NEW SORC BUFFS EXPLAINED by a Sorcerer: Diablo 4 Patch Changes (1.1.1)

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yo what is good everyone zikrik here it is July 28th I just finished watching the entire uh campfire chat with the Diablo 4 devs and a huge portion of that was focused on sorcerer changes so this video is going to be taking a close look at all of the sorcerer changes mentioned Through The Eyes of a fellow sorcerer um one thing to note that these are not final changes they mentioned that the final patch notes will be released August 2nd with the actual release of 1.1.1 which is the patch uh these are these changes are coming on happening on August 8th and so this is basically drawn exactly from what was shown in the slides and I'm looking at my other monitor over here for the notes and then I will include text on the screen that shows exactly what they showed in the slides for each change the other thing I did is that I don't think they realize our magic brains categorize stuff uh within the different elements and so I took everything and rearranged it to where we'll be covering uh the general stuff first up front and then we can take a look at everything that affected lightning everything that affect fire and then everything that affected Frost all together and you'll find time stamps to that in the description where if you want to navigate to a specific element based on your build and see just those changes you will be able to do that and I will take all the text from the slide that I typed out and put it in the pinned comment so if you want the actual cliff notes of the text of all the changes you can reference the pinned comment okay let's get started so some very general changes that affect everyone that aren't specific to sorcerer but will affect us are Monster density increasing boosting the health of boss as well as rewards resource drain cold Enchanted and backstabber of fixes removed as nightmare dungeon of fixes so will be quite helpful for our class backstabber and resource drain I know are especially annoying for me the minor stats changes they've been talking about supposed improvements to the memory leak to help with the crashes but I won't really believe that until I see it and then they also mentioned that they are still working on the resistance mechanics and want to bring it up to the left level other defensive choices but it sounds like there's nothing really substantial that's going to be released in 1.1.1 for that and then the final thing right when they started talking about sorcerer they mentioned something I didn't catch the exact terminology they used but basically this idea of trade-offs where if they remove power from one thing they want to add it back somewhere else unlike you know what we kind of saw with the last patch where they had a massive Nerf especially to the immobilized plus burn conditions for devouring Blaze where we essentially saw a 90 percent decrease in crit damage if you were running it on your necklace and had six ranks it went from 150 percent to 60 percent and so uh you know from my perspective if we see that kind of a decrease somewhere we would like to see those uh stats that 90 added in other places specifically uh in my personal opinion needs to be added in some of these other passive categories within our skill tree because these DB ranks were removed from our skill tree and so I really believe that these other um passives so Elemental dominance conjuration Mastery uh [ __ ] Frost icy Touch I think these need to receive some of that 90 reduction and it looks like instead most of these changes are focused on buffing aspects like legendary aspects things like that and so that bums me out a little bit the changes are good in general I think and we're moving in the right direction but I really feel like for for us to be able to stack up against other classes when they remove a vast amount of our power like that they need to make up for it in other places and the other thing that really bothers me about the passives in the skill tree is is glass cannons kind of broken where this all damage it shows a multiplier but it's actually in the conditional modifier group with all your other conditional modifiers but the damage you take is multiplicative and so that's kind of that that kind of just sucks in general and then also you know you look at some of these passives with multipliers there's not a lightning passive with a multiplier and so I really think one of these lightning passives needs to give you a similar type of equation multiplier the way that horror Frost does the way that icy Touch does the way the devouring Blaze does we really need lightning really needs some love and you can see that reflected in some of these changes that they are making but I don't think it's going to be quite enough but it is a step in the right direction and so we will be going over all that stuff so last couple things from a general perspective are the changes to unique items that affect us so mainly the gloves of the Illuminator and basically what they're doing on this is they're changing the damage reduction which you can see right now the window is 65 to 55 they're changing it to 45 to 35 percent and so basically what this is going to do is it's going to make the Mario you know the Super Mario sorcerer build a lot more viable where right now these gloves if you put them on like mine uh even if they're at The Low End of the Roll uh you know your Fireball explosion damage is basically going to be halved uh and so you're going to see half the damage which with each explosion and the trade-off is is it bounces