*NEW* Random MYTHIC GOD BOSS Challenge! (Fortnite)

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this is the random Mythic Boss Challenge I can only use the Mythic weapon from the randomly selected boss but that's not all I have to get three wins to complete this Challenge and one of them has to be with Midas so let's see our first bosses let's take a look it's Aries we heading straight to Brewers Battle Ground it is going to be a hot Drop the first place we could drop off the battle bus I need to find myself a weapon that I can use as quick as possible it can only be the gun that the boss drops this is possible for me to use this will work heal up someone's literally above me I confused as to whether or not they want to drop or not there's footsteps nearby as well where is this person we got to start clearing out this area waa if we want to take down the boss we cannot have anyone else here oh someone's got a Mythic already some good hits going in there oh two versions of the gun so I'm only going to use these assault rifles to clear out people around me what are you doing what are you doing o o that person is so weak I don't think I've got any way of getting up there unless what about this Aya where have they gone they know they're weak they're scared they're running n m I'm not having this I'm not letting you get away boy hello my God that was really close that's what happens when you can only use one type of weapon it is not easy and they're going to run at you with a shotgun but I think now with three kills to our name this area could finally be ours and allow us to to take down our first boss and claim his Medallion and Mythic weapon I'm going to stick with these two assault rifles and I've got a little bit of a Nifty way to take down the boss assuming no one else is here I think we're looking okay guys let's cool in the minions and then calling Aries himself come at me take down these guys see all the footsteps on my screen always freaks me out a little bit cuz you assume that they're real players okay I'm going to save this guy I'm going to fully reload this gun no ammo all right this is a problem I need ammo guys the technique to work and to take down this boss effectively I'm going to need two assault rifles this works it's fine it's fine two Grays work and then I know he's going to spawn just over here get ready for it you can shoot him as soon as he comes in switch to a second one get those head shot in and boom the Mythic is ours and The Medallion the aspect of combat this is all we're going to be using now for the rest of the game and things are only going to get harder now that's right no shotguns no snipers just this weapon to my name the good thing is let's not lie it's a fantastic Weapon It's a Mythic weapon it's an assault rifle great attachments a Red Dot site on it as well there's only one issue that I have with Aries as a boss in his Challenge and that's the fact that his Medallion isn't incredible it will help with the weapon I'm using because it does increased damage at range which is fantastic for shooting people but the other medallions on the map which other players will be going for and other players will have they do things like give you extra movement or give you health back upon eliminations isar could be a lot better than mine but it's a part of a challenge and I can only use what I've been given someone over in Mount Olympus does have the Mythic and The Medallion now I really need to get some movement I've only got one shock wave this car is going to be perfect I can always hold out and wait for these guys to come towards me cuz they're going to have to rotate in this direction see where they end up if we can take someone else down with a medallion early on it would be amazing I can't use their mythical Medallion obviously cuz they're from a different boss but what I can do is take them down and then leave their Medallion in the storm that is genuinely what I want to try and do there he is he's literally dressed as Zeus himself there's no way he knows I'm here right you must have an idea boom baby that is what I was looking for great thing is all of this will be left in the storm you know what I am going to pick up some wings that's amazing one Mythic and one Medallion left in the storm unless anyone's crazy enough to come back in and get it that is now out of the game don't forget because I'm holding a medallion this entire game I am pinged on the map for everyone so people will always know where I am I'm at the same time making my way over to a storm Center so I can find out where the rest of the storms are coming and you having these Wings would be useful a few moments later or just get you absolutely shut up Storm MPCs are here I have been beaten up on my my way over I need to put some health on and lowkey I need some white heels I'm in bad shape right now it's not looking great guys people have rifted whoa whoa whoo dude I'm going to have to abandon this Mission it's not worth it right now Island literally spawning 2 in above the ground is that right that bunker is open you know you later that was huge someone up there I'm going to try and get in and get some heals yes so many half pots I can put on quite a few people near me with Medallion so I got to be careful here I'll be honest I'd rather not have