After 3 years… I FINALLY Did It!

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I found out that I've never had a win in fortnite Trio so I'm going to try and get my very first win in the hardest way possible and this is not going to be any easy challenge we've got a whole team landing on us as well oh that's an NPC I did not mean to shoot her oh no cuz I was looking at my stats the other day and found out that I have not done something so I'm going to try and do it in the coolest way possible but I need to take down these first few people to even stand a chance what are you doing obv this challenge happening I am also using a brand new controller that I'm very excited to tell you more about see you later because guys you may have noticed I'm playing by myself but that was a full team of players I was looking through my stats the other day seeing how many wins I have in solos Duos and squads modes that I play loads of and you've seen me play on the channel except I took a look at trios and according to the stats I have never had a win in fortnite Trio so I thought what cooler way to do it than get one by myself getting a solos trios win now this is not going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination but I've got a good strategy set up this landing spot is really really strong you can see my load out's looking great already and I've got the perfect mod setup for all of the weapons that I will hopefully find and use I'll always be telling you more about this incredible ible looking controller when I shared online that I was going to be testing this controller out the incredible Turtle Beach stealth Ultra you guys were like this is like something from the future the lights everything it can do is absolutely crazy but right now I need to focus her on looting loads of shock WS is fantastic ooh the supply drop down there has gone which mean there must be a team I need to keep an eye on all of the Mythic boss locations work out which bosses have been killed and which teams on the map have medallions and Mythic weapons because they're going to be my biggest enemies as the supply drop over here has definitely been open which means there's a real team of trios down here and I want to try and pick them off early ooh is this them now apparently this gun oh oh oh oh the DMR has been buffed in the most recent update with faster bullet time at ranges oh oh the whole team knows where I am now but this thing is kind of popping you know hello and 230 damage with three shots it is a good sniper rifle substitute before I actually find one of those because the sniper will be a key part of me taking down players stealthily oh my goodness another team's found me oh and they got wings okay that is definitely a team of real players and probably the players that actually picked up the supply droper may even have a medallion to their name oh this car's n it's in the bin mate we're going to have to eat into our supply fly off shock wave grenades a little earlier than I wanted but luckily I know there the second car just over here playing solos in any group mode is all about positioning tactics there's another players running along here let's get up close and personal hello buddy oh my dude ate those shotgun shots are you kidding me this gun definitely needs to be modded to make it as strong as we need it to be oh see you later picking up some kills here that other team is probably yeah I can see them I can see them they're over there they're coming down I don't know if they know them over here they realize that I'm here but I need that half pot see if we can get some shots in without knowing see you later why did that why is it not silenced waa wa okay there's a time and place to be clever it is to jump in the car of it they they've winged up in the air I heard them and their whole team have caught up and I literally have 35 h be you kidding me the wings they're near we're chasing down someone that is literally solos by thems in trios leave me alone oh there shots in front of me with shots behind me this is going to get messy very quickly we're going to have to pull something special off here now this challenge is not an easy one I've been grinding for the last few days putting hours and hours in learning the load out I like the routs I like lots of information I want to share of you guys oh we got another team in front of us as well and see you ater o that was close that team will probably still be chasing me down from behind there's more gunfights going down on the hill here as well I think one thing you got to be really careful of is there's going to be a real mixture of real players and also bot players as well in these modes like that's a real player seeing my shock waves I'm just using them for no reason so you got to be on your guard all time and take every gunfight as seriously as possible if you want to survive and last as long as possible still over here still fighting still killing taking down some of the players giving me nine eliminations from my a now but there's still 46 players left I've got to play this sensibly now I don't have the mods on these weapons that I want and my inventory is looking a little weak right now only two shock waves no heals I got to play this smart some white heels perfect at least there's a car near here oh okay well there was a car near here until he went ahead and stol it now while grinding out this Challenge and for the last few weeks I've been using the new Turtle Beach stealth Ultra controller so let me tell you a little bit more about it is it really is as cool as it looks not only does it have the obvious awesome things like all the customizable lights that you can see on screen here which you can control within the settings on the screen that's right screen that's built into the controller this screen gives you access to social options profiles the ability to change literally everything on the controller on the go it's the world's first controller to have a screen like this built into it and it is utterly incredible featuring anti-drift thumb sticks if you've ever used to controller and you've ever got drift issues on them you know how annoying it is and literally makes a game like a firstperson shooter almost unplayable if your controller suddenly moving and not pointing where you're meant to be looking I've got the sniper to my hand this is perfect my load out is starting to come together guys all the buttons on the controller are micro switch which make them feel and act just like you're pressing a button on a keyboard or Mouse meaning instant response time super nice clicky sound and feel is the best feeling when you press these buttons on the controller but the custom controller of course needs back paddles and it has four buttons in the back of the controller that can be completely remapped and easily pressed without you taking your thumbs off the thumbstick this is probably the most complete all around controller and the most advanced controller that I've ever been lucky enough to use and I'm using right now to try and get this win for you guys you want to find more information I'll leave a link in the description big thank you to Turtle Beach for sending it my way as we're making our route over to the bunker one of the great things about this season is that you can get loads of gold really really easy and I'm got to make sure there's no one else here no I think that's loot from earlier with all that gold it means that I can go ahead and customize these weapons ooh an even better version of a shotgun thank you thank you the frenzy auto shotgun was recently nerfed and just doesn't feel as consistent to me I I prefer the harder hitting version of this shotgun pick up this as well slightly more damage it's got an attachment on it already I like now the sniper I'm going to go ahead and put obviously the sniper scope