New RECORD with triple wild hog catch. Big boar. Big sounders.

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foreign [Music] foreign foreign this is the last hog in this spot right here we've caught a load of them but we're showing this one first and he's not too happy put a good teeth on him that Beast is damn golly what a beast what a beast welcome to the yoga show we're starting right here with the last pig that needed to be caught the big boar hog we've caught tons of action tons of pigs in this video but we're starting right here with the big one first and then we'll jump into the cons of Pig action anyway let me go back up here and get my Ranger and we'll get started trying to get this dude loaded up [Music] [Music] that dude is a tank right there son [Music] you're talking about golly let me get him situated and uh good I had to wash him off a little bit of a good hog there yeah pretty good haul it looks smaller in that pan but he's Stout I promise you that look at those teeth right there yeah um yeah you're good yeah good well what y'all think that's like 35 pigs we've caught I think in this video plus the other 16 that we caught plus the other 13 we caught across the field over there so it was like 70 picks or so I don't know anyway I'm gonna get some shots real quick and we're gonna take him on to uh the pal the Buzzard sure one more time you just saw the Big Bore the last one on this part of it we're fixing to get ready to show you it's gonna slow down just a little bit to show you how all this came about to catch all of these Hogs but I want to show off what a big boy to begin with so any which way I'm taking this to the pile I gotta get going we got things to do I'm heading to Eden Texas to try to find a turkey with my buddy JP so from Matheson Mississippi to Eden Texas if anybody got any turkeys on the way let us know because it might not be none where we going anyway I'm out I'm out get to learning how this just all happened look at all that whole tracks right there well that's Ranger tracks but anyway oh look at all this whole mess they are just in here Hogs everywhere oh man so we are back on the piece of property where me and David McElwain caught like 16 or so here this is a piece of property where I tore up my Ranger in the creek and had to cross that old raggedy bridge and whatnot that's where I'm at so I had more Hogs so this trap stayed here and uh this trap actually stayed here and with the smell of hogs more Hogs end up showing up so I just started putting bait back in here and we got more Hogs coming in this trap so I come down here yesterday this is why I'm here down here today since I didn't catch last night I tell you why the reason I didn't catch last night was because between traveling I broke I broke my antenna that antenna is not getting a service out of here so I brought in my other camera with a with another antenna and it seems that we got really good service now so hopefully that's going to work and uh what not we got one of those lithium batteries I'm really trying it out I think it charges a lot better I'm not sure I know it's a lot lighter but uh Greece car question West Point Supply me with that to see how it works I really appreciate that Brian oh so a little action though this will be our view right our normal View excuse me catching Hogs what I'm about to do drive a T post there zip tied this teeth post to this post and we're gonna look down we're gonna look down on these Hogs and see if we can't get a good catch that way anyway because you can't see it on there but I got blurry I scraped the lens on there so I need a new lens I'll be tired of everything but anyway I don't have a tripod or anything let's get this done and I'll show you and then we're gonna get out of here because we want to catch Hogs tonight before I head to Cairo Georgia to do some speaking ah okay let's go ah man a bug just bit me what is that a flea God no no that's not that's not even a fully I thought it was a flea that's Ricochet off of that metal it literally just stuck me in my arm that's crazy oh talk about thin skin oh we got that drove in the ground there you go and I got it up in the air you can see I'm gonna run to haul guy real quick hawkeye camera systems in Crawford Mississippi so I'm gonna run over there see if I can't get another Globe but basically this this is looking down in here and y'all seen it on my panel traps but I don't ever do it on the round trap so we're gonna try it right here and see what it looks like but uh I'm fixing to go to hall guy camera systems in Crawford Mississippi and see if I can't get a new glow for that and if I can I'm gonna run back down here fast I can if I can't make it today because I got a lot going on anyway then uh we'll probably just catch anyway but it's got a blur spot on there and I don't like a wi-fi turn hey I wonder if I can turn that thing upside down let me see let me see oh it's turning I got the globe to turn so let's see since I got that glow return I'm gonna look at my camera see if I got the blur I got the spot out of it it may have moved that spot that was on there it may have moved it to the top and the camera's looking down so we'll try it and see all right seem to have worked so oh oh I still might have to go to hollow guy camera to work on this man I just tripped in my Ranger but we'll see but anyways wait we're out of here let's catch Peas I haven't spent five minutes of your time just talking [Music] we are at the heel we are aware we can get stuff fixed at but I can't film inside the place just right now because you know I don't want to give up no high-tech information but anyway I found the problem problem is that right there come out of that right there so it goes in there and somehow another I made it come out so anyway that's the reason my camera wouldn't work and I'm going to get it fixed so we'll see y'all a little bit well we got new