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hi guys so today's video is going to be a list of some of my absolute favorite stories I haven't done one of these in quite a while and I just figured some of them are the same because they've always been favorites and they're gonna continue to be favorites but also there's some updates to this list that I thought might be kind of fun to just kind of gush over the reason I have specifically said favorite stories and not books is because wow I love a lot of books there are just a couple of videogames that I adore so much that I just can't not include them in a list talking about great stories so one of them that I'm gonna start with is a newer one and I love it and I the gameplay is great also the music's great the graphics great the voice acting is great and that would be horizon zero dawn this is a video game that's basically what looks like caveman like tribes fighting giant robot animals and dinosaurs somehow when you play it they make this work switching into some books I'm gonna start with the one that is probably pretty obvious by just looking behind me I'm a huge fan of Sanderson and there's a few books in particular that I really love I actually really love war breaker every time I do recommendations video war breaker ends up it's fast it's big but it reads really quick it's engaging has a cool magic system it's currently a standalone there's just so many things that every time I do different recommendations videos I'm like oh we're breaker fits in this and I love it and I I don't feel bad recommending it but I also I kind of do because I'm like man you guys probably so tired of me talking about lore breaker just kind of briefly mention the other Sanderson books cuz I do talk about Sanderson a lot and I will have link down below some videos where I go more in depth otherwise we'll be here all day long but I love love love way of kings it's my favorite of the three star my archive books that are out I adore Caledon so much and then speaking of great characters and Sanderson I love in from Miss borne that trilogy will forever to always be my favorite trilogy because I love the themes that are explored I love the magic system I love the tropes and VIN I just I love in so much I am gonna have also along side this list have my honorable mentions and I feel like right now rithmatist and Skyward are kind of honorable mentions I love those two books but Skyward for me while it was so fantastic and fast-paced I found that the sequel didn't I didn't love the sequel so much so I don't really know where the series is going and I don't know if I'll end up loving the first book but not the other so we'll see that's why it's kind of an honorable mention rithmatist love that first book have yet to see a sequel and it is not self-contained it absolutely leaves off with a cliffhanger it was so fun and oh my gosh I have never come across another book quite like that one it still has some familiar tropes got a school setting it's got a person with no magic who really wishes they could use magic it's got some things that we're comfortable with but also the magic itself is really unique it's kind of a murder mystery it's just like nothing else I've ever read leaving a Sanderson territory here and getting into some other stuff we have before they are hanged by Joe Abercrombie this is the second book in the first law trilogy I can't say that the first law trilogy in its entirety is an absolute favorite because took me a long time to get into the first one and I didn't love the third one but that second one way in which our characters would respond and learn from and sometimes not learn from the things that were happening I really liked seeing it in that second book this trilogy is all about the character work and I felt like we knew the characters well enough from the first book that when we got to the second one I could just enjoy them but also I was still really unsure about what the heck was going on in a lot of things so I was curious and the characters while I hated some of them I kind of loved to hate them and then all of a sudden I found myself starting to love them and then there were some characters I loved from the beginning even though I should have hated them next up we have the strange the dreamer duology by Laini Taylor this honestly shouldn't really be on this list based off of what I tend to like because this story has such flowery writing and usually I can only handle flowery writing so much I was kind of on board with it because I loved the characters so much and I'm a very character driven reader and the themes that are explored in this story the way in which compassion is used to resolve problems rather than violence is just something I so rarely see in fantasy and these are not simple issues where it's like if only you just were nice to this person everything would be fine it wasn't like a simple thing to do the compassion that it took from these characters was tremendously difficult and as a reader who's a custom in fancy to being like get that guy get that guy and being satisfied when your characters do get the guy in this particular story I would feel that I'm like kill him kill him in a you know a reader sense not like I'm a really terrible person but I just felt like that was what I wanted and then the characters were better than me you know and I'm just like oh man it's so good next up if you know me you're probably like how was this not one of the first things she said and that would be Witcher and I have reread some of the what's your books multiple times and I have some things about The Witcher series that I think are so good and that sub coughs Keys writing is really its own he has such his own voice and I love that and there's some elements of the story like when he uses dialogue and you can kind of just tell what's happening even though the narrative isn't telling you because it's just a quick back and forth dialogue you can just picture things he has this way of making the dialogue feel very real and the characters feel very real and very gray and the world is very dark and you're looking at characters that you love within a dark world and it affects them so much about which are I love there are some elements of the books and the the choices of coughs he makes with his storytelling that I don't love but the video game I the Wild Hunt is so good that I think I went into the books having played the game first and that definitely amped up my enjoyment of the books because I think CD Projekt RED did such a good job with the video game I loved it so much so Witcher the books combined with the video game The Wild Hunt to me are just speaking of video games coming in with another one would be Final Fantasy 10 specifically don't remember seven well enough to really say it's a it is a favorite but I don't remember it well enough and I'm just waiting for the remake oh my gosh I'm so excited but 10 up this is the greatest love story ever told but it's what I always say about this game because oh my gosh my heart and the ending is so tragic and there's kind of you expect one thing and you're like this game's gonna break my heart and then it goes a different direction it breaks your heart into even more pieces graphics are stunning and the music is amazing and some of the characters are so annoying but you kind of can't help but love them and root for them and just sometimes you hate them but you're also like please I want everything to work out well it's just so good if you've never played Final Fantasy 10 go go play that game next up would be a manga series slash anime and that would be Full Metal Alchemist and the anime Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood that's the one that follows the manga this story has so many characters that I adore and love and I need to find other words to describe how much I really adore love everything on this list but Edward