Dark Angels vs Genestealer Cults | Warhammer 40k League Report

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welcome back everybody to tabletop tactics and to our next game of season 4 of The League today we have two combatants facing off against each other eager to find Victory after some difficult matchups and fighting for a place in the semi-finals will the speed of the Raven win out as Bard with his new vengeful additions to his list takes on the maneuverability and cunning of Ed and his genan stealer Colts with a tool still to play for only one can remain [Music] [Applause] Victorious [Music] [Applause] [Music] emerging from their prepared positions the genan Steeler cult are back for their third League game the road to the day of Ascension has um been fraught with difficulty actually we've been oppressed we've been knocked around by Chef's necrons smashed by the gry Knights of Titan um but hopefully we're going make some improvements today I've been thinking about my list and I've made a few tweaks really enjoying the process actually of kind of playing really challenging competitive games and reflecting and moving forward from there so hopefully we will be able to find a victory today now uh what have I got on my list today so I've got an abominant uh still as my warlord I've made a slight adjustment here I've subbed out inscrutable cunning for prowling agitant I found this to be generally little bit more useful it's quite good being able to back away uh and deny an opponent an early charge especially against the aberant and abominant uh as Hardy as they may be I've also got a Primus uh this is a main stay of of any competitive Gene seed Ault list it's just so powerful being able to roll your hits uh particularly if you combo that with the with the Ambush and sustained and all the other tricks that you can do and he's going to be running around with 20 near fire with seismic cannons and four Webers which are great to fish for those devastating wounds now this is such a good unit that uh when it comes to competitive 40K what do you do well you take another one so I've got a second Primus um from my own collection and uh another 20e fights with seismic Cannon so I'm just really hoping that this um this unit that works really well is going to be able to dish out some damage and stick around on the table now unfortunately the Kell morph has not made it to the third League game uh he's out I'm afraid uh subbed in for an excellent kind of equivalent character the reduce sabur does exactly the same thing as the kelor in terms of being a great utility piece to sort of drop on the board to do teleport homers and all sorts of things like that but actually the damage output of a reductor sabot is so much better uh essentially if anyone gets too close she can go ploop and set off a bomb and do three mortal wounds uh with the possibility of D3 extra so um that's a hard one to pass up so I'm sorry kellor you're out and the Sabor is in onto the battle line I've got two units of 10 acolytes with you guessed it demo charges so destructive so powerful now onto my other units I've got two units of Ridge Runners I'm running them separately to give me a little bit more versatility and a bit more maneuverability uh again they are going to be firing out heavy laser shots um which is fine it can do some damage but really they are there to dish out the crossfire rule to give me an extra pip of AP for other units that are shooting into that Target and lastly I've got 10 Jean Steelers um the Advan and charge is fantastic and I think they're really good in the first battle round for just slowing down an opponent uh and hopefully dealing out a little bit of damage as well so there we go 2,000 points of gen Ste um i' I've loved the league so far uh and i' I've been really looking forward to this match up against James and his Raven [Music] Wing Speed The Raven it's been an interesting road for the Raven Wing thus far look I know I took something themed um but that's just who I am as a person I I don't really buy into going full text lists so I had to pick a theme sort of helped me even just get through doing the league in general and it's been a really fun list thus far however it has had two pretty rough matchups and as of today it now has an extra 300 points yeah I mean that is the risk of taking something so close to codex releases obviously until that the MFM comes out and it all gets sort of balanced out you do end up with these weird kind of points differentials so that's just how it's worked out um I haven't added like intercessors or anything like that into the list I have doubled down on the theme because I've had two games with this kind of list so I kind of want to keep the theme going as we as we progress um so I have added two land speed of vengeancesynyster as possible it is two Nephilim jet fighters and it is two storm speeder Thunder strikes it all works together really nicely I've had two super close games so I'm hoping the extra 300 points will be really really helpful for this list that said of the matchups that could have happened in the heat I have had some really rough ones and Jean Steelers are tough there is a huge amount of attrition you're going to have to sort of work around they can keep coming back but I'm hoping the speed speed of the Raven will allow me to sort of close down those blips and also Mount the pressure on those units and and hopefully with the Firepower I have get rid of them as well it's going to be very interesting this one wish me luck guys and hopefully I'll hang on white knuckled by The Raven would you like to be part of a global community of players who battle it out recording your games and scoring points to increase your ranking in an ongoing League well now you can bring the excitement of events right to your home local shop or Club in in the tabletop tactics League it's completely free to join and start playing now just download our mobile app from the Apple or Google Play stores create a free account and register your faction with faction locking for the season there's no meta chasing the latest and greatest army just mastering the faction you love in a like-minded community that wants to have fun once you've decided on a faction and a list you can battle it out amongst friends or seek new Challengers including us right here in the studio just find an opponent who is also in the league and record the game results in our app submitting your scores couldn't be easier once you finished your game find The League season you're playing in and search for your opponent you then input the total victory points scored and your opponent then checks the scores and inputs their player pin to verify the results once updated you can scroll through the League rankings and see your new placings on the leaderboard with Rules of Engagement that are designed to be simple and fun each season's rule pack will be organically updated as required and available to view in our app or on our website so what are you waiting for there's never been a better time to download our app get ready to slay the meta and join the tabletop tactics League now well hello Mr Ed hello this is very exciting yes welcome to my scrap Village you seem to seem to have arrived with lots of extremely high tech archo tech yeah someone's that you're harboring a fallen and we've we've we've gone full whack and we Must Destroy you even if it's a complete misunderstanding because if it's wrong we'll just bury the evidence that's how the dark do work um but no like the last time at the time before that the time before that and what is odd is I now have two land speed vengeancesynyster summon the hero of Kat I look forward to that but we will have to just wait and see we also need to see who is going first