pieces we'll attach that into that and we'll be ready so ain't nothing left now about to wait on some pigs or see what the rest of the day holds Let's Roll all right I got a ton of pigs in this trap right here I got a ton but I got a lot of them right here on the edge right here I'm just trying to but that one hog see how they just keep pushing them out that one that one hog if it was just come over here just come over here and get out of the way yeah anyway we're trying to catch we just won't act right just want to be bully Hogs say hi I'm about tempted not to catch that the rest of them would just come in and while that one's gone bow catch man it's just someone else let's see one two three four five six times so they just keep acting that way so aggravated here we go again if they would just get if that hog right there would just go away that's a big hog in the middle right there too all right no leave them alone see I don't even look at them they just they can see them looking at them look boom gone again this is the part that aggravates me on trapping is is having those Hogs like that right there that just all you gotta do is just chill for 30 seconds and give me the option to drop or not but you can't you're trying to time it if you miss those eight Hogs ten Hogs or whatever then you just kind of mess yourself up but I'm sitting there with them anyway but they're right on the edge see the corn is where they need they need to be they need to be on this corn right here and uh to make sure that they're in that zone of getting caught and everybody say [Applause] [Music] what's crazy right on the tailbone or that one that bullies them and they just won't get away from them and they got two hogs right here at the bottom two nice Hogs there you go again well I guess you can guess by now that I didn't catch them last night because they wouldn't act right so what I did trying to fool them now I'm leaving town so I got 400 pounds of corn in here and I'm hoping maybe the big Hogs you've seen last night will eat over here more and then there's smaller holes will come over here this will be my line I can see my line right here so I know that the Hogs are actually inside the Trap last night I couldn't I couldn't just tell they look like they were just like right here up against it and if they were that drought dropped being right there on the edge it may not have caught them so we'll see that bully hog just ruined it a lot of it if that bully hole would have just left out for light two minutes took a break I'd have caught those other ones and just left that one for later but anyway 400 pounds of corn in here they're going to eat good I'm leaving in the morning so unless I catch pigs it's 7 30 or 7 o'clock tonight to come down here and get them uh damn maybe that'll be ate 200 pounds last night so I put 400 that'd be Friday night and Saturday night I'll be home Sunday and I'll feed them again and hopefully we can catch this coming week so this is how it really works so this is how it really works so you can't it's it's raining you can tell with the fog and there we go trying to lighten up a little bit but these pigs have been coming in and I got to catch finally catch these peas even though we're getting rain of course we're always getting rain but oh since we got one two three four five six seven bigger Hogs and eight see eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen seventeen it's like to be about 17 pigs and a couple couple big nice ones in there but uh just looking to see what's going on for doing anything or not like them just kind of healing them messing around and whatnot y'all know how it is I just got the notification so I'm just trying to check in their demeanor look at the steam like the Heat or something coming off of I don't know but just want to watch and make sure that everybody is calm cool and Collective I'll make sure I can see all of them so let's get ready and see what this gonna happen boom and we just caught pigs 8 35. they run around they get plenty of feed and it's gonna be rainy we just talked in the last episode I was like where's the rain where's the mud well it's here it's right there foreign like a good thick one good thick one yeah we'll look at them in a little while daylight or whatnot just gonna let y'all keep looking at them a little bit until they kind of calm down I like for them to calm down a little bit oh a good little haul though I'm going to get rest my wife's already in the bed and she's tired everybody's in the bed so all right guys y'all seen the pigs it's caught we got a little rain coming it's been rained all night but that's one thing y'all ain't no I got on that book face last night caught in the reinforcements we got help today we got a load of people one problem we do have is we got more people than we got room on here so somebody I'm not gonna say who going to ride back in like the Hogs do now you don't have to worry about I ain't gonna hook the winch up to you just yet but if you fall off I'm going to hook you up to the wing put your safety harness on all right so we're supposed to get loaded up like I said we got some good hand draggers and uh today I want you to understand that we are we are going to knock the heads but we are not feeding the families uh this is a buzzard research program that's in uh in the works for today's episode and I'll explain all that later but uh first we got to be able to get down there the winch is broke and it's a lot of mud so let's roll good up there [Music] oh you're good [Music] I guess oh he like flipped it step on this thing right here see if you can break it down there you go yeah don't ever trust me when I when I close stuff so what happened was I dumped all the traps that I had in the back out for him to ride back there and I told him I had to put that safety harness winch on him so what we're gonna do guys is right down through there is the Hogs