and Alphonse their brotherly relationship in this story is I I just think it's so well done and there's so many varying degrees of good and bad and the story you have pretty much ultimate evil but then you have so many other antagonists within and sometimes you actually find your protagonists are having to work with the antagonists and sometimes there are some that you actually like more than you like some of the protagonists and it's funny at the same time as being sometimes really morbid and dark and so I just this whole video is gonna be me needing to learn to expand my vocabulary and crunching at you guys play oh my gosh I love full metal alchemist so much next step would be the six of crows duology this is a heist story and when people hear heist story they think a really fast paced intense plot driven story but it's actually very character driven and I had to reread the first book before I found I was really captivated by it and then when I read the second one just sealed the deal I really loved the time that Leigh bardugo took to have you get you know the characters in this story it's definitely one that if you don't like any of the characters you're probably not gonna like the story but I find that the more time I spend away from this story the more I realize that I completely loved it and I want to go back to it and I want to see these characters again next up we have a recent favorite the conclusion to this trilogy is what has put this trilogy on this list and that would be the ash princess trilogy I was not ever expecting that this is going to be a new favorite I just always thought this would be a story I really enjoyed because it's super trophy and I just found that it was a really engaging entertaining read for the first two books but then the third one the growth of the characters seeing where they started versus where they end up and the sacrifices they have to make and just the way everything ties together there are things that the author tied in that I wasn't expecting there's a lot of really emotional moments in that last book next up would be a vicious and vengeful by ve Schwab I ate these books up the first one I read so long ago and I recently picked up the second one I wasn't sure getting back into it how much I actually liked it because I've been a while since I'd read the first but when I picked it up again it's just so delicious and juicy and how messed up everybody is and you're like oh I'm a terrible person for rooting for these terrible people but gosh started they're so interesting I'm just going to name off the rest of these because they are more of my honorable mentions I'm not really going to say much about them and some of them are honorable mentions because the series isn't done yet and I don't know if I'm gonna hate the conclusion and then therefore it's going to kind of ruin how I feel about the previous installments some of them I really really love but it's been a little while since I've read them so I'm not really sure if I picked them back up how I would feel so I'm just gonna list these off really really fast the first two would be the red rising trilogy and the scythe trilogy arc of the scythe trilogy argue the science I read pretty recently there are things about that series that I think are so good but also it's very plot driven in the second and third books and I think I do wish a little bit that it had been slightly more character-driven but I appreciate it for what it is the premise is so twisted in dark and then with red rising it's just been a while but I really did love them the first time around a couple of the series there trilogies that aren't done yet the third installments aren't out would be a curse so dark and lonely the curse breakers trilogy I loved the first book the second book for a lot of the book I had some mixed feelings but I really liked the ending and then shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa just feel like it has this amazing episodic feel to it and I had so much fun with the first one but I didn't love the second one but it left me with the impression that the third one's gonna bring it home but I can't say that quite yet because I haven't read it's not quite out yet another honorable mention would be the Strongbow saga by justin roberts these are historical fiction and they are about a young man who is the son of a Viking chieftain and Irish princess but he's born a slave due to some unfortunate circumstances and I really really really enjoyed those books but it's been a while since I've read them and the series isn't completed less I check also speaking of Vikings Vinland saga i gushed about it a lot last year when I picked it up and the anime it's been so good but I'm not quite caught up with everything that's out I don't know you know how the conclusion to all of this is gonna go so it's it's currently on its way to being a favorite but it's an honorable mention because you never know maybe it could decline next couple are just ones that I look at with so much nostalgia one of them wouldn't be Sailor Moon and I'm specifically referring pretty much to the anime because I've never picked up the manga I'm picking up the manga this year and it is purely based in nostalgia because it's just so silly and ridiculous but such a good time and so over-the-top and also not politically correct and I'm so glad for it is that is that really terrible to say there's this one scene where this girl tells this grown man she's like in middle school and she's in love with this grown man and she tells him something like she's like I don't care if you have always lied to me and if you continue to always lie to me because I love you it was so funny I mean the other one my feelings are definitely wrapped up in Estella for would be the barniz trilogy this is a story that I just remember so fondly reading this and loving it when I was younger it has footnotes which doesn't usually work for a lot of people but in that particular story the way that the author incorporates it is really clever the relationship between the gin and the story and his master is really I think great to see throughout the trilogy and also the ending I remember it being like one of the best endings I've ever read the last two honorable mentions I loved these books and if I never finished the series for both of these I still feel like I like those first two books a lot and that would be blood song by Anthony Ryan and queen of the tearling by Erika Johansen and these I loved both of these so much and I'm so scared to finish the series for these because almost everybody says that they are not good that's it for some of my absolute favorite stories let me know what some of yours are and also if you have any recommendations for me based off of the things I like that I didn't talk about and maybe even if I have talked about them and you're like oh but maybe she knows about it and I don't want to say it if she's talked about it don't worry I don't expect you guys to know every single thing I've ever read or played or watched so if you have any recommendations for me let me know I'm always looking for new things to love but anyway let me know what your favorites are and thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys later whoa you [Music]
Channel: Elliot Brooks
Views: 30,152
Rating: 4.9713602 out of 5
Keywords: best books, favorite books, best fantasy books, best stories, favorite stories, elliot brooks favorites, elliot brooks favorite stories, best fantasy stories, best fantasy authors, booktube, booktuber, brandon sanderson, witcher, final fantasy, joe abercrombie, first law, strange the dreamer, six of crows, grishaverse, liegh bardugo, first law trilogy, a curse so dark and lonely, fullmetal alchemist, vinland saga, horizon zero dawn, scythe, ash princess, ve schwab
Id: UI4VjvEErlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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