New Phyrexia - The Quest for Perfection | Magic: The Gathering Lore

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foreign [Music] it's mere stutterance enough to chill the spine and cast the mind and fear fear Conjuring images of grotesque amalgamations an Unholy weave of metal and flesh bent on Conquest an irresistible Force wishing to swallow all things and integrate them into a twisted view of perfection the scourge of countless planes since the time of their dark Patron yagmoth a new phyrexia has risen From the Ashes of old centuries later to finally realize an ambition denied them Elish norn mother of machines and her countless armies of phyrexia stand at the precipice of Glory poised to conquer the Blind eternities and dominate The Multiverse soaking Untold planes in Blood and oil until all are one it's the grand culmination of a dramatic story whose Beginnings extend many years into the past a tale of tragedy in Valor ambition and deceit of heart-rending sacrifice and dark betrayal that no matter the outcome will forever alter the fate of the Multiverse as Heroes villains and those between put forth all their will to stand behind or against the march of the machine to truly understand this epic we must Trace its history from the first stirrings of glistening oil to the rise of new phyrexia the completion of an invasion weapon and a desperate strike at the Heart of Darkness our tale begins with the Planeswalker car on the pristine plane of Argentine let's dive in but before we begin I'd like to thank Aura for sponsoring this video the Multiverse of magic is filled with wonder excitement knowledge and creativity and the internet is much the same but it's also filled with danger anyone can find anything on the internet including personal information your name your email home address phone number passwords and even your family are all accessible at the touch of a button because of data brokers who sell your private information to scammers spammers and telemarketers you need protection and this is where today's sponsor Aura steps in or is the new standard in digital security and offers comprehensive protection of private information finances and Technology Aura monitors your emails and passwords to see if they were involved in a data breach or Exposed on the dark web and gives you recommendations on what to do but they take it Beyond identity theft equipping you with antivirus and anti-malware Services privacy assistance in smart Vault monitored cloud storage all for little cost to you plans are competitively priced and start as low as 12 a month and you can use MyLink Librarians or scan the QR code on the screen to begin a free two-week trial and see how much of your info is being shared Aura has almost every Internet safety tool you'll need all inside one easily accessible app they stop data brokers in their tracks and keep your privacy private so let Aura do the hard work and give you peace of mind online start your free trial today at Librarians Link in the description shortly after ascending to the status of Planeswalker Karn explored the Limitless possibilities now opened and used his earth-shattering power to construct a metallic world of calculated Perfection he dubbed argentum for a time he looked upon his pristine creation and the golems that patrolled it with great satisfaction but a Wanderlust script Karns heart and Drew him from argentum he did however leave behind something terrible a dark contagion a grim stain innocuous and small enough to avoid detection by argentum's Warden seeped into the plane and would for years slowly work invisibly to corrupt the metal world the stain was a drop of glistening oil a vile concoction of phyrexia spilled from karn's own phyrexian Hearthstone glistening oil is a contagion that spreads the virulent disease known as phyresis which simultaneously attacks the host's body while twisting its mind the oil mutates blood bone and vital organs and corrupts the soul with Darkness we see it on display in the card phirsis and hear its Effectiveness in the flavor text of loxodon convert just one drop of glistening oil can eventually stain even a soulless stalwart as al-oxidants Beyond Redemption due to his spark the Planeswalker was greatly inoculated from the oil's corruption and unaware of its presence within the substance a dark desire was contained the genetic blueprints the codes instincts and desires of phyrexia remained active inside the oil though the vile God yogmoth had been slain the flavor text of phyrexian Hulk enlightens us to the oil's purpose an invasion weapon of Ages past the glistening oil contained the blueprints of countless atrocities argentum proved to be a most hospitable substrate upon which the glistening oil worked it's metal malleable its Warden susceptible to influence for decades the oil eroded argentum and gave rise to The Peculiar substance known as mycosynth metallic fungus whose spores transformed metal to flesh and flesh to metal a dark allusion to the plane's future oil and mycosynth worked to corrupt argentum's heart as well as its Warden memnarch whose mind grew Twisted by visions and