three times so instead of getting a single explosion you're getting three explosions that kind of travel in a line and they also change the offset per Bounce from three to two point five so they'll bounce a little closer together so it will be more reasonable to try to hit a single enemy uh with more than one explosion but in general this is still going to be very much a a group cleave focused uh spell if you use the glove stacked with the staff endless rage and so this is just what I call the Super Mario build because that basically you're just you know throwing your bouncing Fireballs but I will be doing a full bill guide on this build after these changes at some point just because of uh you know how cool it is but basically we can do this as you can see you can bounce um if you use it with a staff of endless Rage which gives you a third cast of Fireball you can basically bounce one and then and then three Fireballs you know every third cast you're going to be bouncing an extra Fireball and the problem with this right now you can see is my damage is pretty low compared to if I just shot a normal Fireball it's literally halved with each explosion um and the bounces are kind of far apart right so the bounces are going to get closer together as well as uh the damage being a little bit better so I do think uh this this kind of unique build with Fireball uh being like a big group cleave is gonna get a lot better um with the changes oh the other change on gloves the illuminators are changing uh this lucky hit from uh this stun chance to uh chance to restore primary resource like kind of like frostburn um see how frostburn has the lucky hit restore primary resource so it's basically going to mirror that I think um so those are the those are the changes that gloves the Illuminator and then temerity which are those uh defensive pants uh which which I think now with these changes could actually be quite useful for us if we're trying to stay alive and later tier Neymar dungeons is all stats of fix replace with Max life barrier now scales off of Max life which is really big for us if you're in a barrier-based build and you're running your ice fall uh legendary node here uh so our deep freeze barrier and our ice armor actually scales off our base Health but this ice fall legendary node scales off our Max health and so if you're building in a Max Health with gems and such you can get this barrier quite big and it will also scale the barrier onto meridi now and if you're in uh a barrier focused build you know that's just an extra barrier to add to your stack so definitely another item worth considering and then last General change is with the hearts so they changed uh this caged heart of spell breaking see how right now it says after taking Elemental damage you gain 40 to 60 percent resistance to that element for nine seconds and so they basically change this from Elemental resistance to uh straight damage reduction so it will now be gained 10 to 20 damage reduction for five seconds and while I think this is a good change and it might actually you know make this heart uh useful and usable for us it basically confirms without them saying it that the resistance is currently do nothing because they're basically considering trading 40 to 60 resistances which the hearts have on them now you know for 10 to 20 damage reduction and that's apparently a big buff and so um take that for what it's worth all right so the first thing I want to talk about Source or specific are changes to some of our glyphs and these changes are made to supposedly help us uh with our survivability and help us you know be able to live longer in in later tier nightmare Dungeons and stuff help with our insane squishiness and um I don't think it's gonna help that much and here's why these glyphs that they made changes to which are just the reinforced rare glyph the territorial rare glyph and the warding rare glyph they're very specific use cases two of them uh just increase rare nodes they don't scale off of the the stats around them and so they're inherently at a disadvantage because of that and my main problem with them is in order to run them we are going to have to drop an offensive glyph and we are already at a power disadvantage I think when compared to other classes especially since the devouring Blaze Nerfs and them not sort of adding that power back in in other places in the skill tree and so in order to take advantage of these these you know defensive Buffs you're going to have to drop an offensive cliff and a lot of our offensive glyphs have these additional bonuses that multiply our damage equation right and so the later we get into end game the bigger the different numbers are on our damage equation the more valuable these additional bonuses become right so it's going to cost you quite a bit to have to drop something um you know like exploit like destruction you know really a lot of these flame feeder um tactician control frostbite not frostbite but a lot of them give you know very uh well scaling additional bonuses on top of the fact that they scale uh based on the nodes around them and so you can achieve quite a bit of scaling out of these glyphs versus you know some of these ones that they have buffed you know let's take warding for example gain 25 bonus to all rare nodes within range well all that's going to do is buff you know if I put it here on my frigid fade board it's just gonna buff my weakness and my chilling by uh you know at Max rank at 21 by 125 and so at level 21 what that's actually going to give me is an extra twelve and a half percent vulnerable damage an extra 12 and a half intelligence