NEW Underground Automation Game!! - Auto Forge - Mining Factory Builder

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ladies and gentlemen hello and welcome my name of course is z potato and here we check out the latest and the greatest strategy games each and every day of the week today we're checking out Auto Forge now this is a super interesting brand new automation Style game it has just released we're going to jump into it right um let's play on orbital on orbital world that is completely fine let's jump into the game so uh the premise of this one is can cool uh we play as this sort of robotic creature uh who is waking up from a uh period of Slumber and we truthfully don't really know too much about this world so um this is kind of the world in which we habit at inhabit at the moment uh there is sort of a big a big map that is much much larger than what we can actually uh see at present but for now this is all the Intel that we've got um there is this big sort of Crystal sort of structure behind us called a apothio is apotheosis I think it's that I think that's how you say it anyway um it's this big sort of weird thing um and when we jump into it um we can see that it's an emitter and we're actually able to unlock different regions of the world uh if we're able to supply with materials which is going to give us a little bit more information with regards to our surroundings uh We've also got a Mainframe here which I will talk about in a little bit and there's also some tutorial sort of things that we're going to have to go through which is fine uh because it'll walk us through the sort of uh very basic uh components of the game now uh we can interact with the world and we can in fact Harvest anything and everything that we want in order to make our automation Journey um as easy as smooth as possible we got a little bit of wood we got a little bit of stone over here we got some rocks uh very very nice there are some torches that already happen to be placed around here uh I'm not going to mess with them altogether too much there is a chest which is just chilling this has got some void matter uh so oil clots and some health canisters we'll pick up all of that stuff uh just so that we can have it in our inventory uh we'll Harvest more of these rocks uh what is this here this is an iron ore deposit now interestingly um kind of there there are only two Dimensions uh in this game however we can also like dig the soil like behind the world in order to expose the world and get additional light I don't know how useful that's going to be uh over the course of time but it is something that we can do now uh we got a couple of different objectives here craft a forge in the structures menu let's jump into the structures menu and see what we've got a forge costs eight stone I'll get that built immediately we got a little production queue up here just like you know factori or whatever uh we're able to make stuff in our inventory we're able to automate sort of Mining and extraction and all of that good stuff um I build I'll build a chest as well anyway we'll pop into our inventory here and we will get our we will get our Forge down we'll throw a little bit of wood into the forge right there and in fact we will manually mine out a little bit of iron ore in order to uh in order to just get our Forge going now uh bear in mind we will be able to Ultimate this and we're going to be able to Ultimate this very very early on there's none of this sort of you know we don't need to do any manual labor not too much manual labor anyway hopefully just about 10 10 15 bits of iron ore and we'll throw them into the furnace and we'll just sort of let that happen and then hopefully never need to mine uh Iron by hand uh again that's the dream anyway anyway throw that in there uh we will also stick a chest right about here uh we can actually see on the forge that there is a little output uh so very very handily we're going to be able to Output immediately U whatever we're producing here which in this case is iron ore uh immediately into this chest which is already looking absolutely Grand and Happy Days uh we will have our five iron ingots very very shortly indeed okay so what do we got going on down here we have got um we've got tab there we go we've got our inventory uh we've got a crafting menu which I've already shown off uh we have got a research menu which is fantastic uh it's very very expansive actually uh looking looking very very impressive it looks like we've also got sort of efficiency upgrades down here um yeah pumping upgrades research speed Etc uh but where where we're going to start is probably right at the very start with basic extraction it's going to cost us five iron ingots to do and it's going to allow us to learn the secrets of uh the secrets of automation there we go I'll grab that uh I'll head into my didn't mean to rotate that uh I'll head into my research menu and we will get that researched it should take no time at all and hopefully actually whilst we're waiting for that to happen why don't I manually mine just a little bit of additional little bit of additional iron so that we can make sure that we have plenty for our delightful