you've done some redeploys I have and you've sent some stuff back up into deep strike two big units of near fights and the primer very scary for me um but we'll find out who's going first before we do any Scout or anything like that please my good sir H oh dear a two interesant a six I believe I'll be going first cuz I have to [Music] down one for the Dark Angels um an interesting draw um I've got to bring it down and extend battle lines I am likely going to be using my first CP on Hunter's Trail to make that objective sticky so I can move forward with the bikes when they still get the points to extend which be very very nice sticky Hunter's Trail yeah they just do a little donut on it and then zoom off that's that's how I understand it anyway let's put a little Raven Nest on it um I will be putting oath the moment on this Ridge Runner here okay um I believe I'll be able to get some land speed of vengeance is in range of it but because it's really far away I'm not going to have a lot of Firepower I kind of want to up gun it as much as possible other than that I think I'm going to try and be really aggressive cuz you know hash spear The Raven with a five on their Advance The Scouting unit of bikes Zoom all the way around to bring their guns into rapid fire of the pesky jeene Steelers speed of the Raven this command Squad and the Black Knights are just moving into the center of the board they gun aren't quite in range to help out too much with any of my main targets so I'm going to start making their way towards the servos skull objective for future turns beep beep an interesting maneuver here um but advancing the land speed of Vengeance ends up over here the thunder strike comes up to assist the rav ring on the move this land speed of Vengeance also advancing whoa that was that was a bit of a move maybe he's the hero of Kat over to here here this thunder strike moving over to here to get a bead onto the Ridge Runner plane moves forward and then I'm going to do some deep strikes well strategic reserves but that's my Army rule so I'm allowed that's my mov phase is now onto shooting I have brought in some bikes over here with master of maneuver so I can count it as one battle round higher which is very nice so there they are hanging out they're just on the edge of that objective trying to be as far away from the a as possible think it's going to if you move towards me cuz they scare me something chronic good um yeah that is their job I suppose isn't it they are abhorent um right the thunder strike over on that flank is going to shoot into my oath of moment Target with its longrange Weaponry to get the storm Furies in I will not the Icarus rocket PS won't be able to get in I will be starting with the storm Fury the thunder strike L Talent shots I have got oath of moment which is very nice but I hit on twos anyway because I am a storm speeder thunder strike oh good that's two hits to wound you what is your toughness sir seven there be threes to wound here and that is a single wound wed with the thunderstrike last to at minus three yes very nicely done oh Mr rid Runner Mr rid Runner um the storm Fury missile a can re roll um it does hit to wound you will be threes that is a wound again at minus three my gold man oh very nice excellent maneuvering from The Ridge Runner um I did shoot the um um storm Fury I keep getting my words jumbled the ACC rockot into the Jee Ste did kill one you did which is nice um the land speed Avengers now is going to shoot everything into the Ridge Runner including the heavy Bolter because I was Hing do a little bit of damage to him so we'll see how this goes and he's been marked he has been marked indeed now you are my oath of moment Target which is very nice so I do hit you all the times to wound you will now be twos because of the thunder strike um and and R rolling CU it's twin linked which is very nice so that is six wounds my good man that's terrifying they are at minus three that is terrifying how many damage are they only two there used to be three oh sorry I've hurt you men okay I need to make uh a number of these I make two do make a good M two 4 68 so you you get it on the button on the button do I go Kaboom just for fun I do not I fall into a a wet heat I don't know why it's wet I you were dodging the other ones I like to think you've gone so fast the guy's actually just passed out from his donut P too many je I did Rob my hazardous for my land of Vengeance he is okay but I am overcharging with my Black Knights into the Jean Steelers um two are out of rapid fire but they will be hitting on the same and wounding on the same so I'm getting them all at once just to make life easier it's a lot of shots um a relative number of Misses but all right shooting overall I will not be winning on twos because of the overcharge which is very nice um oh couple of ones in there that it's two 4 6 8 10 12 14 wounds minus three my good sir ah um well let go straight on my um invol then it will indeed yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight They're All Dead They're All Dead oh dear oh but let's see now if they come back so they come come back on Force they do come back very nice onto the next Thunder strike on this side um it is going into the Ridge Runner to see if it can light still way for the rest of the forces um the thunderstrike L Talon does hit you both times the thunderstrike LZ Talon wound you no times no it doesn't um the storm Fury missile great news it hits you the storm Fury missile also doesn't wound you but that's okay cuz he has done his job now a cheeky Icarus rocket pod it does hit you the Icarus rocket pod now that does wound you and that is at minus one and two demage on your Ridge Runner oh he's okay very nicely done but I have marked you land speed vengance number two um is going to shoot at the Ridge Runner I like this little teamwork these guys are doing the storm speeder and the land speeder being friends um plasma battery and everything is going to go into the Ridge Runner just to see if I can kill it dead um I will be hitting with threes there's no Oath a moment here so I miss you a few times it will be twos to wound re rolling that is three runes at minus three sixes oh there's one nice and they are two damage pops that's four damage thus far heavy % dead one shot with a heavy Bolter this guy this guy maybe isn't the hero of Kat but that is a wound with a heavy Bolter uh1 oh dear another two damage I've only got two left James the Black Knights on this flank are going to try to see if they can finish off the Ridge Runner I am getting the plus one to wound which is very nice from the Thunder strikes I'm not electing to overcharge okay o I know I'm sorry everyone um that's not too bad shooting though um it will then be threes to wound you which would be quite nice y cuz that cheeky plus one um that is relatively respectable 2 4 6 8 10 wounds at minus two fives oh are they damage just damage one okay uh it's a good effort oh yeah you've done it though you've done it oh that was a great I go buber I did not very well the Nephilim jet fighter on this flank is going to shoot its Small Arms fire I say Small Arms fire one of them is an Avenger Mega Bolter but it's like smaller than how smaller your arms they're not small you got big arms James like thank you thank you the mega and the heavy butter will be going into these nees that's yeah that's who they are know a stealer's name um over there but the black sword missiles will be going into the abberant okay um I believe you were saying off com you were thinking about doing one with the Shaz can want save your CP I do want to save my CP because otherwise I need to do something in my first turn cuz I can't deep strike everything else that makes complete sense and the Avenger Mega Bolter then