another 50 well 60 yards 70 yards and we're just gonna go down there and ease up on them and uh maybe they won't act too wild and we'll get our pictures and videos and then uh somebody get on that head knocker and then we'll start doing it and then y'all gotta drag them all the way back where we come from probably gonna be the best help I had in a long time somebody don't scare one so thick and Young hard to walk in this old stuff you ever had one stick around yeah no no cage thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] thank you foreign a lot of people think I forgot hit the play button so we're doing this again a lot of people think they would come up here and we're teasing them about being around them and video and all that but that's not the case what we're doing is come up here they're getting used to our presence our smell our speaking so they calm down and be able to take that uh ethical shot hopefully most time one shot you know take them down but uh me I'm a double tap kind of guy so anyway you can see the pigs and uh we're just gonna go ahead and knock these down get started with dragging them around the project is we gotta get the Trap up so I'm going to show y'all how to get the Trap up best we can without showing so what we need to do is I'll let y'all do it we'll undo this we'll undo this and it'll go down there and hook on there and then we'll winch it up and get started and uh get some of this that don't look uh so it's like a massacre and uh then we're going to talk about what we're going to do with these pigs they might not feel like a pig Trapper yet well he's going to be one before we leave here all right I'm gonna go back and get the ranger just right around the corner there uh let me see it right there but anyways get the gloves and pocket drags and just teaching these guys and uh what not so I'm trying to teach them I'm gonna teach him how to drag I'm gonna put a little we gotta see how many pigs we got too so anyways appreciate y'all joining in don't forget to like And subscribe and uh thank you very much yes sir there's some pigs there how many did y'all say it was 17 pigs taking out this right here now you gotta remember we just caught 16 not too long ago and uh now we got 17. big old sour right there good gracious alive all right that man said he needs some help you need some help oh he is always getting away look at my you might have to help him at JP my hands is full talk to me yeah yeah if you can't get that we can drag those we'll drag them together if we need to oh we got a load there right there son watch it between your legs that Rooter get you that tell us don't hit your sweet spot that's a good little it's a good little sandwich yeah squatter down something we'll put some piglets in there and we'll drag it big sale be ready that's the load right there son all right well let's go find us a spot to put them it's starting to rain you good oh yeah you hold the holes down there get up here [Music] thank you yeah all right so we so guys we got this dumped and like I said I know there's a lot of people say we're we're from the south and we understand certain things like having to trap Hogs to to eradicate them to help save land and whatnot and I explain this a thousand times if you're new here this is mainly for you you know for you regular people that understand but this is y'all seen a bone pile before here we are supposed to get a storm I don't have people to take these today because of those storms and rain and uh whatnot so this will be our bone pile and our our dump pile and we're gonna put a camera over and we're gonna try to get some info on how many buzzers show up because a lot of people always say even when I'm hunting or when we're at the Trap why don't you gut them well here in Mississippi the reason you don't gut animals where you kill them is because first of all if you're trying to hunt you're gonna you're gonna come in the next day and buzzer's gonna be unroosted on your stand here they'll be done rooted on my trap and they poop and throw up and whatever else everywhere so a lot of people up north y'all gut you have to where you leave and drag out we don't do that here uh for the Buzzard reason because it just becomes even a more mess but trying to explain educate just a little bit so you know the bleeding hearts don't bleed so bad but this is what we do we're gonna I'm gonna show you or try to eventually I'm gonna get this information off our cameras and show you how quick the buzzers clean up things here and of course it'll have to probably be after the storms and whatnot so as it warms up but any which way ah we knocked the heads and uh help this landowner one more time so if we can get out of here as the rain comes in y'all ready let's roll it's breakfast time look this man right here already making fun of my Ranger so we're supposed to go back down here and put some corn in there I didn't take it to begin with but uh anyway we pull back up that man said somebody burning I'm like shoot that's it y'all right there he'd be burning anyway we're gonna run down here real quick and put some more corn out get it ready and I keep talking about this rain but the Lord's helping us out right now so why are you helping us let's roll [Music] no kissing and boy ready to eat I'm working look that man up rolls straight up to they going to the door for anybody to get there [Laughter] oh it's time to eat son guys I want to show y'all something we just got back from eating breakfast it is 1006 and I've got these pigs this is that second group of pigs that was with the other group but separated and look at this look at the map but I got pigs too close to the edge and walking around but it's daylight we were just there how am I just there we're gonna catch this group I just don't know when yet maybe tonight or just close see how close they are to the edge right there I don't want to miss any but