17 Hogs in One Drop! New Record Hog Catch!

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man we got a bunch beautiful beautiful Oklahoma day that's supposed to turn out stormy rainy hopefully we get some big rains get the creek up ah the fishing will be great but today we're on a pig trapping Adventure I am back down at the ranch where Houston and I elk hunted Houston and jacobe and I were down here catfishing on the river but several weeks ago Houston and I were here Crow hunting and when we drove across the pasture I said man your pastures are so tore up by pigs why didn't you tell me we can bring a pig trap down here and uh he said it's done nothing but get worse so got the big pig trap all taken down from the other place I was trapping and had it on the trailer and he called yesterday and said Bring It On so I'm going to go set up a pig trap and uh he's been baiting these pigs in a little bit he's got a little box trap but they're just completely wearing this field out he said so hopefully we'll have some pigs caught in a day or two and can relieve some of the uh destruction on his Hayfield well he was not joking the pigs are wearing this field out so the amount of hog damage in this field is unreal I mean look at look at how deep they're rooting all this stuff up and basically what they're doing right now is they're coming in here and they're rooting up all the roots and the grubs from you know just a few inches under the soil but the Bermudagrass roots are like a huge attractant for these pigs in our area and they will just devastate a field well the problem is is when you have a nice pretty clean field that's nice and smooth and level the pigs come in here root it all up like this and then the grass grows back and then trying to drive a tractor across to field like this if you're going to cut hay or brush hog or do anything uh it's very rough but uh just a few months ago they came in here with a bulldozer and a skid steer and cleaned out a ton of uh black locust this this whole field was just completely covered in black locust and just shrub brush like this like you can see kind of out here a little bit and uh trying to get trying to rehab this pasture turn it back into what it used to be when I was in high school the this was one big Wheat Field they used to plant this in wheat but it's uh been let go and my buddy's got this Farm back and he's trying to uh reclaim it to what it used to be and uh the pigs are not helping the situation so it's going to be interesting I've never trapped around horses so I know we've had problems with cattle in the past we've had problems with elk hunting or uh elk when we were trapping on Jimmy Houston's Ranch which actually Jimmy hon Ranch is just right over the other side of these mountains so we're not far from jimmies elk do come through here on a regular basis they could be a problem at this trap as well and I'm more concerned about the horses messing with the Trap I don't want the horses bumping and rubbing on it and it falling and hurting one of them but I don't think a horse is going to try to get in the Trap he has been uh attempting to catch some pigs excuse me there buddy he has been attempting to catch some pigs with his um box trap here but they have been unsuccessful so far but they have been baiting the pigs a little bit trying to get them to come to this trap so I'm just going to set the Trap up here where we know the pigs are coming and uh hopefully the horses don't cause too much problem TR [Applause] [Music] what all righty trap is set trap's baited camera's up connected got the solar panel hooked up both of the safety pins are out the cables are off we should be good to go now the question remains are we going to be able to trap with horses around because I have a feeling they're going to do everything in their power to get under that trap and get that corn and this guy right here is actually a mule he doesn't look like it but uh I was talking to the owner the other day of this guy and it's definitely a mule but very short very small probably going to be down on its knees crawling under this thing trying to get to my corn so we'll let it set for a day and see what happens and if I have to I'll get a hold of the Tai and ask him if he can lock the horses out here for just a couple days maybe maybe a week surely on this I don't know I think it's 300 and something acres of land there's places they can graze and not have to be in this pasture because this this is chaos this is no good for his pasture at all so pigs are completely destroying it and we want to get rid of the pigs and uh so he can actually have more grass for his horses and cattle and whatever else he wants to graze out here but I just have a feeling they're going to be a problem all right you two Knuckleheads stay out of my pig trap you're not going to do it are you I would bet you we're going to have to lock them out hey don't step on my solar panel either all right I give it 10 minutes and I'll have a horse in there probably turn around and come back what are you Knuckleheads doing just waiting for me to leave yeah guarantee you what are your thoughts Earl them horses going to mess up our Pig trap probably aren't they they're going to be a headache okay change of plan I think this will be a wise decision uh you I'm here I might as well just shut the gate and lock them out because those two Knuckleheads right there I think are going to be aggravating and uh this big black horse here was already trying to step on the panel and I talked to Jack Robertson the owner of the the company big pig traps and hogye cameras and he said horses are notorious for being curious and kicking the cameras got horseflies on your face buddy so if the rest of this uh G agle of ponies will come on through the gate here I'm just going to shut it call your friends tell them to hurah right through the gate come on horses come on come on horses do you call horses the same way you do goats come on goats NOP that's not working come on horses woo if I had a sack of feed I'd shake it for you come on horses there we go y all got plenty of green grass over there too so this is probably a wise decision to save my camera for for how about that first night drop and caught a whole Trap full of pigs I have no idea how many we caught I've tried counting them even on in daylight now now and I think there's probably somewhere between 10 and 13 but I'm not positive but I almost well let me think