little Forge there we go which has just gone out and also I need to make sure that it's restocked with some combustible material such as wood uh in order to make sure that it continues to operate looks like we've got plenty of wood in there excellent okay throw more iron in happy happy days so we've got basic extraction uh what does that mean for us well it means very very specifically that we have unlocked one specific building this is the crank drill in order to build the crank drill and we got a little little uh little list up there in the top left hand corner but it's going to cost us two crank and three planks planks cost wood uh cranks cost iron ingots and planks and I think if I'm not mistaken I should have the required components by taking a little bit of wood out of there let's see if we can make two of those excellent what else did I say that we needed uh we needed three planks I'll make uh two more of those and I think I think we'll have I think we'll have all the goods necessary to make this to make this happen because each time we make a plank we get two uh we get two planks brilliant okay so it's going to make us a crank drill very very chuffed with that we're still continuing to refine a little bit of iron and in the meantime we've managed to get ourselves a crank drill the crank drill uh kind of works exactly how you would expect it is the very lowest form of Automation and we need to manually crank we need to manually crank this but once it's going it gets us an output of 6.6 whatevers uh in this case iron ore per minute now uh we can actually rotate the output of this that little green arrow is uh signifies the output and just like that we have created a completely automated setup um that's just it as long as I you know sort of manually fill the uh as long as I manually fill this up with the occasional little bit of wood and we're going to need to be careful about um we're going to need to be careful about wood cuz I don't actually have a tremendous amount of the stuff uh but I think there's a wood Source yeah there's a wood source right over here um so that's going to give us an unlimited amount of wood we' be good to get an additional uh we good to get an additional crank just for just for this so that we can continue to extract a little bit of wood I'll maybe try and do that now in fact yeah give me a crank drill that is going to use up some of our iron ore uh because we need to expand the apotheosis emitter uh which is that big thing that I was chatting about at the very start there we go let's get that crank drill and we will head over to here uh now we've already got that void matter that was sitting in the chest at the very start and we've also got the iron ingot boom we will get that now you might not have seen what specifically happened but the edge of the map was covered with this sort of oh look there we go we can actually see it um the edge of the map was covered with this sort of black uh gunky sort of pixel stuff uh now we have a full view of the world oh you can see the sort of pixelation up there uh we have a full view of the world and we have unlocked the uh the slot uh explore uh nearby for ancient Tech we need to find ancient Tech I presume there's going to be some is that ancient Tech that looks ancient techy up there uh in fact can I just immediately head up here entangled ancient Tech he's got it he's got it I'll collect it brilliant and we can upgrade at the apotheosis main frame very very cool so again uh we'll chat about this thing this is this is this is like a little this is like a little uh sort of upgrade C for just ourselves this is going to grant us the power of apotheosis boosting Health by four harvesting Power by 50% and crafting speed by 25% don't mind if I didly do that is pretty fantastic and we can also surface navigate up and reach the surface of the World Press V to swap the combat mode kill an oil slime destroy an oil slime spawner uh before I do that I want to make sure that we're all sort of set up down here and in order to do that I am going to make sure that I get my uh my wood system set up my wood extraction system set up at least to the best of my ability at the present moment it's going to be a very uninspiring uh crank setup I must say that's fine now I think I have to I think I have to um put the chests in fact do I even have the ability to make a chest I need five planks and I have got nowhere near that amount of wood so we're just going to have to leave it there for now in fact if I harvest this logs this little uh little bundle of logs we might get it now I don't think that unfortunately we can place this wooden chest in the sky as much as I might like uh to connect up the crank drill to the wooden chest I can always try yeah no you're only unfortunately allow going to be allowed on the ground there but that's not a problem uh because sooner rather than later I hope we will uh find a way to construct pipes which is very very exciting indeed anyway uh the point is is that even without the there we go make sure that you're cranked up uh even without um even without a little sort of external storage place we will still have the ability to we'll still have the