it's a bunch of them I think it's like 16. guys we we were just there I'm running all around carrying on Charlie so we caught 17 and we got like 16 or 17 here right here right now that's crazy this is crazy man it is God it's another big they're just I just want them closer off that edge is what I like for him not to be so close I feel like I'm gonna miss a few of them it's not that I'm worried about it because they're small pigs we can always get those again but if that one Pig right there would just move in you know at least get a chance at catching him instead of just knowing I'm not going to catch him but there's also pigs in the back back there that just right on that edge of could slip out could not slip out but boy if we just caught 10 of these that put us at 27 for today still waiting and watching so they all seem to be leaving the little ones seem to be having their feel could never get them just to act right just I want to be greedy I want to get all I could and it trying to get one or two that wasn't in there probably cost me this whole group for today but that's all right there'll be more they'll come back they're not scared they're not spooked and uh it'll work out to where we're supposed to get them but now that y'all seen how them hoes out have a little blur on that camera to the right there but you can see they're going right back up that trail that got into that field so anyway if anything changes let you know but see that one one or two three four of them get going and the rest of them just kind of figure out they're gonna walk off with them but they'll be back they'll be back [Music] oh you can't see nothing but they in there look how close I had that camera it all the cage I almost caught the camera y'all can't even yeah I can't even see what's in there golly I can't even tell my up close in person that's a wad of them right there oh son goddess of water well I guess we'll be getting up early in the morning that was at 8 42 ish well there you go guys took a little bit but we just caught another load all right guys [Music] more help on the way you know what they say when you see the gate knocking away let's roll show time all right we got a man Nathan we got a man Buzz here I got I recruited more help I have realized that having help just helps me so they gonna get their work in on Dragon pigs today he don't he's just hanging back in he's hanging back he won't ride with us yet man got a yo-yo hat now Buzz actually you're the one of the reasons I've caught the pigs out here I was out of town when I went to Georgia and he actually went by and bought corn for me that Sunday the co-op wasn't open but I had corn so we caught more pigs because you now we're heading on down here introduce him to the Head knocking the pig dragon all right so same deal again as we had we had the young man helping other day Nathan uh he is actually the one if y'all saw the video I guess the video Hall catch previous to this he's the one that helped find those pigs for me to go trap uh so and then Buzz here that's my neighbor right here this the man if you need your grass cut [Laughter] this man hey this man burns his own grass off and then names every blade that regrows that's how good he is I'm just telling you I'm just telling a lot of names out there but anyway I want them to have the same experience I'm gonna get the head knocking gun and we're just gonna do like we did the other day we're gonna walk around here uh he's never experienced this and uh which he's from Colorado can you say hello how's it going but any which way not that that's a bad thing I went to Colorado one time and I went on an elk hunt but it turned into an expensive hiking trip right pretty much that's what it usually does I actually got sick and hitchhiked 17 hours holy yeah yeah that's why you know why he picks up [Laughter] I picked up a hitchhiker yesterday and he got in a truck he's like hey thanks man and then he go he looks at me goes man you dress like you trying to hide from women or something that's all over the season yeah well anyway we're gonna use around here and see what we got and uh it's gonna be a load thank you one of them jumped out and starts running after me I know I'm gonna climb that tree right there yeah it's already got a ladder up there on that tree for you thank you this is the second best day of my life [Laughter] it may be the fourth right when I found and then I got married right and then I had both of my girls that's right that's right the fifth best thing I've ever done in my life [Music] it's all right we did a good job that's a good load right there David I believe yeah in a plate enough yeah that Mama she's been running that fence quite a bit yeah she's hurt a little bit we're gonna get her not in a minute hey y'all if you didn't tell me that with this cool weather it was gonna be all these flies down here that's it I figured this type of weather in the Flies would be away but not around these holes there hello okay what so a couple weeks ago we caught 16 here then we caught 17 a couple days ago and now we ever how many we got right here it feels like 20 it may not be but this is a low of Peace called in this spot right here so yeah look at that come on count I can't count looking at my fingers one two three four five he didn't count 21 out there what he said that's that Colorado education come on come on yeah getting it working brought to you today by Springer's Dry Goods the assistant since 1955 maybe in Mississippi what you doing yeah your show that thing is back here yeah his back ass I better find some grips first hole to drag we put her up here in front I don't mind we'll figure out a spot we're doing a good job eh they fly around down here quite a bit I guess and it doesn't seem as many when you stack them tight yeah but that's 21 pigs right yeah yeah and what would say we caught 16 17 and 21 and the calculator said that's 54 in