Phyrexia Attacks - The Lesser Planes of Invasion | MTG Lore

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[Music] new phyrexia a hellish faction of sharp metal and corrupted flesh led by Ellis norn mother of machines has for years slowly gathered strength information and numbers to unleash the culminated might of their dark machinations with the release of March of the machine set we've learned their ultimate goal is no less than the invasion and Corruption of every plane in the Multiverse until all are united as one under the perfect vision of phyrexian completion It's a grand and tragic tale which I covered deeply in other videos Linked In the description with so many planes so many races and civilizations fighting for survival in this all-consuming conflict it can be daunting for new and even seasoned magic players to sort through the various theaters of War so in a two-part series we'll briefly discuss the setting and characteristics of each plane besieged by new phyrexia from obscure to omnipresent in hopes of shedding light on the great worlds of the blind eternities whose very Fates hang on the edge of Oblivion this video will cast its lens over the Lesser plans of the Multiverse either briefly mentioned never before seen or minor in Grand plot lines let's Dive In red Mana has fewer purchases stronger than its grip on regatha suffused with the hot energies of red or gathers a plane of volcanic activity of fiery mountain peaks of erosive rivulets of burning magma fire is the language of regatherin even its wild creatures embrace it fully the plane is abundant with explosive Elementals of various shapes and levels of bellicosity which we see in cards like Inferno Elemental and regatheon Firecat hellions nest in bubbling calderas and erupt from the earth with violent conviction Mount Carroll takes a central role in the culture of the plain it's revered for its austerity and Power amongst Adept in pyromancy maintain a monastic Fortress known as Carol keep where they meditate on the Purity and Liberation represented by Flame we see them in cards like Abbott of Carol keep and Carol keep disciples the religious order of heliad seeks to impart order to this Untamed plane through hyromancy and use of the purifying fire a flame that uncovers sin within an individual soul can immolate in an instant and can drain even the power to planeswalk from the guilty the sun blanketed plain of pyrulia supports Lush Verger on a staggering scale a plain white Jungle of dense rainforests cover pyrulia in vegetation that is noteworthy for its grandeur a single pyrulean leaf is large enough to support humanoid species that build entire civilizations within the Sheltering boughs of the great Forest this is seen in the card Horizon canopy and the planechase card Horizon boughs perulia is unlike most other worlds it's a hollowed-out sphere whose interior faces the vibrant Sun hanging within its Center this maintains the plane in eternal light and supports the growth of such large species of plants pyrulia was first mentioned as a plane visited by the old Walker diefed in yogmoth who had not yet ascended to god of phyrexia a Tranquility permeates the jungles of pyrulia but don't be mistaken the beasts that roam are implacable once Iris stirred and they stand on a scale of equal immensity to their vegetation the reverse side of invasion of pyrulia showcases one such gargantuan in the slab horn who is Illustrated tearing into the tendrils of the phyrexian invasion tree the flavor text reads to the slab horn the branches of the invasion tree were as brittle as the stems of a pyrulean fern two things dominate the plane of Rin the first is an ancient enigmatic and largely derelict network of massive structures known as Mage rings that collect surges of Mana coursing through the plane's Ley lines and convert them into useful safe sources of energy for varin's inhabitants the origin of this network has long since been lost to time but its domineering presence is Illustrated in the planechase card Trail of the Mage rings and in majoring Network the second is an interminable conflict waged between two factions over control of the majorings whose mystical power equates to Military and geopolitical clout the core states of the amprin league maintain equivocal possession of the network utilizing it to bolster their forces and engage the second faction known as the trovian separatists in battle the politics on Vern are an opaque Powder Keg set to explode that is tentatively tempered by the Arbiters that work industriously to allay recriminations between the two factions we see members of each faction in the card's amprin tactician and separatist void mage the Mage Rings themselves are large enough to contain sprawling settlements and many of rin's population live within these structures the surges of Mana that flow through the network requires constant vigilance on the part of ring Mages specially trained Wizards that contain and control dangerous swirls of Mana seen in disciple of the Ring this plane is notably the home of Mind Mage Planeswalker Jace bellerin and featured heavily in the magic origin set the reverse side of