New Rule: The Year of Sanity | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) And finally, New Rule for 2024, America has to go back on its meds. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) You know, over the holidays, I saw a lot of people, and I asked them all the same two questions. One, "Have you seen Woody Harrelson? -He's my ride." -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) And... (CHUCKLES) ...two, "If I said, 'Let's make 2024 the year of blank,' what would you say?'" I was surprised. They all said the same thing. Sanity. Let's make this the year of sanity. -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) -Everybody thinks we've gone bonkers. And a lot of it is because the far ends on both Left and Right have gotten way too much attention. Which begs the question, "How do you suck all the oxygen out of the room, and still not get any to your brain?" -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) -BILL MAHER: I... (CHUCKLING) I feel like it wasn't that long ago when you could watch cable news for a day, and not get the impression that this whole place was totally batshit. That simply was not America. -Florida, yes, but not America. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) So, let's examine what makes sane people feel this way. Sane people who are, after all, still the vast majority, and who are the ones, who I assume, just voted me the most trusted man in America. -(AUDIENCE CHEERING, APPLAUDING) -That is a real headline. Thank you. Just call me Billy Cronkite. Anyway, what does strike a sane person as crazy? I don't know. If you're gonna ask me, I would start with the fact that I still occasionally see someone driving alone with a mask on. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) -(CHUCKLES) Who-- Who do they think they're gonna get it from, the lady in the next car putting on her makeup? -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) -(LAUGHS) Or maybe I would say, it's the continuing debt ceiling debate. Every time, a Democrat is president, the Republicans threaten to tank the world economy by forcing us to take a vote on whether to pay back the money we already spent. No other country does this. It's like eating at a restaurant, and then taking a vote on whether to dine and dash. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) -And... and whoever the Republicans make Speaker of the House, if he doesn't vote for dash, which he really can't do in the job they just gave him, they try to get rid of him. Congress isn't a deliberative body anymore. It's a rave without a permit in a burning paint warehouse. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) -Insane. But... probably the first thing on my, and most people's list of insanity is that this guy is gonna be president again. -(AUDIENCE GROANING) -It feels surreal that we're in court every day trying to prove Trump wanted to overturn the election, while he's on the campaign trail every day telling everyone they should have -overturned the election. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) It also strikes normal people as insane that Trump fans are perfectly okay with the fact that he was recently asked if he wanted to be a dictator, and he did not say no. (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING) Neither did his lawyer say no when a judge asked him, "Could a president who was not impeached order SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival?" The lawyer's answer was, "A qualified yes." Okay, these are not brain teasers. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Neither should it have been difficult when presidents of elite colleges were asked if it's okay to call for the genocide of Jews, and they couldn't just say, "Fuck no." Can't anybody just say, "Fuck no" anymore? (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Does... Does anybody even know who to root for anymore? A store manager at Lululemon tried to stop some shoplifters last year, and the CEO fired her. Fired the person trying to stop robbers from robbing his store. That's crazy. But this is crazy too. If you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot -as you are leaving that store. -(CROWD CHEERING) -(ANDREW SULLIVAN LAUGHING) -Shot! (ALL LAUGHING) Really? We can't come to some sort of middle ground on this? -(LAUGHS) -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING, CHEERING) On any issue? Socially liberal, but not stupid woke. Fiscally sane, but not cruel. Is this really that hard? Trans people should be respected and protected, but no penises in women's prisons maybe? (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING) Legalize pot, but maybe stop giving drugs to hard drug addicts? Nikki Haley says, "America's never been racist," and social justice warriors say there's been no progress -since<i> Amos 'n' Andy</i> ? -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) A terrorist organization in the Middle East that treats women like slaves invaded Israel last October, and shot hundreds of young people at a music festival in the desert. And now, America's streets are full of parades in support of the shooters, led by the exact kind of people who would be at a music festival in the desert. That's the literal standard for involuntary commitment, when you're a danger to yourself. -(AUDIENCE CHEERING, APPLAUDING) -I mean... The NRA are bad, but after a school shooting, they don't march against schools. (AUDIENCE MEMBER LAUGHS) -Thank you, one guy. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) The... (CHUCKLES) ...the Far Left's new crush is the Houthis. Up until a week ago, everyone on TikTok thought a Houthi was what you get when someone hits your elbow. -Ow! -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) BILL: You just gave me a Houthi! Damn. And the Houthi slogan is, "God is great, death to the U.S., death to Israel, curse the Jews, and victory for Islam." -"Like, comment, and subscribe." -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) So, naturally, when the college kids heard that slogan, they said, "Please stop, you had me at death to the U.S." -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) -Insane. Insane that we're cheering for the terrorists now. It's also insane to think that this, oh, -would ever come out well. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) -Right? -(AUDIENCE CHEERING) And it's also insane to feel that it's important to try and prove that Taylor Swift is gay. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Which apparently is what the supposedly most esteemed newspaper in America feels is very important to do. That-- That-- That's so insane, I don't even get it. If Taylor Swift is gay, what, this is somehow a better country? -(AUDIENCE CHEERING, APPLAUDING) -The-- (GRUNTS) I-- The Far Left now insists men can have babies if they just concentrate hard and don't listen to the haters. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Does that make us a better country? No, and neither does persecuting a pregnant woman who wants to get an abortion for a fetus doctors say will not survive. Could everyone just stop being nutty, completely nutty, for five fucking minutes? (AUDIENCE CHEERING, APPLAUDING) The battle for the soul of this country isn't Right or Left, it's normal versus crazy.
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
Views: 1,216,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8ksrvkEDpig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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