ability to do this right should we go and get this should we go and get this Mission there we go go and get this Mission done I hope can I can I even jump up here o it's going to be a little close actually can I dig the stone out amazing amazing is there anything up here for me I presume I can Surface but I might not be able to surface like right right from here we may have to dig up a little bit but I'll I'll explore a little bit just to see if there is a sort of direct route up this looks like well first of all it looks like I need to get some flipping torches that's what it looks like that looks like a source of wood over there okay that is worth bearing in mind goodness gracious me it is very very dark I'd love to get a torch or something you know that would be amazing oh fantastic we've reached the surface uh right let's dig up here they seem quite aggressive oh my goodness it's nice and bright uh right let's press V we'll swap into combat mode oh I love it I can cut through the world that is uh quite simply fantastic love to see it let's move all of this soil out of here let's Harvest everything let's get all of those oil slimes oh goodness gracious me a drowned tree fantastic lots and lots of resources uh but also we're at the surface of the world it's very very nice and bright I like that I like that a lot now there is a way that we can craft torches it's it's with these oil clots that I um that I got I need to destroy a spawner as well don't I uh we'll go into V mode okay these guys are that's a snail thing okay we got a snail thing too um do I want to destroy you I probably don't want to uh what do we got discover an expansive iron ore deposit discover an expansive wood deposit discover a stone deposit discover a Mana deposit okay thank you I will take your I will take your oil I will take your oil and I will enjoy it thank you thank you thank you right uh can I get you into my hot bar up there please so that I can place some torches and not feel like I am absolutely you know just constantly in the dark here that's w over there that's fine drop down this way we got 15 torches we might as well might as well spend them right uh that's a little bit Overkill oh my goodness gracious man I didn't even realize we got like uh a a uh like a cannon thing wow okay uh yeah give me the I need to be in build mode there we go give me um give me these torches back I only need one torch up there okay okay cool lovely little uh lovely little exploration over there uh an expansive iron ore deposit seek out sparkies yeah we'll do that we'll do that let's um oh yeah let's grab let's grab some additional bits and buls let's also check out the research Tech Tree see what we've got here so foundations that's going to allow us scaffolding ladders stuff like that uh automation automation seems like the thing that I should go for it requires mana and iron ingots I don't have Mana at the moment intermediate extraction a combustion drill for 20 iron ingots and basic Transportation but that is going to require iron gears and iron gears do I even have the ability to make iron gears at the moment I don't think that I necessarily do unless um unless that is something that I do I totally do I totally do that is amazing okay grab this let's go and let's go and make some iron gears and let's get that flipping research done okay crank drill let's make sure that you're nice and cranked phenomenal let's make sure that you are Juiced up fully let's take all of the 39 ingots holy heck that is fantastic and I would like to make I would like to make uh 20 of these right I'll make 20 I've already got a few uh in the works so that's fine it was only 10 okay we'll reduce that we'll reduce it we can have a few spare it that's completely fine uh and then I guess we'll probably just come over here and light up the world a little bit more doesn't look like there is a oh I tell you what we can see the Sparkles we can see the Sparkles through the world do I want to Tunnel through to any of them right now not particularly I must say but that doesn't necessarily mean that we don't I'm going to need to there we go little bit of uh dodging there can we cut through here we can you jerk give me your oil sacks I will take that as recompense for the fact that you uh you dealt me a little bit of damage there right what what the heck is this some jelly thing it's a glow glow boy it's literally called a glow boy just give me wood though so not very not very interesting um yeah I mean we cut through we cut through the world like like like butter quite frankly so why don't we just why don't we go to what I think is probably the nearest deposit here looks like silver ore I imagine that the the Sparkles are just going to signify the start of or the center of the deposit I don't think there's going to be anything more for us right here which is fine um I should be whilst I'm waiting for this to happen let's get some let's get let's get research started okay so we got a silver or deposit I mean that's that's great uh I'm delighted oh there's some enemies over there and they all have low HP which means that something interesting happened right um what about what about up here this seems