invasion of Rent shows a potential collaboration between the warring factions who have cast aside differences to engage in a common threat in phyrexia the illustration of overloaded majoring shows the destructive potential of these artifacts and in the flavor text we hear Jace bellerin's father gav a majoring engineer say on my signal disable the safeguards let's blow these metal freaks right back to their own world little is known of the plain bellonon whose weather patterns generate powerful winds that at times flow like a gentle breeze and at times buffets Stone into sand first scene in the plane's Chase set one region at the edge of malacol seems Haven to Peculiar looking fauna that has adapted to ride bellanon's winds and endure its forceful barrage with strong characters the wind riddle palaces meanwhile act as court for the plane's regnal rulers as well as their nightly retinos honor and Duty seem Paramount to the culture of balanon which we can see in its various nights including humans in the swordsworn Cavalier elephant-like loxodon and the Rhino rocks which are on display in the reverse side of invasion of belanon the flavor text of bellinon War Anthem grants insight into the significance of wind music and religious convictions while we see an even soar above the grounded Knights and tendrils of sacred winds bolstering resolve just as a flute turns breath into music We Are the vessels through which the sacred winds produce glorious Justice [Music] the glistening Diamond Dunes of gobikan reflect the plane's lustrous Sun into millions of fragments of blinding light tempestuous winds tear across the deserts whipping up terrible Diamond storms that can Rend flesh and quickly erode stone or earthenware structures rendering the plane largely inhospitable we see one of two foreboding storm systems that constantly whirl across gobikan in the plane's Chase Card the Western cloud but the plane's native peoples are adaptive and ingenious to survive the constant harassment of the diamond storms civilizations have developed powerful protective magic greatly connected to White Mana its Wizards and mages are Adept in Conjuring large transparent Shields of vibrant light that can withstand great assault the obstinacy engendered into gobikan's people is Illustrated on the reverse side of invasion of gobikan in which we see a collection of Shield Mages banding together to generate an impenetrable light Shield the flavor text reads the weight of phyrexia crashed down upon gobakon but the will of its people endured our other glimpse into the plane and especially its dangerous environs is heard in the flavor text of the card infected Defector which showcases his shield Mage that has been converted to new phyrexia and reads the diamond storms of gobekon hampered phyrexia's progress until they recruited some of the local Shield Mages our first reference to gobikan came with the Planeswalker Teo varada whose origin grants insight into the deadly nature of his plane when he was at a very young age orphaned after a diamond storm rent his village and killed all but himself teo's magic and that of the shield Mage orders on gobikan is highly geometric and structured Illustrated in sharp lines and repetitive geometric shapes that is reminiscent of the hyromancy instilled by white Mana the plane of Segovia is a most peculiar realm where everything exists on the smallest scale imaginable its Landscapes its oceans its peoples its creatures are all miniature diminutive forms of what they would be on other planes first mentioned in the card segovian Leviathan the tiny stature can be deduced by its largest sea creature having a power and toughness of only three further support for the minuscule nature of the plan can be seen in the cards to govian Angel whose base power and toughness despite being a mighty creature of divinity is only one and in the flavor text we hear a mockery of a fight between two Planeswalkers when warsul summoned segovian angels to fight tomal's garganticari Nats the ensuing battle numbered among the multiverses least destructive despite its size Segovia is Lively and replete with all manner of civilizations and beasts the plane is largely aquatic supporting vast oceans of bizarre benthic dwellers those who live on the continents and islands of Segovia pass their Leisure Time by watching the races in fights within segovia's hippodrome with the invasion of new phyrexia Elish norn thought it necessary only to send a small contingent to quite literally bring the plane to heal it was invaded by few soldiers whose comparative enormity is on display in the invasion of Segovia where one soldier's foot stands ankle high in the vast ocean and is attacked by the deadliest of segovia's massive leviathans who can only hopelessly wriggle around such a large foe creative passions intrigues schemes duplicitous plots and dangerous intimations pervaded through the plan of Fiora that has at its Chief Metropolis the high city of paliano a Renaissance of thought magic and art weave throughout paliano's narrow Alleyways where denizens meet both in the daylight and under cover of Darkness took a knive and contemplate all aspects