into the NE fights um all that some sustained there which is very nice oh no not too shabby to wound you what is your toughness sir oh three oh it will be threes to wound you here I've thrown a dice I'm terribly sorry um it's not twin link or anything no it is not just sustain that's nice it would be absurd if it was also twin link um that is um that was to wound you wasn't it yeah that is Five Wounds my good sir at minus one okay six up saves four die not bad not bad at all a little a little some raking Firepower the heavy Bolter then into the same unit um um just the one hit there to wound you and that will be another wound and another one dies five total cby right for the black sword missiles into the abant um miss you both SS beautiful do your worst James I will try the Nephilim Jetfire last bit of shooting you'll be pleased to know um is going to shoot at the aberant um I will start with the Avenger Mega Bolter um quite a few misses there singular sustained I have sustains the shooting I'm not feeling too bad about not spending that CP now yeah nice and what is the toughness of your toughness six toughness six the toughness is greater though it's minus one well I I do only wound you wound you once Mega Bolter minus one uh six up go straight through I'll do I'll do my FS I'll do my fs and one bit of damage wound the heavy Bolter um that hits you all the time the heavy Bolter this is Twin link so I'll give it another go okay that is two wounds from the heavy Bolter again one uh one one saved another two damage there okay Hy another wound and another wound so you killed one killed one okay cool the black sword missiles now I'm going to ask the question ask everyone the aants don't fly do they uh not very often unless they're hit by said missile yeah maybe the black sword missiles hits you once the black sword missile does wound you one I'm guessing that goes straight through is minus two so wait so your toughness toughness sorry toughness six you toughness six so that yeah is still a wound it would be threes and your minus one he is a wound this is at minus two okay so it goes straight through go through D6 Dage two oh one's on a wound yeah one's on a wound I'll take it a good opening Salvo from The Raven Wing um managed to hamper the shooting that's going to return fire at me um Ed is using one with the Shadows to take one of the units back up into deep strike so we'll have to see where they come down and there is a blip in my home territory um but I'm hoping just just be super aggressive and try and take all the server skulls and push them into Ed's territory I don't know if that's the best call but I have moved them in such a way that the bikes are quite firmly on them so I can move them forward in subsequent turns the one in the middle is a bit out in the open and maybe I should have been more aggressive with those other unit of bikes to see if I can get onto it but it was quite far away um so we just have to react to see what happens on that objective um having the extra land Speeders is making such a big difference to this list it just gives me so much more Firepower and I am liking how the list is performing and this is a tricky one cuz the war of attrition um is certainly a difficult one against Gene Stealers but we'll have to see how we get on when we go into [Music] EDS hello hello Jean stealer turn one yes I've drain my secondaries engage on all fronts yes indeed I currently only have five models on the board you did take some people up into space the dark did so uh the people in space deep striking hopefully that will be okay for engaging all fronts and I've also got a tempting Target and you have nominated this one the one I think buried underneath motorcycles a buing underneath the a whole flotilla a flock of ravens yes good so I'm going to do uh my movement phase and then drop my people in space onto the board illuminate them once more the remnants of my near fights move away from their heavy Bolter blasted Brethren to run over here behind the ruin I've completed my movement phase uh so I just shimmy those near fights along behind that ruin over there and they've had three near fights reinforce their position with my banner very nice and over in your corner James um 10 men have popped up over there as well yes and most importantly the aberant and they abominant leader they scare me so they're 9 in away from the Raven Wing I need to make this charge or I've been reliably informed by the service go this probably be the quickest turn in TT history don't let them get in your head okay nine oh no it's seven oh you got CP CP I'm going to spend my CP I need this charge oh that's very disappointing and there we have it ladies and gentlemen um very quick there uh so I did manage to net engage in all fronts you did indeed I mean it made sense to try and go for the charge if you did you did have a good chance getting the tempting Target yes so all does make sense yes so a brutal first battle round for the Jean stealer cult uh ultimately I for deployed my rid Runners and my Jean Steelers really hoping to get that first turn so that I could get onto those Servo skulls uh and maybe start shooting some of those scary Raven vehicles but it was not to be I lost my Ridge Runners I lost my Jean sealers um but I do still have an enormous amount of stuff in deep strike which is really scary don't forget that I've got both Paces which are seriously Punchy and I've also got the demo charge accolite but I am just going to have to wait and weather the storm uh in my second turn to see what happens but I don't have very much on the board so even though James is going to basically be able to do what he wants and drive around he's not going to be killing any more stuff which is the good news uh I will also mention that I have dropped attempting Target so I going to get a CP for my next guy stand two for the Dark Angels and I'm putting o on your aberant they are apparent to me and I want to hurt them do I want to kill them all I don't know that's the fun thing about jeans you never know what you quite want to do um I've drawn my cards I did draw storm hostile objective and cleanse but have spent a CP get rid of storm hostile and have got area denial which is a good time to get it so I'm quite happy with that draw um going to try and hang on to that extra CP just to see if I can do some things maybe later in your turn play it defensively otherwise I'm going to be relatively C to see if I can really hurt the aberant yes because there is a prowling agitant amongst us I'm actually going to go really aggressive with these bikes so even if the prowling agitant does come off I will still be in Rapid Fire with my plasma Talent this unit of Black Knights moves forward for the area bringing extra Firepower to Bear the land speed of Vengeance moves forth to hold the objective and shoot down some aberant the thunder strike then shuffles around to here to start creating a big bubble of deep strike denial away from my bikes the Nephilim jet fighter flying over this way to turn off the blip because he's in Hover mode he loses the aircraft keyword which is nice for him these black knights with a five on their Advance are moving over to here again I'm trying to make like a big Cordon of no deep strike no please no thank you very much the thunder strike shuffles round to potentially cleanse and also increase the flock of ravens blocking the skies land speed of vengeance is going to start proceedings and there's a few things going on so I am cleansing over here with the thunderstrike and cleansing in the middle and you are popping your stratum of um I'm going to go one with the darkness and I'm also going to go to ground cuz I'd like my Ence to survive oh it's a hor ah um nice makes I mean it makes complete sense this