wings as my movement I'd rather have shock waves or something else this is all I've got right now and see someone all the way up on that mountain oh and someone's been killed with The Medallion just next to the storm card as well oh there's two people there I don't really want anyone to get those medallions I may have to get aggressive on them but at least try and scare them cuz otherwise someone else is going to pick up The Medallion where are they well they ran away I think yeah they under here W all right I'm getting out of here okay why why are wings the worst way of getting out of the situation in the history of mankind all they do is get you killed and shot at I swear I hate them right that should give me the key card you're kidding me it's fallen down took a little bit of damage there but it's not the end of the world let's heal up for a second and I got better Mobility here as well okay let's grabb that has a lot more action there than I would have liked and we've ended up in top seven yes more shock waves generally don't think I want the wings at all they're just not going to be useful they're not going to be my friend ooh top five baby we've got to get really far across the map there's only me and one other person with a medallion the other two medallions I've left in the storm just to be eaten up need to pick a strategic position to go to here oh my God I almost didn't reload my gun if I'd come out and tried to fight someone with two bullets I would have literally cried God this storm is rapid feel like this other person with The Medallion may know where the next storm is as well because they have set themselves up in a beautiful position here I'm going to zip past I've got these bunkers boom that's where I got them baby give me a little bit of cover little bit of time just to chill for a second good thing is the next storm's coming my direction after this one oh dude's double bunkering okay chill ooh that's the accuracy of the assault rifle coming in there ooh looks like someone's rolled up on him with an MPC to the name oh that person's trying to snipe eh okay okay you really got no one near it just that confident to whip out the sniper that's a bold move now I do not have a car here in this situation so I need to rely on my sick shock wave nades and just really good placement ooh he's getting in a fight there I think I'm going to play this rock here and try and eliminate anyone as they rotate in don't forget someone still has a medallion to their name and they're going all the way off to the left in interesting someone's flying Dead one V1 take this slow come on come on baby let's go that's Victory number one onto the next one so who's the next boss going to be we're going for Hades we're flying into the underworld and I need to find an SMG ASAP otherwise guys I am not going to be able to take everyone down and this spot is so busy at the moment I can see so many chests glowing around me so many people flying in not a single SMG ooh o I can actually use this as Hades will be dropping it I didn't expect to get it out of a chest but that does help a little bit come on come on come on no if anyone finds me right now I am dead good thing there are so many chests still can't use that at least I'm healing up it's the only good thing from this ooh that is it it may only be the gray version your boy's got a gun which means I can finally shoot people and finally head over to the boss to try and take him down oh someone here someone here if you didn't know there was a challenge here one of the mest challenges is to go to the Vault here where he's broken out of turn the door gold and everyone is landing here to complete the challenge who why even busier than ever I want to get rid of his great version I want to get myself the Mythic Hades SMG let's start the battle bring it on here he is L just sat there in his little chair Loki even the gray version of this gun is is solid recoil super low 51 damage to the head like this thing's nice man I can't wait to get my hands on the Mythic version wait for him to come down you can shoot for him early look how much damage I'm dealing oh almost all of his shield Gone In One Clip no I didn't reload properly oh my goodness look how much damage he dealt to me he's a Mythic boss for a reason but he is down my heart is pumping a million miles an hour I'm sure people nearby will have heard all the Rockers and will be coming over give me that Mythic Hades SMG and the aspect of siphon this is great because I'm actually going to get Hades chain along with his SMG to use so technically two weapons which could help me out here I don't have to worry as much oh my God hello 265 damage in like 1 second I swear down time to seriously put this Mythic to use I can free up a lot of my inventory slots because oh a little bit further away here don't forget I have got The Medallion of siphon people that is right siphon is technically back in the game someone else is over here I'm going to stay aggressive I'm going to have to be aggressive I got an SMG where's this other person gone there they are oh my goodness person was taken down with ease even more shots four kills to our name right now and the car things are looking good got to be careful don't get too excited Ali shotguns do scare me though watch this watch this watch