voices prompting Grim designs memnarok usurped ownership of the plane from corn and remade it into Meriden to which he brought thousands of Trapped Souls forming an experimental terrarium mycosynth continued to shape nature and artifice on Meriden and memnark was consumed with an idea instilled by the glistening oil phyrexia wishes to expand it will not long be content to remain on one plane Desiring to extend beyond the blind eternities to this end it fills memnark with a burning impetus to acquire a planeswalker spark thus acting as foundation for his experiment to call one from miradin's denizens the conflict between memnark and the heroes of Meriden is cataloged in the miradan block with the Golem's defeat and with Karns excoriating return to Meriden it would seem the plane spared from phyrexian corruption but the glistening oil yet remains yet performs its work with industry and yet portent's dire consequences for Meriden for over 100 years phyrexia abides its time as the glistening oil continues its corruption and the denizens of Meriden remain terribly unaware but symptoms of the plane's infection grow more acute and more obvious the scars of miradin set highlights the interested response to increasing reports of bizarre occurrences as the plane seeks to understand we see this Illustrated in the card's steady progress and instill infection while the flavor text of Kemba Sky guard tells us Miranda's first interactions with evolved phyrexian Abominations we're now to dispense aid to any mirin we see battling anything strange Regents orders but appraisal in reaction to the situation come far too late as realization is quickly succeeded by an Abrupt Invasion From Within in the form of new phyrexia the glistening oil had worked to corrupt transfigure and spawn countless hordes of phyrexian Horrors on a grand scale unlike their predecessors of old new phyrexia has adapted under meriden's five Sons to embrace all colors of Mana creating Rich varied and conflicting sub-factions beneath the white sun Elish norn leads the machine Orthodoxy as Grand cinebite deeply religious and uniquely dogmatic these phyrexians espouse the teaching of the father of machines and convert unbelievers Blue Line gin cataxius experiments on methods of phyrexian completion as the Wizards and scientists of the progress engine promote the great synthesis realizing conversion of all to phyrexia under the black Sun ambitious children has risen to lead the seven steel thanes and their hordes of rotten infected Abominations to spread pestilent corruption urabresque in the red aligned silent furnace work to power New phyrexious metallic creations and Forge ingenious weapons of much devastation and under the influence of the green sun vornclix rules over the premier Beasts of the vicious swarm who represent the height and raw tenacity of mutated unnatural evolution in the heart of meriden's corrupted core sits an equally tainted car his heart stained by glistening oil his mind warped by prater's Whispers Khan rules as new phyrexius father of machines the corrupting invasion of Meriden supplants the landscape and its denizens with Twisted versions as countless to come to the oil whose terminal consequence is loss of self of identity and conversion into phyrexian by means of completion the mirin partisans lead a willful resistance United in Spirit by the memory of an untarnished Meriden but they fight a losing battle desperate for assistance the Planeswalker cough a mirror native enlists elisbeth taril and vencer in locating Karn and halting new phyrexia's advance cream reality faces the heroes as they discover miradin is beyond saving it's very core corrupted and they learn of the fate of Karn but in a final Gambit fencer sacrifices himself to cleanse the silver Golem and liberate him from phyrexia's grip the Planeswalkers have little choice but to abandon the dwindling mirin forces to their fate new phyrexia proves itself in indefatigable foe working insidiously to manipulate from within and overtly to crush from without culmination of the mirin phyrexian war is summarized in the flavor text of War report underlying ethus 263rd report read simply yes my Lord overwhelmingly my Lord this marked the end of the mirin phyrexian War schnorn uses the impetus gain from phyrexia's Victory to consolidate power and claim preeminence over the other praitters she indoctrinates the masses and converts thousands of loyal supplicants engendering an aura of divinity among their machine Orthodoxy she manipulates spies and openly attacks the other factions to swiftly end bitter infighting that would only work to weaken new phyrexia for she is already nurturing designs far greater than the other prators can know her claim for Primacy is symbolized in the completion of atraxa a captured mirin Angel to whose corruption most all the prayers contribute this ceremony unites new phyrexia and vaults Elish norn to the throne as a mother of machines we see it beautifully Illustrated in the card attracts of prater's Voice who Bears all colors of Mana of those involved notably the silent furnace of urbrask maintains strong Independence