is genuinely terrifying I need to be able to roll my Dice and for that I need to see your monocular um yeah the biologus right again enhanced sight so I'll start with the L pie of Vengeance he is within 12 and but still getting a nice deep STP bubble which is very very nice minus one a hit minus one hit which will be nice into your abant oh good moment oh yikes oh okay so I miss you the one time to wound you paying off there it would be for to wound you because of your general bodyguard abhorent nature but I've rolled abhorrently that is that is six wounds minus three my good sir okay so I do have a six up Inbal uh hopefully I'll get some sixes okay not bad that's two 4 six eight 10 damage Okay cool so we'll roll the uh F pain in a second and we can work that all out um just the heavy bols we can work that out as well the heavy Bolter all sustained and a moment it is just three hits the wound you hear will be it's not twin link so it's just the 10 damage let's do the feel no pains so after my feel no pains two aberant are dead and everyone else is completely healthy they've been taking their vitamins but there's more shooting there is more shooting okay the bikes now are going to be using Talon strike cuz you've got a character in the unit which will give you plus one to wound against your units okay so that negates body so we'll be back down threes to wji now OT Moy and all the rest of it which is very nice for Jim Jam heavens above some good shooting good oh actually threes are misses aren't there cuz you are stealthy but oats but oats I've been eating my oats here that makes me healthy as well um to wound you oh that's gone rather well um cool there are a few ones in there that's all okay right it will now be threes to wound you because of the um plasma and the Talon strike and all that good JZ okay um oh okay it's it's respectable it's coming out in the wash as chef says uh six 7 8 9 10 11 wounds again these will be at minus three okay so it's going to go onto the inbone again yes so six oh just the one okay so it's time to do uh some more F my pains and we'll be right back oh dear another three aants have fallen under a fusade of plasma fire uh and and another one has two wounds remaining so they're they're chunky boys they are chunky boys indeed um but very very good shooting for the r good defending from the Aber I tell you who's not that chunky are my near fights your near fights yeah the the old jet fight has got in his sight um the Avenger Mega Bol is to start proceedings um that's okay no sustained there you'll be pleased to know they are pleased to hear this as they are getting shot at by an anti-tank weapon that is four wounds on your fights minus one two damage sixes oh hey two are much two are not to a fine Pace the finest of pastes the heavy Bolter hits you all the times the heavy Bolter and wounds you three times again minus one damage two live oh another two are reduced to Swiss cheese this seems excessive but I'm going to shoot two black sword missiles leave them alone James leave us alone we are a peaceful people we made a lovely Village that is is another wound this is at minus two on the black sword missile well one of them has been reduced to a Mist he took five bits of damage he's turned into five bits of mist that's be of Vengeance now this guy over here is going to shoot at your near fights I'm sorry the big cannon has missed you a few time some warning shots some warning be very alarmed I'm not overcharging I know that's sad of me but it does wound oh is Twin links I wound you on twos anyway that's just four wounds we told you there were no Fallen here leave us alone we're not the fallen and Min is two on these well they're dead then aren't they it is one damage but I presume we haven't got two wounds is in near fight no they've checked their pockets there are no extra wounds sure you're not a fallen I already fallen in your pockets right vter it is sustained and to wound you um this is not twin link I don't think I don't know why I'm singing um that is just one wound on on your near fight there minus one you could say that treat has fallen it's now for the time yes for the never jet fighter we have confirmed sighting of six fallen in the open brother kill them dead definitely Fallen I like to think as well that with the Dark Angels as soon as he fall they're like they can't control themselves I'm not even a fallen you look like a fallen to me um the never J into those por F oh that is one sustained but a few misses he's so angry he's going everywhere yeah to wound you that is um Five Wounds there at minus one my Fallen power armor uh one saves you kill another four o Fallen oh heavy B two left oh that's just two hits that is one wound go two black sword missiles into the last oh no on hit a wound does the unit come back it does oh that's nice good turn that for the Dark Angels I knew that about the one with the Shadows things I won't be able to get that much fire power onto the aberant we like to have killed a couple more to sort of keep those bikes safe cuz with the amount that are left they still have a very good chance of being able to do the business onto that unit I did contemplate charging but I forgot to mention I did spend a CP on Hunter's Trail to make the objective those bikes were under sticky so I can move it forward for the purposes of Servo skulls so it does Net me Five Points which is very nice and I got two for the two other Servo skulls as well moving them forwards trying to create a big Cordon with my Ravens just so then in future turns I can move forward and hopefully get some Maximum primary early doors and then suffer the attrition which is inevitable I've moved in such a way that pretty much only Ed's deployment Zone and my deployment Zone will will be West stff can deep strike a lot of it behind line of sight just to try and protect my bikes for as long as possible there is the possibility of the unit that's at the front is going to take a lot of Firepower this turn but we'll just have to see how that goes o the moment is on the aberant so if they move or declare a charge I will OverWatch them so I can roll my hits which is very nice so I maximize the Firepower that's kind of where my heads that in terms of not charging them I worried if I did charge I might kill one or two but then they could just completely wipe the unit in return cuz they are Mega scary and and I don't want to be scared by them um so that's what I've done um so hopefully the um the sort of main part of the battlefield except behind places where I can't be seen um is is covered by my school of ravens School of ravens flock of ravens why do I always get fish and birds mixed up I don't know anymore be the [Music] r James you falling into my trap you're exactly where I want you um okay so a few bits of um admin I've rolled battle shock for the three surviving near fights and the uh abant and the abominant they're fine morale is High um I'm not actually going to move anyone because I don't there's still oath of moment the indeed so I don't want you to be rrolling your misses yeah it's a really tricky one that because even if I start making the charge longer for yourself is a lot of Firepower to potentially weather so I think that's a good decision you've done some brilliant Maneuvers here as is befitting of a member of the Raven Wing uh and Screen me out from quite a lot of deep strikes You' limit my options but I'm still in a position to do a lot of damage in my deep strike and score your secondaries which are oh yes I've got defense defense stronghold which is a good time and era denial which is pretty much denied to me sadly so the Jean Steeler cult have emerged underneath prepared positions tarping and things they were the sand Ambush yeah this is what I was trying