an extra like fifteen percent cold resistance and another extra intelligence so just you know you compare that to what you know fully scaling something like exploit or destruction by grabbing all these you know mine's not optimized yet because I'm not uh at the level where these have their second range but you know if you're at 21 and you're you have your exploit your destruction in some of the boards with 39 decks you can achieve you know destruction giving you 70 crit damage fully skilled exploit giving you 28 volt damage fully skilled enchanter giving you 91 non-physical damage fully skilled and like you know they're basically by buffing these defensive glyphs they're like hey you know you should take one of those out and run one of these shitty scaling ones just for the damage reduction and they didn't really increase the damage reduction that much and so let's take a look at the three glyphs that they actually changed with the first one being reinforced here so same thing with 25 bonus to rare nodes within range so you know not a huge impact especially when you consider you know what rare nodes are often within range of our sockets is usually one damage node uh with one resistance node and they confirm by some of the other changes mentioned here that resistances are basically useless right now and so um you know these these glyphs that that do this rare node boost uh probably aren't going to be super valuable that actual the actual stat buff they give you until they fix resistances and then you know there might be a case where they're worth using because that buff to the resistance node within range is also helpful but right now you know we're just getting this little buff to the offensive node within range and a little buff to int and the resistances are still doing nothing for us so for reinforced you gain 10 damage reduction while you have a barrier they're increasing this from 10 to 15 percent and so they're giving you five percent more damage reduction when you have a barrier it's like okay you have a barrier though and so uh you know you're going to be fine if you get hit because you have a barrier usually right and this is only for very barrier specific build so this isn't even overall damage reduction it's only damage reduction when you have a barrier and only five percent more territorial is the one that actually does scale with stats within range and it scales off of decks you can see here for every five decks purchased within range you deal two percent increase damage to close targets the problem with this one is it's it's resourcers and more squishy as [ __ ] right and so we're generally not close or not wanting to be close there's some builds where you know specifically like our Clash like uh lightning melee build where being close is good but the majority of builds being close is bad right we're trying to keep distance and do damage to where we don't get hit and so this uh while this buff again buffed five percent from ten ten to fifteen percent it only is against close enemies right so it's going to be a very specific use case uh for this one being being useful I will say this will stack nicely with the new uh Mage lures aspect they added uh for for the lightning build and so we'll cover that in a minute in the lightning section and then the last one awarding uh had its damage reduction increased from 13 to 25 percent but this damage Direction only comes in effect when you're low Mana right so if you're a full man it's essentially going to be at zero and I would assume the closer you get to zero Mana the closer you'll get to that 25 percent and again doesn't scale with the nodes around it just the 25 bonus so we're not getting much value out of the actual placement of the glyph and the stats around it and the um damage reduction is only going to come in effect when you're when you're low Mana right and so those are the glyph changes while I do think they might be a step in the right direction I don't think they are appropriate changes to appropriate glyphs uh they're basically slight Buffs to glyphs no one's really running except for very specific use cases and so um you know this is this is a work in progress for sure all right now let's dive into the elemental changes made for sorcerer starting with all the changes made to our lightning school and so I think these changes are cool I think they're moving in the right direction but I'm not sure uh they are strong enough to give us exactly what we need for a lightning build to be superviable but they are good changes I think in general and so let's take a look at the skill passive changes first so they're basically uh upgrading the chain Lightning upgrades so if we come up here to chain Landing so greater chain lightning is getting changed from what's shown on the screen here to each time chainlining bounces its next hit deals five percent increase damage and so instead of having to bounce off you it's just gonna deal five percent increase damage per bounce and then destructive chain lightning is getting just buffed five percent and so your chance to form correctly energy will be 30 instead of 25 um my biggest problem with chain lightning is it's it's a it's first of all the the visual effects could be a lot cooler you know I think of like thrall [ __ ] casting a chain lightning in World of Warcraft and it's just so much cooler than our little zap we got here and so I think they could the the visuals in effect could use a lot of love maybe with a nice like Thunderclap or something um but on top of that you know even with the so the next um one of the uh next aspect Buffs uh specifically