New Super Sun Laser Destroys Giant Snake in Forts!

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this ancient temple has stood as a bastion to defend humanity for i don't know i haven't been counting but at least between 57 and 462 000 years somewhere in that range you may be asking yourself well what's this giant temple this giant pyramid uh defending us against like i've been over here playing mario kart 64 for the last 28 years and i haven't been paying attention well tell you what a giant serpent a huge snake is actually attacking us so it's like that base is massive and it spreads out and this thing is strong you know it's kind of like hydra you shoot one head off and like 67 small squirrels pop out of it you know what i'm talking about i love this waterfall what a nice touch but we're gonna have to use incredibly incredibly powerful weapons to defeat this like oh i don't know harnessing the power of the sun let's take a look at some of the weapons we have at our disposal as you can see oh my god there are so many new ones i don't even really know where to start except the same place i always start resource generation this level is so big i'm actually getting a little bit of lag now it is available on the steam workshop if you guys are watching you're like man that level looks awesome i want to play it rage alert made it yeah it's called soul sol which is actually the name of my dog who successfully had his surgery he's feeling so much better he's like papa why are you playing video games when we could be playing and i'm like wait a minute you can talk all right let's put all of our tech in this little area of the temple what was that tv show like my hidden temple or something like that that kind of sounds weird hey have you found my hidden temple i mean i don't know dude that sounds strange so in order to really give this the old college try i think we are going to have to have tons of resource generation oh i just realized look at this i can use this area we can expand the temple out to the top how many of you guys play civilization like any of them like five six every time i think about like building a temple i think about civilization and i'm like my god that's like one of my favorite video games ever like if i was on a mission to mars you're like baron you're going to mars elon musk says he needs someone that can beat him and come in and conquer you're up but the catch is it's like a six to nine month journey and you can only bring one video game with you that has a lot of replayability for me it's usually like on a mars mission i think i would take civilization six with all dlcs does anyone else think about this or is it just me all right we're gonna put some of our other technology here because we're trying to get this one the sea moon technology center they are targeting us with missiles oh my god and they're firing five different missile clusters they got a little bit of burning there and man we have some serious lag i mean this is a big big map whoa all right we need to defend ourselves i mean didn't i put out all the fires kick the tires light the fires kick the fires and light the tires we need anti-aircraft defenses incoming they love their cluster missiles don't they now the best defense is a strong defense so that should be decent not great but decent dang this is laggy boy and i think that should be pretty decent at defending us now we need to get our technology here now we need 4 000 and i'm just a little bit shy of that so in order to get this we need more mineral storage which is actually kind of crazy here it is the sea moon technology lab guys shoot up there lots of missiles incoming oh my god the flat gun killed him before the missiles did that was uh strangely sympathetic like hey you want to burn to death or you just wanna get a lot of bullets in your face well i guess it's a lot of bullets in our face okay can we build the sea moon tech not yet we are just now building this structure build speed 300 please there's just too many of them and the temple is so big this temple is so big you get like frame rate issues come on there's only two left yes we actually defended ourselves against one this time fantastic let's increase energy production some of these weapons if you've watched like the black hole video you know how energy intensive they really are and look at this we actually get like some other devices potentially when we unlock this technology 300 speed please now we could be building weapons but i don't know which one i remember being trolled in the last one but i want to use the power of the sun right tsunami bagpipes what are the names of these like the bloom of life at the last moment i think when the mod maker was making this they were contemplating existence blaze in the sun's core this is exactly what i want the power of the sun but i need to have it at a safe spot all right where do we want to hit this snake in the head right you must cut the head off the snake all right so we'll turn these into blast doors and we're gonna give this an astromech droid for repairs i call a master mcdroids we need a proper star wars mod man a little bit of anti-aircraft defenses i always call it anti-aircraft i don't know why it's just like that dumb thing i say baron there's a lot of things you say that are time i cannot argue against that it would be nice to have a missile system in place oh my god what is this i can't read it rash sue's the soul of the wounded what are you talking about we'll put them down here because that's a safe little spot there's also the missile 5000 uh to get bagpipes well we could launch a beehive this thing is huge holy crap this thing is huge unbelievable it's unbelievable my god they say it fires bees in these little rocket canisters i guess those would be missiles we're gonna actually just turn that into something else all right we will need a sniper for this so we're gonna put him like in a nice little nook and cranny incoming barrage there we