to Avid so I've um as as I said before James screened me very successfully also uh my 10-man unit of acolytes with the demo charges cheeky very scary Lawrence hates these guys yeah I we were talking about off camera they're really really powerful but you can do the 3in Deep track things you still truck your demo charges you have brought a bike down to a single wound raining with your hand flamers I hand flamed you and they have come in uh 3 in away from the bikers with tunnel crawlers now chucking bombs at me chucking bombs uh I rolled pretty poorly for this but I do have blast on the L plus 3d6 uh 21 21 spending a CPO contempt I don't rate their chances so I rate these chances better and hopefully they will pull through cool all right heading on five Kaboom okay this is exciting James this is exciting because when the Jean steer C come in from an ambush yeah they get sustained oh my goodness so that's some great news there that is good new suain once twice three lady six so that's actually quite nice right K when you roll cuz you did roll quite low on your old I did bombers now I'm wounding you on two you are indeed comeo and I only see one one there so that's nice that's very well that's three 6 9 12 13 on your armor of contempt 13 would be ap2 goes down to AP1 yes 13 spear The Raven oh it's not gone very well right two damage each okay it's not bad so that is that will kill a bike um that then kills a bike kills a bike kills a bike kills a bikes I think that's that's five bikes bikes okay so the explosives have been thrown but they are hazardous demolition so let's see if uh if there are any accidents no Safety First everyone's all good okay so let's move over to this near fight blob with the Primus in your corner shorting shorting shorting at the Thunder yeah the thunder strike speeder thunder strike Okay so we've got 16 Weber shots we trying to I don't know tangle you up and pull you out the sky I don't know that that sounds reasonable so just basically two devastating wounds J oh nice why is the damage um just one just one oh very well Okay cool so you did shoot your small arms as well off camera I think you you did two three wounds and I save them yes and then uh and then I've got my weers shooting at you now oh very well so there's a lot going on here because I will be rerolling these and there are sustained so I'm just going to roll them and then we'll come back to to do the wound oh yes an exciting roll great so I've calculated all of my seismic cannons um and I sustained 10 times this is very exciting but I am going to sustainable I am going to be wounding you on fives which is a bit sad so hopefully you'll be able to do well that looks pretty good so that's three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 O 14 I think 14 AP1 oh blimy um 2 4 6 8 10 12 13 14 AP1 yes speed of the Raven oh I've done quite well what is the damage here just oh D3 each so do some BL we have to do calculating cuz quite a few have gone through there okay yes um 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven have gone through exciting BL me uh should I just roll these all at once yes I'm going to here we go all right oh okay so that's uh three four five oh that's very disappointing 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 well you do destroy it yay does it explode it doesn't [Music] explos you have an nexos in that unit yeah it means you get do only for free it's true so the nexos using his Battlefield analysis gets to put a battlefield strategem for free on the unit he's with so I'm going to do perfect Ambush for nothing cuz it is the perfect Ambush it is perfect and you have thus far killed two of my bikes I have auto guns can be nasty with perfect Ambush on the Ambush you ambushed me perfectly yes um now I'm going to Weber you 11 times fishing for sixes web me up webs uh that's just another two mortal wounds oh jolly good my stuff eat my stuff okay um now 24 seismic Canon things happening here so the great thing about perfect Ambush is you get plus one to hit yeah which is good so these guys are going to be hitting on fours which is just as well oh okay okay so uh I need to calculate Su stains here as well so and I need to roll these dice so we'll be back after done that you've killed unit Black Knights and killed the banner man um I can bring the banam man back with the Apothecary but the unit of bikes is dead good shooting their teex a lot of damage on the old seismic cannons the three wounds definitely helped the bikes um and massively helped by having the Primus to roll and the Nexus to give me per you get that momentum it's a real punch nicely done so the last thing that I'm going to do now hopefully is get these aberant into combat with your Champion it is because I've killed all the bikes at the front it is a 9in charge 9 in charge I don't have any rolls oh dear I think I rolled isn't that the same thing I rolled the last two times I feel like it is we only go six Ines well that was good fun wasn't it Love a cult Ambush um and what I really enjoy about cult ambushes at the moment especially with the right combinations with tunnel crawlers and the demolition charges and the Primus Nexus neight combos you can do some real damage and I've taken a great big chunk out of James's bike squadrons will it be enough we'll have to see I'm going to I'm going to let you in on something here I think at the end of term three we're going to be in Gambit territory so stand by turn three for the Dark Angels and I've drawn I got quite a good draw I Dre Behind Enemy Lines capturing The Outpost what what is that you wanted to use to CP what you let me take a moment with my monacle very dashing I was listening honest um yes so your cards are very good aren't they they're quite nice yeah they do fall into your hands I am probably going to put Oath a moment on your big big block of jeene Steelers okay alth I will need a CP then probably to do one with the one with the darkness to keep them alive yeah nice uh yes Behind Enemy Lines these bikes are moving forward we are aware of the potential OverWatch but we will capture this enemy Outpost absolute devastation um potentially a mistake for me I didn't realize quite how aggressively good they were in OverWatch we did get a whole unit of Black Knights yes which is is is creating lots of problems for me um but I have a plan to deal with them this unit are advancing rounds to bring more guns to Bear cuz I aware that you can be one with the Shadows one with the darkness yes one with the darkness you've clouded me in darkness the land speed of vengance comes around the corner to have some options the land speed of Vengeance moves forward to make sure is within 12 of lots of targets because this objective is sticky these bikes are going to zoom over here from Behind Enemy Lines the plane doing a strange maneuver is going this way around oh all the sceneries in the way so he can turn the blip off this way but then also has two options for what he wants to shoot which is nice for him shooting phase for the Dark Angels I'm now going to shoot my plasma stor battery from my Raven Wing not yes Raven Wing land speed of Vengeance that's what it's called I forgot what everything was called for a second there into your big 20 man brick you're not going for your Shadow I'm going to do one with the darkness no cuz I've only got one CP and I want to hold that back to do return to the Shadows if possible yeah cuz also you can get stuff like capturing out person behind it probably makes sense to have that flexibility um I have got blast there quite a few shots into your your these guys you get four extra bits with blast quite nice that um three roll cuz over the moment um I do hit you most of the times duni will be what is your toughness three it's twos to