to chain lightning that links with this is uh the aspect of unbroken tether and so this is going to increase the bonus chain lightning bounces from two to four so the total possible bounces for chain lightning are going to increase from seven to nine but when you consider that compared to some of these other core spells uh it's a very low amount of enemies hit and so with this increase to mob density um chain lining is going to struggle even more because you will with running the aspect you will be able to hit a total of nine mobs whereas something like frozen orb you know ice shards with the aspect uh incinerant can hit many more enemies uh than that it seems like and so I really feel like chain lightning needs some additional cleave effect my opinion it should bounce uh to All Enemies within a certain range and there should be a slight damage drop off for each bounce so they should up uh you know the total damage by a bit and then each bounce should maybe decrease the damage by five percent but it has unlimited bounces to anything within range that would give it more of like a cleave effect like frozen orb men you can hit like if you have a hundred enemies together they're all going to get [ __ ] destroyed by one Frozen arm right same with something like incinerate I think Fireball is a little on the weekend where it has a pretty small explosion radius and you know I think that's probably part of the design behind you know this this Super Mario setup is to turn Fireball into more of a cleave spell but you know I Shard somewhere in the middle where it pierces uh but with you know you consider the upgrade of ice shards where they Ricochet off of Frozen enemies that really makes ice shards do much more than just pass through five right they're kind of ricocheting all over the place and it turns this spell also into very good group cleave and so I really feel like the lightning ones uh could use some love to where they actually affect more enemies versus just being uh you know sort of like linear spells so while we're on chain lightning let's cover the other aspects uh that influence it so recharging aspect is also getting changed so it's going to become each time chain lightning bounces you gain two to three mana and it used to be four to six Mana when bouncing off of you so the mana's hopped but it's going to count on all bounces right and then one of the other really cool changes actually is to veer's Mastery and so this is basically for you know melee lightning builds which seem to be uh kind of one of the things they're focusing on with these changes to give them a little bit of love and um they're changing this damage bonus increase from 10 to 15 percent multiplier and so a five percent boost and then that's actually going to pair pretty nicely with the new legendary aspect they're adding called Mage Lords aspect and that's going to be basically one specific to veer's Mastery and it's going to make veers Mastery key passives damage reduction is increased by 20 to 30 percent for each close enemy up to 60 to 90 percent now important note here the way these are worded this isn't going to be an additive increase where you're going to be over a hundred percent damage reduction when close to more than three enemies it simply means the values that are already there will be increased by 60 to 90 percent so with the buff in this patch at the top end it's going to be you know this 20 percent increased by uh 90 and so uh you know 10 of 20 is two percent you just move the decimal over one and so if we subtract that from 20 that's 18 and so we can add that and so you know we can find out that a 90 increase to that if we have three or more enemies around us is going to give us a 38 total damage reduction and if you consider when you crit uh it going up by another 25 that's also usually works in the same way where it would be you know ten percent two percent and so 25 would be two ten percent so four percent plus a half of two percent so it'd be five percent right and so we would have uh the 38 plus five percent when we crit giving us uh 43 total damage reduction with these new Buffs from Beer's Mastery um so you know I just want to make sure sometimes like when they say different percentages it can be a bit confusing it's not going to give you you know 90 damage reduction it's going to be a 90 increase of the numbers that are already here oh that makes sense okay other cool aspect changes to lightning are they are um changing gravitational aspect to where ball lighting orbits around you and actually deals 15 to 25 percent increase damage instead of the current damage reduction it has on it um I think this is good but I think ball lighting in itself really needs a boost to the base weapon damage I think compared to some of these other Mastery skills uh it's just at least in my experience it might be different for some people but it seems to do quite low amount of damage um you know when you compare something like meteor here or like blizzard with ice spikes you know or even firewall um so yeah I think it you know again it's up in the right direction but probably we'll need a little more love in the end and then last changes to the aspects uh that are sort of for everything but kind of in the lighting category are uh charged aspect which is the bonus move speed you got from grab and crackling energy uh is going the duration of that's going to be doubled from four to eight seconds and then aspect of the bounded conduit um which is the one that gives you move speed after teleporting is just going to be increased by five percent so 20 to 25 percent increase to 25 to 30 so just