Diablo 4 - New Best Sorcerer Build - FAST 0 CD 1 SHOT UNSTABLE CURRENTS - Skills Gear Paragon Guide!

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how do you make sure that something is really dead yeah okay that'll do hello my fellow Sorcerers today I make a statement a simple statement but one that will shake the very Foundation of Diablo sorcerer is no longer the worst class and that's before we even get all of the Buffs and changes that are coming our way because I put it to you that the build I'm about to share with you that is not just an R clash it's not just a season 1 hour Clash update it's an entirely new take and way to play it that counters the Nerfs that did affect it previously while using new synergies to let it soar to Heights it never had before I mean you're seeing initially just how fast this build is I am almost just walking through the dungeon it's only a low 33 or so but even then it's kinda a cheat code how quickly smoothly and easily I'm sort of just progressing it's like you just walk to the end of the dungeon and everything sort of dies as it waves at you on the way past but make no mistake quality speed farming XP farming General Overworld stuff is beyond compare it's still comfortably handles and pushes a tier 47 at this low level yes obviously the nightmare dungeons got nerfed but it's all relative to everyone now and the fact this is happening so effortlessly on a sorcerer is kinda nuts this builds natural passive run speed is over a hundred and fifty percent to the point that the butcher cannot catch you silly Butcher and you'll regularly spend time at the move speed cap of 200 percent you can just see how fast it's going on top of double teleporting and you know one shot exploding everything in huge groups as you detonate for millions of damage and despite the cooldown reduction Nerfs we're still maintaining take to 90 uptime on unstable currents that has now been made more powerful than ever while it is on and I'm not exaggerating by the time the 10 seconds duration is up I only have 10 seconds left on the cooldown and then the leftover crackling energy is enough to get it all the way down to zero on top of that yeah this build is so powerful that the crackling energy by itself without me doing any other Clash or helping with damage is enough to kill a pack of Elites that are suppressed in a tier 27 which obviously is low-ish but is that not absolutely not it's like you could just walk near enemies generally and then they just die from being Zapped thanks to a ridiculous Synergy that I have come up with that I can't wait to get into and explain how it works later I mean how good did that just look and yes you're seeing that barber is involved because of course it is because it's the most broken heart in the game currently but it was made for this this variant of Arc lash and it takes advantage of it mercilessly while weaving so much in what else do you need to see oh maybe the fact that it is the tankiest single sorcerer built that exists even though it's certainly range and it bursts bosses just as you imagine it would as everything with Baba does I cannot stress enough how much fun fast and above all powerful this feels and it is an absolute blast to play and pilot and I am so very proud of it our Clash was always my favorite way to sorcerer in the pre-season and I shards kept pulling further and further ahead of it and no more shall that be the case although I should it's still incredibly good this season and we will get to that in the coming week in any case let's jump into this how to set it up how to play it how it all works and all of that good stuff skill tree then as always is our place to begin with five out of five in our Clash as the whole you know engine of the build taking it to enhanced and then glinting for that sweet sweet cooldown reduction and even enhanced is very key for the double swipe with the grit which is the double hit which does all sorts of goodness for the rest of the setup then we move to call where we will get just one rank of charged bolts in order to get enhanced but more importantly destructive so that while our unstable currents is blasting off random shock spells it will randomly Blast Off charged bolts and hands to have destructive so things stop killing us as hard and it's part of what makes this so tanky the other part of what makes this so tanky is the usual saucer recipe of just take everything here flame Shield to shimmering for that emergency button and then teleport to not shimmering see we don't get the damage reduction here we do get mystical for four seconds after teleporting crackling energy hits two additional targets which means we get a number of extra pulses instead of just hitting the default enemies will now hit two extra meaning every pulse reduces the cooldown by 0.4 seconds instead of 0.2 so it's double Effectiveness on the cooldown reduction of unstable currents just for telepotting which we will do more often than every four seconds this is a big way we overcome the cooldown reduction Nerf and it works super well now there will be a time to take shimmering and we'll get to that a little bit later on WE grab ice armor just for the extra cooldown the extra barrier the extra survivability and the frost Nova for that sweet sweet vulnerable one rank in Elemental achievement just so the effect can happen and with how much we're critting in this build it will happen every 10 seconds we want to get as much lucky hit as possible for a few reasons and then we get our big defensive passive in protection for constant barriers from all of our cooldowns we get three out of three conjuration Mastery as while we're in unstable currents we are throwing out lightning Spears left right and Center behind sideways diagonally and that will Stack Up many many times to a big damage bump thanks to this we also do then put a point in lightning spear along with getting enhanced as we are you know again creating a lot and this will take Lightning Spear up to near 100 crit chance which is a huge amount of damage but more importantly swirling around and stunning everyone is very useful for this build because I have best and biggest damage comes against stunned enemies ignoring vulnerable of course and this cleans the screen as it were and also makes all the enemies a distance non-threatening to you because they're stunned now it makes the build feel so much smoother to operate then