this oh that didn't quite work the way I wanted it to but it's fine taken down no not my car oh we are deleting people with this thing but my car took so much damage new car more HP six kills already let's go want to try and get to a storm Tower oh crap fellow icon whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Golden Chicken I said I wouldn't get distracted but these things literally give you 350 gold there three of them they're completely broken if you find a Golden Chicken don't kill them just do what I'm doing pick up their eggs like this so I want to focus on this storm card up here and make sure that I'm taking these guys down with hopefully no one else around me bro this thing delet I mean I'm obviously putting myself in a good range but with the sight that comes on the weapon as well rate of fire like The Recoil is not too bad it's probably one of the best all round weapons for this challenge I just definitely can't deal with snipers those those will be a problem dude I actually quite like only holding what two weapons and stacking the rest with mobility and and heals we're not in a bad position here at all let's head back to where we came from from and see what everyone else is up to oh you know what though one thing I shouldn't forget is that though I can't mod the amount of loot that is in these areas like it is nutty use any of the weapons but it could drop me maybe some more impulse nades no okay don't forget about the gold as well and just like that your boy is at Max gold you love to see it fun fact by the way the chain of Hades has loads of cool additional abilities like if you find an item you can actually go ahead and pick it up from up to 30 m away which is crazy useful ooh top 10 situation if someone's in a car and you aim it at them in the car you can also pull them out the car don't get me wrong not easy to do at all but super super useful I'm winging around the map nice not bad trying to put on a load of Health knows what's he doing that's for sure I do only have an SMG here got to be careful he's got a shotgun and he's dealing a lot of damage this guy knows what he's doing make sure we heal up here did a little bit of damage to him not enough but a little bit you know what I may use one of these now yeah be sensible here this guy is crazy bro okay bro let me heal for a second please what's this guy playing at later siphon coming in clutch there again I don't know if a guy that I just rapidly ran away from is a guy with oh hello look who that is it's a guy with medallions but there's also something someone running around around here come on get out of here that person was so aggressive oh that's big that's big he does have the Mythic though so he can just keep on running that's so annoying do I have a car nearby I don't think I do oh mate I absolutely destroyed him there this SMG dealt some serious damage but this is going to be a tough final 1 V one as I said earlier sniper there he is there he is okay has the sniper to deal some serious damage here and that that is so annoying it's just running away a every time he runs though it makes it harder and harder to surprise him and try and take him down oh my god oh what what did he just do no way I'm going to take it though that gives us another Victory and for the third and final ball you already know who it is it's Midas we're heading over to midas's yach but someone has beaten me that is not good they've landed right of the top and that is where I need to get to if I want to get a weapon to try and compete I can only use a drum gun o okay I'm going to have to proba sneak my way whoa whoa whoa whoa whoo okay okay not through there not through there yeah I've got a better idea because there is actually a technique to get a drum gun really early on don't do what I'm doing no miners give me a gun oh my God that was so close there's people everywhere trying to land here because of this place now holding Midas which offers some really really cool Loot and I think this person may be stuck in the water only thing is if I do have a gun no they're stuck they're stuck hello mate he later not only can I guarantee myself a drum gun which is obviously midas's weapon and the only weapon type that I can use in this game there's some cool ways to upgrade it and make it legendary nice and easy there's also the Vault here this whole process is very gold heavy at the start of the game so getting all of this gold back is actually super useful and no no gun in there that I can use unfortunately I'm going to make sure I farm all of this cuz I can turn this drum gun straight to the legendary version now one of the bad things about this Challenge and maybe the reason why this could be the hardest of all the Mythic bosses is the fact that you don't get any medallion with it so I'm going to be rolling with just a weapon and if anyone else finds medallions on the map they're not going to be easy to take down and even if I do kill them I can't use their loot oh and to make sure that this challenge is in line with all the other bosses I actually have to take down Midas yeah I know I don't want to kill him but hey it's a Boss Challenge I got to kill the boss right before I turn this to a legendary version I challenge you to a jewel Midas come on drum gun V drum gun let's go he does drop a drum gun