and refuses to recognize norn added to the Splinter faction are some of the more ambitious black line steel things including the intractable shieldrate who Harbors her own ambitions regardless new phyrexia is quick to dismantle Meriden swallow remaining resistance forces and erode all memory of the plane that was the curtain closes on Meredith which is slowly terraformed and reprocessed into new phyrexia and we are left with a chilling allusion to Grand designs and lofty ambition not a group to be satisfied word reaches phyrexian ears and Whispers that worlds beyond their own exist which Sparks desire within alishorn to bring unto them brilliant perfection as Darkness descends an idea is instilled within the praitters that initiates the next chapter in The phyrexian Saga whose devious intimations are made clear in the flavor text of Elish norn Grand cinnabite bigotaxians whisper among themselves of the other worlds if they exist we must bring phyrexia's magnificence to them intervening Years bring nothing but opaque mystery as the Multiverse is blind to the tumultuous roilings within new phyrexia on the plane of coldheim Realms float along the world tree separated from another in space but connected to the tree's sturdy branches ghost Assassin and Planeswalker Kaya is hired under dubious auspices to track down a beast described by locals in shocked accounts as a grisly rapacious monster never before seen Kaya hunts the creature through caldheim's Alpine Force only to discover but it's in actuality new phyrexia's green aligned Prater Lauren collects it seems the terrible Scourge can sojourn beyond the blind eternities but how tesseret a planeswalking artificer from Elara who houses the planar portal technology within his filigree body struck a deal with phyrexia in return for his collusion in transporting beings with the planar portal tesseret is Promised replacement of his educating ethereum body with the indestructible Metal Dark steel possessed by phyrexia the reasons behind warrenclux's presence on call time remain unknown to Kaya but as the gargantuan Prater terrorizes the plane he takes a keen interest in both the world tree and its mystical sap known as tyrite tyrate confers onto the gods of call time unique powers that grant them increased Vitality resilience and the ability to walk the space between the Realms of caldheim much akin to planeswalking vorn collects muscles his way into the tyrite sanctum at the base of the world tree and absconds with a Seedling sample of its sap before returning through a portal to new phyrexia questions swirl around the potential motives behind this theft and the Keen interest in objects deeply connected to the blind eternities but they remain tragically unanswered for some time kamagawa a futuristic plane where tradition and progress science and mysticism weave together an awe-inspiring Harmony it's a land of spirit where Kami are revered and present in all aspects of life and where the Mortal realm is separated from the spiritual by a thin veil that nonetheless links the two together beneath the fluorescent edifice is a CD underground of corruption and greed it's within kamagawa's illicit underbelly that Planeswalker Kato shizuki happens Upon A Metal Beast unnatural to his plane Jin cataxius the blue line preter of new phyrexia again with tezeret's assistance gitaxius constructs a base of operations from which he performs several experiments to progress phyrexian machinations as on call time kamagawa is a plane divided into two distinct metaphysical Realms and the Prater scrutinizes the nature of Kami in their Essence as beings who can innately Pierce the Veil separating mortal from spiritual phyrexia continues to ponder the Blind eternities and gin gataxius's experimentation leads to a breakthrough in the process of completion this creatures devoid of true Souls pharexians cannot innately ignite Planeswalker Sparks and the presence of said Sparks bestows upon an individual resistance to the glistening oil contagion that brings about completion this impasse is shattered as Jin learns how to complete a planeswalker through study of the Kami this brings new phyrexia ever closer to achieving what even yogmath failed cataxius is confronted however by The Wanderer Cato and tamio who seriously damage his metal carapace and devastate his lab but again vyrexia is a move ahead and cataxius escapes with tesoret's assistance already in possession of the requisite data and more importantly a prisoner on whom to test this Theory tamio is captured kidnapped and brought to phyrexius surgical Bays whereupon Jinn performs the first completion of a planeswalker seen in the Arts of the car tamio's completion hopelessly lost tamio offers corrupted subservience and a spark to Elish noran's devious schemes it's a crushing blow to Cato and the wander who look for allies to dissolve phyrexia's Rising tide the Glamorous carousing found within bustling new Kapena belies the plane's dubious past one directly connected to Planeswalker elspethoril Zone as well as that of phyrexia long ago Kapena fell under threat of invasion by minions of yagmas old