we get to our enchantment slot in ball lightning five out of five here and then make it all the way to wizards and this is our crackling energy generator it will spawn crackling energy like no tomorrow on top of contributing a lot of damage to the build itself this is what lets us primarily actually take overflowing energy to use it as the way to reset unstable currents for that sweet uptime we get run rank of static discharge just so it can happen helps move out the crackling energy curve if ball lightning has a few unlucky moments but then we also get shocking impact because we will be stunning people a lot spam teleports with Raymond Lightning Spear flying around and it really gets the job done it's a bit of free extra damage especially at range and this damage also feeds into Barber 2 which works deliciously then we get to the big damage burst of the setup in unstable currents this makes you absolutely god-like with how much it amps you up and then the attack speed is fantastic as is the infinite crackling energy while it's up it will help towards resetting its own cooldown we get three of the four lightning passives as much crit chance as possible critting is everything to this build we get electrocution so everything deals 15 less damage one unstable currents is hitting everything on screen sending everything flying now everything is doing 15 less damage another reason we're so tanky we also then get conduction so we have a permanent nine percent movement increase we get this because a it makes us clear faster because we're running faster and B it feeds into crit chance as this build does use Asus heirloom then we get overflowing energy as our key passive to reduce the cooldown of teleport which everything revolves around and unstable currents which everything revolves around the Earth around even more you get what I'm saying and then our second enchantment slot is teleport as you no doubt saw in the demo gameplay and this is well for Pure speed but also and mainly for an extra use of Raymond of the infinite for more stacking and exploding thanks to our massive amounts of AOE and Barber's malignant heart on top of it so this is how you will end up set up flame Shield is you oh no I've been stunned and need to not be emergency button also it gets you out of any given Jam really along with the heel ice armor for more General tankiness while you're sat there you have a lot of baked in damage reduction in this build so you can hold your ground really well and not die and isama helps with that get your frostnovas on Elites and bosses keep them vulnerable to melt them even quicker and then telepod and Dodge is really where it comes to you want to be consistently just teleporting onto group of enemies blasting them with our Clash will pop with Baba then you uh Dodge telepod onto the next group of enemies blast them down with Baba then you go to the next group of enemies blast them down with Bob and you see how it kind of flows you are clashing your crackling energy is resetting the cooldown of Telepod and then Dodge will come off to smooth out the gaps when telepod isn't quite ready it's what makes this build so Speedy along with the fact of just look how speedy I am by default and we get a lot faster too actually in motion so see a group of enemies teleport onto them couple like lashes and pop now don't overdo it because of Baba you are stacking up damage so once you think you've done enough that the explosion will take everything out and more than likely it will just move on that's why you see me getting to a group of enemies and essentially all I do is teleport on them hit them once and then leave because this just Stacks up so much damage that you don't actually have to contribute more on most enemies especially open world especially lower level nightmare dungeons just teleport and then we can go I didn't even I didn't even do anything other than the teleport damage there and they're all dead that's how ridiculous this is but just general Overworld content just boom group of dead enemies boom group of dead enemies and so on and so forth as you Rampage along and then yes the unstable currents is your big burst every time you get to an Elite pack and this is off cooldown press it every time you get to a boss and this is off cooldown press it it will likely be off cooldown because we reduce it so much with the crackling energy as you saw and while this is on I mean it's just silly the attack speed is not and this isn't even our maximum attack speed because we have accelerating aspect to talk about too but as you can see yeah this is the good stuff and what makes this build so much fun so let's talk gear and aspects that make this all function then starting with your helmet you want might that extra 20 reduction is really important and of course it's permanently up from all of our clashing you can get away with frost Blitz for more Frost novas but it's not worth being squishy especially when pushing but it just helps you really cement yourself stand your ground and pump in damage into packs of Elites to build up that barber then yes Raymond to the infamous it's just needed it's the best sorcerer unique and you can't beat being able to group up stun enemies for then aoeing them down it was best before and it's even better now thanks to yeah Baba's ridiculous AOE burst then on our gloves you want that accelerating you will be critting with your core skills constantly because while you're in your unstable currents you are firing out chain lightnings that crit and you are firing out charged bolts that crit therefore you'll gain the attack speed and you will reach silly Heights of attack speed to skip ahead on our amulet as you saw on we've got basic attack speed as our amped up aspect it's that important so like a 45 there another 25 there a 25 from the passive of unstable currents along with the base attack speed of a wand and focus which is required here you can see how or high this can get and you can essentially approach attacking two times a second which is 2 one stable current random shock spells a second so you fire out 20 shock spells in 10 seconds while this is up well actually 24 and we'll get to that then on your legs you want ever reliable Disobedience pump up your armor and again we need everything we can to just stand our ground take the hits and our Clash away in this setup so defensives are required then essu's heirloom this really Powers