wound you here oh oh is twing linked yeah oh good um that is then um five wound minus two well that's five dead then isn't it that's a jolly good start right the heavy Bolter um both moment doesn't hit but that is two hits to wound you that is a single wound at minus one uh he dies because it'll be a six up so so you've killed six in the unit so far 14 remaining very well now turn for the Nephilim Jetfire over here is going to shoot everything into that big 20 man brick to see if it can up except the two black sword missiles that will be going into aberrance again to see if I get luck the NEX sauce is like looking up from his um yeah cover me L um right um some good Su stain there but you are my o moment Target we'll get some rerolls okay um oh that is three bits of sustained which is very nice right to wound you here will be threes yes um okay sort of come out in the wash a little bit that is 2 4 6 eight wound there minus one damage two hexes uh so I save one oh so is that is that seven yes so seven d oh right the twin he the heavy B is a twin variety isn't it yes it is um hits will di to wound you um that is two oh it's twin link of course I just said it was twin three wounds from the heavy Bolter again minus one and damage two oh I save another one uh another two dead so that's nine yeah so I've killed nine the Nephilim now two black sword missiles into your abundance okay and hits you both times you will be forced wound cuz you're tough and six andus one wound that is two wounds there these are at minus two okay so they go straight through and I'll just do the feel no pain the D6 damage for the first one oh heck is six damage okay six four up feel no pain all right believe oh no so dead I didn't make one oh no he is dead the next one that is another six oh by the way the one that died only had two wins anyway so much trouble uh okay no he's dead oh was a good effort though better yeah two Miss oh we now move on to the thunder strike here um which is going to shoot out your aberrance as well just to see if I can whistle a few more down we start with the Tracer um IAS rocket pods pods um doesn't hit you any times that fine but you are traced the last Talon hits you both times the last Talon will be forced to wound you here cuz you're minus one to wound that is a single wound there on the last Talon at minus three go straight through how many damage sir the damage D6 plus one that is five oh you're rolling big on the damage I don't know what's happening oh yes he's too thick to know that he's dead so he's got two wounds remaining too thick to die right the storm Fury missile it is a hit cuz it hits on twos which is very nice to wound you that is a wound again minus three and D6 plus one damage goodness me you're really putting the big oh that's seven damage big stuff into these guys I'm too thick to die how stupid are you oh no he's realized he's realized you've unseamed him from the Nave to the chaps the much baged unit of um Black Knights received the OverWatch and now going to shoot into that unit as well and they are all within nine of the planet man not Planet man the nexos planner man that's one the nexos planner sorry the County Council Planner yeah well he's he's literally looking over Warhammer world yeah that's little Easter egg is it is actually whammy world that's very very cool um right I'm not overcharging but we'll be um threes to hit you rrolling CU OT Moy there no sustain or anything You' be pleased to know it will then be twoos to R you toughness three uh yes all toughness three um very well that is 2 4 6 7 wounds minus minus minus two I believe on your near fights well that's seven dead oh uh so that would go one two 3 so you killed the five remaining near fights and then another two wounds into the nexos so the nexos is standing with one wound remaining next to the Primus who's looking on in horror at the remains of his Squad these smoking boots on the floor you did roll for your returning of your men they're just dead anywhere else there'd be in bed destined to Tunnel crawl in mediocrity anyway moving on right the ls spe of vengeance is going to shoot at the aberant see if I can sort them out oh yes I will my hypermorph you're hypermorph with his tail oh um I will start with proceedings with a heavy Bolter as a tracer option I've hit you all the time to wound you that is a a wound yeah is it so oh no five so it is two wounds there um yeah you have to say yeah two wounds there at minus one damage two oh oh no they both go through damage two damage two yes first one he takes he's got two left next one he's got one wound left ooh very nice land speed of Vengeance now continuing plasma stor battery into those abs um that is a couple of Misses but it is three hits and they're oath of moments as well aren't they no they were oath of moments oh of course that moment has been fulf goodness for that uh they are twin links though um so that will be two wounds on your aberrance these are at minus three so it's four damage total that has gone through onto that remaining aberant on a wound I just better roll oh no I need to roll these um four for a pains yes so B two yes two damage so first two he is so he is dead and now the other two will go onto the abominant yes indeed who is a tough boy but he does take a win so he's down to four wins the other Squad of Black Knights are now going to shoot at the abominant you did roll quite well you're bringing people back I did I rolled I rolled a four on my bring back people uh table so the my bring back people table so the the aberant are now a blip and the blip is sat in your corner very nice I see the blip there I put it there the corner I see the blip they're just blips please roll your dice um right the uh Black Knights will go into the abominant um there's no oath of moment or anything here but they have hit you quite a few times they also missed you a few times okay so it sort of comes out in the wash really it will be forced to wound you here that's respectable is so that it's just the four wounds uh and what can you tell me about the Aus two but he's only damaged one cuz I've been a bit of a worse and I haven't overcharged okay here we go okay he takes another two two he's got he's got uh yes got two left I did also shoot my um Nephilim jet fighter at y acolytes they the important thing is there is a man with a flag standing there well sort of a man man hybrid man hybrid um you're kind of moving systematically through the remnants of my arming and turning them into bits I mean that is the Mantra of the Raven Wing anything to say is that what it says in some sort of Gothic Latin on your batt flag yeah line two it's actually on that Banner it says systematically turning the enemy into bits and that's the call of the Raven ah right I going to do some charges now I'm going to charge that jet fighter into the big Squad and then this jet down here into the little Squad the jet fire over there on the flank is in on an 11 comfortably um this guy is then charge this little Squad he will be in on a five and I'm not expecting to do much in terms of damage but I'm just trying to block up your guns it's a man with a table I think you'll be fine he's got one wound left as well speed of the Raven that was quite a Savage turn um it was kind of The Perfect Storm getting Behind Enemy Lines and Capt and capture enemy Outpost where I was on the battlefield meant it was quite easy to get those secondaries and then also able to move those Servo sculls forward which means I've got I think 18 um on the primary I think 21 maybe on the primary and then another point for capture and all the rest of it someone will have figured it out in the thing but I scored a huge amount of points that's turn which is quite Savage and the server SKS are really far up the