phyrexia besiege on all fronts in fighting a losing battle kapena's Angels mere presence proved enough to hold phyrexian Legions at Bay but insufficient to win victory witnessing the power of the archangel's aura in weakening phyrexian armies kapena's demons betrayed them leached their Essence and distilled it into the mystical substance known as Halo Halo proved a boon and allowed survivors to escape cataclysm ultimately founding lustrous nucapena behind its shielding Magic phyrexia was eventually defeated but remnants of their Invasion yet stalked kapena's wastes beyond the city to raid camps of nomadic survivors unable to reach the city's protection Terrell's first interaction with his evil came when she was captured imprisoned and tortured at a young age her traumatic history has left an indelible mark on elspeth's Soul a boiling contempt and hatred for all that is phyrexia it's this Angelic Halo that rules new kapena's Criminal underworld and they were both else Beth and phyrexian agents to the plane for its purported power against the vile faction after she bore witness to miradin's corruption Terrell seeks to understand how Halo can save Kapena from a similar fate and prevent future plans from succumbing the red align Prater urabrasque likewise arrives on Kapena with tezeret's Aid to glean more about Halo and its potential use as super weapon against his own kind but uribras holds motives outside norn's purview as a being inbodying Redman as Fierce Independence the Prater wishes to break from new phyrexia's Rigid yoke so colludes with tesseret in acquiring Halo thus empowering a dangerous revolt against norn that has long been fomenting both the Prater and the Planeswalker leave Kapena enlightened to Halo's importing conflicts swirling Beyond the Horizon and something deep within elspeth makes its presence apparent as subtle Illusions are made hinting at her Angelic divine origins she plans walks away after the events of new Kapena armed with a Halo infused blade possessed of the substance's significance and resolved once more to face her tormenting nightmare in New phyrexia by this point Tales of phyrexian infiltration on multiple planes trickle through the Blind eternities and alert several Walkers to the looming threat including members of the gatewatch no longer is mirrored in an isolated incident no longer is the glistening oil quarantined to new phyrexia predators are seeking Gathering knowledge and resources but to what dark ends no longer is Idle pondering acceptable conditions necessitate action if virexia is to be thwarted before it expands Beyond containment its dark grasp extending beyond the blind eternities on dominaria the plane long ago ravaged by old firex's Invasion Karn uncovers an object of immense power lost to time which Millennia prior ended the brothers war in cataclysm might in the hands of the silver Golem kharn and gatewatch be used to unleash similar Devastation upon new phyrexia we see its acquisition in the illustration of corn Silex but during his search for the artifact he realizes that phyrexia has already infiltrated dominaria through conversion and Corruption of a sect of cultists known as the Society of Mishra who along with the Brotherhood of gixx Revere phyrexian ancient remnants of the prior invasion the silver Golem also learns of Shield's presence on the plane the black line Prater has been dispatched to establish a beachhead for full-scale Invasion through completion and installation of thousands of phyrexian sleeper agents these are dominarian natives horribly corrupted against their will and transformed into Spies of phyrexia so subtly that they themselves are often unaware of the process dominaria is phyrexia's ancient enemy willful and obstinate it must first be dealt with before the culmination of their schemes Karn learns this first hand and through a scrying construct seen in silver scrutiny whose text reads Karns creation allowed him to monitor events across dominaria and everything he saw worried him the silver Golem meets with fellow Planeswalkers to fairy Ajani Jaya and archmage Joda to apprise them of the dire situation and urge the unification of dominaria against growing threats under the banner of a new coalition their pleas fall on deaf ears phyrexia is a ghost story a horrid tale told around fires to frighten children fiverexians haven't been seen in centuries and the painful memories softened by time this lack of conviction on behalf of dominaria opens opportunity for children who activates her sleepers embedded across the plain in a Flash all of dominaria's cast in frantic disarray as allies friends loved ones and neighbors transformed into disfigured metallic Abominations and violently turn against their kin any sort of defense is momentarily weakened allowing children to lead a large invading contingent of new phyrexians in Slaughter dominaria's Heroes agree to focus shoulder's aggression and by time for forces to gather in plain wide coalition corn offers himself the Silex and the powerful Fortress Factory of ancient thran design known as the Mana rig as enticing bait for the phyrexians in the ensuing