everything the movement speed on this by default along with the movement speed you want to roll on your amulet is what lets us just sit there at 150 movement speed but more than that 30 percent of it is converted to crit so even right now just passively we're getting 15 crit chance from this one item and it's boots that don't normally contribute that much damage if we teleport and then have a look for a brief moment there it went 37 percent thanks to the 75 movement speed after evading we also get more movement speed from the talent that we got down here and that adds even more crit and then we get even more movement speed from some Paragon tiles too so essentially this build can end up sitting in the region of about 70 crit chance I have 50 by default without in combat things increasing it that is beautiful so I am really happy that this has kind of upgraded itself in my estimation as a sorcerer unique because it really lets you go fast and hit hard in a way that it never did before until this setup then on your weapon this is nice to see all right unstable currents is a 20 chance to cast an additional shock spell this is what takes it up to that sky-high number of spells blasted off in the duration the reason we get this is the only other really good alternative is more vulnerable damage with a barrier which is nice but without Frost Blitz on the helmet for two charges our vulnerable uptime isn't actually the best in this setup and because we do get unstable currents off cooldowns so often this basically just translates to about a 15 damage increase for the build permanently and that's really good on top of really heightening your burst window against bosses and you do feel that they're not on our offhand which again you really do want these to be wand and focus you want that inherent lucky hit chance you want and need that inherent cooldown reduction you want just more damage while you have a barrier you'll have a barrier all the time and this is just a solid increase ring one is a control you will be stunning people and freezing them constantly mainly stunned from your double teleport but the freezer too and for bosses when they're staggered then we also get crackling energy chains to additional enemy this was my big sort of tech Discovery in the previous High clashes that started letting us go towards infinite unstable currents so that we can't quite get infinite only 80 90 percent because of the color reduction Nerfs but this really helps counter it and it continues to be a fantastic addition to this because every extra enemy is an extra 0.1 seconds that means that maximum by the way this can hit five enemies at once in one crackle two from overflowing energy and extra two from mystical telepod and then an extra one from this which is half a second per pulse why even just during unstable currencies own duration it takes it down to about 20 seconds left without any extra help then finally as you saw the basic attack speed on the amulet it so I clash can are clashy as much as our Clash can our Clash so your gems you want vulnerable damage crit on your weapons and then rubies for extra health so you don't die on your armor now you could go with less damage while cc'd but with two teleports to break CC and Flame Shield coupled with not standing in things you shouldn't really find yourself stunned feared Frozen Etc too much so we can get away with just more General Health to again stand your ground more then when it comes to the affixes you are looking for there is three main ones you really can't go without cooldown reduction on every piece of armor that can roll it helmet necklace and your focus that's just something you need you need unstable currents to drop under 50 seconds ideally and of course it helps with everything else past that then you want as much attack speed as possible and basic skill attack speed to get that Clash go going and that's really really good and then thirdly you want Critical Strike chance everywhere you can get it those are the three big ones after that you want lucky hit chance you want crit damage vulnerable damage int ranks of defensive skills ranks of your ball lightning and then everything else past that like cloaks enemy damage so that's all good there and yes get as much crit chance as you can get as much attack speed and as much crit damage crit damage with lightning is just as good as Critical Strike damage and then when we look at cooldown reduction 30 is that sweet Promised Land you're aiming for with as much lucky hit too to get as many ball Lightnings down as possible lastly then malignant hearts are finishing off our gear we want in our first ring your tell rashes this is just such a good heart it's simple it's straightforward but it's so effective ten and a half percent are up to 12 multiplicative damage for every element you use fire comes from our flame Shield lightning is obvious and then actually Frost is much more difficult because we only have Frost Nova which does zero damage however we still get three stacks of this because the damage that barber deals is Shadow and other elements do count towards this not just the three sorcerer has natural if you get a nightmare dungeon with poisonous evade that will give you a fifth stack as poison as another element that counts towards this it's just too good and essentially will be in every Source rebuild because it is such a big passive damage increase just for doing what we would want to do anyway then we want picana in our second slot you may be asking hang on this build's all about crit why uh no tempting fate well the issue attempting fate is even if you have a hundred percent crit chance and 200 crit damage you're still only getting mathematically about a 20 to 25 damage increase for doing that which is kinda lame the reason being is the Critical Strike damage increase is additive but the damage down is multiplicative so it's more severe than the upside it still is again on crit builds but it's less of a gain than it looks like it should be and honestly this heart is a little bit of a bait because most classes will have three better ones to choose as I said even at Max crit stats you're only getting 20 25 percent at normal crit stats that a build will have yeah you're just not feeling it you really really aren't so picana instead is fantastic for us we're always critting and when we use unstable currents we crit every enemy on screen which means every