of life on the plane politics dominate the city where the elite High Lords Vie for Supremacy over the watchful gaze of the monarch treachery is employed by all as a means to Curry favor secure clout and extort votes on key decisions made amongst courtiers with such pernicious deception rampant there are many that see the high seed of paleano as nothing more than a token of corruption and think little on regnal decrees outside the high city Fior supports beautiful forests Rolling Hills and verdant wildlands where naturalist sojourn to flee from courtly intrigues along beautiful coastlines the port city and city-state of tress is ruled by Noble elves that at times collude with and at times conflict with paliano's machinations they are masters of spycraft and diplomacy counting among their members the esteemed edricks by Master of tress and leoveold Emissary of trust paleano was for many years ruled by the ghost King brago a once great Diplomat leader and politician whose ailing Health led to Rapid physical deterioration upon his death brago's Spirit was released but bound to the throne where he remained a fear head for the scheming religious sect of paliano known as the custody within the events of the conspiracy sets brago was slain and his crown usurped by the ruthless Queen marchesa a scheming courtier known as the Black Rose or Chase's genius in political Acumen were quickly employed to secure power immediately following her Uprising and the queen employs all manner of spies assassins and Rogues to ensure the high city is maintained in an iron grip with the march of the machine vyrexian forces have invaded the plane of Fiora and it seems for at least a moment the constant Intrigue surrounding the high city have abated in the presence of an interplanar threat city-states so long and battled have Allied together to fight no one's invading hosts we see battle taken to paleano's cobbled streets in the card invasion of Fiora and on the reverse side we see Queen marchesa Dawn her arms and armor to personally lead defense of the city with so much at stake phyrexia finds an obstinate Monarch unwilling to relinquish her title to the mother of machines karsus is a plane of sharp geometric crystals of tribal Warriors and of crystalline Elementals that embrace the surging flows of red Mana coursing through the plane first referenced in the planner card mirror depths little is known of karsus outside of this location which seems to act as both a source of power for the plane's Wizards and mages as well as a holy or sacred side of reverence during The phyrexine Invasion the mirrored depths and their crystals were substantially defended by karsus's indomitable Warriors which we see in the card karsus death guard whose flavor text reads he stood his ground in the mirrored depths his Roar of defiance echoed by a thousand crystalline reflections but when necessary the mirrored depths mobilizes its own Legions to defend itself which we see on the reverse side of invasion of karsus illustrating a crystalline refraction Elemental tearing across phyrexian ranks and reeds the crystal Landslide stirred over the shattered forms of the machine Legion Vanguard and then it Rose and rearranged itself into an avenging Colossus sulfurous fumes belched from smoldering volcanoes and crumbling mountain ranges on the ashenchope plain of asgol it's a world of fire and brimstone of Ash and death where Elemental zombies protect the lair of the Ashen Idol depicted on asgore's planechase card whether the volcano itself is worshiped or a being of immense power that dwells within is uncertain but the mount and surrounding environs are guarded with utmost vigilance to protect the sacrificial rights and religious ceremonies of asgil's denizens we hear of the hatred and anguish inherent to the scrim world in the flavor text of Ashen Reaper which depicts an undead Elemental unreads Eternal hatred fuels Eternal fire while the card volcanic spite depicts asgol's natural defenses surrounding the layer of the Ashen Idol as the magmatic mountains are themselves stirred terrain Hellfire down on new phyrexia's invading forces the flavor text of the card reads none may approach the Ashen Idol without an offering an edict fortuitously absent from phyrexian intelligence concerning the world of Asco time and distance isolate the plane of ergomon from much of the Multiverse and it's a world Frozen in pre-history Lush uncultivated jungles blanket deep ridges and are nourished by rushing waterways it's a beautifully identical realm Untouched by civilization where nature flourishes unbridled which we see in the planechase card truga jungle but ergomon's Serenity is fleeting beneath the sun dappled canopies lie massive beasts dangerous predators and poisonous prey that Rampage through the underbrush a complex interconnected food web has evolved on ergomon to maintain natural order the balance of which was instantly thrown when Legions of new phyrexians swarm the distant plane with the invasion of ergomon its creatures have set aside the deadly dance of predator and prey amongst another to hunt down and slay all phyrexians that encroach one of their sturdy