Battle of the Mana rig thousands of Coalition members perish under Relentless virexian assault with countless mechanical Abominations slain in equal measure as conflict rages realization Dawns that phyrexia will overtake the field and the heroes initiate the manorig's self-destruct sequence intending on cleansing dominaria of the vile horde in an enormous blast of energy they're thwarted however by one of their own in a tragic revelation a Johnny ever a steadfast Warrior and friend has been completed some time before and numbers amongst phyrexious sleepers kills Jaya destroys the Silex and defeats Karn at the Nader of Hope A desperate Coalition activates the destruct sequence and levels phyrexia's assault Force but not before sheildred and Ajani leave to new phyrexia with a significantly weakened and disassembled corn as their prisoner he will be brought before the Splendor of Ellis nor only Ash death and hopelessness are abundant as Coalition forces retrieve their fallen dominara has been dealt a crushing blow the gatewatch lost their greatest asset with this High Lex's destruction not even reposts is possible as all present know phyrexia will return in greater force to conquer the plane but in despair's depths a glimmer of hope shines as planeswalking artificer sahili Ray crafts a filigree replica of the Silex seen in the card the filigree Silex using original blueprints left by Karn the gatewatch however knows not the secret to unlocking its devastating potential an ingenious plan is born when the heroes convene within Erza's Tower Bastion of the great Planeswalker an ancient abandoned home to his mind's many creations using urza's drafts of a Time manipulation apparatus to fairy's chronomancy and sahili's metalcraft the gatewatch construct the temporal anchor a device intended to project to fairy's Essence thousands of years into dominaria's past their goal to witness events surrounding the mythical Brothers war between urza and Mishra in hopes of uncovering the secret to the Silex activation for it was urza himself who first used the artifact to bring about a destructive end to the war it's a terrible Gambit fraught with danger but it's the only sliver of Hope to which the gatewatch clings the future of the Multiverse depends on their success the heroes on dominaria are divided into two groups to fairy sahili and the spectral planes okakaya work to perfect the temporal anchor Infuse it with Mighty chronomancy and use Kia's ethereal gifts to project to Ferry thousands of years into the past the second group meanwhile is tasked with refitting the battlements ensuring the defenses of urza's tower they must at all costs protect the anger from anevitable Attack by returning thyrexian forces who must never know the purpose behind their activity this befalls largely upon Planeswalkers of the gatewatch supplemented by dominarius coalition Nissa ravane Ren and the archmage Joda are met by elspeth Tyrell who Journeys to the plane resolved to fill her role and to save her dearest friend Ajani from his tragic fate no longer can she allow the nightmares of her past to immobilize her and prevent her from ending them in her future Tyrell comes with the knowledge of Halo and the conviction that phyrexia must forever be destroyed her martial training on the plane of bant and a personal history confronting phyrexians determines elspeth to leadership in the tower's defense after several failed attempts the temporal anchors prepared into fairy's Spirit violently jettisoned to the time of the brothers War this process is highlighted in the spotlight cards forging the anchor and soul partition whose flavor text reads the fairy's body couldn't travel through time far enough but with Kaya's help his Spirit could separated from his body the temporal Pilgrim Spirit canvases the decades surrounding the brothers conflict to uncover Clues on their golgothian Silex as the ferry Journeys precariously phyrexian forces continued their invasion of dominaria and thousands approached the gates at urza's Tower elspest metal is immediately challenged the hero of countless battles proves indispensable in leadership and martial Charisma as she coordinates defenses with Joda Nissa Ren and Legions of sahili's automaton soldiers they achieved Victory on the field and obliterate the large phyrexian assault Force but Elsewhere on the plane Coalition armies are bitterly embattled against countless more Invaders briefly appears before Tyrell with a warning beware norn in her dark designs soon there will be nowhere to hide for those who oppose the mother of machines though urza's Tower remains standing teferi learns the fickle Perils of time manipulation even for a chronomancer of his renown at times overshooting at others undershooting the climactic Battle of argoth to fairy strains the temporal anchor to its experimental limits at last he finds his moment at last he Witnesses the devastating Fury Unleashed by the golgothian Silex in urza's hands Erza Planeswalker ascends and dominaria is brought to ruin to fairy spectral Essence confronts Erza imploring to understand the secrets of the artifact's activation