like a dangerous dangerous game yeah I'm going to probably need to get some um some scaffolding or some form of some form of way to actually Elevate myself up here I'm going to be able to cut far but not far enough and uh my jump quite frankly is just a little just a little shy um let's see if we can try and get the scaffolding done whatever that is 10 Stone 10 plank we can absolutely do that right we don't have 10 stone or 10 planks at the moment but uh we can do it right now get that and then yink over here make sure that you're still on the go it is kind of annoying that we repetitively have to deal with these cranks but it's only it's only until we get the combustion generators up and running you know we'll sort it out don't worry okay that's looking good iron another 26 iron that is amazing uh back into the tech tree what did I say oh yeah we've got uh we've got that that's definitely underway okay so ladders would be fantastic we'll see if we can try and reach that one that one we've already got to right yeah I think we already already discovered already discovered this wood deposit I don't think this is going to be don't think this will count as a wood deposit Discovery but you never know maybe if we extract it all I think it's literally just a normal wood deposit right yeah I I'm going to I'm going to make the executive decision that that's a normal wood deposit this looks like it's something oh you you jerk you absolute jerk uh yeah we should probably think about like blocking off that entrance that I you know full hardly opened up in order to access those Chumps right what do we got here we got Sandstone again feels like a you know feels like a great deposit to have it's just not an objective that we have at the moment which is nice again great uh I know I see I see you coming down open it up a little bit you fell right into my trap you activated my trap card right um let's maybe shouldn't have done that what is that stone deposit it looks looks to me to be a normal Stone deposit I think so anyway yeah seeking out Sparkles I'm seeking out the sparkles but each and every Sparkle that I go to seems to already be uh seems to already be something that I've already discovered or not relevant for the mission anyway the good news is let's see if we can try and get some ladders which will allow me to get up this area specifically uh I'll Harvest this rock whilst I'm waiting and it might be worth my time to get the ladder equipped to my hot bar over here there we go amazing and we'll leave that as is and hopefully we'll at least get whatever it is that we're looking for here this is iron this is iron this is iron this is positive so that means that we only need Mana which is good and Mana has got to be it's got to be one of the few remaining Sparkles that we've got which is good also there is an there is a possibility that we just need to mine out the whole thing and if we M it the whole thing then we'll be given the all clear to get that little Ticky box in the mission okay this this looks expansive to me I don't know I don't know what an expansive iron deposit looks like but this this looks expansive come on this is expansive right that an entire other world up there oh well that's great I missed that one well we'll mine up there anyway since we're here okay yeah this looks this looks pretty good this looks pretty good I think uh can I mine you out yeah that that looks expansive that looks absolutely expansive Let's uh chop down this tree and whatever that's that's a w that's a win in my books what the heck is this ooh a cranos oh no did I fall asleep again thanks for waking me brother who knows how long I was out for who knows what can you do that's much better if you're looking for the comms device then you should explore the region to the east if you're looking for the comms device you should explore the region the East okay uh well that's fine I suppose this is Mana this is Mana okay excellent we have found the Mana deposit which is good and that is going to allow us to progress a mission I don't know which uh or which uh which research objective it actually is but we can do that there we go you're not going to give me the tick boox if I uncover the whole darn thing are you you are just you're such a jerk video game you're such a jerk look at that it's an unblemished an unblemished Mana oh maybe I need to mine from it that's what I maybe maybe that's what I need to do I mine from uh I mine from you there we go look at that okay I've done it I've done it I've done it uh right what is our what is our objective with regards to Mana automation specifically will require 10 Mana we get Mana just like straight out of the straight out of the wall which is which is pretty freaking nice do I have enough I've got enough for a crank drill I've also got those transport tubes that I haven't yet built um I would kind of love to get the next level of uh extractor as well intermediate extraction you know what let's queue up the research for that I've got the 20 iron ingots we might as well do it uh I'll queue up this too because I've got the iron ingots and I'll soon have the Mana after my crafting I have produced a crank drill which I will