field now so we'll have to see where we go Ed still has some really powerful characters alive especially that abominant he could really Duff up some bikes here and lay down some hurt I've just hoped hope I've done enough to sort of stop the blips and spread my Army out enough so that I've limited where he can go so if I can get another turn of good scoring I might be able to bring this home for the dark anges um once again we've lured you into a full sense of security James the thing is is you say this but I'm so unsure of anything I do ever I'm like sorry I'm like I know what's going to happen um but no yes so I do I do still have 10 acolytes with demo charges in in reserve I've got two CP I've also got a relu sabur um which is nice because I've got Behind Enemy Lines which is really quite doable with things that I have on the board and things I'm going to bring on and I've also got secure no man sand Which is less great but we'll have a little look at that in a sec with a Bellow of rage and pain the abominant Lumbers towards the Raven Wing followed closely by the Primus and Mr battle think I am I am going to overwat watch the big scary man oh I have overwatched you and I have got one wound through that's too damage ouch I did blow up a bike in the process um but your P up on of pains this doesn't feel like it's going to be triumphant oh no it is he's dead does he does he stand back so on a two up he gets back up outside of Engagement range but that's a mute point and he does get back up just my acolyte with the banner does an about turn and runs 6 in over here so cute so quite a lot has happened yeah you tunneled crawled yes so I actually I I changed my mind and I did uh drop a CP to redraw um and I got a Teleport Homer nice really nice so um I've dropped my RoR sabater on your home objective planting a giant bomb it's not a deploy t behind the it's like a nuk uh and I also brought back one acolyte uh to the banner rallying behind the banner brought 10 on the board though yes so and I spent my last CP on Tunnel crawlers I came in on that objective and I hand flamed uh the unit which is on my you've got 13 wounds through your hand which is very nice great so I I was remembering vile insurrectionists I was re rerolling ones to wound which is killed the Apothecary and the banner by yes it's just the champion Left Alive to face down the abominant kind of cool which is really cool I'm looking forward to that combat now the uh demolitions from that Squad are going to go into your Healthy I am using High speeded Focus here he will be hitting me on sixes ex I know are sustained this is my Raven eye piece okay here we go here on sixes I threw two on the floor I'll roll them here I you have re one I can see one six here which will be suain a lot of twos oh oh literally only one one oh dude oh that's um that's very disappointing maybe what you blew your own hands maybe I did oh no so literally ladies and gentlemen cult Ambush demolition charges 25 of them R rolling ones only rolled one one only roll one sustained used all your luck on your hand flamers and yes do you do you wound me I do yeah cuz light strength 12 aren't they yeah yeah what is the AP uh ap2 you what is the damage two damage two two two damage two damage oh that's very sad I'm afraid he's still alive I mean the hand flamers did really well it's not supposed to go that way I forgot a sustain so I've got another wound roll here here we go and it another wound another ap2 y that does go through you do kill the bike one bike still yeah very very disappointing so before we enter the charge phase I fired my pistols uh into the sky and as one would expect uh done nothing uh which is is fine and now it's time for the charge phase so the the abominant is just going to make it in Roaring into your Champion uh the Primus is in and the Nexus um WWF star picks up his battle table like a chair and makes it in as well not respectable eight can do you know what the little man on the abominant Bas is oh yes um it's a familiar that does something that's cool yeah I'll tell you in a sec uh I've just checked and familiar on the abominant Bas doesn't do anything I guess you could use it as a marker to let you know that the regenerating Gene Mass has happened when he was reduced to a puddle of ghoul and then he comes back up at least we're now familiar with the rules good uh you are now going to make me very familiar with your giant hammer come be familiar with my hammer uh hit you on threes oh I hit it twice which is good good that is good I only have four wounds so if one of these goes through he could be in a spot of B who oh they both go through um and they are ap2 each be the Raven one is saved but one has gone through right is the damage D6 plus one kabang oh oh he turns him into a pce off he goes takes him straight off the bike well there we go another fun turn for the Jean steer cult uh bringing in the acolytes is great it's good to feel that there's still a bit of teeth and a bit of punch left in in the list although bizarrely the hand flamers outperformed the demo charges let's just let that sink in for a second I mean that is completely Bonkers uh James did very well to pull that strap which meant that I was only hitting on sixes and I just rolled really poorly but hey it's all good um the abominant went in and smashed that last biker unit to Pieces which was really satisfying but look we we are where we are and it's now impossible for me to catch up with James can't really even score any primaries to be honest if we look at the way things are on the board so therefore it's time to push the big red button and go for a Gambit I have drawn orbital strike coordinates which in my head Cannon is that the uh the the Primus or the the patriarch has basically just triggered some cataclysmic uh Chain Reaction which is going to cause the planet to explode if we can pull this off it's probably going to involve um rolling a 12 on 2d6 but you know stranger things have happened quite a good draw again for the old Dark Angels um I say quite a good draw I think the way this Army works is quite so flexible is that I keep getting cards that I'm like oh it was good to get it this turn but I have the movement to do so it's a weird one um so I did get no prisoners which is nice because you have some characters out in the wind now and I'm getting engaging all fronts which I should be able to get with some little bits of movement um I am on a couple of objectiv we be able to move some Servo skulls into opportune areas I should get quite good scoring end this turn it's just to see whether I can get my secondaries as well just done the movement face for the Raven Wing again having that maneuverability has been very nice I've been able to get in all four quarters for engage which is nice I also can fall back and shoot because that is my rule which is very very nice so the um Nephilim jet part Has Come Around the Corner which has turned off your blip which is very nice it's worth saying that the reductor sabur went Boop yeah she threw grenades in the air mortal wounds to the Nephilim which is so cool which I really like and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to start the shooting phase by shooting the other Nephilim jet fight this has fallen back into you is it your nexos uh the the guy with the table yes table man he's only got one wound left so I'm going to shoot two black sword missiles at him but then my avenging Mega and all the rest is going to go into the acolytes because I have put o a moment on them we'll start with the two black sword missiles that is two hits what is your toughness three extreme pre that is only one wound how many Dam missile does he don't have a save no oh it's D6 oh let's see what happens oh more bits everywhere bits um