about this I don't know that I've ever caught pigs on the first night usually it takes a couple nights for them to get comfortable even coming in under the Trap and you spend a couple nights trying to figure out how many pigs there are but that thing last night was just slap full of pigs I couldn't help but drop it I don't know if we caught the whole Sounder but like I said I don't even know how many pigs there were total so called my buddy Josh he's going to meet me and we're going to run down and load these Hogs up so for those of you that may be new or don't know what how we do this situation these feral Hogs are just terrible they're greatly invasive okay and the state of Oklahoma says get rid of every single one of them Josh has a permit through the state to transport live pigs now so in order for this to make sense there's got to be somebody's got to make a profit off of it or nobody's going to be trapping pigs so we're not charging the land owners but Josh sells these wild hogs to a high fence hunting ranch so he's going to load them up and go sell them by the pound he makes so much per pound I I'm not making a cut I'll let him keep the money cuz he needs the he needs the pigs the more pigs he traps the more money he makes I make an income off the video the land owner gets rid of pigs on the property the hunting ranch has fresh hogs for people to come in and pay for a hunt So eventually most of these pigs will end up on somebody's dinner table but it's kind of an indirect thing so uh I don't actually have a permit to transport these live Hogs but Josh does so he's going to take them and uh this this a pretty big load of pigs um maybe a new record number last time was our record and that was 13 but most of them were small and this looks like some pretty good siiz pigs in this bunch pull up pull up pull up leg go of horses well all right I'm going ahead just got to get over man we got a bunch and we missed one you guys saw one was was headed across the field he was just hanging out beside the Trap so it probably means we've got a a hot s in here there's a bunch of pigs in there though apparently they grow them all red down here come on back Josh come on back okay three three or four well I wasn't sure how many we had and wasn't sure if they were all in there there was two dead gun minis so I just dropped it they don't down me with guns yeah you you definitely did do that you got them all counted right how many are there 17 that what you count huh did you say you counted [Applause] 17 h oh I didn't figure to catch him the first time me neither usually don't catch them the first night I will go get a rope [Music] yeah well we're going to get this thing uh reset ready to go and uh Carl said we missed four there were four paks here this morning and we caught 17 7 17 Hogs that's a new record for sure 17 hogs in a 12T big pig trap Circle drop trap that's a success 17 pigs the destruction and the Damage they've caused around here ridiculous but uh we going to get this thing reset rebaited and maybe we'll catch those other four tonight all right rebaited no safety pins are in cables are off we should be good to go golly that's a lot of pigs well y'all there you have it 17 pigs in one drop that's that's way more than I thought when I was watching the video last night of course it was 2:00 in the morning I'm sleepy and I thought we had ah you know 8 or nine this morning when I got up and saw him in the daylight I was thinking maybe 10 or 12 but 17 that beats our old record of 13 for sure and uh so you guys saw Carl was in that video Carl said when he got there this morning there were four pigs running around outside and when Josh and I pulled up there was one running around so we caught almost all SS so more than likely those SS there's probably several of them that were uh in heat and those BS are are looking to breed so I would venture to say with it being cloudy and cool today some of those boards are probably going to show back up today during the daylight but we'll see um but if not we'll probably be catching ones and twos in the next few nights and removing 17 pigs from that area should really relieve the pressure that he's getting off that field getting it all rooted up and stuff but uh and I couldn't be more impressed with these big pig hog traps that thing is incredible and uh Jack you know you guys have seen Jack on our channel before awesome company made in America Products and I really enjoy using them it's like video game catching wild hogs it's totally way better than the little you know box traps like you saw sitting there he's had a box trap sitting there not catching anything first night first night I can't believe it that's that's awesome first night 17 pigs there's no telling how many are down there all together though but we're going to try to remove as many as we can makes the landowner happy Josh gets to take him and sell him makes him happy uh company big pig trap hogye trail cameras or game cameras hogye trap cameras whatever they call it hogye trap cameras they're happy I get to make a video I'm happy you guys get to watch the video you're happy man hunters get to come in and hunt the pigs off the ranch where they're sold to then they're happy the ranch owner there is happy it's just a good deal you just got to follow the money it's an economic Trail and uh makes everyone happy right so anyways if you're looking for a pig trap I'll leave a link description box down below big pig traps are amazing that drop trap is cool it's fun they also have a big panel trap that you can set up a much bigger area and just have a drop gate which I think that would probably been a better trap to have in this scenario with as many as there are we might have got those other four so anyways I don't know I just hope we catch more it's fun so guys remember do something today to make somebody smile because you never know it just might change the world guys thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it you guys have a great day and as always we'll see you on the next video
Channel: Arms Family Homestead
Views: 444,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arms family homestead, farm, farming, homesteading, hog hunting, hunting hogs, wild pigs, hog trapping, wild hogs, hog trap, feral hogs, wild boar, boar hunting, feral pigs, wild hog, wild hog trap
Id: YlAbRXmx3wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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