put down there and I will make sure that we are cranking amazing that is really really good and in fact if I am not mistaken I should have the resources to make a wooden chest and to make a couple of Transport tubes and with those uh ingredients I should if I rotate this little uh output around appropriately we should be able to make ourselves a very very tiny little bit of automated uh that was the wrong direction there we go a tiny little bit of automated automated setup I hope that this can be moved in here there we go okay I I set it up the wrong way initially but that's looking good that's fantastic right so that is that is everything that we could possibly need we can obviously sort of have multiple of these uh drill set up on this specific Source let's go and let's go and light up the rest of the world and let's also mine mine from the stone deposit and mine from the wood deposit amazing uh yep boom boom boom give me your gloopy gloopy oil thank you very much oh my goodness they're they're infecting place I we'll destroy you nice and easy okay Place scaffolding over the top of a transport tube play scaffolding over the top of a structure uh yeah we can do that we can do that and I will do that in just a second uh can I make some more impressive combustion drills yeah we absolutely can iron ingots iron gear and a forge okay I'll do it I'll absolutely do it we can also get a bypass now that's really really nice nice we're working through that timation uh setup that's really really cool crank generator power relay assembler Mana fiber uh I haven't actually made any scaffolding yet we'll queue up a few scaffoldings and I will actually see if we can wrong mode take that down maybe seems like a bit of a funny place to put my initial combustion drill but I think here is absolutely fine you know we'll get that rotated around we'll get some of those right in there and we'll make sure that this is fed with biofuel refined vegetation fantastic that is an incredible level of output actually that's a really really decent really really decent level we've only got one bit of wood in there for now uh that's fine that's absolutely fine what do we need we need more iron and presumably more Stone as well yeah it' be great if we could automate our Stone production too because well we're going to need it also that combustion drill I think I'm going to just take I think I'm going to just take this crank I think I'm just going to take this crank down we'll go NAB the additional we'll take about half the biofuel from here and we'll just stick this into our iron our little iron setup because that is going to keep that is going to keep things going for a hecking long time to come beautiful there's still yeah 1,000 resources here that's an you know an absolute plentiful amount and we're going to have an overflowing amount of uh of iron coming through here so very very happy with that right place scaffolding over the top of uh transport tube and over the top of a structure uh we'll go and do that right now so scaffolding goes there and then transport chbe goes there uh I think we can climb up it right yeah we can climb up it and then drop down the individual uh the individual things research the automation technology we're working through that right now place down an assembler place down a crank generat sure happy to do that are we making some sweet sweet progress we are I think I need some more iron ingots though right or indeed some more Mana it could even be some more Mana I think it might be the more Mana let's um let's head up let's head up top what's the quickest way to get to the the Mana Central bit it's this way of course just jumping even though that's a little bit irritating and of course we'll need to make sure that you're continually cranked unless of course we can grab ourselves a combustion drill which I will do get that sorted get that Mana into my inventory so that we can start working through that ultimation again and as soon as the crank drill is up and running which will be in a few seconds that'll be fine or the uh combustion drill is up and running we can get through that in a couple seconds that is good uh I don't have any of the biomass stuff on me at the moment that should be fine rotate that around can I just put in can I put in Wood yeah I can put in wood that's completely fine don't have any biomass on me but but we'll do we'll do just fine for now right we've researched the automation technology we need to place down an assembler let's have a the look accepts components and outputs the programmed product I will build one it's going to take 13 seconds that's no time at all I can of dig it okay anything else interesting on the surface that I've missed there's a a little bit of sort of existing infrastructure I kind of don't want to kill this spawner cuz I feel like if I destroy the spawner it's going to stop spawning the things and I want the things you know I want the I want the oil globules for my own nefarious purposes well nefarious is maybe you know pushing pushing it a little bit but sure anyway give me an assembler what do we need for an assembler uh a crank generator power the assembler with a power relay a crank