an additional five percent move speed uh after teleporting and then for the Paragon board changes specific to lightning uh there's three changes so the ceaseless conduit legendary node let's take a look here they increase crackling Energy's damage from two to three percent per 20 intelligence the player has so this little uh two percent X multiplier is going to be a three percent X so just a little nice little damage buff to uh especially late game crackling energy bills when you have your intelligence you know really maxed out um and then uh they they made some uh Max life bonus changes to the lightning resilience rare node um and both of these are on the static surge board and so again a little more love to melee lightning builds right and so this lightning resilience one uh see this Max life as the secondary attribute that's going to be bonus or that's going to be increased uh from four to six percent and then the other one on the other side of the board restorative is also going to have its bonus increased from four to six percent and you know the way you want to think about this is that's basically half of a fully scaled Ruby right and so if you run both those together it's basically going to give you one more Ruby in your gear and so does it help yeah is it a game changer no not really um but you know all this stuff adds up and so we're definitely not uh we definitely want everything we can get right and so we will take it all right so that's it for lightning now moving on to fire which also has some pretty good changes also headed in the right direction I think um starting with Fireball upgrades similar to the way they upgraded um the chain Lightning upgrades and so this enhanced Fireball is going to be changed to Casting Fireball increases its radius by 50 not the distance traveled and so basically what this means is if you're using Fireball as a spell to cast uh it's going to increase the damage it's not going to increase the damage if you have it Enchanted and uh on my stream the other day we actually ran an experiment to test uh if um Enchanted effects counted as being casted and we did that by using this um staff I have that has a hundred percent chance uh to spawn an additional Lightning Spear when you cast it right and so what I did is I Enchanted lightning spear um and see how it says absorbing crackling energy has a 10 chance to conjure a lightning spear the test was if I'm wearing that staff if I run over a crackling energy and get a lightning spear spawn I should get two spawns if it counts as being casted if the enchantment counts as being casted right and it didn't and so what that basically tells me is when you see this verbiage when you cast it it means you actually have to cast it it doesn't count for enchantments and that's basically I think the change they're implementing here with Fireball is essentially that uh it's not going to apply to the enchantment it's going to apply to when you actually uh you know use the Ability on your handbar and then the other change is to destructive Fireball and so they're changing it to Fireballs Critical Strike damage is increased by 20 percent this bonus has increased to 30 percent if Fireball hits three or more enemies uh rather than the way it is right now uh where the floor is ten percent and each enemy it hits gives you an extra five percent up to 25 total so basically what they're doing is they're raising the floor by ten percent and then they're raising the cap by five percent and it's gonna you know you're basically going to be able to jump from 20 to 30 percent if you hit three or more enemies and so it'll be a little more binary but in general above uh to damage another really cool change they're making uh that I'm really excited about because I'm currently running it uh in this lightning meteor build I'm messing around with is this Asus ferocity and this is actually a super cool uh passive that uh when you're running it with the aspect not only gives you both these bonuses together but gives you a massive amount of attack speed you can see I'm running it on my amulet and so when I proc that [ __ ] which is just killing something with a crit so it happens all the time when I'm playing alone I get a 72 attack speed increase just absolutely nuts then I stack that with my lightning alt and this extra basic attack speed on my helmet and I'm just going off like a [ __ ] Cannon what they're doing to change this is they're making it so the bonuses are granted when you Critical Strike a boss so the problem with it right now is when you're fighting a boss it's basically never active unless you get to get mobs uh you know coming in as part of the boss encounter that you can kill real quick and then you have it for three seconds against the boss until you know those mobs are gone shoot so just like here's an example the attacks you can go with us is right he's pretty rad in general so this will just help out builds running issues against bosses which is cool and then the last change to uh skills or passives is combustion and so they're changing it to your burning effects deal 20 increased damage plus an additional two percent increase damage per unique source of burning you have applied to the enemy and so basically um from this verbiage the way I interpret it is they're adding a 20 floor multiplier to this right so it starts at 20 instead of starting at zero percent uh and they're removing this extra effect in the last sentence where it says if the enemy is burning from three or more sources this bonus is doubled because that wording was not included in the uh you know tool tip that they showed in the