in today's video I'm going to be giving away seven Evo bomber packs so if you guys want to enter make sure to like comment and subscribe yo what's up guys in today's video I'm going to be playing the new Evo wall breakers on ladder so if you guys enjoy the video please make sure to like And subscribe and Evo wall breakers have finally came out this morning I've stayed up the entire night to play them early for you guys so sorry if I'm like a little bit tired here I'll go for the king Tower activation oh well I guess there's the being coming in play unfortunate oh this guy's already calling the good game interesting let's go for the miner here and I am playing wall breakers Evo in this minor wall breakers magic Archer deck I do think that this will be one of the best evolved wall breakers deck if not the best one actually Evo Knight didn't really work in this deck too well because you still kind of struggled to get a bit of damage sometimes it worked good but I think evil wall breakers will be nice just to get more damage on the tower and also just force out more elixir on defense I do think that the wall breakers are very very strong by the way they do way too much damage they do like 800 or something man like 8 700ish I can activate the king Tower here though hopefully I don't fail at this time man being tired hurts sometimes okay yeah there we go nice King Tower activation this should be a pretty easy win but I still want to try out the Evo wall breakers Evo wall breakers are so powerful man I've only played with them for a few games here just got up to Royal Champion first okay I'll just go for the minor wall breakers now and pre-log for a tombstone oh he doesn't Tombstone but I still do get a wall breakers connection which is nice very very good start so far he will probably graveyard with this though so I need to watch out by the way make sure to use creative code Riley if you guys are buying the Evo wall breakers I'm not going to say that I recommend it but if you guys are spending money I do appreciate if you support me I'll Evo wall breakers for defense here just to tank a bit of damage oh wait that was kind of a bad Barbarian Barrel nice I got a connection 600 damage for one wall breaker connection I get 600 damage and it wasn't even the big one it was the mini one man wall breakers are just so so broken with the Evo also if you guys don't use creative code Riley make sure to use creative code Ian because if you guys don't use my code I would appreciate if you guys use somebody's code or even anybody's code not Miner Ian but anyone's because it's better to give like support to us instead of just supercell especially when they're bringing out overpriced Evolutions anyways okay I'll Knight here and then I'll magic Archer for defense man I still can't believe that evolved wall breaker got 600 damage after he played a barbarian Barrel on it already that's just so broken man I don't know what supercell were thinking when they brought this card out I'll just Knight here to take care of everything so looking pretty good for me so far having the king up is huge I could magicar tornado that but I'll just magard to the middle and it should line up anyways hopefully maybe oh okay it's going to log here here it's all right though I still get a bit of Chip damage I could try to hit him with another magic Archer at the bridge there he has no tornado in cycle for my magic Archer so he can't tornado it away that means he has to predict it right but oh he has no h prints now he can't predict it I'll just marcher and then I'll tornado it backwards and then Miner to keep the knight in place oh look at this mercher log and then skellies to block and this is game over I'll just magic Archer again on top of that baby dragon and GG's man the magic Archer is so strong I'm in the next match here against this guy oh this guy's already saying good game man I think he knows I'll split my wall breakers here try to figure out what this guy's playing he has the Evo bomber I do kind of like that they're doing two Evolutions per season I just wish that it was in the Battle pass just because I mean it wouldn't really hurt to support the players who are already purchasing stuff on the game instead of just making people spend an extra like $10 on it but hopefully you guys could win my my Evo wall breakers giveaway it would be uh nice I guess for you guys to get the Evo wall breakers for free a wall breaker is here though on the right side oh no the Evo bomber I have to log NATO that quick man I still took a th000 damage already off of that that's so broken man I'll just go for my second night on that RG I will take like two or three RG hits okay wait I'm going to go minor Evo skellies here and then he has to Fireball those cuz he wasted the E spirit and then I can Evo wall breakers and he will take both of those let's see how much damage that is what that's like 1,800 damage wait hold up was that 1,800 or 1600 I forget I think it was like 16 to 18800 damage for two Elixir that is ridiculous that's like a third of the tower okay man evolved wall breakers or something else magic Archer the back here I need to really defend though because if I take too much damage I'll just lose as especially in a one to one Tower situation where he could drop RG in my middle all night here so we can't fish him in my magic Archer away okay tornado I don't really want to log but I might need to I think I I think I'm all right though that shouldn't get any hits yeah nice his next bomber is evolved I have to be really really careful when he has the evolved bom in cycle all wall breakers too he has no bomber in hand ooh this is bad for him he has to log now too but he spent a lot of Elixir double connection let's go very very good just magic arer the back o that was a bad RG a bomb Tower and the Knight he doesn't have the fisherman to pull my knight away and that was also a bad Evo bomber he could have placed that better to get damage on the tower can log here for the RG perfect I think I win from here kind to wall breakers just to keep up the pressure my next ones will be evolved as well which is good minor okay I have to be very very careful always put the bomb Tower as far away as possible by the way guys just makes defense that much easier I think I don't need to waste my Evo skellies here I'll save it for the next RG because I know he's going to be back quickly go for the Knight and then oh wait I could Evo wall breakers on the right here because the fisherman's going to tank for them and then all skellies log doesn't fully defend them though I think that's one connection nice let's go Evo wall breakers finish off the game that just shows how good Evo wall breakers are man he used log on them and they still didn't get full countered I'll see you guys in the next match I'm up against this guy here with this deck by the way I feel like it's still best to play as normal just that you now have a nice newly added Evo Evo bomber doesn't really change the way your deck is played you still play it the same except you just have a very nice and strong evolution in here that's what I think makes the Evo