generator is literally just a generator but we can make that in the assembler actually uh but I need to make one separately what do we need literally more iron ingots and also get out of here buddy I need to I need to do something about that I need to do something about that like immediately uh what oh I see you weren't facing in the right direction well that's a darn nuisance that is a that is a real pain in the backside what about you over here here are you facing in the right direction so you're facing in the right direction look at that 61 wood 61 wood ready to rock and roll okay well we'll get this crank generator down we'll get the power relay built shouldn't need too many more components for it we'll build a single power relay we'll get that done right now and we'll get that sorted come on come on come on come on come on on cranks are cranks are planks I mean we can make a few planks just to sort of hold them in our inventory but we still need more iron anyway which is fine that should be enough two of those oh and then the gears as well yeah so we're going to need more come on video game it's time let's get this let's get this done we literally need two gears and two gears and five iron ingots okay we definitely got enough now we've definitely definitely got enough for a crank generator oh yeah what are the what do we need for the next components we need void matter we need iron gears void matter iron gears void matter iron gears loads and loads of um void matter actually don't think that we can make void matter in this in this place but that's fine right so get one of those get a power relay we can stick that on the wall so we might as well set up wasting space that's good uh let's crank it let's crank it we're cranking it research Essence folding place down a distiller okay so presumably Essence folding 20 cranks and iron gears right so I tell you what why don't we make iron gears why don't we make iron gears it's going to require iron ingots like that's fine you should be able to go if I'm not mistaken it says that you should work do I need to do I need to do anything I don't think I need to do anything right oh I we need more than one iron we need more than one iron ingot of course yeah so do I want to Ultimate do I want to Ultimate this now so I think we can um I mean we can like pull we can like pull from here if I want to I believe we can pull I may need to get additional I we need to get an additional resource but what if I remove you and what if we just have like straight what if I just have a straight sort of tubular connection it almost seems like absolutely silly to have can I go behind the main frame I think I can go behind the main frame I just don't have anywhere near the number of components that I need to actually do it uh or actually no I can't I need to go above the main frame FR here we go all right this is this seems like a very very bad idea for quite a lot of effort and I don't think I'm not convinced that we're going to be allowed to build here this seems like a very very bad idea this seems like a very very bad idea why why do I need to automate this I don't necessarily need to automate it right now I just need the I just need the gears I just need the I just need the gears you know what just leave it leave it in a box leave it in the Box there's no point in trying to over complicate it potato leave it in a box for now a crank generator gives us an unlimited amount of energy we don't need to worry about it I'll just occasionally crank it uh I can get myself a second assembler which is going to be six iron ingots four iron gears and five Mana that's a little bit more little bit more iron ore than I actually have at the moment but get out of here get out of here get out of here right what did I need for the essence distilling it's literally iron gears and cranks and the cranks are more iron ingots and a few planks too yeah so we pretty much just need to automate pretty much just need to automate this um can I stick down I can stick down a scaffolding then I can stick down a a crate which can go as the output which will be completely fine for now there we go and that will just hold the hold the gears until until I need them uh at some point later on in the future this this doorway is not working for me it's not a it's not a good setup not a good setup at all right okay manually move the bits across here very very highly in efficient but not necessarily the end of the world so the idea is we'd presumably set up sort of some sort of automated pipe Network to to bring resources down to a sort of Central Area I mean I think this area is probably reserved for you know like high level machinery and stuff that like will sync up with the the emitter so presumably like a production area up here would be a pretty sensible thing to do although once once it's automated these power relays seem like they're pretty effective at transporting things like over a long distance anyway so no big e on that fronts this is a this is a pretty darn efficient way of making uh making these gears actually this is this is really this is really nice this is really really nice uh yeah what did I say I need cranks yeah let's see if I