slides and so basically they're adding a 20 floor and then it's going to work the same way and they're removing um this uh doubling when burning from three or more sources it looks like and so I think that you know will be a buff in the end for burn builds because you would basically need uh it to be burning for from you know five extra sources of damage uh and then have that be doubled to equal the 20 floor so I think it is uh definitely a buff in the end and you probably will feel it quite a bit if you're if you're running a burn build and I think this stacked with the wrathful heart uh uh may actually give you know burn dot builds uh uh burn builds in our case some viability um in the season so I will definitely be playing around with the burn build at some point uh probably a bit later in the season to really see if how viable that is especially with these combustion changes okay taking a look at some of the legendaries um one of the main ones they mentioned is the uh Serpentine aspect and so this is the one that lets you have an additional Hydra and they're actually changing this to be similar to the gravitational one with ball lightning they're changing it from damage reduction to damage increase and so hydro's duration is now going to be increased by 14 to 24 percent instead of reduced by 20 to 10 percent like shown here and this will now also affect hydra's enchantment effect and I think this one's pretty cool and then some other ones are aspect of conflagration which is active while you're channeling incinerate is basically going to increase the bonus burning damage from 20 to 30 percent uh to 20 to 40 so just 10 increase on the ceiling aspect of engulfing Flames which is uh only in effect while enemies are affected by more dot damage than their total life so kind of a specific use case to very burn focused builds uh the bonus burning damage is increased from 30 to 40 percent up to 60 to 80 percent and so significant boost there where both of those the low end and the top end are doubled and so um I haven't you know gone all in on a burn build so I actually don't really I can't really tell you how impactful these changes will be but they're higher numbers so they should help either way right and then aspect of three curses I think this is actually a really cool one and this is just going to make it so the increase to Critical Strike damage of meteor and Fireball uh is now uh on all the time and then boosted against healthy targets whereas right now the aspect is you get 35 to 50 percent uh bonus damage against healthy targets and so it's changing to be increase the Critical Strike damage of meteor and Fireball by 20 to 40 percent double this bonus against healthy enemies and so it'll be on all the time and then against healthy enemies it will be um what 40 to 80 percent right so so that's actually going to be a really awesome aspect if you're running something with meteor Fireball like I am and so I will be testing that out after these changes on stream with my gigantic meteor and uh definitely going to help my damage I can only imagine so I think that's a good one and then a couple utility changes they're changing flamewalkers aspect uh where uh you use flame Shield to move through enemies they're changing the bonus move speed from four to six seconds so just a little two second buff on the Move speed there and then incendiary aspect um which used to only apply to burn damage is now changed to damage a lucky hit effect damage from your pyromancy skills have up to a 12 to 17 chance to restore 10 Mana rather than just from burn damage and so that'll open it up to be utilized by more fire heavy builds that aren't just focused on Burn um things like you know Fireball and meteor and so finally for fire changes to the Paragon board so what they've done is they changed the Searing heat legendary node and so right now it's going to give you increased crit strike chance when casting Fireball or meteor then it's going to stack for that specific skill and the change is going to be to make it so casting Fireball or meteor increases your Critical Strike Chance by five percent for five seconds up to 15 percent and that applies to all skills so it's just Critical Strike uh chance in general versus Critical Strike chance with with that specific skill so just an all-around buff there and then the keeper of flames rare node on the Searing heat board is going to get a damage reduction increase and so this damage reduction is going to go from four to five percent and this additional bonus once you hit these requirements is also going to go from four to five percent and so you will see a two percent damage reduction buff to this node if you have the bonus online and so you know not huge but like we will take it we'll definitely take it and then a similar thing on the burning Instinct board uh uh the uh smoldering Embers rare node that gives you damage reduction will be buffed in a similar way where the top will be boosted from four to five percent and the bonus will be increasing four to five percent so you will get another two percent bonus um out of this note as well all right so our final element Frost is the one that saw the lease changes probably because it's sort of objectively the strongest right now um and a big part of that is is because of how powerful the core skills are compared to the other core skills and that's part of what I was mentioning earlier where in my opinion eye shards and Frozen orb are kind of on a whole other level than all four of these other ones um in their damage they both slow and you know they both chill into freeze so there's built-in crowd