on it the drum mag the reduced ads and I prefer the silencer although I do think it actually hinders it a little bit the assault rifle want to reduce recoil for the shotgun we want extended mag with better hitfire accuracy we put the silencer properly back on the sniper the silencer on the sniper for me it's really useful in a mode like this where I can fire off shots and people don't really know where I'm shooting from so I can get sneaky otherwise the loud bullet sounds the whole map will know where I am extended Madden a shotgun makes just so much sense cuz normally can only fire three times before reloading and as you've seen in some of my gunfights in this game you fire all three and you don't kill them you are not in a great position so five makes a huge difference here now the Storm Center is still available and if I can get that knowing where the future storms will be are huge because end game where all teams are stacked and there'll be loads of people all looking at each other I need to place myself in the best position possible before the rest of the teams know what's going on the only thing is I'm pretty sure someone else will be over here not even someone else I'm not playing solos another team will be over here o someone's here out the sniper up by Shield o where you going buddy where's the rest of your team see you later there's nothing more satisfying than getting that headshot snipe I swear downam there's another bunker here someone's already been in it shock waves are maxed out think I've got everything here I need heels though his Berry or minis is a question but I think I'd rather hold multiple versions of the minis I don't know why the silenc bullets sometimes do that oh is their teammate and goodbye goes our teammate 12 kills 16 players left I think the Storm Center is still free for us to get it's going to be risky firing so many shots and heading to a place that so many other players would be looking at but I think I need it I don't know if I can win without the information of a storm oh no there's teams here there's a team there to got the McLaren ooh I need the head shot the body shots are nice but I have to be hitting head shots to take them off guard I need to be knocking one of their team down I need to be surprising them the only thing is I do think the sciencer makes the bullet drop worse it feels like that at least o they off are they off they've not picked up the storm the the key card that's so weird luckily these guys have loads maybe not loads but a decent amount of sniper bullets give me the car give me the car running L sniper bullets is also a big issue especially if I'm firing loads of shots just to try and land that head shot more fighting going on over here as well I'm going to have to leave the storm for the storm key card for the moment I want to get involved with these guys what's happening here and we definitely do have a team down here shots are coming up at me people are rifting from behind where are they what the oh bye behind the tree dude's aimbotting me last one broke the tree see you later that's what we need to be hitting those head shot Snipes are so important great thing is all of this Loot and hopefully sniper bullets yes that's what I need honestly taking down these players great way of getting snipers as well I don't really need the gold one I've got all the attachments on my own gold on so that's perfect and our ammo is looking good the setup's great there's not much more that I can ask for with this one thing that is obviously so useful in zero builds are the little p Porter bunkers but I'm going to focus on using shock waves instead I just need that movement in case I get into a sticky situation or if I lose this car for example there a medallion team like kind of on me I think oh yeah oh gosh oh yeah there's a little little shot for you I hate that the first shot sounds unsilenced it throws me off so much I'm pretty sure for them it is silence it's just a little bit of an audio bug there now this is where I need to be tactical with seven people left which is probably me versus two triot like two full teams and they're already looking at me oh wait someone's Reviving so it must be more than two teams person over there still by the rock two people by The Rock oh they just brought someone back oh they got wings as well see what I mean I can just fire like a few shots at them and just just annoy them maybe I'll hit that head shot take them down give myself an advantage but if I miss it's not the end of the world the team just revives the team with The Medallion those guys up there are still going for Lucky pot shots which means there must be oh both teams to see me now okay they're trying to take down my car they broke them on of my wheels come on man I'm going to get up as high as I can high advantage and being able to move around with these storm zones going to be super important this car's kind of done though to be honest with you a great Vantage Point up here W 249 m 1 M off of 250 that's what I'm looking for those picks are crucial crucial crucial crucial even just making a team of less people on it like if I end up in a 1 V3 at the end that's the hardest end situation I can possibly get in oh someone's flying that's that's bold I would just never recommend flying to be honest with you the wings are so easy to get hit when you're using them oh these people know where I am oh my oh my God oh my gosh I'm dead I'm dead how am I alive where did that person come from frenzy drum shotgun in hand I can still see the wings of my map that's why six shock waves down to three now are so critical five other players remaining people still have medallions I don't want to use too many more of these shock waves I need to save them for even later game I don't know where that player came from honestly if the frenzy shotgun hadn't recently been nerfed that little bit of extra damage may have killed me there someone's died in the storm four other people left all right at least there two of the teams shots going down maybe as well oh no oh no four players which means me probably a trio this is the hardest situation this is going to be tough guys I'm going to have to get a pick with this sniper and hope these guys are not together all of this to get my first ever trios win so I can say that my first trios win was solo trios guys send some love my way hit that like button if you haven't already send me some good luck I'm going to need it for this fight and oh my gosh the jackpot some heals beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful and an extra pot at least we're going down to an area with lots of cover oh oh hello let's go that was huge new controller smooth thumb sticks coming in clutch feeling nice oh my God someone's already here oh my gosh One V one 18 kills One V one this is it guys my heart is peating out of my chest this challenge is been so tough just one other player to take down don't see any other players oh my God that's 10 no but guys I was not about to quit and I kept on grinding for days and days despite getting even more heartbreaking second place finishes I was determined to get that very first solo trios win this is it this has to be it I need to heal up there's only one other person where are they there he is come on come on yes let's go that was even harder than I thought it would be please drop a like for this finally happening it has been a grind and a huge thank you to this incredible controller check out even more information about this thing down below in the description click the screen here to watch another Fortnight video I hope you've enjoyed oh I can breathe again now
Channel: Ali-A
Views: 510,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, ali a, alia
Id: WwoRlCbs424
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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