that spot right there that that spot right there hey guys that's right there to the spot so it's 54 here in this one spot and they just keep coming but we keep catching them but anyway we're gonna get some uh pictures and then we gotta load them up in the Ranger and haul them and get ready for the the Buzzard research program that I'm putting on down here [Laughter] so Buzz has been doing a lot of work he's doing all the stocking stacking and whatnot and he's got his gloves on and put all that while ago his ear started itching so I started raging in his ear I got my gloves I didn't want to touch my ears so I scratched him in his ear and we get ready to take a picture he had his glasses covered up to y'all y'all so I take his glasses off I said hey y'all want to take some pictures yeah my phone's in my front pocket [Laughter] just finally found his limit I seen your picture son we yeah doing a fine job I kind of like this position get in charge I was asking why I don't uh well I don't put my hands on much you know when I got help I mean it's somebody got a film a better view you know what I'm saying we don't even he gonna be coming by the house well see I got an event today in Greenville Mississippi say I got to speak and I can't be wore out from you know picking up pigs and stuff you know dragging those pigs affects my speech hey David you ready for this no we're gonna drag that one oh bear I'm telling you guys that's good help right there I'm gonna tell you something we're gonna have to we're gonna have to bump him up to 1 000 or better right yeah so yeah any and all donations you can go to we'll drag her out Buzz just asked that he said that he thought we'd get muddier than this this ain't bad yeah it's not bad well the thing is what I've learned about getting help when it comes to these pigs is don't give them the full experience right off the bat or they won't come back anyway work this in work it in just just a little bit gradually so anyway I appreciate the help so what we're going to do is we're just gonna dump these Hogs and then uh I gotta get cleaned up you know because I'm nasty and everything I got so nasty doing everything so it's rough It's a Jungle baby right It's gotta be Tarzan we'll see if it's old playing gonna pull us out of here uh it's gonna be a load foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] thank you if I'm grabbing one that you want to take it okay so you got the ones you want okay all right so he's taking some with this I got my little camera set up and I'm going to bring my other camera my live feed camera over here when we get started and like I said we are I know and I explained this a lot of times a lot of people love it when I do this and then I'm feeding the families in neighborhoods and I get it but this is a situation here uh the other day with thunderstorms and then today uh I've got events they've got other things they need to do and I just don't have the time but I'm first and foremost I'm a higher Trapper to get rid of them and then the bonuses we get to feed the families but this is just a situation where we're not feeding families but we're gonna do a little research on buzzers and kind of explain that again you've heard me say it before and I'm saying it again to reiterate to reiterate to make sure uh for the people that don't understand I'm trying to help you understand so anyhow best friend [Music] listen to your father who gave you life buys your mother when she is old [Music] every time I meet people they say hey me and my kids love your stuff or don't like your stuff or whatever and or my kid wants to meet you and really appreciates what you do and whatnot I always tell those kids you know in a laughing matter but a serious matter be good to your parents don't give them no trouble and do right because sometimes kids they need to be told by somebody else because they don't listen to the parents sometimes so I just always want to know it respect your parents listen to them see what they do just try to do right let's get this stuff put up get ready to roll away everybody Forest work and firefighting this that so yeah that's what I did you know I went to school for forestry and everything yeah I fought fires until I was on what 24 25 and got into the oil field and got out of it looking for something you want to come work for us why not heck yeah I've been knowing him ever since he was great people yeah real good people yeah good man just said he tried to put a fire out for 24 years all right that ever since we got here yeah I have two best friends right there they didn't shun me right they didn't shut me out of the way well uh hey I hope y'all enjoy this double drop uh 54 total we've caught there but 16 and 21 ever how many that adds up to be in that in that one spot on this video so pretty good drop pretty good hit landowner's happy I'm happy I mean I ain't hardly had to drag no pigs this whole episode so uh I might get you get a borehole y'all want to go cook some uh fuzzy wuzzies I saw that video the other night that looked great my wife said you cook that in my house with my with my kitchen stuff anyway I ain't allowed to cook inside no more so I really gotta get an outdoor or we gotta go to their house and cook so it did it went your way hey y'all don't forget to like And subscribe go to help the channel out I appreciate y'all hope you enjoyed this uh episode of kitchen Hogs and uh like I said we're doing some Buzzard research I appreciate man that goes a mosquito a big one I know I have to get 22 on him but any which way y'all know how it goes y'all have a good one God bless hand is out Jesus loves you
Channel: David Ellis: Yawt Yawt
Views: 2,556,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EmGjaB55ijg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 17sec (2897 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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