to which he replies simply but solemnly no spell or incantation fills this highlights with power need desperation an individual willing to pour their life their being their soul into the bowl is necessary need in the conviction to carry out the task but to Ferry's realization returns broken to Kaya in the current day fragmented as the chronomancer's spirit desynchronizes and is caught in time whisked the way to Memories unknown which we see Illustrated in the card desynchronize it's text reads before kayak could pull to fairy Spirit back the overloaded temporal anchor failed and he was set adrift in the currents of time he awakens in a daze on a beach of white sand unseen by outside eyes for many centuries familiarity washes over the Planeswalker as he discovers he's washed ashore on his home continent of Zafir a land that by his own hand has been phased out of the time stream since phyrexia's first Invasion and thought lost forever he now numbers among the lost as the temporal anchor overheats and strands to Ferry on zelfir licking their wounds and lamenting the loss of tamio and Ajani the gatewatch Coalition and heroes across the Multiverse convene on dominaria to take inventory to assess their situation and to deliberate on how best to confront new phyrexia Whose means and motives remain dangerously opaque the Gathering Alliance is joined by Walkers Kato shizuki and the wandering Emperor who have had past dealings with nefarious Jin cataxius on kamagawa Tai varkel an elf Warrior and Native of caldheim likewise Harbor's resentment for phyrexia after vornclex Rampage through his home plane nahiri an ancient and Powerful lithomancer from the plane of zendikar the gorgon and golgari queen vraska and copperco outcasts Luca of icoria swell the ranks of those gathered after much discussion the group highlights complacent in action responsible for allowing phyrexia's infection to Fester within the Multiverse only with a Swift and violent Counter-Strike can Elish Norm be thwarted and the plague of thyrexia excoriated with solemn determination and weighed by significance they elect to send a Strike Team of Planeswalkers outfitted with the filigree Silex and led by elspeth Tyrell to pierce the heart of new phyrexia and unleash worlds shattering destruction preparing for their Journey the heroes can't comprehend phyrexia's own preparations nor do they foresee the praitters ends through this story phyrexian agents have traveled beyond their realm to Distant Worlds and acquisition of knowledge and resources their close alliance with tesseret has earned phyrexia the ability to travel across the blind eternities successfully infiltrated kulheim and returned with a Seedling sample of tyrite from the branching world tree that interconnects the plains realms jiny cataxius's research on Kami led to the Breakthrough of completing a planeswalker and through tamio's virexianization brought a spark in knowledge of countless planes across the Multiverse into their possession uribrask uncovered Halo secrets on new Kapena its properties as an effective weapon against phyrexia and a tool on which he may rely to foment internal Rebellion she Aldrin has destroyed hopes broken the golgothian Silex captured corn scattered Coalition defenses and initiated the second phyrexian invasion of dominaria preemptively striking at the greatest threat to their power but what dark machinations stir within Elish norn's mind to what have these Grim intimations been pointing the mother of machines Bears her Secrets close but one fact remains undeniable phyrexia is ascendant the scourge of the Multiverse sits poised to unleash Devastation so corruption and Conquer resistance under waves of depraved Legions to bless all with completion and unite all under phyrexia's Banner they are at the precipice of Glory of extending their will beyond the confines of new phyrexia Our Heroes know not how close but desperation will force them to horrible truths so ends part one of the phyrexian story arc and stay tuned for part 2 in which we'll explore the Planeswalker strike against phyrexia the climactic march of the machines and its aftermath thanks so much for watching and now I want to hear from you let me know your thoughts on phyrexia which Heroes will prove most significant in facing the threat and how you think this tale will end as well as suggestions for future videos in the comments below and if you're a fan of Lauren's storytelling be sure to subscribe to the channel check out the podcast or the blog where content is uploaded frequently I want to thank my amazing supporters over on patreon who make all of this possible and I couldn't do it without their fantastic support if you'd like to become a lore luminary for access to me a great Community written scripts and early video drops head to the Librarians to learn more until next time go forth and explore floor the lore thank you [Music]
Channel: The Lorebrarians
Views: 17,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phyrexia, Lorebrarians
Id: KvCR44uaIKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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