beasts is on display in the cartruga cliff charger which illustrates the creature stampeding into phyrexian lines and states throughout ergomon's wild sugar jungle Predator prey relationship stopped until every last Invader was crushed to dust one destination stands apart on the plane of kailam a location to which denizens across the realm flocked to witness Glory spectacle and inspiring combat all within the gladiatorial fighting grounds of valor's reach valor's reach is a beacon of Ingenuity of style martial skill and mystical prowess it's a proven ground where all aspiring combatants gathered to test their medal in 2v2 battles on display for a raucous jiren crowd that Roars in celebration with each stunning show of talent we hear this in the flavor text of spell seeker which states Mages and warriors recruited from across kylem display their skill at valor's reach while the card sea of clouds illustrates the winding causeways of kailan that take travelers to the lustrous Center and reads Sky Bridges from across kailan converge at the Grand Stadium of valor's reach the destination is beautifully Illustrated in the art of doubling season caring little for happenings outside of the Coliseum kylam's denizens were caught unaware when the machine Legion of new phyrexia began their Invasion but the plan has inadvertently through the grindstone of constant combat created some of the most Resolute and battle-hardened Warriors of the Multiverse they're on display in their characteristic two-person fighting style in the card balor's reach tag team as they engage phyrexia the Splendor Hedonism and excess that encapsulates the plane of mercadia is most strongly effused within the bustling streets of Arcadia city which sits picturesque atop a high inverted Mountain Market stalls run through cramped Pavilions where hawker's pedal wears where anything and everything can be had for a certain price and where dubious encounters bribery and assassinations unfold in narrow alleyways mercadious city is the centerpiece of that plane bearing its name here the citizenry are selfish impudent and cold-hearted while the nobility lays about and half-heartedly engage in intrigue to further their conceit and ambition it's a city and plan of great corruption and of great opportunity Port City of rashada is second only to the high Market of mercadious city in exotic Goods tantalizing Wares and dangerous players cup purses thieves and spies prowl the streets of rashada who extort or steal vast sums of money from passers-by we see this in cards like Rashad and footpad and Rashad and Port whose flavor text reads is the gateway to free trade but the key will cost you mercadia has close ties both to phyrexia and dominaria its earliest ancestors were dominarian refugees brought to the plane first by the Planeswalker diefed Millennia ago to escape death during the thran Civil War three and nobility were brutally persecuted by yagmoth as he gathered supreme power some were transported just beyond his grasp with the Planeswalkers intervention another great wave of dominarian refugees was brought centuries later during the brothers War by the dragon engine Ramos who at urza's behest gathered as many survivors of the battle of argoth as possible to escape the detonation of the gloathian Silex the flight of Ramos and the refugees grew into myth and spawned Mercedes great religions whose supplicants to this day reveal Ramos which we see in cards such as ramosian revivalists and ramosian Greatsword mercadians have long since forgotten their ancient Origins and have developed cultures apart from their dominarian counterparts one striking example are the mercadian Goblins known as Chiron goblins that unlike goblins of most other planes have evolved into an intelligent prudent culture which we hear in the flavor text of the card Chiron glider Mercedes Chiron goblins are the opposite of dominarian goblins they're smart and cowardly we see the skill of their Mages in the illustration on the reverse side of invasion of mercadia where a Chiron flame right harnesses fiery magic to command Elementals against new phyrexia the Meandering planes an eternal Bloom characteristic of moag imbues a sense of natural Tranquility across a plane that was first visited upon by urza Planeswalker and His companion xancha centuries ago as they fled yogmoth and agents of old phyrexia the plane's Chase Card fields of Summer beautifully illustrates the Verger of moak whose landscape seems In Perpetual summer Bloom and the card bearing this title might very well depict the plane moag is populated by all manner of flora and fauna and it's tended by intelligent cultures who assume responsibility of maintaining harmony with nature Triads and tree folk Walk The Bowers and thickets while Elementals and beasts roam the rolling fields with the invasion of new phyrexia moax Idol is shattered and although it is a plane of Peace its denizens are well equipped to defend their homelands from corruption the reverse side of invasion of moack shows Bloom Mueller Triads harnessing the rampant manalay lines of the plane to staunch attacks and we hear reference of phyrexia's first incursion