let us know in the comments below and did you know with a 55% win rate it takes 150 games on average to go up just one rank increase your win rate by just 5% and that time is cut in half to only 80 games this is the power of skill cap each course offers a win rate increase that is just a click away learn what took Challenger players 10 years in just 10 minutes we supercharge your rank gains with Real Results click the link in the description below now to get the rank you've always dreamed of so if we start things off by covering the most impactful top Lane adjustments of 14.13 scarner is now gone from meta Max Health damage from Q dropping from 15 to 10% was such a huge Nerf not to mention the Mana cost increase on Q as well with scarner Q being his main damage source and ability he uses to poke in Lane the Nerfs have heavily impacted his viability for solo qu we had moved scarner down into a tier for the pre patch tier list but he's in need of a push further down for Mid patch now that we've seen just how detrimental the changes have turned out so we're moving the Scorpion into C tier so other than scarner falling off a cliff the Top Lane meta remains pretty stable as we reach the Midway point of the patch we accidentally had Gangplank placed in the Top Lane C tier for the prepatch tier list so we're adjusting him up into B to where we intended to have him the buff gang plank received this patch was somewhat impactful as his win rate has gone up about 1% but it wasn't quite enough to push him into joining that upper percentile of top Lane Champs if players would adjust to the new optimal Rune setup for gang plank it would definitely lead to a better analytical showing most players are either taking grasp or First Strike but Fleet footwork is winning way more it's prision primary with inspiration secondary which is a page we are seeing a lot more of as of recent especially on adcs fleet with absorb life and biscuits gives GP some nice sustain and jack of all trades is good value early on as you only need a Dorn's blade glowing Mo and a dagger to gain the bonus 10 ad all the other Top Lane changes for 14.13 have played out to expectation as Kennan is now slotted into an a tier Spot while gragas ended up losing his s tier status and is now in a tier as well Zach ended up losing no win rate at all as a result of his Nerf so our decision to not drop him down the tier list was the correct play there was also the very minor Pantheon buff to his W damage and as expected pan did not gain any significant strength from it the big Story coming out of the jungle for 14.13 has revolved around the death of a few AP junglers carus Nerf may have seemed light on paper but the damage lost on Q has resulted in a 3% loss in win with many other Champs losing just three damage on their main damage tool wouldn't really matter that much but the reason a change like this affects carus so much more is because his Q is such a spammable ability for a spell without an actual cooldown that three damage you're missing adds up extremely fast while you're clearing your jungle especially and since carus is a jungler who wants to full clear pretty much every single game this Nerf to his clear speed is a big reason to why he's lost so much strength so when it comes down to AP junglers Lilia is now miles ahead of carus priority wise as we'll be shifting carus into the C tier for Mid patch the changes to electrocute and dark Harvest have been interesting to track as the patch has rolled out and NY is one champ who seems to have a new optimal Rune setup with n being such an early game Reliant jungler the Rune that has been seeing the most success on her in 14.13 is actually electrocute dark Harvest and Conquer are still more popular but because Electro was buffed so heavily in the early game it's fitting in really nicely on nid you have more damage and a lower cooldown on electrocute now so it's perfect for NY to help her snowball more reliably here's a look at the full Rune setup as you're taking domination for primaries and then grabbing Precision for secondaries if you put the time into n and can play her at a good level then she's in a solid spot right now as you'll find her in the jungle a tier so having a look at the jungle tier list it was a relatively tame patch so not much has shifted in the grand scheme of things Lilia remains as the lone op tier jungler and look to take advantage of her while you can because Riot has thrown some Nerfs on the PBE that will be headed to live servers for 14.14 it wasn't just Top Lane scarner who is decimated by the Nerfs this patch as jungle scarner is in just as bad of a spot now jungle didn't end up losing as much strength as top but that doesn't really say much when you take into account Top Lane scarner is now one of the weakest Champs in the game jungle scarner is being moved further down into the C tier for Mid patch the most notable shift for Jungle this patch is definitely the fact that carus and tiia are now absent from meta both Champs have been quite high priority ever since the addition of Blackfire torch but their time as powerful carries has come to an end in 14.13 we noted in the pre- patch tier list that we'd be keeping a close eye on how dark Harvest performs on certain Mages and Lux is looking like one of the bigger winners dark Harvest had its damage per Stacks increased however its base damage was lowered so Champions that have a relatively easy time farming Stacks benefit much more from the Rune now with Lux she has the ability to farm Stacks in Lane due to the long range poke and then once she gets R it's even easier to get those stacks rolling in the Rune page leading to the best results for Lux in 14.13 revolves around running domination primary and then grabbing sorcery for secondaries Lux had already been one of the better solo Q Mages in recent patches and this indirect buff to dark Harvest has solidified her spot in the S tier even more we're seeing Pros really gravitate towards adcs in the mid lane right now and the best that you can play for solo que is Tristana Ezreal and corki are two other adcs that are being played quite often in mid lane right now but trist just has way more agency over both of them it's so much easier to succeed with Tristana as she doesn't really rely on Landing a single skill shot and her pushing power is superior you've got to be way more Immaculate mechanically in order to win with Ezreal or corki whereas with Tris there's nothing mechanical that will hold you back so it's just about playing off your power spikes and punishing enemies mispositioning Tris has the ability to strike as early