enemy starts pulsing with this damage this damage that is boosted by all of your stuff and this damage that then feeds into and starts Building Up barber when it Crips this combination of picana and barber is what made this happen when this entire a horde of enemies just sort of passively died while being near me one of them got zapped it triggered picana which then spread to the others which triggered Barber and they all detonated so that will just happen around you and for Speed farming for Overworld content for nightmare dungeons your level or easy ones to you and so on and so forth this is MVP however it is at this point then that I highlight a change you should make if you're going to use this build to push High tier nightmare dungeons you want to instead use the brutal heart of Revenge over picana when you're pushing or doing something particularly difficult that flat damage reduction is massive and it will help Prague tell rashes with the fire burst and then just the extra damage is nice too but the mitigation is golden if you make this swap you also then want to instead of mystical telepod get shimmering teleport for the extra survivability because you'll need it if you're doing something hard enough to need to make that swap but by default easier content farming Etc the way around that I initially had it is what you need then yes the star of the show the raffle heart of the barber so you crit an enemy and then you just cannot deal damage to them for the time it says then they explode for the total damage multiplied by 14 per second to everyone around them now you might be like oh shame you've only got a 2.7 out of four actually it's a shame I've only got a 2.7 instead of two you want this to be as low roll time wise as possible because when you're clearing out packs of enemies you don't want to wait four seconds for them all to die two is The Sweet Spot Store It Up multiply it a bit AOE They're All Dead you don't need four it is overkill technically you could have a second amulet with a four second one just for bosses because that's when it is better but for 95 of the dungeon you want two seconds so Random groups of enemies and Elites die quicker and you're not waiting around so that's why I have gone for the lowest one that I have which is 2.7 oh and you may be wondering with Barber and the ball lightning enchantment surely when you quit then you stop doing damage to them you're not quitting anymore so you can't spawn ball ball lightnings that does make sense but as you've been seeing in the gameplay that's not the case ball Lightnings crop up all over the place because our crit chance is so high along with our lucky hit chance that initial crit that starts Baba most of the time will spawn a ball lightning and you know self evidently by what you're seeing we're never short of crackling energy and that kind of does it for what you're wearing and why which just leaves then the Paragon tree now I am as deep as I can be into it at the moment after all the farming grinding I have done so let's go along on this path then shall we follow my route here and the first glyph you want is adept this is to increase the size of ball lightning so it hits more enemies does more damage and triggers crackling energy more often it's very good for this setup then we move up here and go in to the static surge board this is why we have the teleport enchant as well because this board is all about damage to stunned enemies so between two teleports we are stunning enemies constantly and really feeding into that go up and grab this cluster around paralyzing then make a beeline for the glyph slot and in this glyph slot you want control more damage too stunt and Frozen enemies which again yeah all of the time then we move on get incapacitate and then move all the way around to overwhelming to finish off this board before poking our noses in to this just for the legendary node the ceaseless conduit so go around up here in this orientation get the plus damage to Elite but also the movement speed after killing an elite this will mean that after killing an elite you will move for four seconds at 200 percent move speed and gained 30 chance to crit in the process also the extra damage to Elites is just really nice and then finish it up by here and get this so we don't use crackling energy charges quarter of the time and the Damage itself is buffed this is amazing a crackle energy not used means more cooldown reduction and as you saw the damage it does really does contribute so it doing more is only a good thing after this you want to head north out of here where you will get your next board the next board will be frigid fate and you want that because you want to pump your vulnerable damage from your Frost Nova and you'll put it on in this orientation go up grab grab this and that's all good and then in this final glyph slot that you will unlock here you will put in yourself Destruction for more Critical Strike damage and more damage in general from your crits so hopefully that will give you enough to be going on with and well that's that have fun using destroying and just feeling the power and speed of ultimate actually lightning R Clash I'm so proud of this I'm so happy with it I cannot get over how well it worked and how good it feels to operate and I really do hope that you give it a go because you won't be disappointed but now then like you've enjoyed this subscribe hit the bell for more consider supporting the future of the channel on patreon down below it does keep us going and it means the world until we meet again a good boy Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your Tippy I was bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice Jewel again to your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 199,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 4 arc lash sorcerer, arc lash sorcerer, unstable currents, diablo 4 wrathful heart of the barber, wrathful heart of the barber, best endgame sorcerer build, arc lash, sorcerer best build, best sorcerer season 1 build, sorcerer, diablo 4 best sorcerer build, sorcerer build, best sorcerer build, best build, gameplay, diablo 4 sorcerer, diablo 4, guide, sorcerer guide, sorcerer unique gear, sorcerer season 1, diablo 4 sorcerer endgame build, best, build, sorc, ragegamingvideos
Id: clfnmZh76Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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