while hunting urza Planeswalker in the flavor text of the card Timberland ancient only the trees were old enough to remember what happened when moag ignored warnings of phyrexia Millennia ago they were determined not to repeat the mistake though the extent of damage from conflict can only be hinted it would seem Moab survived the first onslaught of old phyrexia granting it the benefit of past experience in hindsight to mitigate new phyrexia's assault with conviction Primal hunger and shrouds the primordial Force since steaming jungles of muruganda a plane that lies Beyond history Beyond culture or civilization it's a land of abundance where ancient dinosaurs trudge through Vine choked underbrush as rays of light filter down from the canopy it first appeared in the art and flavor text of imperious 4 in which a druid of the plain states an ancient powerful force has overtaken the valley I sympathize for its former inhabitants but I Rejoice for the land itself and we see the Grandeur of the plane in the planechase card feeding grounds muruganda lies Untouched by technology by the Fetters of forbearance in civilized society it's an Unchained and natural plane steeped in prehistory this engenders an aura of Simplicity free from ambition or deceit that Embraces the rudimentary a notion that is encapsulated in the restriction on the aforementioned imperiosaur which must be cast only through the use of basic lands and we see this again in the card muruganda Terra glyphs which illustrates primitive cultures and which grants a boon to creatures that otherwise have no abilities furthermore the reverse side of invasion of muruganda shows a primordial ooze whose own ability removes those of other creatures its flavor text grants insight into the history of this ancient plane before the Tree of Life branched into predators and prey there is only shapeless hunger with new phyrex's Invasion the beasts of muruganda fight with untempered aggression towards this implacable foe many succumb to the corruption and are transformed into terrifying completed dinosaurs but many others yet hunt those phyrexians incapable of escaping raw hunger the Wayward plain of chandelar is unique from others in that it doesn't remain idly in one location but rather courses erratically Through The Ether of the blind eternities on no other plane is Mana so densely packed so readily available so enriching and empowering to the point that Ley lines and magic of the plain bear an almost sentient character with surges of Mana drowning this plane in power chandelar is vigorous and vibrant and Magic is used as much by the commoner as it is by the wizard of course those well-trained can conjure the most dazzling spells on the plane but chandelar's native people almost all have innate means of producing magic which has led to Great advancements in technology and civilization five regions largely divide chandelar each molded by a particular color of Mana the kingdom of thune resides within the plains as a symbol of white mana's law order honor and conviction we see it in cards such as Archangel thune and War priest of thumb the rampant jungles of Colonia hide beneath their canopies massive hydras grizzled beasts and other creatures of unbridled predation beyond the mainland lies the cap show sea under whose waves the merfolk of the plain have created Rich aloof Kingdom ruled by the powerful wizard tower end the fiery mountain of valkas dominates ridges that surge across the plain and acts as Haven for the devastating Dragons Who Roost atop its Peaks who be in the cards scourge of file casts finally the catacombs and necropolis of the thread are deep sources of black Mana or demons Gorgons and cultists gathered greater power through death an ancient race of Highly Advanced ogres known as The onaki Once ruled chandelar but have long since died off under opaque circumstances their magic and metalcraft are still sought after by the most daring of Mages and the dangerous chain Veil is perhaps the most iconic of their creation it's referenced in onaki javelinir with the ways between worlds thrown open the chain veil's foul Magic seeped from a vault deep within Ravnica all the way to Chandelier's dormant Masters with new phyrexia's Invasion the planet itself has lashed out against norn's machines and the corrupting influence of the glistening oil the power of abundant raw Mana is on display in the card leyline search whose illustration depicts an unnatural phyrexian consumed by natural powers of green mana and whose text reads chandelar's wild magic Stripped Away the unnatural phyrexian carapaces reclaiming the true forms hidden underneath little is known of tulvada the Native plain of ghost Assassin and Planeswalker Kaya cassir and what is known comes to us mainly from her perspective once a plan of beauty and nobility talvato was torn asunder when a great aurora-like crack shattered the sky and invigorated the undead and spirits of the plane we see this Illustrated in the reverse side of invasion of tovara as Shades inspectors come pouring through the Eerie Rift in the broken Sky to attack new phyrexian Invaders we also witnessed the effects of the glistening