go though and then all these bullets like harass the oh i don't like the look of that wow that's really effective look at this it's like you you see the little guy with the little hat with the little like fan on it like this little snake's like hey gorge the laser is prepared to fire we will harness the power of the sun oh it's still going it's firing through the abdomen it cut it it's still going oh my god that was awesome now we could definitely cut the head off the snake here oh wow that's really really good oh we're on fire where oh no now this we're gonna target just the belly so this is the beehive right or is it bagpipes something weird like that man it's just one rocket and there's nothing to shoot it what happens when it hits oh my god oh okay we've froze in the game dude so this this mod is just good at like cutting through entire bases i want to try this against an atm six walker my god all right now this guy's ready to fire and we want to aim a little bit high just a little higher how about there right through his neck yeah now there must be a core up there that's pretty cool okay so it's very good to fire what's your reload time okay wait can this guy just keep firing no but the doors are locked open for some reason i didn't do that manually now what we've done is we've actually silenced the enemy we haven't gotten a retort from rockets in quite a while probably because most of their resources are going to repairing their base now it seems a lot of these weapons are metal intensive so we are going to increase our dwarves it's very strange how this guy just like leaves the door open you trying to air conditioning outside there buddy oh that's a good spot that should cut through both sections oh and actually hitting a core right there we might just caused the detonation via heat no it actually absorbed a decent amount okay well what i'm gonna do then once i get enough energy apparently because this thing costs 20 000 energy to fire i'm gonna hit this section and we want to increase all right here we go this is one missile but then it turns into like a hundred pretty quickly can they make it through oh my god luke skywalker shot right there i used to shoot t-16 wombats or something like that sky hopper you know what i'm talking about holy crap that was awesome okay harnessing the power of the sun is pretty awesome i don't know if you know this but if you take the most powerful thing in your solar system and harness it as a weapon it's pretty cool there bobby apollo's bow well you have my attention all right we got apollo's bow pocket bells canyon apollo's bow let's let's give him a little shave he was growing a beard there all right yeah we need massive massive energy production so we are going to start working on that now there's two sides to energy right there is production and there's storage we're gonna want both scared money don't make money boys so we'll just i wish you could like drag you know like every now and then you're just going to be building something obscenely big in forts and i wish you could just like drag and it would auto place that would save me so much time so what's it like battling a giant snake that's basically a god well uh we'll just harness the power of the sun not a problem all right i really really like this i don't know where the other cores are so it's kind of just a guessing game here we go we fired that here hoping that there's a core down there dang if it wasn't for all of these little sections we could probably cause like a decapitation or a collapse or something like that it's really hard to find the other sources how is it that with all of these metal things we're only at 9570 what other weapons could we use we can get bagpipes now all right now this guy is who how many one two three four five six seven eight eight zeros five hundred million energy i think we already have the max at nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine i don't think i can have any more than that hold on let's just spam them whoops i don't know what i just did there did something i can't even fire that there's always a troll like hey man wouldn't it be cool to use this you can't cost more energy than it is even in the game decimal places dude clarifies the heart of the sufferer what what is going on in your life fellow are you okay we're here for you if you need us you know you just gotta let us know i have a hurricane in my heart oh no i'm just kidding guys i'm a florida dude we just have hurricanes in general we don't need to have them in our hearts because they're already everywhere else uh aurora corrosion corrosion sounds cool dude all right build these things underlay underlay mama vamanos necesito mas firepower come on say d say you're gonna die giant snake porque no hablo espanol and there goes the head of the snake but he's still there because you know reasons let's get it right here fire everything fire everything all right now we got the hurricane thing dang that energy still beaming are you trying to use up all my energy oh oh hold on oh yeah the missile fired so we had like a a frame rate spike as it destroys its midsection the sun laser is still firing and now we don't have any energy domain like what does this do it generates okay i see i think we need more energy oh my god look at this thing i'm building it i don't know what it is i mean i know what it is it's a giant turbine but this is incredible it's only 62 percent effective up here i want that thing built fast i want to see this thing oh my goodness this is awesome now will that get me [Laughter] okay fire hurricane snakes don't like hurricanes nobody likes hurricanes oh that's okay it's not bad it's not good you know what i'm saying oh and the hurricane is dead of course he is why would i want him alive again wow all right now you didn't kill your sluff okay that's good where are you gonna hit oh not in the best spot what is that oh that's corrosion right okay so we've got like this poisonous gas that is