wall breaker so nice in this deck is that it's a perfect fit you're not really forcing anything and it just helps out with a few weaknesses in the deck with a little bit of extra added pressure sometimes you have a tiny tiny bit of difficulty getting damage usually there's always ways to get damage with this SE just because you do have the miner and the magic Archer and even the wall breakers but having the evolved wall breakers just make them that much harder to stop as you guys see even sometimes log and Barbarian Barrel don't fully counter the Evo wall breakers so it's just extra Elixir that they have to use on defense which is super super good for a deck like this where if your opponent gets down an Elixir you can usually hold that lead for a long time this guy is kind of a strange deck I don't know why he has the fire cracker in here but it's okay I'll just go for my knight in front of my king Tower defend that Bandit I have to be careful though maybe he has like a magic Archer doesn't firecracker the bridge I'll take that I can just magic Archer a wall breakers too just to keep up the pressure he doesn't have evil bomber though he has evil firecracker and I guess one other Evo wait he didn't even buy the pass real I guess he can't have bomber Evo okay a bomb Tower no my finger slipped man that's me being tired right there I could have activated the king Tower if I put it down one lower unfortunate it's all right though if I play well should' still win one thing to add is that this deck is really strong with the King Tower activation it's a really good King Tower activation deck I could wall breakers here with the miner and the Knight that's a double connection dude look at that Tower where did that Tower even go Evo wall breakers are not real man I can't believe it I'll just skelly's log just to get the recruits on the left dead and then I can knight here to retarget the bomber that's not bad just take a bit of damage and I nearly took the entire tower on the left I need to like get like a counter of how much Evo wall breakers actually do to the tower they should be Tower down nice just need to defend for another 40 seconds bomb Tower here in the middle I do have tornado here I could just NATO everything in please nice good NATO nice King Tower activation as well he shouldn't really be able to do anything here so I'll see you guys in the next match I'm in the next match here against jip okay just going to split my wall breakers here my favorite starting play is now just wall breakers first play with this deck just to get to the Evo wall breakers as soon as possible I feel like they're really really good in single Elixir they nearly always Force out a building if they have them and if they don't have a building it's very hard for them to stop the evil wall breakers unlike the regular wall breakers because if you defend the Evo Wall Breakers with let's say Goblins the Goblins will just die and then the the two many wall breakers will connect which is why I feel like they're so strong on Magic Archer here too there's just so many less things that end up actually countering the Evo wall breakers compared to the regular wall breakers which is nice but it's also kind of scary because just kind of how broken they are I'm not really complaining too much though because you if you do have the right resources they aren't really much of a difference they're just good against certain stuff I'll just minor skellies here try to figure out what the rest of this guy's deck is it does look like Lava Hound though oh okay cool never mind okay nice I'll just log here for the goblin gang and I'll Evo wall breakers too to try to get a nice connection all right all right that was 1,700 damage I I got it down now 1,700 damage for two wall breakers man 1,700 that is absurd okay I'm just going to Miner here on the Elixir collector I just need to try to get some of that Elixir out there's no point just wasting my elixir with putting the miner on the tower if I could take care of the pp I don't know if I'll be able to defend here this is a really really tough spot to be in I'll just bomb Tower man oh that was terrible your Sparky going in front of the goblin giant dude classic Sparky players man they can't even put their Sparky behind their Goblin giant what is this man doing okay I'll just Knight here for that Sparky then I can just wall breakers and I want to Evo skellies but I think I can NATO oh wait he used his arrows no I'm going to Evo skellies for sure in a miner just keep up the pressure he has to respond to the Evo skellies as well maybe he doesn't actually because of the Unlucky spawn okay he he did anyway so we're fine a wall breakers again I'm almost back to my Evo wait that was a bad goblin giant I'll just bomb Tower here nice a double wall breakers connection okay I'm going to Nato that to my king oh he gave up oops I didn't even realize that that was on the king Tower not the magic Archer well I'll see you guys in the next match I'm against this guy here just going to go for my skellies in the back this man started with Skelly Barrel in the back quite weird but it's a fine play I guess makes me spend a bit of Elixir first I'll just activate my king Tower here just like this you always want to get a king Tower activation with this deck no matter what you're against this deck kind of relies off of your Towers like by pulling Cards into the middle cuz your core defense isn't exactly that strong so you always want the king Tower activated here that's how most of your defenses even work just by activating your king Tower early on that's a lot of damage nice it's actually a ton pretty much already game as long as I play well I can just pull that back with my wall breakers okay never mind I need the bomb Tower for the skeleton Barrel man skeleton Barrel is a really bad card but it's also a really tedious card to deal with like it's frustrating to deal with that card sometimes especially if you have like one bad card against it or something like that and nothing really like too good also I feel weird putting my buildings on just like a skeleton barrel for some reason I could magic Archer the bridge here he doesn't have Knight and cycle should be a good magic Archer that's really good damage I'll just oh he has Piggies okay weird deck I'll just log NATO here make sure to kill everything nice defense only two piggy shots that's not that bad a wall breaker is behind the Knight will force him to defend or he's going to lose the entire Tower okay yeah he used the arrows I could Evo Skies the bridge here maybe I do have to to be careful of the evolved firecracker though never mind I have to bomb Tower on defense bad little prince that was really bad I'll just go for my Evo skellies he doesn't have enough to pop the ability straight away nice that's already gone perfect he has to defend that though or that's Tower down he does but that's still going to do a lot of damage that might even be Tower down that's Tower down okay yep well that will be good game so thank you guys for watching like And subscribe if you enjoyed and I will see you guys in the next video [Music] bye