oil on tovata spectral host in the illustration and flavor text of icker shade as oil seeped into their funeral shrouds tovata's dead rose to join the invader's ranks it's believed that nickel bolos Elder Dragon and Planeswalker of infamy had a large hand in shattering the sky consequently breaking the will of tuvvada's people the noble houses that rule lands of the living grow matter each day due to the strange phenomenon and Kaya believes her world is beyond Redemption setting for the homeland's expansion the planoval growtha has been many times rent by the internacine conflicts of powerful Planeswalkers ogrotha was once vibrant a plane rich in mana and creatures of stunning Beauty and variegated landscapes an ancient feud between two groups of Planeswalkers and wizards known as the tolgath and the Ancients boiled into plain white violence known as the Great War to fuel their powerful spells the enemy factions called on evergreater reserves of olgrothos manna ripping the very fabric of its Mana Ley lines apart the apocalypse chime a mysterious weapon of great Devastation was used by the young wizard Ravi to end the conflict it did much beyond that not only were most civil grother's creatures and lands utterly destroyed the plane was largely drained of its manna in the wake of the Chimes ringing ogrotha became a land that did not produce abundance but rather drank it absorbing the mystical energies and life force of all who crossed its surface hobbled on recovering from the destruction as new cultures developed Chief among them the vampiric Bloodlines of Baron sangir a powerful Night Stalker who was summoned to the plane by other feuding Planeswalkers we see singer's Estates in the plains Chase Card the dark Barony in Vampire families rule over their human subjects in depravity other lands exist on the plane peopled by humans dwarves merfolk and other races but old growtha continued to act as location for warring Planeswalkers until pharaohs created a mystical barrier that separated ogrotha from the blind eternities isolated it it prevented Planeswalkers from sowing destruction this is Illustrated in the card feroz's band without external threat the plane fell to internal violence a singer Consolidated power spread his influence and conquered other lands black Manna seems to be the most prevalent on this now Grim dying Backwater world of malice and death ruled by the vampiric elite allusions to all growth as ancient conflicts are given in the reverse side of invasion of ogrotha as the card grandmother Ravi senger highlights the apocalypse bringer and Survivor Ravi joining the vampiric host in defense of the plane flavor text of which reads I do enjoy a good apocalypse sharp geometries bizarre multi-dimensional shapes confounding realities and abstractions given form all Mark the incomprehensible plane of Xerox first and for a great time only mention was given in the planes Chase Card stairs to Infinity which illustrates the gravity and reality-defying occurrences characteristic of the plane precious few sources of information exist due to the plane's natural protection against Outsiders which the new phyrexian host learned firsthand with attempted invasion this is given to us in the flavor text of vertex Paladin a geometric Angel and native warrior from the plane it reads the literal-minded phyrexians made the greatest mistake possible on Xerox they tried to understand what they were saying again we hear of the plane's malleability and unpredictability in the flavor text of Xerox strobe night phyrexia broke the laws of reality to invade the planes on Xerox reality merely bent around the Invaders this plane is populated at least by humans and Angels who boast a strong connection to both white and blue Mana their society has developed into one of nightly orders and graceful champions perhaps more of this confounding world might be learned in the aftermath of March of the machine so ends our tour of the Lesser planes besieged by Elish norn and her various factions of new phyrexian Invaders thanks so much for watching and listening and stay tuned for the follow-up video in which we'll briefly discuss the larger and more significant plans of the Multiverse no less enmeshed in Grand combat for survival but now I want to hear from you let me know your thoughts on the planes discussed which one you want to see more of and suggestions for future videos in the comments below and if you're a fan of Lauren storytelling be sure to subscribe to the channel listen to the podcast or check out the blog where content is uploaded frequently a huge shout out to all of my patrons over on patreon your support means the world to me and helps the channel grow and improve if you're interested in becoming a lore luminary for access to me early video drops written scripts and more check out the link below or head to the Librarians to learn more until next time go forth and explore the lore foreign
Channel: The Lorebrarians
Views: 12,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magic: The Gathering, Lorebrarians
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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