as well what did he get on it you know what I think I prefer it without a sight which I know sounds a little bit crazy now if we head down here there's an awesome maida service station this is expensive but we can turn it to Legendary for 500 so it's a little bit more powerful and then we can go ahead and Rift out of here and find some players to take down there's one thing I can do to this gun that I can't do to any of the others in this Challenge and that's mod it because it's not a Mythic version I can actually go ahead and add my own mods to it and customize it a little bit The Annoying Thing is there is actually a Mythic Midas drum gun in the in-game files that could be live right now it should be something really that I think you can buy from Midas or get from Midas when you kill him but fortnite decided not to release it yet so I'm stuck with this legendary version and the Midas skin will be coming to the game in just a few days time it's good to have Midas back and a huge shout out to everyone that enters my code Alia in the item shop it's the best way of support to me if you enjoy my videos but I want to find some people to take down now and test this drum gun on it looks like only one storm station has spawned in this game and I think for every win I've had so far I think I've got the storm station in every one of them it is just so vital and such a fantastic piece of information to have especially in the end zone now I don't want to start making excuses cuz I'm looking forward to this challenge but the drum gun is probably not a weapon I'm really picking up and using in my inventory at the moment I'm sticking with sniper an assault rifle a shotgun and since the drum gum was so powerful when it very first came out in fortnite fortnite basically made it nowh near as good every single time that they've added it back into the game and this one is very much an SMG version of the gun the key thing I'd say for this weapon is probably to hip fire hip fire using as an SMG is your friend because the recoil oh hello like you see what I mean you see what I mean dude got deleted hopefully no one else is coming up to a storm Tower I'm going to roll up on them like get really really close I think oh wait wait wait wait that's going to help I'm making an absolute back it boom boom boom boom boom boom they're lowkey a lot harder than they were last season those guys have a lot of health and hit quite hard boom I don't have much ammo though and with this gun having 40 shots per clip this thing does go through ammo extremely extremely quickly all right I'm going to make my way to a mod bench I want to make sure that this thing is maxed out this mod bench is miles away but it is into the next next Zone I actually think I prefer this gun without a Red Dot site because it sways so much left and right when you're shooting but let's check the attachments out right okay so what's on it at the moment we got mag increase I think that's a good one to go for hipfire definitely I like that and reduced recoil I'm going to stick with it I think I like it as it is guys honestly bro where did all these Medallion players come from this game's starting to get serious see you later oh top 10 holy cow we're in it already I lowkey knew that this one would be probably the hardest of all the Mythic boss challenges cuz a chance there's a car still left in Grand glacia that I could grab and then rotate over with I think that's a really solid idea comes here they run yeah this gun does not work at that range I don't believe it there's no cars that's what I want to do I want a launch pad yes that guy's got the right idea what the hell is this guy doing down there wonder if I can catch him off guard wait there's the person whoo whoo whoa whoo wo thing is I cannot challenge someone if they're sniping me there's nothing I can even oh there's two people here hold on oh what how on Earth did that happen so many Medallion users here I have to use this ooh more shock waves I'm getting so lucky with my shock waves it's a risky play but I'm going to go for position oh my God someone else is even higher than me all the way up there bro are you kidding me screw it we don't want to be up there we're not meant to be up there the game's telling us not to be up there let's not forget about my bunkers I got four of them oh there's a car over there as well maybe a good idea to use that car it's not maybe a good idea it is a good idea let's trucks down here just a little bit of protection getting to that car is going to be huge if I can get to I don't even know if I can oh we're going that way down going to go up on the roof here person's going to have to move they got a shotgun they're reloading I'm scared head let him stay in the storm for a little bit I'm stuck I'm almost dead I didn't reload be careful here let's go come on I did not think I was winning that those bunkers were huge that's three bosses and three wins challenge complete click on the screen here to find out what my new rank is for this fortnite season as I progress all the way to Unreal and I'll see you on another video
Channel: Ali-A
Views: 1,112,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, ali a, alia
Id: U2Yrao7uOfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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