can try and make all the cranks right now we need we need iron ingots for the cranks I keep checking what is it 20 20 cranks yeah okay give me more max that out would you and oh wow holy cow we have got a lot of we have got a lot of a lot of stuff here this is um yeah this is slightly problematic let me let me see if we can try and actually do a bit of a bit of a better iron setup whil we're waiting for all that to happen let's see if we can try and set up a bit of a better bit of a better setup up here because I I should have the resources that I need to make this happen so we can do just uh a single maybe two crank generators for now uh the output needs to be set to the bottom for both we'll crank them both we'll crank them both marvelous and we'll get you cranking as well that's wonderful and then I'm going to see can we merge uh hold on can we mer wrong flip in mode uh can we merge two pipes together we may need to get a splitter or a reverse splitter of some sort but that looks fine to me again that is annoying that that little bit of fungus exists there but that's fine this is why we have uh scaffolding presumably right out of range and then what we can do is we can build ourselves some forges uh let's go for three actually let's go for three three is fine and we'll see if we can sort of strategically place these forages here and here now um there is this whole sort of collection range uh situation going on so we can actually see like at which range they will take uh resources from which is really really cool I love how you can toggle that that's that's actually pretty unique uh because the pipes don't actually work in fact we should theoretically there we go literally just be able to do that um we don't even need to go the sort of full way but that is I think a a pretty darn interesting way of uh of going about doing things let's uh here we go get you pumped into there and you know what let's go for two bits of biomass which is going to burn through like really really quickly uh but look that that's that's kind of okay uh and ideally if we were able to sort of scaffold down here we can't dig this now because it's supported but if we wanted to get an output um you know place them all scaffolding and then have pipes below we could definitely set that up that would be something that we could you know very very feasibly do uh I need to get some additional wood because I've just burned through it all you absolute jerks there we go okay 10 beautiful and then let's get the rest of these into here let's pick up any remaining gears we're actually already halfway through the essence uh the essence folding Pro process which is kind of nice we're going to get a distiller and a folder at least I hope we're going to get a distiller and a folder take those gears and again we'll continue working through that perfect that should take no time at all and in the meantime we can return back upstairs and grab the spoils of my increased automated setup which are actually spurting all over the floor because I so didn't think about forward planning but you know what it it actually it actually doesn't matter it actually doesn't matter let's build the let's build the gears manually that's fine grab those okay that'll be the um that'll be the research dunzo presumably we want to be somewhat careful about where we put these put these bits of equipment what do we need silver ingots in a distiller and a Mana fiber in the fulry okay well look I'm not going to I'm not going to do it it doesn't particularly matter I don't think uh but anyway the point is is that I'm sure one of these would give us the ability to create uh void Essence probably this one the the um the uh yeah the distiller would give us the essence I think and the essence is what we would use to unlock additional sort of bits and Bobs there's a whole bunch of resources that I have no doubt not even begun to understand and discover I mean I have literally sort of discovered a very very tiny small bit of uh the map uh I would really really check this one out folks if you can't tell I am unbelievably excited for what this game has to offer it is in Early Access or it is going to be in early access uh when this when the game comes out uh but check it out see what you think um I think it's great I'm really really interested to see where it goes I'm very very excited for the future of uh of Auto Forge anyway ladies and gentlemen thank you ever so much for watching my name of course been no potato I'll catch you next time bye
Channel: Orbital Potato
Views: 19,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AutoForge, AutoForge gameplay, AutoForge dlc, AutoForge let's play, AutoForge episode 1, AutoForge part 1, AutoForge tips and tricks, AutoForge download, strategy game, strategy game 2023, AutoForge playlist, AutoForge pc, AutoForge strategy, city-builder, stategy, AutoForge trailer, AutoForge annoucement, AutoForge reaction, AutoForge analysis, mananagement game, colony sim, automation game, factory builder
Id: 39GnQNFd1j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 57sec (2457 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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