right I I'll do my mega Bol is into your acolytes oh no I've checked it on the floor um so these will be the open Moment Target okay uh um I can roll those misses and one sustained in there make it okay these guys are toughness four very nice it will be threes to wound you here oh I don't know what the noise was y um isus one a ooh that is Five Wounds there on your acolytes Five Wounds on my acolytes uh you kill four and James I've just remembered I didn't roll Hazard for them so I'm going to do that right now and another two oh no the heavy Bol it's all it's all happening okay oh that is a sustain there's four shots there to wound you will be threes that is is a twin link heavy Bolter I believe um yes it is indeed mhm oh that's another three wounds uh yeah another three so I think I've got one left you done nine wounds oh I have done my thunder strike and the IUS rocket PS did finish off the last Acolyte and then the storm Fury and the last have gone into your abominant and done two bits of damage yes I am not going to shoot you with my plasma Talons from the command squads you are not o moment there's no rerolls not bad shooting no sustains thank that's all good he's not that relieved yeah we forc to wound you here okay oh oh oh oh je it looks like is it just three that is just three wounds he's are at minus two okay so they go straight through and just one damage it'll be your four up F of pain I need to make one of these and I do I make two so he goes down to two two wounds left CH he has lost another wound um cuz The Bodyguard is only active when he has the squad he no longer has hulking bodyguards no he's he's just a hulking monstrosity on his own um the other unit of bikers is then also going to shoot rapid fire into him just to see if they can finish him off cuz he has a wound remaining okay oh they again all tired they're all quite EP right to wound you will'll be threes then because your bodyguard rule is not in effect that is three wounds onto your lone wounds abominant at ap2 yes ap2 so I need I need to make all three of these four UPS oh the abominant is abominant dead oh oh dear he lived as he died screaming another Savage turn and have concluded the shooting phase I managed to mop up a few of your characters um the land speed of vengeance is sort of teamed up on the Primus and the one in the fast Bank manag to deal with a lot of the near fights leaving two alive yes the neph jet fight has then finished off the sabur um which does get me quite a lot of points in their prisoners and I have got the engage I do max out there and then at the end of my turn I did move the servo skulls um mov the two that can get wholly within your deployment Zone to get in the points there and then moved another within the 12 so again Max me out on the primary so I have pretty much fully maxed the points I can score it will be a case of now um seeing what cards you can get and see how many points you can score and if and if you get that get that Gambit yeah get that Gambit get that Gambit okay the speed of the Raven is too much for me I'm being absolutely annihilated I I have to say it's always a pleasure to play like this has been really fun and a great learning experience for me and facing the Raven you know I've been reading a lot stuff online about the Dark Angels and the various detachments this is awesome and it is an amazing counter uh to the cult but you know this is League there are points still to be had points to be scored uh and you know there's overwhelming force to be had and also extend battle lines I should mention that I have picked up and returned to the Shadows uh the Big Blob of near fight's great utility unit I could I could tunnel craw them potentially uh and also the tiny unit of acolytes as well so let's see what I can pull out the bag in this turn top down top down post acolytes healing themselves top down James yes it's quick turn it's over very quickly um it was good I I managed to get onto my that was nice um and I also tunnel crawled with this awesome unit of NE fights in the Primus I managed to kill off the remain which will get me overwhelming force and uh extend battle l so five and three so that that's good news now I do have this Gambit here uh orbital strike coordinates now just reading the the unfortunately blur I will reading the blur I would need to have some units actually alive to pull that off by battle round 5 looking at the situation as it is I don't think that's very realistic um maybe but probably not I have to sumon turn five um essentially at this point it was a Cas just going for the jugular um getting Talons on the the neight Mind Gap um I did manage to sort of finish everything off yes is pretty Savage hand um yeah between the bikes getting rapid fire on the big Squad also having an Avenger Mega and the plasma storm battery there's so much blast and so much F power going into a lot of stuff you weren't getting saves against Whittle them down quite quickly the thunderstrike managed to help finish off the Primus and then also with help from the Small Arms fire killed the near fight on the objective and then the jet fighter and the plasma stor battery over here manag to finish off the acolytes so it's pretty Savage turn um and it does mean it unfortunately does turn off your orbital strike um but do you want do you want to roll the DI anyway let's see if the the orbital strike would have worked yeah okay I do need I would have to have units on the board but on a double six oh it would have been go so if I had a unit alive yeah in a COR on a corner and I and I saved a CP to do to bring bring up that would have meant I would have got an extra 30 points but hey you had such a lead anyway you've maxed out but it would have been a respectable score I would it completely made sense J that was super fun I think I to to your credit I think that that was a demonstration of how to table someone but also make it a really enjoyable experience and that was great man thank you so much oh man I always enjoy playing our games man it's been it's really really fun I always find Le's quite tricky you have to kind of go for the kill when you can um but also having that extra 300 points has just leveled this list up so much being able to have access to the lands speed Avengers as well as all the bikes has really made a difference um so I think that sort of helped the Raven Wing out quite a lot there um but again a ton of fun playing you my so thank you very much um and thank you for joining us um if you haven't already please do like and subscribe it helps us out loads um if you are interested in more League stuff the rest of the heat are available on Demand right now so check that up up check that out and if you haven't already you can sign up to the league and play your own games score points in our league and be on the leader board and we'd love to have you there cuz you're all such an amazing community so it' be great to see you all in the league having fun playing with your friends and scoring points um that was very fun Ed thank you very much I've had a lovely time we hope you've all had a lovely time until next time I've been the B you have been Mr second Ed I have our ustri Servo scull has been Jinx not the Jinx just Jinx um you have all been bosses we have been tabletop tactics and we'll see you guys on the next one bye-bye [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Tabletop Tactics
Views: 44,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, games workshop, warhammer tv, wh40k, batrep, battle report, warhammer 40000, 40k, list analysis, tactics, age of sigmar, AoS
Id: LEgo8zVBJVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 41sec (3941 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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