spreading and it's definitely corroding the structure it's actually a pretty good way for us to like determine the location of the other cores there's got to be a core up in this head right we should actually aim right at his face firework you're sold we're putting a firework right there all right can we hit his head not probably very accurately oh a little low on that guy oh we have this guy yeah i forget that this thing will like just keep firing oh corrosion is still going on wow corrosion is really really good i need to remember that and just like fire multiple corrosive devices on this thing they're trying to repair it it looks like the power of the sun is unlimited at least until it's not and the sun dies and everything in the solar system does too man this makes me want to play stellaris oh my god all right chill out stop it stop firing the sun stop firing the sun all right we fired fireworks at them oh we literally might crash my game oh my god it's really hard to tell what's going on i can't repair because my frames are like .01 and there are fires erupting all over the temple i repeat evacuate the temple complex somehow the sun beam is still firing i don't know what they hit me with or fireworks just like came back oh my god what is that what is going on oh my god i can't put on all the fires i'm actually surprised this core hasn't detonated oh we got a detonation one of the cores of the temple is gone i think what happened was it because my frames were so trash all right that was the firework thing that did it right let's do it again [Music] let's not learn our lesson yeah i think they deflect off right so the fireworks are going to deflect back again this mod was not tested for optimization that's for sure i'm not even at one frame a second i think i'm at one frame a minute oh yeah do you see all of them reflecting backwards yeah of course i fire a reflectionary firework device at something that's concave so it's more like it's like peeing in a urinal and just spraying yourself because your velocity is too strong because you've been eating way too many waffles all right so just get ready for our entire base to be erupted again oh my gosh we have our frames back okay i'm never using you again you're bad now we have this thing which is technically the most powerful one corrosion is still going on okay we fired a beam and it didn't do a lot the last light in the world build us corrosion is awesome i do want more corrosion wow we lost our missile base all right it's ready i don't know what this is gonna do oh wow that whole thing is on fire okay there's definitely a core in there because you can hear it overheating okay that might be one of the coolest ones now we've got we're gonna fire a bunch of corrosions at it at least two oh there's a core you can see it okay this is really dang okay we fired the corrosions not at the right spot i don't even know if this is gonna get through all right i am okay with you never shooting again mr fire laser alright so there's a core in here can it get through the corrosion yes it can and that should be it boom baby whoa what did i just shoot what the heck is that this is the bagpipe thing oh my god i built a spaceship oh what did i just do what did i just do is this gonna do what i think it's gonna do where it's just gonna like laser the entire base in like a sweeping like sword sort of oh my god okay that thing is powerful and i froze my game again oh there's no more cores down there must just be like two more left frames are gone man you harness something that's more powerful than you can ever imagine we're getting frames back hit him in the head oh we lit up that entire section we're gonna kill the giant snake man we will defend humanity from the demons okay i see the two cores there's none in the head how are there none in the head there has to be one in the head because it's disconnected and still operational yeah there there is one right in his eye socket okay then we're gonna target we're gonna target right there this is actually the most effective one let's see if it runs into this thing so this thing just keeps shooting at the same spot all right here we go the cluster of all clusters oh did we get a double detonation we may have holy crap that was a double detonation oh god the spaceship exploded and went nuclear this is awesome oh my god a rocket just went back this way somehow i don't know how but it did sometimes one doesn't need to know how just that it does all right this should work now that we know where to aim now unfortunately i just can't hit the head with the with the cannon pod so we really need to work is this guy guess we could fire some corrosion at it those look good we might even get all three of them to hit the head come on you're almost there reloaded oh man i love the reloading animation okay whoa whoa let's just hit the head off the snake this should do it we probably could kill it slowly via corrosion but we want to seal the deal and make sure this snake never comes back to trouble humanity be prepared to die snakey boy oh it just did a loop the core actually detached and fell all right that was absolutely insane this is what happens when you harness the power of the sun crazy things happen thank you for watching another episode of four just pull the trigger and like button if you didn't join do you want to see more and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 362,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, fort, forts, forts gameplay, forts mod, forts modded, forts weapons, forts super weapon, baron forts, new forts, forts update, new forts update, best forts strategy, funny forts, forts battleship, forts floating ship, floating battleship, forts battleship map, forts battleship mod, forts game mods, forts baron, forts baronvongames, custom forts map, forts sun gun, forts snake, Raaaage Alert
Id: k3aYxfSjsAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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