control they both have built-in vulnerability and they both have huge just group cleave and so all those things you know kind of just make them objectively better than these other ones and so you know I think that's why some of these other ones are starting to see some love I do think they're going to need a little more love before they're on the same level as how powerful these Frost ones are so of the changes that did get made to frost there was no mention of any skills or passives that got changed um some of the legendary aspects that got changed were aspect of Frozen orbit the damage is increasing from uh 20 to 30 percent up to uh 30 to 40 so just a 10 buff there on the extra explosion you get from your orb that's cool snow veiled aspect uh the Unstoppable duration is being increased from two to three seconds uh to three to five seconds and they're adding additional functionality where you'll get 10 bonus armor for the same amount of time three to five seconds and so that's the one where ice armor gives you Unstoppable so they're basically increasing the window by a little bit and also giving you a little bit of bonus arm while it's active and then uh snow guards aspect this one's actually pretty cool they changed it right now uh it's the one that gives you the damage reduction while in blizzard and it's basically the same except they change it so that you also get this uh bonus for two seconds after leaving your blizzard and so this will let you instead of having to stand in your blizzard for the damage reduction you can kind of kite around and move between blizzards right and you'll still have that damage reduction up for the two seconds you're moving between one blizzard and another and so I think that's a cool change and will definitely help you know with um survivability in in builds that are using blizzard and then these last two uh legendary changes are kind of for uh all builds uh like some of them but they often apply uh to frost builds so storm swell aspect uh the bonus damage uh is increased from 11 to 20 percent to 21 to 30 and this is the one um that gives you the bonus damage when you have a barrier and then aspect of concentration which is that Mana regeneration increase uh when you don't get hit had the Mana regen increased from 20 to 30 percent up to 40 to 50 percent so significant boost there 20 on both sides of the window and the duration requirement to gain its benefit uh was reduced from three seconds to two seconds so it'll come into effect one second sooner and you're going to be getting 20 percent uh more Mana regeneration regardless of where your roll is in the window and so I think that's actually you know really sick buff to that one where I I will definitely end up trying it now with some builds as it seems much more worth it than it did before and then finally the Paragon changes with regards to frost are just going to be two changes one on The Frigid fate board actually both on the frigid Vape board and so the first one they're going to be similar to the damage reduction on the fire boards where this guarded node is going to get a one percent damage reduction increase and also the bonus will get one percent so if you have the bonus online this will be a two percent damage reduction increase for this node here and then I think the best one is the oppressive rare node which you can see I'm making my way over to right now and um this is one that a lot of us end up scooping anyways in a lot of our builds because of the vulnerable damage on it and the Damage reduction we get is actually the secondary stat and so this one is just going to see a one percent increase because we don't have it as the bonus we have the vulnerable damages the bonus but we're getting this node anyways a lot of time so this is just going to be an extra you know one percent damage reduction for a lot of builds just uh uh anyways right because because we're building Vol a lot of time anyways boom I think that's pretty much it um so I hope that was useful I hope it made sense um I tried to basically you know lay it out in Source or a format so we can all sort of internalize it and digest it better if you have any questions please drop those in the comments I do my best to take a look at all those and so if I don't answer it immediately I will definitely get to it at some point and then um if you want to ask me sooner I'm actually trying to live stream most days on this guy my new source for season one testing out one of my new build ideas and we'll be testing a bunch of different build ideas as I move closer into end game once I finish the video for this uh you know sort of lightning meteor build I'm working on right now and so if you want to stop by with any questions say what's up um you know just hang out Theory craft anything with me I would love to to have you over there so that's uh zikarik on Twitch with the zero um and yeah besides that hope it was useful take care of yourself and I will catch you in the next one peace
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Views: 18,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sorcerer buffs, diablo 4 sorcerer, sorcerer changes, diablo 4 sorc, sorc buffs, sorceress buffs, new sorcerer buffs, new sorcerer changes, diablo 4 sorceress, diablo 4, new buffs, new changes, sorcerer, sorceress, sorc, d4, patch 1.1.1, new patch, new sorc buffs, new sorceress buffs, patch, patch changes, diablo 4 patch, diablo 4 patch changes
Id: y7HSvEn68yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 26sec (2186 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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