as level two which is another factor that gives her the edge up in solo queue being able to force an all- in that early on in lane and generate an advantage helps to set you up really well in winning Lane even if you don't kill the enemy just having that Health Advantage so that you can freely do what you want in Lane opens up so much for yourself and your jungler so for tristana's tier list placement we're going to be giving her a bump up from a into s for Mid patch so for the mid patch tier list op tier is looking the same as where we had it for pre patch with nafiri and Vex on top brand Nerfs have played out to our general expectations as the champ has lost a bit of strength but not to the extent to where you should stop playing him at all as he's still a phenomenal s tier option landre and Oriana were the two midlaners who got buffed this patch and they've both seen an increase in strength matching what we expected ory is no longer in the bottom percentile of mid lane Champs any longer as she's now in the B tier while landre is a really solid a tier pickup in the correct spots with that landre W buff where it's now on a 2 second shorter coold down at rank one she's finding a ton of success into both Yasuo and yon along with most other melee mids the big change down in the bot Lane for 14.13 was centered around Misfortune as she's back in a great spot for solo Q Not only was the champ directly buffed there's a new build that players have gravitated towards that's adding even more power bloodthirster Rush is back on MF and winning more than anything else right now BT has even better Synergy with Misfortune than most Champions because of the way our W movement speed interacts with shields normally whenever you take damage the movement speed boost from W drops off immediately if you take damage while shielded though and for as long as the shield does not break you won't be losing the movement speed from W so the shield from blood thirster not only makes MF more difficult to take down but keeps her a little more mobile as well with barrier now in meta as the best secondary Summoner spell for adcs it's just a ludicrous amount of shielding in general once you pick up that blood thirster the optimal core build that you'll want to be running on Misfortune consists of the BT rush into Essence Reaver second and infinity edge third Rune page has also begun to shift as of recent with more High ELO MF players liking conqueror and it's even winning more than press the attack so for Miss Fortune's tier lless placement we'll be giving her an added push-up the tier list for Mid patch going from a into s tier so other than Misfortune moving up the tier list all the other ADC changes were either neutral or negative op tier is now going to be locked down by Jinx and kaisa as they are Cut Above All Else right now barrier coming back into meta has been great for kaisa the level six Skirmish power of kaisa just feels super nuts right now especially if she's paired with an Engaged support you have the shield from R and then the shield from barrier which just gives the champ the ability to force fights really well we were optimistic that the Varys changes would lead to on hit Varys moving into a good spot but the changes have just weakened the strength of the champ as a whole on hit is definitely much better as lethality is pretty dead but both builds have become weaker due to the changes and will be moving Varys down to C tier for Mid patch kalista and Zia were the other two adcs adjusted and the changes have played out to expectations Zia did not gain very much power at all as a result of her Buffs while kalista is now the weakest solo Q ADC that you can choose Riot's going to have to do something about this warmog Rush on melee supports because it's absolutely taking over The Meta right now Alistar is one of the best warmog users and is being moved up into the support s tier for Mid patch Alistar has better Synergy than most supports with warmo because of his passive Allie's passive heel bails off his max health so he not only gets so much tankier but also provides his teammates with a massive heal by building warmog now it's not just the warmog rush that a lot of High ELO and pro supports have been liking recently as support item upgrade priority has been shifting as well Nautilus in specific is One support that many Pros have been loving with blood song as their item upgrade blood song makes a lot of sense on not because whenever he lands a hook he's guaranteed to land an auto attack right after and proc the bonus damage from bloodsong you already have enough tankiness from building warmogs anyways so swapping out Celestial opposition for bloodsong when running this build works great as for Knot's tier lless placement it shouldn't be much of a surprise he's up in the S tier with many of the other warmogs users so for the support tier list it's the same theme as we've been working with for the past few patches now warmog supports are dominating The Meta as Alistair Braum Nautilus Leona re maai and Poppy are all incredibly strong with the item if you're looking for a champ to use as a counter to these melee supports both Nami and Karma are two pretty good options Nami and Karma being enchanters that can exert some early game dominance can look to shut down those melee supports before they able ble to hit their massive warmog Spike leblan support is a really interesting pick right now who's gotten better this patch due to the electrocute buff she's another pick that you can look to use against those melee supports as you can really take advantage of the electrocute cooldown buff against them all right guys one last thing our rankup guarantee is insane it's like signing up for the gym and getting a refund if you don't get ripped that's how confident we are in skill cap we obsess over making the best guides with top players rigorous testing and top tier video editing to make your climb easy if you're ready to level up visit skill and see the difference so there you have it guys a complete look at the solo Q meta for every single roll as we reach the Midway Mark of 14.13 thank you all so much for watching we'll see you back soon
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 194,455
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Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, league of legends season 14, lol s14, lol season 14, lol tier list 14.13, updated tier list 14.13, tier list 14.13, new tier list 14.13, league of legends tier list 14.13
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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